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13 - 14 January 2020, Tribute to Kurt Gödel 2020 (conference), Brno, Czech Republic
Kurt Gödel's unparalleled results in logic grant him a prominent place among logicians. Apart from extraordinary results in the theory of formal systems, he influenced research in set theory, non-classical logics, physical model of the universe, and in philosophy. The event is organised to commemorate the anniversaries (14 January) of the death of Kurt Gödel (Brno 1906 - Princeton 1978) as well as the birth of Alfred Tarski (Warsaw 1901 - Berkeley 1983); January 14 may thus be viewed as World Logic Day.
For the conference, we welcome contributions to these topics especially from logicians, mathematicians, and historians and philosophers of logic. Contributions related to Tarski's work are also welcome.
We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the main topics of the conference to submit a short abstract of approximately 200 words and an extended abstract of at most a 1000 words (references included) through EasyChair at
Accepted papers will be presented in 30 minute slots including discussion. Abstracts must be written in English; uploaded extended abstract must be in pdf format.
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