News and Events: Conferences

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11 May 2006, Workshop "Philosophical and
Psychological Perspectives on Number", Brussel

Date: Thursday 11 May 2006
Location: Brussel

The aim of this workshop is to bring together psychologists and philosophers who are studying the epistemological and ontological foundations of number.Key topics are: what are numbers? How do we acquire knowledge about them? What is the role of language and other cultural factors in acquiring numerical concepts? What neural correlates underlie numerical competence? What are the implications of psychological foundations of number for the philosophy of mathematics? We expect that bringing together philosophers and psychologists will foster a unique cross-fertilization for both fields. As the workshop will have an in-depth, focused character, we have invited eminent scholars in psychology and philosophy whose work has deepened the understanding of the nature and knowledge of number.

For more details, including full programme, titles and abstracts, follow this link:

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