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25 - 26 May 2024, International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy: “Agency and Intentionality: Collective and Individual”

The theme of the workshop is "Agency and intentionality: collective and individual". Collective intentionality and collective agency, and closely related topics such as common knowledge, team reasoning, public announcement and other forms of group communication, are among the key issues that are being studied right now in a variety of frameworks.
Some of these frameworks are parsimonious extensions of frameworks for individual agency and individual intentionality, whereas others employ a more extended conceptual and ontological apparatus. And some of the analyses are primarily analytical and conceptual, while others are logical and formal. The main goal of the workshop is to bring these together to exchange results and discuss different views.
Invited speakers: Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University), Marc Slors (Radboud University Nijmegen), Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam) and Deborah Tollefsen (The University of Memphis).
The call for papers welcomes contributions on topics within the theme, such as:
-intention, agency, decision-making
-responsibility and norms
-forms of identity
-individuals in social networks
-group dynamics
Contributed papers on other topics in the area of logic and philosophy are welcome as well.
Scholars who want to contribute should send an abstract of approximately 1200 words (not including references) to: logicandphilosophyworkshop at The abstract should be properly anonymised, so include a separate page with name, affiliation, and contact details. All submissions will be reviewed by an independent program committee.
The possibility to publish selected papers in a special journal issue (of, e.g., Topoi or Philosophies) is actively being explored.
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