Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
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- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- 19 December 2014, ILLC midwinter Colloquium 2014
- 16 December 2014, Cognition@ILLC, Padraic Monaghan
- 12 December 2014, Cool Logic, Tingxiang Zou
- 12 December 2014, DIP Colloquium, Jan-Willem Romeijn
- 12 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Vaananen
- 12 December 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alessandra Palmigiano
- 12 December 2014, Farewell meeting Roel de Vrijer
- 11 December 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, David Garcia Soriano
- 11 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matthias Schirn
- 11 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matthias Schirn (Munich)
- 9 December 2014, Logic Tea, Merlin Carl
- 9 December 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Desmond Elliott
- 8 December 2014, XLSX seminar, Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)
- 5 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Volodya Shavrukov
- 5 December 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Soroush Rafiee Rad
- 4 December 2014, Ulle Endriss faculty-winner UvA Teacher of the Year contest
- 3 December 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Giovanni Cina
- 1 December 2014, Faculty Colloquium, Khalil Sima'an
- 28 November 2014, Cool Logic, Aybüke Özgün (LORIA, CNRS - Lorraine)
- 28 November 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Rineke Verbrugge
- 28 November 2014, Event organized on the occasion of the retirement of Krzysztof R. Apt
- 28 November 2014, Workshop "Structure and Relations"
- 26 November 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Dexter Kozen (Cornell University)
- 24-26 November 2014, Workshop on Correlated Information Change
- 21 November 2014, LeGO Seminar, Jeroen Groenendijk
- 20-21 November 2014, Synthese Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Formal Epistemology
- 19 November 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kostas Tsaprounis (Barcelona, Athens)
- 18 November 2014, UvA Summer School Seminar
- 17 November 2014, History of Humanities and Science meeting
- 14 November 2014, Inaugural Lecture, Franz Berto
- 14 November 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Johannes Marti
- 13 November 2014, Crosslinguistic semantics (XLSX) colloquium, Natasha Koroktova (UCLA)
- 12 November 2014, Public Lecture "Logics for Social Behaviour", Alessandra Palmigiano
- 11 November 2014, AUC Guest Lectures, Jakub Szymanik
- 11 November 2014, Logic Tea, Joshua Sack
- 7 November 2014, Cool Logic, Thomas Brochhagen (ILLC)
- 7 November 2014, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Brouwer
- 7 November 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Virginie Fiutek and Sébastien Magnier
- 5 November 2014, BSc Information Sciences @ ILLC
- 5 November 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dorottya Sziraki
- 5 November 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Andrea Pedrini (University of Milan)
- 3-4 November 2014, Amsterdam Workshop on Set Theory: Generalized Baire Space (AST 2014), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 31 October 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
- 31 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Enkhbold Nyamsuren
- 29 October 2014, FNWI Collegetour at SPUI25, Richard Ridderinkhof and Ulle Endriss
- 29 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Leonardo Cabrer
- 28 October 2014, Logic Tea, Janine Reinert
- 24 October 2014, Cool Logic, Konstantin Genin (Carnegie Mellon University)
- 24 October 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, William Foley
- 24 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Mark van Atten
- 24 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck
- 23 October 2014, Valedictory lecture, Prof. Andy Tanenbaum
- 22 October 2014, PIIA Seminar, Fan Yang
- 17 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Federico Gobbo
- 15 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Alexandra Silva
- 14 October 2014, AUC Guest Lectures, Ulle Endriss (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
- 14 October 2014, Logic Tea, Benno van den Berg
- 10 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Mathias Madsen
- 2 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Dorit Abusch
- 2-3 October 2014, LiRA-Workshop "The Logical Dynamics of Information, Agency and Interaction"
- 1 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Malvin Gattinger
- 1 October 2014, Drinks at Polder on the occasion of Van Emde Boas' 50 years research activity
- 30 September 2014, Logic Tea, Ronald de Haan
- 26-27 September 2014, Celebration event in honour of Johan van Benthem
- 25 September 2014, Cool Logic, Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval
- 25 September 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Thomas Icard
- 24 September 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Phong Le
- 22 September 2014, The State of Science, Johan van Benthem / Fenrong Liu
- 19 September 2014, `Borrel' on the occasion of Jeroen Groenendijk's retirement
- 19 September 2014, LeGO Seminar, Johannes Marti
- 18 September 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fenrong Liu
- 17 September 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Johan van Benthem
- 16 September 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Prof. Dr. Fenrong Liu
- 15 September 2014, Language in Interaction Board en Consortium meeting
- 12 September 2014, Cool Logic, Pietro Pasotti
- 12 September 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Charles Yang
- 12 September 2014, DIP Colloquium, Anna Szabolcsi
- 12 September 2014, DIP Colloquium, Gavin Kitching
- 11 September 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Bryan Renne
- 11 September 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Charles Yang (UPenn)
- 9 September 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Double Seminar, Jeremy Seligman / Thomas Ågotnes
- 29 August 2014, Drinks with pizza, introduction Master of Logic students
- 28 August 2014 (corrected), Computational Social Choice Seminar, Olivier Cailloux
- 20 August 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, William Bechtel, and others
- 12 August 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Christian Schaffner
- 11-22 August 2014, 26th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2014), Tuebingen, Germany
- 22 July 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Summer Seminar, Tim O'Donnell and others
- 10 July 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Henry Yuen
- 10 July 2014, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Vahid Hashemi
- 2 July 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Anke van Zuylen
- 30 June - 1 July 2014, Workshop "Arguing on the Web 2.0"
- 20 June 2014, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2014
- 19 June 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Alexander Roth
- 19 June 2014, LogiCIC Workshop: The Dynamics of Information States
- 19 June 2014, The ABC opening conference: Brain day
- 13 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Cleo Condoravdi
- 11 June 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Julia Ilin/ Sumit Sourabh
- 10 June 2014, The Utrecht Philosophy Lectures, Dr Sean Walsh (University of California Irvine)
- 10 June 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa mini-workshop on Formal Epistemology
- 6 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Lionel Shapiro
- 5 June 2014, Second KNAW NWO PhD Event
- 3-5 June 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Tutorial on Coherence
- 3 June 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
- 2 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Joel Sobel
- 28 May 2014, Joint A|C and PIIA seminar, Paula Henk / Shengyang Zhong
- 27 May 2014, Spinoza Lecture, Prof. Quentin Skinner
- 27 May 2014, Logic Tea, Roosmarijn Goldbach
- 27-28 May 2014, Workshop on Model-Based Cognitive Neurosciences: Theory and Applicationce
- 23 May 2014, ILLC - CWI Table Tennis Tournament
- 23 May 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Roel Willems
- 21 May 2014, BetaBreak: Reuniting Humanities and Science
- 20 May 2014, ACG Colloquium, Jean-Eric Pin
- 16 May 2014, Cool Logic, Nika Pona
- 16 May 2014, LeGO Seminar, Franz Berto
- 15 May 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Bryan Renne
- 15 May 2014, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)
- 14 May 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Umberto Rivieccio
- 13 May 2014, Logic Tea, Zhenhao Li
- 9 May 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Maris Ozols
- 8 May 2014, Spinoza Lecture, Prof. Quentin Skinner
- 8 May 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Zoé Christoff
- 6 May 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Floris Roelofsen
- 2 May 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Rachel Morgan
- 30 April 2014, Joint PIIA and A|C seminar, Fatemeh Seifan / Jeroen Goudsmit
- 25 April 2014, LeGO Seminar, Harald Bastiaanse
- 24 April 2014, Valedictory speech, Frank Veltman
- 23 April 2014, Logic Tea / DIP Colloquium, Daniel Altshuler
- 23 April 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Thierry Coquand (Gothenburg)
- 23 April 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
- 17 April 2014, LIRa Student Session, Johannes Marti and Riccardo Pinosio
- 16 April 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sam van Gool
- 16 April 2014, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Justin Kruger
- 15 April 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Daniele Micciancio (University of California, San Diego)
- 12 April 2014, Philosophical Festival DRIFT
- 11 April 2014, Cool Logic, Eileen Wagner
- 10 April 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Ivano Ciardelli
- 8 April 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Niel de Beaudrap (CWI)
- 4 April 2014, DIP Colloquium, Speaker: Atocha Aliseda
- 3 April 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Fatemeh Seifan
- 2 April 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Wilker Aziz
- 1 April 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Jakub Szymanik
- 1 April 2014, Logic Tea, Guillaume Thomas
- 31 March - 2 April 2014, Amsterdam Quantum Logic Workshop
- 28 March 2014, Cool Logic, Malvin Gattinger
- 28 March 2014, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Ede Zimmermann
- 28 March 2014, Logic Tea, Paolo Mancosu
- 27 March 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Lev Beklemishev (Moscow)
- 26 March 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Francesca Poggiolesi and Brian Hill
- 21 March 2014, DIP Colloquium, Catarina Dutilh Novaes
- 20 March 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili
- 19 March 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Joshua Sack
- 14 March 2014, Cool Logic, Vlasta Sikimic
- 13 March 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Tommaso Gagliardoni (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- 12 March 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Benjamin Bewersdorf
- 12 March 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barend Beekhuizen / Jelke Bloem
- 12 March 2014, Live-streamed event on "Global Humanities?"
- 6 March 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Andrew Drucker (IAS Princeton)
- 6 March 2014, KNAW Master Class, Arnaud Durand, Lauri Hella, Phokion Kolaitis
- 4 March 2014, Logic Tea, Julian Kiverstein
- 28 February 2014, LeGO Seminar, Erik Rietveld
- 26 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Giovanni Cinà
- 26 February 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Ivan Titov
- 26 February 2014, PIIA Seminar, Albert Visser
- 25 February 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Giannicola Scarpa
- 24 February 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Christian Schaffner
- 21 February 2014, Cool Logic, Gijs Wijnholds
- 21 February 2014, LeGO Seminar, Jakub Szymanik
- 21 February 2014, LogiCIC Lunch-talk, Vincent Hendricks
- 20 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Jérôme Fortier (UQAM / AMU)
- 20 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Silvio Ghilardi (University of Milano)
- 19 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Cancelled
- 18 February 2014, Logic Tea, Karoly Varasdi
- 14 February 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
- 12 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Facundo Carreiro
- 12 February 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Dr. Michael Franke
- 10 February 2014, The interplay of language, culture, and cognition for odor, Prof. Asifa Majid
- 7 February 2014, DIP Colloquium, Igor Yanovich
- 6 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Benno van den Berg
- 5 February 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Barteld Kooi
- 4 February 2014, Logic Tea, Jakub Szymanik
- 4 February 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Simon Fisher, Johan Bolhuis, Caroline Junge
- 4 February 2014, Truth of empirical propositions, Per Martin-Löf
- 3 February 2014, Faculty Colloquium, Nina Gierasimczuk
- 31 January 2014, Cool Logic, Stefan Pliquett
- 31 January 2014, Symposium "The History of the Humanities: Pattern-Seeking, Pattern-Rejecting or Both?"
- 29 January 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Vaananen
- 29 January, PIIA Seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh
- 24 January 2014, CWI Algorithms & Complexity seminar, Bill Fefferman (Caltech)
- 23 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Chenwei Shi
- 23 January 2014, [XLSX] Crosslinguistic Semantics, Katja Jasinskaja (ZAS Berlin)
- 21 January 2014, Logic Tea, Michael Franke
- 17 January 2014, Cool Logic, Sanne Kosterman and Babette Paping
- 17 January 2014, DIP Colloquium, Lucas Champollion
- 16 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Shengyang Zhong
- 16 January 2014, Workshop on (dynamic) modal logics and tableau systems, Brussel, Belgium
- 15 January 2014, The Significance of Phenomenology, Arianna Betti
- 14 January 2014, ACG Colloquium, Matteo Cimini
- 9 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Imme van den Berg
Headlines Calls for Paper
- 18-19 December 2014, 12th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2014), Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 26 September 2014)
- 17-19 December 2014, Workshop "Vagueness via Nonclassical Logics", Sydney, Australia (deadline: 15 October 2014)
- 15-17 December 2014, The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014), Jeonju, Korea (deadline: 16 June 2014)
- 11-13 December 2014, Agent-based modeling in philosophy, Munich, Germany (deadline: 1 June 2014)
- 10-12 December 2014, 13th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2014), Pisa, Italy (deadline: 25 September 2014)
- 11-12 December 2014, International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Brussels, Belgium (deadline: 1 November 2014)
- CfP special track of JAIR on "Cross-language algorithms and applications" (deadline: 1 March 2015)
- 10 December 2014, 14th workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2014), Krakow, Poland (deadline: 31 October 2014)
- CfP special issue of JLAMP on "automated verification of programs and web systems" (deadline: 25 February 2015)
- Contribute to Amsterdam Science magazine (deadline: 1 January 2015)
- 29-30 November 2014, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Australasian Association of Logic (AAL 2014), Christchurch, New Zealand (deadline: 15 October 2014)
- 24-25 November 2014, The 6th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning about Context with Logic (ARCOE-Logic 2014), Linköping, Sweden (deadline: 22 September 2014)
- 24-25 November 2014, Analogical Reasoning East & West (AREW), Heidelberg, Germany (deadline: 10 October 2014)
- 22-24 November 2014, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 11), Kanagawa, Japan (deadline: 15 August 2014)
- 8-9 November 2014, 8th Annual Arché Graduate Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland (deadline: 8 August 2014)
- 7-8 November 2014, Canadian Society for Epistemology International Symposium "Epistemic Reasons" (CSE 2014), Sherbrooke QC, Canada (deadline: 28 September 2014)
- 3-5 November 2014, European Conference on Social Intelligence (ECSI-2014), Barcelona, Spain (deadline: 3 September 2014)
- CfP special issue of Kuenstliche Intelligenz Journal on "Higher-Level Cognition and Computation" (deadline: 19 December 2014)
- 23-24 October 2014, Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer (Science DHCS 2014), Evanston IL, U.S.A. (deadline: 30 June 2014)
- 16-18 October 2014, Logical aspects of Rational Agency (LARA2014), St Petersburg Russia (deadline: 1 June 2014)
- 16-18 October 2014, The Making of the Humanities IV, Royal Netherlands Institute, Rome, Italy (deadline: 1 June 2014)
- CfP special issue of Journal of Logic and Analysis on "Continuity, Computability, Constructivity" (deadline: 31 January 2015)
- 9-11 October 2014, Sixth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 6), Toulouse, France (deadline: 15 May 2014)
- 7-10 October 2014, The Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA 2014), Kosice, Slovakia (deadline: 14 June 2014)
- CfP special issue of JoLLI on "Euler and Venn diagrams" (deadline: 30 October 2014)
- 24-26 September 2014, 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2014), Madeira Island, Portugal (deadline: 19 May 2014)
- 23 September 2014, KIK Workshop on "Higher-level cognition and computation", Stuttgart, Germany (deadline: 1 July 2014)
- 22 September 2014, 8th International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies (AST 2014), Stuttgart, Germany (deadline: 22 April 2014)
- 22-26 September 2014, The 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), Stuttgart, Germany (deadline: 1 May 2014)
- 22-26 September 2014, Logic and Applications (LAP 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia (deadline: 2 June 2014)
- 18-19 September 2014, Workshop "Argumentation, Rationality and Decision", London, U.K. (deadline: 15 July 2014)
- 17-20 September 2014, 11th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2014), Bucharest, Romania (deadline: 16 March 2014)
- 12-13 September 2014, 10th international symposium of cognition, logic and communication: Perspectives on Spatial Cognition, Riga, Latvia (deadline: 15 February 2014)
- 12 September 2014, Workshop "Predicate approaches to modality", Munich, Germany (deadline: 16 June 2014)
- 11-13 September 2014, Workshop on Modal Syllogistics, Lisbon, Portugal (deadline: 31 May 2014)
- 10-12 September 2014, 5th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2014), Verona, Italy (deadline: 10 May 2014)
- 6-8 September 2014, Semantic content workshop, Barcelona, Spain (deadline: 31 May 2014)
- CfP book "Applications of Formal Philosophy;" (deadline: 31 December 2014)
- 4-6 September 2014, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (SOPhiA 2014), Salzburg, Austria (deadline: 31 May 2014)
- 4-6 September 2014, Colloquium Logicum 2014, Neubiberg/Munich (Germany) (deadline: 16 June 2014)
- 3-4 September 2014, Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy - Logic and its philosophy (BCAP 2014), Bucharest, Romania (deadline: 25 April 2014)
- 2-5 September 2014, Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (Highlights 2014), Paris, France (deadline: 30 June 2014)
- 1-4 September 2014, 21st Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2014), Valparaiso, Chile (deadline: 24 March 2014)
- 1-3 September 2014, The 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2014), Edinburgh (deadline: 16 May 2014)
- 28 August - 2 September 2014, Eighth European Conference on Analytic Philosophy (ECAP8), Bucharest, Romania (deadline: 25 April 2014)
- 25-27 August 2014, Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science (CTF 2014), Duesseldorf, Germany (deadline: 15 April 2014)
- 25-27 August 2014, 9th Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Tampere, Finland (deadline: 25 April 2014)
- 23-24 August 2014, Conference on Hypothetical Reasoning, Tuebingen, Germany (deadline: 12 May 2014)
- 20-22 August 2014, Fourth Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2014), Galway, Ireland (deadline: 14 March 2014)
- 19 August 2014, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe@ECAI 2014), Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 25 May 2014)
- 18-22 August 2014, Workshop on Models in Formal Semantics and Pragmatics, Tübingen, Germany (deadline: 15 February 2014)
- 18-22 August 2014, The Twenty-first European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 1 March 2014)
- 18-22 August 2014, ESSLLI Workshop on Information Dynamics in Artificial Societies (IDAS@ESSLLI-14), Tuebingen, Germany (deadline: 30 April 2014)
- 18-19 August 2014, Logics for Games and Strategic Reasoning and Social Choice, Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 11 May 2014)
- 18-22 August 2014, 15th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XV), Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 11 May 2014)
- 18-19 August 2014, 7th European Starting Artificial Intelligence Researcher Symposium (STAIRS-2014), Prague (deadline: 15 May 2014)
- 18-19 August 2014, 5th AISB Workshop on "Figurative language: its patterns and meanings in domain-specific discourse", Birmingham, U.K. (deadline: 9 June 2014)
- 11-15 August 2014, Formal and experimental pragmatics, Tübingen (deadline: 8 March 2014)
- 11-15 August 2014, Epistemic Logic for Individual, Social, and Interactive Epistemology, Tübingen, Germany (deadline: 8 March 2014)
- 11-22 August 2014, Student Session at ESSLLI 2014, Tuebingen, Germany (deadline: 1 April 2014)
- 5-8 August 2014, 10th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML-2014), Groningen, The Netherlands (deadline: 12 May 2014)
- 4-5 August 2014, Second workshop on Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives, Groningen, The Netherlands (deadline: 1 July 2014)
- 1-4 August 2014, 7th Annual Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI 2014), Quebec City QC, Canada (deadline: 1 April 2014)
- 31 July - 2 August 2014, Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN'14), Quebec City QC, Canada (deadline: 11 April 2014)
- 28 July 2014, 4th International Workshop on Euler Diagrams (ED 2014), Melbourne, Australia (deadline: 28 April 2014)
- 28 July - 1 August 2014, 16th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic (XVI SLALM), Buenos Aires, Argentina (deadline: 10 May 2014)
- 27-30 July 2014, Eleventh Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT11), Bergen, Norway (deadline: 1 March 2014)
- 23-24 July 2014, First International Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty and Vagueness (PRUV 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 20 April 2014)
- 23 July 2014, Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 28 April 2014)
- 21-24 July 2014, Eleventh International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2014), Darmstadt, Germany (deadline: 7 April 2014)
- 18 July 2014, 1st International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 25 April 2014)
- 17-19 July 2014, 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 14 February 2014)
- 17-20 July 2014, 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 7 April 2014)
- 17-18 July 2014, International Workshop on Proof, Structure and Computation (PSC 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 1 May 2014)
- 16-19 July 2014, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 6 April 2014)
- 15 July 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 Workshop on Logic and Games, Vienna, Austria (deadline: 1 May 2014)
- 14-18 July 2014, Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic & Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (CSL/LICS 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 13 January 2014)
- 14-17 July 2014, Joint 25th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2014) & 12th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2014): , Vienna, Austria (deadline: 28 January 2014)
- 13 July 2014, Third International Workshop on Gentzen Systems and Beyond (GSB3), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 13 April 2014)
- 12-24 July 2014, The Sixth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2014), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 30 September 2013)
- 12-15 July 2014, 12th International Conference on Deontic logic (DEON 2014), Gent, Belgium (deadline: 1 March 2014)
12-13 July 2014, The Fifteenth International Workshop on Logic and Computational
Complexity and Workshop in Honor of Neil Immerman's 60th Birthday
(LCC 2014/ImmermanFest), Vienna, Austria (deadline: 2 May 2014) - 8-11 July 2014, Trends in Logic XIV "The Road Less Travelled: Off-stream applications of formal methods", Ghent, Belgium (deadline: 20 January 2014)
- 8 July 2014, CICM-2014 workshop "The Notion of Proof", Coimbra, Portugal (deadline: 31 May 2014)
- 7-8 July 2014, Symposium on the Foundations of Mathematics, Vienna, Austria (deadline: 31 March 2014)
- 2-5 July 2014, Trends in Logic XIII "Gentzen's and Ja~kowski's heritage", Lodz, Poland (deadline: 15 March 2014)
- 2-8 July 2014, Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation (EASLLC 2014), Tsinghua University, China (deadline: 1 April 2014)
- CfP special issue of Topoi on "Epistemic modals and the epistemology of modality" (deadline: 15 March 2015)
- 25-27 June 2014, 21st International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2014), Roskilde, Denmark (deadline: 3 March 2014)
- 24-27 June 2014, 9th International Ershov Informatics Conference (PSI'2014), Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia (deadline: 13 January 2014)
- 26-28 June 2014, The 7th Semantics and Philosophy in Europe Colloquium (SPE7), Berlin (deadline: 1 February 2014)
- 23-27 June 2014, NASSLLI 2014 Student Session, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA (deadline: 14 March 2014)
- 23-25 June 2014, 5th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2014), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (deadline: 15 March 2014)
- 23-27 June 2014, CiE 2014: Computability in Europe, Budapest, Hungary (deadline: 14 April 2014)
- 21-29 June 2014, Sixth North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI 2014), University of Maryland, U.S.A. (deadline: 1 September 2013)
- 20-22 June 2014, 11th Annual Formal Epistemology Workshop (FEW 2014), Los Angeles CA, U.S.A. (deadline: 31 January 2014)
- 18-20 June 2014, Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Sciences (SILFS 2014), Rome, Italy (deadline: 15 December 2013)
- 18-20 June 2014, Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2014), Toulouse, France (deadline: 15 March 2014)
- 16 - 20 June 2014, Logica 2014, Hejnice, Czech Republic (deadline: 15 February 2014)
- 13-15 June 2014, 27th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2014), Barcelona, Spain (deadline: 7 February 2014)
9-13 June 2014, Ninth International Conference on Computability,
Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2014), Singapore, Singapore (deadline: 15 March 2014) - 7-9 June 2014, Logic, Grammar and Meaning, Norwich, U.K. (deadline: 20 March 2014)
- 6-12 June 2014, The 9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR-2014), Moscow, Russia (deadline: 9 December 2013)
- 6-7 June 2014, Fourth LSE Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Probability, London, U.K. (deadline: 23 March 2014)
- 5-6 June 2014, 14th Annual Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Physics Graduate Conference, London ON, Canada (deadline: 24 February 2014)
- 4-6 June 2014, Cracow Workshop in Analytical Philosophy - Normativity of meaning, belief and knowledge (CWAP 2014), Cracow, Poland (deadline: 6 April 2014)
- 2-6 June 2014, International Conference "Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications", Kazan, Russia (deadline: 1 March 2014)
- 201 June 4, European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics (ESMLS XX), June 2014, Cambridge, U.K. (deadline: 31 January 2013)
- 29-31 May 2014, First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics (FilMat), Milan, Italy (deadline: 31 January 2014)
- 26 May - 1 June 2014, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Reykjavik, Iceland (deadline: 1 October 2013)
- 22-23 May 2014, Workshop "Objects of All Kinds" (OAK), Lille, France (deadline: 15 February 2014)
- 21-23 May 2014, Summer School and Workshop "Abstraction: Philosophy and Mathematics", Oslo, Norway (deadline: 15 February 2014)
- 15-16 May 2014, Proof, Computation and Complexity (PCC 2014), Paris, France (deadline: 3 March 2014)
- CfP special issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence on "Mathematical Theories of Natural Language Processing" (deadline: 31 July 2014)
- 9-11 May 2014, Sixth Models and Simulations Conference (MS6), Notre Dame IN, U.S.A. (deadline: 22 November 2013)
- 5-9 May 2014, 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France (deadline: 8 October 2013)
- 5 or 6 May 2014, Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS 2014), Paris, France (deadline: 22 January 2014)
- 28-30 April 2014, 3rd Conference on Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning & Semantics: Evolution and Cooperation (GIRLS'14@LUND), Lund, Sweden (deadline: 7 February 2014)
- 27 April - 1 May 2014, 14th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RaMICS 2014), Marienstatt im Westerwald. Germany (deadline: 25 October 2013)
- 24-25 April 2014, PhDs in Logic VI, Utrecht University (deadline: 15 January 2014)
- 21-25 April 2014, The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014 (PhML-2014), St. Petersburg, Russia (deadline: 1 March 2014)
- 12-13 April 2014, The Second Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Guangzhou, China (deadline: 20 January 2014)
- 10-12 April 2014, Mathematical Cultures 3 (MC3), London, U.K. (deadline: 30 November 2013)
- 9-11 April 2014, 30th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS 2014), Loughborough, U.K. (deadline: 26 March 2014)
- 5-6 April 2014, 12th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'14), Grenoble, France (deadline: 23 February 2014)
- 1-4 April 2014, Second Symposium on History and Philosophy of Programming (HaPoP 2), London, U.K. (deadline: 3 January 2014)
- 1-2 April 2014, Norms, Actions, Games (NAG 2014), London, U.K. (deadline: 30 January 2014)
- 13-14 March 2014, Workshop "Empirical Methods of Linguistics in Philosophy",, Dortmund (Germany) (deadline: 1 December 2013)
- 13-14 March 2014, Conference "(Re)presenting the Speech of Others", Groningen, The Netherlands (deadline: 1 December 2013)
- 10-14 March 2014, 8th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2014), Madrid, Spain (deadline: 21 October 2013)
- 10-12 March 2014, Workshop on Beauty and Explanation in Mathematics (WBEM), Umea, Sweden (deadline: 1 December 2013)
- 6-8 March 2014, 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014), Angers, France (deadline: 24 September 2013)
- 4-7 March 2014, INFTY Final Conference, Bonn, Germany (deadline: 17 February 2014)
- 3-5 March 2014, KNAW Colloquium on Dependence Logic (deadline: 14 February 2014)
- 20-23 February 2014, Functions, proofs, constructions, Tuebingen, Germany (deadline: 1 September 2013)
- 13-17 February 2014, 5th World Congress of Paraconsistent Logic (WCP5), Kolkata, India (deadline: 1 September 2013)
- 12-14 February 2014, Colombian Conference on Logic, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (PHILOGICA III), Bogota, Colombia (deadline: 15 November 2013)
- 6 - 9 February 2014, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology 2014 (ICDCIT 2014), Bhubaneswar, India (deadline: 30 August 2013)
- 27-28 January 2014, AISB Workshop on Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency, Bournemouth, U.K. (deadline: 3 November 2013)
- 23-25 January 2014, Days in Logic 2014, Braga, Portugal (deadline: 12 January 2014)
- 18-19 January 2014, 7th Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Cambridge, U.K. (deadline: 15 November 2013)
- 13-16 January 2014, Modeling experiencers in natural language semantics (ISLA 2014 workshop), Tezpur, India (deadline: 22 October 2013)
- 13 January - 14 February 2014, Mathematical Structures of Computation, Lyon, France (deadline: 4 January 2014)
- 6-17 January 2014, Fifth Indian School on Logic and its Applications(ISLA 2014), Tezpur, India (deadline: 28 June 2013)
Headlines Past Conferences
- 19-20 December 2014, Naming Matters: Workshop on the Logic of Proper Names, Stuttgart, Germany
- 16 December 2014, Foundationalist epistemology: Bolzano, Frege, Husserl
- 13 December 2014, Master class The biology of Language: Evolution, Brain, Development, KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
- 10 December 2014, The 1st International Workshop for Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation (MET-ARG 2014), Krakow, Poland
- 5-7 December 2014, Aesthetics in Mathematics, Norwich, U.K.
- 28-29 November 2014, "The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction and Philosophical Methodology", Zuerich, Switzerland
- 22-23 November 2014, Workshop on nonstandard modals, Leeds, England
- 19-23 November 2014, 56th Students' Conference on Linguistics (StuTS 56), University of Hamburg, Germany
- 10-14 November 2014, Workshop "Logics for Social Behaviour", Leiden, The Netherlands
- 5 November 2014, Workshop "Object and property in logic, language and metaphysics", Birmingham, England
- 29-30 October 2014, International Colloquium "The Philosophers and Mathematics", Lisbon, Portugal
- 27-30 October 2014, 1st ESSENCE Autumn School, Ischia, Italy
- 24 October 2014, Workshop "Inconsistencies in Scientific Reasoning", Gent, Belgium
- 24-25 October 2014, Inductive Logic and Confirmation in Science II, Salt Lake City UT, U.S.A.
- 23-24 October 2014, Lindström Lectures
- 13-16 October 2014, School on Cryptographic Attacks, Porto, Portugal
- 8 October 2014, Workshop in Honour of Hans Kamp, Nancy, France
- 29-30 September 2014, Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography, Waterloo, Ontario, CAN
- 29 September 29 - 2 October 2014, Second International Wormshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles, Mexico City
- 22 September 2014, Concept Invention, Generation, Adaptation, and Representation 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 18-20 September 2014, International Conference "Modal Epistemology and Metaphysics", Belgrade, Serbia
- 15-19 September 2014, Continuity, Computability, Constructivity: From Logic to Algorithms (CCC 2014), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 15-19 September 2014, 2nd IAOA Summer School on Ontological Analysis, Vitoria, Brazil
- 14-20 September 2014, Set Theory Workshop & Thematic Session, , Bedlewo & Poznan, Poland
- 8-12 September 2014, Seventeenth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2014), Brno, Czech Republic
- 6 September 2014, Axiomatic Theories of Truth, Neuchatel, Switzerland
- 25-29 August 2014, Summer School in Epistemology and Cognition, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 19 August 2014, Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
- 18-22 August 2014, Workshop on Sociolinguistics and Network Games (SLANG), Tübingen, Germany
- 28 July 28 - 1 August 2014, UbiCrypt Summer School on Discrete Logs & Functional Encryption, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
- 28 July - 8 August 2014, Summer School on "Individuals and Indeterminacy", Bamberg (Germany)
- 27-29 July 2014, Sixth International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics: Quantum computing, logic, cognition, Latvia, Riga
- 27 July - 2 August 2014, Summer school on Mathematical Philosophy for female students, Munich, Germany
- 24-27 July 2014, Reasoning Conference 2014, Konstanz, Germany
- 21-23 July 2014, INEM/CHESS Summer School in Philosophy and Economics, San Sebastian
- 17-18 July 2014, 2014 Summer School on Computational Logic, Vienna, Austria
- 16-19 July 2014, Bolzano in Prague 2104, Prague, Czech Republic
- 13 July 2014, Isabelle Workshop and Tutorial, Vienna, Austria
- 12-13 July 2014, FLoC workshop on proof complexity, Vienna, Austria
- 9-10 July 2014, BELUX2 Colloquium: "Epistemic normative reasons", Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 9-24 July 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic, Vienna, Austria
- 8-12 July 2014, Summer School: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Voting Rules, Caen, France
- 3-4 July 2014, Seventh Workshop on Computability Theory (WCT 2014), Prague, Czech Republic
- 1 Jul 2014, Workshop "Categories and Logical Syntax"
- 30 June 2014, KNAW meeting "Arithmetic: the teaching, the course and the testing", Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 23-24 June 2014, Third Reasoning Club Conference, Canterbury, U.K.
- 18-25 June 2014, NIP Summer School: Foundations of Logic and Mathematics, Aberdeen UK
- 16-18 June 2014, Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles 33 (JAF33), University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- 9-13 June 2014, Workshop on descriptive inner model theory, Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
- 7-8 June 2014, Mitchellfest: 70th birthday of William Mitchell, Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
- 5-6 June 2014, 6th British Wittgenstein Society (BWS) Annual Conference: Wittgenstein and Epistemology, Edinburgh, U.K.
- 2-3 June 2014, Workshop on Doxastic Agency & Epistemic Responsibility, Bochum, Germany
- 2-6 June 2014, Logic, Dynamics, and their interaction II, Denton TX, U.S.A.
- 2-6 June 2014, Workshop "Descriptive Inner Model Theory", Palo Alto CA, U.S.A.
- 2-20 June 2014, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
- 30-31 May 2014, Workshop on Formal Ethics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- 27 May 2014, Workshop in the Philosophy of Mathematics: "Frege's Real Numbers", Milano, Italy
- 24-28 May 2014, Ramsey Theory Conference, Denver CO, U.S.A.
- 23-25 May 2014, Colloquium and Workshop "Infinity, computability, and metamathematics": celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch, Bonn, Germany
- 19-23 May 2014, 4th Summer School on Formal Techniques (SSFT14), Atherton CA, U.S.A.
- 16 May 2014, NVTI Theory Day 2014
- 15-16 May 2014, Algebra and Coalgebra meet Proof Theory (ALCOP 2014), London, U.K.
- 14 May 2014, The Significance of Phenomenology
- 12 May 2014, Workshop "C.S.Peirce: Logic and Metaphysics", Paris, France
- 12-16 May 2014, 7th Young Set Theory Workshop, Bedlewo, Poland
- 12-23 May 2014, 2014 Spring Course on Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht University
- 9 May 2014, Descriptive Set Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 9-10 May 2014, Colloquium in honour of Rosemarie Rheinwald, Muenster, Germany
- 5-9 May 2014, 17th International Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies (TRUST 2014), Paris, France
- 28 April 2014, Colloquium "Issues in Aristotle's modal ontology, logic and moral epistemology", Helsinki, Finland
- 26-28 April 2014, Third international conference on the History of Logic in China, Tianjin, China
- 14-17 April 2014, LMS Lecture series on Games, Trees, Models, Second Order Logic, Foundations of Mathematics, and Dependence, London & Norwich (U.K.)
- 11-12 April 2014, Mathematical Depth Workshop, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
- 11-13 April 2014, Research workshop on Logical and Modal Space, New York NY, U.S.A.
- 22-23 March 2014, Conference celebrating the 60th birthday of Philip Welch, Bristol, U.K.
- 21-22 March 2014, 2nd Logic and Language Conference, London, U.K.
- 21-22 March 2014, Workshop "Respecting Context-dependent preferences", Umea, Sweden
- 21-14 February 2014, 15th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
- 10 February 2014, Hamburg Set Theory Workshop (HSTW 2014), Hamburg, Germany
- 27-28 January 2014, Winter School on Rationality, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 27-30 January 2014, 4th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography: Symmetric Encryption in Theory and in Practice, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 25 January - 1 February 2014, Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Section Set Theory and Topology, Hejnice, Czech Republic
- 20 January 2014, Board en Consortium meeting `Language in Interaction', ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 20-31 January 2014, Workshop & Tutorials "Representing Streams II", Leiden, the Netherlands
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 19 December 2014, Master of Logic defense, Gijs Jasper Wijnholds
- 16 December 2014, Master of Logic defense, Lara van Weegen
- 28 October 2014, Master of Logic defense, Yuning Feng
- 29 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Jessica Olsen
- 24 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Michele Herbstritt
- 22 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Simon Docherty
- 8 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Guus Willem Eelink
- 29 August 2014, Master of Logic defense, Justin Kruger
- 28 August 2014, Master of Logic Defense, Laura Mojica
- 28 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Nikhil Maddirala
- 7 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Julian Schlöder
- 7 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Nadine Theiler
- 2 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sarah McWhirter
- 30 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Seyed Mohammad Yarandi
- 24 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sanne Brinkhorst
- 24 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Ciyang Qing
- 20 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Rachel Boddy
- 20 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Malvin Gattinger
- 19 June 2014, PhD defense, Ben Rodenhäuser
- 17 June 2014, PhD defense, Hadil Karawani
- 9 May 2014, PhD defense, Lodewijk Muns
- 27 March 2014, PhD defense, Harald Bastiaanse
- 21 February 2014, Master of Logic defense, Andreea Achimescu
- 17 February 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sebastian Speitel
- 28 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Alexander Block
- 28 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Julia Ilin
- 22 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Maria Dimarogkona
- 21 January 2014, PhD defense, Bruno Loff
Headlines Projects and Awards
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
- PhD Studentships at the University of Bath
- Call for Nominations: IFAAMAS-13 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
- PhD funding in philosophy, Bristol, England
- Teorema Essay Prize for Young Scholars, Topic: Belief without Evidence
- ABC Project and Talent grants
- 2014 Essay Prize in Informal Logic
- 4th Deadline IERTNiL (Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic)
- 3rd Deadline IERTNiL (Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic)
- ERCIM STM WG 2014 Award for the best PhD thesis on security and trust management
- EURIAS Fellowship Programme
- 2014 Teorema Essay Prize for young scholars: "Belief without Evidence"
- AMS Subventions for Publications
- Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2014
- E.W. Beth Prize: 2014 call for nominations
- Fyssen Foundation: postdoctoral study grant
- Chinese Government Scholarship-EU Program
- Call for Nomination for Herbrand Award 2014
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
- PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
- PhD candidate in Theoretical Computer Science
- Lecturer / Researcher in Logic
- PhD position in Statistical Computational Linguistics
- Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
- PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
- Tenure Track Researcher Language in Interaction
- PhD Fellowship at ILLC
- Two ILLC PhD candidates in Statistical Computational Linguistics
- Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
- Postdoctoral researcher 'Legal Structures'
- PhD candidate in Quantum Cryptography
- PhD candidate in Algorithmics
- Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships 2014
- Secretariaatsmedewerker ILLC
- PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
Headlines Open Positions, General
- PhD Studentships, Computer Science, University of Nottingham
- Postdoc position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Postdoctoral and visiting fellowships in philosophy of science, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
- Assistant professorship in philosophy of mind, Bochum (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position on "Ontology after Quine", Hamburg (Germany)
- Postdoc Position in Logic and Game Theory, University of Oxford
- Post-doctoral fellowships in mathematics and/or computer science
- PhD positions in Logical Methods in Computer Science, Wien/Graz/Linz (Austria)
- PhD student position on "Anti-Mathematicism in Philosophy", Gent (Belgium)
- Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- PhD student positions in computer science, Oxford (England)
- Visiting Assistant Professorship (1y) teaching logic, Schenectady NY (U.S.A.)
- Postdoctoral position in set theory, Singapore (Singapore)
- Postdoc and Student Positions in post-quantum cryptography and quantum algorithms, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- 2015 Software Engineering Internships at Google
- 2015 Software Engineer New Graduate role at Google
- 2 postdoc vacancies in TINT, Helsinki (Finland)
- PhD student position in philosophy of mathematics, Konstanz (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position in computer science, Edinburgh (Scotland)
- Postdoctoral position in quantum computing, Paris (France)
- Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Cork (Ireland)
- Visiting Fellowships in Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- Postdoctoral positions in algorithms, Tel Aviv (Israel) & Berkeley CA (U.S.A.)
- Faculty positions in theoretical computer science, Urbana-Champaign IL (U.S.A.)
- 2015/16 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowshop (in algorithms), Yorktown NY (U.S.A.)
- Three-year fellowship in philosophy at St Hugh's College, Oxford (England)
- Assistant Professorship in Cognitive Science, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
- Visiting Fellowship in Mathematical Philosophy, Munich (Germany)
- Tenure-track position in theoretical computer science, Salt Lake City UT (U.S.A.)
- Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (all disciplines)
- Tenure track position in philosophy (female candidates), Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Tenure-track position in mathematics (open), Las Cruces NM (U.S.A.)
- Chevening-Durham MA Scholarships for Master's studies in philosophy, Durham (England)
- PhD student position on "The Evolution of Unpopular Norms and Bullying", Munich (Germany)
- 2 PhD Positions in Philosophy of Mind (especially Philosophy of Perception at University of Antwerp
- 1 November 2014, Fixed-term lectureship in Leiden
- Temporary (1y) Teaching fellowship in philosophy of mind/science, London (England)
- Two PhD student / postdoc positions in Formal Semantics & Logic, Delft (The Netherlands)
- Postdoctoral position on "bridging causal and explanatory reasoning", Tilburg (The Netherlands)
PhD student position in epistemology, Canterbury
(England) - Two PhD/Postdoc Positions in Logic and Multiagent Systems, TU Delft
- Two Fixed-Term Lectureships, University of Reading
- Assistant Professor of Game Theory / Operations Research / Social Choice Theory
- Schlumberger Foundation "Faculty for the Future" 2015-2016 Fellowships
- Assistant Professor, Ethics & Digital Culture, UCF Florida (U.S.A.)
- Two PhD scholarships in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, Wollongong (Australia)
- Assistant Professorship in Set Theory, Oxford OH (U.S.A.)
- Assistant Professorship in Logic and Foundations at University of Colorado, Boulder (U.S.A.)
- Professorship in mathematical foundations of computer science, Natal (Brazil)
- Postdoctoral position in computational logic, Linz (Austria)
- Postdoctoral position in algorithms, Bristol (England)
- PhD student position in logic and verification for AI, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- Stipendiary Research Fellowship in Logic (among other things) at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (England)
- PhD position in neurocomputational modelling of language processing
- Postdoc position in computational modelling of reading
- Two positions as associate professor in theoretical philosophy, Bergen (Norway)
- Two positions in the area of 'argument mining' in Dundee, Scotland
- Assistant/associate professorship in Logic and AI, Technical University of Denmark
- Postdoctoral position in computational complexity, cryptography, quantum information theory or algorithmic game theory, Aarhus (Denmark)
- Postdoctoral positions (logic and uncertainty), Cardiff (U.K.)
- 14 PhD student grants in Computer Science, Pisa (Italy)
- Senior Lectureship in Theoretical Philosophy, Uppsala (Sweden)
- Four temporary full professorships in mathematics as "Bonn Junior Fellows", Bonn (Germany)
- Two temporary lectureships in philosophy, Durham (U.K.)
- Head librarian at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (Germany)
- Posts in Cyber Security and Privacy at University of Edinburgh: Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Reader (Associate Professor)
- Post-Doc Position in Categorical Methods in Computer Science Technical Univeristy of Braunschweig, Germany
- PhD Studentship in Natural Language Generation
- PhD Position: Programming, Modelling and Verification of Concurrent Software
- Temporary (1y) lectureship in philosophy, Sheffield (U.K.)
- PhD student positions in Semantic Web, Dayton OH (U.S.A.)
- PhD studies in theoretical computer science, Birmingham, U.K.
- Postdoctoral positions in logics for intelligent agents, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic (3y), Freiburg (Germany)
- PhD student positions in computer science (including agents, complexity theory, logic), Liverpool (England)
- PhD student position in integrated history and philosophy of science, Durham (England)
- Postdoctoral position in decision making and learning in combinatorial games, New York NY (U.S.A.)
- Ten PhD studentships in Cork
- Fixed-term lectureship in Philosophy of Science, Leeds (U.K.)
- Tenured positions in algebra or logic or set theory, Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)
- PhD student position in algebra and logic for policy and utility in information security, London (U.K.)
- 15 permanent contract positions for experienced researchers
- Lectureship in Philosophical Logic / Philosophy of Language, Durham (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral position on "The roots of deduction", Groningen (The Netherlands)
- PhD student fellowships in "Philosophy, Science and the Sciences", Berlin (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position on "Program Reasoning with Nominal Game Semantics", London (U.K.)
- Full professorship in computer science, Warwick (U.K.)
- Two PhD positions in Economics and Computation, University of Zurich
- Doctoral College on Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vienna
- Assistant Professorship in Philosophy of Science, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- Lectureship in analytic philosophy, Dunedin (New Zealand)
- Postdoctoral position in model checking or computational logic, Kassel (Germany)
- Lectureship in Philosophy of Science (.6 fte), Groningen (The Netherlands)
- PhD student position in applying formal reasoning to security problems, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- PhD student position in a project relating to set theory and theories of truth, Aberdeen (Scotland)
- PhD student position and postdoctoral position in Situated Cognition, Bochum (Germany)
- Postdoctoral and PhD student position in logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Research fellowship / assistant professorship in knowledge representation, Bolzano (Italy)
- PhD student position in verification of asynchronous distibuted systems, Bordeaux (France)
- Professorship in analytic philosophy (philosophy of language), Vienna (Austria)
- Three PhD student positions in theoretical philosophy, logic and philosophy of science, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Professorship in Computational Linguistics, Lancaster (U.K.)
- One PhD position for EU students available at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
- PhD student position in theoretical philosophy, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Postdoctoral position in theoretical philosophy, Konstanz (Germany)
- Postdoc position in Mathematical Logic at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
- PhD and Postdoc vacancies at LORIA
- PhD position in formal/experimental pragmatics
- PhD student position in mathematical game theory and model-based testing, Twente (The Netherlands)
- PhD student position in hybrid-logical proofs at work in cognitive psychology, Roskilde (Denmark)
- Postdoctoral and PhD fellowships in epistemology, Leuven (Belgium)
- Interdisciplinary PhD Scholarship
- Research Assistantship in formal understanding of creativity, Barcelona, Spain
- 2 PhD positions in formal/experimental semantics/pragmatics and/or language evolution
- Six PhD student positions in ITN ESSENCE (Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments), Edinburgh/Trento/Barcelona/Madrid (Scotland/Italy/Spain)
- European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL): Call for Applications
- PhD student position in Algorithms, Oxford (England)
- Two PhD student positions in verification, Paris (France)
- Newton International Fellowships of the British Academy
- Assistant / Associate Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Irvina CA (U.S.A.)
- Two postdoctoral researcher positions in "models and inferences in science; logical, epistemological and cognitive aspects", Rome (Italy)
- PhD student position in "Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security", London (U.K.)
- University of Amsterdam: Assistant professor in Philosophy of Science
- Assistant professorship and three postdoctoral fellowships in mathematical philosophy, Munich (Germany)
- PhD student position in foundations of computing, London (U.K.)
- Professorship of Formal Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Vienna (Austria)
- PhD student positions in Computer Science (including one in formal methods), Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Position as scientific assistant (.5 fte, 2y) in formal ontology, Saarbruecken (Germany)
- Two full-time PhD scholarships in Artificial Intelligence, Magdeburg (Germany)
- Lectureship in Philosophy (teaching needs in logic), London (U.K.)
- PhD student positions (up to 13) in History and Philosophy of Science, Vienna (Austria)
- Russell Visiting Professorship, Hamilton ON (Canada)
- Textkernel is hiring: Data & Quality Assistant (16-24 hrs)
- Professorship in Mathematics, Helsinki (Finland)
- Visiting Professorship (4 months) in theoretical philosophy, Vienna (Austria)
- (Tenure-track) Assistant Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Vienna (Austria)
- PhD student fellowship in theoretical philosophy, Salzburg (Austria)
- Postdoctoral position in model checking, Leicester (England)
- Sixteen PhD student positions and four postdoctoral positions in digital cultural heritage, various locations in Europe
- Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic at the University of Padua.
- Two PhD student positions and two postdoctoral positions for logic in AI, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- Postdoc in Formal Methods in Computer Science, TU Denmark
- Visiting fellowships at the MCMP, Munich (Germany)
- Tenure-track assistant professorship in theoretical computer science, Stockholm (Sweden)
No Past appointments
Headlines Miscellaneous
- The TeX Users Group requests your help!
- Heb je uitzonderlijk muzikaal gehoor? Doe de test!
- "History of Humanities" a new journal!
- Wereldwijde aandacht voor eerste resultaten Hooked on Music
- Excellent Accreditation Result for Master of Logic
- Khalil Sima'an appointed professor Computational Linguistics
- Fenrong Liu, professor by special appointment in the Amsterdam-China Logic Chair
- Official launch of the Joint Research Center in Logic in China
- Harry Buhrman in the news with new method of computation
- HookedOnMusic launched in the UK
- Pictures and videos of the Groenendijk-Stokhof-Veltman Festschrift event
- New book 'Language Production and Interpretation: Linguistics meets Cognition' by Henk Zeevat
- Master of Logic in the Top 15 of the 'Keuzegids Masters 2014' best Master's programmes
- Martin Stokhof appointed member of the ERC Scientific Council
No Former Regular Events
Past Events
19 December 2014, ILLC midwinter Colloquium 2014
Location: ILLC Common Room (F1.21), Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.
For more information, see or contact rens.bod at
16 December 2014, Cognition@ILLC, Padraic Monaghan
Speaker: Padraic MonaghanTitle: Repetition in language and music: General or specific processes?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThis is the first meeting of monthly Cognition at ILLC seminar. The goal of the seminar is to create a joint platform to discuss cognition related research. It is organized jointly by three ILLC research groups: LoCo, LaLo, and LaCo. For more information, see here or contact Jakub Szymanik at jakub.szymanik at
12 December 2014, Cool Logic, Tingxiang Zou
Speaker: Tingxiang ZouTitle: An Invitation to Homotopy Type TheoryLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsIn the last decade, a number of deep connections between a form of type theory and homotopy theory have been discovered, which leads to a new research area: Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) that attracts theoretical computer scientists, topologists, logicians and categorical theorists. In this talk, I will give a very brief introduction for HoTT: Martin Löf's dependent type theory; homotopy theory; their connections and maybe Voevodsky's Univalence Axiom.
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
12 December 2014, DIP Colloquium, Jan-Willem Romeijn
Speaker: Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen)Title: What are the chances?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Vaananen
Speaker: Jouko VaananenTitle: Quantum team logicLocation: Drift 6, zaal 007, UtrechtA logical approach to Bell's Inequalities of quantum mechanics has been introduced by Abramsky and Hardy. We point out that these logical Bell's Inequalities are provable in the probability logic of Fagin, Halpern and Megiddo. Since it is now considered empirically established that quantum mechanics violates Bell's Inequalities, we introduce a modified probability logic, that we call quantum team logic, in which Bell's Inequalities are not provable, and prove a Completeness Theorem for this logic. For this end we generalise the team semantics of dependence logic first to probabilistic team semantics, and then to, what we call quantum team semantics.
For abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
12 December 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alessandra Palmigiano
Speaker: Alessandra Palmigiano (Delft)Title: Unified Correspondence as a Proof-Theoretic ToolLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
12 December 2014, Farewell meeting Roel de Vrijer
Location: Kerkzaal (main building), VU University, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam(dutch only)
Op vrijdag 12 december is er 14.00-17.00 een feestelijke bijeenkomst vanwege de pensionering van Roel de Vrijer bij de Afdeling Informatica aan de VU, afgelopen september. Je bent hiervoor van harte uitgenodigd.De bijeenkomst zal plaatsvinden in de Kerkzaal, op de 16e verdieping van het Hoofdgebouw van de VU. U bereikt het Hoofdgebouw vanaf de Boelelaan zijde, de hoofdingang. In de ontvangsthal loopt u linksaf naar de liften. Neem de lift naar de 15de (hoogst bereikbare met lift) verdieping. De Kerkzaal is bereikbaar via een trap vanaf de 15e verdieping. Zie ook
Het programma van de bijeenkomst is ongeveer als volgt:
Voor meer informatie, email f.van.raamsdonk at
14.00 koffie
14.15 praatjes door Vincent van Oostrom, Jan Willem Klop, en Roel zelf
15.15 muzikaal intermezzo
15.30 praatjes door Guus Schreiber en Wan Fokkink
15.45 borrel
17.00 einde -
11 December 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, David Garcia Soriano
Speaker: David Garcia Soriano (Yahoo Labs, Barcelona)Title: The Minimum Wiener Connector ProblemLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information see here or contact rdewolf at
11 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matthias Schirn
Speaker: Matthias SchirnTitle: Frege: Second-Order Abstraction and Referential IndeterminacyLocation: Room 0.06, Janskerkhof 13, UtrechtFor abstracts and more information, see
11 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Matthias Schirn (Munich)
Speaker: Matthias Schirn (Munich)Title: Frege: Second-Order Abstraction and Referential IndeterminacyLocation: Janskerkhof 13, room 006 in UtrechtIn this talk, I shall critically discuss some issues related to Frege's paradigms of second-order abstraction principles: Hume's Principle and Axiom V. The focus is on the referential indeterminacy of value-range terms arising from a semantic stipulation later to be embodied in Axiom V of Grundgesetze. I shall discuss Frege's attempt to remove the indeterminacy as well as his subsequent proof of referentiality for his formal language with special emphasis on the case of value-range terms. Attention will also be paid to the assumptions that underly his overall strategy.
For abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
9 December 2014, Logic Tea, Merlin Carl
Speaker: Merlin CarlTitle: Infinite Time Algorithmic RandomnessLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
9 December 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Desmond Elliott
Speaker: Desmond ElliottTitle: Representing the Structure of Images for Language Generation and Image SearchLocation: Meeting Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe upcoming session of the CLS will be a presentation by Desmond Elliott (CWI).
As this is the last CLS of the year, we might go for drinks afterwards.
For more information and abstracts, see
8 December 2014, XLSX seminar, Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)
Speaker: Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)Title: KA particles cross-linguisticallyLocation: Room K02, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamAbstract: In Japanese, the particle ka occurs (at least) in disjunctions, indefinites, wh-questions, and polar questions; Malayalam oo and Sinhala de/hari have a similarly wide distribution (Jayaseelan 2001, 2008, 2011; Shimoyama 2006; Slade 2011; a.o.). In many other languages, the distribution of what I generically dub “KA particles” is narrower (Bhat 2000; Cable 2010; Haspelmath 1997; Szabolcsi, Whang & Zu 2014; Winter 1995; a.o.). This talk will ask what unifies the signature contexts of KA, and why the particle is not always present in such contexts.
For more information, please contact m.d.aloni at -
5 December 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Volodya Shavrukov
Speaker: Volodya ShavrukovTitle: Astrology of Nerode SemiringsLocation: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
5 December 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Soroush Rafiee Rad
Speaker: Soroush Rafiee Rad (UvA)Title: Forming Rational Belief From First Order Probabilistic EvidenceLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
4 December 2014, Ulle Endriss faculty-winner UvA Teacher of the Year contest
Location: CREA Muziekzaal, AmsterdamThe six faculty winners of the contest for UvA Teacher of the Year 2014 have been selected. Ulle Endriss won for the Faculty of Science.
The faculty winners will give their final presentations on Thursday December 4th, in an open event at the CREA Muziekzaal. The overall winner will be announced at the Dies Natalis on 8 January 2015.
For more information (in dutch), see
3 December 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Giovanni Cina
Speaker: Giovanni Cina (ILLC)Title: Modal Logics for presheaf categoriesLocation: Room B0.203, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (s.sourabh at
1 December 2014, Faculty Colloquium, Khalil Sima'an
Speaker: Khalil Sima'anTitle: The Hidden Treasures of Translated Text: Towards Meaning Preserving Machine TranslationLocation: Room C1.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see
28 November 2014, Cool Logic, Aybüke Özgün (LORIA, CNRS - Lorraine)
Speaker: Aybüke Özgün (LORIA, CNRS - Lorraine)Title: Relational vs. Neighbourhood Semantics for Epistemic LogicLocation: ILLC seminar room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsIn this talk, we will focus on the topological interpretation of knowledge in comparison to the standard relational (Kripke) interpretation and argue in favour of the former.
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
28 November 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Rineke Verbrugge
Speaker: Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen)Title: Learning to apply theory of mind: from logic to the labFor abstracts and more information, see
28 November 2014, Event organized on the occasion of the retirement of Krzysztof R. Apt
Location: CWI, Turing room, Science Park 123, AmsterdamWe cordially invite you to attend this event organized on the occasion of the retirement of Krzysztof R. Apt. All the speakers will be under the age of 30.
The details can be found at To attend this event please register at in connection with reception planning.
28 November 2014, Workshop "Structure and Relations"
Location: Drift 6, room 007, Utrecht, The NetherlandsNo matter how chaotic the world may seem, some of us think that structure is all there is. We are not going to determine whether this view is correct, but we will focus on the requirements for a mathematical foundation that enables us to talk in the most direct way about structure and relations.
10:00-11:00 F.A. Muller (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University), Axiomatising Structure: Why? What? How?
11:00-12:00 Benno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam), Univalent Foundation
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Joop Leo (Utrecht University), A new logic of relations
14:00-14:30 DiscussionFor more information, contact Joop Leo at joop.leo at
26 November 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Dexter Kozen (Cornell University)
Speaker: Dexter Kozen (Cornell University)Title: Completeness and Incompleteness in Nominal Kleene AlgebraLocation: ILLC Room F1.15, Science Park 107For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (s.sourabh at
24-26 November 2014, Workshop on Correlated Information Change
Location: Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: none (registration necessary!!)Via this workshop, we are creating a forum to present new developments, exchange ideas, explore and establish new connections between different areas that have already developed techniques to model correlated information change in a multi-agent context. The types of correlated information change that we are interested in, covers a list of phenomena studied in a number of areas such as: Game Theory, Logic, Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Social Science, Formal Learning Theory, AI (Multi-agent Systems) and the Foundations of Quantum Physics.
For more information, see
21 November 2014, LeGO Seminar, Jeroen Groenendijk
Speaker: Jeroen GroenendijkTitle: Deontic and Epistemic Modals in Suppositional [Inquisitive] SemanticsLocation: OMHP Room A2.30, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
20-21 November 2014, Synthese Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Formal Epistemology
Location: The 'Nina van Leerzaal', The Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, AmsterdamCosts: none (registration necessary!!)The goal of this meeting is to bring together researchers using formal methods in epistemology, methods ranging from logic to probability theory. We create a forum to present new developments, exchange ideas, explore and establish new connections between the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in formal philosophy.
For more information, see
19 November 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kostas Tsaprounis (Barcelona, Athens)
Speaker: Kostas Tsaprounis (Barcelona, Athens)Title: Long realsLocation: Room 610, Hans Freudenthal Building, Budapestlaan 6, UtrechtEver since Dedekind and Cantor, there is a well-known procedure which, starting with the set of natural numbers, produces in a canonical fashion the complete ordered field of the reals. In this talk, we study what happens when one replaces $\omega$ by any infinite cardinal $\kappa$ in the above construction(s). This is joint work in progress with David Aspero.
For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
18 November 2014, UvA Summer School Seminar
The UvA organises a seminar with practical advice for members of staff who want to organise a summer school or a similar event at the UvA (finances, accommodation, catering, etc.).
For more information and to register, see:
17 November 2014, History of Humanities and Science meeting
Speaker: Machiel Keestra & Chao Kang TaiLocation: Room A2.08, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamThe next History of Humanities and Science meeting will be on Monday 17 November with two talks that aim to bridge several disciplines at our university. Next we will give an update on the future of our Center (funding, courses, new journal).
For more information, please contact rens.bod at Or see here.
14 November 2014, Inaugural Lecture, Franz Berto
Speaker: Franz BertoTitle: The Metaphysical Basis of LogicLocation: Aula, University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, AmsterdamFranz Berto was appointed professor of philosophy, in particular metaphysics and the history of philosophy, at the Faculty of Humanities in October 2013. He will hold his inaugural lecture (in English) entitled The Metaphysical Basis of Logic on Friday 14 November 2014 at 16:00 hours in the Aula of the University of Amsterdam.
14 November 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Johannes Marti
Speaker: Johannes Marti (UvA)Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
13 November 2014, Crosslinguistic semantics (XLSX) colloquium, Natasha Koroktova (UCLA)
Speaker: Natasha Koroktova (UCLA)Title: Varieties of evidential shiftLocation: Room A2.01, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information, contact M. Aloni (m.d.aloni at
Or see here.
12 November 2014, Public Lecture "Logics for Social Behaviour", Alessandra Palmigiano
Speaker: Alessandra PalmigianoLocation: Museum Boerhaave, Lange St Agnietenstraat 10, LeidenIf humans are social animals, are they also logical animals?
Perhaps it is not by chance that the same Aristotle who recognized the social nature of human beings as their defining trait is also the father of logic.
Classical logic - the logic of Aristotle's syllogisms - is wonderfully clear but it also offers a limited perspective for the study of social behaviour. Humans speak languages which abound in vague concepts, interact with one another in open-ended forms of cooperation and coordination, can take decisions in groups on the basis of what group members consider to be half-truths, can form opinions on the basis of what they have understood of the opinions of others. Classical logic is not the right tool for all these phenomena.
To deal with them, new, nonclassical logics have been developed. This public lecture will focus on how nonclassical logics can help to describe and understand social behaviour, focusing on multi-player games, decision making in the face of uncertainty, and aggregation of information, preferences, and opinions.
For more information, see
11 November 2014, AUC Guest Lectures, Jakub Szymanik
Speaker: Jakub SzymanikTitle: Semantic ComplexityLocation: Common room, Amsterdam University College, Science Park 113, AmsterdamFor more information, see
11 November 2014, Logic Tea, Joshua Sack
Speaker: Joshua SackTitle: A coalgebraic approach to graded modal logic and graded bisimilarityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
7 November 2014, Cool Logic, Thomas Brochhagen (ILLC)
Speaker: Thomas Brochhagen (ILLC)Title: Nominal Combinations, Compositionality, and Semantic SlackLocation: ILLC seminar room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsThe interpretative variability of noun-noun combinations raises a number of issues concerning their constituents' contribution and mode of composition. Faced with these problems it is often emphasized that their proper treatment requires a delicate balance between (semantic and syntactic) constraints and (pragmatic) flexibility. Although many proposals acknowledge the central role of context and world knowledge to determine their meaning, the challenge they pose to the classical interpretation(s) of the principle of compositionality have received little attention. In this talk, we proceed by carefully evaluating where things go wrong, on possible ways to fix them and on what we can learn from them.
For more information, contact coollogic.uva at
7 November 2014, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Brouwer
Speaker: Thomas Brouwer (Aberdeen)Title: Giving Falsity Its DueLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
7 November 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Virginie Fiutek and Sébastien Magnier
Speaker: Virginie Fiutek and Sébastien Magnier (University of Lille)Title: The notions of Proof in French Civil Law: a logical analysisLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
5 November 2014, BSc Information Sciences @ ILLC
Location: Room F1.21 (ILLC Common Room), Science Park 107, AmsterdamOn Wednesday 5 November 2014 at 17:00 a group of students from the UvA's three Bachelor's programmes in the Information Sciences (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Studies) will visit the ILLC. The event will include three short talks on research in AI at the ILLC: Jelle Zuidema will speak about AI and Cognitive Science, Ivan Titov will speak about Natural Language Processing, and Ulle Endriss will speak about Knowledge Representation and Multiagent Systems. The scientific part of the event will take roughly one hour and be followed by a small borrel.
For more information, contact Raquel Fernández (raquel.fernandez at
5 November 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dorottya Sziraki
Speaker: Dorottya SzirakiTitle: Algebraic Logic and Vaught's ConjectureLocation: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at
5 November 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Andrea Pedrini (University of Milan)
Speaker: Andrea Pedrini (University of Milan)Title: Polyhedra: from geometry to logicLocation: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
3-4 November 2014, Amsterdam Workshop on Set Theory: Generalized Baire Space (AST 2014), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe Amsterdam Set Theory Workshop 2014 is organized by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and the logic group of the University of Hamburg with the aim to provide the platform for exchange for the researchers active in the field of the set theory of the generalized Baire space. The two days of the workshop will consist of three tutorials, several contributed talks and discussion sessions. One of the outputs of this meeting is a planned paper consisting of the open problems in the generalized Baire space.
The workshop includes tutorals by Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki & Amsterdam), Philipp Schlicht (Bonn) and Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Bristol).
For more information, see
31 October 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
Location: F1.21, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamAs in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room.
For more information, contact illc at
31 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Enkhbold Nyamsuren
Speaker: Enkhbold Nyamsuren (UvA)Title: Are you smarter than your inner child?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
29 October 2014, FNWI Collegetour at SPUI25, Richard Ridderinkhof and Ulle Endriss
Speaker: Richard Ridderinkhof and Ulle EndrissTitle: Difficult DecisionsLocation: Spui 25-27, 1012 XM AmsterdamLife is all about making choices. In this public lecture at SPUI25, the UvA's academic-cultural centre, Richard Ridderinkhof (UvA Psychology) and Ulle Endriss (ILLC) will discuss the ins and outs of taking difficult decisions, be it as an individual or in a group. Please note that this event will be held in Dutch and that registration is required.
For more information, see
29 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Leonardo Cabrer
Speaker: Leonardo Cabrer (Florence)Title: Exact Unification Type and Admisible rulesLocation: ILLC Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
28 October 2014, Logic Tea, Janine Reinert
Speaker: Janine ReinertTitle: Expressive Limitations in Hybrid Approaches to Possible and Impossible WorldsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
24 October 2014, Cool Logic, Konstantin Genin (Carnegie Mellon University)
Speaker: Konstantin Genin (Carnegie Mellon University)Title: Learning with Ockham: Simplicity in Inductive InferenceLocation: ILLC seminar room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsIs it possible to give a non-circular justification for the systematic scientific bias in favor of simpler theories? Combining ideas from belief revision, learning theory and topology, we give a justification for Ockham's razor grounded in truth-finding efficiency. Connections are demonstrated between monotonicity principles in belief revision, Popperian falsificationism and simplicity.
For more information, contact coollogic.uva at
24 October 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, William Foley
Speaker: William Foley (Sydney)For abstracts and more information, see
24 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Mark van Atten
Speaker: Mark van Atten (CNRS, Paris)Title: Dummett vs. BrouwerLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
24 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck
Speaker: Jan van Eijck (UvA)Title: Selected Topics in Communication and ActionLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
23 October 2014, Valedictory lecture, Prof. Andy Tanenbaum
Speaker: Prof. Andy TanenbaumLocation: the Aula of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsProf. Andy Tanenbaum is finally retiring. He has been at the Vrije Universiteit for 43 years, but everything must eventually end. To say goodbye to everyone, he will give a final lecture at the VU, to which everyone is invited.
Register for his farewell lecture ("afscheidscollege"). For more information, see
22 October 2014, PIIA Seminar, Fan Yang
Speaker: Fan YangTitle: Propositional dependence logicLocation: Stijlkamer 0.06, Janskerkhof 13, UtrechtFor more information, see
17 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Federico Gobbo
Speaker: Federico Gobbo (Amsterdam/Torino)Title: Natural language formalization meets constructive mathematicsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Alexandra Silva
Speaker: Alexandra SilvaTitle: Automata learning: a categorical perspective.Location: ILLC Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
14 October 2014, AUC Guest Lectures, Ulle Endriss (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
Speaker: Ulle Endriss (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)Title: Judgment AggregationLocation: Common room, Amsterdam University College, Science Park 113, AmsterdamThis lecture will be an introduction to the field of judgment aggregation, which deals with the problem of combining the views of several individual agents regarding the truth of a number of propositions into a single such view that appropriately reflects the stance of the group as a whole.
For more information, see
14 October 2014, Logic Tea, Benno van den Berg
Speaker: Benno van den BergTitle: How constructive is nonstandard arithmetic?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
10 October 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Mathias Madsen
Speaker: Mathias MadsenLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
2 October 2014, DIP Colloquium, Dorit Abusch
Speaker: Dorit Abusch (Cornell University)Title: Pictorial Discourse Referents, Bridging and Continuous NarrativeLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
2-3 October 2014, LiRA-Workshop "The Logical Dynamics of Information, Agency and Interaction"
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe workshop "The Logical Dynamics of Information, Agency and Interaction" will be organised by Alexandru Baltag and Fenrong Liu on October 2 and 3, with invited speakers from Tsinghua university and from the ILLC.
For more information, see or
1 October 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Malvin Gattinger
Speaker: Malvin GattingerTitle: PDL has Craig Interpolation since 1981Location: ILLC Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
1 October 2014, Drinks at Polder on the occasion of Van Emde Boas' 50 years research activity
Location: Café - Restaurant Polder, Science Park 205, AmsterdamOn the occasion of 50 years of research activity in mathematics, Peter van Emde Boas will organise drinks at Polder. All are cordially invited!
For more information, see (english) and (dutch)
30 September 2014, Logic Tea, Ronald de Haan
Speaker: Ronald de HaanTitle: Real-Life OraclesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information on this talk and future events please visit the website or contact Thomas Brochhagen (t.s.brochhagen at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at, Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at or Julian Schloder (julian.schloeder at
Or see here.
26-27 September 2014, Celebration event in honour of Johan van Benthem
Location: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsOn 26 and 27 September 2014 the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and the University of Amsterdam organize a Celebration Event for Johan van Benthem, on the occasion of his official retirement from the University of Amsterdam. The first day will have lectures for the general public, Johan's valedictory lecture 'Fanning the Flames of Reason', and a reception. The second day is a scientific workshop devoted to current trends in logic, with emphasis on the areas where Johan was or is active.
For more information, see
25 September 2014, Cool Logic, Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval
Speaker: Ana Lucia Vargas SandovalTitle: Has Vaught's Conjecture been solved?Location: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsVaught's Conjecture states that the collection of countable models of a first-order complete theory in a countable language is either countable, or has the cardinality of the continuum. This talk provides an approach to Vaught's Conjecture, its importance in the mathematical logic field and some of the current developments around it. I will also discuss the controversy lead by Professor Knight from Oxford University when he claimed had a “counterexample” for Vaught's Conjecture in 2002.
For more information, contact coollogic.uva at
25 September 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Thomas Icard
Speaker: Thomas Icard (Stanford University)Title: Comparative Probability in Language and ActionLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
24 September 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Phong Le
Speaker: Phong LeTitle: Unsupervised Dependency Parsing: Let's Use Supervised ParsersLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
22 September 2014, The State of Science, Johan van Benthem / Fenrong Liu
Speaker: Johan van Benthem / Fenrong LiuTitle: Where is Logic Going, and Why?Location: Spui 25, AmsterdamFor more information, see
19 September 2014, `Borrel' on the occasion of Jeroen Groenendijk's retirement
Location: Kapitein Zeppos, Gebed Zonder End 5, AmsterdamOn the occasion of Jeroen's retirement the ILLC and department of philosophy will organise a `borrel' at Kapitein Zeppos on Friday 19 September 2014. All are invited!
For more information, see or contact illc at
19 September 2014, LeGO Seminar, Johannes Marti
Speaker: Johannes MartiTitle: The Four Dimensions of Two-DimensionalismLocation: Room 307, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
18 September 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fenrong Liu
Speaker: Fenrong Liu (UvA/Tsinghua)Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
17 September 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van BenthemTitle: Changing a Semantics: Opportunism, or Courage?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (s.sourabh at
16 September 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Prof. Dr. Fenrong Liu
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fenrong LiuTitle: Do we reason alike? A logical reflection on the encounters between Chinese and Western traditionsLocation: Common room, Amsterdam University College, Science Park 113, AmsterdamDo Chinese and Westerners think and reason very differently, or do we think alike after all? How has communication between us been possible throughout history? In her talk Prof. Dr. Fenrong Liu of the University of Amsterdam and Tsinghua University will take the logical stance, introduce Chinese ancient logic, and explain how this indigenous tradition engaged with Western ideas from the 17th century onward. Prof. Dr. Fenrong Liu will illustrate how we can discuss the similarities and differences between our two traditions in a meaningful way.
Reference:F. Liu, J.Seligman and J.Zhai, eds, Handbook of Logical Thought in China, Springer, to appear.
For more information, see or contact t.achourioti at
15 September 2014, Language in Interaction Board en Consortium meeting
Location: F1.21, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamMeeting of the board and consortium of the Language and Interaction project.
For more information, contact illc at
12 September 2014, Cool Logic, Pietro Pasotti
Speaker: Pietro PasottiTitle: Quantum Quacks: fraud and nonsense in healthcare culture(s)Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsDrawing the line between science and pseudoscience is known to be a hard task that has haunted philosophers and scientists at least since the birth of the Galilean scientific tradition. Drawing inspiration from some works of Wittgenstein, and some of his intuitions on nonsense and the importance of practice, I try to outline a questioning procedure to help us place a couple of exemplary dubious practices on the one or the other side of the `worthiness' line. Most literature focuses on trying to obtain a demarcation between what's science ("and *thus* it's worthwhile") and what's not. My approach tries to go straight to what's worthwhile and what is not, by trying to clarify concepts such as `cure' and `effective therapy'. What needs have a healer for us to put our dear bones in their hands?
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
12 September 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Charles Yang
Speaker: Charles Yang (Pennsylvania)For abstracts and more information, see
12 September 2014, DIP Colloquium, Anna Szabolcsi
Speaker: Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)Title: The grey eminences behind meet and join in some natural languagesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 September 2014, DIP Colloquium, Gavin Kitching
Speaker: Gavin Kitching (University of New South Wales)Title: Wittgenstein and Marx: Autobiography and Criteria of SignificanceLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 September 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Bryan Renne
Speaker: Bryan Renne (UvA/Colombia)Title: Belief as Willingness to BetLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
11 September 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Charles Yang (UPenn)
Speaker: Charles Yang (UPenn)Title: The price of productivityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see or here.
9 September 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Double Seminar, Jeremy Seligman / Thomas Ågotnes
Speaker: Jeremy Seligman (Auckland) / Thomas Ågotnes (Bergen)Title: Exploiting and maintaining network Ignorance / From Distributed to Common KnowledgeLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
29 August 2014, Drinks with pizza, introduction Master of Logic students
Location: Outside Café-Restaurant Polder, Science Park 205, AmsterdamAs every year, we'd like to welcome the new class of Master of Logic students with drinks and pizza in a tent outside of restaurant Polder at Science Park.
For more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
28 August 2014 (corrected), Computational Social Choice Seminar, Olivier Cailloux
Speaker: Olivier CaillouxTitle: Arguing about Voting RulesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
20 August 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, William Bechtel, and others
Speaker: William Bechtel, and othersTitle: Levels, levels, and levels: Unpacking the senses relevant to cognitive science (an unorthodox view of Marr~s levels of analysis)Location: Room 0.04 Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 August 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Christian Schaffner
Speaker: Christian SchaffnerTitle: On the Parallel Repetition of Multi-Player Games: The No-Signaling CaseLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information see here, or contact rdewolf at
11-22 August 2014, 26th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2014), Tuebingen, Germany
Location: Tuebingen, GermanyDeadline: 15 June 2013The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is an annual event under the auspices of the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) and brings together logicians, linguists, computer scientists, and philosophers to study language, logic, and information, and their interconnections. ESSLLIs attract around 500 participants from all over the world. There will be about 50 courses at introductory and advanced levels, as well as workshops, invited lectures and a student session to foster interdisciplinary discussion of current research.
For more information, see
22 July 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Summer Seminar, Tim O'Donnell and others
Speaker: Tim O'Donnell (MIT) and othersTitle: Storage & Computation in LanguageLocation: Room 0.04 Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
10 July 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Henry Yuen
Speaker: Henry YuenTitle: Infinite Randomness Expansion with a Constant Number of DevicesLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information see here, or contact rdewolf at
10 July 2014, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Vahid Hashemi
Speaker: Vahid HashemiTitle: Measuring Diversity of Preferences in a GroupLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
2 July 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Anke van Zuylen
Speaker: Anke van Zuylen (College of William & Mary, USA)Title: On some recent MAX SAT approximation algorithmsLocation: CWI room L016, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information see here, or contact c.schaffner at
30 June - 1 July 2014, Workshop "Arguing on the Web 2.0"
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: freeDeadline: 28 February 2014In this workshop, we aim to bring together philosophers, computer scientists, argumentation scholars, and experts in persuasive communication to discuss the nature and dynamics of argumentation on the Internet, how new technologies change the argumentative practices of users, what skills and expertise become critical in such a new info-ecology, how ICT can be used to foster rather than hamper critical reflection and debate, and what implications this should have for education, societal change and policy making.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
20 June 2014, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2014
Location: F1.21, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.
For more information, see
19 June 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Alexander Roth
Speaker: Alexander RothTitle: State- and Gate-Teleportation with applications for the Continuous-Variable Cluster-Quantum-ComputerLocation: CWI Room L016, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or contact Christian Schaffner (c.schaffner at
19 June 2014, LogiCIC Workshop: The Dynamics of Information States
Location: Room K.06, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210There will be a LogiCIC mini workshop on the Dynamics of Information States in the afternoon after the PhD defense of Ben Rodenhäuser. Hans Rott, Branden Fitelson and Wesley Holliday will give talks.
For more information, see
19 June 2014, The ABC opening conference: Brain day
Location: Brakke Grond Theatre, Nes, Amsterdamon June 19th the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition center organizes the ABC Brain Day, an exciting opening conference to introduce the ABC (formerly CSCA) to their members and the general public. The conference will highlight the research that is being conducted by ABC members and there will be an ABC Poster Prize awarded.
Also on this day the Creative Mind Prize will be awarded by comic and initiator Freek de Jonge.
For more information, see
13 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Cleo Condoravdi
Speaker: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford)Title: The Ingredients of AnankasticityLocation: Room C1.17, Oudemanhuispoort, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 June 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Julia Ilin/ Sumit Sourabh
Speaker: Julia Ilin/ Sumit SourabhTitle: Axiomatizations of intermediate logics via the pseudo-complemented lattice reduct of Heyting algebras / Duality and canonicity for Boolean algebra with a relationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (sumit.sourabh at
10 June 2014, The Utrecht Philosophy Lectures, Dr Sean Walsh (University of California Irvine)
Speaker: Dr Sean Walsh (University of California Irvine)Title: Alonzo Church's intensional logicLocation: Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21, 3512 BR, Utrecht, NederlandThe Utrecht Philosophy Lectures is a series of talks on philosophical issues, hosted by Utrecht University's Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. On 10 June, Dr Sean Walsh (University of California Irvine) will speak about Alonzo Church's intensional logic, in relation to other well-known intensional logics.
For more information, see
10 June 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa mini-workshop on Formal Epistemology
Speaker: Jason Konek, Ben Levinstein, Krzysztof MierzewskiLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
6 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Lionel Shapiro
Speaker: Lionel ShapiroTitle: Assertoric Force Perspectivalism: Relativism Without Relative TruthLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
5 June 2014, Second KNAW NWO PhD Event
Location: KNAW, The Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe scientific cooperation between China and the Netherlands dates back more than thirty years. Throughout the years, training of talented young researchers has always been an important aim. PhD candidates from both China and Netherlands benefit from the complementary expertise of excellent scientists in the two countries while getting to know the science system in both countries, building closer ties and a lasting cooperation. The PhD event is organised for this group of young researchers.
Like the first PhD event, we offer interesting and challenging disputes and workshops, a keynote speech of an international expert, lectures with very practical information for your PhD project and your future career and a lot of opportunity to get to know each other.
For more information, see
3-5 June 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Tutorial on Coherence
Speaker: Branden FitelsonLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
3 June 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
Location: ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, AmsterdamAs in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room.
For more information, see illc at
2 June 2014, DIP Colloquium, Joel Sobel
Speaker: Joel Sobel (San Diego)Title: Effective Communication in Cheap Talk GamesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 May 2014, Joint A|C and PIIA seminar, Paula Henk / Shengyang Zhong
Speaker: Paula Henk / Shengyang ZhongTitle: Adding the Supremum to Interpretability Logic / Duality for the Logic of Quantum ActionsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107For more information, see and
27 May 2014, Spinoza Lecture, Prof. Quentin Skinner
Speaker: Prof. Quentin SkinnerTitle: Hobbes and the Iconography of the StateLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamFor more information, see
27 May 2014, Logic Tea, Roosmarijn Goldbach
Speaker: Roosmarijn GoldbachTitle: Modelling Democratic DeliberationLocation: Room , Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
27-28 May 2014, Workshop on Model-Based Cognitive Neurosciences: Theory and Applicationce
Location: Amsterdam Brain and Cognition (ABC) Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 (Entrance Building G), Room DS.02Target audience: For graduate and PhD students in the field of experimental/mathematical Psychology, Neuroscience, AI, Computer Science, Neuroeconomics or similar subject.Costs: free, but limited to 30 participantsHave you ever wondered how to fit a model to your behavioral data? The Amsterdam Center for Brain & Cognition (ABC) is organizing a 1½ day workshop with the aim to introduce cognitive mathematical models of decision making and their application. International and national speakers will discuss why the model-based approach is useful and attractive in both the cognitive and neuroscientific field. Topics will range from the theoretical background of several sequential sampling models to their application in neuroimaging studies. The course is particularly designed for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and anyone how takes an interest in getting more out of their behavioral data.
For more information, see
23 May 2014, ILLC - CWI Table Tennis Tournament
Location: CWI Recreation RoomA friendly sporting collaboration between the ILLC and the CWI. Play some games of table tennis, get to know some of your neighbors at the CWI, and enjoy some free drinks and snacks! All members of the ILLC and the CWI are welcome to participate, but you must register on the webpage.
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, May 21. For more information, see or contact Nikhil Maddirala (nikhil.maddirala at
23 May 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Roel Willems
Speaker: Roel WillemsTitle: Mental simulation during narrative comprehension: Insights from neuroimaging.Location: Room A008, OMHP, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
21 May 2014, BetaBreak: Reuniting Humanities and Science
Location: Central Hall, Science Park 904, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsA debate between Rens Bod, Hans Radder and Frank van Vree about reuniting arts and sciences.
For more information (in dutch), see and
20 May 2014, ACG Colloquium, Jean-Eric Pin
Speaker: Jean-Eric Pin (CNRS-LIAFA)Title: Quantitative formalisms of regularity, a partial surveyLocation: Room L202, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see
16 May 2014, Cool Logic, Nika Pona
Speaker: Nika PonaTitle: What is wrong with Marxist philosophy of mathematics?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
16 May 2014, LeGO Seminar, Franz Berto
Speaker: Franz BertoTitle: Telling Negations from In-Australia OperatorsFor more information and an abstract, see
15 May 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Bryan Renne
Speaker: Bryan Renne (UvA)Title: Dynamic Justification Logic for Formal EpistemologyLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
15 May 2014, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)
Location: Room HG00.307, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The NetherlandsCOIN, or Coalgebra in the Netherlands, is a seminar taking place alternating at the Radboud University Nijmegen and the CWI in Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers from various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra.
The next COIN meeting is scheduled for Thursday 15 May 2014, at Radbout University Nijmegen. As usual, everyone who is interested is cordially invited to come.
Sjaak Smetsers: Bialgebraic semantics in PVS
Joost Winter: Brzozowski Bialgebras
Enric Cosme-Llopez & Jan Rutten: The dual equivalence of equations and coequations for automataFor more information, see
14 May 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Umberto Rivieccio
Speaker: Umberto Rivieccio (Delft University of Technology)Title: Many-valued modal logic over residuated lattices via dualityLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC Building, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or
13 May 2014, Logic Tea, Zhenhao Li
Speaker: Zhenhao LiTitle: Structures that permit minimal Turing degreesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
9 May 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Maris Ozols
Speaker: Maris Ozols (Cambridge)Title: Quantum information without interferenceLocation: CWI Room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or contact rdewolf at
8 May 2014, Spinoza Lecture, Prof. Quentin Skinner
Speaker: Prof. Quentin SkinnerTitle: Hobbes and the Person of the StateLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamFor more information, see
8 May 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Zoé Christoff
Speaker: Zoé ChristoffTitle: Dynamic Logic for Threshold ModelsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
6 May 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Floris Roelofsen
Speaker: Floris RoelofsenTitle: Inquisitive Epistemic LogicLocation: AUC common room, Science Park 113, AmsterdamFloris Roelofsen (ILLC) will explain `Inquisitive Epistemic Logic' to the first year AUC students currently following the course 'Logic, Information flow and Argumentation'. The lecture is open to all interested parties.
For more information, please contact t.achourioti at
2 May 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Rachel Morgan
Speaker: Rachel MorganTitle: The Information Distance between Black-Box Optimization ProblemsLocation: CWI Room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or contact c.schaffner at
30 April 2014, Joint PIIA and A|C seminar, Fatemeh Seifan / Jeroen Goudsmit
Speaker: Fatemeh Seifan / Jeroen GoudsmitTitle: Uniform Interpolation for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic / Using Admissible Rules to Characterise LogicsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
25 April 2014, LeGO Seminar, Harald Bastiaanse
Speaker: Harald BastiaanseTitle: The Intensional Many - Conservativity ReclaimedLocation: Room 308, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
24 April 2014, Valedictory speech, Frank Veltman
Speaker: Frank VeltmanTitle: De taal der vooroordelenLocation: Aula, Oude Lutherse kerk, Singel 411, 1012 XM, AmsterdamOn Thursday April 24th 2014, Frank Veltman will deliver his valedictory speech. Drinks will be served afterwards.
For more information, contact illc at
23 April 2014, Logic Tea / DIP Colloquium, Daniel Altshuler
Speaker: Daniel Altshuler (Duesseldorf)Title: Using 'Now' and the Present Tense to Talk about the PastLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see, or here.
23 April 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Thierry Coquand (Gothenburg)
Speaker: Thierry Coquand (Gothenburg)Title: Constructive mathematics and univalent foundationLocation: Room 0.06, Janskerkhof 13, UtrechtFor abstracts and more information, see
23 April 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
Speaker: Gideon Maillette de Buy WennigerTitle: Enrichment of Hiero grammars with explicit reordering information for Hierarchical SMTLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
17 April 2014, LIRa Student Session, Johannes Marti and Riccardo Pinosio
Speaker: Johannes Marti and Riccardo PinosioTitle: Premise Semantics for Conditional LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
16 April 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Sam van Gool
Speaker: Sam van GoolTitle: Free algebras for Gödel-Löb provability logicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107Abstract
We give a construction of finitely generated free algebras for Gödel-Löb provability logic, GL. On the semantic side, this construction yields a notion of canonical graded model for GL and a syntactic definition of those normal forms which are consistent with GL. Our two main techniques are incremental constructions of free algebras and finite duality for partial modal algebras. In order to apply these techniques to GL, we use a rule-based formulation of the logic GL by Avron (which we simplify slightly), and the corresponding semantic characterization that was recently obtained by Bezhanishvili and Ghilardi.For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (sumit.sourabh at
16 April 2014, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Justin Kruger
Speaker: Justin KrugerTitle: Axiomatic Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective AnnotationLocation: Room B0.203, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
15 April 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Daniele Micciancio (University of California, San Diego)
Speaker: Daniele Micciancio (University of California, San Diego)Title: An Equational Approach To Secure ComputationLocation: CWI room L016, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see here or
12 April 2014, Philosophical Festival DRIFT
Location: LAB111, Arie Biemondstraat 111, AmsterdamCosts: Full/student price: €10,-/€~6,- pre-sale (€12,-/€~8,- at the door)DRIFT is a yearly philosophical festival organized by students of the University of Amsterdam. We aim at presenting academic philosophy in a relaxed setting by offering a night filled with lectures, debates, music, poetry and theatre, followed by a party.
With Markus Gabriel, Ray Brassier, Ruth Sonderegger, Francesco Berto, Phillipe Descola, Wayne Martin, Katrien Schaubroeck, Paul Cliteur, Victor Kal, and more!
For more info or tickets, see
11 April 2014, Cool Logic, Eileen Wagner
Speaker: Eileen WagnerTitle: Anything Goes? On the Normativity of LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
10 April 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Ivano Ciardelli
Speaker: Ivano CiardelliTitle: Modalities in the realm of questions: axiomatizing inquisitive epistemic logicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
8 April 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Niel de Beaudrap (CWI)
Speaker: Niel de Beaudrap (CWI)Title: The computational power of "probabilities" from a finite fieldLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see here or contact Ronald de Wolf (rdewolf at
4 April 2014, DIP Colloquium, Speaker: Atocha Aliseda
Speaker: Speaker: Atocha Aliseda (Mexico)Title: Hypothesis testing in adaptive logicsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
3 April 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Fatemeh Seifan
Speaker: Fatemeh SeifanTitle: Uniform Interpolation for Coalgebraic Fixpoint LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107Abstract
In this talk we will use the connection between automata and logic to prove that a wide class of coalgebraic fixpoint logics enjoy the uniform interpolation. To this aim, first we generalize one of the central results in coalgebraic automata theory, namely closure under projection, which is known to hold for weak-pullback preserving functors, to a more general class of functors, i.e.; functors with quasi-functorial lax extensions. Then we will show thatclosure under projection implies definability of the bisimulation quantifier in the language of coalgebraic fixpoint logic, and finally we prove the uniform interpolation theorem.For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
2 April 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Wilker Aziz
Speaker: Wilker Aziz (Wolverhampton)Title: Exact Sampling and Optimisation in Statistical Machine TranslationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
1 April 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Jakub Szymanik
Speaker: Jakub SzymanikTitle: Logic and complexity in cognitive scienceLocation: AUC common room, Science Park 113, AmsterdamJakub Szymanik (ILLC) will talk about 'Logic and Complexity in Cognitive Science' to the first year AUC students currently following the course 'Logic, Information flow and Argumentation'. The lecture is open to all interested parties.
For more information, please contact t.achourioti at
1 April 2014, Logic Tea, Guillaume Thomas
Speaker: Guillaume ThomasTitle: Count/mass coercion in TTRLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
31 March - 2 April 2014, Amsterdam Quantum Logic Workshop
Location: Oost-Indisch Huis, Room E0.02This three-day workshop at the University of Amsterdam brings together researchers, scholars, and students to engage in discussions about Quantum Logic, Foundations of Quantum Physics, and Quantum Information Theory.
For more information, see
28 March 2014, Cool Logic, Malvin Gattinger
Speaker: Malvin GattingerTitle: PDL probably has Craig Interpolation since 1981. Or: If Rumsfeld would have been a logician.Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
28 March 2014, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Ede Zimmermann
Speaker: Thomas Ede ZimmermannTitle: On the ontological status of semantic valuesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 March 2014, Logic Tea, Paolo Mancosu
Speaker: Paolo MancosuTitle: In good company? On Hume's principle and the assignment of numbers to infinite conceptsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
27 March 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Lev Beklemishev (Moscow)
Speaker: Lev Beklemishev (Moscow)Title: Positive Provability Logic - for Uniform Reflection PrinciplesLocation: Room 0.06, Janskerkhof 13, UtrechtFor abstracts and more information, see
26 March 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Francesca Poggiolesi and Brian Hill
Speaker: Francesca Poggiolesi (CNRS-CEPERC) and Brian Hill (CNRS-GREGHEC)Title: An alternative proof-theoretical approach to standard conditional logics / Confidence in Beliefs and Decision MakingLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see and
21 March 2014, DIP Colloquium, Catarina Dutilh Novaes
Speaker: Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen)Title: A dialogical analysis of structural rulesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
20 March 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili
Speaker: Nick BezhanishviliTitle: Canonical rules for modal logicLocation: Room F 1.15, Science park 107Abstract: In this talk I will discuss how to transform the method of implication-free canonical formulas for intuitionistic logic into the setting of modal logic.
For more information, see or contact Sumit Sourabh (S.Sourabh at
19 March 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Joshua Sack
Speaker: Joshua Sack (UvA)Title: Modal Logic for Mixed Strategies in GamesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
14 March 2014, Cool Logic, Vlasta Sikimic
Speaker: Vlasta SikimicTitle: On Purpose and Variations of Cut EliminationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or
contact coollogic.uva at -
13 March 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Tommaso Gagliardoni (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Speaker: Tommaso Gagliardoni (TU Darmstadt, Germany)Title: Proofs of security for digital signatures in the Quantum Random Oracle ModelLocation: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or contact c.schaffner at -
12 March 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Benjamin Bewersdorf
Speaker: Benjamin Bewersdorf (Universitat Konstanz)Title: Experience and Rational Belief ChangeLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
12 March 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Barend Beekhuizen / Jelke Bloem
Speaker: Barend Beekhuizen / Jelke BloemTitle: Learning Meaning without Primitives: Typology Predicts Developmental Patterns / Large-scale analysis of order variation in Dutch verbal clustersLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
12 March 2014, Live-streamed event on "Global Humanities?" will host a live-streamed event on "Global Humanities?" on March 12, 2014, noon-1:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. The featured participant will be Rens Bod, professor of humanities and digital humanities at University of Amsterdam, who will engage online with Alan Liu, David Marshall (Dean of Humanities & Fine Arts, University of California, Santa Barbara ), and others at UC Santa Barbara on the question of the humanities and global humanities.
The questions are:
How can we think comparatively about what the humanities mean in multiple areas of the world with educational and funding systems not necessarily commensurable with U.S.-style "liberal arts"?
For example, how are the humanities and arts talked about elsewhere?
How are their histories and traditions different?
How are they positioned relative to other disciplines, institutions, and social sectors?
How are their different functions interrelated--memorial, educational, critical, research-oriented, etc.?
In both the past and the contemporary moment, how are humanities and arts differently valued or challenged around the world?The event will be livestreamed on YouTube from the event page at Suggested readings from Rens Bod's book and Geoffrey Galt Harpham's *The Humanities and the Dream of America* are available from the event page (request a login to download the readings from Lindsay Thomas: lindsaythomas at ). For more information, contact rens.bod at
6 March 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Andrew Drucker (IAS Princeton)
Speaker: Andrew Drucker (IAS Princeton)Title: On the Success Probability of Polynomial-Time SAT SolversLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor abstract and more information, see here or contact rdewolf at
6 March 2014, KNAW Master Class, Arnaud Durand, Lauri Hella, Phokion Kolaitis
Speaker: Arnaud Durand, Lauri Hella, Phokion KolaitisTitle: Master Class on Dependence LogicLocation: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, AmsterdamThe Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences will organise a master class for young researchers, PhD-students and research master students in dependence logic.
Arnaud Durand (Paris): Computational aspects of dependence logic.
Phokion Kolaitis (Santa Cruz): Database dependencies.
Lauri Hella (Tampere): Modal Dependence Logic.For more information, see
4 March 2014, Logic Tea, Julian Kiverstein
Speaker: Julian KiversteinTitle: Coordination and Common GroundLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
28 February 2014, LeGO Seminar, Erik Rietveld
Speaker: Erik RietveldTitle: Skilled intentionality for 'higher' cognitionLocation: Room 308, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
26 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Giovanni Cinà
Speaker: Giovanni CinàTitle: Modal Logics for Presheaf CategoriesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
26 February 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Ivan Titov
Speaker: Ivan TitovTitle: Inducing Shallow Meaning Representations from Unannotated TextsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
26 February 2014, PIIA Seminar, Albert Visser
Speaker: Albert VisserTitle: The Interpretability of InconsistencyLocation: Amsterdam, Science Park 904, A1.08For more information, see
25 February 2014, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Giannicola Scarpa
Speaker: Giannicola ScarpaTitle: Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games with Exponential Decay via the Superposed Information CostLocation: CWI Room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or contact rdewolf at -
24 February 2014, AUC Logic Guest Lectures, Christian Schaffner
Speaker: Christian SchaffnerTitle: Quantum CryptographyLocation: AUC common room, Science Park 113, AmsterdamChristian Schaffner (ILLC) will talk about about 'Quantum Cryptography' to the first year AUC students currently following the course 'Logic, Information flow and Argumention'. The lecture is open to all interested parties.
For more information, please contact c.schaffner at
21 February 2014, Cool Logic, Gijs Wijnholds
Speaker: Gijs WijnholdsTitle: Conversions between D and MCFG_wn: Logical characterizations of the Mildly Context-Sensitive LanguagesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or
contact coollogic.uva at -
21 February 2014, LeGO Seminar, Jakub Szymanik
Speaker: Jakub SzymanikTitle: Semantic Complexity and Linguistic DistributionsLocation: Room 308, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see
21 February 2014, LogiCIC Lunch-talk, Vincent Hendricks
Speaker: Vincent Hendricks (Copenhagen)Title: Science BubblesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and an abstract, see or here.
20 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Jérôme Fortier (UQAM / AMU)
Speaker: Jérôme Fortier (UQAM / AMU)Title: Cut-elimination in circular proofsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC Building, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
20 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Silvio Ghilardi (University of Milano)
Speaker: Silvio Ghilardi (University of Milano)Title: From free algebras to proof boundsLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC Building, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
19 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Cancelled
Speaker: Cancelled (was: Bryan Renne)For more information, see
18 February 2014, Logic Tea, Karoly Varasdi
Speaker: Karoly VarasdiTitle: Classifying incomplete entitiesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
14 February 2014, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting
Location: ILLC Common room (F1.21), Science Park 107, AmsterdamAs in the previous editions, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you on various issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and / or the Master of Logic programme. All ILLC staff, PhD students and guests are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room.
For more information, contact illc at
12 February 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Facundo Carreiro
Speaker: Facundo Carreiro (UvA)Title: Announcements in Coalgebraic Modal LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
12 February 2014, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Dr. Michael Franke
Speaker: Dr. Michael FrankeTitle: Bayesian models for reasoning about referential expressionsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
10 February 2014, The interplay of language, culture, and cognition for odor, Prof. Asifa Majid
Speaker: Prof. Asifa MajidLocation: Room C4.174, Science Park 904, AmsterdamMy research investigates the nature of categories and concepts in language, in non-linguistic perception and
cognition, and the relationship between them. I adopt a large-scale cross-cultural approach in order to
establish which aspects of categorisation are fundamentally shared, and which language-specific. My work is
interdisciplinary, combining standardised psychological methodology, in-depth linguistic studies and
ethnographically-informed description. This coordinated approach has been used to study of domains such as
space, event representation and more recently the language of perception.For more information, see
7 February 2014, DIP Colloquium, Igor Yanovich
Speaker: Igor Yanovich (Tuebingen)Title: The (non)-category of weak/strong necessityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
6 February 2014, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Benno van den Berg
Speaker: Benno van den BergTitle: Open maps, small maps and final coalgebrasLocation: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park, AmsterdamAbstract: In his book on non-well-founded sets Aczel proves a general final coalgebra theorem, showing that a wide class of endofunctors on the category of classes has a final coalgebra. I will discuss generalisations of this result to the setting of algebraic set theory and try to motivate why it is interesting to look at results at this level of generality.
For more information, see
5 February 2014, LogiCIC/LIRa Seminar, Barteld Kooi
Speaker: Barteld Kooi (Groningen)Title: The ambiguity of knowabilityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
4 February 2014, Logic Tea, Jakub Szymanik
Speaker: Jakub SzymanikTitle: Computational Feasibility of Epistemic FormalismsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
4 February 2014, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Simon Fisher, Johan Bolhuis, Caroline Junge
Speaker: Simon Fisher, Johan Bolhuis, Caroline JungeTitle: Genes & LinguisticsLocation: Room 1.02, REC M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, AmsterdamOn February 4th, from 16h-17h, there will be an Amsterdam Brain & Cognition (ABC) Lecture by Simon Fisher (MPI/RU Nijmegen) on "Decoding the genetics of speech and language"
Prior to this lecture, from 15h-16h, we will organize a SMART Cognitive Science debate on Genes & Linguistics ("Is genetic research revolutionizing our understanding of language?") with Johan Bolhuis (Utrecht), Caroline Junge (U. of Amsterdam) and Simon Fisher (MPI/RU Nijmegen).
Both events take place in room 1.02 of REC M (Plantage Muidergracht 12). All welcome!
For abstracts and more information, see
4 February 2014, Truth of empirical propositions, Per Martin-Löf
Speaker: Per Martin-LöfLocation: Room 006, Van Wijkplaats 3, Leiden UniversityFor more information, please contact anstenklev at
3 February 2014, Faculty Colloquium, Nina Gierasimczuk
Speaker: Nina GierasimczukTitle: Logic and Learning: An Interdisciplinary AccountLocation: Room C1.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see
31 January 2014, Cool Logic, Stefan Pliquett
Speaker: Stefan PliquettTitle: ∀ and ∃: A study of Love, Logic and DisasterLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
31 January 2014, Symposium "The History of the Humanities: Pattern-Seeking, Pattern-Rejecting or Both?"
Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV AmsterdamSymposium on the occasion of the publication of the English translation of the book "De vergeten wetenschappen. Een geschiedenis van de humaniora" by Rens Bod.
For more information, see
29 January 2014, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Vaananen
Speaker: Jouko VaananenTitle: Multiverse set theory and absolutely undecidable propositionsLocation: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg (bennovdberg at -
29 January, PIIA Seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh
Speaker: Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de JonghTitle: Canonical formulas and stable intermediate logics; NNIL and ONNILLILocation: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see
24 January 2014, CWI Algorithms & Complexity seminar, Bill Fefferman (Caltech)
Speaker: Bill Fefferman (Caltech)Title: The classical power of quantum computation: BQP vs the Polynomial HierarchyLocation: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, AmsterdamHow powerful are quantum computers? Despite the prevailing belief that quantum computers are more powerful than their classical counterparts, this remains a conjecture backed by little formal evidence. In this talk, the author will address this question from two different perspectives.
Based on joint work with Chris Umans
For more information, see
or contact rdewolf at For more information, see here . -
23 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Chenwei Shi
Speaker: Chenwei ShiTitle: Evidence Logic and Culprits for the Failure of Epistemic ClosureLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
23 January 2014, [XLSX] Crosslinguistic Semantics, Katja Jasinskaja (ZAS Berlin)
Speaker: Katja Jasinskaja (ZAS Berlin)Title: Negative concord 'even' across Slavic: Decline and fall of the particle 'ni'Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor more information, contact m.d.aloni at
21 January 2014, Logic Tea, Michael Franke
Speaker: Michael FrankeTitle: The Use of Quantifiers: Set Size & TypicalityhereLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, please visit the website or contact Guus Eelink (guuseelink at, Johannes Marti (johannes.marti at or Masa Mocnik (masa.mocnik at
Or see here.
17 January 2014, Cool Logic, Sanne Kosterman and Babette Paping
Speaker: Sanne Kosterman and Babette PapingTitle: Secure Multiparty ComputationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTarget audience: MSc Logic and PhD studentsFor more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at
17 January 2014, DIP Colloquium, Lucas Champollion
Speaker: Lucas Champollion (New York)Title: Man and woman: the last obstacle for boolean coordinationLocation: ILLC Seminar Room (F1.15), Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
16 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Shengyang Zhong
Speaker: Shengyang ZhongTitle: Relational Structures in Quantum LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
16 January 2014, Workshop on (dynamic) modal logics and tableau systems, Brussel, Belgium
Location: Brussel, BelgiumOn January 16th, 2014 a workshop on (dynamic) modal logics and tableau systems will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Attendence is free.
One day later, on January 17th, Jonas De Vuyst will publicly defend his PhD thesis on tableau systems for dynamic modal logics.
For more information, please contact jdevuyst at or see here.
15 January 2014, The Significance of Phenomenology, Arianna Betti
Speaker: Arianna BettiTitle: The Phenomenological Roots of TruthmakingLocation: Room C0.23, Oudemanhuispoort, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamThis talk takes place as part of lecture series and graduate seminar The Significance of Phenomenology. For further information on both contact j.d.kiverstein at
14 January 2014, ACG Colloquium, Matteo Cimini
Speaker: Matteo Cimini (école polytechnique)Title: A formalization of bisimulation-up-to techniques and their meta-theoryLocation: Room L.202, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see
9 January 2014, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Imme van den Berg
Speaker: Imme van den Berg (CIMA-UE)Title: A model for orders of magnitude within Nonstandard AnalysisLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see
Calls for Paper
18-19 December 2014, 12th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2014), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 26 September 2014In the last two decades, we have seen a significant increase of interest in agent-based computing. This field is now set to become one of the key technologies in the 21st century. The aim of this 12th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems is to encourage and support activity in the research and development of multi-agent systems, in academic and industrial efforts. This conference is primarily intended as a European forum at which researchers, and those interested in activities relating to research in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, could meet, present (potentially preliminary) research results, problems, and issues in an open and informal but academic environment.
EUMAS 2014 is a designated event of the European Association of Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS). To attract students as well as experienced researchers, preliminary as well as mature work, EUMAS 2014 offers three submission types and formal proceedings as well as post-proceedings in form of a journal special issue are planned.
For more information, see, or email the organizers, Jiri Vokrinek (jiri.vokrinek at and Michal Jakob (jakob at
EUMAS 2014 welcomes both original, unpublished papers, as well as papers that are under submission or have been published in a relevant conference, conference or journal. We specially invite submissions by students that we think will receive valuable feedback from the discussion-oriented focus of the conference. Preliminary student work is welcome; however it has to possess sufficient substance for serving as a discussion basis and therefore has to pass the review cycle in the same way as other work. Abstract submission deadline: September 26, 2014
17-19 December 2014, Workshop "Vagueness via Nonclassical Logics", Sydney, Australia
Location: Sydney, AustraliaDeadline: 15 October 2014There is widespread agreement that adequate models of the semantics of vague language and of reasoning with vague information cannot be developed within the confines of classical logic. There is less agreement over which nonclassical logic is best suited for handling vagueness and indeed over whether just one logical framework is sufficient to accommodate all vagueness related phenomena. This workshop will bring together researchers working on these issues in philosophy, logic, mathematics and computer science~with special (but not exclusive) focus on approaches that appeal to degrees of truth and fuzzy logics.
Further information can be found at
To submit an abstract please email Nick Smith at nicholas.smith at by 15 October.
15-17 December 2014, The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014), Jeonju, Korea
Location: Jeonju, KoreaDeadline: 16 June 2014The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014) will be held in Jeonju, Korea during December 15-17, 2014. The symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory of computation. Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant applied areas are also welcomed.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including motivation and a comparison with related work. A Best Paper and a Best Student Paper may be awarded. Submission deadline: June 16, 2014.
11-13 December 2014, Agent-based modeling in philosophy, Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyDeadline: 1 June 2014In the past two decades, agent-based models (ABMs) have become ubiquitous in philosophy and various sciences. In contrast with classical economic models or population-level models in biology, ABMs are praised for their lack of assumptions and their flexibility. Nonetheless, many of the methodological and epistemological questions raised by ABMs have yet to be fully articulated and answered. This conference aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers aimed at understanding the foundations of agent-based modeling and how the practice can inform and be informed by philosophy.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of extended abstracts of 750-1000 words for contributed talks by 1 June 2014.
10-12 December 2014, 13th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2014), Pisa, Italy
Location: Pisa, ItalyDeadline: 25 September 2014The symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) is a traditional two-yearly meeting of researchers working on theory and applications in Artificial Intelligence. The XIII symposium will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pisa.
AI*IA 2014 will be centred on thematic workshops, tutorials, panels, doctoral consortium, demo session, plenary sessions with invited speaker seminars, and a special track on the theme Artificial Intelligence for Society and Economy. We hope that the 2014 meeting will strengthen awareness that AI is assuming a central role in the competitive strategies of the present scenario of rapid changes.
The AI*IA Doctoral Consortium on December 11th is a full-immersion occasion, for Ph.D. students, to discuss their ongoing research work, establish research connections with peer researchers, and receive first-class mentorship from domain experts.
For more information, see
Scientific and industrial research groups, and individual researchers are invited to submit proposals of tutorials and demos. Additionally, PhD Students are invited to submit abstracts of their ongoing research work for the Doctoral Consortium. Submission deadline is 16 June 2014 (tutorials), 25 September 2014 (DC Consortium, extended), or 15 September 2014 (demos).
11-12 December 2014, International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, BelgiumDeadline: 1 November 2014The Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) at Free University Brussels (VUB) will hold an international workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Mathematical Practices.
Invited keynote speakers are: Danielle Macbeth (Haverford College, Haverford, PA), Rik Pinxten (Ghent University) and Suzanne Prediger (Technische Universität Dortmund)
For more information, see
We welcome paper proposals on a variety of topics related to the conference theme 'on mathematical practices'. Please send abstracts (max. 500 words) prepared for blind review by November 1, 2014.
CfP special track of JAIR on "Cross-language algorithms and applications"
Deadline: 1 March 2015The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) is pleased to announce the launch of the Special Track on Cross-language Algorithms and Applications. The core Artificial Intelligence technologies of speech and natural language processing need to address the challenges of processing multiple languages. While the first challenge of multilingualism is to bridge the nomenclature gap for the same concepts, the next significant challenge is to develop algorithms and applications that not only scale to multiple languages but also leverage cross-lingual similarities for improved natural language processing.
The goal of this special track is to serve as a home for the publication of leading research on Cross-language Algorithms and Applications, focusing on developing unified themes leading to the development of the science of multi- and cross-lingualism. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: efforts in the direction of multilingual transliteration; multilingual document summarization; rapid prototyping of cross language tools for low resource languages; and machine translation.
Deadline for Submissions: 1st March 2015. For more information and submission instructions, please see or contact martaruizcostajussa at
10 December 2014, 14th workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2014), Krakow, Poland
Location: Krakow, PolandDeadline: 31 October 2014The series of workshops on Computational Models of Natural Argument acts to nurture and provide succor to the ever growing community working on Argument and Computation, a field developed in recent years overlapping Argumentation Theory and Artificial Intelligence.
The workshop focuses on the issue of modelling "natural" argumentation. Naturalness may involve the use of means which are more visual than linguistic to illustrate a point, such as graphics or multimedia. Or to the use of more sophisticated rhetorical devices, interacting at various layers of abstraction. Or the exploitation of "extra-rational" characteristics of the audience, taking into account emotions and affective factors.
For more information, see
The workshop encourages submissions in three categories:
- Long papers, either reporting on completed work or offering a polemic discussion on a burning issue (up to 10 pages).
- Short papers describing work in progress (up to 5 pages).
- Demonstration of implemented systems: submissions should be accompanied by written reports (up to 3 pages).
Deadline for submissions: 31 October 2014 -
CfP special issue of JLAMP on "automated verification of programs and web systems"
Deadline: 25 February 2015This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) provides a forum for researchers working in the areas of verification, program transformation, software engineering, rule-based programming, formal methods, and Web-oriented research, to submit their papers on the Automated Verification of Programs and Web Systems.
This special issue is devoted to the themes of the WWV and VPT workshop series on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV) and on Verification and Program Transformation (VPT). This is however an open call for papers. Both participants of the most recent editions of the WWV and VPT workshop series and others working on the themes of this special issue are hereby invited to submit a paper. Abstract submission deadline: 25 February 2015
For more information, see
Contribute to Amsterdam Science magazine
Deadline: 1 January 2015Are you eager to share your research? Are there developments in your field that we should all know about? Then contribute to Amsterdam Science.
Amsterdam Science is a new university science magazine, publishing the best science writing of students and researchers in Amsterdam. The magazine will showcase research conducted by master students, PhD students and researchers in all areas, e.g., mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, physics, biological and biomedical sciences, ecology, earth and environmental sciences, forensic science, computer science, logic. The core of the magazine consists of scientific reports about recent research, written in an accessible yet academic style. The magazine will be distributed for free in print and online.
To contribute, please contact the scouting editors on magazine-science at They will guide you through the submission process. The publication of the first issue is scheduled for March 2015. The submission deadline is 1 January 2015. Two more issues will follow in the course of 2015.
For more information, see
29-30 November 2014, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Australasian Association of Logic (AAL 2014), Christchurch, New Zealand
Location: Christchurch, New ZealandDeadline: 15 October 2014The 2014 annual meeting of the Australasian Association of Logic will be held just prior to the 2014 New Zealand Association of Philosophers Conference.
Please register by November 3. For more information, see or contact at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstracts of talks presented at AAL meetings are published in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. Membership in the AAL is free and not recorded. Papers on any area of logic are welcome. Abstracts should be submitted via email by October 15.
24-25 November 2014, The 6th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning about Context with Logic (ARCOE-Logic 2014), Linköping, Sweden
Location: Linköping, SwedenDeadline: 22 September 2014In recent years, research in contextual knowledge representation and reasoning became more relevant in the areas of Semantic Web, Linked Open Data, and Ambient Intelligence, where knowledge is not considered a monolithic and static asset, but it is distributed in a network of interconnected heterogeneous and evolving knowledge resources. Amounts of data of ever increasing scale are now handled and processed. The ARCOE-Logic workshop aims to provide a dedicated forum for the researchers to discuss recent developments, important open issues and future directions in the area of contextual knowledge representation and knowledge management.
ARCOE-Logic 2014 is held in conjunction with The 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014).
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstracts deadline: September 22, 2014. Submission deadline: September 29, 2014.
24-25 November 2014, Analogical Reasoning East & West (AREW), Heidelberg, Germany
Location: Heidelberg, GermanyDeadline: 10 October 2014AREW is a two-day workshop aimed at bringing together people working in the area of analogical reasoning, broadly speaking. The invited speakers are two people working on formal aspects of analogical reasoning, including issues of the logical representation of analogical reasoning and formal models of the same, and applications of analogical reasoning, particularly with reference to such applications in history.
Further information about the workshop can be found at
We invite submissions of abstracts for 20-25 minute papers (plus 5-10 min. discussion) on any aspect of analogical reasoning or related subjects. Abstract deadline: October 10, 2014.
22-24 November 2014, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 11), Kanagawa, Japan
Location: Kanagawa, JapanDeadline: 15 August 2014LENLS is an annual international workshop on formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of the Sixth JSAI International Symposia on AI (isAI2014) sponsored by the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI).
Invited Speaker(s): Chris Barker (New York University), Kimiko Nakanishi (Ochanomizu University) Christopher Tancredi (Keio University) and Matthew Stone (Rutgers University) (TBC). This year the workshop will include a student session.
For more information, see
We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and related fields. Abstract submission deadline: August 15, 2014.
8-9 November 2014, 8th Annual Arché Graduate Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland
Location: St. Andrews, ScotlandDeadline: 8 August 2014Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology, is hosting the 8th Annual Arché Graduate Conference at the University of St Andrews in November 2014. The conference will feature Keynote Speakers Penelope Mackie (Nottingham) and Ian Rumfitt (Birmingham), as well as a Symposium on Conceptual Engineering by Herman Cappelen and Patrick Greenough (Arché, St Andrews).
For any further enquiries, email archegradconf at or visit
We invite graduate students to submit high-quality papers. We welcome papers in the four main Arché research topics (Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology) broadly construed, as well as related areas. We especially encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy. Deadline for submissions: 8th August 2014.
7-8 November 2014, Canadian Society for Epistemology International Symposium "Epistemic Reasons" (CSE 2014), Sherbrooke QC, Canada
Location: Sherbrooke QC, CanadaDeadline: 28 September 2014Epistemic reasons ground belief: in a factual sense they are actual grounds for belief, and in a normative sense they are good grounds for belief. This year's symposium will be devoted to exploring the concept of epistemic reasons, whether factual or normative. Specific topics of presentation may include the relevance of practical interests and affective states to epistemic reasons, psychologism about epistemic reasons and its competitors, epistemic reasons in foundationalist, coherentist, and externalist frameworks, a priori epistemic reasons, epistemic reasons and testimonial knowledge, and the role of epistemic reasons in automatic vs. deliberative cognitive processes.
For more information, visit the Symposium's website at or write to Yves Bouchard (yves.bouchard at or David Matheson (david_matheson at
Authors are invited to submit a 250 word abstract (in English or in French) for a paper of 20-30 minutes reading time. The deadline for submitting an abstract is Monday September 29th. Abstracts can be submitted online.
3-5 November 2014, European Conference on Social Intelligence (ECSI-2014), Barcelona, Spain
Location: Barcelona, SpainDeadline: 3 September 2014Social intelligence is a general term at the intersection between different disciplines including philosophy, social science - sociology, economics, legal science, etc. - and computer science. Broadly speaking, social intelligence is the capacity to understand others and to act rationally and emotionally in relations with others. This is an ability that not only human but also artificial agents have, as modelled in artificial intelligence and agent-based research in particular.
The aim of the European Network for Social Intelligence (SINTELNET, 2011-2014) is to help build a shared perspective at the intersection of the above fields, to identify challenges and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration, to provide guidelines for research and policy-making and to kindle partnerships among participants. The aim of the European Conference on Social Intelligence is to provide a productive meeting ground for researchers from the above fields
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submissions should have a forward-looking perspective that contributes to the objectives of the symposium. Challenging position papers are specially welcome. The technicality of the papers should take the mixed audience into consideration. Selection for the symposium and subsequent publication will be based on the possibility of fruitful discussions and the quality of the arguments put forward. Paper submission deadline: September 3, 2014.
CfP special issue of Kuenstliche Intelligenz Journal on "Higher-Level Cognition and Computation"
Deadline: 19 December 2014Human higher-level cognition is a multi-faceted and complex area of thinking which includes the mental processes of reasoning, decision making, creativity, and learning among others. Logic, understood as a normative theory of thinking, has a widespread and pervasive effect on the foundations of cognitive science. However, human reasoning cannot be completely described by logical systems. Sources of explanations are incomplete knowledge, incorrect beliefs, or inconsistencies. Still, humans have an impressive ability to derive satisficing, acceptable conclusions. Generally, people employ both inductive and deductive reasoning to arrive at beliefs; but the same argument that is inductively strong or powerful may be deductively invalid. Therefore, a wide range of reasoning mechanisms has to be considered, such as analogical or defeasible reasoning.
The topics of interest for the special issue of the Kuenstliche Intelligenz journal, appearing in autumn 2015, include, but are not limited to: analogical reasoning, common sense and defeasible reasoning, deductive calculi for higher-level cognition * inductive reasoning and cognition, preferred mental models and their formalization, and probabilistic approaches of reasoning.
The Kuenstliche Intelligenz journal, which is published and indexed by Springer, supports the following lists of formats: Technical contributions, research projects, discussions, dissertation abstracts, conference reports and book reviews. If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please contact one of the guest editors. Submission deadline: 19-Dec-2014 (EXTENDED).
For more information, see
23-24 October 2014, Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer (Science DHCS 2014), Evanston IL, U.S.A.
Location: Evanston IL, U.S.A.Deadline: 30 June 2014The DHCS Colloquium has been a lively regional conference (with non-trivial bi-coastal and overseas sprinkling), rotating since 2006 among the University of Chicago (where it began), DePaul, IIT, Loyola, and Northwestern. This year's colloquium will partly overlap and share some programming with the annual members meeting and conference of the Text Encoding Initiative, which will be hosted by Northwestern University, October 22-24.
For more information, see
We welcome submissions on anything that plausibly stays within the intersection of DH and CS. A submission for a paper or poster should include an abstract of ~750 words and a minimal bio. Send it to martinmueller at by June 30, 2014. While the DHCS Colloquium is not a graduate student conference per se, we will look with particular interest at paper and poster submissions by graduate students.
16-18 October 2014, Logical aspects of Rational Agency (LARA2014), St Petersburg Russia
Location: St Petersburg RussiaDeadline: 1 June 2014The cognitive diversity of agents has been a recurrent topic of contemporary investigations in the fields of artificial intelligence, information science, psychology, linguistics, neurosciences and logic, opening new horizons for logical inquiry that focuses on the in-depth analysis of rational agency. Today it is a novel challenge and a cross point for various lines of research including the study of formal theories, informal philosophical and logical approaches as well as that of their wider application. We encourage the discussions related to the logical aspects of the diversity of agents.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee invites submissions centered on the following topics:
-Logic and Pragmatics of Speech Communication
-Logical Models of Agents' Interaction
-Action Analysis: Game-Theoretic, Model-Theoretic and Dynamic approaches
-Epistemic and Dynamic Epistemic Logics
-Logical Theory of Rational Choice and Free Will
-Game Theory and Game-Theoretical Semantics in the Studies of Agency
-Modality and Time
-Formal Semantics for Modelling Rational Agents' Behavior
-Historical Issues in the Logical Theory of Agency
Deadline for submission of short abstracts (up to 500 words): 1 June 2014. After the first selection round, a second selection round will take place based on reviews of full papers (12 pages). -
16-18 October 2014, The Making of the Humanities IV, Royal Netherlands Institute, Rome, Italy
Location: Royal Netherlands Institute, Rome, ItalyDeadline: 1 June 2014This is the fourth of a biennially organized conference that brings together scholars and historians interested in the comparative history of the humanities (philology, art history, historiography, linguistics, logic, literary studies, musicology, theatre studies, media studies, a.o.). Although histories of single humanities disciplines already exist for a long time, the history of the humanities as a whole has only very recently been investigated, and the first monographs have just appeared.
For more information, see
We welcome papers on any aspect of the history of humanities, but we especially encourage submissions on the conference theme Connecting Disciplines. Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 June 2014
CfP special issue of Journal of Logic and Analysis on "Continuity, Computability, Constructivity"
Deadline: 31 January 2015After a further year of successful work in the EU-IRSES project COMPUTAL and an excellent workshop in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in September this year, we are planning to publish a collection of papers dedicated to the meeting and the project in the Journal of Logic and Analysis.
The issue should reflect progress made in Computable Analysis and related areas, not only work in the project. Submissions are welcome from all scientists and should be on topics in the spectrum from logic to algorithms. Deadline for Submission: 31 January 2015.
For more information, see and
9-11 October 2014, Sixth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 6), Toulouse, France
Location: Toulouse, FranceDeadline: 15 May 2014This workshop is the sixth in an annual series of workshops in philosophy of mathematics organized by a team of scholars from France and abroad. The forthcoming workshop will be held at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (France). It will consist, as the previous workshops, in a three-day meeting, and feature both invited and contributed talks: 4 invited talks and 6 contributed talks.
The program of last year's workshop is available at:
Submissions of papers in any topic of philosophy of mathematics are welcome. The languages of the workshop are French and English. The deadline for submission is May 15, 2014. The Scientific Committee (see below) will evaluate each submission and notifies acceptance by July 1, 2014.
Each talk should be no longer than 45 minutes, and will be followed by a 30 minutes discussion. Each submission should be no more than 15,000 characters, and formatted in Word, RTF or PDF. It should be sent to both brice.halimi at and sebastien.maronne at Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by email.
Younger scholars and graduate students working on their dissertations are particularly encouraged to submit, as the workshop wll provide them with an opportunity to discuss their work with internationally renowned experts in the field.
7-10 October 2014, The Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA 2014), Kosice, Slovakia
Location: Kosice, SlovakiaDeadline: 14 June 2014CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students. The program of CLA consists of invited plenary talks, regular talks, and poster sessions.
For more information, see
Papers in all areas relevant to theory and applications of FCA are solicited. Abstract submission deadline: June 14, 2014.
CfP special issue of JoLLI on "Euler and Venn diagrams"
Deadline: 30 October 2014Euler and Venn diagrams have been widely studied over recent years and their role in logical reasoning and information visualization is now prominent. Venn diagrams formed the basis of what is widely regarded to be the first sound and complete diagrammatic logic, called Venn-I, developed by Sun-Joo Shin in the 1990s. Since then, substantial research has been conducted on Euler and Venn diagrams, spanning logic, cognitive science and philosophy. We will consider submissions that focus on any aspect of Euler and Venn diagrams research, that falls within the scope of JOLLI, and encourage submissions from any discipline. The proposed special issue will bring together a valuable collection of papers for researchers working in this area.
We solicit papers consisting of original research contributions. Submitted papers that extend previously published conference papers should be submitted with a cover note to the editors explaining the contribution beyond the earlier version. It is expected that substantial new material is included in the submission to the special issue.
Abstract submission: October 15, 2014. Paper submission: October 30, 2014. More information, including formatting guidelines and details of the scope of JOLLI can be found on our web page
24-26 September 2014, 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2014), Madeira Island, Portugal
Location: Madeira Island, PortugalDeadline: 19 May 2014The aim of JELIA-2014 is to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross- fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in all areas related to the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence. Deadline: 19 May 2014.
23 September 2014, KIK Workshop on "Higher-level cognition and computation", Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Stuttgart, GermanyDeadline: 1 July 2014This workshop, held in conjunction with KI 2014, aims at bringing together researchers from Artificial Intelligence, Automated Deduction, Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy, and related areas to foster a multi-disciplinary exchange between research in higher-level cognition and computation.
Human higher-level cognition is a multi-faceted and complex area of thinking which includes the mental processes of reasoning, decision making, creativity, and learning among others. Logic, understood as a normative theory of thinking, has a widespread and pervasive effect on the foundations of cognitive science. However, human reasoning cannot be completely described by logical systems. Sources of explanations are incomplete knowledge, incorrect beliefs, or inconsistencies. Still, humans have an impressive ability to derive satisficing, acceptable conclusions. Generally, people employ both inductive and deductive reasoning to arrive at beliefs; but the same argument that is inductively strong or powerful may be deductively invalid. Therefore, a wide range of reasoning mechanism has to be considered, such as analogical or defeasible reasoning.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: 01-Jul-2014.
22 September 2014, 8th International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies (AST 2014), Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Stuttgart, GermanyDeadline: 22 April 2014Semantic Technologies encode meanings explicitly and independent from concrete formats and application logic. This enables machines and people likewise to understand, share, and reason over semantically represented data during retrieval and processing time. In the light of the W3C~s vision of a Web of linked data, Semantic Technologies are substantial constituents for the creation of data stores, the building of vocabularies for various domains, and the specification of rules for handling data.
The application of Semantic Technologies is currently being investigated in various fields. The AST 2014 workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners who work on applications of Semantic Technologies in order to foster cross-fertilisation between application areas and aid technology transfer from foundational research into practice. The workshop will provide an open and stimulating environment that brings together researchers, practitioners and users from various fields to discuss goals, limitations and real experiences related to the application and deployment of semantic technologies.
For more information, see or contact the AST 2014 organising committee: ast2014 at
We invite you to submit original research, case studies, in-use, or position papers in English language of up to 12 pages. We also encourage you to submit demonstration papers, which will be given special attention in a separate slot (max. 8 pages). Submission deadline: April 22, 2014
22-26 September 2014, The 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Stuttgart, GermanyDeadline: 1 May 2014KI 2014 is the 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing a premier forum for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of intelligent system technology. The technical program of KI 2014 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety of workshops and tutorials. KI 2014 will be co-located with Informatik 2014 (Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society) and MATES 2014 (The 12th German Conference on Multi- Agent System Technologies).
For more information, see or contact ki2014 at
The conference invites original research papers from all areas of AI, its fundamentals, its algorithms, its history and its applications. We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science into AI. Paper submission deadline: May 1st.
22-26 September 2014, Logic and Applications (LAP 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Location: Dubrovnik, CroatiaDeadline: 2 June 2014The conference brings together researchers from various fields of logic with applications in computer science. Student sessions will be organized.
The first conference Proof Systems was held in Dubrovnik on June 28, 2012, co-located with the conference LICS 2012. LAP 2013 was held in Dubrovnik, September 16-20, 2013.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract Submission deadline: June 2, 2014.
18-19 September 2014, Workshop "Argumentation, Rationality and Decision", London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 15 July 2014Recent decades have seen an explosion of research into formal argumentation theory within computer science, drawing on roots in philosophy and legal theory. The formalisms developed enable reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information to reach decisions that are rational according to various criteria. However, this work has largely been conducted in isolation from the established mathematical decision sciences in microeconomic theory.
The workshop will bring together philosophers, economists, computer scientists and psychologists to discuss areas of common interests and possible directions for research.
For more information, see
2-page abstracts should be submitted to the EasyChair site: To attend without presenting, please submit a half-page summary of your research interests and previous research themes, also via the EasyChair site: The deadline for submissions and participation is Tuesday 15th July, 2014.
17-20 September 2014, 11th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2014), Bucharest, Romania
Location: Bucharest, RomaniaDeadline: 16 March 2014ICTAC 2014 is the 11th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing and will bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research and to exchange ideas and experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of computing and in the exploitation of theory through methods and tools for system development. Another aim of ICTAC is to bring together researchers working on theoretical aspects of computing in order to present their recent results and to discuss new ideas concerning computer science.
For more information regarding the conference, see the ICTAC 2014 web page at or contact the conference email address: ictac2014 at
ICTAC 2014 calls for regular research papers on theories of computation and programming, foundations of software engineering and on formal techniques in software design and verification, as well as papers about tools that support formal techniques for software modeling, system design and verification. Abstract submission deadline: 16 March 2014.
12-13 September 2014, 10th international symposium of cognition, logic and communication: Perspectives on Spatial Cognition, Riga, Latvia
Location: Riga, LatviaDeadline: 15 February 2014The 10th Symposium for Cognition, Logic and Communication, to be held at the University of Latvia in Riga on September 12-13, 2014, will focus on the cognitive processing of space, its cognitive and formal representation, and its linguistic encoding. We will explore the content and the scope of spatial cognition and how universal it is. The impact of non-spatial factors on spatial cognition and transformations of spatial cognition into non-spatial domains will be discussed. Scale-dependency of spatial cognition and differences between small-scale and large-scale spatial cognition will be explored. The syntax and semantics of locative and other spatial expressions will be examined, along with their relations to cognitive structures of spatial representation.
For more information, see or contact jurgis.skilters at or jurgisskilters at
We welcome contributions from all fields including cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. Interdisciplinary contributions are very much welcome. In addition to individual papers, the scientific committee will be considering proposals for 2-hour sub-symposia including 3-4 contributions. The deadline for submission is 15 february 2014.
12 September 2014, Workshop "Predicate approaches to modality", Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyDeadline: 16 June 2014Predicate Approaches to modality are a viable alternative to the now standard operator approaches to modality. They allow for a uniform treatment of truth and the modal notions, are expressively rich and they fit in nicely with the relational analysis of propositional attitudes. The workshop is intended to further and foster research on predicate approaches to modality in philosophical and mathematical logic.
For more information see or contact the organizers: Martin Fischer (M.Fischer at or Johannes Stern (Johannes.Stern at
We invite submissions of abstracts (500-1000words) suitable for 45min presentation. Submission deadline: 16.6.2014
11-13 September 2014, Workshop on Modal Syllogistics, Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalDeadline: 31 May 2014Aristotle is the founder of modal logic. His system of modal syllogisms has been studied for many centuries, with less than successful results. In 1955, Jan Lukasiewicz declared that "in contrast to the assertoric syllogistic which is perfectly clear and nearly free of errors, Aristotle's modal syllogistic is almost incomprehensible because of its many faults and inconsistencies". Some scholars have been trying to resist this pessimistic judgement and to articulate interpretations of the modal syllogistic that are, at the same time, logically consistent and plausible on exegetical grounds. This workshop wants to provide a forum for discussion and to reflect, via the contributed talks and informal discussions, the state of art of the subject.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of long abstracts or short papers on any aspect of the modal syllogistic. The time slot is 80 minutes (50' talk + 30' discussion). We aim at accepting five contributed papers. Submission deadline: May 31, 2014.
10-12 September 2014, 5th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2014), Verona, Italy
Location: Verona, ItalyDeadline: 10 May 2014The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to applications, and stimulate cross-fertilization.
Please visit the conference website for more information.
Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. Abstract submission deadline: May 10th, 2014.
6-8 September 2014, Semantic content workshop, Barcelona, Spain
Location: Barcelona, SpainDeadline: 31 May 2014Recent debates about semantic content have called into question traditional accounts and have renewed interest in unorthodox approaches, in particular approaches that operate with semantic contents that do not have absolute truth-values. These novel approaches to semantic content challenge the simple models of communication and information transfer that have traditionally been assumed. They also raise independently interesting questions about linguistic communication.
The project 'Semantic Content and Conversational Dynamics' organizes an international workshop on topics relevant to these issues. Invited speakers include Frank Veltman.
For more information, see
Contributions are invited. There will be space for up to 8 contributed papers. Submission deadline: 31st of May 2014.
CfP book "Applications of Formal Philosophy;"
Deadline: 31 December 2014We welcome full paper submissions for a book titled: "Applications of Formal Philosophy: The Road Less Travelled" to be published with Springer, edited by Rafal Urbaniak and Gillman Payette.
Logicians have devoted considerable effort to applying formal methods to what are now considered core disciplines of analytic philosophy: philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and metaphysics. Researchers in these fields have been accused of sharpening their knives without actually cutting anything of interest to those outside of philosophy. The focus of formal methods is changing and our intent is to further counter the impression of idleness with respect to philosophy at large. The focus of the volume is on those applications of formal methods in philosophy which might be of interest to people working on philosophical questions of more direct relevance to human life.The submission deadline is December 31, 2014. Please make sure that the content of the paper fits the scope of the volume. For more information, see
4-6 September 2014, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (SOPhiA 2014), Salzburg, Austria
Location: Salzburg, AustriaDeadline: 31 May 2014SOPhiA 2014 aims at an opportunity for students and doctoral candidates in Philosophy to get in touch with prospective or well established philosophers and take a first peek into the philosophical business. Beside the conference presentations there also will be workshops on selected topics in analytic philosophy.
Keynote Speakers: Elke Brendel, Winfried Loeffler, Jeanne Peijnenburg and Benjamin Schnieder
For more information, see
Students and doctoral candidates (pre-doc) in philosophy are hereby encouraged to submit an abstract for a presentation of approximately 20 minutes in length. Contributions in every discipline of philosophy (epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science etc.) are welcome. As customary in analytic philosophy, contributors should make use of understandable language as well as rational argumentation. Deadline: May 31, 2014.
4-6 September 2014, Colloquium Logicum 2014, Neubiberg/Munich (Germany)
Location: Neubiberg/Munich (Germany)Deadline: 16 June 2014The Colloquium Logicum is organized every two years by the DVMLG, the German association of logicians in mathematics, philosophy and theoretical computer science. In 2014 the conference will take place in Munich at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg. The conference will cover the whole range of mathematical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences, in particular, logic in philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence.
Besides the regular scientific programme it is planned to include a PhD Colloquium with invited presentations of excellent recent PhD graduates.
For more information, see the web page at
The programme committee invites the submission of abstracts of papers of all fields of research covered by the DVMLG: mathematical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences (including logic in philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence). The submission deadline is Monday, June 16, 2014.
3-4 September 2014, Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy - Logic and its philosophy (BCAP 2014), Bucharest, Romania
Location: Bucharest, RomaniaDeadline: 25 April 2014Confirmed keynote speakers: Kit Fine (New York), Øystein Linnebo (Birbeck), David McCarty (Indiana) and Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki).
For more information, please contact: Sorin Costreie s.cos3e at or visit
We are looking for high-quality contributions on logic and philosophy of logic. Presentations will be 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion. Deadline for submission is April 25th, 2014.
2-5 September 2014, Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (Highlights 2014), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 30 June 2014There is a distinct community in theoretical computer science, which studies logic, games and automata. Results produced by this community are dispersed across many conferences, which makes them difficult to follow, and the community rarely gathers. Also, since conferences are mainly used for publication, there are few incentives to make good talks. A new conference: Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, aims to provide a solution to this problem.
A visit to this conference gives you a wide picture of the latest research in the area. Also, a chance to meet everybody in the field, not just those who happen to publish in one particular proceedings volume. We intend to achieve this popularity by having no proceedings, a short and cheap event, and building on the tradition of the similar proceedings-free GAMES workshop.
For more information, see
The conference has no published proceedings. Participants are invited to present their best work, be it published elsewhere or yet unpublished. The conference is three days long. The contributed talks are around ten minutes. Submission deadline TBA.
1-4 September 2014, 21st Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2014), Valparaiso, Chile
Location: Valparaiso, ChileDeadline: 24 March 2014WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twenty-first WoLLIC will be held at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, from September 1st to 4th, 2014.
WoLLIC is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
For more information, see
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Mar 24, 2014, and the full paper by Mar 28, 2014 (firm date).
1-3 September 2014, The 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2014), Edinburgh
Location: EdinburghDeadline: 16 May 2014SemDial 2014 (DialWatt) will be the 18th edition of the SemDial workshop series, which aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. In 2014 the workshop will be hosted by the Interaction Lab, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. It will be collocated with Ro-Man (The 23rd IEEE Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication) and the world-famous Edinburgh festival.
For more information, see
Paper submissions are invited on all topics related to the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue. The deadline is the 16th of May 2014.
28 August - 2 September 2014, Eighth European Conference on Analytic Philosophy (ECAP8), Bucharest, Romania
Location: Bucharest, RomaniaDeadline: 25 April 2014ECAP-conferences are organized every three years by the /European Society for Analytic Philosophy/ (ESAP). The aim of these conferences is to establish contacts and encourage collaboration among European analytic philosophers.
For more information, see
We invite contributions for 30-minute presentations at the parallel sessions and the special workshops. The Deadline for Submission (extended) is April 25th , 2014.
25-27 August 2014, Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science (CTF 2014), Duesseldorf, Germany
Location: Duesseldorf, GermanyDeadline: 15 April 2014The 4th conference on "*Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science*" (CTF'14) will take place on 25--27 August 2014 at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. The conference is intended as an interdisciplinary platform that contributes to the development of a general theory of the structure of representation. Special focus is given to accounts using frames understood as recursive attribute-value structures with functional attributes. The topics range from formalisms to describe frames and their ontological interpretation to applications of frames in the modeling of dynamic aspects of concept formation in science and cognition and the description of natural language semantics.
For more information, see
We invite submission of abstracts for 25min oral presentations (plus 10min discussion). Deadline: 15h of April 2014. Conference Topics:
- The structure of representations in cognition
- Attribute-value structures, type signatures, and constructional schemas
- Ontological aspects of frames
- Lexical decomposition, constructions, and semantic composition
- Coercion, conceptual shifts, and co-composition
- Dynamic models of verb semantics
- Typological aspects of NP semantics -
25-27 August 2014, 9th Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Tampere, Finland
Location: Tampere, FinlandDeadline: 25 April 2014The scope of SLS 2014 is broad, ranging over the whole areas of Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, as well as Logical Methods in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, etc. As with previous editions, the primary aims of the Symposium are to reflect the current activities in logic in the Nordic countries and to provide a local meeting forum for their logical communities, broadly conceived. Besides, it invites and warmly welcomes participation of logicians from all over the world.
For more information, see or write am email to scandinavianlogicsymposium at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: April 25, 2014
23-24 August 2014, Conference on Hypothetical Reasoning, Tuebingen, Germany
Location: Tuebingen, GermanyDeadline: 12 May 2014Hypothetical reasoning or reasoning under assumptions is a key concept of logic, philosophy of science and mathematics. This conference focusses on its logical aspects.
This conference is organised as part of the French-German ANR-DFG project HYPOTHESES, In conjunction with ESSLLI 2014.
For more information, see
We invite contributed talks on any of the conference topics. Contributions on related topics are welcome, too. We especially encourage young researchers, including students, to contribute. There will be 12 slots for contributed talks (30 min) and 5 slots for shorter presentations. The deadline for submission (extended) is 12 May 2014.
20-22 August 2014, Fourth Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2014), Galway, Ireland
Location: Galway, IrelandDeadline: 14 March 2014This workshop on controlled natural language (CNL) has a broad scope and embraces all approaches that are based on natural language and apply restrictions on vocabulary, grammar, and/or semantics. This includes (but is certainly not limited to) approaches that have been called simplified language, plain language, formalized language, processable language, fragments of language, phraseologies, conceptual authoring, language generation, and guided natural language interfaces.
Some CNLs are designed to improve communication among humans, especially for non-native speakers of the respective natural language. In other cases, the restrictions on the language are supposed to make it easier for computers to analyze such texts in order to improve computer-aided, semi-automatic, or automatic translations into other languages. A third group of CNL has the goal to enable reliable automated reasoning and formal knowledge representation from seemingly natural texts. All these types of CNL are covered by this workshop.
For more information, see
We invite researchers to submit papers with novel contributions in the area of CNL. These research papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format and should not exceed 10 pages. Submission deadline: 14 March 2014.
19 August 2014, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe@ECAI 2014), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 25 May 2014The International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe), held in conjunction with ECAI 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic, aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from core areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, philosophy and related disciplines to discuss the defeasible and ampliative aspects of reasoning in a multi-disciplinary forum.
The goal of the workshop is to present latest research developments, to discuss current directions in the field, and to collect first-hand feedback from the community.
Please visit the workshop website ( for further information and regular updates. Enquiries should be sent to at
DARe welcomes contributions on all aspects of defeasible and ampliative reasoning. We invite submissions of papers presenting original research results or position statements. Submission deadline: 25 May 2014
18-22 August 2014, Workshop on Models in Formal Semantics and Pragmatics, Tübingen, Germany
Location: Tübingen, GermanyDeadline: 15 February 2014The field of natural-language semantics and pragmatics has undergone a shift away from defining or even mentioning models. Indeed, some scholars find their use redundant at best, harmful at worst. A generation of young semanticists got their first encounters with the formal theory through Heim and Kratzer's textbook, which does not mention models at all. There is little open discussion on these developments, but much anecdotal evidence that people have strong opinions about them. This ESSLII-2014 workshop will give the debate a public forum.
For more information, see
The workshop has room for eight submitted papers of 30 minutes each, including discussion. Abstracts must be submitted by February 15, 2014.
18-22 August 2014, The Twenty-first European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 1 March 2014The biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe's premier archival venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Organised by the European Coordinating Committee for AI (ECCAI), the ECAI conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present and hear about the very best research in contemporary AI.
As well as a full programme of technical papers, ECAI'14 will include the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems conference (PAIS), the Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS), the International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) and an extensive programme of workshops, tutorials, and invited speakers. (Separate calls are issued for PAIS, STAIRS, tutorials, and workshops.) ECAI'14 will be held in the beautiful and historic city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. With excellent opportunities for sightseeing and gastronomy, Prague promises to be a wonderful venue for a memorable conference.
For more information, see or email ecai2014 at
This call invites the submission of papers and posters for the technical programme of ECAI'14. High-quality original submissions are welcome from all areas of AI. Both long (6-page) and short (2-page) papers can be submitted. Paper submission deadline: 1 March 2014.
18-22 August 2014, ESSLLI Workshop on Information Dynamics in Artificial Societies (IDAS@ESSLLI-14), Tuebingen, Germany
Location: Tuebingen, GermanyDeadline: 30 April 2014Describing intelligent agents with the help of cognitive and social notions is now well established in the domain of artificial intelligence. In the recent years, concepts such as trust, reputation, delegation, commitment and convention have been proposed in order to describe how artificial agents interact in an artificial society or in a virtual organization. This workshop aimed at discussing formal theories and logics of information dynamics - including formal theories and logics of belief and preference change, learning theory, social choice theory and judgement aggregation - in order to better understand how information circulates in an artificial society, and how it influences the individual and collective cognitive attitudes.
The workshop is an event of ESSLLI-14 and will take place on August 18-22 2014, Tubingen, Germany. It will form part of the coordination activities of SINTELNET, the European Network for Social intelligence (FP7-286370), within the Working Group co-chaired by Emiliano Lorini.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 30, 2014.
18-19 August 2014, Logics for Games and Strategic Reasoning and Social Choice, Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 11 May 2014Strategic reasoning occurs in many multi-agent scenarios. This is evident in theoretical approaches to MAS, as well as in practical solutions used, for example, in computer games, IT infrastructures for e-voting procedures, social network services, etc. This special session at CLIMA XV (Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems) addresses the question how formal logic can contribute to our understanding, modeling and analysis of strategic behavior, and investigates how the metaphors of game and social interaction can help in constructing and using logical formalisms.
For more information, see or contact the organizer, Wojtek Jamroga (University of Luxembourg), at wojtek.jamroga at For general information on CLIMA XI, see or contact clima2014 at .
We encourage submission of high quality, original papers which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently under review for another journal or conference. Submissions should not exceed 16 pages in the Springer LNCS format. Note that, while theoretical papers are welcome, submissions must include at least some illustrating examples. Submission deadline: May 11, 2014
18-22 August 2014, 15th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XV), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 11 May 2014The purpose of the CLIMA Workshop Series is to provide a forum for discussing techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming and reasoning about agents and multi-agent systems in a formal way.
Following the previous fourteen, very successful, editions, the 15th CLIMA will take place in Prague, Czech Repulblic, on the 18th and 19th of August 2014. It will be co-located with ECAI~14. In addition to CLIMA's regular topics and sessions, this edition will feature two special sessions, on 'Logics for Games, Strategic Reasoning, and Social Choice' and on 'Logics for Agreement Technologies'.
For more information, see
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers, which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently under review for another journal or conference. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three PC members. Submission deadline is May 11th.
18-19 August 2014, 7th European Starting Artificial Intelligence Researcher Symposium (STAIRS-2014), Prague
Location: PragueDeadline: 15 May 2014The 7th European Starting AI Researcher Symposium will be held as a satellite event of ECAI-2014, the 21st European Conference in Artificial Intelligence, in Prague in August 2014.
STAIRS is aimed at young researchers in Europe and beyond, particularly PhD students, but also advanced Master's students and postdoctoral researchers holding a PhD for less than one year at the time of the paper submission deadline. STAIRS offers opportunities to gain experience with submitting to and presenting at an international event with a broad scientific scope.
For more information, see
We welcome submissions in all areas of AI, ranging from foundations to applications. Accepted papers will be presented either orally or in a poster session. The paper submission deadline is 15 May 2014.
18-19 August 2014, 5th AISB Workshop on "Figurative language: its patterns and meanings in domain-specific discourse", Birmingham, U.K.
Location: Birmingham, U.K.Deadline: 9 June 2014Forms of figurative language such as metaphor and metonymy are key resources for communicating domain-specific information in an accessible way. Modelling such patterns of communication is a key aim of academic disciplines such as linguistics, discourse studies, and psycholinguistics, and understanding such phenomena is an emerging goal within Artificial Intelligence and the related field of Natural Language Processing. A particularly interesting current area of research is work on automatically generating as well as understanding metaphor, which are both emerging as important sites for addressing long-standing problems in linguistics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science.
To facilitate communication about such efforts, we are planning a two-day workshop on modelling the meanings and patterns of health and political conflict, where discourse in these domains typically gives rise to some of the richest and most figurative forms of human discourse. The workshop will take place at the University of Birmingham, and will be jointly organized through the University's Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) as well as the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB).
For more information, see
We are calling for 500 word abstracts for presentations at this workshop, which may report research in progress, as well as more finished research. To coincide with IAS activities over lapping with the workshop, we are also planning a special session on the morning of the second day dedicated to corpus and computational resources, such as FrameNet, WordNet, Propbank, and Ontonotes (to name a few), and if you wish to present in this, please mark your abstract as for the "Special Session". Abstracts of no more than 500 words (plus references, if desired) are to be submitted by 9th June.
11-15 August 2014, Formal and experimental pragmatics, Tübingen
Location: TübingenDeadline: 8 March 2014The recently emerging field of experimental pragmatics has painted a complex picture of the interaction between semantic and pragmatic information in phenomena as diverse as implicature, referentiality, figurative meaning, prosody, and presupposition. In parallel, advances in probabilistic and game-theoretic models that treat pragmatic inference as a problem of reasoning under uncertainty have yielded testable quantitative predictions about the outcome of many different kinds of pragmatic inference. Despite this progress, a great deal of work is needed on the mathematical foundations and quantitative empirical grounding of pragmatics, and, most critically, the connection between the two. The aim of this ESSLLI-2014 workshop is to promote dialog and community for these lines of research: strengthening the search for an empirically grounded formal pragmatics.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of original work for oral or poster presentations relevant to the workshop's topics. Submissions should be anonymous, in PDF format and not exceed 2 pages of 12pt text with 2.5cm margins on all sides, including all references, figures, tables etc. Submissions are due 8 March 2014.
11-15 August 2014, Epistemic Logic for Individual, Social, and Interactive Epistemology, Tübingen, Germany
Location: Tübingen, GermanyDeadline: 8 March 2014Historically, with its origins in philosophy, epistemic logic promised to illuminate traditional issues of epistemology, the theory of knowledge. In recent years, epistemic logic has been making good on that promise, with important new applications not only to individual epistemology, a traditional focus of philosophers for the last two-and-a-half thousand years, but also in social epistemology, the more recent investigation of the social dimensions of knowledge and information flow, as well as interactive epistemology, the study of knowledge and belief in strategic, game-theoretic situations.
During five 90-minute sessions, the ELISIEM workshop will feature presentations covering the latest applications of epistemic logic to individual, social, and interactive epistemology, putting work at this fascinating intersection on the map of interdisciplinary activities in logic.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of papers (preferably shorter than 15 pages), including a brief abstract and several keywords, in PDF format through EasyChair. Submission deadline: March 8, 2014
11-22 August 2014, Student Session at ESSLLI 2014, Tuebingen, Germany
Location: Tuebingen, GermanyDeadline: 1 April 2014The Student Session of the 26th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) is a forum for PhD and Master students to present their research at the interfaces of logic, language, and computation. It features three tracks: Logic & Computation (LoCo), Logic & Language (LoLa), and Language & Computation (LaCo).
More detailed guidelines and policies regarding submission can be found on the Student Session website: or by emailing dehaan at For general inquiries about ESSLLI 2014, please consult the main ESSLLI 2014 page:
We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from students in any area at the intersection of Logic & Language, Language & Computation, or Logic & Computation. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters and will appear in the student session proceedings. This is an excellent opportunity to receive valuable feedback from expert readers and to present your work to a diverse audience. eadline for submissions: April 1st, 2014.
5-8 August 2014, 10th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML-2014), Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsDeadline: 12 May 2014Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. AiML-2014 is the tenth conference in the series.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit, for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings, full papers reporting on original research and not submitted elsewhere. Authors are also invited to submit short presentations, intended for presentation at the conference but not for the published proceedings. Submission deadline is 14 March 2014 (12 May 2014 for short presentations).
4-5 August 2014, Second workshop on Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives, Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsDeadline: 1 July 2014This workshop aims to shed light on models of social reasoning that take into account realistic resource bounds. People reason about other people's mental states in order to understand and predict the others' behavior. This capability to reason about others' knowledge, beliefs and intentions is often referred to as 'theory of mind'. Idealized rational agents are capable of recursion in their social reasoning, and can reason about phenomena like common knowledge. Such idealized social reasoning has been modeled by modal logics such as epistemic logic and BDI (belief, goal, intention) logics. However, in real-world situations, many people seem to lose track of such recursive social reasoning after only a few levels. Cognitive scientists build computational models of social reasoning, for example, recently an "inverse planning" model based on Bayesian inference frameworks has proven successful in modeling human inferences about the goals and beliefs underlying other people's observed behavior.
For more information, see
Please send your extended abstract in PDF format, not exceeding 4 double-spaced pages (1,500 words) by Tuesday July 1, 2014.
1-4 August 2014, 7th Annual Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI 2014), Quebec City QC, Canada
Location: Quebec City QC, CanadaDeadline: 1 April 2014The AGI conference series is the premier international event aimed at advancing the state of knowledge regarding the original goal of the AI field - the creation of thinking machines with general intelligence at the human level and possibly beyond.
AGI'14 will be co-located with and immediately after AAAI'14 and CogSci 2014. Yoshio Bengio will give a keynote on "Deep Learning for AI"; and AGI-14 will include a Workshop on AGI & Cognitive Science.
For more information, see the conference website here:
As in prior AGI conferences, we welcome submission of papers on all aspects of AGI R&D, with the key proviso that each paper should somehow contribute specifically to the development of Artificial General Intelligence. Two types of papers will be accepted: Regular Papers, and short Technical Communications. The submission deadline (extended) is April 1st, 2014.
31 July - 2 August 2014, Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN'14), Quebec City QC, Canada
Location: Quebec City QC, CanadaDeadline: 11 April 2014Narratives are ubiquitous in human experience. We use them to communicate, convince, explain, and entertain. As far as we know, every society in the world has narratives, which suggests they are rooted in our psychology and serve an important cognitive function. The aim of this workshop series is to address key questions that advance our understanding of narrative at multiple levels: from the psychological and cognitive impact of narratives to our ability to model narrative responses computationally.
For more information, see
This inter-disciplinary workshop will be an appropriate venue for papers addressing fundamental topics and questions regarding narrative. Papers should be relevant to issues fundamental to the computational modeling and scientific understanding of narrative; we especially welcome papers relevant to the neuroscientific and cognitive aspects of narrative. Regardless of its focus, reported work should provide some sort of insight of use to computational modeling of narratives. We accept both finished research and more tentative exploratory work. Submission deadline is April 11, 2014.
28 July 2014, 4th International Workshop on Euler Diagrams (ED 2014), Melbourne, Australia
Location: Melbourne, AustraliaDeadline: 28 April 2014Euler diagrams represent relationships between sets, including intersection, containment, and disjointness. These diagrams have become the foundations of various visual languages and have notably facilitated the modelling of, and logical reasoning about, complex systems. This workshop of peer-reviewed submissions will afford the growing Euler diagrams community the opportunity to present and discuss new research, and share multi-interdisciplinary expertise. We envisage that this will stimulate collaborations on current and future research needs.
For more information, see or contact the workshop organizers at ed2014 at
We solicit submissions on any of the conference topics, both full papers (consisting of original research or surveys) and short paperse (consisting of systems descriptions, software demonstrations, position statements or original research contributions). Paper submission deadline: April 28th (abstracts April 21st).
28 July - 1 August 2014, 16th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic (XVI SLALM), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Location: Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDeadline: 10 May 2014XVI SLALM will include four tutorial courses in Model Theory, Computability Theory, Set Theory and Non-classical Logic. About a hundred researchers and students from Latin-America and other continents will participate in the meeting. The Symposium has the scientific sponsorship of the Association for Symbolic Logic.
For more information, see the conference web site at
Contributed presentations can be submitted in one of the four parallel sessions: Model Theory, Computability Theory, Set Theory and Non-classical Logic. Abstract submission deadline: May 10th, 2014.
27-30 July 2014, Eleventh Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT11), Bergen, Norway
Location: Bergen, NorwayDeadline: 1 March 2014This is the eleventh in a series of bi-annual conferences on the applications of logical methods to foundational issues in the theory of individual and interactive decision-making. Preference is given to papers which bring together the work and problems of several fields, such as game and decision theory, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive psychology, mathematics and mind sciences.
For more information, see
The three-day conference will give opportunity for paper presentations and discussions. Potential contributors should submit an extended abstract of approximately 5 - 10 pages. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2014.
23-24 July 2014, First International Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty and Vagueness (PRUV 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 20 April 2014PRUV 2014 is the first Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness. The aim of PRUV is to make researchers aware of and fruitfully discuss the most recent application areas, new challenges and the existing body of work on logics for reasoning about preferences, uncertainty, and vagueness, and to bring together people from different communities (such as the Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web community, among others), including theorists and practitioners, that are working on these topics.
PRUV 2014 is associated with the Vienna Summer of Logic, a major event hosting logic conferences and workshops. In particular, PRUV will be hosted by FLoC and associated to IJCAR.
For more information, see
PRUV welcomes submissions relating logic with preferences, uncertainty and vagueness. We accept submissions of papers and results previously published in other major conferences and journals. Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2014.
23 July 2014, Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 28 April 2014The ARQNL workshop aims at fostering the development of proof calculi, ATP systems and model finders for all sorts of quantified non-classical logics. The workshop will provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss recent developments in this area. In particular, we are interested in all sorts of applications and problem formalizations that use a quantified non-classical logic. A particular emphasis of the first edition of the ARQNL workshop will be on quantified modal logics.
For further information see the workshop web page at
We welcome contributions from computer scientists, linguists, philosophers, and mathematicians. These contributions may range from theory to system descriptions and implementations; they may also outline relevant applications and describe example problems and benchmarks. Research papers (up to 15 pages), short papers, talk abstracts, and system demonstrations (up to 5 pages) are solicited. The submission deadline is April 28th.
21-24 July 2014, Eleventh International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2014), Darmstadt, Germany
Location: Darmstadt, GermanyDeadline: 7 April 2014The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. The classical approach in these areas is to consider algorithms as operating on finite strings of symbols from a finite alphabet. Most mathematical models in physics and engineering, however, are based on the real number concept. Thus, a computability theory and a complexity theory over the real numbers and over more general continuous data structures is needed.
Despite remarkable progress in recent years many important fundamental problems have not yet been studied, and presumably numerous unexpected and surprising results are waiting to be detected. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.
For more information, see the Conference Web Page at
Authors are invited to submit 1-2 pages abstracts in PDF format. Submission deadline: April 7, 2014
18 July 2014, 1st International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 25 April 2014Quantifiers play an important role in language extensions of many logics. The use of quantifiers often allows for a more succinct encoding than would be possible without quantifiers. However, the introduction of quantifiers affects the complexity of the extended formalism in general. Moreover, theoretical results established for the quantifier-free formalism typically cannot be directly transferred to the quantified case. Further, techniques successfully implemented in reasoning tools for quantifier-free formulas cannot directly be lifted to a quantified version.
The goal of the 1st International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY 2014) is to bring together researchers who investigate the impact of quantification from a theoretical as well as from a practical point of view. Quantification is a topic in different research areas such as in SAT in terms of QBF, in CSP in terms of QCSP, in SMT, etc. This workshop has the aim to provide an interdisciplinary forum where researchers of various fields may exchange their experiences.
For more information, see
We solicit two types of submissions: talk abstracts describing already published results, and full papers on novel, unpublished work. Submission deadline (extended) is April 25, 2014.
17-19 July 2014, 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 14 February 2014The NMR workshop series is the premier specialized forum for researchers in non-monotonic reasoning and related areas. This will be the 15th workshop in this series. Its aim is to bring together active researchers in the broad area of non-monotonic reasoning, including belief revision, reasoning about actions, argumentation, declarative programming, preferences, non-monotonic reasoning for ontologies, uncertainty, and other related topics.
NMR will share a joint session with the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2014).
For more information, see or email nmr14 at
NMR 2014 welcomes the submission of papers broadly centered on issues and research in non-monotonic reasoning. We welcome papers of either theoretical or practical nature. Submission deadline: February 14, 2014.
17-20 July 2014, 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 7 April 2014The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences.
This year the DL workshop is part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, a vast event hosting several major logic conferences and workshops. In particular, the workshop is co-located with KR 2014 and will share a joint session with the International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014).
Information about submission, registration, travel information, etc., is available on the DL 2014 homepage: Enquiries about the DL 2014 workshop can be made by contacting the organizing committee.
We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics, including but not limited to:
* Foundations of description logics
* Extensions of description logics
* Integration of description logics with other formalisms
* Applications and use areas of description logics
* Systems and tools around description logics
Paper registration deadline: April 7, 2014 -
17-18 July 2014, International Workshop on Proof, Structure and Computation (PSC 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 1 May 2014The extraction of computational content from proofs has a long tradition in logic, but usually depends on a concrete encoding that allows us to turn proofs into algorithms. A recent trend in this field is the departure from such encoding which not only makes it simpler to represent the mathematical content, but also makes the extracted computational content encoding independent. This shift in focus allows us to focus on what is relevant: the computational aspects of proofs and the specification (not representation) of the structures involved. We now have growing evidence that this move from representations (e.g. the signed digit representation of the reals) to axioms (e.g. of the real numbers) is possible. This development largely parallels the step from assembler to high level languages in programming. As a by-product this move has already opened up the possibility to gain computational information from axiomatic proofs in more abstract and genuinely structural areas of mathematics such as algebra and topology.
For more information, see or contact psc2014 at
We welcome 1-2-page abstracts presenting (finished, ongoing, or if clearly stated even published) work on proof, structure, and computation. Submission deadline is 1 May 2014.
16-19 July 2014, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 6 April 2014The conference "Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2014" will be held on 16-19 July 2014 in Vienna, Austria, as part of the Vienna Summer of Logic event.
Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees is the fourth official meeting of the EUSFLAT Working Group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic. Mathematical Fuzzy Logic is the sub-discipline of Mathematical Logic that is concerned with the notion of comparative truth. The assumption that "truth comes in degrees" has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
For more information please visit the official web page of the conference: All correspondence should be directed to latd2014 at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit papers on any of the featured topics. We particularly welcome contributions on many-valued and related logical systems. The deadline for contributions is 6th April 2014.
15 July 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 Workshop on Logic and Games, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 1 May 2014Despite its austere appearance, formal logic can often be viewed through the lens of game theory, whereby various logical concepts -- validity, consequence, provability, satisfiability, (in)dependence, possibility, etc. -- become animated as games. Going in the other direction, one can start with games and find logics, and various logical concepts, therein. The idea of viewing logics as games, and vice versa, is by no means new, but it has enjoyed a certain renaissance in recent years. The workshop is intended to serve as a magnet to attract the latest research in the spirit of connecting logic to games.
Logic and Games will be a one-day event consisting of three invited 60-minute talks, together with selected shorter contributed talks. Invited speakers: Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki), Ondrej Majer (Prague) and Kazushige Terui (Kyoto).
For more information, see or contact the organizers at LG2014 at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is May 1st.
14-18 July 2014, Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic & Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (CSL/LICS 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 13 January 2014CSL is the annual meeting of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL) intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science.
LICS is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic.
The organizers of these two series of meetings have chosen to join the 2014 editions of these meetings into a single event within the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) that will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014. Thus, in 2014, these meetings will have one program committee, one program, and one proceedings. No decision has been made to hold CSL and LICS jointly beyond 2014.
For more information, see and
We invite submissions on topics that fit the themes of both conferences. Title and Short Abstracts are due January 13, 2014.
14-17 July 2014, Joint 25th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2014) & 12th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2014): , Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 28 January 2014This joint RTA and TLCA conference is the major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects of rewriting and typed lambda-calculi. Areas of interest include but are not limited to Foundations, Algorithmic aspects and implementation, Logic, Types, Semantics and Programming.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for abstract submission: January 28, 2014.
13 July 2014, Third International Workshop on Gentzen Systems and Beyond (GSB3), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 13 April 2014This is a workshop on Gentzen-style proof systems, their generalizations, and extensions. Since the introduction of the sequent calculus and natural deduction by Gerhard Gentzen in the 1930s, a wide spectrum of formalisms have been used to construct proof systems for logics resisting a simpler description, including hypersequents, deep inference systems, display calculi, labelled deductive systems, tableaux, and proof nets, to name just a few. The aim of this workshop is to explore and compare the motivations for and relative merits of these different approaches.
A broader aim of the workshop is to build a bridge between researchers into theoretical aspects of structural proof theory and the more application-oriented goals of the proof theory community, particularly in cases where the methods, such as constructing analytic systems, are shared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is April 13, 2014.
12-24 July 2014, The Sixth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2014), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 30 September 2013The Sixth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2014) will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL), the largest logic event in history, with over 2000 expected participants. FLoC 2014 will host eight conferences and many workshops. Each workshop will be affiliated with one of the eight conferences.
Further information can be found at the FLoC 2014 Workshop Guide, or contact floc14cfw at
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops on topics in the field of computer science, related to logic in the broad sense. Each workshop proposal must indicate one hosting conference among the participating conferences. Deadline for submission of workshop proposals: September 30, 2013.
12-15 July 2014, 12th International Conference on Deontic logic (DEON 2014), Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, BelgiumDeadline: 1 March 2014The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organization theory and law. In addition to these general themes, DEON 2014 will encourage a special focus on the topic "Deontic modalities in natural language".
This DEON will be colocated with the 2014 edition of TiL (Trends in Logic), 8 July - 11 July, same venue.
For more information, see
The Program Committee invites papers concerned with topics relevant to the conference or its special focus. We welcome theoretical work (formal models, representations, logics, specifications, verification), implementation-oriented work (programming languages, design models, simulations, prototype systems) and empirically driven work (linguistics). Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1, 2014.
12-13 July 2014, The Fifteenth International Workshop on Logic and Computational
Complexity and Workshop in Honor of Neil Immerman's 60th Birthday
(LCC 2014/ImmermanFest), Vienna, AustriaLocation: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 2 May 2014LCC 2014/ImmermanFest will be held in Vienna, Austria, on July 12-13, 2014, as an affiliated meeting of the Vienna Summer of Logic. The program will consist of a first day (July 12th) of talks which include both invited lectures and contributed talks selected by the program committee (based on submitted abstracts), and a second day (July 13th) devoted entirely to invited talks in celebration of Neil Immerman's 60th birthday.
LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between logic and computational complexity, to which Neil Immerman has made numerous fundamental and inspiring contributions. In particular, he has been one of the leading figures in the development of descriptive complexity, which has elucidated intimate and beautiful connections between complexity theory and finite model theory. This year, day two of LCC 2014 will honor Neil's 60th birthday with a series of invited lectures by some of the leading researchers working in areas that have been influenced by Neil's work.
For more information, see
We welcome submissions of abstracts, including submissions based on work submitted or published elsewhere, provided that all pertinent information is disclosed at submission time. Abstract submission deadline: May 2nd, 2014
8-11 July 2014, Trends in Logic XIV "The Road Less Travelled: Off-stream applications of formal methods", Ghent, Belgium
Location: Ghent, BelgiumDeadline: 20 January 2014Trends in Logic is the conference series of the journal 'Studia Logica'. The focus of the 14th conference is to be on those applications of formal methods in philosophy which might be of interest to people working on philosophical questions of more direct relevance to human life.
Logicians have devoted considerable effort to applying formal methods to what are now considered core disciplines of analytic philosophy: philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and metaphysics. Researchers in these fields have been accused of sharpening their knives without actually cutting anything of interest to those outside of philosophy. The focus of formal methods is changing and our intent for this conference is to further counter the impression of idleness with respect to philosophy at large.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission Deadline (extended): January 20th, 2014.
8 July 2014, CICM-2014 workshop "The Notion of Proof", Coimbra, Portugal
Location: Coimbra, PortugalDeadline: 31 May 2014The traditional notion of mathematical proof faces in the 21st century what we will call "the computer challenge". Three different aspects are worth separating. 'Proof search' has its known limitations due to undecidability and complexity results. However, special areas, such as semigroup theory, already enjoy considerable support from computer-generated proofs. 'Proof check' is recently the 'hottest' area, in no small part due to the attempt to formally verify the proof of the Kepler conjecture by its author Hales. 'Proof representation' seems currently be the stumbling block for convincing the mathematical community to accept computer-aided theorem proving as a viable complement to everyday mathematical research.
For our workshop we solicit contributions for discussions about the current state-of-the-art of automated theorem proving (ATP), approaching the topic from the mathematical (or even philosophical) side, as well as from computer science.
For more information, see the workshop homepage at
In addition to standard scientific/philosophical papers, descriptions and demonstrations of computer systems that bear on these issues are also welcome. Submission deadline is May 31.
7-8 July 2014, Symposium on the Foundations of Mathematics, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 31 March 2014Set theory is taken to serve as a foundation for mathematics. But it is well-known that there are set-theoretic statements that cannot be settled by the standard axioms of set theory. The Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, with the Axiom of Choice (ZFC), are incomplete. The primary goal of this symposium is to explore the different approaches that one can take to the phenomenon of incompleteness. These different approaches have wider consequences for the concepts of meaning and truth in mathematics and beyond. The conference will address these foundational issues at the intersection of philosophy and mathematics. The primary goal of the conference is to showcase contemporary philosophical research on different approaches to the incompleteness phenomenon.
For more information, see the conference website at
We welcome submissions from scholars (in particular, young scholars, i.e. early career researchers or post-graduate students) on any area of the foundations of mathematics (broadly construed). Particularly desired are submissions that address the role of set theory in the foundations of mathematics, or the foundations of set theory (universe/multiverse dichotomy, new axioms, etc.) and related ontological and epistemological issues. Submission Deadline: 31 March 2014.
2-5 July 2014, Trends in Logic XIII "Gentzen's and Ja~kowski's heritage", Lodz, Poland
Location: Lodz, PolandDeadline: 15 March 2014Trends in Logic is the conference series of the journal 'Studia Logica'. The 13th Trends in Logic international conference will be held at the University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, July 2-5, 2014 under the title 'Gentzen's and Jaskowski's heritage; 80 years of Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculi'. It is organized by the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Lodz, in co-operation with >>Studia Logica<<.
For more information, see
We warmly invite all contributions offering novel and significant results in the area of logic. There are two types of submissions: Full papers (which will be subjected to a proper reviewing process) and short presentations (which will undergo a light reviewing). Submission deadline: 15 March 2014 (full papers) or 7 May 2014 (short papers).
2-8 July 2014, Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation (EASLLC 2014), Tsinghua University, China
Location: Tsinghua University, ChinaDeadline: 1 April 2014The Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation (EASLLC 2014) will take place at Tsinghua University, China on July 2-8, 2014. The event will start with an international workshop "Current Trends in Logic" on July 2, continue with the school on July 3-8. The program of the School will consist of six courses on logic in its interdisciplinary width. The courses cover logic, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics, with an emphasis on interaction between fields. There will be two plenary evening talks for a wider audience.
In addition, there will be student sessions in the late afternoon/early evening. The student session is a forum for students at all levels (Bachelor, Master or PhD) to present original research to the audience. We plan a "mentoring" program in which selected students will be assigned to one of the lecturers for informal interaction and research/career discussions.
For any questions, please contact easllc2014 at Or see here or
We invite submissions of abstracts of original, unpublished papers from students in the area of logic, language and computation. Deadline for abstracts submission: April 1, 2014.
CfP special issue of Topoi on "Epistemic modals and the epistemology of modality"
Deadline: 15 March 2015Topoi: An international Review of Philosophy, is planning to devote a special issue to Epistemic Modals and the Epistemology of Modality, which will be edited by Berit Brogaard (University of Miami) and Dimitria Electra Gatzia (University of Akron).
Papers must be in English and should not exceed 8,000 words, though there is no minimum length. Each submission should also include a title page containing contact details, a brief abstract and list of keywords for indexing purposes. All submissions for this issue should be made through Topoi Editorial Manager ( Select 'S.I.: Epistemic modals (Brogaard/Gatzia)' as Article Type.
The deadline for the initial submission is March 15, 2015. Accepted papers will be published in 2016. For more information, see or email Dimitria E. Gatzia at dg29 at
25-27 June 2014, 21st International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2014), Roskilde, Denmark
Location: Roskilde, DenmarkDeadline: 3 March 2014The scope of ISMIS is intended to represent a wide range of topics on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, planning, databases, information retrieval, etc. The focus is on research in intelligent systems. The conference addresses issues involving solutions to problems that are complex to be solved through conventional approaches and that require the simulation of intelligent thought processes, heuristics and applications of knowledge. The integration of these multiple approaches in solving complex problems is of particular importance.
ISMIS'14 is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between theoreticians and practitioners, and to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas.
For more information, see
We invite you to submit a paper to ISMIS'14 on any of the aformentioned subjects. We explicitly solicit papers dealing with Applications of Intelligent Systems in complex/novel domains, e.g. Please note that the paper submission deadline is February 3, 2014.
24-27 June 2014, 9th International Ershov Informatics Conference (PSI'2014), Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia
Location: Peterhof, St. Petersburg, RussiaDeadline: 13 January 2014The Institute of Informatics Systems (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Saint Petersburg State University are jointly organizing the Ershov Informatics Conference (the PSI Conference Series, the 9th edition) to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 24 - 27, 2014.
The PSI Conference is the premier international forum for research and its applications in computer, software and information sciences. The conference brings together academic and industrial researchers, developers and users to present and discuss the most recent trends, experiences and concerns in the conference area.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract submission deadline: January 13, 2014.
26-28 June 2014, The 7th Semantics and Philosophy in Europe Colloquium (SPE7), Berlin
Location: BerlinDeadline: 1 February 2014The purpose of the Semantics and Philosophy in Europe colloquia is provide a forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and various areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, logic, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, etc.). Previous SPE meetings have taken place in Paris (SPE1, 2008 and SPE3, 2010), London (SPE2, 2009), Bochum (SPE4, 2011), Turin (SPE5, 2012) and St.Peterburg (SPE6, 2013).
In addition to the general theme, SPE 7 will feature two special topics
- Conceptual structures and truth-conditional semantics
- QuestionsFor more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstract Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2014.
23-27 June 2014, NASSLLI 2014 Student Session, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Location: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USADeadline: 14 March 2014The Student Session of the North American Summer School for Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI) will provides students an excellent opportunity to present their work to experts in their field as well as to a broader, well-informed interdisciplinary audience.
For more information, see or contact qharr at
NASSLLI welcomes paper submissions for presentation at its Student Session. Submissions may be in any of the fields related to the school (logic and language, logic and computation, or language and computation) and should represent original, unpublished work by individuals who will not yet have received their Ph.D. by the time of the conference. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three specialists who will provide commentary on the paper regardless of its acceptance status. Submissions due: March 14th, 2014 (by midnight).
23-25 June 2014, 5th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2014), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Location: Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaDeadline: 15 March 2014Computational social choice is a growing discipline at the interface of social choice theory and computer science. It is concerned with the application of computational techniques to the study of social choice mechanisms, and with the integration of social choice paradigms into computing. Like its predecessors, this 5th edition of COMSOC will bring together theoretical computer scientists, researchers working in artificial intelligence, economicsts, political scientsists, mathematicians, and logicians working on these topics.
Submissions of papers describing original or recently published work on all aspects of computational social choice are invited. Submission deadline: March 15, 2014
For more information, see
23-27 June 2014, CiE 2014: Computability in Europe, Budapest, Hungary
Location: Budapest, HungaryDeadline: 14 April 2014CiE 2014 is the tenth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world.
The motto of CiE 2014 "Language, Life, Limits" intends to put a special focus on relations between computational linguistics, natural computing, and more traditional fields of computability theory. This is to be understood in its broadest sense including computational aspects of problems in linguistics, studying models of computation and algorithms inspired by physical and biological approaches as well as exhibiting limits (and non-limits) of computability when considering different models of computation arising from such approaches.
For more information, see
Unlike the traditional format of computer science conferences with pre-conference proceedings, mathematics conferences allow for informal presentations that are prepared very shortly before the conference and inform the participants about current research and work in progress. Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, also this year's CiE conference endeavours to get the best of both worlds. In addition to the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and one page) by the deadline of April 14, 2014.
21-29 June 2014, Sixth North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI 2014), University of Maryland, U.S.A.
Location: University of Maryland, U.S.A.Costs: $175 for academicsDeadline: 1 September 2013The 6th North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI 2014), a bi-annual summer school loosely modeled on the long-running ESSLLI series in Europe, will be held at the University of Maryland, College Park, June 23 - 27, 2014. In addition, we will run three intensive introductory courses ("bootcamps") on Saturday and Sunday, June 21-22. Additional events will be held during the weekend following the summer school, June 28-29.
The summer school will consist of 18 courses, scheduled in five parallel sessions throughout the week. Courses will meet for 90 minutes on each of five days. The instructors are prominent researchers who volunteer their time and energy to present work in their disciplines. NASSLLI courses are aimed at graduate students and advanced undergraduates in any of the fields represented at the summer school, but will also be of interest to post-docs and researchers in those fields. Courses are designed with an interdisciplinary audience in mind, by instructors who enjoy addressing students and colleagues from a wide range of disciplines.
For more information including the full program, see
Proposals are invited for courses or workshops that present interdisciplinary work between the areas of logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, philosophy and artificial intelligence, though work in just one area is within the scope of the summer school if it can be applied in other fields. The deadline for proposals is September 1, 2013.
20-22 June 2014, 11th Annual Formal Epistemology Workshop (FEW 2014), Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.
Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.Deadline: 31 January 2014The Formal Epistemology Workshop will be held in connection with the 2014 meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy, which will take place immediately afterwards, at the California Institute of Technology, a short rail ride away in Pasadena.
There will be four contributed talks on Friday, June 20 and four contributed talks on Saturday, June 21. Sunday, June 22 will consist of shared events as part of both FEW and SEP, including a keynote address (by Bas van Fraassen) and a poster session.
For more information, see
Contributors are invited to send full papers (suitable for presenting as a 40 minute talk) by Friday, January 31, 2014.
18-20 June 2014, Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Sciences (SILFS 2014), Rome, Italy
Location: Rome, ItalyDeadline: 15 December 2013On June 18-20 2014 SILFS, the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science will hold its triennial conference at the University of Rome 'Roma TRE'. Invited speakers are John Norton, Hannes Leitgeb and Tarja Knuuttila.
For more information, see pr contact the SILFS secretary, Matteo Morganti: matteo.morganti at
We invite submissions in all areas of logic and philosophy of science, with special attention to inter-disciplinary approaches to logical and epistemological issues and topics in the foundations of special sciences (both natural, social and human). The deadline for submission is December 15, 2013.
18-20 June 2014, Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2014), Toulouse, France
Location: Toulouse, FranceDeadline: 15 March 2014LACL'2014 is the 8th international conference on logical and formal methods in computational linguistics. This conference addresses the use of type theoretic, proof theoretic and model theoretic methods for describing natural language syntax and semantics, as well as the implementation of natural language processing software relying on such models. It will be held at IRIT, Toulouse, France, from 18 to 20 June 2014 (with support from IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier et INP de Toulouse), and is co-located with CSLP 2014.
For more information, see or contact soloviev at and asher at (co-chairs of LACL 2014).
Computer scientists, linguists, mathematicians and philosophers are invited to present their work on the use of logical methods in computational linguistics and natural language processing, in natural language analysis, generation or acquisition. Paper submission deadline: March 15, 2014
16 - 20 June 2014, Logica 2014, Hejnice, Czech Republic
Location: Hejnice, Czech RepublicDeadline: 15 February 2014Logica 2014 is the 28th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic.
For more information, see or contact logica at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Contributions devoted to any of the wide range of logical problems are welcome except those focused on specialized technical applications. Particularly welcome are contributions that cover issues interesting both for 'philosophically' and for 'mathematically' oriented logicians. Deadline for submissions: 15 February
13-15 June 2014, 27th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2014), Barcelona, Spain
Location: Barcelona, SpainDeadline: 7 February 2014Invited speakers are Leslie Valiant (Harvard University) and Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley). COLT 2014 will take place within a larger research program on the Mathematics of Machine Learning organized at the Centre de Recerca Matemática in Barcelona.
For more information, see the conference website at
We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical aspects of machine learning and related topics. We strongly support a broad definition of learning theory. We are also interested in papers that include viewpoints that are new to the COLT community. We welcome experimental and algorithmic papers provided they are relevant to the focus of the conference by elucidating theoretical results.
We also invite submission of open problems.
Paper submission deadline: February 7th, 2014, 11:00 PM EST. -
9-13 June 2014, Ninth International Conference on Computability,
Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2014), Singapore, SingaporeLocation: Singapore, SingaporeDeadline: 15 March 2014CCR 2014 will be held at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Singapore as a part of the Algorithmic Randomness Programme, 2-30 June 2014. Topics include Algorithmic randomness, Computability theory, Kolmogorov complexity, Computational complexity and Reverse mathematics and logic.
Please register before 15 March 2014. For more information, see the Conference Web Page at
Those who wish to talk during the conference should inform the IMS in subsequent correpondence. -
7-9 June 2014, Logic, Grammar and Meaning, Norwich, U.K.
Location: Norwich, U.K.Deadline: 20 March 2014The "Logic, Grammar, and Language" Conference explores the the multifarious interactions between logic and natural language. We are interested to explore the relation(s) between logic and natural language from empirical (linguistic), philosophical, and logical perspectives.
For more information, see For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at: logogrammar at
We invite submissions on a broad range of topics related to the main theme of the conference. Submission deadline: March 20, 2014
6-12 June 2014, The 9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR-2014), Moscow, Russia
Location: Moscow, RussiaDeadline: 9 December 2013CSR 2014 intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science. It is the 9th conference in a series of regular events started with CSR 2006 in St. Petersburg.
Further information and contacts:
Email: csr2014 at googlegroups.comAuthors are invited to submit original (and not previously published) research. Submission deadline: December 9, 2013
6-7 June 2014, Fourth LSE Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Probability, London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 23 March 2014This is the fourth edition of the LSE Graduate Conferences in Philosophy of Probability. It aims to attract researchers working on any philosophical aspect of probability, including, but not limited to, Bayesian epistemology, the foundations of statistics, decision theory, probabilistic causation, probability logic and applications of probabilities in the natural, social and medical sciences.
For more information see
Submissions are invited from graduate students and early career researchers (up to two years after the award of their PhD). Papers may be on any of the conference topics. We especially encourage submissions on applications of probabilities in the natural, social and medical sciences. Deadline for submissions: 23 March 2014. There are 6 travel grants of up to 150 GBP available to help authors of accepted papers to cover the costs of their travel and accommodation.
5-6 June 2014, 14th Annual Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Physics Graduate Conference, London ON, Canada
Location: London ON, CanadaDeadline: 24 February 2014The LMP Graduate Student Conference will bring together philosophers of logic, mathematics, and physics for two days of presentations and discussions with some of the leaders in these fields. Doreen Fraser (University of Waterloo) will be giving the keynote address.
Additional information can be found on our website: Please send questions to the LMP Conference Committee: uwolmp at
Graduate students who have not yet defended their PhD thesis are invited to submit papers on any topic in philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of physics. Papers in philosophy of physics will be considered for the 11th Annual Clifton Memorial book prize. Deadline: Papers should be submitted via EasyChair by February 24th, 2014.
4-6 June 2014, Cracow Workshop in Analytical Philosophy - Normativity of meaning, belief and knowledge (CWAP 2014), Cracow, Poland
Location: Cracow, PolandDeadline: 6 April 2014CWAP 2014 is the 1st edition of what is planned to become a new platform for discussing problems in analytical philosophy in a small but stimulating environment. This year's edition shall focus on "normativity" as discussed within three areas of philosophical inquiry: theory of meaning, belief and knowledge.
All information concerning editorial guidelines, deadlines, fees, programme, our speakers and venue are available on-line at
We invite submissions of original papers for presentations at the workshop addressing any problem within the broad subject of the workshop. We are particularly interested in the issues investigating into the meta-theory of normativity restricted (or not) to the particular domain: epistemic, linguistic etc. The deadline for paper submissions is 6st April 2014.
2-6 June 2014, International Conference "Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications", Kazan, Russia
Location: Kazan, RussiaDeadline: 1 March 2014Kazan Federal University and Tatarstan Republic Academy of Science organize an International Conference "Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of Department of Algebra of Kazan University and to 70-th anniversary of Professor M.M. Arslanov.
The main topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) Lie Algebras, Group Theory, Ring Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Universal Algebra, Model Theory, Mathematical Logic, Computability Theory, Algebraic and Logic Methods in Computer Science.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for submissions of abstracts: March 1, 2014
201 June 4, European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics (ESMLS XX), June 2014, Cambridge, U.K.
Location: Cambridge, U.K.Deadline: 31 January 2013The 20th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics will take place in Cambridge (UK) in 2014, as was decided at the last meeting in Geneva. Most probably it will take place in the second half of June, although the exact dates has not yet been fixed. The topic for the meeting is: Theories and Uses of Relations in medieval logic, grammar and science.
For more information, see here.
If you intend to participate (with or without a paper), please let the organizers know by the end of the month (January 31, 2013).
29-31 May 2014, First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics (FilMat), Milan, Italy
Location: Milan, ItalyDeadline: 31 January 2014The FilMat network originates from two interconnected needs: to establish and foster exchanges between Italian scholars working in the philosophy of mathematics and strictly related fields, either in Italy or abroad, with special attention to those at early stages of their careers; and to support the relationships between the Italian community and international scholars.
In order to contribute to this process of establishment, the network is now promoting its first international conference, in the hope this will become a regular meeting for Italian and international researchers. The conference will give the opportunity to keep the attention on this field alive at national level, and to make the Italian research community even more visible internationally.
For more information, see
We expect to host up to 16 contributed talks by speakers of any nationalities by double-blind review. Submissions of original contributions are invited in any area of philosophy of mathematics connected with the issues of objectivity, cognition, and proof. Submissions by young scholars are especially welcome. Deadline for submission is January 31, 2014.
26 May - 1 June 2014, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Reykjavik, Iceland
Location: Reykjavik, IcelandDeadline: 1 October 2013ELRA, the European Language Resources Association, is very pleased to announce that the 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference will take place in Reykjavik (Iceland) on May 26-June 1, 2014.
LREC has become the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT). The aim of LREC is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, ongoing and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from the e-society, both with respect to policy issues and to technological and organisational ones.
More information will be available soon on:
A CFP is forthcoming. Estimated submission deadline is October 2013.
22-23 May 2014, Workshop "Objects of All Kinds" (OAK), Lille, France
Speaker: Dale Jacquette (Bern), Wim Veldman (Nijmegen)Location: Lille, FranceDeadline: 15 February 2014The concept of object is one of the most general concepts in philosophy. On the one hand, we may be interested in the general question of what it is to be an object. On the other hand, we face the problem of delineating the criteria of objecthood in connection with specialized topics, giving rise to specific questions on what it is to be an object of a certain kind (such as concrete, abstract, indeterminate, mathematical, etc.). Accepting or refusing things of a certain kind as legitimate objects (of that particular kind) when developing a scientific theory or a philosophical position is likely to have important general repercussions.
In our workshop we wish to investigate the notion of object, both generally and in relation to particular fields of research. The emphasis is on the grounds and consequences of specific views on objects.
For more information, see or contact ronzitti at or tero.tulenheimo at (for information concerning the workshop) or matthieu.gallais at (for practical information).
We invite submissions presenting original contributions to the above questions in relation to different disciplines within which they can arise (metaphysics, logic, physics, mathematics, theory of knowledge, and so on). Up to 4 contributed papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop. In addition, up to 2 short student presentations will be accepted. Submission deadline: February 15, 2014
21-23 May 2014, Summer School and Workshop "Abstraction: Philosophy and Mathematics", Oslo, Norway
Location: Oslo, NorwayDeadline: 15 February 2014This combined summer school and workshop aims to take stock of the abstractionist programme after three decades of intensive philosophical and technical study, as well as to make progress on some questions that have recently received much attention, such as the metaontology of abstraction and the variety of responses to the bad company problem, including the possibility of a more 'dynamic' approach to abstraction (recently advocated by Øystein Linnebo, James Studd, and others), which sees abstraction as a process whereby ever greater domains of abstracta are 'generated'.
For more information, see For any questions, please contact Salvatore Florio at florio at
A limited number of contributed papers will be accepted for presentation. For consideration, please submit an extended abstract or a complete paper, ready for blind review, to oystein.linnebo at by February 15, 2014.
15-16 May 2014, Proof, Computation and Complexity (PCC 2014), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 3 March 2014The aim of PCC is to stimulate research in proof theory, computation, and complexity, focusing on issues which combine logical and computational aspects. Topics may include applications of formal inference systems in computer science, as well as new developments in proof theory motivated by computer science demands. Specific areas of interest are (non-exhaustively listed) foundations for specification and programming languages, logical methods in specification and program development including program extraction from proofs, type theory, new developments in structural proof theory, and implicit computational complexity.
PCC 2014 is organised as a satellite event of TYPES 2014. Registration for PCC 2014 will be through the TYPES 2014 site, with details to be announced later on. The workshop is scheduled for the full day of Friday, May 16. The participants are encouraged to attend the Thursday sessions of TYPES 2014. If the number and quality of submissions justifies this, then PCC 2014 will start in the afternoon of Thursday, May 15. This will be known by the notification date.
For more information, see
PCC is intended to be a lively forum for presenting and discussing recent work. We solicit contributions in the fields of PCC, non-exhaustively described above. Deadline for proposing a contributed talk: Monday, March 3, 2014.
CfP special issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence on "Mathematical Theories of Natural Language Processing"
Deadline: 31 July 2014Since the 1990s, the practice of natural language processing (NLP) has gradually shifted from logic-based symbol manipulation systems first to purely statistical, and more recently to hybrid systems that combine structural and statistical methods. The mathematical theory of hybrid NLP is still not fully mature, and the special issue will lend focus to this expanding research area by including papers from mathematicians, computer scientists, theoretical and computational linguists and AI researchers with an interest in its foundations.
Subjects suitable for the special issue include, but are not limited to, NLP-related advances in
- inductive learning
- spectral techniques
- formal grammars
- commonsense reasoning
- low-pass semantics
- sparse models
- LSTM, deep learning
- compressed sensing
- cvs/distributional theoriesPapers which were presented in January 2014 at the ISAIM special session on this topic are especially invited for submission, but other submissions not associated with ISAIM will be given equal consideration for publication. All papers will go through the standard refereeing process of the journal. The submission deadline is July 31 , 2014 . Papers should be submitted through the Springer website for the journal choosing article type Special Issue S79: Mathematical Theories of NLP.
9-11 May 2014, Sixth Models and Simulations Conference (MS6), Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.
Location: Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.Deadline: 22 November 2013MS6 is the latest in a series of international conferences to explore philosophical issues arising from the construction and use of models and computer simulations in the natural and social sciences, after meetings in Paris, Tilburg, Charlottesville, Toronto, and Helsinki.
Plenary speakers are William Bechtel (California), Philip Mirowski (Notre Dame) and Andrea Woody (Washington).
All conference-related information will be posted on the MS6 website at Further inquiries may be addressed to Xavi Lanao at MS6conf at
Papers are invited from both philosophers and practicing scientists. Abstract submission deadline: 22 November 2013.
5-9 May 2014, 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 8 October 2013AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging three highly respected meetings: the International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS); the International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL); and the International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA). The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems.
For more information, see
AAMAS 2014, the thirteenth conference in the AAMAS series, seeks high-quality submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages in length. In addition to submissions in the main track, AAMAS 2014 will be soliciting papers in four special tracks (on Robotics, Virtual Agents, Innovative Applications and Challenges and Visions). Electronic Abstract Submission: October 8, 2013 (11:59 PM HST).
5 or 6 May 2014, Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS 2014), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 22 January 2014There is a growing interdisciplinary community of researchers and research groups working on logical aspects of MAS from the perspectives of logic, artificial intelligence, computer science, game theory, etc. The LAMAS workshop is a satellite workshop of AAMAS 2014 that serves the community as a platform for presentation, exchange, and publication of ideas.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit papers in the following three categories: Regular papers (describing original unpublished research), System descriptions (describing new or significantly upgrded systems) or Extended abstracts (reporting interesting and relevant work that has been recently published or accepted for publication). Paper submission deadline: January 22, 2014.
28-30 April 2014, 3rd Conference on Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning & Semantics: Evolution and Cooperation (GIRLS'14@LUND), Lund, Sweden
Location: Lund, SwedenDeadline: 7 February 2014The 3rd Lund Conference on 'Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning and Semantics' (GIRLS14@LUND) welcomes researchers in philosophy, cognitive science, economics & linguistics, using agent based models with bounded rationality, models of evolutionary dynamics, and other naturalistic approaches. The primary conference aims are to foster cooperation between these groups and help establish common ground. G.I.R.L.S.14@LUND will be themed around Evolution and Cooperation.
For more information, see the GIRLS14@LUND website at
We welcome submissions that bear upon any of the conference topics. Abstracts should be submitted on or before February 7th, 2014.
27 April - 1 May 2014, 14th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RaMICS 2014), Marienstatt im Westerwald. Germany
Location: Marienstatt im Westerwald. GermanyDeadline: 25 October 2013Since 1994, the RelMiCS meetings on Relational Methods in Computer Science have been a main forum for researchers who use the calculus of relations and similar algebraic formalisms as methodological and conceptual tools. The AKA workshop series on Applications of Kleene algebra started with a Dagstuhl seminar in 2001 and was co-organised with the RelMiCS conference until 2009. Since 2011, joint RAMiCS conferences continue to encompass the scope of both RelMiCS and AKA.
The conference will be accompanied by a PhD training program. Details will be published in due time in a special call and on the conference website.
For more information, see
We invite submissions in the general area of Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science. Special focus will lie on formal methods for software engineering, logics of programs and links with neighbouring disciplines. Deadline for title and abstract submission: October 25, 2013.
24-25 April 2014, PhDs in Logic VI, Utrecht University
Location: Utrecht UniversityDeadline: 15 January 2014'PhDs in Logic' is a graduate conference organized by local graduate students. Its aim is to bring together PhD candidates and researchers as well as to foster contact between graduate students. Earlier editions of the event took place in Ghent (2009, 2012), Tilburg (2010), Brussels (2011) and Munich (2013).
Following the previous meetings, the academic setup of the conference consists of two main parts:
(i) Four established researchers in logic will each give two 45-minute tutorial sessions on a relevant topic in logic;
(ii) About 15 PhD candidates will give 20-minute presentations on their work.
There will also be opportunities for informal gatherings, including a conference dinner.If you would like to participate, please fill in the registration form on our website by 13 April 2014. For more information, see or contact phdsinlogic at
PhD candidates interested in presenting a talk should submit a 500-1000 word abstract by January 15, 2014. We welcome PhD candidates in logic with a background in philosophy, computer science, mathematics or linguistics. Exceptions can be made for master students and first-year postdocs.
21-25 April 2014, The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014 (PhML-2014), St. Petersburg, Russia
Location: St. Petersburg, RussiaDeadline: 1 March 2014The conference PhML-2014 is a sequel in the series of conferences intended to provide a forum for philosophers, mathematicians, linguists, logicians, and computer scientists who share an interest in cross-disciplinary research. The scientific program of PhML-2014 will include plenary sessions, thematic sessions to present contributed papers and Panel Discussion "Understanding complexity in cross-disciplinary research". Papers will be given in English.
For further practical information, see:
For presentation at thematic sessions, the conference PhML-2014 invites the submission of contributed papers on original and unpublished research relating to the interplay between philosophy, mathematics and linguistics. Papers from any tradition and from a wide variety of perspectives are welcome. Submission deadline for contributed papers: March 1st, 2014.
12-13 April 2014, The Second Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Guangzhou, China
Location: Guangzhou, ChinaDeadline: 20 January 2014The aim of the Workshop is to promote mutual understandings among researchers on logic working in Asian countries, and to establish closer collaborations in future. The scope of the Workshop will cover: philosophical logic, non-classical logics, algebraic logic, and their applications in computer science and cognitive science.
Further information about the conference can be find here:
All researchers working on various aspects of philosophical logic are cordially invited to submit their papers by the submission deadline of January 20th, 2014.
10-12 April 2014, Mathematical Cultures 3 (MC3), London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 30 November 2013MC3 is the third in a series of three conferences with associated publications on mathematics as culture and mathematics in culture. The third conference will consider the relation between mathematics and other cultures, whether popular or specialist. Amongst other topics, it will explore the question "why should I study mathematics?" - from perspectives within and outside mathematical cultures.
For more information, see
Abstracts of about 300 words are invited on the place and reception of mathematics in non-mathematical cultures, relations between mathematical and non-mathematical cultures, and especially the cultural significance of mathematics for school pupils, their parents and other advisers at the points when they decide whether or not to study it. Historical analyses are welcome, especially if they offer insight (possibly through contrast) into the experiences and conditions of present-day developed societies. The deadline is 30 November 2013.
9-11 April 2014, 30th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS 2014), Loughborough, U.K.
Location: Loughborough, U.K.Deadline: 26 March 2014The purpose of the BCTCS is to provide a forum in which researchers in theoretical computer science can meet, present research findings, and discuss developments in the field. It also aims to provide an environment in which PhD students can gain experience in presenting their work, and benefit from contact with established researchers. The conference will consist of invited presentations by distinguished researchers and a number of contributed talks.
More information about the meeting including updates are available from the conference webpages at: Queries can be sent to: bctcs at
Participants at the colloquium are encouraged to present a contributed talk. Abstract submission will be open in January 2014. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 26/03/2014.
5-6 April 2014, 12th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'14), Grenoble, France
Location: Grenoble, FranceDeadline: 23 February 2014Established in 1998, the CMCS workshops aim to bring together researchers with a common interest in the theory of coalgebras, their logics, and their applications. As the workshop series strives to maintain breadth in its scope, areas of interest include neighbouring fields as well.
For more information, see
We solicit two types of contributions: regular papers and short contributions. Regular papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Short contributions may describe work in progress, or summarise work submitted to a conference or workshop elsewhere. Deadline for submission: 6 January 2014 (abstracts of regular papers) or 23 February 2014 (short contributions).
1-4 April 2014, Second Symposium on History and Philosophy of Programming (HaPoP 2), London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 3 January 2014A historical awareness of the evolution of computing not only helps to clarify the complex structure of the computing sciences, but it also provides an insight in what computing was, is and maybe could be in the future. Philosophy, on the other hand, helps to tackle some of the fundamental problems of computing. The aim of this symposium is to zoom into one fundamental aspect of computing, that is the foundational and the historical problems and developments related to the science of programming.
The convention is organised by the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) as part of the AISB-50 Annual Convention 2014 to be held at Goldsmiths, University of London, on April 1st-4th 2014.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Full paper submission deadline: 3 January 2014.
1-2 April 2014, Norms, Actions, Games (NAG 2014), London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 30 January 2014In strategic interaction, where multiple agents pursue personal objectives, conflict is bound to arise, as the actions of the individual agents have an effect on the welfare of the others. In such situations the need arises for the explicit regulation of individual and collective behaviour which has traditionally followed two alternative approaches, well-known in the economics literature: the spontaneous order approach, which studies how norms result from endogenous agreements among rational individuals, and the mechanism design approach, which studies how norms are exogenously designed in order to reach desirable properties.
The present workshop is motivated by the conviction that the two paradigms to understand norms in strategic interaction are by no means incompatible and can be effectively used together for regulative purposes. The aim of the symposium is to gather researchers looking at norms in strategic interaction from different perspectives, i.e. philosophy, computer science, game theory, logic, fostering discussion and interdisciplinary collaboration. Researchers will be given the opportunity of presenting their work in a stimulating environment, without novelty constraints on their contribution.
For more information please have a look at the workshop website
We welcome contributions on the conference topics from all relevant disciplines, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches. The deadline for submission is January 30, 2014, and we will accept short papers/extended abstract (max 3000 words).
13-14 March 2014, Workshop "Empirical Methods of Linguistics in Philosophy",, Dortmund (Germany)
Location: Dortmund (Germany)Deadline: 1 December 2013The "experimental philosophy" movement has recently gained some momentum in the philosophical community. The movement's basic idea is to introduce experimental methods (other than thought experiments) or, more broadly conceived, empirical methods to philosophy. This workshop brings together researchers who implement empirical methods from linguistics in philosophical research.
Although the focus of the workshop is on the use of such methods in philosophy, both philosophers and linguists will be involved. Each of the workshop sessions will open with a paper demonstrating the application of a specific linguistic method in philosophy. This paper will be followed by two peer commentaries, one by a linguist, the other by a philosopher. The primary purpose of the workshop is exploratory: The potential applications, the benefits and the limits of linguistic methods in philosophy stand in need of clarification. The secondary purpose is to create a networking opportunity for researchers who employ (and those who intend to employ) empirical methods from linguistics in philosophy.
For more information, see the workshop page at PhilEvents:
13-14 March 2014, Conference "(Re)presenting the Speech of Others", Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsDeadline: 1 December 2013There are different ways of reporting what someone else has said. Common forms of speech reports are direct speech (Mary said 'I am sick') and indirect speech (Mary said that she is sick). Pretense and role play are closely related phenomena. Like in direct speech, someone engaging in role play adopts the perspective of another person and produces utterances from that shifted standpoint (I am sick). Another interesting parallel is that children start to use speech reports and to engage in role play at around the same time, namely at two to three years of age. This is well before they pass standard false belief tests (at around four) which are often taken to be the hallmark of Theory of Mind and metarepresentation. Since at least some forms of reported speech exhibit recursion, intensionality, and/or clausal embedding, this developmental gap may shed new light on the debate over the relationship between Theory of Mind and the syntax/semantics of recursive embedding. The aim of the conference is to discuss the cognitive and conceptual relationship of reported speech, pretense and cognitive abilities such as perspective-taking, metarepresentation and Theory of Mind.
For more information, see
We invite authors to submit an anonymous two-page abstract by 1 December, 2013, for a talk of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion or a poster. We welcome theoretically and empirically oriented contributions addressing some of the conference's topics of interest from the perspectives of (psycho)linguistics, philosophy, psychology or semantics.
10-14 March 2014, 8th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2014), Madrid, Spain
Location: Madrid, SpainDeadline: 21 October 2013LATA is a yearly conference on theoretical computer science and its applications. Following the tradition of the diverse PhD training events in the field developed at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona since 2002, LATA 2014 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.). LATA 2014 will consist of invited talks, invited tutorials and peer-reviewed contributions
For more information, see or contact florentinalilica.voicu at
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Paper submission deadline (extended): October 21, 2013 (23:59 CET).
10-12 March 2014, Workshop on Beauty and Explanation in Mathematics (WBEM), Umea, Sweden
Location: Umea, SwedenDeadline: 1 December 2013The purpose of this workshop is to bring together philosophers, mathematicians, and mathematics educators to study a question which is both relevant and timely for all three groups, namely whether mathematical beauty and mathematical explanation are related.
Our approach is largely empirical- we will develop a set of examples that will help us make necessary distinctions and connections. The central questions of the workshop fall into three classes. One class concerns relations between beauty and visualization in mathematics; the other class concerns relations between explanation and visualization in mathematics. The third, perhaps most intriguing, class deals with the question whether visualization is an essential link between explanation and beauty and mathematics, that is: When some mathematics is both beautiful and explanatory, does the conjunction depend on the presence of a visual element?
In addition to the scientific aims of the workshop, an important goal is to reach across normally rigid disciplinary domains to work on an area of common interest. We have invited top people from respective fields, some of whom know each other, but others (even within the same field) have never read each other s work.
For more information, see the workshop website at
If you are interested to contribute a paper to the workshop please submit an abstract, no more than 2 pages, describing with some detail what you would like to present, and whether you would like to present a short (20 minute) or long (40 minute) presentation. Deadline: December 1, 2013.
6-8 March 2014, 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014), Angers, France
Location: Angers, FranceDeadline: 24 September 2013The purpose of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in these areas. Two simultaneous but strongly related tracks will be held, covering both applications and current research work within the area of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, Distributed Problem Solving and Distributed AI in general, including web applications, on one hand, and within the area of non-distributed AI, including the more traditional areas such as Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception and also not so traditional areas such as Reactive AI Systems, Evolutionary Computing and other aspects of Computational Intelligence and many other areas related to intelligent systems, on the other hand.
Please check further details at the conference website (
Papers describing original work are invited in any of the aforementioned areas. Regular Paper Submission deadline: September 24, 2013.
4-7 March 2014, INFTY Final Conference, Bonn, Germany
Location: Bonn, GermanyDeadline: 17 February 2014The INFTY Final Conference marks the conclusion of the European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme INFTY - New frontiers of infinity: mathematical, philosophical, and computational prospects. The INFTY network is devoted to the study of a wide range of aspects of Infinity. It principally addresses set theory as the mathematical study of infinity, and applications of set theory within pure mathematics.
The scientific program of the conference features invited on set theory and neighbouring areas by internationally leading experts and young researchers as well as contributed talks. A Hausdorff Afternoon will commemorate the publication of Felix Hausdorff's groundbreaking work Grundzüge der Mengenlehre exactly 100 years ago.
Please see for more information or email inftyfinal at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. The (extended) deadline for submission of abstracts is February 17, 2014.
3-5 March 2014, KNAW Colloquium on Dependence Logic
Location: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV AmsterdamDeadline: 14 February 2014The goal of this Academy Colloquium is to establish a basic theory of dependence and independence underlying seemingly unrelated subjects such as bound variables in logic, database theory, the theory of social choice, random variables, Mendelian genetics, causality, and even parts of quantum physics. There is an abundance of new results in this field demonstrating remarkable convergence. The concepts of (in)dependence in the different fields of humanities and sciences have surprisingly much in common and a common logic is starting to emerge.
For more information, see or
Young researchers, PhD-students and research master students in dependence logic or related fields are cordially invited to send a proposal for a 20 minutes presentation of their research in the Academy Colloquium. Although the colloquium will be focused on dependence logic, the scope of the presentations is wider, and other aspects of mathematical, computer science and philosophical logic pertaining to dependence and independence concepts or team semantics will be accepted as well. Submission deadline: 14 February 2014.
20-23 February 2014, Functions, proofs, constructions, Tuebingen, Germany
Location: Tuebingen, GermanyDeadline: 1 September 2013The apparent dichotomy between proofs as constituted by inferential steps, and proofs as abstract 'unstructured' entities reflects the duality of the notion of function itself. Should functions be viewed as procedures - piecewise constituted by instructions - or are functions sorts of black boxes to be identified by what they do - giving a value for each input - rather than by how they do it? Are functions primarily given as the denotation of linguistic predicates (in a Fregean manner), or are they rather an already given domain which we disclose through language?
For more information and a full programme please visit
We invite philosophers, historians as well as mathematician and computer scientists willing to take part to the workshop to submit the extended abstract (max 2 pages) of a talk suitable for a 45 minutes to 1 hour presentation. Submission Deadline: September 1, 2013.
13-17 February 2014, 5th World Congress of Paraconsistent Logic (WCP5), Kolkata, India
Location: Kolkata, IndiaDeadline: 1 September 2013This is the 5th world congress on paraconsistent logic, gathering top researchers from all over the world.
All aspects of paraconsistency are under examination: studies of various systems of paraconsistent logic, general tools and frameworks for these systems, philosophical discussion and historical investigations as well as challenging applications. The WCP5 is emphasizing an interdisciplinary perspective ranging from mathematics to arts, through computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy and linguistics.
For more information, see
All talks related to paraconsistent logic are welcome. Artistic works related to paraconsistency are also welcome. The deadline for submission is September 1st, 2013.
12-14 February 2014, Colombian Conference on Logic, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (PHILOGICA III), Bogota, Colombia
Location: Bogota, ColombiaDeadline: 15 November 2013The conference is a biennial forum for new work in all areas of analytic philosophy, with special emphasis on logic, epistemology, and the philosophy of science.
For more information, please visit our website:
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. The time allocated for selected presentations is 40 minutes, including discussion. The submission deadline is November 15, 2013.
The best paper submitted by a young scholar will be awarded the Philologica Prize (including $500) during the closing ceremony of the conference.
6 - 9 February 2014, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology 2014 (ICDCIT 2014), Bhubaneswar, India
Location: Bhubaneswar, IndiaDeadline: 30 August 2013Established in 2004, the ICDCIT conference series has become a a primary international forum for the presentation of state-of-the-art results in distributed computing and internet technologies, and their application in society, economy and governance; with proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS volumes.
For more information, see
ICDCIT 2014 solicits original papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technology in the following broad areas: Distributed Computing, Internet Technologies and Societal Application. Abstract submission deadline: 30 August 2013
27-28 January 2014, AISB Workshop on Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency, Bournemouth, U.K.
Location: Bournemouth, U.K.Deadline: 3 November 2013The Society for the Study of Articial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) is organizing a Workshop on Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency. The event is hosted by Bournemouth University.
Agent-based models (ABMs) allow to observe the complexity of a system's interactions in the making. This is of interest for the social sciences because of a presumed ontological correspondence of agents with the atoms of social life. An agent can be anything from states to socio-cultural structures, to the environment. This methodological vagueness can be the scrutinised with the theoretical question of what is the basic unit for the analysis of social systems in-between culture, organisation, interactions, and the body. This is of particular relevance for the analysis of organisations, and hence we would like to bring together a group of people that is interested in any aspect of ABM of social agents in organisations.
For more information, see
We invite submissions that seek to examine the applications, structure, how-to, potentials, and philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of ABMs applied to organisational behaviour and social agency. The workshop welcomes contributions from any discipline. Abstracts should be submitted by November 3, 2013.
23-25 January 2014, Days in Logic 2014, Braga, Portugal
Location: Braga, PortugalDeadline: 12 January 2014Days in Logic 2014 will take place in January 23-25 in Braga (north of Portugal). There will be short courses by Mário Edmundo (UAberta), Luís Antunes (UPorto), Michael Rathjen (ULeeds) and Alex Simpson (UEdinburgh). The meeting includes sessions of contributed talks of 25 minutes each.
For more information, see
Authors wishing to give a talk at the meeting are requested to submit an abstract by January 12, 2014.
18-19 January 2014, 7th Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Cambridge, U.K.
Location: Cambridge, U.K.Deadline: 15 November 2013Keynote speakers this year are Kit Fine (NYU) & Ofra Magidor (Oxford).
Here is a link to last year's conference website:
For any further information, see here or contact the conference organisers, Lukas Skiba and Fiona Doherty, at cam.phil.grad.conf at
We invite papers from graduate students, or those who have recently completed their PhD, on any topic in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, broadly construed. Papers will have respondents, and will be followed by open discussion. The deadline for receipt of submissions is the 15th November 2013.
13-16 January 2014, Modeling experiencers in natural language semantics (ISLA 2014 workshop), Tezpur, India
Location: Tezpur, IndiaDeadline: 22 October 2013There is a long-standing tradition of using logical and, more specifically, model-theoretic tools in the analysis of natural languages. Building on this tradition, this ISLA-2014 workshop aims at addressing one specific issue that has been the topic of discussion lately in the areas of formal semantics, applied logic, computational linguistics, and philosophy. The issue at stake is the notion of *experiencer*, across languages and across linguistic categories.
In addressing questions concerning experiencers, our workshop aims at reaching a better understanding of the nature of argument structure in natural language, which we take to be a key element in understanding the logical patterns that linguistic constructions give rise to, and in modeling the logic of natural language. Our interdisciplinary workshop will provide a platform for a fruitful exchange between those working in foundational areas in logic and those who are interested in the applications of logic to natural languages.
For more information, see
We invite abstracts for 40-minute presentations (30 + 10) to be submitted by October 22 (extended deadline).
13 January - 14 February 2014, Mathematical Structures of Computation, Lyon, France
Location: Lyon, FranceDeadline: 4 January 2014The weeks Mathematical Structures of Computation are a scientific programme organized in Lyon. The central theme of this five-weeks session is the notion of computation. It will be developed under several aspects: algebraic computation, certified numeric computation, execution of concurrent processes, etc. We illustrate this crossed enrichment between Mathematics and Computer Science through five workshops about of these expanding research fields.
Registration for one or several of these workshops is free, but recommended, and can be performed until January 4th, 2014. For more information, see
6-17 January 2014, Fifth Indian School on Logic and its Applications(ISLA 2014), Tezpur, India
Location: Tezpur, IndiaDeadline: 28 June 2013ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the 5th Indian School on Logic and Applications at Tezpur University and invites proposals for workshops to be organized during the School.
The Indian School on Logic and Applications is a biennial event. The previous editions of the school were held in IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, University of Hyderabad, and Manipal University. The objective is to present before graduate students and researchers of the country, some basics as well as active research areas in logic. The School typically attracts students and teachers from mathematics, philosophy and computer science departments.
The school will adopt a dual format: the mornings will consist of introductory courses on fundamental aspects of logic, by eminent researchers in the area. The afternoons will have workshops, which can be of the nature of advanced tutorials, or presentations on research areas, in different aspects of logic and applications.
For more information, see or contact isla2014 at
The ISLA programme committee invites proposals for workshops for the School, in the broad interdisciplinary area connecting logic and the foundations of mathematics with artificial intelligence, computing science and philosophy. The objective is to bring before students and faculty an active research theme. Deadline for workshop proposals (extended): June 28, 2013
Past Conferences
19-20 December 2014, Naming Matters: Workshop on the Logic of Proper Names, Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Stuttgart, Germany"Naming Matters" is a workshop with the world's leading researchers on proper names, the Stuttgart Circle for logic, and the Student Representatives of Philosophy of the University of Stuttgart. Speakers: Hans Kamp, Artemis Alexiadou, Tillmann Pross, Tomoo Ueda, Hazel Pearson, Jonathan Mai. Language: English/ German.
Participation is free of charge and registration is open to anyone. Visit for more information (including program and abstracts) or to register (Deadline 17th of December), or contact mail at
16 December 2014, Foundationalist epistemology: Bolzano, Frege, Husserl
Location: Lipsius-building, room 002, Cleveringaplaats 1, LeidenSpeakers will be Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State University), Göran Sundholm, Maria van der Schaar, and Ansten Klev.
For more information, see
13 December 2014, Master class The biology of Language: Evolution, Brain, Development, KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
Location: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV AmsterdamLanguage serves as a cornerstone for human cognition, yet much about its evolution remains puzzling. Recent research on this question parallels Darwin's attempt to explain both the unity of all species as well as their diversity. What has emerged is that the unified nature of human language arises from a shared, species-specific computational ability, one with identifiable correlates in the brain, that has remained fixed since the origin of language about 100 thousand years ago. At the same time, the nature of variation from language to language arises historically in ways similar to biological variation, and can be modelled as such.
For more information, see
10 December 2014, The 1st International Workshop for Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation (MET-ARG 2014), Krakow, Poland
Location: Krakow, PolandThe aim of the workshop is to provide a space for exchange of methodological ideas concerning the research on legal argumentation from three perspectives: AI and Law, argumentation theory and legal theory. Since a thorough discussion of scientific aims and adopted methodologies is needed in this field, our main motivation is to discuss some perspectives of cooperation and mutual inspiration between these three research areas in order to develop more effective, accurate and scientifically adequate theories and models of legal argumentation. This may lead to establishing of interdisciplinary research projects related to legal argumentation.
MET-ARG is held in conjunction with the CMNA 14 workshop and is organized under auspices of the ArgDiaP organisation. At the workshop eight position papers will be presented by key specialists in the fields of AI and Law, argumentation theory and legal theory, which will be followed by a panel discussion "Force of Legal Arguments: Contemporary Perspectives and Methods" to which all the workshop's participants will be invited.
For more details, please visit the website:
5-7 December 2014, Aesthetics in Mathematics, Norwich, U.K.
Location: Norwich, U.K.It is a common thought that mathematics can be not only true but also beautiful, and some of the greatest mathematicians have attached central importance to the aesthetic merit of their work. Many have derived aesthetic pleasure from mathematical research, pointing out the incomparable beauty and elegance of particular theorems, proofs and theories. As the French mathematician and theoretical physicist Henri Poincaré put it, mathematical beauty is a "real aesthetic feeling that all true mathematicians recognise". Others have gone further, recognising mathematical beauty not only as a well-known phenomenon, but as one of the key motivations behind the formulation of mathematical proofs and as a criterion for choosing one mathematical theorem over another. Thus, Hermann Weyl famously declared: "My work always tried to unite the true with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful".
This conference seeks to address questions that arise out of this tendency, prevalent among mathematicians, to call theories, proofs and definitions ~beautiful~ or ~ugly~ and to judge them on the basis of aesthetic standards.
For more information, see or contact the organizers at: bsam14 at
28-29 November 2014, "The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction and Philosophical Methodology", Zuerich, Switzerland
Location: Zuerich, SwitzerlandThe primary aim of the conference is to examine the purpose of the semantics-pragmatics distinction and the arguments referred to in order to defend a particular account of the distinction.
The conference intends to address the following questions: What is the function of the semantics-pragmatics distinction? Are the different participants in the debate trying to account for the same distinction? On which basis, i.e. referring to what kind of arguments, can a particular account of the distinction between semantics and pragmatics be defended?
For more information, see or contact semprag at
22-23 November 2014, Workshop on nonstandard modals, Leeds, England
Location: Leeds, EnglandThe University of Leeds will be hosting a workshop focused on recent linguistic and philosophical work on modality.
The list of speakers includes:
Simona Aimar (UCL/Columbia)
Fabrizio Cariani (Northwestern U)
Paul Egre (IJN, Paris)
Valentine Hacquard (U of Maryland)
Daniel Rothschild (UCL)
Malte Willer (U of Chicago)More information is available at: Registration is free, but places are limited. If you're interested, please email the organizer at paolosantorio at
19-23 November 2014, 56th Students' Conference on Linguistics (StuTS 56), University of Hamburg, Germany
Location: University of Hamburg, GermanyCosts: 30 EuroThe 'StUTS' is a biannually held Conference organized by and for students at different universities. Every semester, there are about 150 participants from various universities and colleges from all over Europe - anyone interested in linguistics can join.
The programme consists mainly of student talks - anyone (who wants to) is given the possibility to present their own project, research or paper, or give a language tutorial. Usually, a variety of different linguistic disciplines are present. Furthermore, there will be intriguing keynote presentations by professors from Hamburg University, and of course there will be time for some fun free-time activities, to get to know each other and also the beautiful city.
First and foremost, the conference offers the possibility to gather some experience in giving a scientific talk, to present and discuss your own ideas with interested peers, to get to know other related fields of linguistic research and to develop creative new approaches for the future.
For more information, see and
10-14 November 2014, Workshop "Logics for Social Behaviour", Leiden, The Netherlands
Location: Leiden, The NetherlandsThis workshop is aimed at starting new scientific collaborations between (a) mathematical logicians using algebraic, topological and category-theoretic methods for nonclassical logics, and (b) researchers in social choice and judgment aggregation interested in applying logical methods.
While researchers in group (a) are mostly unfamiliar with social choice as a potential field of application of their specific results and techniques, researchers in group (b) have mostly been exposed to only a fragment of the available logical formalisms and techniques, namely to those pertaining to classical logic and model theory, and have largely not been exposed to the results and techniques in the area of group (a). The many possibilities for applying nonclassical logics and their surrounding mathematical theory (duality theory, algebraic, topological, and category-theoretic methods) to social choice and judgment aggregation form an uncharted research territory which the workshop aims at exploring.
Towards this goal, rather than displaying the standard organization, the present workshop is structured around three types of activities: tutorial sessions, discussion sessions and work sessions.
There is a limited number of places still available. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact one of the organizers preferably no later than June 10, 2014. For more information, see
5 November 2014, Workshop "Object and property in logic, language and metaphysics", Birmingham, England
Location: Birmingham, EnglandSpeakers:
* David Liggins (Manchester), "Propositions and "that"-clauses".
* Jessica Leech (Sheffield), "Absolute necessity".
* Jonathan Payne (Institute of Philosophy), "Quantification and the neo-Fregean conception of object".For more information, see
29-30 October 2014, International Colloquium "The Philosophers and Mathematics", Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalThe Philosophers and Mathematics is an international colloquium organised by Hassan Tahiri, Center for the Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, that takes place on 29th and 30th October 2014, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, under the FCT research project "Argumentation and scientific change. A case study of how Ibn al-Haytham al-Shukuk changed the course of Astronomy forever". The Colloquium is organised in honour of Prof. Roshdi Rashed.
For more information, see or contact cdlisboa at
27-30 October 2014, 1st ESSENCE Autumn School, Ischia, Italy
Location: Ischia, ItalyThe School offers an interdisciplinary programme of lectures and tutorials from experts in various areas of Artificial Intelligence and linguistics that study evolving and negotiated meaning in natural and artificial systems, including knowledge representation and ontologies, multiagent systems, language evolution, dialogue systems.
The registration deadline is 5 October 2014. For more information, see
24 October 2014, Workshop "Inconsistencies in Scientific Reasoning", Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, Belgium"Inconsistencies in Scientific Reasoning" is a one day workshop organized by the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS) at Ghent University ( The workshop aims at exploring two closely related issues. First, the descriptive question, how frequent and how significant inconsistencies in scientific reasoning are. This gives rise to the second question, what normative conclusions we can draw from such historical analyses. The latter issue concerns the methodological standards of scientific inquiry, as well as the question whether classical logic is sufficient for the explication of scientific reasoning, or whether specific non-classical logics are needed to this end.
For more information, see
24-25 October 2014, Inductive Logic and Confirmation in Science II, Salt Lake City UT, U.S.A.
Location: Salt Lake City UT, U.S.A.This workshop is addressed to all researchers (early and not so early career) who have an interest in inductive logic and confirmation theory as they relate to science and the philosophy of science. PhD students are particularly encouraged to participate. The workshop is free and open to anyone. If you plan to attend, please register by simply dropping an email to the organizers with your name and affiliation.
For more information, see
23-24 October 2014, Lindström Lectures
Speaker: Joan Moschovakis & Yiannis MoschovakisLocation: University of Gothenburg, SwedenThe Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (FLOV) at the University of Gothenburg launched an annual lecture series last year to celebrate the singular achievements of Per (Pelle) Lindström, former Professor of Logic at the department. The Lindström Lecture series was inaugurated last year by Wilfrid Hodges.
We are pleased to announce that this year's Lindström Lectures will be delivered by Joan Moschovakis and Yiannis Moschovakis October 23 - 24, 2014. The Public Lectures will be delivered on October 23 (15:15--18:00), and the Research Lectures will be delivered on October 24 (13:15--17:15).
You can access the latest information (as well as the link for last year's lectures) on the homepage for the Lindström Lectures below: For more information, please contact ali.enayat at -
13-16 October 2014, School on Cryptographic Attacks, Porto, Portugal
Location: Porto, PortugalCosts: stipends availableThe goal of the CryptoAction School on Cryptographic Attacks is to present the state of the art on uncovering and exploiting vulnerabilities of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, both at the theoretical and practical levels.
For more information, see
8 October 2014, Workshop in Honour of Hans Kamp, Nancy, France
Location: Nancy, FranceHans Kamp (Johan Anthony Willem Kamp) is a Dutch philosopher, linguist and logician. His work in formal semantics, most notably his Discourse Representation Theory, is widely used both in linguistics and in natural language processing.
A workshop in honor of Hans Kamp will be held on the occasion of the award of a Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the University of Lorraine. The workshop will focus on discourse semantics, especially on issues of its structure and dynamics, based on DRT.
There is no fees, but you need to be registered. Program and registration are available here:
29-30 September 2014, Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography, Waterloo, Ontario, CAN
Location: Waterloo, Ontario, CANThe Post-quantum Cryptography Summer School is a two-day program focused on cryptography in a quantum era.
The Post-quantum crypto summer school aims to provide an overview and introduction to the main approaches to providing cryptographic tools that may be safe against quantum algorithmic attacks. The target audience is students and other researchers conducting or interested in conducting research related to designing, testing or deploying quantum-safe cryptography.
The summer school will be followed by the PQCrypto 2014 conference (October 1-3, 2014). Students who come to the summer school are encouraged to attend the conference.
For more information, see
29 September 29 - 2 October 2014, Second International Wormshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles, Mexico City
Location: Mexico CityCosts: Students and Postdocs $100/$130, others $160/$200 (early/late registration)The second edition of the conference series Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (formerly Proof Theory and Modal Logic) will be held in Mexico City from September 29th to October 2nd 2014, following the first installment in Barcelona in 2012.
A recent approach to proof theory uses techniques from modal logic to compute the consistency strength of formal theories. As a result one obtains, among other benefits, semi-finitary consistency proofs in the spirit of the extended Hilbert's programme. This approach requires techniques from many disciplines; the aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
The programme will include both tutorials and presentations of new results. Talks will be sparsely scheduled in order to allow ample time for discussion and collaboration.
For more information, see
22 September 2014, Concept Invention, Generation, Adaptation, and Representation 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Location: Rio de Janeiro, BrazilConcepts, their acquisition, representation, generation, and adaptation stand in the focus of research in several different areas spanning a very diverse range of fields and disciplines: From artificial intelligence and computational creativity, through cognitive science, psychology and the learning sciences/pedagogics, to theoretical and formal philosophy. In this workshop, we want to shed light on several different key aspects of a concept life cycle.
For more information, see
18-20 September 2014, International Conference "Modal Epistemology and Metaphysics", Belgrade, Serbia
Location: Belgrade, SerbiaModal epistemology explores the possibilities and boundaries of our modal knowledge, primarily the knowledge of metaphysical possibility and of metaphysical necessity. Until recently, the dominant method of dealing with this topic consisted in investigating to what extent conceivability can be a guide for assessing metaphysical modality. However, nowadays what might be called abductivist turn has shifted the focus from conceivability to the sort of the evidential base regarding metaphysical modalities as such.
In view of the last fact, the aim of the conference is, on the one hand, to deepen our understanding of the nature of metaphysical modality in order to find out what is the evidential base that any good theory of modal epistemology should explain, and, on the other hand, to establish how flexible are competing theories of modal epistemology in explaining the nature of modal knowledge.
Entrance is free. For further information see or contact Mr. Dusko Prelevic (dprelevic at or Mr. Milos Arsenijevic (marsenij at
15-19 September 2014, Continuity, Computability, Constructivity: From Logic to Algorithms (CCC 2014), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Ljubljana, SloveniaCCC is a workshop series bringing together researchers from real analysis, computability theory, and constructive mathematics. The overall aim is to apply logical methods in these disciplines to provide a sound foundation for obtaining exact and provably correct algorithms for computations with real numbers and related analytical data, which are of increasing importance in safety critical applications and scientific computation.
To view the programme and to register please visit
15-19 September 2014, 2nd IAOA Summer School on Ontological Analysis, Vitoria, Brazil
Location: Vitoria, BrazilFour world-class experts in different disciplines (Philosophy, Knowledge Representation, Logics, Conceptual Modeling and Ontology Engineering) will meet for a week with students, researchers and practitioners and present courses in complementary aspects of Applied Ontology. The summer school will be a full immersion experience in ontology, and these experts will engage in open discussions with each other as well as interact with the participants.
The school is open to students, researchers and practitioners. Registrations will be open soon, on a first-come first-served basis. We would like to highlight that the event will have a limited number of participants to ensure the quality of the interactions and the immersion experience.
Visit the web site of the school for more information:
14-20 September 2014, Set Theory Workshop & Thematic Session, , Bedlewo & Poznan, Poland
Location: Bedlewo & Poznan, PolandWe would like to announce two set-theoretic events in September 2014:
- a Workshop in Set Theory, Bedlewo 14.09-17.09.2014
- and a Thematic Session in Set Theory at the German and the Polish Mathematical Societies joint meeting in Poznan, 17-20.09.2014.We encourage all set theorists to participate. The initial information can be found here: In particular, everyone participating in the Poznan meeting should register directly at the webpage of the meeting.
8-12 September 2014, Seventeenth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2014), Brno, Czech Republic
Location: Brno, Czech RepublicThe TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over the world. Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.
Topics of the conference will include Corpora and Language Resources, Speech Recognition, Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech , Speech and Spoken Language Generation, Semantic Processing of Text and Speech, Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing , Automatic Dialogue Systems, and Multimodal Techniques and Modelling. Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.
For more information, see or contact the organizers at tsd2014 at
6 September 2014, Axiomatic Theories of Truth, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Location: Neuchatel, SwitzerlandThe Swiss Graduate Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SGSLPS) organises a one-day conference devoted to AXIOMATIC THEORIES OF TRUTH on Saturday the 6th of September in Neuchatel (Switzerland).
The following speakers have confirmed their venue
Sebastian Eberhard (Bern, Paul Bernays Award 2013)
Volker Halbach (Oxford)
Leon Horsten (Bristol)
Philip Welch (Bristol)You will find more information on our website at
25-29 August 2014, Summer School in Epistemology and Cognition, Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsFrom 25 to 29 August 2014, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen will host two co-located summer schools with a common theme: Epistemology and Cognition. One of the summer schools will focus on contemporary philosophy and is co-organized with the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bristol. The other summer school will have a historical focus and is co-organized with the Department of Philosophy of the Radboud University Nijmegen.
The summer schools are intended for graduate students (master's and PhD), post-docs and early-career researchers in philosophy. Participants can follow exclusively one of the two tracks, or mix-and-match tutorials from both tracks according to their interests. Student sessions and scholarships: we'll be offering 4 scholarships of EUR 400 (including registration fee) for the best student papers.
For more information, see
19 August 2014, Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicResearchers in several communities are trying to understand the basic principles underlying creativity-related abilities (such as concept invention, concept formation, creative problem solving, the production of art, and creativity in all its facets e.g. in engineering, science, mathematics, business processes), working on computational models of their functioning, and also their utilization in different contexts and applications (e.g. applications of computational creativity frameworks with respect to mathematical invention and inventions in engineering, to the creation of poems, drawings, and music, to product design and development, to architecture etc.). In particular, a variety of different methodologies are used in such contexts ranging from logic-based frameworks to probabilistic and neuro-inspired approaches. This workshop shall offer a platform for scientists and professional users within relevant areas, on the one hand presenting actual and ongoing work in research, on the other hand also offering a chance for obtaining feedback and input from applications and use-case studies.
For more information, see
18-22 August 2014, Workshop on Sociolinguistics and Network Games (SLANG), Tübingen, Germany
Location: Tübingen, GermanyThe ESSLLI-2014 Workshop 'Sociolingiostics and Network Games' provides a platform of new research on computational models of language use, language change and language contact. It focuses computational and simulation models of artificial multi-agent societies, particularly models that combine (i) techniques from network theory to build and analyze artificial social environments and (ii) decision/game theory to model (linguistic) behavior of its members.
For more information, see
28 July 28 - 1 August 2014, UbiCrypt Summer School on Discrete Logs & Functional Encryption, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Location: Ruhr-University Bochum, GermanyCosts: 100 EuroThe UbiCrypt Summer School "crypt@b-it" offers the opportunity for interested Postdocs, PhD and Master students to learn more about current research questions on cryptography and cryptoanalysis. In cooperation with the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology we offer a diversed program with various talks and exercises.
This year's invited speakers are:
Gary McGuire (UCD Schol of Mathematical Sciences, Dublin) | Discrete Logs
Hoeteck Wee (École normale supérieure Paris) | Functional EncryptionFor more information, see
28 July - 8 August 2014, Summer School on "Individuals and Indeterminacy", Bamberg (Germany)
Location: Bamberg (Germany)The University of Bamberg Philosophy Department together with the Forum Theoretical Philosophy will be hosting the second Summer School in Theoretical Philosophy. Our topic this year will be "Individuals and Indeterminacy. Perspectives in Contemporary Ontology" and we are looking forward to an excellent program with some of the world~s most distinguished scholars in the field. Kit Fine (NYU), Peter van Inwagen (Notre Dame), Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin) and Gabriele De Anna (University of Bamberg) will present their current research and discuss their recent work with graduate students from all over the world.
The deadline for applications is April 30, 2014. For more details and information on our summer school, please refer to
27-29 July 2014, Sixth International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics: Quantum computing, logic, cognition, Latvia, Riga
Location: Latvia, RigaCosts: 100 EUR (covers meals and coffee breaks)The summer school will consist of 3 intensive days of lectures, seminars, and group discussions. The course addresses a variety of theoretical and foundational issues in quantum computing. It will focus on the logical and physical scope of quantum computing. The course is primarily intended for graduate students in Cognitive Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics
Topics to be addressed include the physical structure of quantum information, strategies and issues in experimental approaches to the physical representation and control of quantum information, mathematical models of quantum computing and quantum algorithms, diagrammatic patterns in quantum computing, and the relation of quantum computing computational models of cognition.
Applications should be submitted by May 10th (extended deadline). For more information, see
27 July - 2 August 2014, Summer school on Mathematical Philosophy for female students, Munich, Germany
Location: Munich, GermanyThe Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) is organizing the first Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, which will be held from July 27 to August 2, 2014 in Munich, Germany. The summer school is open to excellent female students who want to specialize in mathematical philosophy.
Since women are significantly underrepresented in philosophy generally and in formal philosophy in particular, this summer school is aimed at encouraging women to engage with mathematical methods and apply them to philosophical problems. The summer school will provide an infrastructure for developing expertise in some of the main formal approaches used in mathematical philosophy, including theories of individual and collective decision-making, agent-based modeling, and epistemic logic. Furthermore, it offers study in an informal setting, lively debate, and a chance to strengthen mathematical self-confidence and independence for female students. Finally, being located at the MCMP, the summer school will also provide a stimulating and interdisciplinary environment for meeting like-minded philosophers.
The deadline for application is 15 February 2015. For more information, see
24-27 July 2014, Reasoning Conference 2014, Konstanz, Germany
Location: Konstanz, GermanyThe conference aims at bringing together philosophers working in different areas related to the topic of reasoning, broadly understood: practical reasoning and the normativity of rationality, the psychology and phenomenology of reasoning, the formal structure of rationality and reasoning, the epistemology of reasoning and inference, etc. There will be 9-10 sessions, each comprising presentation of a paper, 15 minutes of comments and a discussion.
Anyone working on issues related to the topic of the conference is invited to volunteer as a commentator or a chair. If you would like to volunteer please send an e-mail with your areas of specialization and a very short description of your research to Magdalena Balcerak Jackson: mbalcerakjackson at The deadline is February 15th 2014.
Further information about the conference:
21-23 July 2014, INEM/CHESS Summer School in Philosophy and Economics, San Sebastian
Location: San SebastianThe International Network for Economic Method (INEM) and Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS, Durham) will be holding an International Summer School in Economics and Philosophy for graduate students and researchers.
The Summer School is part of the UPV/EHU XXXII Summer Courses and XXV European Courses and continues the series initiated by the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation (UEF).
For more information, see
17-18 July 2014, 2014 Summer School on Computational Logic, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaStudents interested in research in computational logic are invited to attend the 2014 Summer School on Computational Logic. The 2-day summer school is suited for those who wish to learn advanced topics in computational logic and logic programming. The summer school will consist of four half-day tutorials on the following topics: Probabilistic Logic Programming (C.R. Ramakrishnan), Answer Set Programming (Martin Gebser), Horn Clauses and Verification (Andrey Rybalchenko), and Constraint Logic Programming (Roman Bartak).
A number of scholarships for students that cover local expenses for the duration of the summer school are available. To apply, send a short vita along with a letter of recommendation for the faculty advisor to Prof. Gopal Gupta at gupta at by May 31st. The letter should also certify that the applicant is a full-time student. Significant travel support is also available through the FLoC organization.
For more information, see
16-19 July 2014, Bolzano in Prague 2104, Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicAn International Bernard Bolzano meeting in Prague, Villa Lanna in mid-July (16-19) 2014 will be co-organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the International Bernard Bolzano Society.
The community of Bolzano scholars will be present en masse at the meeting. If you have done any work on BB's thought (plan to, beginning to venture into), this is the place to be! Special Guest: Johan van Benthem.
For more information, see
13 July 2014, Isabelle Workshop and Tutorial, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaResearchers attending the Vienna Summer of Logic who are interested in interactive theorem proving, are invited to consider attending either of these two parallel events:
- A half-day hands-on tutorial on Isabelle for novices. Amongst other things you get to try the famous Sledgehammer.
- A full-day Isabelle workshop, including a talk by Larry Paulson on his verification of Goedel's two incompleteness theorems.
For details see For the workshop program click on PROGRAM.
12-13 July 2014, FLoC workshop on proof complexity, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaProof complexity is the study of the complexity of theorem proving procedures. The central question in proof complexity is: given a theorem F and a proof system P, what is the size of the smallest proof of F in the system P? Moreover, how difficult is it to construct a small proof? Many ingenious techniques have been developed to try to answer these questions; and they bare tight relations to intricate theoretical questions from computational complexity (such as the celebrated P vs. NP problem), mathematical logic (e.g. separating theories of Bounded Arithmetic) as well as to practical problems in SAT solving.
The workshop will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic and will be affiliated with the conferences SAT'14 and CSL/LICS'14.
For more information, see
9-10 July 2014, BELUX2 Colloquium: "Epistemic normative reasons", Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg, LuxembourgThe workshop is the second in a series of workshops, the BELUX Colloquia in Epistemology, that we organize in an alternating way at the KU Leuven and the University of Luxembourg.
We would like to investigate what normative epistemic reasons there might be and how we are to conceive of them, in a teleological or deontic or ... fashion. Talk of normative reasons in practical philosophy is quite well understood, to a certain extent. But normative epistemic reasons are not yet clarified equally well. How the concept(s) of normative epistemic reasons might be defined, and how these reasons might be explained, and explain other things, is the central question of this workshop.
Free admission, everybody welcome, but please register by sending an email to frank.hofmann at For more information, see
9-24 July 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaIn the summer of 2014, Vienna will host the largest event in the history of logic. The Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL) will consist of twelve large conferences and numerous workshops, attracting an expected number of 2500 researchers from all over the world.
The conferences and workshops will deal with the main theme, logic, from three important aspects: logic in computer science, mathematical logic and logic in artificial intelligence. This unique event will be organized by the Kurt Goedel Society at Vienna University of Technology from July 9 to 24, 2014
*Keynote Speakers* The VSL keynote speakers are Franz Baader (Technische Universitaet Dresden), Edmund Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University), Christos Papadimitriou (University of California, Berkeley) and Alex Wilkie (University of Manchester). Dana Scott (Carnegie Mellon University) will speak in the opening session.
At the Vienna Summer of Logic, the Kurt Goedel Society will award three fellowship prizes endowed with 100.000 Euro each to the winners of the Kurt Goedel Research Prize Fellowship Competition "Logical Mind: Connecting Foundations and Technology."
The Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) 2014 will host the 1st FLoC Olympic Games. Intended as a new FLoC tradition, the Games will bring together a multitude of established solver competitions by different research communities. In addition to the competitions, the Olympic Games will facilitate the exchange of expertise between communities, and increase the visibility and impact of state-of-the-art solver technology. The winners in the competition categories will be awarded Kurt Goedel medals at the FLoC Olympic Games award ceremonies.
To ensure that all the scientific and social meetings taking place in the course of the VSL can be conducted successfully, the organizers of the VSL are solliciting volunteers, to help with tasks such as the registration of the participants at the conference or assisting with the use of the technical infrastructure at the conference site. Volunteers may attend all the VSL conferences for free.
For more information:
8-12 July 2014, Summer School: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Voting Rules, Caen, France
Location: Caen, FranceThis summer school will provide a through introduction to insights coming from political science, economics, experimental economics, game theory, computer science and mathematics that are relevant to the analysis of voting rules and electoral reforms. There is the option to apply for a travel grant and to present a poster at the summer school. Deadline: 25 March 2014.
For more information, see
3-4 July 2014, Seventh Workshop on Computability Theory (WCT 2014), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicA Workshop on Computability Theory will be held in Prague on July 3 and July 4, 2014. The workshop will take place in the week between the end of the conference Computability in Europe 2014 Language, Life and Limits in Budapest and the start of the Vienna Summer of Logic.
This will be the seventh in the Workshops on Computability Theory (WCT) Series. The WCT series onsists of short satellite workshops that are meant to attract more computability theorists to the meeting that they are associated with, and to provide a relaxed environment for specialists in all areas of computability theory to give full length talks on their recent work.
More information about the workshop can be found here
1 Jul 2014, Workshop "Categories and Logical Syntax"
Location: Room 0.05, PN van Eyckhof 2, Leiden University, Leiden, The NetherlandsProgramme:
10.15--11.15 Stefania Centrone (Oldenburg) `On Husserl's view of a threefold stratification of formal logic'
11.30--12.30 Ansten Klev (Leiden) `Husserl's conception of pure grammar' 13.30--14.30 Clinton Tolley (San Diego) `From forms of acts to forms of contents: the relation between Kant's formal and transcendental logics'
14.45--15.45 Stefan Roski (Essen) 'Logical deducibility in Bolzano'
16.00--17.00 Thomas Brouwer (Aberdeen) `Logical expressivism, or What is logical structure the structure of?Questions may be addressed to anstenklev at
30 June 2014, KNAW meeting "Arithmetic: the teaching, the course and the testing", Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsMath tests held at secondary schools have generated a lot of discussion about arithmetic, and the testing and teaching thereof. Five years after a KNAW report mathematicians, psychologists and didacticians take stock.
For more information, see
23-24 June 2014, Third Reasoning Club Conference, Canterbury, U.K.
Location: Canterbury, U.K.The Reasoning Club Conference is organised by the Reasoning Club, a network of of research institutes, centres, departments and groups whose research focusses on topics connected to reasoning, inference and methodology broadly construed. The purpose of the conference is to bring together scholars, and students, working on reasoning in a number of different areas, such as philosophy, formal epistemology, psychology, and mathematics.
Keynote Speakers: Katie Steele (LSE) and Richard Pettigrew (Bristol).
Registration is free. However, if you would like to attend, please send an email to reasoningclub.kent at by June 1st, 2014. For more information, please consult the conference website at
18-25 June 2014, NIP Summer School: Foundations of Logic and Mathematics, Aberdeen UK
Location: Aberdeen UKCosts: £395 including seven nights accommodation on campusThe Northern Institute of Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen will host a summer school on the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics, led by Jc Beall, Oystein Linnebo, Greg Restall, and Crispin Wright.
Interested parties are asked to register for the summer school before May 15th by contacting Dr. Paula Sweeney on p.sweeney at As this school has a limited number of participants, interested parties are asked to refrain from booking travel until after 15th May, at which point their registration will be confirmed.
For more information (including syllabus and timetable) see the webpage at, or contact Paula Sweeney at p.sweeney at
16-18 June 2014, Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles 33 (JAF33), University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Location: University of Gothenburg, SwedenThe 33rd meeting of JAF (Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles) will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden during 16-18 of June 2014. The meeting will feature invited talks, a tutorial on feasible analysis, and a number of contributed talks. Possible topics include:
Provability and Definability in Arithmetics
Model Theory and Arithmetics
(Un)decidability of Arithmetics
Modelling computations on Logical TheoriesAbstracts of contributed talks, in PDF format, not exceeding one A4 (11pt) page, should be submitted by May 1, 2014 to: ali.enayat at
For more information, see or contact rasmus.blanck at -
9-13 June 2014, Workshop on descriptive inner model theory, Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
Location: Berkeley CA, U.S.A.UC Berkeley will host a workshop on descriptive inner model theory June 09-13, 2014, organzed by G. Sargsyan (Rutgers), R. Schindler (Münster), and J. Steel (Berkeley).
See If you wish to participate, then please contact R. Schindler (rds at and J. Steel (coremodel at
7-8 June 2014, Mitchellfest: 70th birthday of William Mitchell, Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
Location: Berkeley CA, U.S.A.June 07 and 08, 2014, UC Berkeley will host a conference honoring William Mitchell on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
See If you wish to participate, then please contact R. Schindler (rds at and J. Steel ( coremodel at ).
5-6 June 2014, 6th British Wittgenstein Society (BWS) Annual Conference: Wittgenstein and Epistemology, Edinburgh, U.K.
Location: Edinburgh, U.K.For more information, see
2-3 June 2014, Workshop on Doxastic Agency & Epistemic Responsibility, Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyThe aim of the workshop is to bring together experts who are working in the areas of doxastic agency, belief-revision theory, epistemic deontologism, and epistemic justification, and to discuss recent advances regarding the interplay between doxastic agency and epistemic responsibility. The workshop addresses questions such as: do we have the same kind of control over our beliefs as we have over our actions, what kind of control do we have over our doxastic attitudes and how is epistemic responsibility related to notions such as epistemic justification and practical responsibility?
There is no registration fee, but the number of participants is limited. If you want to participate in the workshop, please register by writing an e-mail to andrea.kruse at For further information visit the website of the workshop:
2-6 June 2014, Logic, Dynamics, and their interaction II, Denton TX, U.S.A.
Location: Denton TX, U.S.A.The RTG Research Conference 'Logic, Dynamics, and Their Interactions II' brings together researchers in descriptive set theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and other related areas, and encourages research that crosses boundaries of various different fields.
Full details are available at the conference website at If you have any questions (including if you would like to give a talk), please contact rtg at We would like to particularly encourage graduate students and recent PhDs to participate.
2-6 June 2014, Workshop "Descriptive Inner Model Theory", Palo Alto CA, U.S.A.
Location: Palo Alto CA, U.S.A.The AIM at Palo Alto will host a workshop on descriptive inner model theory, June 02-06, 2014, organized by R. Schindler (Münster) and J. Steel (Berkeley).
How to construct canonical inner models satisfying large cardinal hypotheses has been a central problem in pure set theory since the 1960s. In recent years, there has been encouraging progress on two broad fronts: the construction of iteration strategies, and inner models with long extenders. This workshop is devoted to communicating and developing further the new ideas.
If you would like to participate, then you may fill out the online form provided by AIM. Participants will be invited to suggest open problems and questions before the workshop begins, and these will be posted on the workshop website. The deadline to apply is Feb 02, 2014. For more information see
2-20 June 2014, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.In 2014, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, economics, and other sciences.The goals are to introduce promising students to cross-disciplinary research early in their careers, and forge lasting links between the various disciplines.
Further information and instructions for applying can be found at
30-31 May 2014, Workshop on Formal Ethics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Location: Erasmus University RotterdamCosts: free, but registration requiredThe workshop aims to bring together researchers who are employing formal tools to address questions in ethics and/or political philosophy. We encourage graduate students and members of underrepresented groups to submit to this conference.
For more information, see or email organization at
27 May 2014, Workshop in the Philosophy of Mathematics: "Frege's Real Numbers", Milano, Italy
Location: Milano, ItalyInvited speakers: Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State University) and Marco Panza (IHPST-CNRS - Paris). Discussants: Alessandro Giordani (Unversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Matteo Plebani (Università della Basilicata).
For more information, see
24-28 May 2014, Ramsey Theory Conference, Denver CO, U.S.A.
Location: Denver CO, U.S.A.The aim of this conference is to bring together students and researchers from around the world in the field of Ramsey Theory. The focus is on structural and infinitary Ramsey theory and applications to other fields of mathematics, including Banach spaces, Boolean algebras, Set Theory, and Topological Dynamics. The conference will consist of a large number of plenary talks and contributed talks of 25 minutes. The official language of the conference is English. As part of the DU Sesquicentennial Celebration, this conference celebrates the contributions of George Boole (1815-1864) to Ramsey Theory and Boolean Algebras.
For more information, see
23-25 May 2014, Colloquium and Workshop "Infinity, computability, and metamathematics": celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch, Bonn, Germany
Location: Bonn, GermanyIn the year 2014, Peter Koepke and Philip Welch are celebrating their 60th birthdays, and we wish to celebrate this festive occasion with a scientific workshop in their honour. Peter has been a professor at the University of Bonn for many years; Philip was a Mercator professor in Bonn during the academic year 2002/03. The workshop speakers are students, collaborators, colleagues and friends of Peter and Philip whose research was influenced by them.
For more information, see or contact schlicht at
19-23 May 2014, 4th Summer School on Formal Techniques (SSFT14), Atherton CA, U.S.A.
Location: Atherton CA, U.S.A.Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking, satisfiability, static analysis, and automated theorem proving, are finding a broad range of applications in modeling, analysis, verification, and synthesis. This school, the fourth in the series, will focus on the principles and practice of formal techniques, with a strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of this technology. It primarily targets graduate students and young researchers who are interested in developing and using formal techniques in their research. A prior background in formal methods is helpful but not required. Participants at the school will have a seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques presented in the lectures during laboratory sessions.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications before April 30, 2014, since there are only a limited number of spaces available. Non-US applicants requiring US visas are urged to apply early. For more information, see
16 May 2014, NVTI Theory Day 2014
Location: Vergaderruimte Utrecht, Pieterskerkhof 23, Utrecht, The NetherlandsThe Dutch Asssociation for Theoretical Computer Science (NVTI) supports the study of theoretical computer science and its applications. One of the main activities of the NVTI is the organization of the yearly Theoryday. This event consists of a scientific part and a business part. In the business part, members of the NVTI discuss the activities of the NVTI and decide what actions and new activities should be undertaken. The scientific part consists of four scientific contributions which are organized as follows: Four speakers are invited, two speakers from abroad and two domestic speakers.
This year, the talks will be by the following speakers: Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Marieke Huisman (University of Twente), Elena Marchiori (Radboud University, Nijmegen) and Peter Bro Miltersen (Aarhus University, Denmark).
For more information, see
15-16 May 2014, Algebra and Coalgebra meet Proof Theory (ALCOP 2014), London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in algebra, coalgebra, and proof theory to share ideas and methods. Everybody is welcome to attend the workshop. Giving a talk is by invitation only. This is the fifth issue of this workshop. Previous meetings were held in London, Bern, Prague and Utrecht. This meeting is partially sponsored by the British Logic Colloquium.
Invited Speakers include Samson Abramsky, Michael Rathjen, Sara Negri, Corina Cirstea, Marcelo Fiore and Bart Jacobs. Plus 13 contributed talks.
More details can be found on the workshop webpage: There is no registration fee for attending the workshop, but we need to keep track of numbers. Therefore, if you would like to attend the workshop please register by sending an email to the organisers Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh and Paulo Oliva. Please also indicate whether you plan to join us for the workshop dinner in the evening of 15 May.
14 May 2014, The Significance of Phenomenology
Speaker: Franz Berto, Arianna Betti, Christian Skirke, Julian Kiverstein / Prof. Tim CraneTitle: Workshop on Tim Crane's The Objects of Thought / Lecture by Prof. Tim CraneLocation: Belle van Zuylenzaal / Doelenzaal, UBA (University Library), Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: NoneCrane's The Objects of Thought takes as its starting part the truism that some of the objects we can think about do not exist. This truism however raises a number of ontological puzzles. What is it that we are thinking about when we think about entities that do not exist? Crane defends two seemingly incompatible claims. On the one hand, he argues that reality contains only what exists, and since non-existent entities do not exist, there is no room in reality for non-existents. Crane also argues that we can make true claims about entities that do not exist – we can correctly predicate properties of non-existent entities like Pegasus and Sherlock Holmes. The remainder of the book consists of characteristically careful argument demonstrating how one can, and indeed should, hold both these claims.
The workshop will feature lectures by Franz Berto, Arianna Betti, Christian Skirke, Julian Kiverstein, plus presentations from graduate students, and will be followed by a lecture from Prof. Cranehave as speakers be followed by a lecture from Prof Crane titled "Intentional Identity Revisited"
For more information, see or contact j.d.kiverstein at -
12 May 2014, Workshop "C.S.Peirce: Logic and Metaphysics", Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceThis workshop is organized for the centennial of Peirce's death.
For more information, see
12-16 May 2014, 7th Young Set Theory Workshop, Bedlewo, Poland
Location: Bedlewo, PolandThe aims of the "Young Set Theory Workshops" are to bring together young researchers in the domain of set theory and give them the opportunity to learn from each other and from experts in a friendly environment. A long-term objective of this series of workshops is to create and maintain a network of young set theorists and senior researchers, so as to establish working contacts and help disseminate knowledge in the field.
YSTW will keep its typical framework: tutorials and invited lectures during morning sessions; afternoons reserved mainly for free discussions in small groups. The following mathematicians will give mini-courses: Piotr Koszmider, Lajos Soukup, Simon Thomas and Jindrich Zapletal. The invited speakers are: David Chodounsky, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Philipp Luecke, Nam Trang and Konstantinos Tyros.
For more information, see
12-23 May 2014, 2014 Spring Course on Epistemic Game Theory, Maastricht University
Location: Maastricht UniversityPurpose of this course: The EpiCenter, our research center on Epistemic Game Theory at Maastricht University, offers this two-week intensive course as an introduction to the blooming field of Epistemic Game Theory. This field studies how people reason in game theoretic situations before they eventually make a choice.
This course is primarily meant for master students and PhD students in the Netherlands and abroad. But researchers are also very welcome.
For more information, see
9 May 2014, Descriptive Set Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland
Location: Lausanne, SwitzerlandThe Swiss Graduate Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SGSLPS) organises a one-day conference on Descriptive Set Theory on May 9 in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Descriptive Set Theory is the study of the sets of reals that can be explicitly defined or constructed, and so can be expected to have certain properties, such as Lebesgue Measurability, not enjoyed by arbitrary sets. It is a central part of contemporary Set Theory and therefore dealing with major logical concepts, such as definability and undecidability. Prof. Andretta (Universita di Torino) will provide the audience with a gentle introduction to Descriptive Set Theory and its interactions with other parts of mathematics. Prof. Duparc (Université de Lausanne) will then focus on infinite games, a major technique in this field.
For more information, see
9-10 May 2014, Colloquium in honour of Rosemarie Rheinwald, Muenster, Germany
Location: Muenster, GermanyRosemarie Rheinwald died, all too early, five years ago at the age of 60. She was a professor at the philosophy department of the Universtity of Münster and worked mainly in the fields of philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and logics. Her publications were not large in number, but deep in thought. Her very original and excellent work does not yet seem to have the repercussions it deserves.The convenors wish to help changing this a little bit and honour Rosemarie Rheinwald by discussing some of the main topics she worked on, and relating their own philosophical work to her thoughts and results.
To register, please send an email at your earliest convenience, preferably before April 30, to Claudia.guestrau at For more information, see (PDF). or contact the local organizer at ulrich.krohs at
5-9 May 2014, 17th International Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies (TRUST 2014), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceThe principal aim of this workshop series is to provide a consistent and high-quality forum for sharing new ideas and developments in trust within the context of agent societies and socio-technical systems in general. The 17th edition of this international workshop will be co-located with AAMAS 2014, the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems to be held in Paris, France, 5-9 May 2014.
For more information, see
28 April 2014, Colloquium "Issues in Aristotle's modal ontology, logic and moral epistemology", Helsinki, Finland
Location: Helsinki, FinlandThe Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Helsinki is holding a Colloquium on " Issues in Aristotle's modal ontology, logic, and moral epistemology". The colloquium is open to all interested in Aristotle's philosophy and these issues in general.
For more information, see or contact the organizer Mika Perälä (mika.perala at
26-28 April 2014, Third international conference on the History of Logic in China, Tianjin, China
Location: Tianjin, ChinaThe Third International Conference on the History of Logic in China will take place on 26-28 April, 2014, Tianjin. Besides the general academic exchange, one of the main purposes of this conference is to advance our larger project, the production of the Handbook of Logical Thought in China, to be published by Springer-Verlag both online and in print in a few years. Many of the presentations will be of material aimed at chapters of the Handbook, for discussion and comment among experts both mainland China and outside.
For more information, see
14-17 April 2014, LMS Lecture series on Games, Trees, Models, Second Order Logic, Foundations of Mathematics, and Dependence, London & Norwich (U.K.)
Location: London & Norwich (U.K.)The London Mathematical Society Lecture series given by Jouko Vaananen will take place in London and Norwich April 14-17. There will be a series of 10 lectures on the following topics:
1. Games, Trees and Models.
2. Second Order Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.
3. The Mathematical Theory of Dependence and Independence.There will also be supporting lectures by Samson Abramsky (Oxford), Joan Bagaria (Barcelona), Mirna Dzamonja (UEA), Pietro Galliani (Clausthal), Dan Isaacson (Oxford) and Philip Welch (Bristol). The series is organized by Mirna Dzamonja and will take place at UEA/London and UEA/Norwich. First 3 lectures on Monday are in London starting 12:30.
For further information see:
11-12 April 2014, Mathematical Depth Workshop, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
Location: Irvine CA, U.S.A.The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California, Irvine, is pleased to announce a workshop on mathematical depth. In this workshop, we will be examining and discussing examples of mathematics typically judged to be deep (or not deep) in hope of clarifying what's at issue in these judgments.
For more information, see the webpage at or contact Bennett McNulty at mmcnulty at
11-13 April 2014, Research workshop on Logical and Modal Space, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Everyone is welcome to attend the workshop, and there is no registration fee. If you would like to attend, please register by emailing the organizers. Attendees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with selected background readings in advance of the workshop.
For more information, including selected background readings and a preliminary program, please visit the workshop website at
22-23 March 2014, Conference celebrating the 60th birthday of Philip Welch, Bristol, U.K.
Location: Bristol, U.K.In celebration of Philip Welch's 60th birthday, a conference will take place on 22-23 March 2014 at the University of Bristol.
Confirmed speakers at the conference are: John Steel (Berkeley), Hugh Woodin (Harvard), Menachem Magidor (Jerusalem), David Aspero (UEA), Peter Koellner (Harvard), Volker Halbach (Oxford), Hannes Leitgeb (München) and Peter Koepke (Bonn).
The meeting is supported by the Heilbronn Institute at Bristol, by the School of Mathematics, and the British Logic Colloquium.
For more information, see
21-22 March 2014, 2nd Logic and Language Conference, London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.The Logic and Language Conference is organised every other year by the Institute of Philosophy and the Northern Institute of Philosophy, in turn. The aim of the conference is to showcase cutting edge research in the Philosophy of Logic and Language, and to foster interaction between academics working in these areas both in the UK and abroad. In particular, we aim to give an opportunity to junior philosophers to interact with more senior colleagues working in the same field.
For more information, see
21-22 March 2014, Workshop "Respecting Context-dependent preferences", Umea, Sweden
Location: Umea, SwedenBehavioral science strongly indicates that which alternative we prefer depends on circumstances other than the properties of the alternatives themselves. For example, we are influenced by how alternatives are described, even when different descriptions contain the same information.
Issues raised by this context-dependence of preferences will be discussed in a two-day workshop by the following speakers: Richard Arneson (UC San Diego), Luc Bovens (London School of Economics), Sarah Conly (Bowdoin/Chicago), Jason Hanna (Northern Illinois), Sven Ove Hansson (KTH, Stockholm), Kalle Grill (Umeå), Danny Scoccia (New Mexico State), Robert Sugden (East Anglia) and Torbjörn Tännsjö (Stockholm).
Starts 10.00 Friday 21st (coffee 9.30). Ends 18.00 Saturday 22d. (There are flights from Stockholm Friday morning, returns Sunday morning). Registration required. No fee, free coffee. Dinner Friday, possibly subsidised.
For more information, contact kalle.grill at
21-14 February 2014, 15th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
Location: Szklarska Poreba, PolandThis workshop aims at bringing together logicians, linguists and philosophers to explore current strands of research that go beyond traditional research paradigms. This year's topics are "Aspect" and "Meaning in the Brain". However, the workshop is open to any submissions that are related to the fields of linguistics, philosophy of language, (quantum) cognition and psychology as well as probabilistic (Bayesian) models of language and language acquisition.
For registration and submission info go to
10 February 2014, Hamburg Set Theory Workshop (HSTW 2014), Hamburg, Germany
Location: Hamburg, GermanyThe Hamburg Set Theory Workshop 2014 is part of the ML Colloquium of the Arbeitsbereich Mathematische Logik und interdisziplinäre Anwendungen der Logik. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. There will be an informal lunch in the student restaurant (Mensa) and an informal dinner.
Speakers include Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Bristol), Merlin Carl (Konstanz), Yurii Khomskii (Vienna) and Wolfgang Wohofsky (Vienna).
For more information, see
27-28 January 2014, Winter School on Rationality, Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsCosts: E 50,-On January 27th-28th 2014, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen will host a short Winter School aimed at advanced undergraduate students and early-stage graduate students. The theme of the winter school is Rationality, and it will consist of 5 tutorials of 2 sessions each where the topic will be discussed from different viewpoints: theoretical rationality, practical rationality, and the history of the concept of rationality.
Registration deadline: December 15th 2013. As the number of spots is limited, you are encouraged to register early. Scholarship application deadline: December 1st 2013.
For more information, see or contact Catarina Dutilh Novaes at c.dutilh.novaes at
27-30 January 2014, 4th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography: Symmetric Encryption in Theory and in Practice, Tel Aviv, Israel
Location: Tel Aviv, IsraelCosts: free (accommodation not included)The winter school will study symmetric encryption in theory and in practice. The school will include a study of the theoretical foundations of symmetric encryption on the one hand, and practical constructions and cryptanalysis on the other hand. These two topics will provide a broad basis for all participants. The school will then proceed to study advanced constructions like tweakable block ciphers, format preserving encryption, disk encryption and advanced types of authenticated encryption. Finally, the school will conclude with advanced and recent attacks on symmetric encryption in SSL/TLS, IPsec, SSH and more. The school program includes approximately 24 hours of lectures and a social dinner.
The target audience for the school is graduate students and postdocs in cryptography (we will assume that participants have taken at least one university-level course in cryptography). However, faculty, undergrads and professionals with the necessary background are all welcome. The winter school is open to participants from all over the world; all talks will be in English.
Participation is free, but registration is required. Please register by December 15, 2013. For more information, see
25 January - 1 February 2014, Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Section Set Theory and Topology, Hejnice, Czech Republic
Location: Hejnice, Czech RepublicThe Winter School is a traditional conference for mathematicians working in diverse areas of Set Theory, Topology and Analysis. The school is a meeting where emphasis is put on the joy of doing mathematics. The 2014 Winter School will take place between January 25th and February 1st 2014 in Hejnice, Czech Republic. Tutorial speakers for this year are: Antonio Aviles, Jaroslav Nesetril, Dilip Raghavan and Matteo Viale.
Deadline for registration: December 31st (December 11th to apply for financial support). To get more information about the conference, about the financial support and to register please visit our web page
20 January 2014, Board en Consortium meeting `Language in Interaction', ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsMeeting of the board and consortium of the Language and Interaction project.
For more information, contact illc at
20-31 January 2014, Workshop & Tutorials "Representing Streams II", Leiden, the Netherlands
Location: Leiden, the NetherlandsCosts: FreeStreams are infinite sequences of symbols that are studied by both mathematicians and computer scientists. Mathematicians are motivated by combinatorial problems that arise from number theory or probability. Computer scientists are motivated by specifying and reasoning about infinite data types and ongoing computations. The workshop will bring together researchers from both disciplines with the aim to learn from each other, exchange ideas and establish collaborations.
Representing Streams II will consist of a tutorial week(January 20-24) and a workshop week (January 27-31). There will be ample time for participants to cooperate on open problems. The goal is not necessarily to solve all of them, but rather learning from each other's approach to these problems.
For more information, see
MoL and PhD defenses
19 December 2014, Master of Logic defense, Gijs Jasper Wijnholds
Title: Categorical Foundations for Extended Compositional Distributional Models of MeaningLocation: Room SP B0.203, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Michael Moortgat and Raquel FernandezFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at -
16 December 2014, Master of Logic defense, Lara van Weegen
Title: Informational cascades under variable reliability assessments: a formal and empirical investigationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sonja Smets & Gert-Jan MunnekeFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at -
28 October 2014, Master of Logic defense, Yuning Feng
Title: Constructing variants of the category of partial equivalence relationsLocation: Room B0.207, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den BergFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at -
29 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Jessica Olsen
Title: Would You Believe That? The Prerogative of Assent and Utility of DisagreementLocation: Room C1.05, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin StokhofFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at
24 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Michele Herbstritt
Title: Why can't we be surprised whether it rains in Amsterdam? A semantics for factive verbs and embedded questions.Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: M.D. Aloni and F. RoelofsenFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at
22 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Simon Docherty
Title: A model of type theory in cubical sets with connectionsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 105/107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den BergFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at
8 September 2014, Master of Logic defense, Guus Willem Eelink
Title: Davidson on belief, truth, and the scepticLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin Stokhof -
29 August 2014, Master of Logic defense, Justin Kruger
Title: Actions in Social ChoiceLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle EndrisFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at
28 August 2014, Master of Logic Defense, Laura Mojica
Title: Anxiety: A Grammatical InvestigationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin StokhofFor more information, please contact G.Beekelaar at -
28 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Nikhil Maddirala
Title: Philosophy of Logical Practice: a case study in formal semanticsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benedikt LöweFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at
7 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Julian Schlöder
Title: Uptake, Clarification and ArgumentationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Raquel Fernandez RoviraFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
7 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Nadine Theiler
Title: A Multitude of Answers: Embedded Questions in Typed Inquisitive SemanticsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maria Aloni and Floris RoelofsenFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
2 July 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sarah McWhirter
Title: An Automata-Theoretic Perspective on Polyadic Quantification in Natural LanguageLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jakub SzymanikFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
30 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Seyed Mohammad Yarandi
Title: Propositional Attitudes and Proper NamesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Paul DekkerFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
24 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sanne Brinkhorst
Title: On Evolution of CompositionalityLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Michael FrankeFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
24 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Ciyang Qing
Title: Quantitative Social-Cognitive Experimental PragmaticsLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Michael FrankeFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
20 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Rachel Boddy
Title: Epistemic issues and collective knowledgeLocation: ILLC Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alexandru Baltag -
20 June 2014, Master of Logic defense, Malvin Gattinger
Title: Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Guessing Games and Cryptographic ProtocolsLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park *904*, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jan van EijckFor more information, please contact t.kassenaar at -
19 June 2014, PhD defense, Ben Rodenhäuser
Title: A Matter of Trust: Dynamic Attitudes in Epistemic LogicLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Frank Veltman and Rineke VerbruggeCopromotor: Sonja SmetsFor more information, please contact b.rodenhaeuser at -
17 June 2014, PhD defense, Hadil Karawani
Title: The Real, the Fake, and the Fake Fake in Counterfactual Conditionals, CrosslinguisticallyLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Josep Quer and Frank VeltmanFor more information, contact f.veltman at
9 May 2014, PhD defense, Lodewijk Muns
Title: Classical Music and the Language AnalogyLocation: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Am Kupfergraben 5, Berlin.Promotor: Hermann Danuser and Remko SchaThis thesis investigates the relation between language and Western classical music. It argues that the linguistic notions of syntax, discourse, and quotation are relevant for an understanding of this musical style. It also observes that both music and language display hierarchical structures that may be described as recursive. This perspective allows the theorist to reduce complexity to underlying uniformity – but it may also give rise to false abstractions, and to theoretical constructs of dubious explanatory value. This is observed in the musical theories of Hugo Riemann, Heinrich Schenker, and, most recently, Lerdahl & Jackendoff, as well as in Noam Chomsky's linguistic Minimalism.
For more information, consult Lodewijk Muns (lmuns at
27 March 2014, PhD defense, Harald Bastiaanse
Title: Very, Many, Small, Penguins: Vaguely Related TopicsLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231. AmsterdamPromotor: Frank Veltman -
21 February 2014, Master of Logic defense, Andreea Achimescu
Title: Games and Logics for Informational CascadesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alexandru Baltag and Joshua SackFor more information, please contact T.Kassenaar at -
17 February 2014, Master of Logic defense, Sebastian Speitel
Title: Limning the True and Ultimate Structure of Reality" -- Considerations on the (In)adequacy of Quine's Criterion of Ontological CommitmentLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin StokhofFor more information, please contact T.Kassenaar at -
28 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Alexander Block
Title: Operations on a Wadge-Type Hierarchy of Ordinal-Valued FunctionsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benedikt LöweFor more information, please contact T.Kassenaar at -
28 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Julia Ilin
Title: An Outline of Algebraic Set Theory with a View Towards Cohen's Model Falsifying the Continuum HypothesisLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park *904*, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den Berg and Benedikt LöweFor more information, please contact T.Kassenaar at -
22 January 2014, Master of Logic defense, Maria Dimarogkona
Title: The problem of existence in western philosophy. Aristotle - Thomas AquinasLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Piet RodenburgFor more information, please contact T.Kassenaar at -
21 January 2014, PhD defense, Bruno Loff
Title: A Medley for Computational Complexity. With Applications of Information Theory, Learning Theory, and Ketan Mulmuley's Parametric Complexity Technique.Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof.dr. Harry BuhrmanFor more information, see
Projects and Awards
UvA-master Logic beoordeeld als excellent
(dutch only)
De master Logic aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) heeft de status excellent toegekend gekregen van de Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO). Het visitatiepanel van de NVAO beoordeelt Logic ~als een van de beste, zo niet het beste programma op het gebied van logica ter wereld~.Voor meer informatie, zie
Ciyang Qing wins Unilever Research Prize 2014
MSc Logic graduate Ciyang Qing will receive the Unilever Research Prize 2014. This award, which comes with an associated sum of 2,500 euros, recognises significant research carried out by students in the natural and social sciences at Dutch universities.
Ciyang, who is now a PhD student at Stanford University, worked on a number of research projects during his time as an MSc Logic student at the ILLC, leading to several publications in a diverse range of fields, including cognitive science, formal semantics, computational linguistics and multiagent systems. His Master's thesis on Quantitative Social-Cognitive Experimental Pragmatics was supervised by Michael Franke.
The award will be presented on 27 November 2014 at Unilever's R&D Centre in Vlaardingen, in the presence of Jet Bussemaker, Minister for Education, Culture and Science.
See also<
Unilever Research Prize:
MSc Logic: further information, please contact Ulle Endriss <ulle.endriss at>.
Royal honour for University Professor Johan van Benthem
Prof. Johan van Benthem was named Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion upon his retirement as University Professor of Pure and Applied Logic at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) on Friday, 26 September. Van Benthem received the royal honour in recognition of his myriad research accomplishments and the leading and inspirational role he has played in the academic community.
For more information, see
Honourable Mention for ILLC Paper at COLING-2014
At the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING-2014), held in Dublin this August, a paper on collective annotation by ILLC researchers and Master of Logic students Ciyang Qing, Ulle Endriss, Raquel Fernández and Justin Kruger received an honourable mention from the IBM Best Paper Awards Committee. It was one of only four shortlisted papers, out of a total of around 700 submissions.
For an informal introduction to this line of research, have a look at the blog post available at
Benedikt Löwe elected Visiting Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
The Governing Body of the College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary of the University of Cambridge elected Benedikt Löwe as a Visiting Fellow for the calendar year 2015. During 2015, Benedikt will return to the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences as Principal Organiser of the four-month research programme Mathematical, Foundational and Computational Aspects of the Higher Infinite where he will also be a Simons Foundation Fellow.
For more information, see and
BEER@ILLC-UvA Best at WMT 2014
The BEER@ILLC-UvA metric (Miloš Stanojević and Khalil Sima'an) for evaluating Machine Translation system output (per sentence) obtains a top position in the recent international competition WMT2014.
The WMT2014 competition is a yearly international competition both for MT systems and evaluation metrics where a large number of research teams showcase their research findings in terms of system performance on a real-world task. For MT evaluation, the challenge is to produce an automatic evaluation metric that ranks different translations by different systems of every input sentence according to quality. Success is measured by statistical correlation against human judgements of the same system outputs.
The BEER@ILLC-UvA metric introduces a new statistical approach for MT evaluation based on an linear interpolation of adequacy and fluency features. Particularly, the fluency features are mostly based on a novel permutation factorization approach. The BEER@ILLC-UvA metric won the first place (from 16 submissions) in evaluating translations from English into six languages (French, Spanish, Russian, Czech, German, Hindi), and it won the second place in translating from these six languages into English.
For more details contact Milos Stanojevic and Khalil Sima'an.
Funding, Grants and Competitions
PhD Studentships at the University of Bath
The University of Bath offers 3.5-year PhD positions in mathematics and theoretical computer science. Applicants should have or expect to gain at least the equivalent of a 2.1 BSc/MSc in a relevant subject area and must satisfy RCUK residency rules for the full studentship (fees + stipend).
Deadline: 28 February 2015, but applications are processed as they are received.
For more information, see here or the research-group homepage at To apply, including information on prerequisites, see
Call for Nominations: IFAAMAS-13 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
Nominations are invited for the 2014 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award sponsored by IFAAMAS, the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and to be presented at AAMAS-2015.
Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems. This award includes a certificate and a 1500EUR payment.
The dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor and submitted on or before February 28, 2015. For more information, see the IFAAMAS and AAMAS-2015 websites at and
PhD funding in philosophy, Bristol, England
The University of Bristol is a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded South West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (SW&W DTP). The DTP consortium, which consists of eight universities, will award more than 50 scholarships for students commencing doctoral research in 2015-16. Candidates are welcome to submit proposals in any field of the arts and humanities with supervision expertise in the University of Bristol. The University of Bristol also expects to be in a position to offer a number of its own postgraduate research scholarships to outstanding applicants. Students who apply for a DTP scholarship based at Bristol will also be automatically considered for a University of Bristol scholarship.
Applications can be made to the DTP after *26 November 2014*. The closing date for applications is *12 January 2015*. For more details of PhD funding opportunities at the University of Bristol see
Teorema Essay Prize for Young Scholars, Topic: Belief without Evidence
The Spanish Philosophy journal Teorema is pleased to announce an essay competition for young scholars, on the topic of 'Belief without Evidence'. The winner will receive E1500 and the essay will be published and acknowledged as winner in the journal.
Applicants must be under 35 on the closing date of the competition. Entries must be in English or Spanish, and not exceed 8000 words in length, notes and references included. Closing date: 1st December, 2014.
For more information, see
ABC Project and Talent grants
The Amsterdam Brain and Cognition center invites proposals for the ABC Project and Talent grants.
Proposals for the ABC Project grant should be research proposal for 1 postdoc or 1 PhD student for 2 years (max. 250k€) with an interdisciplinary focus (involvement of at least 2 different faculties), preferably related to a visiting professor. Deadline: November 15, 2014.
ABC Talent grants are for maximally 1 year (max. 100k€) and aimed at high potential research master students or post docs who aim to apply or have applied for a research grant to the ABC. Deadline: January 5, 2015.
For more information, see
2014 Essay Prize in Informal Logic
The Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking (AILACT) invites submissions for the 2014 AILACT Essay Prize. This will be the tenth year in which the prize has been offered. Essays are invited on any subject related to theory of argumentation and/or critical thinking theory and pedagogy. Essays are to be submitted by October 31.
The winning entry receives $500 ($200 more than in past years) and automatically gets peer-reviewed by the journal Informal Logic. The runner-up (should there be one) also gets peer reviewed for publication.
For more information, see or contact Ben Hamby (hambyb at
4th Deadline IERTNiL (Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic)
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai, India), the Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften of the Universitaet Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) are coordinating a research training network in logic with the name IERTNiL.
IERTNiL will fund visits of Indian students and researchers in Europe and visits of European students and researchers in India, as well as workshops coorganized by Indian and European researchers. The funds of IERTNiL are modest (about 3000 EUR = 2.5 lakh INR per deadline) and are open to all researchers in logic from India and Europe independent of their affiliations. We expect to fund three to six applications with amounts between 500 and 1500 EUR.
In the first three rounds of applications, research visits to Austria, Poland, the Netherlands and India and conferences in Indiawere funded. The network's fourth deadline for applications is Wednesday, 15 October 2014. We are accepting applications for Research Visits, Training Visits, Training Courses and Workshops. Please note that the conferences ICLA 2015 (8-10 January 2015 in Mumbai) and Cultures of Mathematics IV (22-25 March 2015 in New Delhi) are funded by IERTNiL, and we encourage European researchers to combine research visits to India with a visit of one of these conferences.
For more details on the application process, please check our website at
3rd Deadline IERTNiL (Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic)
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai, India), the Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften of the Universitaet Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) have started a research training network in logic with the name IERTNiL.
IERTNiL will fund visits of Indian students and researchers in Europe and visits of European students and researchers in India, as well as workshops coorganized by Indian and European researchers. The funds of IERTNiL are modest (about 3000 EUR = 2.5 lakh INR per deadline) and are open to all researchers in logic from India and Europe independent of their affiliations. We expect to fund three to six applications with amounts between 500 and 1500 EUR.
In the first two rounds of applications, research visits to Austria, Poland, the Netherlands and India were funded. The network's third deadline for applications is Friday, 1 August 2014. We are accepting applications for Research Visits, Training Visits, Training Courses and Workshops. For more details on the application process, please check our website at
ERCIM STM WG 2014 Award for the best PhD thesis on security and trust management
The European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) has a technical WG on Security and Trust Management (STM) for increasing the European research and development capabilities on security, trust, and privacy. One of the main goals of the WG is to promote the scientific growth of young researchers interested in the field of security and trust management. ERCIM STM WG then decided to establish an award for the best Ph.D. thesis in this area.
Applications for the award in 2014 are open to all Ph.D. holders that defended their thesis during 2013 in any European University. Applications should be sent by July 7, 2014 to the WG Chair. The theses will be judged on the basis of scientific quality, originality, clarity of presentation, as well as potential impact of the results. The ceremony for the award will be held during the 10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2014) on September 10-11 2014, Wroclaw, Poland.
For more information, see or here.
EURIAS Fellowship Programme
The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich. The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.
Submission deadline: June 5th, 2014, 12 PM (noon) GMT. For more information, see
2014 Teorema Essay Prize for young scholars: "Belief without Evidence"
The Spanish Philosophy journal teorema is pleased to announce an essay competition for young scholars, on the topic "Belief Without Evidence". The winner will receive 1500 euro, and the essay will be published and acknowledged as winner in the journal.
Applicants must be under 35 on the closing date of the competition. Entries must be in English or Spanish, and not exceed 8000 words in length, notes and references included. All entries will be deemed submissions to teorema, and all quality submissions will be considered for publication. Entries must not have been published before, or be under consideration by other journals.
All entries, prepared for blind review, will be submitted electronically in .doc format, and addressed to the Editor, indicating ?teorema EssayPrize? in the subject heading. Entries will be judged by a panel of reputed scholars appointed by teorema. Their decision will be final. Address for submissions: teorema at Closing date: 1st December, 2014
For more information, see
AMS Subventions for Publications
Through funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation, and the generous contributions of many individual donors, the Publications Committee of the American Musicological Society makes available funds to help with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, articles, special issues of journals, and works in non-print media.
For more information, see
Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2014
Do you have an innovative and useful idea? Does your idea have commercial or societal impact? Then submit your idea and win € 5.000,-!
The jury consisting of representatives from industry and the Amsterdam universities, will select a number of finalists from the submitted ideas. The ideas will be judged on Innovation, Feasibility and Fulfilment of a market need.
Submission deadline: Friday 4 April 2014. For more information, see
E.W. Beth Prize: 2014 call for nominations
Since 2002, FoLLI (the Association for Logic, Language, and Information) has awarded the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize to outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information. We invite submissions for the best dissertation which resulted in a Ph.D. degree awarded in 2013. The dissertations will be judged on technical depth and strength, originality, and impact made in at least two of three fields of Logic, Language, and Computation. Interdisciplinarity is an important feature of the theses competing for the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize.
Deadline for Submissions: May 5th, 2014. For more information, see .
Fyssen Foundation: postdoctoral study grant
Study grants are ment for post-doctoral researchers, working on research disciplines such as Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and the Sciences of nervous system.
These grants are awarded to french or foreign researchers, holders of a foreign Phd and who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory in France; or either french or foreign researchers holders of a french Phd who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory abroad (excluded origin country and de co-tutorship)
Deadline for applications: April 3rd, 2014. For more information, see
Chinese Government Scholarship-EU Program
The China Scholarship Council invites applications under the Chinese government scholarships programme for EU citizens. This scheme enables EU citizens to study and carry out research at Chinese Universities.
Deadline for applications: April 30th, 2014. For more information, see
Call for Nomination for Herbrand Award 2014
The Herbrand Award is given by CADE Inc. to honour a person or group for exceptional contributions to the field of Automated Deduction. At most one Herbrand Award will be given at each CADE or IJCAR meeting.
A nomination is required for consideration for the Herbrand award. The deadline for nominations for the Herbrand Award that will be given at IJCAR 2014 is 15th April 2014. Nominations pending from previous years must be resubmitted in order to be considered.
Nominations should consist of a letter (preferably email) of up to 2000 words from the principal nominator, describing the nominee's contribution, along with letters of up to 2000 words of endorsement from two other seconders. Nominations should be sent to Maria Paola Bonacina, President of CADE Inc (mariapaola.bonacina at with copy to Martin Giese, Secretary of CADE Inc. and AAR (
For more information, see
Open Positions at ILLC
PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a highly motivated, creative and talented PhD candidate to enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language at multiple levels. The goal is to understand both the universality and the variability of the human language faculty from genes to behaviour.
The PhD position is part of the larger Dutch NWO Gravitation consortium 'Language in Interaction'. This research consortium brings together researchers from nine different research institutions in the Netherlands, with complementary expertise in a highly interdisciplinary area of research. This project will involve collaborative work to be carried out at the Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. Van Rooij) and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University (Prof. H. Schriefers). The position will be embedded in the ILLC. Both involved institutes offer an international research.
Application deadline: 1 February 2015. For more information, see here.
PhD candidate in Theoretical Computer Science
The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam, and the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) are looking for a PhD candidate in the area of quantum cryptography.
The aim of the PhD project is to develop new quantum-cryptographic protocols (beyond the task of key distribution) and explore their limitations. An example of an active research is position-based quantum cryptography. Another aspect is to investigate the security of classical cryptographic schemes against quantum adversaries (post-quantum cryptography). The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Christian Schaffner.
Application deadline: 31 October 2014. For more information, see here.
Lecturer / Researcher in Logic
The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) has a temporary vacancy for a Lecturer / Researcher position at the Faculty of Science. The position combines a 50% research task in one of the research areas of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, with a 50% teaching task concerning courses in logic at the Amsterdam University College.
For more information, see here
PhD position in Statistical Computational Linguistics
The Statistical Language Processing and Learning (SLPL) Lab, part of the Language and Computation research programme, is looking for a PhD candidate in statistical machine translation with interest in meaning-preserving statistical models. The University of Amsterdam provides an excellent environment for research in this area with world-class faculty in language and computation.
Deadline: 15 September 2014. For more information, see here
Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
Within ILLC, the SLPL Lab, led by Dr Khalil Sima'an, is seeking to attract three-year postdoctoral researchers in Statistical Machine Translation. In March 2014 the SLPL Lab. consists of 6 PhD candidates, 1 postdoctoral researcher and a programmer. The SLPL Lab still has 5 vacancies among which multiple postdoctoral positions on two projects: STW DatAptor, and NWO-VICI.
Deadline: 15 September 2014. For more information, see here
PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
The PhD position is part of the larger Dutch research consortium "Language in Interaction". This research consortium brings together researchers from nine different research institutions in the Netherlands, with complementary expertise in a highly interdisciplinary area of research. This PhD project will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Johan van Benthem (ILLC) and Prof. Dr. Ivan Toni (Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen).
For more information, see here and
Tenure Track Researcher Language in Interaction
The successful candidate will be at the heart of a new research group whose aim is to promote the interaction between formal, logical, semantic, or/and computational modelling of language and cognition within the ILLC. To match these research tasks, the successful candidate will also be given a light teaching load in the MSc Logic, the MSc Brain and cognitive science, and/or the BSc/MSc Artificial Intelligence.
This position is part of the larger Dutch research consortium "Language in Interaction" (lead-organisation Radboud University, Nijmegen), which brings together researchers from nine different research institutions in the Netherlands, with complementary expertise in a highly interdisciplinary area of research. The position will be embedded within the ILLC within the Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the University of Amsterdam. The researcher will be appointed either in the Language & Computation or in the Logic & Language programme at ILLC, and will form a new interface between these. The position comes with a PhD fellowship.
Application deadline: 15 October 2014. For more information, see here.
PhD Fellowship at ILLC
The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a PhD candidate. It is the intention of the ILLC to embed this position in the newly founded Joint Research Center in Logic (JRC), a collaboration project between the University of Amsterdam and the Tsinghua University in Beijing. For this reason, the project must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- the topic of the project falls within the scope of the current programmes of the JRC;
- the project can be co-supervised by an ILLC staff member and a researcher in Beijing.Application deadline: 15 May 2014. For more information, see here.
Two ILLC PhD candidates in Statistical Computational Linguistics
The ILLC is looking for two PhD candidates in statistical machine translation with interest in meaning-preserving statistical models. Both PhD positions are part of a VICI project within the Statistical Language Processing and Learning (SLPL) Lab, lead by Dr. Khalil Sima~an and part of the Language and Computation research programme. Research topics in the SLPL Lab. include statistical machine translation, paraphrasing, parsing, morphology and machine learning for language processing.
Application deadline: 18 May 2014. For more information, see here or contact Dr. Khalil Sima'an at k.simaan at
Postdoctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Translation
Within ILLC, the SLPL Lab, led by Dr Khalil. Sima'an, is seeking to attract three-year postdoctoral researchers in Statistical Machine Translation. In March 2014 the SLPL Lab. consists of 6 PhD candidates, 1 postdoctoral researcher and a programmer. The SLPL Lab still has 5 vacancies among which multiple postdoctoral positions on two projects: STW DatAptor, and NWO-VICI.
Project description
- Conduct research in SMT on, e.g., domain adaptation, semantic factors in SMT, paraphrasing, (hierarchical) reordering models, MT evaluation or statistical learning in SMT;
- present and publish research findings together with team members in proceedings and journals;
- program and test the developed algorithms in prototype systems and make these usable for other team members;
- assist in guiding PhD and MSc students working on topics in Computational Linguistics at large;
- while this is primarily a research position, the successful candidate will be expected to also make a small contribution to teaching.Application deadline: 1 June 2014. For more information, see here.
Postdoctoral researcher 'Legal Structures'
The 'Digging into Data project 'Legal Structures' is a joint project with Washington University (US) and the University of Amsterdam: Faculty of Humanities (ILLC) and Faculty of Law (ACLE). This postdoctoral project attempts to analyze the world's legal codes by focuses on machine coding of internal references in codes and laws. The intuition behind this approach is that fundamental differences among legal systems manifest themselves in the structure of the texts, and can be detected, parameterized, and visualized using computerized algorithms.
The project is looking for a postdoctoral researcher with an MA, MSc and PhD relevant to the subject, good programming experience, a background in computer science or artificial intelligence, and an interest in empirical legal studies and/or digital humanities. The postdoctoral researcher may be asked to do a limited amount of teaching, but no more than one class a week during one semester per academic year.
Application deadline: 20 March 2014. For more information, see here.
PhD candidate in Quantum Cryptography
The Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam, and the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) are looking for a PhD candidate in the area of quantum cryptography.
The aim of the PhD project is to develop new quantum-cryptographic protocols (beyond the task of key distribution) and explore their possibilities and limitations. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Christian Schaffner.
Application deadline: 30 April 2014. For more information, see here.
PhD candidate in Algorithmics
The ILLC LoCo group is looking for a PhD candidate in Algorithmics. The position is in the area of Algorithms and Complexity and part of the ILLC~s research programme in Logic and Computation.
Research topics in this area include computational complexity, algorithms, Kolmogorov complexity, quantum computation, and (quantum) information theory. The day-to-day guidance of the candidate will be in the hands of Dr.L.Torenvliet. Prof.dr. H. Buhrman will act as formal thesis advisor. Ongoing projects in the group include investigations into structural properties of complexity classes, parameterized complexity, and Kolmogorov complexity, but the position is not necessarily tied to one project, and the candidate is welcome and encouraged to bring his or her own research interests in algorithmic subjects into the group.
Application deadline: 30 April 2014. For more information, see here.
Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships 2014
The Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowship programme is jointly carried out by the Leibniz Association (Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz e.V.) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Leibniz-DAAD fellowships offer highly-qualified, international postdoctoral researchers, who have recently completed their doctoral studies, the opportunity to conduct research at the Leibniz Institute of their choice in Germany.
Application Deadline: 7 March 2014. For more information, see
Secretariaatsmedewerker ILLC
(Dutch only)
Het ILLC is gericht op wetenschappelijk onderzoek en onderwijs. Er werken wetenschappers en studenten van over de hele wereld, waardoor er een internationaal klimaat heerst. Met een relatief grote aantal MSc-studenten, promovendi en postdocs, heeft het instituut een levendige, informele sfeer. Vanwege de gestage groei van het instituut zoekt het ILLC een medewerker die samen met collega's zorg draagt voor het reilen en zeilen van het instituut.Profiel: VWO-niveau, met werkervaring, goede computer-vaardigheden, en goede kennis van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal. In eerste instantie wordt een tijdelijke aanstelling van één jaar aangeboden. Naast de algemene veelzijdige werkzaamheden van het ILLC Bureau is het de bedoeling dat de nieuwe medewerker de volgende meer specifieke taken op zich neemt:
ICT-contactpersoon: verantwoordelijk voor het bestellen / beheer van de computers van het instituut en contactpersoon voor het IC van de UvA;
het (laten) oplossen van vragen en kleine storingen van ICT-gebruikers binnen het ILLC;
het (mede-)onderhouden van de websites van het ILLC.
Sluitingsdatum: 22 January 2014. Voor meer informatie, zie here.
PhD candidate in Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition
The ILLC has a PhD position available. The position is part of the larger Dutch research consortium 'Language in Interaction', which brings together researchers from nine different research institutions in the Netherlands, with complementary expertise in a highly interdisciplinary area of research. This PhD project will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Robert van Rooij (ILLC) and Prof. Dr. Herbert Schriefers (Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen), assisted by Dr. Jakub Szymanik (ILLC).
A vague term like `big' can be easily used and processed when there is a clear gap between bigger and smaller objects. The PhD project will test the hypothesis that a gap in distribution is the default criterion used in the processing of vague words in classificatory tasks, but that other criteria might also come into play. Secondly, the project will test whether a similar default exists for the processing of quantity expressions like `most': use the approximate number system, if there is a gap, and precise counting otherwise. The ultimate goal is a unified theory of the processing of vague expressions.
Application deadline: 2 February 2014. For more information, see here.
Open Positions, General
PhD Studentships, Computer Science, University of Nottingham
Applications are invited for up to ten fully-funded PhD studentships in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, starting on 1st October 2015.
To discuss possible PhD topics in the area of (Logics for) Agents contact Natasha Alechina (nza at or Brian Logan (bsl at
Closing date for applications: 14th January 2015. For more information, see
Postdoc position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral position in computational complexity and/or SAT solving.
The postdoctoral researcher will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom. Much of the activities of this group revolve around the themes of proof complexity and SAT solving. On the theoretical side, proof complexity has turned out to have deep, and sometimes surprising, connections to other topics such as, e.g., circuit complexity, communication complexity, and hardness of approximation, and therefore researchers in these or other related areas are more than welcome to apply. On the practical side, some interesting problems are to gain a better understanding of the performance of current state-of-the-art SAT solvers --- in particular, solvers using conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) --- and to explore techniques that would go beyond CDCL, such as approaches based on algebraic or geometric reasoning.
The research project is financed by a Breakthrough Research Grant from the Swedish Research Council and a Starting Independent Researcher Grant from the European Research Council. In addition to the research group leader, the group currently consists of one postdoc and four PhD students. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives short-term and long-term visitors on a regular basis.
This is a full-time employed position for one year with a possible one-year extension. The successful candidate is expected to start in August-September 2015, although this is to some extent negotiable.
The application deadline is January 25, 2015. More information and instructions how to apply can be found at . Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordstrom.
Postdoctoral and visiting fellowships in philosophy of science, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
The application deadline of December 15 is approaching for postdoctoral and visiting fellowships at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, for the academic year 2015-2016, and for a senior fellowship in 2016-2017.
For more details, see
Assistant professorship in philosophy of mind, Bochum (Germany)
The Department of Philosophy II at Ruhr Universität Bochum is offering a full-time postdoctoral position (comparable to an assistant professorship), beginning on 1st April 2015, with a limited tenure of three years, renewable for a further three.
The position is installed to foster the research of young postdocs who have already proven to be excellent in publications. It offers the opportunity to develop one's own research project and research profile in the area of philosophy of mind, language or cognition. For the candidate who would later like to continue their career path within the German system, there will be the possibility to reach the degree of a "Habilitation". Beside the scientific aspects of this position, there is also the assignment to teach two courses each semester.
The candidate's research should be connected with some of the current research projects. This includes a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research in the area of philosophy of mind. Part of the job will be also to support the organization of the Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution. Preferable but not mandatory for this position is a competency in the area of philosophy of language, e.g. theory of concepts or semantics of singular terms and propositional attitudes. Candidates who have evidently engaged in some in-depth research in both philosophy of mind with very good knowledge in neurosciences and some expertise in experimental philosophy will be of particular interest for this vacancy.
Deadline of application: 15th of December 2014. For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. A. Newen (albert.newen at
Postdoctoral position on "Ontology after Quine", Hamburg (Germany)
The University of Hamburg offers a postdoctoral research position in association with the Emmy Noether Research Group "Ontologie nach Quine", which is based in the Department of Philosophy and led by Richard Woodward.
The Research Group began in July 2013 and will run until July 2018. Its official title translates as "Ontology after Quine: Fictionalism and Fundamentality" and, as its name suggests, the Group's research Project focuses on issues in metametaphysics and metaontology, set against the historical backdrop of the Quine-Carnap debate about the respectability of ontological inquiry. The remit of the project is thus broad, incorporating not only issues in first- and second-order metaphysics and ontology, but also connected issues in metaphilosophy and the philosophies of logic and language.
The advertized position is full-time and will last for a period of one (1) year. The exact starting date is negotiable, but the successful candidate should take up their position by July 1st 2015 at the latest. The successful applicant is expected to have completed their doctoral studies (i.e. submitted their doctoral thesis) by the time they take up the position.
The application deadline is January 31st, 2015. The official advert, with further information and instructions, can be found here: More information about the Group and its activities can be found at our website:
Postdoc Position in Logic and Game Theory, University of Oxford
A research position is available, tenable immediately, attached to a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant obtained by Prof Michael Wooldridge. The project is entitled "Reasoning about Computational Economies" (RACE), and carries out work at the intersection of game theory, complexity, logic, and verification. Applicants must have, or shortly be expecting to obtain, a PhD in multi-agent systems, game theory, logic/model checking, or a closely related topic. The position is a full-time appointment, available for up to 28 months.
Deadline: 12 January 2015 (noon). To discuss informally, please contact: Mike Wooldridge at mjw at For full details and to apply please visit:
Post-doctoral fellowships in mathematics and/or computer science
The Labex Archimède (Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in Marseille) offers several PhD and Post-doc positions in mathematics and computer science. Some of these positions will be opened in the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille (LIF - UMR7279 Aix-Marseille University / CNRS). The research areas of applicants can be any of the research topics studied in our lab.
Applications must be completed (including reference letters) by January 15th, 2015. For more information, see and
PhD positions in Logical Methods in Computer Science, Wien/Graz/Linz (Austria)
TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz are seeking exceptionally talented and motivated students for their joint doctoral program LogiCS. The LogiCS doctoral college focuses on interdisciplinary research topics covering
- computational logic, and applications of logic to
- databases and artificial intelligence as well as to
- computer-aided verification.
LogiCS is a doctoral college focusing on logic and its applications in computer science. Successful applicants will work with and be supervised by leading researchers in the fields of computational logic, databases and knowledge representation, and computer-aided verification.
For more information, see or contact: info at
PhD student position on "Anti-Mathematicism in Philosophy", Gent (Belgium)
Within the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, there is a vacancy for a fully funded PhD position in the context of the FWO project, "Anti-Mathematicism in Philosophy" directed by Prof. Dr. Eric Schliesser. The project focuses on (debates over) the limits, if any, on formal philosophy, and is designed to stimulate historical and systematic approaches to the topic.
If you wish to apply for this position, please send an email with a letter explaining why you wish to do research on this theme, a research proposal, a CV and publication list, if any, to Eric Schliesser , no later than December 15, 2014. Â BOF Research Professor, Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent, B-9000, Belgium. Phone: (31)-(0)6-15005958
Applications must be received before 15 December, 2014. For more information, see or contact Prof. Eric Schliesser.
Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Utrecht University is looking for a full professor of Theoretical Philosophy as from September 1, 2015. The chair of Theoretical Philosophy is one of the core chairs in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and is an important point of contact within Utrecht University for questions regarding the foundations of mathematics and philosophy of science. The professor is to play a key role in structuring the profile of research and education in Theoretical Philosophy. Where research is concerned he/she will focus on one of the sub- sections of Theoretical Philosophy, i.e. metaphysics, philosophy of science, epistemology or logic.
The application deadline is 05/01/2015. For more information, see
PhD student positions in computer science, Oxford (England)
Following a generous donation by Google, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford is delighted to invite applications for up to 15 fully-funded DPhil (Oxford'ss PhD) studentships tenable from 1st October 2015.
The studentships are for three years and are open to students of any nationality. The topics for the studentships are open, but should relate to the interests of one of the Department's research areas: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Automated Verification, Computational Biology, Foundations, Logic & Structures, Information Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Programming Languages, Security, Semantics and Software Engineering. We also encourage applications in cross disciplinary areas such as Linguistics, Biology, Medicine and Quantum Foundations & Quantum Computation.
Closing date for applications: Â 9th January 2015 For more information, see Informal enquiries may be addressed to Julie.sheppard at
Visiting Assistant Professorship (1y) teaching logic, Schenectady NY (U.S.A.)
The Department of Philosophy at Union College invites applications for a one-year, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor, beginning September 2015. Non-renewable. Areas of expertise and competence are open, but the successful candidate will have to teach courses in logic and in a period of the history of philosophy. A Ph.D. in philosophy is preferred, but advanced ABDs in philosophy will be considered.
Deadline for applications is January 15 2015. For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in set theory, Singapore (Singapore)
There is a one-year postdoctoral position in set theory available at the National University of Singapore. The expected starting date is April 1, 2015.
The job advertisement is given at here. To apply for it please email your complete CV to Dilip Raghavan at raghavan at Please also CC your email to Lynette Wong at lynettewong at
here or -
Postdoc and Student Positions in post-quantum cryptography and quantum algorithms, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The NSERC CREATE Training Program in Building a Workforce for the Cryptographic Infrastructure of the 21st Century (CryptoWorks21) is a supplementary program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who would like to develop next-generation cryptographic tools.
The Postdoctoral and Graduate Programs are now accepting applications for January 2015. For more information, see
Graduate student applicants should also apply at one of the relevant graduate programs at the University of Waterloo (
2015 Software Engineering Internships at Google
Internships at Google are full time paid positions, take place year-round and have a minimum duration of three months. If you are interested in an internship at Google in 2015 you should apply online as soon as possible.
Who can apply: BSc/MSc/PhD students in Computer Science or a related technical field. You must be returning to university after the internship is complete, which means you won't be able to do an internship after you graduate.
Where can you intern: We're hiring interns at our headquarters in Silicon Valley (we support visa and relocation!) as well as throughout our offices in Europe.
For more information, see and
2015 Software Engineer New Graduate role at Google
If you graduated in 2014 or are preparing to graduate in 2015 you can apply to join Google as a full-time Software Engineer. We have open roles at our Mountain View headquarters in Silicon Valley, with additional roles available throughout our offices in Europe including London and Zurich.
Who can apply: Bachelor, Master or PhD in Computer Science or a related technical field.
For more information, see How to apply:
2 postdoc vacancies in TINT, Helsinki (Finland)
The Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT) now the largest centre in its field, is offering one or two new postdoc positions, beginning in January or February 2015. More advanced scholars will also be considered. The position is for 1-3 years
AREA: philosophy of economics (or neighbouring disciplines), broadly understood (inclusive of social and historical studies of economics in relation to its disciplinary neighbours).
Deadline 1 December 2014. For more information, see and
PhD student position in philosophy of mathematics, Konstanz (Germany)
At the Department of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy / Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller) there is currently a vacancy for a Part-time Ph.D. student Position (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 50%). The position will be available at project start in February 2015; a later starting date is negotiable, but an early start is preferred. The position will be granted initially for 12 months, with an option for an extension for a second year; funding for a third year will be applied for once the project is under way.
The position is advertised as part of the new research project "Kulturen der mathematischen Forschung: Identitätspraktiken im Hinblick auf nationale Mathematikkulturen und Beweisstile" (Cultures of mathematical research: identification practices with respect to national cultures of mathematics and styles of proof). The principal investigators of this project are Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller (Konstanz) and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Löwe (Hamburg & Amsterdam). The hired applicant will be based in Konstanz and it is the intention that the applicant be enrolled as a Ph.D. student and receive a Ph.D. degree in philosophy at the Universität Konstanz, but the project involves active and regular interaction with the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Universität Hamburg, including extended research visits of up to one semester.
This research project deals with the question of whether there is mathematical content to national mathematical cultures: clearly, there are differences in the mathematical styles of researchers from different countries. But are these differences more than superficial? In other words, can these differences be explained in purely mathematical terms. The project aims to approach this question with empirical means using techniques from the digital humanities (national literary cultures) and qualitative and quantitative empirical social studies.
The deadline for applications is 17 December 2014. For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in computer science, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The Database Group at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher. Whilst the position is primarily open to database researchers with a promising publication record, all applicants who have, or expect to have, a PhD in computer science or closely related field will be considered. Skills in theory, logic, automata, algorithms, as well as systems building experience, are particularly valuable.
The post is available from 1st December 2014 for one year (with a possibility of extension).
The project involves research on several aspects of graph databases, including, but not limited to: the design of query languages for graph databases, combining graph topology with data querying, extending languages with complex relations on paths and other features, incomplete information in graph data and RDF.
For informal inquiries, please send email to Leonid Libkin ( To apply, visit, go to `academic vacancies' and search for vacancy ref 031867. Application deadline: 27 November 2014
Postdoctoral position in quantum computing, Paris (France)
The Algorithms and Complexity group of LIAFA (CNRS and University Paris Diderot), Paris, France, is seeking excellent candidates for one or more postdoctoral positions in classical and quantum computing. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): algorithms, streaming algorithms, approximation algorithms, online algorithms, communication complexity, cryptography, computational game theory, quantum computing, computational applications of logic, randomness in computing, privacy.
Applications should be received by December 1st, 2014. Applications must be received before 1 December, 2014. For more information, see or contact any of the permanent members of the group.
Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Cork (Ireland)
UCC wishes to appoint an experienced academic to the role of Lecturer in Philosophy. Reporting to the Head of the Department, the Lecturer will have to teach modules in the areas of Continental European philosophy, especially phenomenology; aesthetics and philosophy of art. Competence and/or an interest in Asian philosophy would be an advantage, since the appointee will be expected to contribute to the new MA programme in Asian and Intercultural Philosophy. Further duties include research, research-led teaching and contributions to the university, the discipline and the community.
Deadline: 5pm on Thursday, 4th December 2014. For more information, see
Visiting Fellowships in Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
The Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics and Philosophy of Science invites applications for visiting fellowships for the calendar year 2015 (February-May or September-December). Short visits of several weeks are also possible; however, we encourage applicants to stay for a longer period.
The fellowships are intended for faculty, postdocs or advanced Ph.D. students. Applicants should be keen on being an active part of a lively research community and on intellectual exchange with the resident fellows of TiLPS. The work of the candidates should relate to logic, philosophy of science, epistemology or ethics, and have a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work, in line with the overall profile of TiLPS. TiLPS also sustains a full calendar of research events, such as regular seminars, workshops and conferences.
Applications must be received before 15 December, 2014. For more information, see or contact TiLPS director Jan Sprenger at j.sprenger at
Postdoctoral positions in algorithms, Tel Aviv (Israel) & Berkeley CA (U.S.A.)
The Israeli center of Research Excellence in Algorithms is seeking candidates for three postdoctoral programs:
I-CORE in Algorithms postdoctoral program,
I-CORE in Algorithms and the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in Berkeley - a joint postdoctoral program, and
Leonardo Fibonacci fellowships - a joint postdoctoral program of I-CORE Algo, CNR and ENEADeadlines: 15 Dec 2014.. For more information, see
Faculty positions in theoretical computer science, Urbana-Champaign IL (U.S.A.)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign is hiring multiple tenure-track faculty positions. We are particularly interested in the following (overlapping) areas:
* Theoretical Computer Science
* Machine Learning
* Programming Languages
* Computer Systems (including trustworthy computing, distributed, cloud, mobile, OS)
* Computer Architecture and Parallel ProcessingTo ensure full consideration, applications must be received by January 5, 2015. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date. For more information, including application instructions, please see our ad at
2015/16 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowshop (in algorithms), Yorktown NY (U.S.A.)
The Mathematical Sciences department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center invites applications for its 2015-2016 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in the mathematical and computer sciences. The fellowship provides scientists of outstanding ability an opportunity to advance their scholarship as resident department members at the Research Center.
Areas of research include algorithms, complex systems, data mining, dynamical systems, high-performance computing, inverse problems, numerical analysis, optimization, probability theory, statistics, simulation, and operations management.
Applications will be accepted only if submitted by Jan 16, 2015. More details can be found at
Three-year fellowship in philosophy at St Hugh's College, Oxford (England)
Applications are invited for the post of Career Development Fellow in Philosophy at St Hugh's College, tenable from 1st October 2015. This is a fixed-term, 3-year position intended for an individual who has recently completed a doctorate and wishes to embark on an academic career. It is open to those working in any area of Philosophy.
The successful candidate will be expected to use the period of the Fellowship to begin building an international research profile. The postholder will also be required to offer teaching for up to four hours per week during term. Career Development Fellows at St Hugh's College are encouraged to take a full part in the intellectual life of the College.
Further details are available on the College website at The closing date for applications is Monday 9th February 2015.
Assistant Professorship in Cognitive Science, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
Occidental College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of assistant professor in Cognitive Science. We seek someone working in computer science, with scholarly or research interests in artificial intelligence (broadly construed to include areas such as robotics, computer vision, natural language processing, computational linguistics, human-computer interactions, reasoning under uncertainty, or other areas at the intersection of computation and cognition). A strong commitment to teaching and research at a liberal arts institution is essential. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field by the start date of August 2015. The successful applicant will help strengthen our computer science minor, teach introductory courses in programming, fundamentals courses in computer science, upper-level courses in computer science, courses in cognitive science, and involve undergraduate students in research.
Review of applications will begin on December 5, 2014. For more information, see Questions about the position can also be directed to the Department Chair, Dr. Saul Traiger, at traiger at
Visiting Fellowship in Mathematical Philosophy, Munich (Germany)
The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites applications for visiting fellowships for one to three months in the academic year 2015/16 (15 October 2015 to 15 February 2016 or 15 April to 15 July 2016) intended for advanced Ph.D. students ("Junior Fellowships") and postdocs or faculty ("Senior Fellowships"). Candidates should work in general philosophy of science, the philosophy of one of the special sciences, formal epistemology, or social epistemology and have a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work.
We also encourage groups of two to four researchers, which may also include scientists, to jointly apply for fellowships (?Research Group Fellowships") to work on an innovative collaborative project from the above-mentioned fields which is of relevance for the research done at the MCMP and which ideally includes a member of the MCMP as a collaborator.
The deadline for applications is 15 February 2015. Decisions will be made by 1 March 2015. For further information, see or contact Alexander.Reutlinger at
Tenure-track position in theoretical computer science, Salt Lake City UT (U.S.A.)
The School of Computing at the University of Utah seeks applications for four tenure-track faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning Fall 2015. Exceptional candidates at higher ranks will be also be considered.
One of the four positions is targeted at theoretical computer science, particularly with an emphasis on models and analysis for large data problems. Also, computational statistics or statistical underpinnings of the analysis of large data.
Close Date: March 1, 2015. For more information (and how to apply) please see the ad at
Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (all disciplines)
The Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme for 2015 is now open. The Council funds excellent researchers across all disciplines and encourages interdisciplinary research and engagement with enterprise. It aims to support an expertise-driven research system in order to enhance Ireland's innovation capacity and skills base in a rapidly changing global environment where knowledge is key to economic, social and cultural development.
The Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme is intended to support suitably qualified applicants at an early stage of their postdoctoral career to associate with established research teams who have achieved international recognition for their work. These Fellowships can be held for either one or two years and are worth up to a maximum of €45,895 per year.
Applicants must have been awarded their doctoral degree within the five-year period between 28th February 2010 and 28th February 2015. Applications will only be accepted through the online submission system. The deadline is *Thursday 27th November 2014* at 4 p.m.
Full details are available at
Tenure track position in philosophy (female candidates), Groningen (The Netherlands)
As part of the Rosalind Franklin Fellowship Programme for female academics, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen and the newly established University College Groningen (UCG) are offering a Tenure Track Position in Philosophy.
We are looking for a philosopher with strong interests in interdisciplinary research and teaching in the humanities, with a focus on societal issues. The candidate will be appointed at both faculties with a base in the Faculty of Philosophy for the first five years, after which a move to UCG is to be expected. She will conduct philosophical research in an interdisciplinary context and teach and develop courses in both faculties, at BA and MA level.
The successful candidate has:
- a PhD degree in philosophy, preferably for at least 3 years
- a proven affinity or experience with interdisciplinary research
- a willingness and ability to apply for Dutch and/or European grants for research projects
For information on the position see: For general requirements see (with links to further information). Application deadline: December 1st, 2014. Further inquiries can be directed to Prof. Lodi Nauta, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (l.w.nauta at
Tenure-track position in mathematics (open), Las Cruces NM (U.S.A.)
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Mexico State University invites applicants for a tenure track faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor level, beginning in the Fall 2015 semester. We are seeking strong candidates with research expertise that can effectively complement current research strengths of the department, including Algebra, Statistics, and Analysis, but exceptional candidates in other areas will be considered.
For more information, see and Both sites are part of the submission process. The (firm) deadline for submissions is November 15th.
Chevening-Durham MA Scholarships for Master's studies in philosophy, Durham (England)
Durham University is pleased to announce a number of MA scholarships, in partnership with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, for students to come and study in the UK. Applications for the Chevening/Durham Scholarships are invited but the deadline is soon - 15th November.
For further details and guidance for applicants please see: and, or contact Benedict Smith at b.w.smith at
PhD student position on "The Evolution of Unpopular Norms and Bullying", Munich (Germany)
The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy and the Chair of Philosophy of Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion at LMU Munich seek applications for a Doctoral Fellowship. The successful candidate will work on the project "The Evolution of Unpopular Norms and Bullying", which is funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and part of the DFG Priority Programme "New Frameworks of Rationality". The fellowship is open for candidates with a masters degree in philosophy or a related social science. The funding is for three years, and the fellowship should be taken up by January 1, 2015. However, a later starting date is also possible. (Please let us know if you wish to start at a later date.)
Applications should be sent by November 20, 2014. For more information, see Contact for informal inquiries: Professor Stephan Hartmann (S.Hartmann at A detailed description of the project can be found here:
2 PhD Positions in Philosophy of Mind (especially Philosophy of Perception at University of Antwerp
Applications are invited for three fully and (for US and UK standards) very generously paid PhD studentships in philosophy at the University of Antwerp. The PhD student will be part of Bence Nanay's research group and will be supervised by Professor Nanay. The PhD in Belgium normally takes four years and PhD students are public employees with very generous benefits. Antwerp is commutable from a number of European cities, including Paris, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Cologne. All research and communication is conducted in English.
Deadline: November 9. Starting date of the position: Winter/Spring/Summer 2015 (negotiable). For more information, see
1 November 2014, Fixed-term lectureship in Leiden
Webster University Leiden invites applications for a fixed-term-appointment Adjunct Lecturer of Critical Thinking (undergraduate level). We seek candidates whose area of specialization includes Philosophy of Science, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind. Critical Thinking is a mandatory course for all undergraduate students to fulfil General Education requirements.
Students attending the course will be majoring in one of the following areas:
- Management/Business Administration;
- Psychology;
- International Relations;
- Media Communications.The successful candidate will have a record of achievement in teaching and research of philosophy. Preference will be given to candidates who have (or are in the process of completing) a Ph.D. or foreign-degree equivalent in Philosophy or an appropriate related field of study.
The course will start in the second week of January and end in the first week of May 2015. It will include 16 sessions of 2 hours each. Candidates are required to send their CV an a short motivation letter to Dr. Sara Lusini (Head of General Education Program) at lusini at
For more information, contact Dr. Sara Lusini (Head of General Education Program) at lusini at, Webster University Leiden.
Temporary (1y) Teaching fellowship in philosophy of mind/science, London (England)
The Philosophy Department at King's College London is seeking an outstanding teaching fellow with teaching experience and research interests in philosophy of mind, and competence in philosophy of science. This is a maternity cover, fixed term appointment, starting from 12 January 2015 and ending on 11 January 2016.
The successful candidate will have expertise in philosophy of mind and philosophy of science, and a track record or potential as a researcher at least in philosophy of mind. You will have the ability to teach to the highest professional standards in philosophy, including: being able to communicate complex philosophical concepts in philosophy of mind to Neuroscience students; designing and convening modules; lecturing; seminar teaching; giving formative feedback; supervising dissertations at all levels; and examining. You will have pastoral duties as a personal tutor, and will undertake administrative duties as required by the Head of Department.
Closing date: 13 November 2014. Reference: THW/14/059639/372. Further details:
Two PhD student / postdoc positions in Formal Semantics & Logic, Delft (The Netherlands)
The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications for two PhD/postdoc positions (PhD: 4 years, postdoc: 2 years), attached to a newly funded NWO Vidi grant obtained by Birna van Riemsdijk.
The project is entitled Computational Reasoning for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners (CoreSAEP). The research lies in the intersection of theoretical computer science (formal semantics, temporal logic) and multi-agent systems (agent programming, normative systems). The overall aim of the project is to develop a reasoning framework that combines logic and quantitative techniques for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners (SAEPs) that adapt their behavior to norms and values of people. This becomes more and more important as technology becomes an integral part of our daily lives. The computational reasoning techniques are aimed at determining when and to what extent norm-compliance can be guaranteed, and deciding what to do if in exceptional situations a norm cannot or should not be complied with. We will implement the reasoning framework to evaluate its run-time behavior.
The associated research posts will be in the following areas:
POST 1 - formal semantics, temporal logic & normative agents (vacancy number: EWI2014-29)
POST 2 - quantitative reasoning, logic & normative agents (vacancy number: EWI2014-34)Deadline for application: December 15th, 2014. More information on the project and the team you will be working in, can be found on For further information about the positions, please contact Birna van Riemsdijk via email (m.b.vanriemsdijk at
Postdoctoral position on "bridging causal and explanatory reasoning", Tilburg (The Netherlands)
The Tilburg Center for Logic, General Ethics, and Philosophy of Science at the University of Tilburg, the Netherlands invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship. Candidates must hold a Ph.D by the time of appointment and demonstrate excellence in research in one or more of the following areas of specialization: philosophy of science, philosophy of cognitive science, epistemology, experimental philosophy, or cognitive psychology.
The postdoc will be part of Matteo Colombo & Jan Sprenger's research project titled "Bridging Causal and Explanatory Reasoning. Normative and Empirical Considerations" funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation, as part of the Priority Program 1516 New Frameworks of Rationality. The project aims to bridge psychological and philosophical approaches to explanatory reasoning, with a focus on the following questions: (a) Is explanatory value exclusively tied to causality? (b) How could measures of explanatory power be fruitfully related to measures of causal strength? (c) In what ways can explanatory, causal, and probabilistic reasoning be fruitfully unified? While these questions are a central focus of the project, there will also be substantial opportunity for the postdoctoral fellow to influence the direction of research.
Deadline: December, 20, 2014. Details about the vacancy, along with a link to submit an application can be found through the webpage: Inquiries should be directed to dr. Matteo Colombo, e-mail m.colombo at
PhD student position in epistemology, Canterbury
(England)Applications are welcomed for a fully funded, fixed term (three years) PhD studentship in Philosophy, to work on epistemology and philosophy of science at the University of Kent (Canterbury), starting in January. This position is attached to a research project "Grading evidence of mechanisms in physics and biology", funded by the Leverhulme Trust and led by Prof. Jon Williamson.
The position will be given to the first suitable candidate. Please see here for further details:
Two PhD/Postdoc Positions in Logic and Multiagent Systems, TU Delft
There are two open PhD/postdoc positions (PhD: 4 years, postdoc: 2 years), attached to a newly funded NWO Vidi grant obtained by Birna van Riemsdijk at TU Delft.
The project is entitled Computational Reasoning for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners (CoreSAEP). The research lies in the intersection of theoretical computer science (formal semantics, temporal logic) and multi-agent systems (agent programming, normative systems). The overall aim of the project is to develop a reasoning framework that combines logic and quantitative techniques for Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners (SAEPs) that adapt their behavior to norms and values of people. This becomes more and more important as technology becomes an integral part of our daily lives. The computational reasoning techniques are aimed at determining when and to what extent norm-compliance can be guaranteed, and deciding what to do if in exceptional situations a norm cannot or should not be complied with. We will implement the reasoning framework to evaluate its run-time behavior.
Initial application deadline: 15 December 2014. For more information, see
Two Fixed-Term Lectureships, University of Reading
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Reading, UK, seeks to appoint two fixed-term (three-year), full-time lecturers, from January 2015 to December 2017.
One will be a lecturer in non-Western Philosophy, the other a lecturer in Moral Philosophy (although what they each teach for us may not be limited to these areas). The successful applicants will each have a PhD in philosophy or a closely related discipline. In each case s/he will be able to provide high quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
The closing date for applications is Sunday November 2nd, 2014. For more information, see here, (Lecturer in Moral Philosophy link) or (Lecturer in Non-Western Philosophy link).
Assistant Professor of Game Theory / Operations Research / Social Choice Theory
Location: Maastricht UniversityThe Mathematical Economics and Operations Research Group at the Department of Quantitative Economics has a strong research orientation and record in the fields of game theory, mechanism design and social choice theory, including algorithmic and computational aspects. The applicant will be appointed as a tenure track assistant professor and contribute to research and teaching within the overlapping areas of game theory, operations research, and social choice theory. Teaching concerns courses in economics, economic theory, and operations research. Research falls under the program Economic Theory, Behavior and Computation.
Application deadline: 7 November 2014. For more information, see
Schlumberger Foundation "Faculty for the Future" 2015-2016 Fellowships
The Schlumberger Foundation is accepting new applications for the 2015–2016 Faculty for the Future Fellowships from September 10th to November 14th, 2014.
The Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or Post-doctorate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines at leading universities worldwide.
The long-term goal of the program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing academic careers in STEM disciplines thus contributing to the socio-economic development of their home countries and regions. The program is growing each year and has become a community of 405 women scientists and technologists from 68 countries. Grant recipients are selected as much for their leadership capabilities as for their scientific talents. Ultimately they are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers, to further their research, to teach and to become inspirational role models for other young women, especially in the STEM fields.
For more information, see and
Assistant Professor, Ethics & Digital Culture, UCF Florida (U.S.A.)
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Central Florida (UCF) invites applications for a tenure earning Assistant Professor position in Ethics and Digital Culture beginning in August 2015. This is a shared position between the Department of Philosophy and the Texts and Technology Ph.D. program, and the successful candidate will be involved in both areas. This is a 9-month per year position with an expected teaching load (pre-tenure) of 5 courses per academic year, with the possibility of optional summer teaching. The position is pending budgetary approval.
A Ph.D. in Philosophy or a related field from an accredited university is required by the time of hire.
The successful candidate will have a research specialization in the study of ethics and digital culture. This could include areas such as: ethical dimensions of new media, ethics and digital pedagogy, the ways that digital environments affect ethical action, social behavior and social justice using digital tools or in digital environments, ethics in gaming, and/or ethics in digital humanities, rhetoric, history, media or communications. The successful candidate must be able to teach courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Demonstrated competence in teaching courses such as Virtual Ethics and Ethical Theory is preferred, as is experience with teaching large classes and/or experience or willingness to develop web-based instruction. Thesis direction at the graduate and undergraduate level will be expected, as will participation in program and course development.
Job close date: 4 December 2014. For more information, see
Two PhD scholarships in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, Wollongong (Australia)
The University of Wollongong's Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts is offering two PhD scholarships to further enhance our growing strength in the Philosophy of Mind and Cognition. Scholarship are offered in conjunction with new appointments of Hutto as Professor of Philosophical Psychology and Gallagher as Professorial Fellow in Philosophy. Scholarships are available for commencement in either early or mid 2015.
Successful candidates will be supervised by Professor Hutto, Professor Gallagher and other members of the philosophy department. They will be expected to work on research topics connected with Enactive, Embodied, Extended and Scaffolded approaches to the Philosophy of Mind and Cognition. Possible topic areas include: emotions; emergence; group minds/group cognition; imagination; narrative and theory of mind; narrative explanation; narrative and selfhood; origins of content; scaffolded minds. Projects that have the potential to connect with issues in Ethics, Political Philosophy, or Philosophy of Law are welcome, as these are also prominent areas of research at Wollongong.
Deadline for applications: Friday 31 October 2014. For more information, see
Assistant Professorship in Set Theory, Oxford OH (U.S.A.)
The Department of Mathematics, Miami University, invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor in Set Theory, starting in Fall 2015.
The successful candidate must have completed a Ph.D. before the starting date. Duties include an active research program in mathematics, effective teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and service to the institution. Preference will be given to candidates in Logic/Set Theory, but outstanding candidates in all areas matching existing research groups in the department will be considered.
Screening of applications will begin on November 15. Details can be found here:
Assistant Professorship in Logic and Foundations at University of Colorado, Boulder (U.S.A.)
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, invites applications for a tenure-track position, at the level of Assistant Professor, in Logic and Foundations. This position will begin in Fall 2015. The candidate must have a doctoral degree at the date of appointment, and is expected to have demonstrated the capacity for independent research of excellent quality. In addition to research accomplishments, selection criteria include potential contributions to the educational programs of the Department at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
To ensure full consideration, complete applications should be submitted by December 1, 2014. For more information, see, or contact Donna Maes at maesd at
Professorship in mathematical foundations of computer science, Natal (Brazil)
UFRN (the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in Brazil) has two open faculty positions. The positions are at DIMAp, the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics. One position is for Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science; the other for Numerical Methods, with a bias towards Scientific Computing.
UFRN is one of the very few universities in Brazil where logicians may be found at the departments of Informatics, Philosophy and Mathematics (and even the present rector of the university used to work as a logician). We would very much welcome another logician to strengthen our ranks. For the Mathematical Foundations position, the topics for the written exam and for the didactics exam may be found at: As you can see, we are looking for someone with a solid background on Universal Algebra and Set Theory, and willing to teach Discrete Math to undergrad computer science students.
The application should be made from October 06 to October 30, 2014. The selection process is through a formal concours. Some knowledge of Portuguese is required in the concours.
For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in computational logic, Linz (Austria)
The Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, offers a PostDoc position for the duration of 2 years starting with January 2015 (or earlier). The position is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in the frame of a research project that is jointly pursued by the RISC institute, the RISC Software company, and the SecureGUARD company, a leading European manufacturer of high-quality integrated security solutions. The PostDoc contract guarantees full employment with a yearly gross salary of approx. €48.762,- with social and health insurance included. The working place is the castle of Hagenberg near Linz, the site of RISC.
The project is a continuation of the "LogicGuard" project which pursues research on a security solution whose core is a language based on classical predicate logic for specifying a property of a stream of messages transmitted over the network. The goal of the former project was to automatically translate such a specification into a program that efficiently monitors the network for a violation of the property. The core task of the PostDoc researcher in the new project is to analyze the resource complexity of runtime monitors that were generated from logic specifications to observe traffic in a network; there may be also some corresponding software development involved.
A letter of application should be sent as soon as possible, but not later than October 31, 2014. For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in algorithms, Bristol (England)
The Algorithms Team in the Department of Computer Science at Bristol University is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher in the areas of algorithms research and/or lower bounds. The post will require a high level of expertise in areas which may include but not be limited to data structures/algorithms, discrete probability, discrete mathematics and combinatorics.
A PhD in mathematics, computer science, operations research or a related field is required. Application deadline October 13, 2014. Start date negotiable but ideally by January 2015.
Please see for full details both of the post and the application process. For informal enquiries, please contact Raphael Clifford ( clifford at
PhD student position in logic and verification for AI, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
For the ERC consolidator project "Responsible Intelligent Systems" (REINS) we are looking for a PhD student to be employed in the division of artificial intelligence at the department of information and computing sciences.
The REINS project aims to provide a framework for automating responsibility, liability, and risk checking for intelligent systems. The vacancy is in REINS sub-project 3 "Formal Responsibility Checking". In this sub-project we investigate how to apply known techniques from the program verification domain (model checking, theorem proving) to the responsibility checking domain. We aim to develop translations from logical formalisms for representing (graded) responsibilities and normative systems, to formalisms for which model checkers and theorem provers already exist.
Starting date: February 1st, 2015 (later or earlier dates may be negotiated). Deadline for applications is October 20th, 2014. For any further information on the project or the vacancies see, or one can contact dr. Broersen at email address J.M.Broersen at or professor John-Jules Charles Meyer at email address J.J.C.Meyer at
Stipendiary Research Fellowship in Logic (among other things) at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (England)
Applications are invited for one stipendiary Research Fellowship tenable for three years from 1 October 2015.
The Research Fellowship is open to graduates of any university who on 1 October 2015 will have completed not more than five years of research. Matriculated members of Corpus Christi College engaged in any area of research are eligible to apply. For those who are not already members of the College there is a restriction on the field of study. This year applications will be considered in the fields: Logic; Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Studies; Plant Sciences, or Cellular Physiology.
Research Fellows are full members of the College's Governing Body. Stipendiary Research Fellows have access to a limited stock of College flats and sets. If available they are provided rent free or a living out allowance is offered. The estimated stipend will be in the region of £18,000. Research Fellows are allowed to teach up to six hours per week for additional remuneration, and are expected to participate in the intellectual life of Leckhampton, the College's graduate centre. An annual allowance for research expenditure is available and privileges include free medical insurance, some meals, and a small entertainment allowance.
Applications must be submitted by Wednesday 29th October 2014. For more information, see
PhD position in neurocomputational modelling of language processing
A PhD position is available within the 'Language in Interaction' consortium at the Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
The PhD candidate will participate in a team effort to understand the neurobiology underlying language processing by building computer models for sentence processing based on recurrent networks of spiking neurons. The goal is to develop a model with processing memory based on vector representations of words which are incrementally interpreted in terms of thematic roles ("who did what to whom"). A core objective will be to investigate the computational role of different neuronal models, connectivity types, neurobiologically motivated adaptation mechanisms, and different methods for calibrating the model's read-out units.
Closing date: 30 September 2014. For more information, see and
Postdoc position in computational modelling of reading
Research post in computational modelling of reading in Department of Psychology at Lancaster University. The post is for up to 3 years, commencing January 2015, working with Padraic Monaghan (Lancaster), Stephen Welbourne (Manchester), and Fernando Cuetos (Oviedo). The project involves constructing and testing computational models of reading, to determine the effect of early and late exposure to language on reading across the lifespan.
Closes: 30th September 2014. For more information, see
Two positions as associate professor in theoretical philosophy, Bergen (Norway)
The Department of Philosophy of the University of Bergen (Norway) announces two vacant positions as Associate Professor in Philosophy. The Department wishes to hire a person with research competence in at least one central area in Theoretical Philosophy - particularly Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics or Philosophy of Mind. The Department is also looking for people with competence in Political Philosophy, Ethics and Philosophy of Law. Competence in the History of Philosophy will be considered an advantage in the evaluation of the applicants.
Application deadline: 21 September 2014. For more information, see
Two positions in the area of 'argument mining' in Dundee, Scotland
Applications are invited for two positions in Dundee: a postdoctoral research assistant for the TSB- & EPSRC-funded project "Argument Analytics" (starting from Nov 2014); and for a PhD student for the EPSRC DTG-funded project "Recognizing Trust in Natural Language" (starting from Dec 2014). The closing dates for applications are 30 Sept and 31 October 2014, respectively.
For more information, see
Assistant/associate professorship in Logic and AI, Technical University of Denmark
There is a vacant assistant/associate professorship (permanent position) at the Technical University of Denmark. The position is within the Algolog group (Algorithms, Logic and Graphs) of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
We welcome strong applicants in logic, AI, algorithms, data structures and/or graph theory, with slightly higher priority given to logic and AI. The application deadline is 15 October 2014.
For more information, please see or contact Thomas Bolander (tobo at or the head of the Algolog section, Paul Fischer (pafi at You can read more about the Algolog group at
Postdoctoral position in computational complexity, cryptography, quantum information theory or algorithmic game theory, Aarhus (Denmark)
A postdoc position is available at CTIC, Department of Computer Science, to be filled as soon as possible. The position is for 1 year with the possibility of extension. The applicant should have a background in at least one of the four focus areas of CTIC: Computational complexity theory, cryptography, quantum information theory or algorithmic game theory.
CTIC is a collaboration between the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Denmark and IIIS at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. We are looking for an applicant committed to playing an active part in continuously building strong research collaborations between the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University and IIIS at Tsinghua University, Beijing. In particular, the successful applicant will spend significant time at IIIS, with funding for such visits being part of the position.
For more information on the position, see or contact Peter Bro Miltersen at bromille at
Postdoctoral positions (logic and uncertainty), Cardiff (U.K.)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate post in the School of Computer Science & Informatics at Cardiff University. This is a full-time, fixed-term post for 30 months, starting on 1 October or as soon as possible thereafter.
The main aim of this project is to study the links between Markov logic (a popular probabilistic logic for statistical relational learning) and possibilistic logic (a popular weighted logic for epistemic reasoning). This will involve the study and implementation of methods to approximate Markov logic theories into possibilistic logic, with the overall aim of learning interpretable commonsense rules from data on the web. You will work closely with Steven Schockaert (Cardiff University) and Jesse Davis (KU Leuven).Closing date for applications: Tuesday 2 September 2014. For more details about the project and instructions on how to apply, please go to
14 PhD student grants in Computer Science, Pisa (Italy)
We would like to announce 14 grants at the PhD in Computer Science of the University of Pisa.
The deadline for applications is September 5th, 2014, and the selection will be made on CV, reference letters and an interview, also via teleconferencing (check *carefully* the relevant fields required).
For further details, see or contact Mrs Enrico Carpentras <enrico at> (preferably), or otherwise the chairman of the PhD Programme Prof. Pierpaolo Degano <degano at>.
Senior Lectureship in Theoretical Philosophy, Uppsala (Sweden)
The primary duties associated with the position are teaching in theoretical philosophy, especially philosophy of science, at basic level, advanced level and the graduate level, as well as research. One main responsibility is teaching philosophy of science at the Civil Engineering Program and to graduate students in research areas in the natural sciences. Administrative tasks, and duties that involve collaboration with the surrounding society are also among the responsibilities. Leadership duties can be among the administrative tasks.
Qualified for appointment as Senior Lecturer is a person who has been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research competence, has demonstrated teaching expertise and has the personal characteristics required to perform the duties of the post well. A prerequisite for having demonstrated teaching expertise is that applicants have completed teacher training for higher education of relevance to operations at the University, comprising at least ten weeks, or have acquired the equivalent knowledge. The documented ability to teach in Swedish or in English is a qualification requirement. The successful applicant would be expected to be able to teach in Swedish within two years.
Applications, marked with log number UFV-PA 2014/2011, should be addressed by postal mail to the Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University and must be received by Monday, September 15, 2014. For more information, see or contact Professor Lars-Göran Johansson, acting Head of Department, phone +46 18-471 7361 (lars-goran.johansson at
Four temporary full professorships in mathematics as "Bonn Junior Fellows", Bonn (Germany)
The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at the University of Bonn brings together researchers in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, and Mathematical Economics. In this framework, the center is looking forward to filling up to four W2-Professorships ("Bonn Junior Fellows") within the next few years. These are temporary positions for a period of five years. To some of these positions, a tenure-track option is associated, and, in exceptional cases, a position may be tenured immediately.
The professorships intend to encourage independent research by outstanding young researchers, in analogy to the research groups of the "Max-Planck-Society" or the "Emmy-Noether-Program" of the German Research Foundation. The professorships are endowed with travel and guest funds, and with a postdoc position during the initial period. Bonn Junior Fellows also participate in the additional resources of the Hausdorff Center. Professors are encouraged to supervise doctoral students. For an initial period, teaching obligations amount to four hours per week during semesters.
We seek candidates who fit into the broad spectrum of the Cluster of Excellence. Depending on the respective research focus, candidates become members of the "Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences" or of the "Faculty of Law and Economics" at the University of Bonn. German language skills are not required. Not all positions will be assigned at the same time; there will be several separate selection rounds. The deadline for the third application round is 11th October 2014. Expected starting date is not later than 1st October 2015.
For more information, see
Two temporary lectureships in philosophy, Durham (U.K.)
The Department of Philosophy seeks to appoint two fixed-term, full-time teaching fellows, from 1 October 2014 to 30 June 2015. Each successful applicant will have a PhD in Philosophy or a closely related discipline. He/she will be able to provide high quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Teaching duties will involve contributions to some of the following, distributed across the two posts: Knowledge and Reality, Reading Philosophy (Level 1), Philosophy of Mind, Modern Philosophy 1, Philosophy of Science (Level 2), Aesthetics and Metaphysics (Level 3). The successful applicants will also contribute to the supervision of undergraduate dissertations within their fields of expertise, and to the MA in Philosophy. The successful applicants will also take on some administrative responsibilities.
Closing Date: 26 August 2014. Applications should be submitted on-line, where further details (including a person specification) are also available: (reference numbers 3817 and/or 3818). Please note that two distinct posts are being advertised. The terms and conditions of the two posts are the same. You may apply for either or both, but please state in your application that you would like to be considered for both.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact: e.recruitment at
Head librarian at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (Germany)
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) seeks a Head Librarian (to begin no later than January/February 2015).
The MPIWG is the world's largest research institute in the history of science, with projects spanning many disciplines, cultures, languages, and epochs. Its library contains 70.000 printed volumes, including a small collection of rara and many digital sources. With the support of its library, the MPIWG has made pioneering contributions to the digital humanities. The position is ranked up to the BAT Ia / TVöD E15 level in the German system, which roughly corresponds to that of associate professor.
Candidates are requested to submit their applications no later than September 15, 2014. For more information, see For administrative questions please contact Ms. Claudia Paass, Head of Administration (verwaltungsleitung at
Posts in Cyber Security and Privacy at University of Edinburgh: Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Reader (Associate Professor)
We are recruiting to two full-time, permanent positions in the area of Cyber Security and Privacy. Our current expertise spans topic areas ranging from theory to applied, such as quantum cryptography, verification and program analysis, provable security and logical foundations, automated reasoning, security protocols and APIs, data provenance, social media privacy, mobile security, agent-based security, authentication and passwords. We are looking for outstanding researchers and educators to join our core security and privacy group, bringing expertise in new areas and helping us to consolidate and extend knowledge within the larger academic body of the School and the wider University.
Starting date: 1st October 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. Salary: £38,511 - £45,954 (Lecturer); £48,743 - £54,841 (Reader). Closing date: 22nd Aug 2014.
For more information, see the full advert at or contact David Aspinall at David.Aspinall at
Post-Doc Position in Categorical Methods in Computer Science Technical Univeristy of Braunschweig, Germany
A post-doc position is available from October 1 at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science of the Technical University Braunschweig. It runs till Match 2016 and is prolongable till 2018 (depending on availability of funds).
The topic is application of category theory in computer science, in particular algebra and coalgebra in automata theory.
For further information email Jiri Adamek J.Adamek at As an illustration of the possible topics, we have recently presented a new proof of the Eilenberg Theorem. at we intend to work further in this direction.
PhD Studentship in Natural Language Generation
Location: CNRS/LORIA, Nancy (France)Supervisor: Claire GardentThe Research Group in Computational Linguistics, Synalp/LORIA in Nancy (France) invites applications for a three-year-funded PhD studentship in Computational Linguistics.
There is a growing need in the semantic web (SW) community for technologies that give humans easy access to the machine-oriented Web of data. Because it maps data to text, Natural Language Generation (NLG) provides a natural mean for presenting this data in an organized, coherent and accessible way. Conversely, the representation languages used by the semantic web (e.g., OWL ontologies and RDF data) are a natural starting ground for NLG systems. The aim of the PhD thesis will be to explore the interaction between the semantic web, the textual web and Natural Language Generation (NLG). More precisely, the goal will be to develop generic weakly supervised methods for generating text from semantic web data in particular, content selection and verbalisation methods.
The project will build on an ongoing collaboration between LORIA (Nancy, France), the KRDB group at (Bolzano, Italy) and Stanford Research International (USA), bringing together high level academic partners with internationally recognised expertise in both NLG (LORIA) and knowledge processing (KRDB, SRI).
Deadline: open until filled. For more information, see
PhD Position: Programming, Modelling and Verification of Concurrent Software
The Software Technologies Research Group at the University of Bamberg is offering one full-time PhD position (E13 TV-L, German public sector pay scale) available in the context of a new research project that will develop novel formalisms and techniques for software specification, verification and analysis for concurrent systems.
We target two not necessarily disjoint types of condidates: first, practitioners with a good knowledge of and experience with modern asynchronous and concurrent programming languages and APIs; second, theoreticians with basic knowledge in formal methods and theoretical computer science (e.g., formal semantics, automata, graph transformation systems, model checking, logics, and/or compiler construction).
For more information, see job offer at or contact info at
Temporary (1y) lectureship in philosophy, Sheffield (U.K.)
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield has an opening for a Lecturer in Philosophy, fixed-term from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015. This is an ideal opportunity for a scholar with an outstanding research record and excellent teaching ability to join one of the leading philosophy departments in the United Kingdom. You will design and deliver modules in Philosophy, and contribute to postgraduate supervision.
Camdodates should have (or be close to completing) a PhD in Philosophy or a related subject area (or have equivalent experience), proven teaching ability, the ability to carry out high quality research and disseminate research findings. It is expected that you will teach *Reference and Truth* at 2nd year level, a 3rd year module related to your research, and one other module (to be determined).
Closing Date: 14 July 2014. For more information, go here: and search using reference number UOS008802.
PhD student positions in Semantic Web, Dayton OH (U.S.A.)
The Data Semantics (DaSe) Lab at the Department of Computer Science at Wright State University seeks two or more PhD students to pursue research in applied or foundational aspects of Data Semantics, Semantic Web, Ontologies, Geo- or Earth Sciences. Funding includes a monthly stipend plus tuition costs.
The DaSe Lab (directed by Pascal Hitzler) is an internationally prominent research group with focus on foundations and applications of Semantic Web technologies. Lab members primarily contribute to ongoing research projects, but occasionally also get involved in teaching and administrative tasks. The new students will likely focus on research topics related to Data Science applications in the Earth Sciences.
For more information, see or email daselab-jobs at
PhD studies in theoretical computer science, Birmingham, U.K.
The Birmingham CS theory group invites applications for PhD study at the University of Birmingham. We are a group of (mostly) theoretical computer scientists who explore fundamental concepts in computation and programming language semantics. This often involves profound and surprising connections between different areas of computer science and mathematics. From category theory to lambda-calculus and computational effects, from topology to constructive mathematics, from game semantics to program compilation, this is a diverse field of research that continues to provide new insight and underlying structure.
See our webpage, with links to individual researchers, here: Information about PhD applications may be found here:
Postdoctoral positions in logics for intelligent agents, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
The Individual and Collective Reasoning Group ICR (Computer Science) of Prof. Leon van der Torre at the University of Luxembourg is seeking outstanding postdocs to strengthen its team. The positions will be financed through a 2-year AFR postdoc grant.
Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Mathematics or similar, and a strong background in logic and knowledge representation. Areas of specific interest are:
- Logics for intelligent agents (robots, softbots)
- Normative multi-agent systems and deontic reasoning
- Argumentation, formal models of text (science, law)
- Belief and knowledge dynamics, epistemic trust/fact finding
- Foundations of defeasible reasoning (qualitative/quantitative)A declaration of interest must be received before 7 July, 2014, with an application submitted before September 20th. For more information, see or email leon.vandertorre at and emil.weydert at
Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic (3y), Freiburg (Germany)
The Section for Mathematical Logic of the Universitaet Freiburg invites applications for an Assistant's position at level A13 or E13. Fulltime position, start date: 01.10.2014 The contract is a fixed-term contract for 3 years. The teaching load is four hours per week during the term in a field of mathematical logic or in the beginners' education in mathematics.
Prerequisites are a Ph.D. and possibly further research in set theory. Moreover, there is the possibility to obtain the habilitation degree. There is the possibility to prolong the contract by another three years. The position can be filled by October 1, 2014 or later.
Applications must be received before 25 July, 2014 and marked with the reference number 8839 . For more information, see or, or email Prof. Dr. Heike Mildenberger at heike.mildenberger at
PhD student positions in computer science (including agents, complexity theory, logic), Liverpool (England)
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Liverpool offers a number of PhD positions in the research fields pursued in the department. We have up to 3 positions available for home and EU students in EEECS for starting in October 2014.
Applicants are encouraged to visit and study the pages of our research groups on Agents, Complexity Theory and Algorithms, Economics and Computation, and Logic and Computation, and to contact prospective supervisors to discuss a research topic before applying.
The deadline for this application round is Friday, August 1st. You can apply through Please do not hesitate to ask sven.schewe at or hannahf at if you have any questions.
PhD student position in integrated history and philosophy of science, Durham (England)
The AHRC-funded project 'Contemporary Scientific Realism and the Challenge from the History of Science' invites applications for a PhD studentship in integrated history and philosophy of science, commencing on 1st October 2014. The studentship includes three years~ Home/EU fees, plus three years' maintenance at RCUK rates.
The project will critically evaluate contemporary scientific realism by looking to a number of episodes in the history of science which pose problems for this position. The successful applicant will have a good degree, and have (or be working towards) a Masters in a relevant discipline. He/she will work closely with the PI (Peter Vickers) and the Co-I (Timothy Lyons), as well as interacting with members of a wider project network. This is an exciting opportunity, including the possibility of a full year working in the US with leading philosophers and historians of science.
There is no set deadline. However, we will consider applications on 1st July 2014 with a view to making the selection, so applications after that date won~t be guaranteed consideration. Full details are available at
Postdoctoral position in decision making and learning in combinatorial games, New York NY (U.S.A.)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Wei Ji Ma's laboratory in the Center for Neural Science and Department of Psychology at New York University. The position is for two years, with the possibility of extension. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications.
The long-range goal of the lab is to understand decision-making under uncertainty. The specific project is an NSF-funded one on how humans think ahead, decide, and learn in two-player, full-information games (such as chess, go, or tic-tac-toe). We will use human behavioral experiments, machine learning, eye tracking, and potentially fMRI to dissect the roles of heuristics, pruning strategy, and cognitive constraints in human play in a simplified, tractable game environment.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in machine learning, artificial intelligence, game theory, computational neuroscience, or mathematical, perceptual, or cognitive psychology, and be familiar with at least one other of these fields. Experience with probabilistic models is required.
To apply, please send your CV, a description of why you are interested, and the contact information of two references to Wei Ji Ma. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will end when the position is filled.
Ten PhD studentships in Cork
Ten PhD positions are available in Cork at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, working in the following areas:
- Distributed & Strategy-Aware Decision Analytics
- Decision Analytics & Computational Social Choice
- Decision Analytics and Incomplete/Evolving Problems
- Constraints and Optimisation
- Recommender Systems/Analytics for Customer SupportApplicants should hold a good honours undergraduate or Masters degree in computer science or a closely related discipline such as mathematics. Ideally applicants will be able to demonstrate an interest in both theoretical and software engineering skills, with a keen interest in algorithms, artificial intelligence, and related areas.
The successful applicants will be working with Ken Brown, Barry O'Sullivan, Nic Wilson, Gregory Provan or Derek Bridge. They receive total funding of approximately 18,000 euros per annum for up to four years and an annual contribution of 5,500 euros towards tuition fees. The 2013/14 fee for an EU PhD student is 5,770 euros. We welcome applicants of any nationality.
Deadline: Until filled. Start date: 1st July - 1st October 2014. For information on how to apply and full application requirements, please see the official advert
Fixed-term lectureship in Philosophy of Science, Leeds (U.K.)
Two Fixed Term (11 months) Lectureships in Metaphysics and in Philosophy of Science respectively, in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds, are currently being advertised on the University of Leeds Jobs Vacancies website. The closing date is Tuesday 10th June.
For more information, see and Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor John Divers at J.Divers at
Tenured positions in algebra or logic or set theory, Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)
The Department of Mathematics of the Federal University of Bahia (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil) has just opened a call for fulfilling permanent positions (equivalents to tenure track assistant professor positions), including opportunities in the area of Mathematical Logic. There is one position open in "Algebra or Logic or Set Theory". Since the department is in great need for permanent faculty members, the number of available positions may increase if several good candidates show up.
The candidate must speak Portuguese, at least in a minimum level. The deadline for application is July 3, 2014. Examinations will take place in September/October, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: algebraists will perform exams in Algebra and logicians will perform exams in Logic and Set Theory.
Details (and the list of topics) are available at (Portuguese). For additional information, please contact Samuel G. da Silva (samuel at or Ciro Russo (ciro.russo at
PhD student position in algebra and logic for policy and utility in information security, London (U.K.)
Applications are invited for a PhD position at UCL's Department of Computer Science, in the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification and/or Information Security Research Groups. The studentship is funded by UCL in connection with the EPSRC-funded project, 'Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security', involving teams from UCL, the University of Bath, and the University of Aberdeen, and the University of Exeter. The project is multidisciplinary, drawing upon logic, theoretical computer science, economics, and security management and policy.
The overall project has three main components. First, a basic mathematical foundation that will address utility theory from the perspective of algebraic theories of processes and their associated modal and substructural logics. This work will provide foundations for a systems modelling framework that both incorporates utility and is fully compositional. Second, formulations of industrial- and large-scale security policy design and decision-making informed by the concepts of the systems modelling framework. Third, agent- and game-based interpretations of the modelling framework described in the first part that will address the policy issues formulated in the third part. Depending on the academic strengths and interests of the successful candidate, the studentship may be associated with any of the three components of the project.
The studentship will be supervised by Prof. David Pym, and funded for a period of 4 years. The start-date for the studentship will be in September 2014. The deadline for applications is Monday 30th June 2014.
For more information, see or contact Or contact Prof. David Pym at d.pym at
15 permanent contract positions for experienced researchers
Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science has launched its annual call for attracting senior researchers to the Research Institutions in the Basque Country.
This call offers 15 permanent contract positions for experienced researchers within any of the Basque Research Institution (Universities, BERC - Basque Excellence Research Centres, CIC – Cooperative Research Centres, Biomedical institutions and Technology Corporations, among others).
Deadline: Wednesday 10 September 2014. For more information, see
Lectureship in Philosophical Logic / Philosophy of Language, Durham (U.K.)
This is a non-fixed-term, full-time lectureship, tenable from 1 October 2014. The successful applicant will have a PhD or equivalent, strong publications, and clear research plans. Her/his principal research interests will be in philosophical logic and/or the philosophy of language and she/he will be able to provide high quality research-led teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in those areas. The successful applicant will also take on some administrative responsibilities, and will be expected to contribute to the lively research culture of the Department.
Closing Date: 25 June 2014. The successful candidate must be in a position to take up the appointment on 1st October 2014. For further details of the post, and to make an application, see (Reference Number: 3622).
Postdoctoral position on "The roots of deduction", Groningen (The Netherlands)
Within the VIDI project 'The Roots of Deduction' led by Catarina Dutilh Novaes, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen is advertising a 12-month post-doc position (salary scale 11.0, EUR 3.259 gross per month), to commence in January 2015 or shortly thereafter. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in the activities of the project (seminars, reading groups etc.) and to conduct research related to the topics covered by the project (no teaching obligations included).
Given the broad scope of the project, candidates with a number of different backgrounds will be considered, as long as they have a keen interest in the general topic of deductive proofs in logic and mathematics. Candidates will have just obtained or be about to obtain their PhD degrees. Since it was launched in 2011, the project has been running in a highly collaborative manner, and thus we are specifically looking for people who like to engage in collective research. Candidates are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the questions, results and activities of the project by consulting the project's website.
Start date: January 2015 or shortly thereafter. Deadline for application: July 10th 2014. For more information, see or contact Catarina Dutilh Novaes at c.dutilh.novaes at
PhD student fellowships in "Philosophy, Science and the Sciences", Berlin (Germany)
The Research Training Group 'Philosophy, Science and the Sciences' at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin is pleased to offer a number of fellowships for doctoral studies in Ancient Philosophy and Science. The overarching aim of the program is to study the dialogue between different forms and models of knowledge in ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic philosophy and science (including its medieval and early modern reception). It brings together philosophers, classicists, Arabists and historians of science. We are interested in hosting doctoral projects in any of these fields which relate in some way to our overarching aim. We do not expect doctoral students to deal with more than one special science and are open to many different kinds of connections between philosophy and science.
Apply by 9 June 2014 for the three-year doctoral program or one year of pre-doctoral studies to begin in October 2014. For more information, see or email irma.handwerker at
Postdoctoral position on "Program Reasoning with Nominal Game Semantics", London (U.K.)
The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (duration: 16 months) as part of the EPSRC-funded project "Program Reasoning with Nominal Game Semantics".
We are looking for candidates with a strong background in programming language semantics and/or topics in verification, who can contribute to the design and implementation of program logics for higher-order programs.
The project will be led by Nikos Tzevelekos. Other members of the School at Queen Mary working on related topics include Dino Distefano, Pasquale Malacaria, Michael Tautschnig and Greta Yorsh.
Deadline: 17 May 2014. The official advert can be found at Informal enquiries (nikos.tzevelekos at are very welcome.
Full professorship in computer science, Warwick (U.K.)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick invites applications from candidates with proven excellence in research in computer science for the new opening as Professor in Computer Science.
The call is open for candidates from all areas of computer science including theoretical computer science, which also falls in the research areas covered by the university interdisciplinary Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP).
Closing date for applications: 22 May 2014. Further details on the opening can be found via the following link:
Two PhD positions in Economics and Computation, University of Zurich
The Computation and Economics Research Group at the University of Zurich, led by Sven Seuken, is inviting applications for two fully funded PhD positions. The focus of your research activities will be in the area of Economics and Computation (electronic market design, computational mechanism design, algorithmic game theory, etc.). Current members of the Computation and Economics Research Group are working on a variety of projects including combinatorial auctions, matching markets, market interfaces to the smart grid, prediction markets, and behavioral online experiments.
All applications received by June 15th, 2014 will be considered for the positions. Applications received afterwards will be considered until both positions are filled. The starting date is negotiable, but no earlier than August 1st, 2014.
For more information, see
Doctoral College on Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vienna
TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz are seeking exceptionally talented and motivated students for their joint doctoral program LogiCS. The LogiCS doctoral college focuses on interdisciplinary research topics covering
- computational logic, and applications of logic to
- databases and artificial intelligence as well as to
- computer-aided verification.
In the years 2014-2018, the doctoral college will admit 30 PhD students. 10 positions are reserved for female applicants. The positions are funded for a period of 3 years according to the funding scheme of the Austrian Science Fund. The funding can be extended for one additional year contingent on a placement at one of our international partner institutions.
For more information, see
Assistant Professorship in Philosophy of Science, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
VU University Amsterdam, invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science in the Faculty of Philosophy. The candidate will initially be appointed for a period of one year. After satisfactory evaluation it will be extended for a period of one year. In case of a positive evaluation after the end of the second year, the position will become tenured.
Applicants should send a cover letter with their motivation, CV, list of publications and the contact information for two or three references before 29-05-2014. For additional information please contact: Prof.dr.M.R.M. (Michel) ter Hark at m.r.m.ter.hark at or see
Lectureship in analytic philosophy, Dunedin (New Zealand)
The Philosophy Department at Otago falls squarely within the analytic tradition, broadly construed and we are seeking to appoint a philosopher with research and teaching interests in at least one of the following areas: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science or philosophy of mind.
Candidates should have demonstrated strengths in teaching and research, and have completed or be about to complete a PhD degree. The successful applicant will be required to teach between two and a half and three papers per year or the equivalent at various levels, to supervise research at honours and postgraduate levels, to be actively engaged in research, and to carry out administrative duties.
Applications quoting reference number 1400832 will close on Friday, 4 July 2014. For more information and to apply, please visit or
Postdoctoral position in model checking or computational logic, Kassel (Germany)
The Theoretical Computer Science / Formal Methods (FMV) research group at the University of Kassel is looking for a post-doc to work on the ERC funded project "Model Checking Unleashed". The project investigates potential applications of computational logic technology, in particular model checking, in all sorts of different areas.
The deadline for applications is 15th of May. The official announcement (in German) is available at For informal enquiries please contact Martin Lange via martin.lange at and/or consult the website of the FMV group at .
Lectureship in Philosophy of Science (.6 fte), Groningen (The Netherlands)
The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen has a vacancy for an Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science (0.6 fte) for two years (with the possibility of an extension/conversion to a permanent contract). The candidate will teach Philosophy of Science in the Philosophy Faculty and the Honours College of the University of Groningen, and develop, coordinate and teach courses in the Research Methodology learning line of the University College Groningen. An active interest in teaching ambitious and enterprising students is therefore required.
The ideal candidate holds a PhD in philosophy or in an adjacent discipline, and has expertise in the philosophy of science and/or in scientific methodology. S/he has an international orientation, as may be exemplified by having studied abroad or by working experience at a foreign university. Knowledge of mathematical or statistical methods is a significant advantage. In addition, experience with the didactic principles of collaborative learning is considered advantageous, and proven affinity or experience with interdisciplinary research is a strong requirement. Ideally the candidate is available as of September 2014.
Please send a letter and a curriculum vitae by May 26. For more information, see or contact Prof.dr. J.W. Romeijn, J.W.Romeijn at
PhD student position in applying formal reasoning to security problems, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
The University of Luxembourg seeks to hire an outstanding doctoral researcher at its Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). The successful candidate will participate in the activities of the SaToSS research group led by Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw.
The SaToSS group is working on formalizing and applying formal reasoning to real-world security problems and trust issues. The position is within the national project Attack-Defense Trees: Theory Meets Practice (ADT2P). The candidate is expected to have a Master degree in computer science or mathematics, a proven interest in security, a background in formal methods, and excellent written and oral English skills.
Deadline for applications: June 22, 2014. For more information about this vacancy please check or contact: Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw (sjouke.mauw at or Dr. Rolando Trujillo Rasua (rolando.trujillo at
PhD student position in a project relating to set theory and theories of truth, Aberdeen (Scotland)
An Elphinstone PhD Scholarships is available in philosophy of mathematics at the University of Aberdeen. This scholarship covers the entirety of tuition fees for a PhD student of any nationality commencing full-time study in October 2014, for the three-year duration of their studies. The candidate will be supervised by Toby Meadows and Øystein Linnebo on a project relating to set theory and formal theories of truth.
The project will exploit philosophical and mathematical resources to take insights from set theory into truth theory and vice versa. An ideal candidate will have experience in formal logic, metaphysics and philosophy of mathematics.
Applications must be received before Friday 6 June 2014. For more information, see, or contact Dr. Toby Meadows at toby.meadows at
PhD student position and postdoctoral position in Situated Cognition, Bochum (Germany)
One 3-year PhD position (TV-L 13, 65%) and one Post doc position (TV-L 13, 100%) are available at the Institute of Philosophy II of Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The positions are connected to the Lichtenberg-professorship awarded to Prof. Tobias Schlicht and are part of a research project on 'Situated Cognition'. The research group is also part of the 'Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution' and thus connected to the psychology and neuroscience departments.
PhD candidates should be interested in working on a PhD project in the area of philosophy of mind with a special focus on such topics as perception, social cognition, intentionality, embodiment, extended mind, among others. The Post-doc applicant is required to have an excellent PhD in Philosophy in hand and specialize in Philosophy of Mind. The positions are available immediately or upon mutual agreement.
Deadline for Applications is April 30th, 2014. For more information, see here or contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Schlicht,
Postdoctoral and PhD student position in logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg announces a two-year Postdoctor position in Logic. The candidate's specific research is expected to enhance and complement areas of research carried out by the Logic group within the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science. These areas include, but are not limited to: metamathematics of arithmetical and set-theoretical systems, interpretability theory, axiomatic theories of truth, dependence logic, and logical constants.
The closing date for the Logic Postdoctor position is May 19, 2014. For more information, see
Research fellowship / assistant professorship in knowledge representation, Bolzano (Italy)
The faculty of computer science in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) has two openings at the level of research fellow / assistant professor (RTD-a), associated to the KRDB research centre.
The research activity of the KRDB centre is focused on knowledge representation and database theories and technologies for semantic-based intelligent information system design, integration, access, and navigation.
According to the current Italian legislation, the RTD-a position is a necessary prerequisite to start the tenure track (RTD-b) leading to associate professor. The contract is for 3 years, and the salary is up to 59000 € p.a. gross including all the benefits and the bonuses. There is some teaching duty to be performed at the BSc or MSc level.
For more information, see For further questions and more detailed information, please do not hesitate to ask prof. Enrico Franconi at franconi at The call will close at the end of May 2014.
PhD student position in verification of asynchronous distibuted systems, Bordeaux (France)
The University of Bordeaux proposes a funded PhD position on the verification of asynchronous distributed systems. The PhD position must start in 2014 and will take place at LABRI, France, with proposed subject 'High-Quality Abstractions for the Verification of Asynchronous Distributed Systems'.
Candidates should hold a Master degree in Computer Science (ideally with courses in formal verification, theoretical computer science and mathematical structures for CS) or equivalently have graduated from a Computer Science Engineering School with a strong background in theoretical computer science.
Required documents are:
* a detailed curriculum vitae
* a copy of the master or the PhD diploma
* a reference letter by their master supervisor.For more information, see the PhD Proposal at or contact Jerome Leroux at leroux at
Professorship in analytic philosophy (philosophy of language), Vienna (Austria)
The Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the University of Vienna announces the position of a Full Professor of Analytical Philosophy with Special Emphasis on Philosophy of Language (full time, permanent position under private law).
The successful candidate has her/his main area of specialisation in analytic philosophy, primarily in the philosophy of language. Additional areas of competence or specialisation in other fields of philosophy - e.g. in logic, metaphysics, epistemology, history of analytic philosophy, or practical philosophy - are desirable. In addition to being active in research, the successful candidate will contribute to the department's teaching program on all levels (Bachelor, Master, Teacher Training, PhD). The chair is located in the Department of Philosophy. The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in Bachelor programmes and participation in committees.
Applications in German or English should be submitted no later than (extended deadline) April 30th, 2014, with reference 2014/Phil-P-ASP. For more information, see
Three PhD student positions in theoretical philosophy, logic and philosophy of science, Gothenburg (Sweden)
The Department of Philosophy, Lingustics and Theory of Science announces three fully funded PhD-positions, one in each of the subjects Theoretical Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science. The positions are proper employments, subject to the favourable conditions of standard Swedish social benefits, such as e.g., paid parental leave. The first day of employment is September 1, 2014.
The successful applicant will be expected to work on a research-subject for which we can provide highly skilled supervision. The successful candidate is expected to be highly skilled (both orally and in writing) in English.
A complete application must be submitted no later than Monday May 12, 2014. The full announcement may be found at The announcement for specifically the Logic position may be found at
Professorship in Computational Linguistics, Lancaster (U.K.)
You will have a PhD or equivalent and an outstanding international research track-record in Computational Linguistics. You will join internationally known researchers and teachers in such fields as Critical Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Literacy Research, Language Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Cognitive Linguistics, Stylistics, Pragmatics, English Language Study, Phonetics and Sociolinguistics.
You will pursue a high-profile research agenda, lead bids for external research funding and produce publications at a level appropriate for a very strong submission to the next Research Excellence Framework. You will supervise MA and PhD students, and teach on undergraduate and postgraduate modules. You will need to travel occasionally for the delivery of short distance courses.
This post is expected to start 1 September 2014. Closing Date: Sunday 18 May 2014. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Elena Semino, Head of Department, e.semino at
One PhD position for EU students available at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
The subject of the studentship is programming language semantics and implementation. The specific topic for the studentship will depend on the interests and expertise of the potential candidate. Possible topics are: language-based privacy and security, type systems, probabilistic programming, interactive theorem proving, logics and applications, program analysis tools.
The position is available immediately. For more information, see here or contact Marco Gaboardi at m.gaboardi at
PhD student position in theoretical philosophy, Stockholm (Sweden)
The Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University, has one vacant PhD position in theoretical philosophy (logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, as well as the history of these subdisciplines).
The duration of the position is four years. To be qualified for doctoral studies in Theoretical Philsophy you need a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and at least 60 ECTS credits at advanced level (which should include a thesis).
You are welcome to apply until April 15, 2014. For more information, see Further queries can be sent to the head of department, Staffan Carlshamre, at staffan.carlshamre at
Postdoctoral position in theoretical philosophy, Konstanz (Germany)
At the Department of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy / Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller) of the University of Konstanz there is currently a vacancy for a Full-time Post-Doc Position (Salary Scale 13 TV-L), as part of the new research project "Agency and (quantum) physics", a three-year interdisciplinary project funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation under their "Power of information" theme.
We are looking for a talented and dedicated young researcher with a strong PhD in a relevant area of philosophy (other relevant backgrounds may be considered) and with proven research capabilities, who is willing to work in an active interdisciplinary team. The research carried out in the project includes links to physics, computer science, logic and philosophy of science, and some background in these fields is a plus. Fluency in English is required.
The project will start in May 2014. Applicants should be willing to travel between Konstanz and Innsbruck on a regular basis, and to help in organizing the project's public activities. The position will be granted initially for 12 months, with an option for an extension of up to a total of 36 months. In principle the position can be divided into two half-time positions.
The deadline for applications is 20 April 2014. For more information, see
Postdoc position in Mathematical Logic at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
A one year postdoc position in Mathematical Logic is available at the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University in The Netherlands. The position is part of the research project "The power of constructive proofs", which is a five year project on proof theory and constructive mathematics, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
We are looking for a talented and dedicated researcher with a PhD in mathematics or computer science. The research carried out in the project belongs to the area of mathematical logic, and the applicant should have a background in this field. A background in proof theory or algebraic logic is highly recommended. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2014.
Description of the project:
Constructive mathematics is the part of mathematics that is concerned with explicit constructions. Research in this area roughly falls into two categories: the development of mathematics according to constructive principles, and the study of constructive theories in general. This project falls in the second category.
It focuses on the structure of constructive proofs. Constructive proofs appear everywhere in mathematics, and, because of their computational content, are increasingly relevant in this era of computing. The project aims to find and explain the characteristics of such proofs. It thus approaches constructive mathematics from the proof-theoretic point of view, and tries to establish which and in which way properties of proofs, such as for example skolemization and unification, change when moving from a classical to a constructive context. Thus this is a project in proof theory, with connections to various other areas in mathematical logic.For more information about the project and application procedure, please visit (item "Postdoc position in Mathematical Logic") or contact Rosalie Iemhoff at R.Iemhoff at
PhD and Postdoc vacancies at LORIA
One PhD position and one postdoc position are available in the ERC project Epistemic Protocol Synthesis at LORIA in France, preferably starting on 1 September 2014.
Project description:
In the logic of information change it is common to have an input state of information and a well-described action, and then to compute the resulting new state of information. In epistemic protocol synthesis the focus is different: given an input state of information and an output state of information, and some 'rules for engagement' (allowed protocol), find (synthesize) the epistemic protocol transforming the input into the output. Areas of specific interest are protocols for secure communication, protocol languages, and agency. The project goal is epistemic protocol synthesis for synchronous and asynchronous multi-agent systems, by way of using and developing dynamic epistemic logics, i.e., logics of change of knowledge.The deadline for application is 15 May 2014. For more information, see or contact Hans van Ditmarsch, hans.van-ditmarsch at
PhD position in formal/experimental pragmatics
Applications are invited for a paid PhD student position at the University of Tübingen with a focus on theoretical and/or experimental pragmatics. The position is part of an international research cluster and the candidate is expected to actively engage in national and international cooperation with like-minded researchers from this cluster.
Applicants should have a strong interest in the study of language and a solid background in a relevant field with a documented expertise in at least one, ideally several of the following:
- formal semantics / pragmatics
- experimental semantics / pragmatics
- computational cognitive modeling of language processing (e.g., Bayesian / probabilistic modeling)Submission deadline: April 21, 2014. For more information, see here or contact mchfranke at Please note that this concerns a different position than the ones advertised here before.
PhD student position in mathematical game theory and model-based testing, Twente (The Netherlands)
The Formal Methods & Tools group at the University of Twente is looking for an excellent PhD candidate with a strong back ground theoretical computer science or mathematics and experience with software engineering, for the project 'Better Testing with Game Theory?', an exciting and stimulating PhD project combining mathematical game theory with model-based testing.
The project is funded by a TOP-grant from the Dutch Science Foundation NWO and led by Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga, and offers excellent salary and working conditions.
Applications must be received before 7 April, 2014. For more information, see here or
PhD student position in hybrid-logical proofs at work in cognitive psychology, Roskilde (Denmark)
Roskilde University (RUC) invites applications for a 3 year PhD scholarship jointly financed by RUC and the research project Hybrid-Logical Proofs at Work in Cognitive Psychology, which is funded by the Velux Foundation ( The goal of this project is to use formal logic to investigate psychological reasoning tests, in particular what are called False-Belief tests. The project is interdisciplinary and combines competences from philosophy, psychology, and logic.
Applications must be received on or before Friday May 9, 2014. For further information, please contact Associate Professor Torben Braüner, e-mail: torben at or see the full announcement on:
Postdoctoral and PhD fellowships in epistemology, Leuven (Belgium)
The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy at KU Leuven invites applications for two full-time positions, as a postdoctoral research fellow (1) and as a PhD fellow (1), as part of a research project on Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology, which is funded by a KU Leuven OT and an FWO grant (PI: Christoph Kelp) and will run until 2017/18.
The candidate will be part of Christoph Kelp's research group and will work on topics related to the project. At present, there are two doctoral students working in the research group. Additional hires on doctoral and postdoctoral level are expected. The members of the research group will work closely together and are expected to actively contribute to the project and to activities at the Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy.
Applications must be received before 30 May, 2014. For further information please visit the project website at
Interdisciplinary PhD Scholarship
Location: Roskilde University, DenmarkRoskilde University (RUC) invites applications for a 3 year PhD scholarship associated with the research group Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS) of the Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies (CBIT). The scholarship will be jointly financed by CBIT and a 4-year research project, Hybrid-Logical Proofs at Work in Cognitive Psychology. The project is interdisciplinary and combines competences from philosophy, psychology, and logic. The position should be filled by 15 August 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Submission deadline: May 9, 2014. For more information, see
Research Assistantship in formal understanding of creativity, Barcelona, Spain
The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) in Barcelona offers a 2-year position to work as a research assistant on COINVENT, a high-profile international research project funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme.
The COINVENT project, led by Dr. Marco Schorlemmer and Prof. Enric Plaza, aims at advancing in the formal understanding of creativity by developing a computationally feasible, cognitively-inspired formal model of concept invention, drawing from interdisciplinary research results from cognitive science, artificial intelligence, formal methods and computational creativity, and validating it for mathematical reasoning and melodic harmonisation.
Closing date for application: 31st March 2014. For more information, see or contact Dr. Marco Schorlemmerat marco at
2 PhD positions in formal/experimental semantics/pragmatics and/or language evolution
Applications are invited for up to two paid PhD positions at the interfaces between theoretical linguistics, cognitive science, computational linguistics, and philosophy of language. The positions belong to a newly established independent junior research group "Data-oriented modeling of language games: Language processing, change & evolution" at the University of Tübingen, led by Michael Franke. The positions are limited to a term of 3 years, starting July 1, 2014 or soon after. PhD candidates will be employed by the University of Tuebingen, with payment levels commensurate with German TV-L.
Submission deadline: April 1, 2014. For more information, see here or contact mchfranke at
Six PhD student positions in ITN ESSENCE (Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments), Edinburgh/Trento/Barcelona/Madrid (Scotland/Italy/Spain)
The ESSENCE (Evolution of Shared SEmaNtics in Computational Environments) Marie Curie Initial Training Network is offering six Early-Stage Researcher (pre-doctoral) positions (36 months), to start in September 2014. This is a rare opportunity to be involved in a highly prestigious European training network for outstanding applicants in an emergent and important research area, led by internationally leading groups in their fields!
ESSENCE conducts research and provides research training in various aspects of translating human capabilities for negotiating meaning to open computational environments such as the web, multi-robot systems, and sensor networks. The network will support 15 pre- and post-doctoral fellows who will work toward a set of different research projects within this overall theme, ranging from symbol grounding and ontological reasoning to game-theoretic models of communication and crowdsourcing.
The application deadline for these posts is 24th April 2014. For more information or pre-applications, see Please contact Dr Michael Rovatsos (mrovatso at for informal enquiries.
European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL): Call for Applications
The European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL) is jointly offered by four leading European universities in the field: The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany, coordinator), the Technische Universität Wien (Austria) and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). The program involves three years of PhD study in two of the partner universities and leads to a joint doctoral degree.
The upcoming application deadline is 30 April 2014. For more information, see
PhD student position in Algorithms, Oxford (England)
The Algorithms Research Group is offering a fully funded D.Phil. studentship in Oxford University's Department of Computer Science. The position is associated with the Royal Society project "Structure of Rational-Valued Functions on Discrete Domains", led by Stanislav Zivny. The goal of this project is to understand the structure of separable rational-valued functions on discrete domains that appear in the context of valued constraint satisfaction problems.
There is no deadline for applying. We will continue to process applications until a suitable candidate is found, and candidates are therefore recommended to apply as soon as possible. For more information, see
Two PhD student positions in verification, Paris (France)
Two PhD positions are available in the "Verification" team in LIAFA, Paris.
The first PhD position is on 'Software verification', specifically concurrent programs verification. Programs present several complex features that make their analysis very complex: concurrency, synchronisation, recursion, procedure calls, pointers, manipulation of integer and real variables, etc. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to investigate and develop new techniques, algorithms and tools for software analysis and model-checking that can deal with all these complex features.
The second PhD position is on 'Model-checking for malware detection'. Emulation based detection techniques for malware can only check the program's behavior in a limited time interval, whereas signature based systems are easy to get around. To sidestep these limitations, virus detectors need to use analysis techniques that check the behavior of the program in a static way, i.e. without executing it. The object of this thesis is to develop such new model-checking and static analysis techniques for virus detection.
The positions are available immediately. Candidates must have a master in computer science. The candidate must send a CV, university grades, recommendation letters, and a motivation letter to Tayssir Touili (touili at
For more information, see the LIAFA site at or the webpage of Tayssir TOUILI at
Newton International Fellowships of the British Academy
The Newton International Fellowships are funded by the British Academy and the Royal Society and aim to attract the most promising early-career post-doctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of the humanities, the natural, physical and social sciences. The Fellowships enable researchers to work for two years at a UK research institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations. The scheme is open to post-doctoral (and equivalent) early-career researchers working outside the UK who do not hold UK citizenship.
A new round of Newton International Fellowships has now opened. The closing date for applications is Monday 10 March 2014. Further details are available from the Newton International Fellowships website at
Assistant / Associate Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Irvina CA (U.S.A.)
The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California, Irvine, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. AOS/AOC: Should include Philosophy of Physics. Funding for this position is contingent on budgetary approval.
Review of applications will begin March 30, 2014; applications received after this date may also be considered. For more information, see
Two postdoctoral researcher positions in "models and inferences in science; logical, epistemological and cognitive aspects", Rome (Italy)
The Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies of the University of Rome (Roma TRE) is seeking two postdoctoral researchers to work within a national research project funded for the period 2014-2017, and whose activities are led locally by Professor Mauro Dorato. The general topic of the project is 'Models and inferences in science. Logical, epistemological and cognitive aspects', and the two postdocs will be expected to do research on one or more issue related to this domain. Special interest will be devoted to the naturalistic viewpoint in the study of scientific models, inferential techniques in the empirical sciences and the applicability of mathematics in the sciences, especially physics.
The bursary will be for one year, and amounts to Eur. 22820 gross (approx. Eur. 1000-1100 p.m. after taxes). The deadline for application is April 8, 2014.
Details concerning the two posts and how to apply can be found online at Unfortunately, the document is only in Italian. For any questions, get in touch with Silvia Chiappa (silvia.chiappa at For general inquiries on the project and the position, you can send an e-mail to Prof. Mauro Dorato (mauro.dorato at
PhD student position in "Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security", London (U.K.)
Prof. David Pym has three PhD scholarships available at UCL, in 'Supply Chain Security', 'Access control: models and compliance' and 'Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security'. Succesful candidates will be based in the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification (PPLV) group and/or the Information Security group.
The three scholarships are all described at Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
University of Amsterdam: Assistant professor in Philosophy of Science
The UvA Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy, is looking for an assistant professor in the Philosophy of Science. The ideal candidate will have published and/or forthcoming contributions in A-class international peer-reviewed journals testifying a promising research profile.
For more information, see
Assistant professorship and three postdoctoral fellowships in mathematical philosophy, Munich (Germany)
The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) and the Chair of Philosophy of Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion at LMU Munich seek applications for one Assistant Professorship (non-tenure-track) and three Postdoctoral Fellowships, starting date: October 1, 2014 (or later).
We are especially interested in candidates who work in the following areas: modeling and simulation in philosophy, philosophy of statistics, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of economics, formal epistemology, (formal or non-formal) philosophy of science, and (formal or non-formal) social epistemology. Applicants with a background in a formal, natural or social science are especially encouraged to apply.
The successful candidates will partake in all of MCMP's academic activities and enjoy its administrative facilities and financial support. The official language at the MCMP is English and fluency in German is not mandatory.
Applications must be received before 25 March, 2014. For more information, see Or contact Professor Stephan Hartmann at S.Hartmann at
PhD student position in foundations of computing, London (U.K.)
Middlesex University London is offering a number of fully funded PhD research studentships across the university. These are three-year scholarships, covering UK/EU fees and offering a maintenance award.
The Foundations of Computing group, part of the School of Science and Technology, is keen to support qualified candidates who are interested in applying, and whose proposed research topics may be of interest to members of the Foundations Group. Interested candidates should contact one of the group members informally to discuss a possible project (candidates are asked to submit a personal research statement as part of their application). Successful candidates will be selected through a university-wide process.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 11.59pm GMT on 14th March 2014 For more information, see or
Professorship of Formal Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Vienna (Austria)
The Vienna University of Technology intends to appoint a Professor of Formal Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Informatics for a 5 year term. The applicant is required to have an outstanding academic record in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. In particular it is expected that he/she has made substantial scientific contributions to formal and logic-based approaches of artificial intelligence with a particular focus on computational aspects (such as complexity analysis, algorithm design and systems).
Applications must be received before 19 March, 2014. For more information, see or
PhD student positions in Computer Science (including one in formal methods), Gothenburg (Sweden)
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, invites applications for 5 PhD positions in Formal Methods/Automated Reasoning (1), Functional Programming (1), Information Security (1) and Software/Web Security (2).
Expected starting date of positions: September 1, 2014. PhD student positions are limited to five years and normally include 20 per cent departmental work, mostly teaching duties. The selection of the specific research topic will take into account both the interests of the new PhD student and the research agenda of the respective group.
Application deadline: March 31, 2014. For more information, see (reference no. 20140026, 20140028, 20140029 and 20140054).
Position as scientific assistant (.5 fte, 2y) in formal ontology, Saarbruecken (Germany)
A vacancy for a Scientific Assistant (0.5 fte, 2y) has arisen in the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (IFOMIS) at the University of Saarbruecken. The successful candidate will be required to contribute to ongoing research projects as well as to participate in designing and acquiring new ones. He or she is expected to collaborate in teaching at the Department of Philosophy (two hours per semester). The opportunity for writing a Ph.D. thesis is given.
Applicants must hold a university degree (B.A., M.A. or Diploma) in Philosophy, Computer Sciences, or Computer Linguistics by the start of appointment. Preferences will be given to candidates with competences in the areas of Logic and Ontology. Written and spoken competence in English is required.
Candidates should apply in writing by March 31, 2014. Please quote reference W816. For more information, see
Two full-time PhD scholarships in Artificial Intelligence, Magdeburg (Germany)
The Institute of Knowledge and Language Engineering at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, offers two PhD scholarships until November 2016 (with a possible extension subject to available funding) for students pursuing a full-time PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence in the area of knowledge representation and reasoning for computational creativity. The positions are offered within the context of COINVENT, a high-profile international research project funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. The COINVENT project at the University of Magdeburg is led by Dr Oliver Kutz and hosted by the Semantics and Formal Methods group headed by Prof Till Mossakowski. Further project team members at Magdeburg include Dr Fabian Neuhaus and Dr Mihai Codescu.
Candidates are required to have a high-quality master's degree in computer science or fields related to computational creativity (or have completed equivalent qualifications allowing PhD studies), have good communication skills in English, and be able to demonstrate strong motivation to conduct research. Both PhD positions require solid knowledge in logic and knowledge representation. Some experience in ontology engineering and languages such as OWL will be a plus. For one of the two positions we are looking for candidates with strong programming skills, with functional programming being particularly relevant. The application deadline is Friday, February 28. While applications will be possible until all positions are filled, your chances will be increased by applying before this deadline.
For further information, see here or contact Dr Oliver Kutz (okutz at
Lectureship in Philosophy (teaching needs in logic), London (U.K.)
Royal Holloway, University of London, invites applications for the position of Lecturer in Philosophy, tenable from 1 September 2014.
The College aspires to develop an approach unique amongst philosophy programmes in the UK insofar as it neglects arbitrary divisions within the discipline and connects it both to its own history and to related disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. We welcome applications from candidates able to contribute to these goals. For our expanding undergraduate programme we have teaching needs in ethics and in introductory logic but the AOS is open. We expect candidates to have an established record of research excellence, or demonstrable potential for such excellence, and to have a PhD in hand by 1 September 2014.
This is a full time and permanent post, available from September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. This post is based in Egham, Surrey, where the College is situated in a beautiful, leafy campus near to Windsor Great Park and within commuting distance from London.
Closing Date: Midnight, 12th March 2014. For more information, see (vacancy reference: X0214/6838).
PhD student positions (up to 13) in History and Philosophy of Science, Vienna (Austria)
The Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna, in cooperation with the Faculties of Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy/Education and Physics, and the Doctoral Program 'The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts' announces the award of up to 7 fully paid doctoral student positions (Category a) and up to 6 associate positions (Category b, for students with other basic support) for up to 4 years beginning 1 October 2014.
With the support of the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), the University of Vienna offers a Ph.D. program, the aims of which are: to offer a structured interdisciplinary curriculum in History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Science with the collaboration of international visitors, and to make possible the joint supervision of dissertations by historians/philosophers of science and natural scientists/mathematicians.
Positions in the program are funded for up to 3 years; PhD students who complete 6 months stay abroad will be awarded a 4th year of support. Participation in the curriculum is required. Proposed research topics should be relevant to at least one of the topic areas of the DK program.
Applications are due by 17 March 2014. For more information, see or
Russell Visiting Professorship, Hamilton ON (Canada)
The Department of Philosophy at McMaster University invites applications for a Visiting Professorship in Russell and the History of Early Analytic Philosophy. McMaster University, which houses the Bertrand Russell Archives and the Bertrand Russell Research Centre, is one of the leading centres for research on Russell's philosophy.
The Visiting Professorships, one of which will be available each year, are intended for established scholars whose research would be benefited by access to the Bertrand Russell Archives for an extended period. They are tenable for either one or two semesters, and involve the obligation to present at least one paper in the Philosophy Department's Speakers Series and teach one fourth year undergraduate course also open to graduates, preferably on the history of analytic philosophy (although a different topic may be agreed upon with the Chair of the Department of Philosophy), while undertaking research in the Russell Archives. The stipend for teaching the course is up to $15,749.00: it is expected that successful applicants will be on research leave from their home university during the term of their Visiting Professorship and thus can rely on their regular leave salary for their main financial support.
The closing date for applications for 2014-15 is April 30, 2014. For more information, see
Textkernel is hiring: Data & Quality Assistant (16-24 hrs)
Textkernel is an informal and R&D-oriented software company based in Amsterdam, that specializes in multilingual information extraction, document understanding, web mining and semantic searching & matching in the Human Resources sector. We are looking for a Data & Quality Assistant in addition to our Data & Quality Team.
You will work together with the other team members, doing a variety of things: from simple data maintain tasks to more complex quality processes: you will work on different parts of our software and products. You can manage most of your working hours yourself, allowing you to combine studies and work easily, as well as orient on a future job in a innovative Language Technology company.
For more information, see or here, or contact Monica Haga-Schoonhoven (Team Lead Data Quality) at schoonhoven at
Professorship in Mathematics, Helsinki (Finland)
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a tenured position as Professorship in Mathematics.
The deadline for applications is 25 March 2014. For more information, see or contact the Department Head, Professor Mats Gyllenberg, at mats.gyllenberg at
Visiting Professorship (4 months) in theoretical philosophy, Vienna (Austria)
The University of Vienna announces the position of a Visiting Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Fixed-term contract, employment for 4 months, from 01.10.2014 until 31.01.2015.
The successful candidate will possess a solid record of teaching and scholarship in one or more of the following areas: Medieval Philosophy or Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Phenomenology. An excellent track record of publications in high ranking international journals is expected of the candidate. It is desired that he or she is able to engage with different philosophical traditions. In addition to maintaining an active research agenda, the successful candidate will contribute to the department's teaching program on all levels (Bachelor, Master, Teacher Training, PhD). The teaching load will be eight hours per week.
Applications in German with reference number 4620 should be sent no later than 11.02.2014. For more information, see (identification number of advertisement: 4620) or contact Edith Kniola (edith.kniola at or Karin Sigmund (karin.sigmund at
(Tenure-track) Assistant Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Vienna (Austria)
The Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg seeks applications for a tenure-track position in theoretical philosophy. The appointment will be made within the Austrian A2 salary scheme. The starting date is 1 October 2014.
The primary responsibilities of the appointee will be research and teaching in theoretical philosophy (philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophical logic, as well as historical studies pertaining to these topics). The initial teaching load is four hours per semester before tenure and eight hours after tenure. The appointee will also be expected to supervise Ph.D. and Masters students, to initiate research projects and to assist in administration. The appointment is initially for six years. After between four and six years, the appointee will undergo a tenure review and, if successful, will be offered a tenured position as Associate Professor.
Applications should be postmarked by February 12, 2014. The official announcement of the position is here: For clarifications, please contact: Christopher Gauker, christopher.gauker at
PhD student fellowship in theoretical philosophy, Salzburg (Austria)
The Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg seeks applications for a doctoral fellowship in theoretical philosophy. The appointment is for 30 hours per week and will be made within the Austrian B1 salary scheme. The appointment is for four years, and the starting date is 1 October 2014.
The primary responsibility of the appointee will be to complete a doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Professor Christopher Gauker. The topic of the dissertation should lie within the area of theoretical philosophy (philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophical logic, and the history of these subjects). In the philosophy of language, Professor Gauker is especially interested in context-relativity, nonreferential semantics, the nature of linguistic communication and the normativity of meaning. In the philosophy of mind, Professor Gauker is especially interested in mental representation, imagistic cognition, the relation between thought and language and interdisciplinary topics in cognitive development.
Applications should be postmarked by February 12, 2014. The official announcement of the position is here: For clarifications, please contact: Christopher Gauker, christopher.gauker at
Postdoctoral position in model checking, Leicester (England)
The department of computer science at the university of Leicester (UK) is offering an RA (post doc) position. The position is funded by EPSRC project "p-Automata - foundations for Probabilistic Model Checking". The research will focus on automata, stochastic games, and probabilistic temporal logic.
The position is for 20 months with a salary of £31,644 to £36,661 per annum depending on qualifications.
Ref Nr: SEN00442. The closing date for this post is midnight on 5 February 2014. For more information, see: or contact Nir Piterman (nir.piterman at
Sixteen PhD student positions and four postdoctoral positions in digital cultural heritage, various locations in Europe
The "Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage: Projecting our Past to the Future" (ITN-DCH), is the first and one of the largest Marie Curie fellowship projects in the area of e-documentation / e-preservation and Cultural Heritage protection. The Project started on the 1st of October 2013 and it's a consortium comprising of 14 full partners and 9 associate members covering the entire spectrum of European CH actors, ranging from academia, research institutions, industry, museums, archives and libraries.
The ITN-DCH project is seeking highly motivated and valuable researchers for PhD positions in the entire field of Digital Heritage. All the fellows are supposed to travel between the project partners and attend a series of complementary training courses, scientific workshops and summer schools.
Applications deadlines are in March/April 2014 but vary by position. The call for fellows is available on the ITN-DCH website at For more information contact Dr. Marinos Ioannides at marinos.ioannides at
Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic at the University of Padua.
Applications are invited for a 12-months postdoctoral position in Mathematical Logic at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padua, Italy.
The call is aimed at researchers holding a PhD degree (or a comparable research activity). The title of the project is "From Constructive Mathematics to Foundations: models of type theory in the Basic Picture" and it will be supervised by Prof. Giovanni Sambin.
All applications in the area of Mathematical Logic will be considered. However, preference will be given to those candidates with some experience in constructive methods in mathematics. The salary is about 1500 euros per month.
The applications should be sent before February 10, 2014. We encourage all applicants to contact us in advance for more specific information on the expected research topic.
Note that the applications should be sent by registered mail (with "return receipt requested") to the address of the department. It is also possible to use "certified e-mail".
For more information, see (in italian) or contact Francesco Ciraulo at ciraulo at Milly Maietti at maietti at or Giovanni Sambin at sambin at
Two PhD student positions and two postdoctoral positions for logic in AI, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
For the ERC consolidator project "Responsible Intelligent Systems" (REINS) we are looking for 2 PhD students and 2 postdocs to be employed in the division of artificial intelligence at the department of information and computing sciences.
The REINS project aims to provide a framework for automating responsibility, liability, and risk checking for intelligent systems. The vacancies are in two sub-projects. The "Logics of Collective Responsibility" sub-project undertakes the formalization of the concept of responsibility, with a focus on the generalization of existing formal theories to the collective case. In the "Grades of Responsibility relative to Normative Systems" sub-project we will develop systems of formal deontic logic in relation to classes of responsibility and probabilistic, possibilistic or evidence-based action.
Deadline for applications is february 1st, 2014. For any further information on the project or the vacancies see, or one can contact dr. Broersen at email address J.M.Broersen at or professor John-Jules Charles Meyer at email address J.J.C.Meyer at
Postdoc in Formal Methods in Computer Science, TU Denmark
DTU Compute would like to invite applications for a postdoc position starting in the Spring of 2014. The project is financed by the IDEA4CPS center funded by the Danish Foundation for Basic Research.
Apply no later than 10 February 2014. For more information, see
Visiting fellowships at the MCMP, Munich (Germany)
The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) invites applications for visiting fellowships for one to three months in the academic year 2014/15 (15 October 2014 to 15 February 2015 or 15 April to 15 July 2015) intended for advanced Ph.D. students ('Junior Fellowships') and postdocs or faculty ('Senior Fellowships'). Candidates should work in general philosophy of science, the philosophy of one of the special sciences, formal epistemology, or social epistemology and have a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work.
We also encourage groups of two to four researchers, which may also include scientists, to jointly apply for fellowships ('Research Group Fellowships') to work on an innovative collaborative project from the above-mentioned fields which is of relevance for the research done at the MCMP and which ideally includes a member of the MCMP as a collaborator.
The deadline for applications is 20 February 2014. For more information, see or contact Alexander.Reutlinger at
Tenure-track assistant professorship in theoretical computer science, Stockholm (Sweden)
The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in theoretical computer science.
KTH is the leading technical university in Sweden. The Theory Group at KTH offers a strong research environment covering a wide range of research topics such as complexity theory and approximation algorithms, computer and network security, cryptography, formal methods and natural language processing. The group has a consistent track record of publishing in the leading theoretical computer science conferences and journals worldwide, and the research conducted here has attracted numerous international awards and grants in recent years. We are now set to expand further, and this position is just one of several new openings.
The application deadline is February 24, 2014. More information and instructions how to apply can be found at Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to Mads Dam at mfd at or Johan Hastad at johanh at
The TeX Users Group requests your help!
For more than three decades since its creation by Donald Knuth, the TeX software family has been creating beautiful texts. The software continues to assist many people, from a school student typesetting her homework to a large corporation churning out complex multilingual documents.
Since 1980, the TeX Users Group has been a steward of TeX development, advocacy and education. TUG is a not-for-profit organization by, for, and of its members. It works in close cooperation with the developers of modern TeX distributions, maintainers of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN), authors of TeX-related software, etc. We organize conferences, publish our flagship journal TUGboat and occasional books, provide development resources and coordinate efforts, maintain the website and perform many other tasks, large and small.
This work is done by TUG members working as volunteers, with the necessary financial support coming almost entirely from membership dues and generous donations. TUG membership is an important way to care for the future stability and success of TeX. Many individuals and organizations using TeX might be interested in joining, but simply do not know about us.
For more information, see
Heb je uitzonderlijk muzikaal gehoor? Doe de test!
Ben jij een beetje muzikaal? Kun jij een liedje op de perfecte toonhoogte meezingen? Hoor jij meteen of er een valse snaar op een gitaar zit? Sommigen mensen zijn volledig toondoof. Maar mensen met absoluut gehoor kunnen (zonder te kijken!) aan een pianotoets al horen welke noot het is. Een heel zeldzame gave! Maar is deze luistereigenschap wel zo bijzonder? Hoogleraar Muziekcognitie prof. dr. Henkjan Honing (UvA) legt je uit wat nog veel opmerkelijker is aan gehoor.
For more information, see
"History of Humanities" a new journal!
The ILLC will be the editorial home of a new journal: “History of Humanities” which will be published by the University of Chicago Press. This journal takes as its subject the evolution of a wide variety of disciplines including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, logic, musicology, philology, and media studies, tracing these fields from their earliest developments, through their formalization into university disciplines, and to the modern day. By exploring these subjects across time and civilizations – from Europe to China -- and along with their epistemic implications, the journal takes a critical look at the concept of humanities itself.
Editors and associate editors from the ILLC include Rens Bod, Fenrong Liu and Jaap Maat.
For more information, see
Wereldwijde aandacht voor eerste resultaten Hooked on Music
(dutch only)
De belangstelling voor de eerste onderzoeksresultaten van het project 'Hooked on Music', waarin UvA-wetenschappers Henkjan Honing en Ashley Burgoyne samenwerken met het Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, wordt steeds groter en internationaler. Wereldwijd berichten de (sociale) media over Wannabe van de Spice Girls als meest catchy hitsingle.Voor meer informatie, zie
Excellent Accreditation Result for Master of Logic
After having been visited by an international evaluation committee in June 2013, this summer we received the great news that the ILLC's interdisciplinary Master's programme, the Master of Logic, is now officially accredited by the NVAO as an excellent programme for the period of 2014-2020.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
Khalil Sima'an appointed professor Computational Linguistics
Khalil Sima'an has been appointed professor of Computational Linguistics at the Faculty of Science.
For more information, see
Fenrong Liu, professor by special appointment in the Amsterdam-China Logic Chair
Prof. F. Liu (1975) has been named professor by special appointment in the Amsterdam-China Logic Chair at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Science (FNWI). This is a new chair established by the Amsterdam University Fund Foundation.
For more information, see
Official launch of the Joint Research Center in Logic in China
The Joint Research Center in Logic of the ILLC and Tsinghua University has had its official launch in China on July 2d, with a workshop followed by the Third East-Asian Summer School in Logic, Language and Computation.
The website of the joint center with its current and future activities will soon be on air officially ( Several Chinese news items have appeared in connection with these events:
- Tsinghua frontpage news:
- School of Humanities news:,
- Changjiang ceremony:
For more information, see
Harry Buhrman in the news with new method of computation
Catalytic memory is the new term for a method of computation whereby the computer carries out a computation using memory that it is already filled with data, returning it to its original state after use. The result is counter intuitive and was conjectured to be impossible. In a article by Harry Buhrman (UvA, CWI), Richard Cleve (University of Waterloo), Michal, Koucký (Charles University Prague), Bruno Loff (CWI) en Florian Speelman (CWI), it is demonstrated not only that this is possible, but also that this gives rise to a new complexity class and a new way of thinking about memory use with some applications to cryptography.
The article was presented last week at the prestigious ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC). An extensive review of the results are discussed in the well known weblog on theoretical computer science:
For more information, email buhrman at
HookedOnMusic launched in the UK
HookedOnMusic, the latest version of the Music Cognition Group's experiment on 'catchiness' and musical memory, launched in the UK last week. The game is available to play on all recent browsers and operating systems, including Android and iOS devices, from the link below. So far the game has attracted over 5000 users, about half of our ultimate goal. Please try it yourself, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Authors: John Ashley Burgoyne, Jan Van Balen, Dimitrios Bountouridis, and Henkjan Honing
For more information and to play the game, see
Pictures and videos of the Groenendijk-Stokhof-Veltman Festschrift event
Some pictures and videos of the Groenendijk-Stokhof-Veltman Festschrift event are now available on the Festschrift website:
For more information, please contact floris.roelofsen at -
New book 'Language Production and Interpretation: Linguistics meets Cognition' by Henk Zeevat
An utterance is normally produced by a speaker in linear time and the hearer normally correctly identifies the speaker intention in linear time and incrementally. This is hard to understand in a standard competence grammar since languages are highly ambiguous and context-free parsing is not linear. Deterministic utterance generation from intention and n-best Bayesian interpretation, based on the production grammar and the prior probabilities that need to be assumed for other perception do much better. The proposed model uses symbolic grammar and derives symbolic semantic representations, but treats interpretation as just another form of perception. Removing interpretation from grammar is not only empirically motivated, but also makes linguistics a much more feasible enterprise.Henk Zeevat. Language Production and Interpretation: Linguistics meets Cognition. CRISPI, Jacob Brill 2014.
For more information, see or contact H.W.Zeevat at
Master of Logic in the Top 15 of the 'Keuzegids Masters 2014' best Master's programmes
The Master's programmes Logic and Astronomy & Astrophysics of the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Science are in the Top 15 of the 'Keuzegids Masters 2014' best Master's programmes.
The Top 15 is composed of Master's programmes of universities and universities of applied sciences (HBO) that were rated best by students and experts. The data were generated from the National Student Survey (NSE) and the accreditation decisions of the Dutch accreditation organisation NVAO. The Keuzegids rated all 1250 officially registered Master's programmes.
For more information, see
Martin Stokhof appointed member of the ERC Scientific Council
The European Commission has appointed three new members of the Scientific Council, the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC). The term of office of the new members runs from the beginning of January 2014 until the end of 2017.
For more information, see