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23 - 25 September 2019, 3rd Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST III) , Graz, Austria
Foundational ontologies are attempts to systematise those categories of thought or reality which are common to all or almost all subject-matters. Commonly considered examples of such categories include 'object', 'quality', 'function', 'role', 'process', 'event', 'time', and 'place'. Amongst existing foundational ontologies, there is both a substantial measure of agreement and some dramatic disagreements. There is currently no uniform consensus concerning how a foundational ontology should be organised, how far its 'reach' should be (e.g., is the distinction between physical and non-physical entities sufficiently fundamental to be included here?), and even what role it should play in relation to more specialised domain ontologies.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present work on specific foundational ontologies as well as foundational ontologies in general and their relations to each other and to the wider ontological enterprise. The FOUST III workshop will be co-located with the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2019).
We encourage different types of contribution: full research paper (not exceeding 10 pages) and short papers (not exceeding 6 pages). Both types must include an abstract of no more than 300 words.
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