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16 - 20 September 2019, Workshop on Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Aspect Across Modalities (SSPAM), Batumi, Georgia
The workshop “Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Aspect Across Modalities” wants to discuss recent advances in the research on inner and outer aspects and their interaction. This workshop will take place at the 13th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation.
It is commonly assumed in both semantics and syntax that there is a distinction between inner aspect (lexical or predicational aspect) and outer aspect (grammatical aspect) (e.g. Smith 1991/97; Cinque 1999; Travis 2010 for spoken languages; Bross 2018 for sign languages). Inner aspect pertains to the distinction between telic and atelic predicates at the level of the VP (the verb and its argument(s)), and the compositional derivation of telicity, going back to works by Verkuyl (1972) and Krifka (1989). Outer aspect, on the other hand, is concerned with, e.g., imperfective (IPF) and perfective (PF) verb forms that are associated with (im)perfective meanings in finite sentences (see, e.g., Klein 1994). At the same time both levels of aspect interact, with grammatical aspect commonly taken to operate on the level of inner aspect (see, e.g., de Swart 1998 for an early treatment of this interaction). The workshop “Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Aspect Across Modalities” wants to discuss recent advances in the research on inner and outer aspects and their interaction.
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