News Archives 2011

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Past Events

  • 20 December 2011, Logic Tea, Bert Baumgaertner

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 December 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Bert Baumgaertner
    Title: Vagueness and Interaction Effects
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 19-21 December 2011, AC'2011 Workshop on Inquisitiveness, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 19-21 December 2011
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 September 2011

    Questions and answers are a major topic in semantics and pragmatics, and to some extent in logic and philosophy as well. This interest in inquisitiveness goes beyond the interpretation of questions as such. For example, questions are widely assumed to play a structural role in the analysis of discourse. Likewise, most theories on focus and the interpretation of intonation make a link with the question-answerhood relation. More radically it has been argued that a proper understanding of seemingly purely informative constructions, like disjunctions and conditionals, requires a notion of inquisitiveness as a basic ingredient of meaning. The main aim of this workshop is to investigate the significance of inquisitiveness for semantics, pragmatics, and logic.

    For more information, see This workshop is hosted by the Amsterdam Colloquium 2011.

  • 19-21 December 2011, 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 19-21 December 2011
    Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 September 2011

    The 18th Amsterdam Colloquium will be held December 19 - 21, 2011 at the University of Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing together linguists, philosophers, logicians, cognitive scientists and computer scientists who share an interest in the formal study of the semantics and pragmatics of natural and formal languages. The spectrum of topics covered ranges from descriptive (syntactic and semantic analyses of all kinds of expressions) to theoretical (logical and computational properties of semantic theories, philosophical foundations, evolution and learning of language).

    For more information, see

  • 16-17 December 2011, Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference 2011 (AGPC 2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 16-17 December 2011
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Deadline: 30 September 2011

    The Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference 2011 is organised by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The conference will be held on Friday the 16th of December and Saturday the 17th of December.

    The theme this year is Internalism versus Externalism. We encourage contributions which try to bridge the gaps between linguistic, mental, epistemological, and action aspects of the issues mentioned above. Submissions that inform the discussion about internalism and externalism by offering a philosophical interpretation of results from other fields such as logic, decision theory, cognitive psychology, and linguistics, are also welcome.

    Submission deadline: 30 September 2011

    For more information, see or contact

  • 15 December 2011, First Amsterdam workshop on the Neural Basis of Structure in Language, room REC-M 0.02, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

    Date & Time: Thursday 15 December 2011, 11:00-17:00
    Location: room REC-M 0.02, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

    This workshop will deal with the neuro-biological and cognitive principles that govern language processing, with special emphasis on syntax and the human memory system.

    Speakers: Gideon Borensztajn (UvA), Stefan Frank (University College, London), Patrick Sturt (University of Edingburgh), Willem Zuidema (UvA).

    There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion. Linguists, cognitive scientist, neuroscientists and anyone else who is interested in the neural basis of language is welcome!

    For more information, see

  • 14 December 2011, SMART Cognitive science Lectures, William Bechtel (Philosophy Department, UCSD)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 14 December 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: William Bechtel (Philosophy Department, UCSD)
    Title: Deciphering the Neural Code: A Critical Role for Representations in Understanding Cognitive Mechanisms
    Location: Room 3.01, Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe doelenstraat 16-18, Amsterdam
  • 13 December 2011, Logic Tea, Marta Sznajder

    Date & Time: Tuesday 13 December 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Marta Sznajder
    Title: Formal semantics for intensional transitive verbs
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 9 December 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Sunil Simon

    Date & Time: Friday 9 December 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Sunil Simon (CWI)
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 9 December 2011, DIP Colloquium, Nick Asher

    Date & Time: Friday 9 December 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Nick Asher (Toulouse)
    Title: Degrees of Cooperativity
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 December 2011, Grolog, Michael Franke

    Date & Time: Thursday 8 December 2011, 15:00-16:45
    Speaker: Michael Franke
    Title: Scales, Salience and Referential Safety: The Benefit of the Extreme
    Location: Room Beta, Faculty of Philosophy, Oude Boteringestraat 52, Groningen
  • 8 December 2011, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Yongmei Liu (Sun Yat-sen University)

    Date & Time: Thursday 8 December 2011, 15:00-16:00
    Speaker: Yongmei Liu (Sun Yat-sen University)
    Title: Incorporating Action Models into the Situation Calculus
    Location: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 2 December 2011, Celebration 30 Years of Informatics Education in Amsterdam

    Date: Friday 2 December 2011
    Location: De Rode Hoed, Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam
    Costs: free

    The joint meeting on 2 December 2011 features talks by both past and present researchers of both VU University Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam, addressing the past, present and future of the field.

    Registration is free. For more information, see

  • 2 December 2011, Dutch Network on Computational Game Theory Day

    Date: Friday 2 December 2011
    Location: Room L017, CWI, Science Park, Amsterdam
    Costs: free

    The first Dutch Network on Computational Game Theory Day will consist of two invited talks (Paul Goldberg and Herbert Hamers) and five contributed talks. The programme can be found at Please register early (there is no registration fee).

  • 1 December 2011, 22nd workshop on Games, Logic, Language and Computation (GLLC-22): Questions, Games, Logic

    Date & Time: Thursday 1 December 2011, 14:00 - 18:30
    Location: Room C0.01 (Potgieterzaal), University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam
  • 1 December 2011, ACLC-ILLC Cross-Linguistics Semantics Group, Maria Aloni

    Date & Time: Thursday 1 December 2011, 10:00-12:00
    Speaker: Maria Aloni
    Title: Epistemic Indefinites
    Location: TBA

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 November 2011, Logic Tea, Giovanni Cinà

    Date & Time: Tuesday 29 November 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Giovanni Cinà
    Title: Best System Account of Natural Laws and the Formalization of Scientific Theories
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 28 November 2011, DIP Colloquium, Wilfrid Hodges

    Date & Time: Monday 28 November 2011, 14:00-15:30
    Speaker: Wilfrid Hodges
    Title: How did they manage before they had the notion of quantifier scope?
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 November 2011, Life after ILLC

    Date & Time: Saturday 26 November 2011, 14:00-18:30
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The purpose of this event is to bring together PhD students currently employed at the institute, students from the Master of Logic, and ILLC postdocs, with alumni that either stayed or left academia after having completed a PhD or a Master in Logic at our Institute. Three MoL alumni and four PhD alumni will talk about their current occupation and about the difficulties/differences they found when looking for a job inside or outside the academic world. The ILLC will invite all participants for drinks.

    For more information, contact

  • 25 November 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Irem Bozbay

    Date & Time: Friday 25 November 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Irem Bozbay
    Title: Judgment Aggregation in Search for the Truth
    Location: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 25 November 2011, DIP Colloquium, James Woodbridge

    Date & Time: Friday 25 November 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: James Woodbridge
    Title: Revisiting Truth as a Pretense
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 24 November 2011, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan van Eijck and Floor Sietsma

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 November 2011, 15:00 - 17:00
    Speaker: Jan van Eijck and Floor Sietsma
    Title: Action Emulation Revisited
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 21 November 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, John Mumma

    Date & Time: Monday 21 November 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: John Mumma
    Title: Free-rides and overdetermined alternatives in Euclid's diagrams
    Location: Room D1.116, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 21 November 2011, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)

    Date: 21 November 2011
    Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    COIN, or Coalgebra in the Netherlands, is a newly organized seminar planned to take place alternating at the Radboud University Nijmegen and the CWI in Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers from various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra.

    The first COIN meeting is scheduled for Monday, 21 November 2011, at CWI, in room L120. The schedule is as follows:
    14:30 - 15:15 Dimitri Hendriks (VU) and Jörg Endrullis (VU), Equational Reasoning and Bisimulation in Coq
    15:15 - 16:00 Jan Rutten (CWI/RU), On the Final Coalgebra of Automatic Sequences
    16:15 - 17:00 Marcello Bonsangue (Leiden/CWI), Coalgebraic Characterizations of Regular and Context-Free Languages

    For more information, see the seminar website at

  • 17-18 November 2011, 21st workshop on Games, Logic, Language and Computation (GLLC-21): Modalities, Coalgebras, Complexity and Interaction

    Date: 17-18 November 2011
    Location: 17 November: Nina van Leerzaal, Allard Pierson Museum (Oude Turfmarkt 127); 18 November: Aula der Universiteit (Singel 411)
    Costs: free

    On occasion of the PhD defenses of Raul A. Leal and Lena Kurzen, the 21st GLLC workshop will address issues concerning modalities, coalgebras, complexity and interaction.

    Speakers include Jiri Adamek (TU Braunschweig), Clemens Kupke (University of Oxford), Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester), Alexandru Baltag (UvA), Christof Löding (RWTH Aachen), Pieter Adriaans (UvA), Krzysztof Apt (UvA, CWI), Maartje Raijmakers (UvA), Jos Uiterwijk (Maastricht University), Lena Kurzen (UvA) and Raul Leal (UvA)


    For more information, program and abstracts, please visit the webpage .

  • 11 November 2011, DIP Colloquium, Reinhard Muskens , Noor van Leusen

    Date & Time: Friday 11 November 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Reinhard Muskens (Tilburg), Noor van Leusen (Nijmegen)
    Title: Events, Times, Worlds, Roles, Linking, and Variable Management
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 11 November 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Francesca Rossi

    Date & Time: Friday 11 November 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Francesca Rossi (Padova)
    Title: Bribery in Voting over Combinatorial Domains is Easy
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 8 November 2011, De wetenschap in debat, Jan van Eijck, Pieter Adriaans

    Date & Time: Tuesday 8 November 2011, 17:00-19:00
    Speaker: Jan van Eijck, Pieter Adriaans
    Title: Wat is de essentie van informatie?
    Location: Spui 25-27, Amsterdam

    (dutch only)
    Informatietechnologie heeft onze wereld binnen enkele decennia onherkenbaar veranderd op technisch en sociaal gebied. Het is niet uitgesloten dat hiermee gaandeweg zelfs de manier waarop wij zelf als mensen functioneren zal veranderen.

    Maar informatie is tegelijkertijd een fundamenteel zuiver wetenschappelijk thema dat door de hele universiteit speelt. Daarbij ontstaan telkens nieuwe onderzoekslijnen, vanaf bèta disciplines als informatica, wiskunde, en natuurkunde tot de verste einders van alfa en gamma. Wat bij al deze ontwikkelingen echter nog steeds niet is gelukt is de ontwikkeling van een algemeen aanvaarde integrerende visie op wat de essentie van informatie nu eigenlijk is.

    Voornamelijk twee visies zijn in strijd met elkaar: informatie als een berekenbare grootheid, en kwalitatieve betekenisvolle informatie zoals wij die bijvoorbeeld overdragen in conversatie. Twee prominente vertegenwoordigers van beide visies zullen proberen scherp te krijgen wat de belangrijkste vragen zijn, welke verschillende antwoorden er zijn, en of er misschien toch een modus vivendi bestaat die meer is dan een beleefd compromis.

    Een debat met medewerking van Jan van Eijck en Pieter Adriaans onder leiding van Johan van Benthem.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 8 November 2011, Logic Tea, David Lanius

    Date & Time: Tuesday 8 November 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: David Lanius
    Title: Vagueness and Unforseeability
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 3 November 2011, ILLC Current Affairs Meeting

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 November 2011, 15:30-17:00
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The first ILLC Current Affairs meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd November next, from 15:30 - 17:00 h in room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam. All ILLC staff and PhD students are invited to attend. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ILLC Common Room, C3.113, from 17:00 - 19:00 h.

  • 3 November 2011, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 November 2011, 13:00 - 15:00
    Speaker: Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)
    Title: Acts of requesting in the dynamic logic of knowledge and obligation
    Location: Room D1.162, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 3 November 2011, ACLC-ILLC Cross-Linguistics Semantics Group, Hedde Zeijlstra

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 November 2011, 10:00-12:00
    Speaker: Hedde Zeijlstra
    Title: Negation and (Deontic) Modality
    Location: TBA

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 28 October 2011, Inaugural lecture Yde Venema: 'Algebra en Coalgebra, bespiegelingen in de logica', Yde Venema

    Date & Time: Friday 28 October 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Yde Venema
    Location: Aula, University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, Amsterdam

    Yde Venema was appointed professor of logic, in particular mathematical logic and foundations of computer science, in October 2010. He will hold his inaugural lecture (in Dutch), entitled 'Algebra en Coalgebra, bespiegelingen in de logica' (Algebra and Coalgebra: Reflections in Logic') on Friday 28th October 2011 at 16:00 hours in the Aula of the University of Amsterdam.

    For more information, see

  • 28 October 2011, Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam

    Date: Friday 28 October 2011
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The TCSA Day is intended to be an annual event, taking place in the Fall, to alternate with the national NVTI Theory Day that takes place in Spring. The event is organized jointly by CWI, UvA, and VU, and its aim is to foster cooperation among the various TCS-reseachers in and around Amsterdam. Previous editions took place at the VU and at the CWI. The programme consists of five talks by researchers from CWI, UvA, and VU. There is no need to register.

    For more information, see

  • 26 October 2011, Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) Symposium

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 October 2011, 9:00 - 16:45
    Location: Room M1.01, Roeterseiland Building M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

    On October 26, the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam will hold a Symposium to celebrate its 10th anniversary. In the morning, we will look back at research and education in the field of brain and cognitive science over the past years, but also share our views on the future of the CSCA. The afternoon will be centered around the 'creatieve geest prijs' (creative mind prize), an initiative of the Freek and Hella de Jonge foundation.

    For more information, see

  • 21 October 2011, Frege in Leiden

    Date: Friday 21 October 2011
    Location: Kamerling Onnes Gebouw, Steenschur 25, Leiden

    On Friday, 21 October 2011 the Institute for Philosophy will host the symposium 'Frege in Leiden', a one-day symposium on the philosophy of Gottlob Frege. Talks by Maria van der Schaar, Harm Boukema, Göran Sundholm, Ansten Klev, and Kai Wehmeier.

    Programme and abstracts can be found at

  • 20 October 2011, KNIR Inaugural Lecture, Rens Bod

    Date & Time: Thursday 20 October 2011, 17:00
    Speaker: Rens Bod
    Title: The Forgotten Sciences: How the Humanities Changed the World
    Location: Via Omero 10/12, 00197 Rome, Italy

    To mark the inauguration of the Academic Year of the "Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell'Arte in Roma", Rens Bod will give the opening lecture on 20 October, entitled "The Forgotten Sciences: How the Humanities Changed the World".

    For details, see

  • 18 October 2011, Logic Tea, Carlos León Aznar

    Date & Time: Tuesday 18 October 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Carlos León Aznar
    Title: A Computational Model for Automated Extraction of Structural Schemas from Simple Narrative Plots
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 18 October 2011, ICS-SIKS Symposium on Norms, Logic and Dependence

    Date: Tuesday 18 October 2011
    Speaker: Paolo Turrini, Eric Pacuit, Rosja Mastop, Marek Sergot, Leon van der Torre
    Location: Boothzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 3, De Uithof

    The classical theory of coalitional decision making, better known as cooperative game theory, deals with extremely abstract models of joint action that often abstract away from the highly dynamic processes leading a set of players to work together for a common purpose, such as the influence of norms, the interdependence among the players, the awareness of future possibilities, to mention a few.

    This workshop, on the occasion of Paolo Turrini's PhD defense, tackles such dynamic aspects involved in coalition formation, by pursuing an interdisciplinary approach at the interface of (deontic) logic, artificial intelligence, and socio-economical disciplines. More specifically, the topics touched upon will be: norms and games, norms for the dynamics of interaction (procedures), the dynamics of normative systems, norms of reciprocity, theory of threats and the dynamics of different cognitive attitudes (e.g. knowledge and preference).

    Registration is free but required. For more information, see or contact .

  • 11 October 2011, Logic Tea, Stefan Minica

    Date & Time: Tuesday 11 October 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Stefan Minica
    Title: Computing Minimal (Probabilistic) Issue Models
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 8 October 2011, Kwantumcryptografie, een nieuwe aanpak voor scheidingsproblemen?, Christian Schaffner

    Date & Time: 8 October 2011, 14:30
    Speaker: Christian Schaffner
    Location: C1.110 (grote collegezaal), Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Tijdens de Open Dag Science Park houdt Christian Schaffner een lekenpraatje over kwantumcryptografie (in het Nederlands).

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 7 October 2011, NAP-Dag 2011

    Date: Friday 7 October 2011
    Location: Room 4.20, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210-212, Amsterdam

    The NAP-dag ('Nieuw Amsterdams Peil') is an annual event at which PhD candidates from the ACLC and the ILLC present their research. This event is free and is open to the public.

    For more information, see

  • 6 October 2011, ACLC-ILLC Cross-Linguistics Semantics Group, Floris Roelofsen

    Date & Time: Thursday 6 October 2011, 10:00-12:00
    Speaker: Floris Roelofsen
    Title: Polarity Particles
    Location: TBA

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3 October 2011, Faculty Colloquium,
    Floris Roelofsen
    / Theo Mulder

    Date & Time: Monday 3 October 2011, 10:00-10:45
    Speaker: Floris Roelofsen (ILLC)
    / Theo Mulder (KNAW)
    Title: "The Meaning of Questions"
    / "e-Humanites: creating a hotspot in Amsterdam"
    Location: Room C1.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 29 September 2011, Sheaf Logic & Philosophical Synthesis

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 September 2011, 14:00-17:00
    Location: Jan van Eyck Academie Auditorium, Maastricht, The Netherlands
  • 28 September 2011, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Andreas van Cranenburgh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 28 September 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Andreas van Cranenburgh
    Title: Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing: A mildly context-sensitive all-fragments grammar
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 27 September 2011, Logic Tea, Christian Kiesow

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 September 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Christian Kiesow
    Title: Video Interaction Analysis of Mathematical Practice
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at

    For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 27 September 2011, ACG Colloquium, Prof. dr. Ernst-Ruediger Olderog

    Date & Time: Tuesday 27 September 2011, 13:30
    Speaker: Prof. dr. Ernst-Ruediger Olderog (University of Oldenburg)
    Title: Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with Rich Data
    Location: Room L120, CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
  • 26-30 September 2011, Ninth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Kutaisi, Georgia

    Date: 26-30 September 2011
    Location: Kutaisi, Georgia
    Deadline: 15 May 2011

    The Ninth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation will be held in in Kutaisi, Georgia, from September 26 to 30, 2011. The Symposium is organized by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam in conjunction with the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences and the Akaki Tsereteli State University. The 2011 forum is the ninth instalment of a series of biannual Symposia.

    For more information, see

  • 21-23 September 2011, The 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2011: Los Angelogue), Los Angeles, California

    Date: 21-23 September 2011
    Location: Los Angeles, California
    Deadline: 7 August 2011

    The Semdial series of workshops aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, formal semantics/pragmatics, philosophy, psychology, and neural science. In 2011 the workshop will leave Europe for the first time, to be held at the Institute for Creative Technologies of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The Semdial workshops are always stimulating and fun, and L.A. is a great place to visit.

    For further details visit the SemDial 2011 website and the SemDial series homepage:

  • 20 September 2011, Logic Tea, Umberto Grandi

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 September 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Umberto Grandi
    Title: From Individual to Collective Rationality
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at

    For more information, please contact Umberto Grandi (), Tong Wang (), or Matthijs Westera ().

  • 20 September 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Peter Koepke

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 September 2011, 16:30
    Speaker: Peter Koepke (Bonn)
    Title: Felix Hausdorff and the Foundations of Mathematics
    Location: Room C1.08, Amsterdam University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 September 2011, LIRa Seminar, Mikkel Birkegaard Andersen and Martin Holm Jensen

    Date & Time: Monday 19 September 2011, 14:00-16:00
    Speaker: Mikkel Birkegaard Andersen and Martin Holm Jensen (Technical University of Denmark)
    Title: Epistemic Planning
    Location: Room G2.02, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 16 September 2011, DIP Colloquium, Jeanne Peijnenburg

    Date & Time: Friday 16 September 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Jeanne Peijnenburg
    Title: Turtle Epistemology
    Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 September 2011, joint Computational Linguistics Seminar/DIP Colloquium, Shalom Lappin and Jan van Eijck

    Date & Time: Wednesday 14 September 2011, 15:00
    Speaker: Shalom Lappin (King's College London) and Jan van Eijck (CWI)
    Title: Probabilistic Semantics for Natural Language
    Location: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 1 September 2011, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Suzanne Stevenson

    Date & Time: Thursday 1 September 2011, 15:00
    Speaker: Suzanne Stevenson (Toronto)
    Title: PleaComputational Models of Child Verb Learning: Mechanisms for abstraction and generalizationse enter title of lecture here
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Early verb learning in children seems an almost miraculous feat. In learning a verb, children must learn both the basic meaning of the event ("falling" or "eating"), as well as the allowable structures in their language for correctly communicating the participants in that event ("The glass fell", but not "She fell the glass"). Moreover, given the sparsity of evidence, children must be able to abstract away from specific usages they observe in order to use their knowledge of verbs productively. Finally, children must accomplish all this in the face of a high degree of variability among verbs, along with much noise and uncertainty in the input data, and with no explicit teaching. Do children require innate knowledge of language to accomplish this, or are general cognitive learning mechanisms sufficient to the task? We have developed various computational models of verb learning using unsupervised clustering over simple statistical properties of verb usages. Our findings support the claim that general learning mechanisms are able to acquire abstract knowledge of verbs and to generalize that knowledge to novel verbs and situations.

    This is joint work with Paola Merlo, Afra Alishahi, and Chris Parisien.

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 8-12 August 2011, ESSLLI-2011 Workshop "Logical Constants", Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Date: 8-12 August 2011
    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Costs: regular ESSLLI registration fees
    Deadline: 15 February 2011

    All logical systems make a distinction between logical and non-logical symbols, and the meaning of the former needs to be specified in detail and in effect defines the logic in question. This distinction is usually stipulated (though it can be argued that natural languages make a similar distinction), but the issue of the grounds for it, i.e. of what characterizes a logical constant, is a central question in logic, cutting across the huge variety of logical systems existing today. This question has been tackled from various sides, ranging from historical investigation to formal criteria spelled out within different logical frameworks. The main aim of this ESSLLI-2001 workshop is to gain a better understanding of the problem by bringing together complementary approaches coming from various fields, namely logic, philosophy of logic and mathematics, linguistics and the history of logic.

    For more information, see

  • 1-12 August 2011, ESSLLI-2011 Student Session, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Date: 1-12 August 2011
    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Deadline: 25 March 2011

    The Student Session of the 23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on August 1-12, 2011. The Student Session is held under the auspices of ESSLLI 2011, which will feature a wide range of foundational and advanced courses and workshops in all areas of Logic, Language, and Computation.

    More information can be found on the Student Session website at

  • 1-12 August 2011, 23th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2011), Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Date: 1-12 August 2011
    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Deadline: 14 June 2010

    The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI, in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computer science. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within or around the three main areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation. Previous summer schools have been highly successful, attracting up to 500 students from Europe and elsewhere. The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information.

    For more information, see the ESSLLI 2011 website at

  • 1-5 August 2011, ESSLLI-2011 Workshop "Modern Set Theory: Foundations and Applications", Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Date: 1-5 August 2011
    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Deadline: 25 March 2011

    This ESSLLI-2011 workshop is organized and financially supported by the ESF research networking programme INFTY (New frontiers of infinity: mathematical, philosophical, and computational prospects). The ESF network INFTY aims (among other things) at embedding set theory in the wider scope of modern logic and its applications, as represented at the ESSLLI schools.

    This workshop is funded and organized by INFTY in order to:
    * Present the lively and active research area of set theory to a broader audience of logicians;
    * Allow junior members of the set-theory community to present their research at an ESSLLI school in order to encourage them to interact with the broader logic community;
    * Offer logic students an overview of the current research * trends in set theory.

    For more information, see

  • 29 July 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Eduardo Giovannini

    Date & Time: Friday 29 July 2011, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Eduardo Giovannini
    Title: Hilbert's Early View on Completeness and Categoricity
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 July 2011, IJCAI Workshop on Social Choice and Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: Saturday 16 July 2011
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

    The IJCAI Workshop on Social Choice and Artificial Intelligence is part of the workshop programme of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2011) to be held in Barcelona in July 2011.

    For more information, see

  • 7 July 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Takayuki Kihara

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 July 2011, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Takayuki Kihara (Tohoku, Sendai)
    Title: Mass Problems, Constructivism, and Learnability
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 July 2011, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2011

    Date & Time: Monday 4 July 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Deadline: 12 June 2011

    The ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium will start off with three invited (25 minutes) talks by researchers from the three respective ILLC research areas. We are happy to announce that Catarina Dutilh Novaes (LoLa, from July 1st at Univ. Groningen), Aline Honingh (LaCo) and Ronald de Wolf (LoCo) have accepted to give presentations.

    For more information contact .

  • 28 June 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi

    Date & Time: Tuesday 28 June 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Umberto Grandi (ILLC)
    Title: Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 27-28 June 2011, Extended Cognition Workshop, OMHP building, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    Date: 27-28 June 2011
    Location: OMHP building, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    To mark the end of Catarina Dutilh Novaes' VENI-project on formal languages and the new appointment of Julian Kiverstein at the philosophy department of the University of Amsterdam, a workshop on extended cognition will take place in Amsterdam on June 27th--28th. The focus will be on conceptions of extended cognition in the spirit of 'second-wave EM' (Sutton) or 'cognitive integration' (Menary).

    The workshop is open to all, but please register no later than June 13th. For more information and list of speakers, see

  • 24 June 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

    Date & Time: Friday 24 June 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Ulle Endriss
    Title: Agenda Choice in Multi-Issue Elections
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 23 June 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann

    Date & Time: Thursday 23 June 2011, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Andreas Weiermann (Gent)
    Title: Provably recursive functions for PA
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 20 June 2011, Logic Tea, Johannes Marti

    Date & Time: Monday 20 June 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Johannes Marti
    Title: Adding Semantic Facts to Kripke Models
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at

    For more information, please contact Matthijs Westera (), Tong Wang () or Umberto Grandi ().

  • 17 June 2011, Tilburg University Seminars on Game Theory

    Date & Time: Friday 17 June 2011, 14:45 - 17:30
    Title: Game Theory Seminar
    Location: Room DZ 005, Tilburg University
  • 16 June 2011, The PlusCal Algorithm Language, Leslie Lamport

    Date & Time: Thursday 16 June 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Leslie Lamport
    Location: Turing room, CWI, Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Algorithms are different from programs and should not be described with programming languages. For example, algorithms are usually best described in terms of mathematical objects like sets and graphs instead of the primitive objects like bytes and integers provided by programming languages. Until now, the only simple alternative to programming languages has been pseudo-code.

    PlusCal is an algorithm language based on TLA+. A PlusCal algorithm is automatically translated to a TLA+ specification that can be checked with the TLC model checker or reasoned about formally. (No knowledge of TLA+ is assumed.) PlusCal makes pseudo-code obsolete.

    For more information, see

  • 13 June 2011, Logic Tea, Johannes Marti

    Date & Time: Monday 13 June 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Johannes Marti
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 10 June 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Erik Parmann

    Date & Time: Friday 10 June 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Erik Parmann
    Title: Expressing Properties of Social Choice Functions Using Modal Logic
    Location: Room D1.116, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 10 June 2011, DIP Colloquium, Fabrizio Cariani

    Date & Time: Friday 10 June 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Fabrizio Cariani (Northwestern University)
    Title: Deliberative Modality under Epistemic Uncertainty
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 31 May 2011, LIRA Seminar, Alexandru Baltag, Cedric Degremont, Fernando Velazquez-Quesada

    Date & Time: Tuesday 31 May 2011, 14:00-17:00
    Speaker: Alexandru Baltag, Cedric Degremont, Fernando Velazquez-Quesada
    Title: Learning, Explicit Beliefs, Temporal Representation
    Location: Room Beta, Philosophy Department, Oude Boteringestraat 52, Groningen

    For more information, see

  • 30 May 2011, Logic Tea, Merlin Carl

    Date & Time: Monday 30 May 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Merlin Carl
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 27 May 2011, DIP Colloquium, Hotze Rullman

    Date & Time: Friday 27 May 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Hotze Rullman (University of British Columbia)
    Title: 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns as Bound Variables
    Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 May 2011, Logic Tea, Niki Pfeifer

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 May 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Niki Pfeifer
    Title: Combining formal epistemology and the psychology of reasoning
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 26-28 May 2011, Workshop on Admissible Rules and Unification, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 26-28 May 2011
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Admissible rules of a logical system are rules that can be added to the system without changing its set of theorems. In algebra, admissible rules correspond to quasi-equations holding in free algebras, while from a computer science perspective, admissibility is intimately related to equational unification.

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts from these distinct areas of research spanning mathematics, philosophy, and computer science, to share ideas and methods.

    For more information, see

  • 23 May 2011, Logic Tea, Bruno Jacinto and Kasper Christensen

    Date & Time: Monday 23 May 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Bruno Jacinto and Kasper Christensen
    Title: Actualism, Necessity, and Logical Consequence
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 20-21 May 2011, PALMYR X: Logic and the Use of Language, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris

    Date: 20-21 May 2011
    Location: Institut Jean Nicod, Paris

    Both Paris and Amsterdam host a lively group of young researchers working at the interface of logic, language, and theories of rationality. PALMYR brings them together.

    PALMYR is a series of yearly meetings taking place alternatively in Amsterdam and Paris. At each PALMYR meeting, visitors give talks about their current research interests, each presentation being commented by a fellow researcher from the host town. This year's meeting will take place in Paris and is devoted to the theme "Logic and the Use of Language".

    For more information, see:

  • 19 May 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Jouko Väänänen

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 May 2011, 15:00
    Speaker: Jouko Väänänen
    Title: The Model Existence Game and its Role in Logic
    Location: Room D1.116, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 19-20 May 2011, Mathematical Logic in The Netherlands (MLNL'11), University of Groningen

    Date: 19-20 May 2011
    Speaker: Henk Barendregt, Jaap van Oosten, Alessandra Palmigiano, Bas Spitters
    Location: University of Groningen
    Deadline: 5 May 2011

    MLNL'11 is the third issue of a series of yearly meetings on Mathematical Logic (and related areas) in the Netherlands. The first meeting was held in Nijmegen and the second one in Utrecht. Rather than a specialized conference, where advanced research results are reported, we aim to get to know each other better and, by understanding the various branches of logic represented in the Netherlands, strengthen our community.

    We have reserved a generous amount of time for expository talks, but also strongly encourage contributions by young researchers and Ph.D. students. Advanced master students in logic are most welcome to attend the meeting too.

    Registration deadline: 12 May 2011. For more information, see:

  • 16 May 2011, Logic Tea, Lucian Zagan

    Date & Time: Monday 16 May 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Lucian Zagan
    Title: Vagueness, Bivalence, and What Is Said
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 16 May 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Juliette Kennedy

    Date & Time: Monday 16 May 2011, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Juliette Kennedy (Helsinki)
    Title: On Inner Models from Extended Logics
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 May 2011, 'Wat is logisch?, Nina Gierasimczuk

    Date: Sunday 15 May 2011
    Speaker: Nina Gierasimczuk
    Location: NEMO, Amsterdam
    Target audience: Children between ages of 8 and 12

    Kinderlezing over manieren van denken en logica.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 13 May 2011, DIP Colloquium, Maribel Romero (University of Konstanz)

    Date & Time: Friday 13 May 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Maribel Romero (University of Konstanz)
    Title: Modal Superlatives: A Compositional Analysis
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 9 May 2011, Logic Tea, Leo Czajka

    Date & Time: Monday 9 May 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Leo Czajka
    Title: Ludics, a new approach to logic
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 9 May 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Väänänen

    Date & Time: Monday 9 May 2011, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki)
    Title: Second Order Logic or Set Theory?
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 May 2011, LIRa Seminar, Michael De (Utrecht)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 4 May 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Michael De (Utrecht)
    Title: Logics for Speech Acts and Propositional Attitudes
    Location: room D1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 29 April 2011, DIP Colloquium, Gianluca Giorgolo

    Date & Time: Friday 29 April 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Gianluca Giorgolo (Utrecht University)
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 20 April 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ilan Frank

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 April 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Ilan Frank
    Title: Information as a Descriptive Tool in Computational Social Choice
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 20 April 2011, General Mathematics Colloquium, Mai Gehrke (Radboud Universiteit)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 April 2011, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: Mai Gehrke (Radboud Universiteit)
    Title: Profinite algebras as dual spaces
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Profinite algebras, such as profinite rings, groups, and monoids are often used in algebra and have, more recently, also found applications in computer science. Duality theory on the other hand plays a central role in the study of logics where it serves as the main mechanism in relating syntactic and semantic approaches. In recent work with Grigorieff and Pin we have shown that the category of profinite abstract algebras in any signature may be seen as a subcategory of all topo-relational dual spaces of a corresponding type. This technical result has allowed us to generalise a powerful method in automata theory. The talk will provide an introduction to the concepts involved and a glimpse at the automata and complexity theoretic applications

    For more information, see

  • 19 April 2011, Broodje Kennis Lunchlezingen, Rens Bod

    Date & Time: Tuesday 19 April 2011, 12:20 - 12:40
    Speaker: Rens Bod
    Title: Grootse Alfaontdekkingen
    Location: Spui 25-27, 1012 WX, Amsterdam

    Alfawetenschappen; een luxe tijdverdrijf? Een nauwkeurige analyse van hun geschiedenis laat zien dat alfawetenschappelijke kennis de wereld ingrijpend heeft veranderd. In deze lunchlezing zet Rens Bod uiteen waaruit "alfaontdekkingen" bestaan, en op welke wijze deze de bètawetenschappen hebben beïnvloed.

    For more information, see

  • 18 April 2011, Logic Tea, Peter Fritz

    Date & Time: Monday 18 April 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Peter Fritz
    Title: A Logic for Two-Dimensional Semantics
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 15 April 2011, DIP Colloquium, Petra Hendriks

    Date & Time: Friday 15 April 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Petra Hendriks (University of Groningen)
    Title: Perspective taking and the use of referring expressions
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 April 2011, Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, Jan van Eijck, Thomas Agotnes, Mehdi Dastani

    Date & Time: Thursday 14 April 2011, 15:15-18:15
    Speaker: Jan van Eijck, Thomas Agotnes, Mehdi Dastani
    Title: Special Session on Messages, Information and Norms
    Location: Buys Ballot Laboratorium, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht
  • 11, 13 & 15 April 2011, the Annual Alfred Tarski Lectures, Johan van Benthem

    Date & Time: 11, 13 & 15 April 2011, 16:10
    Speaker: Johan van Benthem
    Title: Exploring Logical Dynamics / Logic and Computation: Fine-structure and Invariance / Logic in Games
    Location: 60 Evans Hall, UC Berkeley, CA, USA

    For more information, see

  • 8 April 2011, DIP Colloquium, Stewart Shapiro

    Date & Time: Friday 8 April 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State University)
    Title: The semantics of indiscernibles
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 April 2011, Leve de Wiskunde!

    Date & Time: Friday 8 April 2011, 09:45-16:30
    Location: Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Vrijdag 8 april is het weer zo ver: Leve de Wiskunde! 2011. Tijdens dit jaarlijks terugkerend congres vertellen vooraanstaande wetenschappers over hun bevindingen in en rondom de wiskunde. van financiële wiskunde tot symmetriepatronen en van forensische statistiek tot de filosofie achter getallen.

    Voor meer informatie en aanmelden, zie

  • 8 April 2011, VVL Symposium Logic and Culture, Hoog Brabant, Utrecht

    Date: Friday 8 April 2011
    Speaker: Dov Gabbay, Sara Uckelman, Michiel Leezenberg, Henk Barendregt
    Location: Hoog Brabant, Utrecht
    Costs: free

    We are happy to invite you for the Symposium Logic and Culture organized by the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica and Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen (VVL), on Friday April 8, 2011, 11.00--17.00, in Hoog Brabant, Utrecht.

    The programme consists of talks by Dov Gabbay, Sara Uckelman, Michiel Leezenberg, Henk Barendregt, and the general meeting of the VVL.

    For more information, see

  • 7 April 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Jan van Eijck (CWI)

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 April 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Jan van Eijck (CWI)
    Title: The Geometry of Manipulation
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 5 April 2011, A base-matrix lemma for sets of rationals modulo nowhere dense sets, Joerg Brendle

    Date & Time: Tuesday 5 April 2011, 15:00-16:00
    Speaker: Joerg Brendle
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 5 April 2011, ACG Colloquium, Marcello Bonsangue

    Date & Time: Tuesday 5 April 2011, 13:30
    Speaker: Marcello Bonsangue (LIACS)
    Title: On the axiomatization of (weighted) language equivalence
    Location: Room L120, CWI, Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam
  • 4 April 2011, Logic Tea, Johannes Marti

    Date & Time: Monday 4 April 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Johannes Marti
    Title: Relation Liftings in Coalgebraic Modal Logic
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ().

  • 1 April 2011, DIP Colloquium, Anamaria Falaus

    Date & Time: Friday 1 April 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Anamaria Falaus (Basque Country)
    Title: Modal indefinites and modal distinctions
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 1 April 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Amy Greenwald

    Date & Time: Friday 1 April 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Amy Greenwald (Brown)
    Title: A Recursive Ranking Algorithm
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 28 March 2011, LIRa Seminar Special Session, John Horty, Eric Pacuit, Olivier Roy, Frank Veltman

    Date & Time: Monday 28 March 2011, 14:00-16:00
    Speaker: John Horty, Eric Pacuit, Olivier Roy, Frank Veltman
    Title: Special Session on Reasons, Defaults and Formal Epistemology
    Location: Room EK.01A, OMHP building, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 24 March 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Britta Dorn

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 March 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Britta Dorn (Ulm)
    Title: A Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Swap Bribery
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 23 March 2011, Beth Lecture, Hartry Field

    Date & Time: Wednesday 23 March 2011, 20:00
    Speaker: Hartry Field
    Title: Property Theory and the Foundations of Mathematics
    Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425

    Prof. Field will speak on the intended distinction between sets and properties, and review work since Goedel toward resolving the property-theoretic paradoxes. He will also discuss the role of properties in the foundations of mathematics, as a replacement of proper classes and to implement an appropriate version of higher order logic.

    The lecture forms part of the 'Truth be Told' workshop. Previous E.W.Beth Lecturers include P. Lorenzen, P. Aczel, B. van Fraassen, M. Finocchiaro, P. Suppes, S. Feferman, E. Agazzi, H. Kamp, J. Bricmont.

    For more information and an abstract, see the 'Truth be Told' programme at

  • 23-25 March 2011, Truth be Told: a Workshop on Philosophical and Formal Theories of Truth, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 23-25 March 2011
    Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Deadline: 15 December 2010

    Truth be Told, a Workshop on Philosophical and Formal Theories of Truth, is organised by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The workshop will be held between Wednesday the 23rd and Friday the 25th of March 2011.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts in the field in order to assess the current state of the art of theories of truth, as well as to facilitate discussion between philosophers of truth and those more interested in formal methods and results in the study of truth.

    The workshop will contain 11 invited and 5 contributed talks. Invited talks will be followed by a short commentary.

    For more information and an online registration form, see

  • 18 March 2011, DIP Colloquium, Boudewijn de Bruin

    Date & Time: Friday 18 March 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Boudewijn de Bruin (University of Groningen)
    Title: The Value of Common Knowledge: From G.W.F. Hegel to David Lewis
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 18 March 2011, Viva Informatica

    Date & Time: Friday 18 March 2011, 09:45-17:00
    Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    At Friday 18 March, the ILLC and IvI together organise the workshop Viva Informatica, for teachers, students and other people interested in recent developments in computer science. Presentations will be in Dutch. Aline Honingh will give a presentation on behalf of the ILLC.

    For more information, see

  • 4 March 2011, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Mueller

    Date & Time: Friday 4 March 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Thomas Mueller (Utrecht University)
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 March 2011, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Mueller

    Date & Time: Friday 4 March 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Thomas Mueller (Utrecht University)
    Title: Persisting individuals and modal logic
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 March 2011, NVTI Theory Day

    Date & Time: Friday 4 March 2011, 09:30-16:40
    Speaker: Jos Baeten, S. Muthu Muthukrishnan, Hans Bodlaender, Tobias Nipkow
    Location: Hoog Brabant, Utrecht
    Costs: free

    The Dutch Asssociation for Theoretical Computer Science (NVTI) supports the study of theoretical computer science and its applications. One of the main activities of the NVTI is the organization of the yearly Theory Day. This year, as usual, we have an interesting program with excellent speakers from The Netherlands and abroad, covering important streams in theoretical computer science.

    For more information, see It is possible to participate in the organized lunch, for which registration is required (no later than February 25, 2011),

  • 1 March 2011, ACG Colloquium, Joost Winter

    Date & Time: Tuesday 1 March 2011, 13:30
    Speaker: Joost Winter
    Title: An Introduction to Coalgebra and Coinduction, using Regular and Context-free Languages
    Location: Room L120, CWI, Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam
  • 24 February 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Héctor Palacios

    Date & Time: Thursday 24 February 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Héctor Palacios (Madrid)
    Title: Towards using Planning Techniques for Voting in Combinatorial Domains
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 24 February 2011, Workshop on Universal Models

    Date: 24 February 2011
    Speaker: Dick de Jongh, Gerard Renardel de Lavalette, Sam van Gool, Joost J. Joosten, David Fernandez Duque, Mai Gehrke
    Location: Room A410, Roetersstraat 15, Amsterdam

    This workshop is an informal gathering of people that study universal models or use them in their research. There will be presentations both on finished studies and on work in progress. Universal models were originated by V. Shethman and V. Rybakov, anticipated by D. de Jongh's dissertation in 1968. In intuitionistic logic the subject reemerged in N. Bezhanishvili's dissertation in 2006. The logics involved today comprise intuitionistic propositional logic and modal logics. In intuitionistic logic one has finite universal models for some fragments missing some of the usual connectives, and the usual complicated infinite ones for the full logic. One of the modal logics that will be presented is GLP, an extension of Gödel-Löb's logics GL that has a different provability modality for each ordinal. Another modal logic that will be discussed is S4. At the workshop the subject will be approached from the algebraic/co-algebraic side as well.

    For more information, see

  • 24 February 2011, Workshop on Universal Models

    Date: Thursday 24 February 2011
    Location: Room A4.10, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam

    Speakers include:

    David Fernández Duque (Sevilla)
    Sam van Gool (Nijmegen)
    Dick de Jongh (ILLC)
    Joost Joosten (Barcelona)
    Gerard Renardel de Lavalette (Groningen)
    Yde Venema (ILLC)

    More information will be made available in a few weeks.
    Organizers: Dick de Jongh (), Joost Joosten () and Peter van Ormondt ().

    For more information, see

  • 21 February, Logic Tea, Alexandru Marcoci

    Date & Time: Monday 21 February, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Alexandru Marcoci
    Title: The surprise examination paradox in dynamic epistemic logic
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at

    For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 21 February 2011, Games, Logic, Language And Computation 20: Epistemic Actions for Non-ideal Agents (GLLC-20)

    Date: Monday 21 February 2011
    Location: Room E0.02 (VOC-zaal), Oost Indisch Huis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam
    Costs: Free
    The 20th edition of Workshop Series "Games, Logic, Language and Computation" (GLLC) will bring together logicians, philosophers and computer scientists working on representations of information for non-ideal agents, and the fine actions that modify this information. The workshop will be hosted by the ILLC on the occasion of the defence of the PhD dissertation Small Steps in Dynamics of Information (

    For more information, see the workshop's website at or contact Fernando Raymundo Velázquez Quesada ()

  • 18 February 2011, DIP Colloquium, Andy Fugard

    Date & Time: Friday 18 February 2011, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Andy Fugard (Salzburg)
    Title: Empirical constraints on how the mind computes a Ramsey test
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 February 2011, LIRa Seminar, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Oxford)

    Date & Time: Wednesday 16 February 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Oxford)
    Title: Knowing "where you are" using update logics
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
  • 11 February 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Vincent Conitzer

    Date & Time: Friday 11 February 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Vincent Conitzer (Duke)
    Title: Solving Complete-Information Voting Games by Backward Induction
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 9 February 2011, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh

    Date & Time: Wednesday 9 February 2011, 13:30
    Speaker: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Oxford)
    Title: A Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning
    Location: TBA

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 7 February 2011, Logic Tea, Paula Henk

    Date & Time: Monday 7 February 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Paula Henk
    Title: An alternative proof of the arithmetical completeness of GL
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (), Umberto Grandi (), or Yurii Khomskii ()

  • 4 February 2011 , Computational Social Choice Seminar, Daniele Porello

    Date & Time: Friday 4 February 2011 (changed), 16:00
    Speaker: Daniele Porello
    Title: Aggregating Ontologies by Voting: Preliminary Results
    Location: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 28 January 2011, ILLC Colloquium

    Date & Time: Friday 28 January 2011, 15:00-17:00
    Location: Common Room ILLC, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    Organizers: Rens Bod and Krzysztof Apt. The goal of the ILLC Colloquium is to bridge the gaps between the three research programmes and to have a lot of fun! So looking forward to seeing all of you.

    For a programme, see here.

  • 24 January 2011, Logic and Interactive RAtionality Seminar, Daniele Porello, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson and Michael Moortgat

    Date & Time: Monday 24 January 2011, 14:00
    Speaker: Daniele Porello, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson and Michael Moortgat
    Title: Substructural logics, information and interaction
    Location: Room C0.23, OMHP building, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

    For more information, see

  • 17-20 January 2011, Studiemarathon met oa. Job Cohen, Jan Terlouw, Paul Schnabel EN Rens Bod!

    Date: 17-20 January 2011
    Location: Utrecht, Groningen, Amsterdam

    Maandag is om 9.00 de 72 uur durende studiemarathon begonnen voor investeringen in het hoger onderwijs. Met 27 hoogleraren en meer dan 75 sprekers laten studenten, hoogleraren, politici en docenten zien welke waarde het hbo en wo hebben voor de maatschappij en de economie. De marathon is een positieve aanloop op de grote manifestatie in Den Haag, aanstaande vrijdag. Rens Bod is een van de genodigde sprekers.

  • 13 January 2011, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Joe Halpern

    Date & Time: Thursday 13 January 2011, 16:00
    Speaker: Joe Halpern
    Title: Robustness and Optimization of Scrip Systems
    Location: Room D1.116, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss ().

  • 12 January 2011, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Tom Sterkenburg

    Date & Time: Wednesday 12 January 2011, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Tom Sterkenburg (ILLC)
    Title: The number of K-trivial sets
    Location: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

Calls for Paper

  • 15-16 December 2011, Madrid-Tilburg Workshop: Statistics and Scientific Method I, Madrid, Spain

    Date: 15-16 December 2011
    Location: Madrid, Spain
    Deadline: 20 September 2011

    Scientists spend a lot of time testing a hypothesis, and classifying experimental results as (in)significant evidence. But even after a century of hot debate, there is no consensus on what this concept of significance implies, how the results of hypothesis tests should be interpreted, and which practical pitfalls have to be avoided.

    Our workshop brings together the perspectives of philosophers and methodologists, statisticians and practitioners. Contributions on all aspects of hypothesis testing that relate to the use and interpretation of those tests, and their role for scientific inference, are welcome. The workshop will be focused on debate, with a discussant for each paper, no parallel sessions and active engagement between the participants.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of extended abstracts (up to 1000 words) by 20 September 2011.

  • 15-16 December 2011, COCONAT: Computing Natural Reasoning, Tilburg, The Netherlands

    Date: 15-16 December 2011
    Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 November 2011

    Logic was originally meant to systematize and analyze arguments in natural language. But in the 20th century the main developments in logic focused on mathematics and its foundations. Recently, a number of researchers have focused on logical systems tuned to natural language semantics to reconnect with the older tradition. The logical and conceptual underpinnings of some of these systems remains unclear, although some recent work has begun to address formal foundations.

    The aim of this conference is to contribute to this direction in semantics and to discuss logics, especially proof systems, well-suited for natural language semantics and to explore comparisons between these systems. We also welcome input from the psychology of reasoning and are interested in computer implementations of natural reasoning systems.

    For more information, see

    We solicit talks on relevant topics. There will also be poster sessions, preceded by plenary 'flash' presentations of posters. Talk/poster submission deadline: November 1, 2011

  • 14-15 December 2011, Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Logic, Wellington, New Zealand

    Date: 14-15 December 2011
    Location: Wellington, New Zealand
    Deadline: 1 August 2011

    The annual conference of the Australasian Association of Logic will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 14-15 December 2011. It will be held jointly with the Twelfth Asian Logic Conference (15-20 of December)/

    Invited speakers include Hiroakira Ono and Michael Detlefsen. There will be a Special Session on Modal Logic on 15 December, the second day of the AAL meeting (=first day of the Asian Logic meeting).

    There is a webpage at More information will be added to it as it becomes available.

    Papers on any area of philosophical, mathematical, or computational logic are welcome. The deadline for submissions is 1 August 2011.

  • 5-9 December 2011, Non-classical modal and predicate logics, Guangzhou, China

    Date: 5-9 December 2011
    Location: Guangzhou, China
    Deadline: 1 September 2011

    Modalities and predicates have since ancient time been central notions of logic. In the 20th century, various systems of non-classical logics have emerged, with applications in many disciplines like Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy. This gave rise to the questions of non-classical treatment of quantification and modalities and their accommodation in these non-classical logics. In response, various modal and predicate variants of non-classical logics have been introduced and studied in the past decades.

    Although there are many good conferences on (mainly propositional) non-classical logics, this conference is one solely dedictated to modal and predicate non-classical logics. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from various branches of non-classical logics, not only to present recent advances in their particular fields, but also to identify common problems and methods and foster the exchange of ideas between researchers from separate fields.

    For more information, see or contact

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 1 September 2011

  • 1-2 December 2011, LENLS8: Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, Takamatsu, Japan

    Date: 1-2 December 2011
    Location: Takamatsu, Japan
    Deadline: 31 August 2011

    LENLS is an annual international workshop focusing on formal semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of JSAI isAI 2011, sponsored by The Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI).

    This year's workshop focuses on the theme of "Where is dynamic semantics now?". Flavours of dynamic semantics (world updating, assignment changing, etc.) have been broadly applied to solve problems in linguistics (notably anything related to anaphora) and philosophy (e.g., foundational issues of context, the role of variables) and have prompted the development of a diverse range of frameworks with replicable formal results. However in recent years direct appeals to the dynamic metaphor have been waning, as has the explicit development of novel systems, or even refinements to or mergings of older systems. Has dynamic semantics been so successful in solving its problems that all that remains for discussion are implementational differences among established parameters, or have debates simply shifted to new issues? Either way now seems an apt time to take stock and question where the decades of research have taken us and where we might hope this legacy to send us in the future.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal semantics and pragmatics, and related fields. Abstract submission deadline : August 31, 2011.

  • 10 November 2011, 4th Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS 2011), Osuna, Spain

    Date: 10 November 2011
    Location: Osuna, Spain
    Deadline: 15 July 2011

    There is a growing interdisciplinary community of researchers and research groups working on logical aspects of MAS from the perspectives of logic, artificial intelligence, computer science, game theory, etc. The LAMAS workshop serves the community as a platform for presentation, exchange, and publication of ideas. This year, LAMAS will be held as a part of the 7th Methods for Modalities conference (M4M-7).

    The workshop is intended to cover the following subjects:
    - Logical systems for specification, analysis, and reasoning about MAS
    - Modeling MAS with logic-based models
    - Deductive systems for logics for MAS
    - Development, complexity analysis, and implementation of algorithmic methods for formal verification of MAS
    - Logic-based tools for MAS
    - Applications of logics in MAS.

    For more information, see the LAMAS-2011 webpage at

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2011

  • 9-12 November 2011, 7th workshop Methods for Modalities (M4M-7), Osuna, Spain

    Date: 9-12 November 2011
    Location: Osuna, Spain
    Deadline: 15 July 2011

    The 7th Methods for Modalities workshop will take place in Osuna, Spain. M4M will be preceded by a one-day graduate course on 9 November 2011. M4M aims to bring together researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods and tools based on modal logics. The proceedings will appear as a volume in the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) series.

    Confirmed invited speakers for the workshop are Melving Fitting (CU New York), David Gabelaia (AS Georgia), Andreas Herzig (IRIT Toulouse) and Thomas Schwentick (TU Dortmund).

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit regular papers, system descriptions and/or presentation-only papers. Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2011.

  • 7-10 November 2011, International Conference "History and Philosophy of Computing", Ghent, Belgium

    Date: 7-10 November 2011
    Location: Ghent, Belgium
    Deadline: 15 May 2011

    The computing sciences collect the most diverse complex of experts: philosophers, logicians, historians, mathematicians, computer scientists, programmers, engineers. The number of involved subjects grows accordingly: from foundational issues to their applications; from philosophical questions to problems of realizability and design of specifications; from theoretical studies of computational barriers to the relevance of machines for educational purposes.

    A historical awareness of the evolution of computing not only helps to clarify the complex structure of the computing sciences, but it also provides an insight in what computing was, is and maybe could be in the future. Philosophy, on the other hand, helps to tackle some of the fundamental problems of computing, going from the limits of the 'mathematicizing power of homo sapiens' to the design of feasible and concrete models of interactive processes. The aim of this conference is to bring together these two streams: we are strongly convinced that an interplay between the researchers with an interest in the history and philosophy of computing can crucially add to the maturity of the field.

    For more information, see or contact .

    We plan to have up to 30 contributed papers to be presented at the conference. We welcome contributions from logicians and philosophers or historians of science as well as from philosophically and/or historically aware computer scientists and mathematicians. Deadline for Papers Submission: 15th May 2011.

  • 5-6 November 2011, Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 12), Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.

    Date: 5-6 November 2011
    Location: Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 1 September 2011

    The twelfth annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 12) will be held at Notre Dame the weekend of Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 6th. As usual, the plan is to schedule a full day of talks and discussions for Saturday and a half day for Sunday. Also as usual, there will be a workshop dinner Saturday evening, with all participants invited to attend as guests of the university.

    As part of this year's workshop, there will be a special symposium on "The Nature of Mathematical Reasoning". Featured speakers will include Pr. Lance Rips (Psychology, Northwestern), Pr. Martin Monti (Psychology, UCLA) and Pr. Alan Bundy (Informatics, Edinburgh).

    This year, the workshop will also meet in conjunction with Mic Detlefsen's "Ideals of Proof" (IP) research group sponsored by the ANR in France. In connection with this, there will be two additional special workshops, the first featuring interactions between mathematics and philosophy in the modern era, the second is a more logic oriented workshop.

    Please consult the workshop website ( for links that will take you to the MWPMW 12 pages.

    If you would like to give a talk during the Saturday or Sunday sessions, please email a pdf of your talk or substantial summary to the organizers by September 1st.

  • 25-27 October 2011, Games, Logics and Security (GIPSy 2011), Rennes, France

    Date: 25-27 October 2011
    Location: Rennes, France
    Deadline: 9 October 2011

    Security and privacy problems in computer networks and mobile applications often stem from the interaction between agents of the network (which can be individuals as well as devices or softwares acting autonomously). Modeling the interaction between agents is therefore essential to address security problems appropriately. Game theory and logic are the most prominent frameworks for the formal treatment of interaction. They permit not only to model and represent this interaction between agents, but they also lead to the development of applicable algorithms and decision procedures. In the past two decades, a number of logical frameworks and game-theoretic approaches have been proposed to model and analyze computer networks from the security point of view, sometimes resorting to non-classical logics (such as epistemic or intuitionistic logics).

    The main goal of this workshop is to gather researchers interested in games, logic and security (in a broad sense), and to offer a privileged forum to present their work and exchange ideas on these topics.

    The registration is free but mandatory. Lunches are included in the registration. Deadline for registration: 13th October 2011.

    All important details are available at

    Participants have the opportunity to give short talks (approximately 20 minutes). Selection will be made on the basis of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages. Submission deadline: 9th October 2011.

  • 24 October 2011, Joint Workshop on Knowledge Evolution and Ontology Dynamics (EvoDyn 2011), Bonn, Germany

    Date: Monday 24 October 2011
    Location: Bonn, Germany
    Deadline: 11 July 2011

    EvoDyn builds on the success of the previous editions of the Ontology Dynamics workshop formerly known as IWOD (organised as a part of the ESWC'07, ISWC'08, ISWC'09 and ISWC'10 conferences). EvoDyn continues in the tradition of IWOD in being the core annual event to discuss advances in the broad area of ontology dynamics, and to track recent work directly or indirectly related to the problem of evolving ontologies. This year, however, the scope of the workshop is broadened by a special focus on the knowledge evolution. As ontologies are formal representations of knowledge, the study of their dynamics is an inherent part of investigating the knowledge evolution phenomena, yet it is only one of many relevant aspects this workshop aims to cover in an integral manner.

    In particular, the workshop focuses on analysis of trends and change in formal descriptions (i.e., ontologies), but also in associated raw sources of knowledge (scientific publications, unstructured or semi-structured web content, traditional data stores, e-mail or on-line discussion threads, etc.). We are especially interested in research targeted on various states of knowledge evolution, such as (a) conflicts, (b) consolidation, (c) discovery, (d) paradigm shifts, and (e) breakthroughs. One crucial objective of better understanding these different states may be to study directly the underlying causes and dynamics needed to generate discoveries and breakthroughs. We will only be able to facilitate and possibly also generate such desirable situations if we can understand the process of how knowledge evolves. The process of how knowledge in a field grows and changes, crystallizes, and fractures are all areas of interest of this workshop.

    Further information and relevant updates can be found at the workshop web page:

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. We especially encourage submissions that integrally cover multiple relevant topics. Deadline for the submission of papers: August 15, 2011

  • CfP special issue of JLC on "Intuitionistic Modal Logics"

    Deadline: 31 January 2012

    We are soliciting papers for a special volume of the Journal of Logic and Computation, devoted to Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications. We hope to cover the novel applications presented in the last workshop, but also to include work on constructive modal logics not presented at the workshop.

    Papers (under 20 pages long) should be submitted by 31st January 2012. Reviews should be provided to authors before the end of May 2012 and the volume should be ready in 2012.

    Please contact one of the editors (Valeria de Paiva or  Natasha Alechina ) if you're not sure that your paper is within the scope of this special volume.

  • 17-19 October 2011, 4th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2011), Salerno, Italy

    Date: 17-19 October 2011
    Location: Salerno, Italy
    Deadline: 9 May 2011

    The purpose of SAGT is to bring together researchers from Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Biology and Mathematics to present and discuss original research at the intersection of Algorithms and Game Theory.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the symposium. Submission Deadline is May 9, 2011, 23:59 GMT.

  • 17-21 October 2011, Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA 2011), Nancy, France

    Date: 17-21 October 2011
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 20 June 2011

    CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students. The program of CLA consists of invited plenary talks, regular talks, and poster sessions.

    For more information, see

    We solicit papers in all areas relevant to the theory and applications of FCA. Abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2011.

  • 17-19 October 2011, Computational Linguistics Applications (CLA'11), Jachranka, Poland

    Date: 17-19 October 2011
    Location: Jachranka, Poland
    Deadline: 20 June 2011

    The Computational Linguistics - Applications Conference was established in 2008 as the Workshop for its first three editions in response to the fast-paced progress in the area, to create a dialog between researchers and practitioners involved in Computational Linguistics and related areas of Information Technology.

    Traditionally, computational linguistics was limited to the scientists specialized in the processing of a natural language by computers. Scientific approaches and practical techniques come from linguistics, computer science, psychology, and mathematics. Nowadays, there is a number of practical applications available. These applications are sometimes developed by smart yet NLP-untrained developers who solve the problems using sophisticated heuristics. CLA aims to be a meeting place for both parties in order to share views and ideas. It will help scientist to better understand real world needs and practitioners not to reinvent the wheel. The Conference will focus on practical outcome of modeling human language use and the applications needed to improve human-machine interaction.

    For more information, see

    This call is for papers that present research and practical developments on all aspects of Natural Language Processing used in real-life applications. Deadline for Full paper submission: June 20th, 2011.

  • 10-13 October 2011, Computational Logic with Applications (COLA@EPIA 2011), Lisbon, Portugal

    Date: 10-13 October 2011
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal
    Deadline: 10 May 2011

    The COLA thematic track of EPIA 2011 covers the broad area of Computational Logic and its applications, with special interest on topics related with new formalisms, environments, languages, tools, and applications.

    The development of sophisticated intelligent systems requires more and more sound and appropriate foundations and tools, resulting in new problems and challenges for the computational logic practitioners. Computational logic has been widely used in complex applications in important areas such as the Deductive Databases, Natural Language Processing and Program Analysis, and more recently on the Semantic Web and related Web Tools. These novel applications have exposed the limits of existing approaches, showing the need for research on better languages and more sophisticated implementations of reasoning systems.

    For more information, see or contact

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for paper submission: May 10, 2011

  • 10-13 October 2011, 3rd International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-III), Guangzhou, China

    Date: 10-13 October 2011
    Location: Guangzhou, China
    Deadline: 1 June 2011

    The First International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-I) took place in Beijing in August 2007, with participation by researchers from artificial intelligence, game theory, linguistics, logic, philosophy, and cognitive science. The workshop led to great advances in mutual understanding, both academically and culturally, between Chinese and foreign logicians. Due to the success of LORI-I, we have decided to continue organizing LORI at various places in China and possibly other countries in Asia and the Pacific Area in the future.

    The Third International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-III) will take place in Guangzhou, China, during October 10-13, 2011. The Workshop will feature a distinguished roster of invited speakers, refereed contributed papers, poster and tutorials sessions for students, as well as cultural events and excursions.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of contributed paper bearing on any of the broad themes of the LORI workshop series, including knowledge acquisition, use, and management, information exchange, rational action, and rational interaction. Submission deadline: Wednesday 1 June 2011

  • 3-4 October 2011, Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence (PT-AI 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece

    Date: 3-4 October 2011
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
    Deadline: 8 August 2011

    The theory and philosophy of artificial intelligence has come to a crucial point where the agenda for the forthcoming years is in the air. This conference intends to set the foundations for an international association "PT-AI" that will further work in the field, organize events, etc. We welcome experts in the field from philosophy and from AI as well as new and upcoming scholars who will shape the field in the decades to come.

    Invited Keynote Speakers: Hubert Dreyfus (Berkeley), James H. Moor (Dartmouth), Rolf Pfeifer (Zurich) and Michael Wheeler (Stirling).

    For more information, see

    We call for abstracts of papers on any aspect of the philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence. Deadline: 08.08.2011.

  • 29-30 September 2011, 1st Pittsburgh-Tilburg workshop on "Formal Epistemology meets Experimental Philosophy" (FEMEP 2011), Tilburg, The Netherlands

    Date: 29-30 September 2011
    Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 May 2011

    Over the years, the methodological toolbox of philosophers of science has widened considerably. Today, formal and experimental methods importantly complement more traditional methods such as conceptual analysis and case studies. So far, however, there has not been much interaction between the corresponding communities. The working assumption of this workshop is that philosophy of science can gain a lot from combining formal and experimental studies.

    This workshop aims to explore the relation between formal and experimental approaches to the philosophy of science. We invite meta-theoretical papers, but especially papers that fruitfully combine both methods to problems from the philosophy of science. This first Pittsburgh-Tilburg workshop will pay special attention to the philosophy of the social sciences, but a focus on other subfields of philosophy of science is also welcome.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of both a short abstract (max. 100 words) and an extended abstract (1000-1500 words) by 1 May 2011.

  • 26-30 September 2011, The Seventh International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Context (CONTEXT'11), Karlsruhe, Germany

    Date: 26-30 September 2011
    Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
    Deadline: 8 May 2011

    CONTEXT'11 will provide a forum for presenting and discussing high-quality research and applications on context. The conference will include paper, poster, and video presentations, system demonstrations, workshops, and a doctoral consortium. The conference invites researchers and practitioners to share insights and cutting-edge results from the wide range of disciplines concerned with context, including: the Cognitive Sciences (Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy, Computer Science, Neuroscience), the Social Sciences and Organizational Sciences, and all application areas, including Medicine and Law.

    The motto of the CONTEXT'11 special track "Commercialising Context" was chosen to reflect both the fact that context research has found numerous successful applications in recent years and the fact that context itself has become a product that can be sold. Context-aware services can support their users unobtrusively and offer promising revenues. However, when context is no longer something private but processed and shared through the web, profound questions are raised about privacy and the general consequences of the technology. Yet, the new context-aware services can also be a scientific tool for context-research itself.

    For more information, see or contact .

    CONTEXT welcomes original, high-quality research contributions that advance the state of the art in their field. Works that transcend disciplinary boundaries are especially encouraged. Submissions may be for full papers, poster abstracts, videos with a video abstract, or demonstration abstracts. Deadline for submissions: May 8, 2011.

  • 26-30 September 2011, Workshop on Logic, Information and Agency, Kutaisi, Georgia

    Date: September 26-30, 2011
    Location: Kutaisi, Georgia
    Deadline: 15 June 2011

    A workshop will be held on Logic, Information, and Agency, as a special session of the Ninth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation. The workshop will feature talks on applying formal logical methods in a broad sense (including non-classical and modal logics, epistemic game theory, algebraic and categorical logic, probabilistic approaches etc) to reasoning about information and agency.

    Topics of interest include:
    Modal Logics for Agency
    Reasoning about higher-order knowledge or beliefs in Multi-agent Systems
    Logics for Information Updates (learning, belief revision, theory change, conditioning etc.)
    Logical approaches to strategies, preferences and rationality in Epistemic Game Theory
    Logics for reasoning about protocols, planning and intentions.

    For more information, see

    We ask for submissions for Contributed Workshop Talks on any of the aforementioned topics. Please submit your abstract (max. 2 pages) by 15 June 2011.

  • 26 September - 1 October 2011, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE4), Bochum, Germany

    Date: 26 September - 1 October 2011
    Location: Bochum, Germany
    Deadline: 15 June 2011

    It is with great pleasure that we announce the upcoming Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 4 conference. The conference will feature expert tutorials, symposia, roundtables, and a colloquium on the following topics: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Quotation, The Semantics of Action Sentences, and The Semantics and Epistemology of Mental State Ascriptions.

    The purpose of the SPE workshops is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers and to provide a new forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the related areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, logic, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, epistemology) . SPE takes place annually in different European cities. The previous meetings took place in Paris (SPE1, 2008), London (SPE2, 2009), and Paris (SPE3, 2010).

    For more information, see or contact .

    Submissions of abstracts (650 words including references) are invited for 30 min talks or poster presentations on each of the three topics of the conference. Submissions will be accepted via the conference website until 15 June, 2011.

  • 26-28 September 2011, Third Paris-Nancy Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (P-NPMW 3), Nancy, France

    Date: 26-28 September 2011
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 30 July 2011

    This is the third in an annual series of workshops on the philosophy of mathematics organized by a team of scholars from Paris, Nancy and elsewhere. The three-day meeting will feature both invited and contributed talks.

    For more information, see here.

    The program will include six contributed talks. Submissions of full-text papers in any topic in the philosophy of mathematics are welcome. The languages of the workshop are English and French. The deadline for submission is July 30th.

  • 25-30 September 2011, 2nd Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking (COMPUTATION TOOLS 2011), Rome, Italy

    Date: 25-30 September 2011
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Deadline: 1 May 2011

    The advent of advanced computing embracing various forms of computational intelligence, large-scale strategies, and technology-oriented approaches relays on fundamental achievements in systems and feature specification, domain-oriented programming and deployment platforms and benchmarking.

    COMPUTING TOOLS 2011 continues an event under the umbrella of ComputationWorld 2011 dealing with logics, algebras, advanced computation techniques, specialized programming languages, and tools for distributed computation. Mainly, the event targets those aspects supporting context-oriented systems, adaptive systems, service computing, patterns and content-oriented features, temporal and ubiquitous aspects, and many facets of computational benchmarking.

    For more information, see

    We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the conference topics, short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. We also welcome short and long industrial presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. Submission deadline: May 1, 2011.

  • 20-21 September 2011, Conference: "Understanding Other Minds: Embodied Interaction and Higher-Order Reasoning", Bochum, Germany

    Date: 20-21 September 2011
    Location: Bochum, Germany
    Deadline: 1 August 2011

    A cooperation between the BMBF project OTHER MINDS (Bochum/Cologne) & Mindlab and Gnosis Research Center (Aarhus).

    Contact and Registration: . Website:

    We invite poster submissions on mindreading and interaction, mindreading and psychopathology, mindreading and emotions, as well as mindreading and models from all disciplines. Please submit an abstract (approx. 200 words) by August 1, 2011.

  • 31 August - 3 September 2011, Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on
    Games for Design and Verification (GAMES 2011), Paris, France

    Date: 31 August - 3 September 2011
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 20 June 2011

    The ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification is a European Network pursuing research and training on the design and verification of computing systems, in a framework that is based on the interplay of finite and infinite games, mathematical logic, and automata theory. GAMES is the annual workshop of the Network. This year's GAMES workshop will be held in Paris on the Rive-Gauche site of Université Paris Diderot.

    The scope of the workshop includes the mathematical and algorithmic analysis of finite and infinite games, the interplay of games with automata theory and logic, and applications of games, automata, and logic for the design and verification of computing systems. As in previous years, GAMES 2011 will be an informal workshop, without proceedings. Its programme consists of five invited tutorials, contributed talks (30 min) and short presentations (15 min).

    For more information, see

    Contributed talks and short presentations will be selected by the programme committee on the basis of submitted abstracts. Deadline for submissions: Monday 20 June 2011.

  • 12-15 September 2011, 20th Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2011), Bergen, Norway

    Date: 12-15 September 2011
    Location: Bergen, Norway
    Deadline: 27 March 2011

    Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. The Ackermann Award for 2011 will be presented to the recipients at CSL 2011.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers of not more than 15 pages presenting work not previously published. Submission deadline for abstracts is 27 March 2011. Proposals for satellite workshops on more specialized topics are also welcome.

  • 12-14 September 2011, Eighteenth International Symposium on
    Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2011), Luebeck, Germany

    Date: 12-14 September 2011
    Location: Luebeck, Germany
    Deadline: 13 April 2011

    The TIME symposium series is a well-established annual event that brings together researchers from all areas of computer science that involve temporal representation and reasoning. This includes, but is not limited to, artificial intelligence, temporal databases, and the verification of software and hardware systems. In addition to fostering interdisciplinarity, the TIME symposia emphasize bridging the gap between theoretical and applied research. This year, TIME will feature a special track on interval temporal logics.

    The conference will span three days, and will be organized as a combination of technical paper presentations, keynote lectures, and tutorials. Additionally, the organizers have made arrangements to facilitate the running of one day workshops on September 11 and September 15.

    For more information, see or contact .

    Submissions of high quality papers describing research results are solicited. Abstract submission deadline is 13.04.2011.

  • 8-11 September 2011, The 18th Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2011), Bergen, Norway

    Date: 8-11 September 2011
    Location: Bergen, Norway
    Deadline: 19 June 2011

    The Types Meeting is a forum to present new and on-going work in all aspects of type theory and its applications, especially in formalized and computer assisted reasoning and computer programming. It will be held in conjunction with CSL 2011 which takes place in Bergen September 12 - 15.

    For more information, see

    We encourage all researchers to contribute talks on subjects related to the Types area of interest. The talks may be based on newly published papers, work submitted for publication, but also work-in-progress. There are no formal pre-proceedings. Deadline for abstracts: June 19.

  • 6-8 September 2011, Belief and Doubt in David Hume, Prague, Czech Republic

    Date: 6-8 September 2011
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 28 February 2011

    This conference will be an international one, bringing together scholars from Europe and North America to mark the 300th anniversary of Hume’s birth. It will be the first conference devoted to Hume’s work to be held in the Czech Republic. The central topic will be Hume’s epistemology, including his views on belief, evidence, induction, probability, testimony, natural theology and scepticism, as well as the epistemological questions surrounding his account of the self and of causation. The proceedings will last for three days, from September 6th to 8th (Tuesday to Thursday), 2011.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers Deadline for submissions: February 28, 2011.

  • 6-8 September 2011, 12th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL 12), Nara, Japan

    Date: 6-8 September 2011
    Location: Nara, Japan
    Deadline: 2 April 2011

    MOL 12 is the 12th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, to be held in Nara, Japan, from September 6 through 8, 2011. MOL meetings are organized biennially by the Association for Mathematics of Language, which is a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics. The venue of this year's meeting is the first outside of Europe and the U.S.

    Invited Speakers are Kit Fine (New York University) and Andreas Maletti (Universität Stuttgart).

    For more information, see the MOL 12 web site at

    The programme committee invites submissions of original, unpublished papers suitable for 30-minute presentations. Deadline for submission: April 2nd, 2011.

  • 4 September 2011, Workshop "Numerical Cognition and Mathematical Ontology" (Workshop at ECAP-7), Milan, Italy

    Date: 4 September 2011
    Location: Milan, Italy
    Deadline: 10 March 2011

    Philosophy of mathematics has proved to be one of the most lively areas of philosophy in recent times, and numerical cognition has proved the same with respect to cognitive science. Many traditional issues in the philosophy of mathematics, concerning both our understanding of the concept of number and our conception of mathematical objects, has been seen in a new light under the pressure of the development of cognitive studies. Often, however, we are faced with the stark opposition between those who believe that cognitive results tell us all there is to say about mathematics, pace most traditional philosophical concerns, and those who deny that cognitive aspects of mathematical thinking, however interesting they may be on their own, can foster any progress in the solution of as yet theoretically unavoidable philosophical issues.

    Many, however, feel the urge of filling the gap, one way or the other. Major and interrelated issues are indeed at stake. This workshop aims at bringing together scholars on both sides of the divide, and to offer the opportunity to young researchers of discussing works at the interplay between cognitive science and the philosophy of mathematics.

    The workshop Numerical Cognition and Mathematical Ontology is one of the Workshop associated to the Seventh Conference in Analytic Philosophy (ECAP7).

    For more information, see the workshop website at or the conference website at

    We invite submission for the ECAP7 Workshop on Numerical Cognition and Mathematical Ontology. Deadline for submission: March 10th, 2011.

  • 31 August - 2 September 2011, International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2011), Johannesburg, South Africa

    Date: 31 August - 2 September 2011
    Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
    Deadline: 15 March 2011

    ICTAC 2011 is the 8th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, the latest in a series founded by the International Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University (UNU-IIST). ICTAC 2011 will bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research and to exchange ideas and experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of computing and in the exploitation of theory through methods and tools for system development. The other main purpose is to promote cooperation in research and education between participants and their institutions, from developing and industrial countries, as in the mandate of the United Nations University.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Paper abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2011

  • 22 August 2011, Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN@WI-IAT'11), Lyon, France

    Date: 22 August 2011
    Location: Lyon, France
    Deadline: 1 April 2011

    Coordination, organizations, institutions and norms are four key governance elements for the regulation of open multi-agent systems, and the COIN workshop creates a space for lively debate and exploration of these four elements that are central to the design and deployment of open systems. Furthermore, in the last three years there has been much interest from the Service Engineering community to adopt agent-based coordination and organisational approaches in order to bring flexibility and adaptiveness to new generations of Service-Oriented applications. Thus the workshop topics are also very relevant to the broader Service Engineering and Semantic Web communities.

    For more information, see

    We seek to attract high-quality papers addressing mathematical, logical, computational and pragmatic aspects of the workshop themes, including reports on experiences with agent-oriented systems that have been adapted for service-oriented environments. Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2011

  • CfP: "Choice and Inference", Honoring Horacio Arló-Costa

    Deadline: 1 February 2012

    We have all been shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Horacio Arló-Costa. To honor Horacio Arló-Costa's memory and influence on all of us in the community, Jeffrey Helzner, Vincent F. Hendricks, Paul Pedersen and Gregory Wheeler will be editing a book with essays on his philosophy, his intellectual biography, his official obituary, words of remembrance from his friends and colleagues, his unpublished manuscripts and notes, and other relevant communications from or about Horacio.

    If you have words of remembrance, please feel welcome to post them at Choice and Inference under the entry In Memory of Horacio Arló-Costa, as we will, with your permission, use your words of remembrance for the volume. Please send all other material (correspondences, notes, etc.) to any one of the editors by email.

    Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2012. For more information, see

  • 8-12 August 2011, ESSLLI-2011 workshop 'Proper Use of Quantification in Ordinary Language' (PUQOL), Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Date: 8-12 August 2011
    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Deadline: 15 February 2011

    In Generalized Quantifier Theory (GQT) and Discourse Representation Theory (DRT), many quantifiers are semantically identical to one another: most and more than half; at least three, more than two and three; and about 100 and some 100. Even when there is no identity, the meanings of quantifiers overlap, and many quantifiers could be used truthfully to describe the same situation. Nevertheless, the choice of a specific quantifier by a speaker has semantic and pragmatic consequences, and listeners are sensitive to the subtleties of a speaker's choice. The goal of a theory of quantifier use is an account of how speakers choose one of the many true quantifiers and how listeners interpret a speaker's choice. The PUQOL workshop aims to bring together current research within semantics, logic, pragmatics, and cognitive science that addresses quantifier use within the perspective of model theoretic semantics and pragmatics.

    PUQOL will take place as part of the 23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2011).

    For more information, see

    Abstracts are invited for 30-minute talks (including discussion) on any topic relating to the theme of quantifier use. Submission deadline: February 15, 2011

  • 31 July - 5 August 2011, The 23rd International Conference on Automated Deduction, Wroclaw, Poland

    Date: 31 July - 5 August 2011
    Location: Wroclaw, Poland
    Deadline: 1 February 2011

    CADE-23 is the 23rd International Conference on Automated Deduction, the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects of automated deduction.

    Topics of interest range from theoretical foundations to high-performance implementations in a wide variety of logics and logical theories, methods, and applications.

    For more information, see

    We invite high-quality submissions on the general topic of automated deduction Submission Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2011.

  • CfP special issue of Studia Logica on "Logic and Games"

    Deadline: 15 September 2011

    Formal logic and game theory can meet in many ways. While the use of games-for-logic, e.g., to define semantics of quantifiers or to compare logical models, goes back a long time, logic-for-games is a more recent and currently very active research direction which has been precipitated by the introduction of the notion of (multi-)agency in logic. If agents are assumed to be self-interested and to act rationally, then reasoning about action in a multi-agent setting requires reasoning about game theoretic concepts. Furthermore, logics capturing, e.g., the principles of action, belief, knowledge, time, preference and so on, can help explaining the foundations of game theoretic solutions, algorithms, etc.

    The goal of the special issue of Studia Logica on Logic and Games is to illustrate current trends and present recent advances in this field. We invite submissions on all topics in the intersection between formal logic and game theory. The special issue will contain contributions from the following invited authors, in addition to selected submitted contributions: Johan van Benthem (UvA/Stanford), Rohit Parikh (New York), Michael Wooldridge (Liverpool).

    Submission deadline: 15 August 2011 For more details, see

  • 26-30 July 2011, Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL 2011), Universités Aix-Marseille I-II-III, France

    Date: 26-30 July 2011
    Location: Universités Aix-Marseille I-II-III, France
    Costs: TBA
    Deadline: 18 April 2011

    Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active branch of mathematical logic. The area is characterized by results, tools and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The program of the conference TACL 2011 will focus on three interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and topological methods. This is the fifth conference in the series Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).

    Registration deadline: Friday 1 July 2011. For more information, see

    Contributed talks can deal with any topic dealing with the use of algebraic, categorical or topological methods in either logic or computer science. Deadline for abstracts: 18 April 2011.

  • 20 July 2011, Workshop "Optimality Theory as a General Cognitive Architecture", Boston, Massachusetts

    Date: Wednesday 20 July 2011
    Location: Boston, Massachusetts
    Deadline: 20 May 2011

    Optimality Theory has been a very popular approach to linguistic phenomena, but how does it relate to (higher) cognition in general? Twenty-five years after the publication of Harmony Theory (Smolensky, 1986), and five years after The Harmonic Mind (Smolensky and Legendre, 2006), this half-day workshop at the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society offers an opportunity to discuss the place of OT (and HG, and the ICS Architecture) within the cognitive sciences at large, as well as applications of OT to domains beyond linguistics.

    For more information see

    Deadline for poster submissions: May 20, 2011.
  • 20 July 2011, Workshop on Computational Models for Spatial Languages (CoSLI 2011), Boston MA, U.S.A.

    Date: 20 July 2011
    Location: Boston MA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 20 June 2011

    The main objective of the CoSLI-2 workshop is to foster computational formalisms and approaches for interpreting or generating spatial language that take into account cognitive, functional, or embodiment criteria in modeling. In particular, this year's workshop theme is "Function in Spatial Language: From evidence to execution". CoSLI 2011 is held in conjunction with CogSci 2011.

    For more information, see

    We cordially invite you to submit extended abstracts that aim to address the issues of modeling function or pragmatic features in spatial language interpretation or generation or that address the issue of symbolic and embodied spatial language interpretation and generation in general. Abstracts may present novel ideas or work in progress on processing spatial language. Deadline for Extended Abstract (2 pages): 20 June 2011.

  • 19-22 July 2011, 22nd International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI-11), Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 19-22 July 2011
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 19 January 2011

    The theme of IJCAI-11 is ''Integrated and Embedded Artificial Intelligence'' (IEAI) with a focus on artificial intelligence that crosses discipline boundaries within AI, and between AI and other disciplines. Building systems often requires techniques from more than one area (e.g. both machine learning and natural language processing, or both planning and preference representation). In addition, larger systems often have AI components embedded within that provide intelligent functionalities such as learning and reasoning. The conference will include a special track dedicated to such work.

    For further information please visit the conference web site:

    The IJCAI-11 Program Committee invites submissions of technical papers for IJCAI-11, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, July 19-22, 2011. Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of artificial intelligence. Abstract submission deadline: Jan 19, 2011 (11:59PM, UTC-12).

  • 19-26 July 2011, 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), Nancy, France

    Date: 19-26 July 2011
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 31 January 2011

    Starting from 1960 the International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science has been held every four years in capital cities and/or by famous university centers. The congress is meant to reflect the current state of the art in Logic and Philosophy of Science and also to draw upon and present new perspectives.

    A novelty of the Nancy Congress is that it has adopted a topic of special focus: "Logic and science facing new technologies". This presents the opportunity for casting a strong light on an issue of major importance today, namely: the integration of contemporary technologies in sciences and in society. Questions surrounding this issue are likely to interest the scientific community, as well as a variety of social actors and various partners involved in the congress.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invites both contributed papers and proposals for symposia. Submission deadline (extended): 31 January 2011

  • 18-20 July 2011, 7th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING7), Paris, France

    Date: 18-20 July 2011
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 31 March 2011

    SING 7 is the seventh in the series of Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meetings on Game Theory, and the first one organized in France. Presentations will focus on new research directions in Game Theory. The meeting provides an avenue where new research collaborations can be forged.

    All information can be found on Participants have to register, submit abstract, and pay registration fees through this web site. For inquiries, please send a message to .

    Contributions from all over the world are invited and solicited. The meeting is set out to attract specialists with different backgrounds and interests covering all aspects of Game Theory, its applications, and its practice. Abstract submission deadline is March 31, 2011.

  • 17-18 July 2011, 12th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XII), Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 17-18 July 2011
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 4 April 2011

    The purpose of the CLIMA Workshop Series is to provide a forum for discussing techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming and reasoning about agents and multi-agent systems in a formal way.

    The 12th CLIMA will be affiliated with IJCAI'11 and will take place in Barcelona, Spain, on the 17th and 18th of July 2011. In addition to CLIMA's regular topics and sessions, this edition will feature two special sessions, on 'Norms and Normative Multi-Agent Systems' and 'Logics for Games and Social Choice'.

    Detailed information regarding CLIMA, its topics of interest, the two Special Sessions, formatting and submission instructions is available at

    We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers for both the regular workshop topics and the special sessions. Submission deadline: April 4th (Abstracts) / April 8th (Papers).

  • 17-18 July 2011, 9th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC 2011), Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 17-18 July 2011
    Location: Barcelona, Spain
    Deadline: 8 April 2011

    The biennial Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC) is an established workshop with an active and loyal community. Since its inception in 1995, it has always been held in conjunction with IJCAI, each time with growing success.

    NRAC is a well-established forum for researchers interested in sharing their experiences in work in the areas of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Reasoning about Action, and Belief Revision. An intelligent agent exploring a rich, dynamic world, needs cognitive capabilities in addition to basic functionalities for perception and reaction. The abilities to reason nonmonotonically, to reason about actions, and to change one's beliefs, have been identified as fundamental high-level cognitive functions necessary for common sense. Researchers should be aware of advances in all three fields since often advances in one field can be translated into advances in another. Many deep relationships have already been established between the three areas and the primary aim of this workshop is to further promote this cross-fertilization.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions of research papers for presentation at NRAC 2011 edition. Submission deadline (extended): April 8, 2011.

  • 13-15 July 2011, 13th International Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop, Leipzig, Germany

    Date: 13-15 July 2011
    Location: Leipzig, Germany
    Deadline: 7 February 2011

    RPPW13 will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. This event continues the tradition of workshops catering for those engaged in the scientific study of rhythm perception and production. The three-day workshop will include invited spoken presentations and posters. Spoken presentations will be held in a single stream, and posters will be displayed during two poster sessions. As with past RPPWs, the number of participants will be limited in order to facilitate lively interaction and discussion. We plan to have around 80 presenters (30 spoken presentations and 40-50 posters).

    Previous meetings have been held in France, Ireland, Belgium, England, the Netherlands, and Germany. The last workshop to be held in Germany took place at Ohlstadt in 1996. We are delighted to welcome the RPPW community to Leipzig in 2011.

    For more information, see

    Abstract submission will be open until February 7, 2011.
  • 11-16 July 2011, Logic Colloquium 2011, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

    Date: 11-16 July 2011
    Location: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
    Deadline: 28 March 2011

    Logic Colloquium 2011, organized under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic, will be held in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, on July 11-16, 2011.

    For more information, see or contact .

    Abstracts of contributed talks should be received before the deadline of March 28, 2011 at .

  • 11-15 July 2011, 13th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XIII), Groningen, the Netherlands

    Date: 11-15 July 2011
    Location: Groningen, the Netherlands
    Costs: € 125-375
    Deadline: 10 March 2011

    The mission of the TARK conferences is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game Theory, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology, in order to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge.

    This year's invited speakers are Johan van Benthem, Yossi Feinberg, Ithzak Gilboa and Larry Moss. Two full-day workshops (included in the registration fee) will precede and follow the conference: "Reasoning about other minds: logical and cognitive perspectives" and "Quantum physics meets TARK".

    Early registration deadline: May 31, 2011. For registration, a list of accepted papers and a schedule, see the TARK website at For more information, see the website or contact .

    Submissions are now invited to TARK-XIII. Important Dates:
    Submission of Abstracts: March 10th, 2011
    Notification of Authors: April 29th, 2011
    Camera Ready Copy of Accepted Papers due: May 20th, 2011

  • 11 July 2011, Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives, Groningen, the Netherlands

    Date: Monday 11 July 2011
    Location: Groningen, the Netherlands
    Deadline: 4 May 2011

    This workshop aims to shed light on models of social reasoning that take into account realistic resource bounds. People reason about other people's mental states in order to understand and predict the others' behavior. This capability to reason about others' knowledge, beliefs and intentions is often referred to as 'theory of mind'. Idealized rational agents are capable of recursion in their social reasoning, and can reason about phenomena like common knowledge. Such idealized social reasoning has been modeled by modal logics such as epistemic logic and BDI (belief, goal, intention) logics and by epistemic game theory. However, in real-world situations, many people seem to lose track of such recursive social reasoning after only a few levels.

    The workshop provides a forum for researchers that attempt to analyze, understand and model how resource-bounded agents reason about other minds.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Please send your submission by Wednesday May 4, 2011.

  • 7-9 July 2011, 5th Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL2011), Maastricht University, The Netherlands

    Date: 7-9 July 2011
    Location: Maastricht University, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 18 April 2011

    Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 and aims at fostering interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic and philosophy. This year's workshop, the fifth in the series, will take place at the Department of Quantitative Economics at the University of Maastricht, in July 2011.

    For more information, see

    Each DGL features presentations by researchers. We invite submissions in the fields of decision theory, game theory, logic and formal philosophy. Deadline for submission (extended): April 25, 2010.

  • 4-8 July July 2011, Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2011), Bern, Switzerland

    Date: 4-8 July July 2011
    Location: Bern, Switzerland
    Deadline: 24 January 2011

    This conference is the 20th in a series of international meetings on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods.

    Tableau methods are a convenient formalism for automating deduction in various non-standard logics as well as in classical logic. Areas of application include verification of software and computer systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required inference engines, and system diagnosis. The conference brings together researchers interested in all aspects - theoretical foundations, implementation techniques, systems development and applications - of the mechanization of reasoning with tableaux and related methods.

    See for more information on TABLEAUX2011, and for information about the TABLEAUX conference series.

    Submissions are invited for research papers, system descriptions and position papers, as well as workshops and tuturials. Deadline for submissions: 10 January 2011 (workshop/tuturial proposals) and 24 January 2011 (paper abstracts).

  • 4-6 July 2011, First International Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP 2011), Aarhus, Denmark

    Date: 4-6 July 2011
    Location: Aarhus, Denmark
    Deadline: 15 February 2011

    The conference theme is "The Computational Turn: Past, Presents, Futures?" In part, the phrase "the computational turn" refers to the multiple ways in which the increasing availability and usability of computers allowed philosophers to explore a range of traditional philosophical interests in new ways, often shedding significant new light on traditional issues and arguments. Simultaneously, computer scientists, mathematicians, and others whose work focused on computation and computational devices often found their work to evoke (if not force) reflection and debate precisely on the philosophical assumptions and potential implications of their research. These two large streams of development inspired what became the first of the Computing and Philosophy (CAP) conferences in 1986 (devoted to Computer-Assisted Instruction in philosophy). Since 1986, CAP conferences have grown in scope and range, to include a bewildering array of intersections between computation and philosophy as explored across a global range of cultures and traditions.

    For more information, see and

    In keeping with what has now become a significant tradition, IACAP'11 invites presentations across this array and range. At the same time, in order to recognize and celebrate the 25th anniversary of the CAP conferences, we specifically encourage submissions that include attention to the past, present(s), and possible future(s) of their foci as expressions of this computational turn. Submissions are due February 15, 2011.

  • 4-8 July 2011, 8th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, Ioannina, Greece

    Date: 4-8 July 2011
    Location: Ioannina, Greece
    Deadline: 25 March 2011

    The Panhellenic Logic Symposium, a biennial scientific event established in 1997, aims to promote interaction and cross-fertilization among different areas of logic. Originally conceived as a way of bringing together the many logicians of Hellenic descent throughout the world, it has evolved into an international forum for the communication of state-of-the-art advances in logic. The symposium is open to researchers worldwide who work in logic broadly conceived. The Eighth Panhellenic Logic Symposium will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Ioannina.

    The scientific program of the symposium will consist of one-hour long invited talks, three-hour long tutorials, and twenty-five-minute presentations of accepted contributed papers. There will also be special opportunities for students to give short talks, and receive comments on work in progress.

    For more information, see the conference website at

    Original papers that fall within the scope of the symposium are solicited. Prospective speakers of twenty-five-minute presentations are invited to submit an extended abstract, in English, not exceeding five pages, by 25 March 2011.

  • 3-8 July 2011, Third European Set Theory Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Date: 3-8 July 2011
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
    Deadline: 27 March 2011

    Set Theory as was quickly recognized by David Hilbert more than 100 years ago, plays a fundamental foundational role in the intellectual underpinning of pure mathematics. Cantor's work on cardinality and wellorderings was seen to establish several basic areas of research whose threads we discern today and indeed will be emphasized in this conference: on the arithmetic of cardinal numbers themselves, and on the `descriptive set theory' that seeks to analyse the logical complexity of sets definable within mathematical language. Cantor's work derived from his study of trigonometric series, and modern set theory goes back to classical analysis as well as to modern Banach space theory, abstract algebra, ergodic theory, and dynamical systems to find fruitful applications.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Closing date for applications: 27 March 2011

  • 29 June - 1 July 2011, Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2011), Montpellier, France

    Date: 29 June - 1 July 2011
    Location: Montpellier, France
    Deadline: 6 February 2011

    LACL'2011 is the 6th edition of a series of international conferences on logical and formal methods in computational linguistics. It addresses in particular the use of type theoretic, proof theoretic and model theoretic methods for describing natural language syntax and semantics, as well as the implementation of natural language processing software relying on such models. It will be held at the LIRMM, Montpellier, France. It will be co-located with TALN, the conference of the French association for NLP (ATALA).

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Paper submission deadline: February 6th 2011.

  • 28 June - 1 July 2011, IEA/AIE 2011 special session on modeling and support of cognitive and affective human processes, Syracuse NY, U.S.A.

    Date: 28 June - 1 July 2011
    Location: Syracuse NY, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 17 December 2010

    To support humans in demanding circumstances it is often required that an intelligent system application has some form of human-awareness. This means that the system has a form of intelligence that enables it to analyze and tune itself to the human's cognitive and affective states and processes, such as attention, level of stress, or exhaustion. To design such intelligent applications in the first place the system needs knowledge of the relevant human processes, and possesses methods to use this knowledge to become human-aware: to estimate and analyze the human's states and processes. Furthermore, based on such human-awareness the system is able to tune its actions and interactions with the human.

    In this track we are looking for research papers that explore building blocks or full applications for such intelligent systems. All kinds of aspects of cognitive and affective human processes in all areas of life and/or work may be relevant. For example, the papers can address the analysis and modeling of such human processes, or models, architecture, or interfaces to support human cognitive and/or affective processes. Hereby, the (intended) application system does not necessarily need to incorporate an explicit model of human processes, but can also be based on heuristics developed by using formalized models of human functioning.

    For more information, see or contact the session organizers via .

    Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper, presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant for the special session. Submissions due: December 17, 2010.

  • 25 June 2011, Twelfth International Workshop on Logic and Computational
    Complexity (LCC'11), Toronto ON, Canada

    Date: 25 June 2011
    Location: Toronto ON, Canada
    Deadline: 20 April 2011

    LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between logic and computational complexity, as present, for example, in implicit computational complexity, deductive formalisms as they relate to complexity, complexity aspects of finite model theory and databases, complexity-mindful program derivation and verification, computational complexity at higher type, and proof complexity.

    LCC'11 will be held as an affiliated meeting of LiCS'11. The LCC'11 program will consist of invited lectures as well as contributed papers selected by the program committee.

    For additional information see or contact or .

    This year there will be no published proceedings, and we welcome informal presentations about work in progress, survey papers, as well as work submitted or published elsewhere. Paper submission deadline is 20 April.

  • 24-26 June 2011, Episteme Conference, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 24-26 June 2011
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 15 February 2011

    The 2011 EPISTEME conference will focus on the intersection of formal and social epistemology. The use of formal models in social epistemology is not a new development. Many philosophers have modeled concepts and ideas in social epistemology by using formal tools of various types (e.g., game theory, Bayesian decision theory, the theory of judgment aggregation, the recently developed theory of networks, multi-agent epistemic logic, social choice theory, etc.). This conference intends to explore the many fertile relations between various branches of formal epistemology and many sub-areas of contemporary social epistemology.

    The 2011 EPISTEME conference will be hosted by the Center for Formal Epistemology in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. The topic of the conference is: "Social Epistemology meets Formal Epistemology: Recent developments and new trends"

    For more information, see

    There will be a number of open sessions as part of this conference, and the organizers would like to invite submissions. Papers addressing any aspect of the conference theme, broadly conceived, are welcome. Submissions from graduate students are also welcome. The deadline for submissions is February 15th 2011.

  • 21-24 June 2011, Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2011), Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Date: 21-24 June 2011
    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Deadline: 12 April 2011

    The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic broadly construed. LICS 2011 will be held at the Fields Institute on the campus of the University of Toronto. Invited speakers include Naoki Kobayashi, Andrei Krokhin, Toniann Pitassi and Ashish Tiwari.

    For more information, see

    Following a now established tradition, there will be a short talk session during LICS 2011. Submission Deadline: 12 April 2011.
  • 20 - 24 June 2011, Logica 2011, Hejnice, Czech Republic

    Date: 20 - 24 June 2011
    Location: Hejnice, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 28 February 2011

    Logica 2011 is the 25th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic. Invited speakers are Edwin Mares, Pavel Materna, Krister Segerberg, and Gila Sher.

    Contributions devoted to any of the wide range of logical problems are welcome except those focused on specialized technical applications. Particularly welcome are contributions that cover issues interesting both for 'philosophically' and for 'mathematically' oriented logicians. Deadline for submissions is 28 February 2011.

    For more information, see

  • 16-18 June 2011, "Another world is possible": conference on David Lewis, Urbino, Italy

    Date: 16-18 June 2011
    Location: Urbino, Italy
    Deadline: 1 March 2011

    The impact of David Lewis on contemporary philosophy is still tangible, ten years after his premature departure. The conference intends to discuss Lewis' long-lasting contribution in the fields of logic and metaphysics, with particular focus on the nature of modality, his views on possible worlds, counterfactuals, causation, and convention. We also wish to provide a setting for young philosophers and logicians to present topics related to Lewis' philosophy and discuss the state of art of his legacy in the contemporary philosophical debate.

    For further information and for the conference program, please contact or visit the website at

    The Organizing Committee invites all scholars working in Lewisian philosophy to submit an abstract. Submissions must be sent by email attachment to the Organising Committee by March 1, 2011.

  • 15-17 June 2011, 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2011), Paris, France

    Date: 15-17 June 2011
    Location: Paris, France
    Deadline: 21 January 2011

    The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2011) will take place on June 15-17, 2011 at IRCAM, the Institute for Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music in Paris, France. MCM 2011 will be integrated into IRCAM's most important artistic event of the season, the Agora Music Festival, which is running from June 6 to 18, 2011.

    As in the case of the first two conferences (which took place in 2007 in Berlin and in 2009 at Yale University), the third Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference aims to provide a multi-disciplinary platform dedicated to the communication and exchange of ideas amongst researchers involved in mathematics, computer science, music theory, composition, musicology, or other related disciplines. One of the Keynote speakers will be the renowned composer and conductor Pierre Boulez, founder and honorary director of IRCAM. It will be accompanied by a series of conference-related artistic events (concerts, exhibitions, workshops, ...) organised in collaboration with some of the most important cultural and educational centres of France, such as the Centre Pompidou and Universcience.

    For more information, see

    We welcome original and high quality contributions - including research papers, invited sessions or panels and tutorials - in all areas related to the mission of the Society of Mathematics and Computation in Music. Submission of papers, tutorials, panels will be accepted until January 21, 2011.

  • 15-17 June 2011, Second International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2011), Minori, Italy

    Date: 15-17 June 2011
    Location: Minori, Italy
    Deadline: 13 March 2011

    The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to concrete applications, and to stimulate cross-fertilization.

    Invited speakers: Thomas Colcombet (CNRS), Erich Graedel (Aachen University), Moshe Vardi (Rice University).

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on any relevant topic in these areas. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Abstract submission deadline: March 13, 2011.

  • 14-17 June 2011, Logicism Today, Besse-en-Chandesse (France)

    Date: 14-17 June 2011
    Location: Besse-en-Chandesse (France)
    Deadline: 1 March 2011

    This is a workshop on contemporary Logicism. The aim of this workshop is to gather philosophers working from within a logicist perspective (or from within a perspective close to logicism) so as to question the coherence and unity of the movement - that is, both to make apparent the conceptual tensions that divide logicism, and to outline possible rapprochements between different logicist approaches of mathematics. The three-day meeting will feature both invited and contributed talks.

    For more information, see

    We welcome any contribution in the area of logicism and philosophy of mathematics, and in particular any submission that would endeavor either to contribute to the logicist program or to discuss some aspect of it. Deadline for submission: March 1st, 2011.

  • 11 June 2011, Bonn Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Bonn, Germany

    Date: 11 June 2011
    Location: Bonn, Germany
    Deadline: 15 March 2011

    The Bonn Graduate Conference is part of the "Rhine Valley Philosophy Summer" (, a series of events independently organized by philosophers in Bonn and Cologne. Its aim is to give graduate students the opportunity to present their work to leading researchers in philosophy of language, epistemology and metaphysics.

    There will be up to seven talks by graduate students. Talks with a thematic focus on contextualism and relativism are given priority, but general submissions on broader topics in epistemology, philosophy of language and philosophy of science are welcome and will be considered. The conference language is English.

    For further information consult our website:

    We invite applications for presentations at the Bonn Graduate Conference in Philosophy taking place on 11 June 2011 at the University of Bonn, Germany. Please submit your paper no later than 15 March, 2011.

  • 7 June - 2 July 2010, Computability in Europe 2011 (CiE 2011): Models of Computation in Context, Sofia (Bulgaria)

    Date: 7 June - 2 July 2010
    Location: Sofia (Bulgaria)
    Deadline: 14 January 2011

    Computability in Europe provides the largest international conference dealing with the full spectrum of computability-related research. CiE 2011 is the seventh conference in the series and emphasises the connections and context, within the traditional CiE respect for researchers' autonomy and diversity of approach.

    CiE in Sofia will bring context, multidisciplinary perspective and computability- theoretic focus to a wide spectrum of disciplines - including computer science, mathematics and logic, physics and quantum theory, biology and informatics, linguistics and philosophy, neuroscience and learning theory. CiE serves as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects of computability and foundations of computer science, as well as the interplay of these theoretical areas with practical issues in computer science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, or physics. We particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community.

    For more information, see or contact .

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers (in PDF-format, at most 10 pages) for presentation at CiE 2011. Deadline for submissions: January 14, 2011.

  • 7-10 June 2011, 14th Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2011), "La Sapienza" University of Roma - Italy

    Date: 7-10 June 2011
    Speaker: Invited speakers: Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Pierre Devolder, Fabio Maccheroni, Domenico Marinucci, Yosi Rinott, Dmitrii Silvestrov, Larry Wasserman
    Location: "La Sapienza" University of Roma - Italy
    Target audience: Applied probability researchers & statisticians
    Costs: within 15 April 400€ with social dinner 330€ without After 500€ - 430€
    Deadline: 15 March 2011

    Since 1981, ASMDA aims to serve as the interface between Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis and their real life applications particularly in Business, Finance and Insurance, Management, Production and Reliability, Biology and Medicine. Our main objective is to publish papers, both theoretical or practical, presenting new results having potential for solving real-life problems. Another important objective is to present new methods for solving these problems by analyzing the relevant data. Also, the use of recent advances in different fields, will be promoted such as for example, new optimization and statistical methods, data warehouse, data mining and knowledge systems, computing-aided decision supports and neural computing.

    For more information, see the site

    The program committee invites submissions of abstracts*, extended abstracts or regular papers (up to 8 pages) and proposals for special and invited sessions. Deadline for submissions: March 15, 2011.

  • 6-8 June 2011, Symposium on Theory of Computing 2011 (STOC 2011), San Jose CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 6-8 June 2011
    Location: San Jose CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 4 November 2010

    The 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2011), sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT), will be held in San Jose, California, from Monday June 6 to Wednesday June 8, 2011, as part of the Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC).

    For more information, see

    Papers presenting new and original research on the theory of computation are sought.Papers that broaden the reach of the theory of computing, or raise important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis, are encouraged. Extended Abstract Submission deadline: Thursday November 4, 2010 (4:59pm EST).

  • 30 May - 3 June 2011, 12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 12), Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    Date: 30 May - 3 June 2011
    Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Deadline: 1 December 2010

    Over the past twenty years, the RelMiCS (Relational Methods in Computer Science) and AKA (Applications of Kleene Algebra) conferences have been a main forum for researchers who use the calculus of relations and similar algebraic formalisms as methodological and conceptual tools. At the last of these conferences it was decided that the two series should be united under the new title "Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS)". This year, special attention will be paid to the fact that the meetings started 20 years ago at the Banach Center in Warsaw.

    Relational and algebraic methods and software tools like RELVIEW turn out to be useful for solving problems in social choice and game theory. For that reason this conference includes a special track on computational social choice and social software, organized by the CFSC (Computational Foundations of Social Choice) and SSEAC (Social Software for Elections, the Allocation of tenders and Coalition formation) projects of the ESF LogICCC programme.

    For more information, see or contact Harrie de Swart at .

    We invite submissions on the general topics of Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, and on Computational Social Choice and Social Software in particular. Papers and proposals for tutorials are due by December 1, 2010.

  • 3-5 June 2011, Trends in Logic IX: Church's Thesis, Logic, Mind and Nature, Krakow, Poland,

    Date: 3-5 June 2011
    Location: Krakow, Poland,
    Deadline: 15 March 2011

    In 1935 Alonzo Church formulated a thesis called, after Kleene, the Church's Thesis (CT). Since then, many important logicians and philosophers have ventured to solve the numerous problems connected to the CT. Various lines of research have shown that the CT has many incarnations and constitutes an interdisciplinary problem. The research concerning the CT, as well as an analogical thesis developed by Alan Turing, has resulted in important insights regarding the concept of computability. Georg Kreisel formulated three versions of the CT, pertaining to machine, human, and physical computability. With respect to this, the conference's focus will be on three areas connected to the CT: logic, mind and nature.

    The main goals of this Studia Logica International Conference include the discussion over the major results concerning the Church's Thesis (CT), as well as the presentation of contemporary approaches to problems connected with the CT.

    For more information, see

    We invite contributions pertaining to issues which lie in the fields for which the CT is an important problem. Deadline for abstract submission is March 15.

  • 1-4 June 2011, Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL), Salamanca, Spain

    Date: 1-4 June 2011
    Location: Salamanca, Spain
    Deadline: 8 December 2010

    The Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL), in Salamanca, Spain, will focus on logic teaching software, teaching formal methods, dissemination of logic courseware, logic games, etc. Previously, these events have also been organized in Salamanca, in 2000 and in 2006. Invited speakers include David Gries, known as the author of The Science of Programming, and Jim Henle, known as an author of Sweet Reason. The organizing committee is: Patrick Blackburn, Hans van Ditmarsch, Maria Manzano, and Fernando Soler.

    For more information, see

    We are inviting submissions on the topics above, or on any other aspect of teaching logic or logic teaching software. Deadline: 8th December 2010.

  • 1-5 June 2011, Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Set Theory, and Topology (BLAST 2011), Lawrence KS, U.S.A.

    Date: 1-5 June 2011
    Location: Lawrence KS, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 15 May 2011

    BLAST (Boolean algebras, Lattices, Algebraic logic, Set theory, and Topology; quantum logic and point-free topology have been added to the mix) is a series of annual conferences. The first three BLAST conferences were at the University of Denver, New Mexico State University, and the University of Colorado in Boulder.

    BLAST 2011 will feature invited talks by Themba Dube, Todd Eisworth, Christian Herrmann, Albin Jones, Milos Kurilic, Keye Martin, and Jorge Martinez, and invited tutorials by Magdalena Grzech, Pieter Hofstra, Marion Scheepers, and Stevo Todorcevic.

    Early registration deadline: May 15, 2011. More information can be found at the conference web page at, or contact the conference organizers at

    Abstract submission is through Atlas-conferences; a link to an abstract submission form can be found on the conference website. Deadline for submissions: May 15, 2011.

  • 30 May - 3 June 2011, 5th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2011), Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 30 May - 3 June 2011
    Location: Tarragona, Spain
    Deadline: 9 January 2011

    LATA is a yearly conference in theoretical computer science and its applications. Inheriting the tradition of the International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications that was developed at Rovira i Virgili University in the period 2002-2006, LATA 2011 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, systems biology, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.).

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research. Deadline for submission (extended): Sunday 9 January 2011.

  • 18-21 May 2011, Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2011), Philadelphia PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 18-21 May 2011
    Location: Philadelphia PA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 1 January 2011

    WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The eighteenth WoLLIC will be held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, from May 18th to 21st, 2011.

    For more information, see

    Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by January 1st.

  • 18-20 May 2011, Algebraic Semantics for Uncertainty and Vagueness, Salerno, Italy

    Date: 18-20 May 2011
    Location: Salerno, Italy
    Deadline: 1 March 2011

    The main goal of this meeting is to foster collaboration among researchers in the area of Many-valued Logic, and to promote communication and cooperation with researchers on related topics. The featured topics include, but are not limited to, Algebraic semantics, First-order fuzzy logics, Proof systems for fuzzy logics and Applied fuzzy logical calculi. The conference's scientific programme includes invited lectures and contributed talks.

    For further information please visit the website:

    Researchers whose interests fit these general aims are encouraged to participate. Deadline for submissions: 1st March 2011.

  • 9-13 May 2011, Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL XVI), Petropolis, Brazil

    Date: 9-13 May 2011
    Location: Petropolis, Brazil
    Deadline: 15 January 2011

    The conference will be preceded by the Logic School 2011, on May 7-8, 2011.

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is January 15, 2011.

  • 2-6 May 2011, The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan

    Date: 2-6 May 2011
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan
    Deadline: 7 October 2010

    AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging three highly-respected meetings: International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS); International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL); and International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA). The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally-respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. AAMAS-2011 is the Tenth conference in the AAMAS series, following enormously successful previous conferences, and will be held at the Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

    For more information, see

    AAMAS-2011 seeks high-quality submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages in length. Submissions are solicited in the main track, as well as in three special tracks, on Robotics, Virtual Agents and Innovative Applications. Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 7, 2010.

  • 2 May 2011, 1st Workshop on Agent-based Modeling for Policy Engineering (AMPLE 2011), Taipeh, Taiwan

    Date: 2 May 2011
    Location: Taipeh, Taiwan
    Deadline: 30 January 2011

    Socio-technical systems are complex adaptive entities that require the engagement of social and technical elements in an environment to reach certain goals. In order to understand, analyze or design such systems, advanced tools are required. One of the major tools for understanding socio-technical systems is agent-based modeling. In recent years, social scientists, including economists and policy makers, have been using agent-based models to tackle their problem domains. Building artificial societies by combining the multi-agent systems view and domain knowledge has become a challenge, because of the complexity involved.

    The goal of AMPLE is to connect agent and artificial society research on the one hand, with policy making, institutional analysis and tools like system dynamics and gaming on the other. The combination could have benefits for the further enrichment of agent-based modeling and simulation. By gathering these different perspectives, we aim to explore how agent-research can be used or improved to assist with policy making in the social sciences.

    For more information, see AMPLE-2011 is co-located with the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS2011,

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 30 January 2011.

  • CFP Special issue Journal of Web Semantics "Reasoning with context"

    Deadline: 15 June 2011

    Mechanisms for reasoning with context have become increasingly important factors in the Semantic Web. There is a growing need for general and robust reasoning techniques that make it possible to integrate heterogeneous knowledge or to use homogeneous knowledge across different domains. This special issue aims at bringing together work on reasoning with context in the Semantic Web from integration, development and evolutionary perspectives.

    For more information, see or contact .

    Submissions are welcome on topics relevant to reasoning with context in the Semantic Web. Submission deadline: 15 June 2011

  • 4-7 April 2011, 3rd AISB Symposium on Computing and Philosophy, York, U.K.

    Date: 4-7 April 2011
    Location: York, U.K.
    Deadline: 31 December 2010

    In conjunction with the 2011 AISB (Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour) Convention.

    As a subject for philosophical investigation computing has a long history. With the rapid technological progress of electronic computing since the mid-20th century we have seen the emergence of much deeper and broader interactions between computing and philosophy. Both philosophy and computing stand to benefit from this continuing dialogue. The purpose of the symposium is to further strengthen communication between these disciplines, thereby to advance the philosophical study of computing in general in relation to a number of key issues. These include traditional philosophical problems and the philosophical issues surrounding computational modelling. We therefore welcome papers exploring any of these issues. Papers that engage with cognitive science are particularly encouraged.

    For more information, see the symposium website at

    We therefore welcome papers exploring any of these issues. Papers that engage with cognitive science are particularly encouraged. Submission deadline: 31 December 2010

  • 1-3 April 2011, Epistemology of Modeling & Simulation, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.

    Date: 1-3 April 2011
    Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 7 January 2011

    The conference will focus on philosophical issues that arise within the practice and application of contemporary research using modeling and simulation. The goal of this event is "Building Bridges Between the Philosophical and Modeling Communities": to bring together sophisticated work in philosophy of science and on-going efforts in modeling in order to build more effective collaboration between philosophers of science and those who build and employ models in a range of disciplines and applications.

    For more information, see

    Submission of extended abstracts is invited (1000 words) for presentations of approximately 30 minutes. Modeling work in any discipline or application is welcomed that includes philosophical reflection on epistemological issues raised. Philosophical work in any relevant area is welcomed, with preference given for work that includes a focus on specific examples of contemporary modeling. Projects that involve both philosophers and those active in modeling research, outcomes, or policy impact are particularly encouraged. Deadline for submission: January 7, 2011.

  • 27 March 2011, International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols (iWIGP 2011), Saarbrücken, Germany

    Date: Sunday 27 March 2011
    Location: Saarbrücken, Germany
    Deadline: 31 October 2010

    This workshop aims at the interrelation between interactions, games and protocols. How does computer science deal with nondeterministic interactions where the actions a system takes are not (completely) determined by the interactions the system is involved in?

    For more information, see

    The Programme Committee invites scientific contributions which explore new aspects of the interrelation between interactions, games and protocols, both from a theoretical and a practical perspective, and encourages submissions that connect theory and practice. Submission deadline is 31 October 2010.

  • 24-27 March 2011, 2011 ASL North American Annual Meeting, Berkeley CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 24-27 March 2011
    Location: Berkeley CA, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 3 December 2010

    The invited speakers include: S. Aaronson, A. Antonelli, L. Bienvenu, L. van den Dries, D. Haskell, J. Moore, C. Rosendal, N. Thapen, and S. Thomas. Penelope Maddy will deliver a retiring presidential address. The following special sessions (with organizers in parentheses) are planned: Definability throughout Mathematical Logic, in honor of Leo Harrington (T. Slaman and J. Steel), Hilbert (W. Sieg), Model Theory (D. Marker), Philosophy of Mathematics (J. Burgess), and Set Theory (E. Schimmerling). The Shoenfield Prizes for outstanding expository writing will be awarded also.

    For more information, see

    Abstracts of contributed talks must be received by the deadline of December 3, 2010, at .

  • 21-23 March 2011, AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Stanford University

    Date: 21-23 March 2011
    Title: 10th Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-2011)
    Location: Stanford University
    Deadline: 8 October 2010

    The biennial Commonsense Symposia series provides a forum for exploring one of the long-term goals of Artificial Intelligence, endowing computers with common sense.

    Although we know how to build programs that excel at certain bounded or mechanical tasks which humans find difficult, such as playing chess, we still have very little idea how to program computers to do well at commonsense tasks which are easy for humans. One approach to this problem is to characterize commonsense reasoning using representations based on logic or other formal theories. The challenges to creating such formalizations include accumulating knowledge about the everyday world, representing this knowledge formally, integrating different representations, and developing reasoning methods for these representations.

    For more information, see

    We invite submissions for presentation at Commonsense-2011. Deadline for submissions: October 8, 2010.

  • 17-19 March 2011, Meeting of the European Epistemology Network (EEN), Lund, Sweden

    Date: 17-19 March 2011
    Location: Lund, Sweden
    Deadline: 30 November 2010

    The European Epistemology Network (EEN) provides a platform for cooperation and exchange among epistemologists and those interested in the theory of knowledge in Europe. The 2011 meeting is held in Lund, Sweden, from Thu 17th - Sat 19th of March.

    For more information, see

    To contribute, please prepare a max. 500 word abstract for blind review. Send it to on or before NOV 30, 2010. Expect a letter of acceptance within two weeks.

  • CfP special issue of JLC on "60 years of deontic logic"

    Deadline: 1 September 2011

    With his seminal paper ``deontic logic'' published in Mind in 1951, Von Wright launched the area of deontic logic. It is the field of logic that is concerned with obligation, permission, and related concepts.

    We invite papers concerned with the logical study of normative reasoning, including formal systems of deontic logic, defeasible normative reasoning, the logic of action, and other related areas of logic, and the formal analysis of normative concepts and normative systems. We also invite applications of deontic logic and normative systems to, for example, the formal specification of aspects of norm-governed multi-agent systems and autonomous agents.

    Paper Submission Deadline: September 1, 2011. For more information, see or

  • 11-15 March 2011, 12th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics "Ambiguity in Language and the Process of Disambiguation", Szklarska Poreba, Poland

    Date: 11-15 March 2011
    Location: Szklarska Poreba, Poland
    Deadline: 17 January 2011

    The twelfth installment of the workshop that takes linguists and experimental philosophers to the ski slopes will be held March 11~15, 2011, on the mountaintop Szrenica, Poland.

    The workshop aims to bring together linguists, philosophers, logicians, and all others interested in the semantics and pragmatics of natural language. This year the theme is "Ambiguity and Disambiguation" - as usual this 'hot topic' should not exclude submissions on other subjects, but talks relating concerns to ambiguity and disambiguation are especially welcome. Experimental as well as theoretical approaches to the problem are welcome. We prefer new and original ideas, even if the material is not fully ripe and the presentation still tentative. For more details see the call for papers. Invited Speakers include Justyna Grudzinska, Katrin Schulz, Jacques Jayez and Bernhard Schröder (confirmed)

    For further details check the webpage:

    Deadline for submissions: Monday, 17.01.2011.
  • 10-12 March 2011, 28th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2011), Dortmund, Germany

    Date: 10-12 March 2011
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    Deadline: 24 September 2010

    he Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) takes place each year since 1984, alternately in Germany and France.

    Typical topics of the conference include:
    * Algorithms and data structures, including: parallel and distributed algorithms, computational geometry, cryptography, algorithmic learning theory;
    * Automata and formal languages;
    * Computational and structural complexity
    * Logic in computer science, including: semantics, specification, and verification of programs, rewriting and deduction;
    * Current challenges, for example: biological computing, quantum computing, mobile and net computing.

    For more information, see

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Deadline for submission: September 24, 2010.

  • CfP special issue of TopiCS on "mathematical practice and cognition"

    Deadline: 20 April 2011

    We are pleased to announce that a special issue of Topics in Cognitive Science (TopiCS) will be devoted to the theme of mathematical pratice and cognition.

    Researchers in mathematical practice and cognition are forming increasingly well-established communities with independent approaches and methodologies. The aim of this topiCS issue is to establish and strengthen connections between these and other areas of research, and, where relevant, to relate work carried out in such arenas to the cognitive science mainstream. Thus, this interdisciplinary issue aims to present commonalities and interactions between researchers who investigate how people do mathematics.

    Submission deadline: Wednesday: 20th April 2011. Please see for details. Note that this page is under construction and will change.

  • 25-27 February 2011, Proof and Dialogues (ProDi), Tübingen (Germany)

    Date: 25-27 February 2011
    Location: Tübingen (Germany)
    Deadline: 10 February 2011

    The ProDi workshop focuses on the relationship between proof-theoretic and dialogical approaches to logic. Formally, it is an internal meeting organized by two collaborative research projects within the ESF programme "Modelling intelligent interaction - Logic in the Humanities, Social and Computational sciences (LogICCC)" ( together with some external experts (including Andreas Blass, George Metcalfe, Helge Rückert and Morten Sørensen).

    However, there will be two or three slots for contributed talks (30 min). If you are interested to contribute such a talk, please send an abstract to Thomas Piecha (). The deadline is 7 February 2011. We would notify you until 10 February of whether we can accept it or not.

    Participants are welcome. In that case please send an e-mail to Thomas Piecha until 10 February.

    For more information, see

    who would like to participate without giving a talk
  • 17-18 February 2011, PhDs in Logic III, Brussels, Belgium

    Date: 17-18 February 2011
    Location: Brussels, Belgium
    Deadline: 15 November 2010

    *PhDs in Logic* is an annual two-day graduate conference and winter school in logic. Each year we invite four established professors to do a tutorial on their work in two one-hour sessions. We also give about ten PhD students the opportunity to do a thirty-minute presentation on (a) their own work or (b) an overview of some topic in their field.

    The current conference will feature the tutorials by Eric Pacuit (*Epistemic Logic*), Sonja Smets (*Quantum Logic*), Mai Gehrke (*Algebraic Logic*) and Peter Koepke (*Set Theory*). PhD students in logic with a background in philosophy, computer science, or mathematics are the intended audience for these tutorials. They are also the type of students we have in mind for our thirty-minute student sessions.

    For more information, visit our website at

    Students interested in doing a talk should send a 500-1000 word abstract to by November 15th, 2010.

  • CfP special issue of Studia Logica dedicated to the memory of Leo Esakia

    Deadline: 30 April 2011

    Studia Logica invites contributions to the special issue dedicated to the memory of the great Georgian logician Leo Esakia (1934-2010). Leo was the founder of the logic school in Georgia. He made numerous important contributions to the study of algebraic and topological semantics of modal and intuitionistic logics. Several landmark theorems in the field bear his name. Leo also contributed immensely to establishing a strong research community working on algebraic, topological, and categorical methods in logic.

    We specifically invite submissions on the topics closely related to Leo's research. Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages (including bibliography), formatted according to the Studia Logica LaTeX style. Deadline for submission of manuscripts to the issue editors: 30th April, 2011.

    For more information, see

  • 31 Jan-4 February 2011, Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2011), Cape Town, South Africa

    Date: 31 Jan-4 February 2011
    Location: Cape Town, South Africa
    Deadline: 1 October 2010

    The conference CCR, also known as conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, will be in the tradition of the previous meetings in Córdoba (Argentina) 2004, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2007, Nanjing (China) 2008, Luminy (France) 2009 and Notre Dame (USA) 2010. Topics include Algorithmic randomness, Computability theory, Kolmogorov complexity, Computational complexity and Reverse mathematics and logic

    For more information, see CCR-2011 is co-located with CCA-2011.

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: October 1, 2010 (Abstracts only!).

  • 31 Jan-4 February 2011, Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2011), Cape Town, South Africa

    Date: 31 Jan-4 February 2011
    Location: Cape Town, South Africa
    Deadline: 1 October 2010

    The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data.

    Computability and complexity theory are two central areas of research in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science. Computability theory is the study of the limitations and abilities of computers in principle. Computational complexity theory provides a framework for understanding the cost of solving computational problems, as measured by the requirement for resources such as time and space. The classical approach in these areas is to consider algorithms as operating on finite strings of symbols from a finite alphabet. Such strings may represent various discrete objects such as integers or algebraic expressions, but cannot represent general real or complex numbers, unless they are rounded.

    Most mathematical models in physics and engineering, however, are based on the real number concept. Thus, a computability theory and a complexity theory over the real numbers and over more general continuous data structures is needed. Despite remarkable progress in recent years many important fundamental problems have not yet been studied, and presumably numerous unexpected and surprising results are waiting to be discovered.

    For more information, see CCA-2011 is co-located with CCR-2011.

    The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline: October 1, 2010 (Abstracts only!).

  • 20-21 January 2011, International graduate workshop "The notion of form in 19th and early 20th century logic and mathematics", VU University of Amsterdam

    Date: 20-21 January 2011
    Location: VU University of Amsterdam
    Costs: none
    Deadline: 15 September 2010

    The present workshop is devoted to different understandings of the notion of form in the context of logic- and scientifically-oriented philosophy in the 19th and early 20th century, i.e. (roughly) the period from Bolzano over Brentano to Husserl, Frege and early analytic philosophy.

    Against this historical background, we aim at bringing together masters of the field with graduate students whose work is connected (but not restricted) to this subject. Invited speakers: Michael Beaney (York), Danielle Macbeth (Haverford)

    For more information, see here or contact Stefan Roski ().

    Graduate students interested in presenting a paper are encouraged to submit an abstract of not more than 1000 words. Deadline for submission: September 15th 2010

  • 20-23 January 2011, CoxiMAP -- Mind, Action and Perception II, Osnabrueck, Germany

    Date: 20-23 January 2011
    Location: Osnabrueck, Germany
    Deadline: 20 October 2010

    Graduate Conference on the Epistemological Status of First-Person Methodology in Science, and the Metaphysics of Belief & 2nd William James Lecture by Eric Schwitzgebel, University of California at Riverside

    For more information, see here or, or contact Sascha Benjamin Fink at .

    There will be up to 8 papers by graduate students and post-graduates from philosophy, cognitive science and related areas, with a thematic focus on first-person methodology, knowledge about one's own consciousness, introspection, self-knowledge, and the metaphysics of belief. Submissions for the graduate conference should be sent electronically to . Deadline: October 20th, 2010.

  • 12-14 January 2011, 9th conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011), Oxford, U.K.

    Date: 12-14 January 2011
    Location: Oxford, U.K.
    Deadline: 30 September 2010

    The University of Oxford will host the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS-2011), which will take place at the Computing Laboratory on 12-14 January 2011. The aim of the IWCS conference is to bring together researchers interested in any aspects of the computation, annotation, extraction, and representation of meaning in natural language, whether this is from a lexical or structural semantic perspective. IWCS embraces both symbolic and statistical approaches to computational semantics, and everything in between.

    Areas of special interest for the conference will be computational aspects of meaning of natural language within written, spoken, or multimodal communication.

    For more information, see

    Papers are invited that are concerned with topics in these and closely related areas. Two types of submission are solicited: long papers (describing original research) and short papers (typically system or project descriptions, or ongoing research). Deadline for submission is 30 September 2010 for both.

  • 9-11 January 2011, 4th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA 2011), Delhi, India

    Date: 9-11 January 2011
    Location: Delhi, India
    Deadline: 16 July 2010

    ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the fourth edition of its biennial International Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA), to be held at the Delhi University, from January 9 to 11, 2011.

    ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a wide variety of fields that formal logic plays a significant role in, along with mathematicians, philosophers and logicians studying foundations of formal logic in itself. A special feature of this conference is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, and historical research on logic.

    As in the earlier events in this series, we shall have eminent logicians as invited speakers. Pre-conference workshops during Jan 5-8 are also being planned. Details of these workshops will be posted on the conference website at in due course. Any queries related to the conference may be sent to the following email address: .

    Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in any area of logic and applications. Articles on mathematical and philosophical logic, foundations and philosophy of mathematics and the sciences, history of logic, Indian systems of logic, use of formal logic in areas of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, or on the relationship between logic and other branches of knowledge, are welcome. Deadline for Submission: 16 July 2010

Past Conferences

  • 15-20 December 2011, 12th Asian Logic Conference, Wellington, New Zealand

    Date: 15-20 December 2011
    Location: Wellington, New Zealand

    The 12th Asian Logic Conference will be held in Wellington, New Zealand from 15-20 December 2011. This meeting will be held jointly with a meeting of the Australasian Association for Logic (AAL). There will be an additional workshop for students on the 14th featuring the conference Tutorial Speakers.

    The Asian Logic Conference series is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic, and the meetings are major international events in mathematical logic. The series features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and its applications, logic in computer science, and i philosophical logic. It also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere to exchange information and ideas.

    For more information, see

  • 9 December 2011, 4th Copenhagen-Lund Workshop in Social Epistemology, Lund, Sweden

    Date: Friday 9 December 2011
    Location: Lund, Sweden

    This is the fourth in a series of four one-day workshops, 2010-11, between groups from Copenhagen (CPH) and Lund (LU), on the themes of Pluralistic Ignorance, Belief Polarization, Echo Chambers and Informational Cascades.

    To participate, contact by November 25th. Please indicate if you attend lunch and/or dinner. For more information, see the website at

  • 7-8 November 2011, 4th Workshop on Philosophy of Mathematical Practices, Sevilla, Spain

    Date: 7-8 November 2011
    Location: Sevilla, Spain

    On Nov. 7-8 we shall organize in Seville, Spain, the 4th Workshop on Philosophy of Mathematical Practices, this time focused on open problems in contemporary set theory. The topic is Maximalist and Minimalist Perspectives on Infinity. The list of speakers includes several noted specialists in set theory and the philosophy of set theory, namely:

    Tatiana Arrigoni (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento);
    Joan Bagaria (Universitat de Barcelona);
    Laura Crosilla (University of Leeds);
    Sy D. Friedman (Kurt Gödel Centre for Mathematical Logic, Vienna);
    Ignasi Jané (Universitat de Barcelona).

    For more information, see

  • 4-5 November 2011, Workshop "Ceteris Paribus Laws and Reasoning", Lund, Sweden

    Date: 4-5 November 2011
    Location: Lund, Sweden

    In Economics, as in many other disciplines, we find a multitude of general laws such as "an increase in the demand of a good leads to an increase of its price" which are supposed to hold only under the proviso that some possibly influencing factors are kept constant (ceteris paribus), absent ("uceteris absentibus") or irrelevant ("ceteris neglectibus"). Although being non-strict, since they allow for exceptions, these generalizations play a vital role in science as well as in everyday reasoning (e.g about preferences).

    Recent work in modal logic witnesses an increasing activity in formal modeling and applications on this side. This workshop is meant to contribute from different sides to the debate around the status and the structure of ceteris paribus laws and reasoning and brings together researchers working in different areas of Philosophy of Science and Logics.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 22-23 October 2011, Rutgers Fall 2011 MAMLS Meeting in memory of Greg Hjorth, Piscataway NJ, U.S.A.

    Date: 22-23 October 2011
    Location: Piscataway NJ, U.S.A.

    The Fall 2011 MAMLS Meeting, which takes place at Rutgers University on October 22-23, 2011, will be dedicated to the memory of Greg Hjorth. The invited speakers include Su Gao, Alexander Kechris, Itay Neeman, Sorin Popa, Saharon Shelah, John Steel, Asger Tornquist and Hugh Woodin.

    For further information, visit:

  • 20-21 October 2011, COMPUTING 2011: 75 years of Turing machine and lambda calculus, Karlsruhe, Germany

    Date: 20-21 October 2011
    Location: Karlsruhe, Germany

    The Institute of Cryptography and Security and the Institute of Theoretical Informatics of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) announce COMPUTING 2011, a symposium devoted to the 75th anniversary of two pioneering works on the theory of computation: "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem" by Alan Turing and "An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory" by Alonzo Church.

    The symposium will review the work of Church and Turing and its influence on contemporary Theoretical Computer Science. Keynote Speakers are Henk Barendregt, Christof Teuscher and Wolfgang Thomas. COMPUTING 2011 will be co-located with Deduktionstreffen 2011 (

    For more information, see or contact Olga Tveretina at

  • 23-29 January 2012, Joint Seminar Austria-Japan on "Forcing in Set Theory", Kyoto, Japan

    Date: 23-29 January 2012
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    A joint seminar Austria-Japan on "Forcing in Set Theory" will take place at Kobe University (Japan) from Jan. 23 (Mon.) till Jan. 29 (Sun.), 2012.

    For more information, check the organizers' Activities Webpage at

  • 19-21 October 2011, Workshop "Aspects of Descriptive Set Theory", Kyoto, Japan

    Date: 19-21 October 2011
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    A workshop on "Aspects of Descriptive Set Theory" will take place at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University (Japan) from October 19 (Wed.) till October 21 (Fri.), 2011. The workshop is organized by Hiroshi Fujita (Ehime University). The program will feature minicourses by Stefan Geschke and Slawomir Solecki, as well as many other talks by participants from Japan and abroad.

    See the webpage at for details. If you are interested in attending or contributing, please contact Hiroshi Fujita, the sooner the better: .

  • 15-16 October 2011, Modern Constructive Algebra, Besancon, France

    Date: 15-16 October 2011
    Location: Besancon, France

    Workshop, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, France, 15-16 October 2011. Dedicated to Henri Lombardi.

    * María Emilia Alonso García (Spain)
    * Thierry Coquand (Sweden)
    * André Galligo (France)
    * Hajime Ishihara (Japan)
    * Alban Quadrat (France)
    * Claude Quitté (France)
    * Fred Richman (USA)
    * Ihsen Yengui (Tunisia)

    For more information, see To register for Henrifest please send an e-mail to .

  • 7 October 2011, Philosophical Modal Logic, Geneva, Switzerland

    Date: Friday 7 October 2011
    Location: Geneva, Switzerland

    The Swiss Graduate Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SGSLPS) organises a one-day conference on PHILOSOPHICAL MODAL LOGIC on October 7 in Geneva.

    Modal logic is a type of logic that extends the standards of formal logic to include the elements of modality. Modalities, expressed by the modal operators box and diamond, permit to qualify the truth of a judgement. Widely studied from a mathematical and theoretical point of view, modal logic has nonetheless been a valuable instrument for the formal analysis of philosophical arguments, and has found important applications in computer science.

    For more information, see

  • 3 October 2011, One-day workshop "Philosophy of Information", Washington DC, U.S.A.

    Date: 3 October 2011
    Location: Washington DC, U.S.A.

    The overall objective of this workshop is to study some of the open questions within philosophy of information.

    Interest in the philosophy and meaning of information goes back half a century but has rapidly increased recently with many new directions of research into the meaning, quantification and measures of information and complexity as well as a vast range of applications across the scientific spectrum. In this workshop we will focus on the different techniques to measure information and to identify meaningful information.

    For more information see or contact .

  • 3 October - 4 November 2011, Fall School in Formal Languages and Applications (FSFLA 2011), Tarragona (Spain)

    Date: 3 October - 4 November 2011
    Location: Tarragona (Spain)

    The School offers a broad and intensive series of lectures on various formal language topics and at different levels, addressed to advanced undergraduate, graduate students and anyone interested in the field. They can choose their preferred courses according to their interests and background. Instructors are top names in their respective subjects. The School intends to help students initiate their career in research.

    The School is addressed to undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Mathematics. Other students (for instance, from Linguistics, Electrical Engineering, Molecular Biology or Logic) are welcome too provided they have a good background in discrete mathematics. The School is appropriate also for people more advanced in their career who want to keep themselves updated on developments in the field.

    For more information, see or contact Lilica Voicu at .

  • 27 September 2011, 3rd Copenhagen-Lund Workshop in Social Epistemology, Lund, Sweden

    Date: Tuesday 27 September 2011
    Location: Lund, Sweden

    This is the third in a series of four one-day workshops, 2010-11, between groups from Copenhagen (CPH) and Lund (LU), on the themes of Pluralistic Ignorance, Belief Polarization, Echo Chambers and Informational Cascades.

    To participate, contact by September 13th. Please indicate if you attend lunch and/or dinner. For more information, see the website at

  • 19-20 September 2011, Axiomatic Theories of Truth, Oxford, U.K.

    Date: 19-20 September 2011
    Location: Oxford, U.K.

    The study of axiomatic theories of truth is an interdisciplinary subject of philosophy and mathematical logic. This meeting aims at bringing experts together from both philosophy and mathematical logic to present recent researches and achievements in this area.

    For more details, please see the conference webpage at

    We welcome guests. Registration is free. To register, please contact:Kentaro Fujimoto <> by August 31, 2011.

  • 16-18 September 2011, Workshop on Reverse Mathematics, Chicago IL, U.S.A.

    Date: 16-18 September 2011
    Location: Chicago IL, U.S.A.

    A workshop on Reverse Mathematics will be held at the University of Chicago on September 16-18, 2011, with support from the Packard Foundation. While the workshop will be centered on the program of reverse mathematics, we intend its scope to be broad, including connections with the foundations of mathematics, computability theory, and proof theory, and we encourage those interested in these areas to participate.

    Confirmed speakers so far include Jeremy Avigad, Peter Cholak, Harvey Friedman, Carl Jockusch, Steffen Lempp, Alberto Marcone, Carl Mummert, Michael Rathjen, Richard A. Shore, Stephen G. Simpson, Theodore A. Slaman and Andreas Weieremann.

    For more updated information see Deadline for funding applications: June 15th.

  • 7-10 September 2011, 6th Cologne Summer School in Philosophy: "Relying on Others. New Perspectives in Social Epistemology", Cologne, Germany

    Date: 7-10 September 2011
    Location: Cologne, Germany

    The Sixth Cologne Summer School in Philosophy on "Relying on Others. New Perspectives in Social Epistemology" will take place in Cologne, September 7-10, 2011. Our special guest this year will be Sanford Goldberg (Northwestern University).

    The main focus is the intersection of epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. We will discuss foundational issues (e.g., the relationship between epistemic and semantic externalism) as well as more specialized "hot" issues in social epistemology: the division of epistemic labour, testimony, group epistemology, disagreement, various ways in which others can be epistemically significant for us, and socially extended methods of belief-formation. The Summer School is mainly aimed at professional philosophers and advanced graduate students.

    Attendance is free, but limited to 50 participants - on the basis of motivation and qualification. Online application is possible through April 30.

    For more information, see

  • 6-8 September 2011, CfPart: Sinn und Bedeutung 16, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 6-8 September 2011
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    The 16th Sinn und Bedeutung Conference, the annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik, will take place from 6 to 8 September 2011 in Utrecht.

    The invited speakers at Sinn und Bedeuting 16 are:
    * Maria Aloni (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
    * Chris Barker (New York University)
    * Lisa Matthewson (University of British Columbia)
    * Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University)

    For more information, see or email .

  • 3-4 September 2011, Logic & Mathematics 2011, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (U.S.A.)

    Date: 3-4 September 2011
    Location: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (U.S.A.)

    This meeting, the fifth in the series, will honor Ward Henson's retirement. Invited speakers include Itai Ben Yaacov (Lyon), Gregory Cherlin (Rutgers), Julien Melleray (Lyon), Anand Pillay (Leeds), Christian Rosendal (UIC), David Sherman (Virginia) and Henry Towsner (UCLA).

    For more information, see the meeting web page at

  • 3-4 September 2011, Workshop "Proper Names: Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives", Goettingen, Germany

    Date: 3-4 September 2011
    Location: Goettingen, Germany

    For more information, please visit the conference website: Places are strictly limited and registration required. Contact e-mail for registration:

    For more information, see here .
  • 1-5 September 2011, 14th International Conference of Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2011), Plzen, Czech Republic

    Date: 1-5 September 2011
    Location: Plzen, Czech Republic

    The 14th International Conference of Text, Speech and Dialogue TSD2011 will be concerned with the topics in the field of natural language processing, in particular:
    * corpora, texts and transcription,
    * speech analysis, recognition and synthesis,
    * their intertwining within NL dialogue systems.

    The keynote topic of the conference for this year is Integrating Modern Web with Speech and Language Technologies. For the upcoming TSD, the following outstanding set of invited speakers with various expertise covering speech modeling, acoustic-phonetic decoding, dialogue systems, and semantics agreed to give their respective pieces of speech:
    Hynek Hermansky: Active listening in machine recognition of speech.
    Sergey Kuznetsov: Logico-semantic Text Processing for Machine Translation, Web Search, and Speech Synthesis.
    Mark Epstein: Topic not yet specified.

    For more information, see

  • 1-8 September 2011, Advanced Course and Workshop on Large Cardinal Methods in Homotopy, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 1-8 September 2011
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

    The goal of this meeting is to offer background on Set Theory, especially large cardinals, and discuss a number of situations in Abelian Group Theory, Category Theory and Algebraic Topology where set-theoretical methods may play a crucial role for the solution of certain open problems.

    The courses are aimed at a mixed audience of graduate students, recent doctors, and also specialists in some focus area of the meeting who wish to know more about the other areas. A two-day workshop follows the course lectures.

    For more information, see

  • 29 August - 2 September 2011, 4th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO 2011), Winchester, U.K.

    Date: 29 August - 2 September 2011
    Location: Winchester, U.K.

    CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging uses of algebras and coalgebras in computer science.

    This is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007) and Udine (Italy, 2009). The fourth edition will be held in the city of Winchester (UK), a historic cathedral city and the ancient capital of Wessex and the Kingdom of England.

    CALCO 2011 will be preceded by the CALCO Young Researchers Workshop, CALCO-Jnr, dedicated to presentations by PhD students and by those who completed their doctoral studies within the past few years. The programme of CALCO will also comprise presentations of tools based on algebraic and/or coalgebraic principles, that have been selected in the context of a dedicated workshop, CALCO-Tools.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 29 August - 2 September, 2011, 2011 International Summer School in Language and Speech Technologies (SSLST 2011), Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 29 August - 2 September, 2011
    Location: Tarragona, Spain

    This Summer School offers a broad and intensive series of lectures on language and speech technologies at different levels. They are addressed to advanced undergraduate and graduate students. They can choose their preferred courses according to their interests and background. Instructors are top names in their respective fields. The School intends to help students initiate their career in research.

    The school is addressed to Undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Linguistics. Other students (for instance, from Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or Philosophy) are welcome too.

    For more information and abstracts, see

  • 2-5 August 2011, The Classical Model of Science II: The Axiomatic Method, the Order of Concepts and the Hierarchy of Sciences from Leibniz to Tarski, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Date: 2-5 August 2011
    Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    This conference is devoted to the development of the axiomatic method, with particular attention for the period from Leibniz to Tarski. In particular, we aim to achieve a better historical and philosophical understanding of the way the axiomatic method in the sense of an ideal of scientific knowledge as "cognitio ex principiis" has influenced the development of modern science. The overarching framework for this will be the so-called "Classical Model of Science".

    Abstracts (maximum 500 words) must be sent in electronic form to . Deadline for submission: April 15th, 2011. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their submission by May 1st, 2011.

    For more information, see here.

  • 1-6 August 2011, Set Theory and Higher-Order Logic: Foundational Issues and Mathematical Developments, London

    Date: 1-6 August 2011
    Location: London

    This is an interdisciplinary summer school, consisting of four days of mini-courses (August 1-4) and a subsequent two-day conference (August 5-6), all hosted at the Institute of Philosophy in London. The goal of this summer school is to provide a forum in which set theorists and philosophers of mathematics -- as well as students of these disciplines-- can interact and discuss recent results and debates at the intersection of set-theory and higher-order logic. Topics to be represented at the summer school include but are not limited to: the semantics for higher-order logics, Omega-Logic, groundedness, set-theoretic geology, interpretability and incompleteness, predicativity, and formal theories of truth.

    For more information, see or contact Sean Walsh (Birkbeck) at .

  • 20-23 July 2011, 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Amsterdam (CogSci 2011), Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

    Date: 20-23 July 2011
    Location: Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

    CogSci 2011 is the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society for basic and applied cognitive science research. Scientists from across the world submit their best work and attend CogSci to hear the latest theories and data from the world's best cognitive science researchers. Invited speakers this year are Anjan Chatterjee, Barbara Landau, Leonard Talmy, and the winners of the Rumelhart prize for Cognitive Science, Judea Pearl, and Heineken prize for Cognitive Science, Michael Tomasello.

    More information about the conference can be found through the Cognitive Science Society website:

  • 18-22 July 2011, Infinity Conference, Bellaterra, Spain

    Date: 18-22 July 2011
    Location: Bellaterra, Spain

    The Infinity Conference will take place at the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Bellaterra (near Barcelona, Spain), July 18-22, 2011. This conference is focused on interdisciplinary work in mathematical logic, with connections to theoretical computer science and the philosophy/history of set theory. It will serve as the culmination of the Infinity Project, an interdisciplinary project in logic hosted at the CRM and funded by the John Templeton Foundation during 2009-2011.

    For further information about the meeting, including how to register and apply for financial support, see

  • 15 July 2011, Workshop "Quantum Physics meets TARK", Groningen, NL

    Date: Friday 15 July 2011
    Speaker: Samson Abramsky (Oxford University) and Adam Brandenburger (Stern School of Business, New York)
    Location: Groningen, NL

    The aim of this workshop is to explore the connections between traditional TARK topics and Quantum Physics. While TARK traditionally focuses on the theoretical aspects of rationality and knowledge, quantum mechanics and quantum computation focus on the fundamental link between physical reality and informational (knowledge-acquiring) actions, such as observations and measurements. We think one can gain new insights from combining methods and concepts coming from these two lines of research. On the one hand, we are interested in how techniques from quantum physics can help us reason about knowledge or rational decision making. On the other hand, we are interested in how the logical and game-theoretical techniques traditionally associated with TARK (coming from epistemic logic, belief revision, dynamic logic, temporal logic, probabilistic learning, resource-sensitive logics, epistemic game theory, decision-theoretic methods etc.) can be used to formalize physical theories, reason about their concepts or their applications, and provide some principled understanding of their foundations.

    Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
    classical correlations versus quantum correlations;
    classical games versus quantum games;
    classical information flow versus quantum information flow;
    logical methods for quantum computation;
    quantum logic and its relation to logics of knowledge and action;
    the use of quantum methods and concepts in decision theory, game theory and logic;
    game-theoretical logical semantics and foundations of quantum mechanics.

    Main Website:

  • 3 July 2011, Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2011), Zürich (Switzerland)

    Date: Sunday 3 July 2011
    Location: Zürich (Switzerland)

    DCM 2011 is the seventh in a series of international workshops focusing on new computational models. It aims to bring together researchers who are currently developing new computational models or new features of a traditional one. The goal of DCM is to foster interaction, to provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to enable newcomers to learn about current activities in this area. DCM 2011 will be a one-day satellite event of ICALP 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.

    For more information, see

  • 27 June - 1 July 2011, PSI'11, Novosibirsk, Russia

    Date: 27 June - 1 July 2011
    Location: Novosibirsk, Russia

    The Ershov Informatics Conference (the PSI Conference Series, the 8th edition) is the premier international forum in Russia for research and its applications in computer, software and information sciences. The conference brings together academic and industrial researchers, developers and users to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the conference area.

    For more information, see or contact Denis Denis Ponomaryov at .

  • 18-19 June 2011, Conceptual Analysis and 2-D Semantics, Cologne, Germany

    Date: 18-19 June 2011
    Location: Cologne, Germany

    Conceptual analysis continues to play an important role in philosophical practice, even though it does not always go under this label. But the method is anything but undisputed. In particular, there seems to be little point in pondering on our concepts if, as many believe, the meaning of our expressions - as well as the content of our mental states - is determined by factors which are external to us. Against this, it has been argued that two-dimensional semantics can provide the theoretical underpinnings for conceptual analysis, while reconciling it with many insights gained from arguments put forth to support externalism.

    The conference focuses on issues surrounding conceptual analysis, two-dimensional semantics and their connection. Some of the envisaged topics are:
    - The role of conceptual analysis in philosophical inquiry
    - The interpretation and the scope of two-dimensional semantics and its bearing on conceptual analysis
    - Potential applications of two-dimensional semantics to metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind

    For more information, see or contact Jens Kipper at .

  • 17 June 2011, Dutch Model Checking Day 2011, Delft, The Netherlands

    Date & Time: Friday 17 June 2011, 10:00-17:00
    Location: Delft, The Netherlands

    Model checking is a tool-supported technique to analyse the correctness of ICT systems that enjoys increasing popularity in both scientific and industrial circles. In the past twenty-five years, research in this area has led to dramatic improvements in the performance of model checking tools. This has enabled its application to real-life problems, and has induced major corporations such as Microsoft and Intel to invest in the development and application of model checking technology.

    The Dutch Model Checking Day (DMCD) is a forum for practitioners and researchers interested in model-based techniques for the validation and analysis of software and hardware. DMCD covers a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from fundamental algorithms to industrial applications and tools. The workshop aims to foster interactions and exchanges of ideas with all related areas in software engineering.

    The keynote talk of DMCD 2011 will be given by Byron Cook from Microsoft Research Cambridge and Queen Mary University, who is one of the leading researchers in the area.

    Registration for the workshop is free but required. For more information, see

  • 14-17 June 2011, Two tutorials by Villaceves and Kossak, Helsinki, Finland

    Date: 14-17 June 2011
    Location: Helsinki, Finland

    Two Logic Tutorials in Helsinki this June:
    Andres Villaveces: Stability Theory of Polish Spaces, Time: 14-16 June 2011, every day 12-14.
    Roman Kossak: Elementary pairs of models of arithmetic. Time: 15-17 June 2011, every day 14-16.

    Contact person: Juliette Kennedy ().
    Web page

  • 13-17 June 2011, "Infinite and Finite Sets": A conference in honour of Andras Hajnal's 80th birthday, Budapest, Hungary

    Date: 13-17 June 2011
    Location: Budapest, Hungary

    András Hajnal is turning 80 in 2011. We are pleased to announce that the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, the János Bolyai Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Institute of Eötvös University are organizing a conference celebrating this occassion. The main topics of the conference will be set theory and combinatorics.

    More information about the event can be found at

  • 9-11 June 2011, Contexts, Perspectives, and Relative Truth, Bonn, Germany

    Date: 9-11 June 2011
    Location: Bonn, Germany

    Surely, we might have different opinions about whether or not it is fun to ride a roller coaster. But can they both be true? And are we really disagreeing in case they are?

    Relativists typically tend to answer both questions in the affirmative. As innocent as this position may seem at first sight, it certainly involves some rather dramatic changes in the way philosophers usually think about formal semantics. Then again, these changes seem to offer elegant solutions to further problems besetting semantics, such as the assessment of future contingents, the variability of knowledge ascriptions and the correct analysis of epistemic modals. The conference will be concerned with different relativist proposals, with its consequences, and with possible alternative analyses of the phenomena motivating relativism.

    The conference is part of the Rhine Valley Philosophy Summer 2011, a series of independently organized philosophical events. See for further information.

    For more information, see or contact .

  • 9 - 12 June 2011, The Neurosciences and Music - IV: Learning and Memory, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

    Date: 9 - 12 June 2011
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

    The conference is conceived as a continuation of the previous meetings on the relation between Music and the Neurosciences. These conferences have been highly successful and have generated enormous excitement, both among established and new researchers. By providing the opportunity to present new results and exchange information, the meetings have contributed substantially to the growth of new research and collaborations in the neuroscience of music and to its visibility within the broader scientific community.

    The central theme of Music and Neurosciences IV will be Learning and Memory. The conference programme will also be divided into 4 subthemes: "Infants and Children", "Adults: musicians and non musicians", "Disabilities and aging-related issues" and "Therapy and Rehabilitation". The conference will include Keynote Lectures, Symposia, Poster Sessions and a Workshop on child-oriented research design and new data acquisition and analysis techniques. The conference will be of interest not only to neuroscientists, psychologists and students but also to clinical neurologists, clinical psychologists, therapists, music performers and educators as well as musicologists.

    For more information, see

  • 6-10 June 2011, The fourth European Women in Mathematics Summer School

    Date: 6-10 June 2011
    Location: Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

    From 6-10 June the fourth European Women in Mathematics summer school will take place at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. As Logic is one of the central themes of this summer school this may be of interest to you. This summer school is especially aimed at encouraging female students and researchers at the beginning of their career, but also male students are very welcome to participate.

    During the summer school the participants will be actively involved. Besides the lectures, there will be problem solving sessions on Logic and Geometry and a mini workshop on History in Mathematics. Furthermore, the participants will be asked to present their own work, so as to get to know each other and to practice presentation skills. Finally, possible barriers in an academic career and cultural differences will be discussed, both in particular in relation to gender issues. This set-up fosters an interactive and collaborative atmosphere and therefore all participants are encouraged to stay for the whole summer school period.

    For more information, contact Dion Coumans at or see the summer school webpage at

  • 2-30 June 2011, PhilMath Intersem 2011: Simplicity / Complexity of Proof, Paris & Nancy (France)

    Date: 2-30 June 2011
    Location: Paris & Nancy (France)

    Simplicity and economy of thinking have been perennial concerns of mathematicians. In this seminar we will focus on issues concerning simplicity or economy of thinking in proof.

    We will be particularly concerned with the following questions:
    I. What types of simplicity/complexity concerning proofs have mathematicians found most signficant and why?
    II. In what specific ways (i.e. by means of what specific practices) have mathematicians pursued such economies?
    Particular attention will be paid to the general practice of introducing ideal elements as a means of achieving thought-economies of various types. Here some more particular concerns will be:
    III. To find important historical examples of economies of thinking that have been achieved through the introduction of ideal elements/methods.
    IV. To come to a clear understanding of what the benefits of such economies are.

    For more information, see or contact Mic Detlefsen at or Andrei Rodin at .

  • 31 May - 3 June 2011, "Philosophy in an Age of Science": A Conference in Honor of Putnam's 85th Birthday, Cambridge MA, U.S.A.

    Date: 31 May - 3 June 2011
    Location: Cambridge MA, U.S.A.

    The first and fourth day of the conference will be at 105 Emerson Hall, Harvard University; the second and third day of the conference will be at Brandeis University. Registration includes bus taking people to and from Harvard and Brandeis Universities

    For further information, please contact: Also there will be a web site set up at:

  • 23-27 May 2011, GAMES-EPIT Spring School 2011, France, near Bordeaux, in Carcans-Maubuisson

    Date: 23-27 May 2011
    Location: France, near Bordeaux, in Carcans-Maubuisson

    The spring school is the 38th School in the series of "Ecole de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique" and is supported by the ESF project 'GAMES'.

    It will consist of nine lectures presenting important developments in language theory, automata, and games. The lectures are intended to be accessible to a wide audience, but some familiarity with automata theory and logic is recommended.

    Deadline for registration: March 7 (with grant) or April 4th (without grant). For more information, see

  • 18-22 April 2011, 2011 International Spring School in Formal Languages and Applications (SSFLA 2011), Tarragona, Spain

    Date: 18-22 April 2011
    Location: Tarragona, Spain
    Target audience: Undergraduate and graduate students from around the world

    This spring school was formerly known as the International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Mathematics. Other students (for instance, from Linguistics, Electrical Engineering, Molecular Biology or Logic) are welcome too provided they have a good background in discrete mathematics.

    Registration has to be done on line. Early registration deadline: November 30, 2010. Fees are variable, depending on the number of courses each student takes.

    For more information, see or contact Carlos Martin-Vide: .

  • 11-15 April 2011, Midlansa Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science (MGS), Nottingham, U.K.

    Date: 11-15 April 2011
    Location: Nottingham, U.K.

    The Midlands Graduate School (MGS) in the Foundations of Computing Science is a collaboration between researchers at the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield. It was established in 1999. The MGS has two main goals: to provide PhD students with a sound basis for research in the mathematical and practical foundations of computing and to give PhD students the opportunity to make contact with established researchers in the field and their peers who are at a similar stage in their research careers.

    We invite graduate students in computer science and related fields to participate. Applicants from industry who want to strengthen their theoretical background are also welcome. The deadline for registration is 18 March 2011. More details and information on how to register are on the school web page. at

  • 10-15 April 2011, 3rd International Spring School on Computational Logic (ISCL 2011), Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy

    Date: 10-15 April 2011
    Location: Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy

    The International Spring School on Computational Logic (co-located with the DALT Spring School) for MSc students, PhD students, postdocs and other junior researchers will offer a rich programme on different aspects of computational logic, including description logics, constraints, verification, intelligent agents, and multiagent systems.

    Students who send an expression of interest by the end of November will receive a discount on their registration fee. For more information, see

  • 10-15 April 2011, First International Spring School on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT Spring School 2011), Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy

    Date: 10-15 April 2011
    Location: Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy

    DALT is a well-established forum for researchers interested in sharing their experiences in combining declarative and formal approaches with engineering and technology aspects of agents and multiagent systems.

    Building complex agent systems calls for models and technologies that ensure predictability, allow for the verification of properties, and guarantee flexibility. Developing technologies that can satisfy these requirements still poses an important and difficult challenge. Here, declarative approaches have the potential of offering solutions satisfying the needs for both specifying and developing multiagent systems. Moreover, they are gaining more and more attention in important application areas such as the semantic web, service-oriented computing, security, and electronic contracting.

    The DALT School builds on the success of 8 editions of the international AAMAS workshop series, and aims at giving a comprehensive introduction to this exciting research domain and disseminate the results of research achieved in this 8-year-long activity with a perspective on the future.

    For more information, see

  • 8-9 April 2011, "What is really possible?", Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date: 8-9 April 2011
    Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

    We cordially invite you to participate in the kick off workshop of the project 'What is really possible?'. In science and in practical life, we continuously deal with real possibilities: outcomes of experiments, calculated risks, consequences of actions, fearing or craving something before us. The workshop explores the notion of real possibility from different angles, varying from philosophical logic to metaphysics and the philosophy of action.

    At the workshop, nine international speakers will be presenting their work in a variety of areas, ranging from logic to the philosophy of action, metaphysics, and more. The workshop will end with a round table discussion, in which the various ideas relating to the project will be collected, discussed, and connected.

    The website for the workshop, and the project, can be found at If you wish to attend the workshop, please send an email to .

  • 2-3 April 2011, Workshop of the Logic for Interaction (LINT) programme, Oxford, UK

    Date: 2-3 April 2011
    Location: Oxford, UK

    The Oxford contingent of the ESF Eurocores LogICCC program "Logic for Interaction - LINT" organises a workshop at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory on the weekend of April 2-3, 2011.

    The main themes will be Dependence and Independence (DEP) and Dynamics of Interaction (DYN).

    For more information, see

  • 31 March - 1 April 2011, On the Posteriority of Buechi, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Date: 31 March - 1 April 2011
    Location: Lausanne, Switzerland

    Julius-Richard Büchi (1924-1984) was a Swiss logician and a mathematician who received his Dr. sc. nat. in 1950 at the ETH Zürich under the supervision of Paul Bernays. Almost half a century ago, in 1962, he invented what is now called the Büchi automaton. In the recent years there has been tremendous efforts devoted to extending Büchi?s results. I The aim of this workshop is to bring together some among the best specialists from this new trend of automata theory and discuss the existing results and the ones to come.

    For more information, see

  • 29-30 March 2011, Higher-order logic versus set theory, London, U.K.

    Date: 29-30 March 2011
    Location: London, U.K.

    From a mathematical point of view, higher-order logic (HOL) and set theory have a lot in common; for instance, both allow us to talk about collections of individuals, and there are partial translations in both directions. However, philosophers often argue that HOL and set theory differ in important ways, such as epistemic status and ontological commitments. This workshop aims to assess the relation between HOL and set theory, drawing in part on an examination of the history of these theories.

    To register, please email . For more information, see

  • 21-25 March 2011, Young Set Theory Workshop 2011, Koenigswinter, Germany

    Date: 21-25 March 2011
    Location: Koenigswinter, Germany

    The aim of this conference is to bring together PhD students and postdocs in Set Theory in order to learn from leading researchers in the field, hear about the latest research and to discuss research issues in a cooperative environment. The conference format is similar to previous years.

    There will be tutorials and invited talks. All participants will be asked to write a one-page statement about their research which will be made available to all participants at the conference. Each afternoon, discussion sessions will be formed for those working in similar areas and more general sessions for those interested in getting an overview of the latest research in each branch of set theory.

    Please register at as soon as possible to be guaranteed a place. The registration fee of 350 Euros covers the accommodation in double rooms and meals. The deadline for registration is January 3, 2011. Travel and/or accommodation grants are available (grant application deadline is December 10, 2010).

    More information can be found on the conference website

  • 17-18 March 2011, Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Ishikawa, Japan

    Date: 17-18 March 2011
    Location: Ishikawa, Japan

    The Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic will be held at Research Center for Integrated Science (RCIS), Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) on 17th and 18th March, 2011. Our aim is to promote mutual understandings among researchers on logic working in Asian countries, and to establish closer collaborations in future.

    The scope of the Workshop will cover: philosophical logic, non-classical logics, algebraic logic, and their applications in computer science and cognitive science. During the Workshop, we will have a special session of discussions on future collaborations, in particular on research, education and exchange of researchers in our region.

    For more information, see here.

  • 14-26 March 2011, Doc-course: The Mathematics of Games: Strategies, Cooperation and Fair Division, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

    Date: 14-26 March 2011
    Location: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

    "The Mathematics of Games: Strategies, Cooperation and Fair Division" is an advanced course devoted to the mathematical aspects of Game Theory and Social Choice, in which leading specialists in the area will offer young researchers the possibility to gain insight on the main topics and enable them to undertake research projects in these specific subjects. The course is addressed to beginner and intermediate graduate students from institutions of all over the world. The maximum number of students will be around 30. The course will finish with a Workshop "Challenges of Mathematics for Game Theory" which will be open to the course participants and other interested researchers.

    Registration deadline: Tuesday 15 February 2011. For more information, see

  • 4 March 2011, Workshop on Economic Theory and Game Theory

    Date & Time: Friday 4 March 2011, 10:30-18:15
    Location: Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Gustav Mahlerplein 117, 1082 MS, Amsterdam The Netherlands

    The Tinbergen Institute will organise a Workshop on Economic Theory and Game Theory. See the link below for a programme and abstracts of the talks.

    For more information, see

  • 25 February 2011, 2nd Copenhagen-Lund Workshop in Social Epistemology, Lund, Sweden

    Date: 25 February 2011
    Location: Lund, Sweden

    This is the second in a series of four one-day workshops, 2010-11, between groups from Copenhagen (CPH) and Lund (LU), on the themes of Pluralistic Ignorance, Belief Polarization, Echo Chambers and Informational Cascades.

    To participate, contact by February 16th. Please indicate if you attend lunch and/or dinner. For more information, see the website at

  • 9-12 February 2011, 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2011), Bhubaneshwar, India

    Date: 9-12 February 2011
    Location: Bhubaneshwar, India

    Established in 2004, the ICDCIT conference series has become a platform for researchers to exchange research results and ideas on the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies. Increasingly, such technologies enable individuals and organizations to jointly engage in the production, processing and dissemination of knowledge.

    The 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies (ICDCIT - 2011) will take place in Bhubaneswar during 9 - 12 February 2011. It will be co-organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India and Centre for Electronic Governance, UNU-IIST, Macao.

    For more information, see

  • 4-6 February 2011, Very Informal Gathering of Logicians & Yiannis Moschovakis's UCLA Retirement (VIG 2011), Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    Date: 4-6 February 2011
    Location: Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.

    The next Very Informal Gathering of Logicians at UCLA (VIG) will be held February 4 to 6, 2011. This is the sixteenth in a series of logic meetings at UCLA that began in 1976, and honors Yiannis Moschovakis on the occasion of his formal retirement from UCLA.

    Invited speakers include Uri Andrews, Lou van den Dries, Rachel Epstein, Ilijas Farah, Haim Gaifman, Itay Kaplan, Phokion Kolaitis, Stephan Kreutzer, Joan Moschovakis, Larry Moss, and Slawek Solecki.

    The meeting is open to all, and modest Travel Awards are available for graduate students in logic. Further information can be found on the UCLA Logic Center website,

  • 29 January - 5 February 2011, Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Section Set Theory, Hejnice, Czech Republic

    Date: 29 January - 5 February 2011
    Location: Hejnice, Czech Republic
    Costs: € 300

    We are pleased to announce that Winter School in Abstract Analysis, section Set Theory will take place between January 29th and February 5th in Hejnice, Czech Republic. Intended audience are researchers, postdocs and students from Set Theory, Topology, Analysis and related fields. Tutorial speakers for this year are Andreas Blass, Péter Komjáth, Petr Simon and Lionel Nguyen Van Thé

    Deadlines for grand application and registration are December 11th and December 31st, respectively. To get more information about the conference and grants and to register please visit our web page at

  • 7-8 January 2011, LogICCC Meets India, Delhi, India

    Date: 7-8 January 2011
    Location: Delhi, India

    LogICCC is a European research activity consisting of eight multi-country collaborative research projects (CRP) covering topics in applied logic ranging from theoretical computer science over philosophical and historical issues to computational social choice. It is funded by the European Science Foundation.

    Among other things, LogICCC has been coordinating research activities that involve several of the CRPs and activities that reach out to other research communities. One such activity was the highly successful event LogICCC Meets China held at Chongqing in China on 7 October 2009 at which the researchers from the various CRPs of LogICCC met researchers in China, creating new interactions and strengthening existing ties.

    The event LogICCC Meets India intends to do the same for the Indian logic community. We deliberately selected the conference ICLA 2011, the most important logic event in India, as the host event for our satellite workshop. We encourage all participants and potential participants of LogICCC Meets India to also submit a paper to the conference ICLA 2011.

    We are encouraging all LogICCC members to attend the event and the host conference ICLA 2011. As part of this encouragement, the European Science Foundation offers eight travel stipends of up to € 500 each. If you want to apply, please submit an application before the deadline of 31 August 2010.

    For more information, see

MoL and PhD defenses

  • 23 December 2011, Master of Logic defense, Bruno Jacinto

    Date & Time: Friday 23 December 2011, 10:30
    Title: Context and Consequence: Two-Dimensional Semantics meets Logical Consequence
    Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Maria Aloni and Catarina Dutilh Novaes
  • 15 December 2011, Master of Logic defense, Annemieke Reijngoud

    Date & Time: Thursday 15 December 2011, 16:00
    Title: Voter Response to Iterated Poll Information
    Location: Room G2.02, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ulle Endriss
  • 14 December 2011, PhD defense, Gideon Borensztajn

    Date & Time: Wednesday 14 December 2011, 12:00
    Title: The neural basis of structure in language
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Rens Bod
    Copromotor: Willem Zuidema
  • 1 December 2011, PhD defense, Stefan Minica

    Date & Time: Thursday 1 December 2011, 10:00
    Title: Dynamic Logic of Questions
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem
    Copromotor: Jan van Eijck and Hans van Ditmarsch
  • 18 November 2011, PhD defense, Lena Kurzen

    Date & Time: Friday 18 November 2011, 13:00
    Title: Complexity in Interaction
    Location: Aula der Universiteit, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem
    Copromotor: Peter ven Emde Boas

    An electronic version of the dissertation can be found here:

    For more information, please contact .
  • 18 November 2011, PhD defense, Raul Andres Leal Rodriguez

    Date & Time: Friday 18 November 2011, 11:00
    Title: Modalities Through the Looking Glass
    Location: Aula, University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Yde Venema
    Copromotor: Mathematical Logic
  • 3 November 2011, Master of Logic defense, Andreas van Cranenburgh

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 November 2011, 13:00
    Title: Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing through Mild Context-Sensitivity
    Location: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Remko Scha
  • 28 October 2011, Master of Logic defense, Floor Rombout

    Date & Time: Friday 28 October 2011, 13:00
    Title: Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein on the Judgment Stroke
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Martin Stokhof
  • 7 October 2011, PhD defense, Rianne Kaptein

    Date & Time: Friday 7 October 2011, 14:00
    Title: Effective Focused Retrieval by Exploiting Query Context and Document Structure
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. dr. J.S. Mackenzie Owen
    Copromotor: Dr. ir. J. Kamps

    The goal of an IR system is to retrieve documents containing information which might be useful or relevant to the user. Throughout the search process there is a loss of focus, because keyword queries entered by users often do not suitably summarise their complex information needs, and IR systems do not suciently interpret the contents of documents, leading to result lists containing irrelevant and redundant information. The main research objective of this thesis is to exploit query context and document structure to provide for more focused retrieval.

  • 30 September 2011, PhD defense, Junte Zhang

    Date & Time: Friday 30 September 2011, 10:00
    Title: System Evaluation of Archival Description and Access
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: prof. dr. T.H.P.M. Thomassen
    Copromotor: dr. ir. J. Kamps

    Archieven ontsluiten hun stukken en laten gebruikers zoeken met behulp van archiefbeschrijvingen. Encoded Archival Description (EAD) in Extensible Markup Language (XML) is de technische standaard voor digitale archiefbeschrijvingen. Het wordt nu steeds meer gebruikt om de kloof tussen de tastbare maar soms onvindbare (papieren) stukken in de archieven en digitale objecten op het internet te overbruggen. Deze beschrijvingen zijn toegangen om informatie over, of verwijzingen naar, archiefstukken te kunnen vinden. Typische toegangen zijn diep-hierarchisch qua structuur en beschrijven inhoudelijk soms (kilo)meters aan archief. Junte Zhang onderzocht hoe gebruik gemaakt kan worden van XML-retrievaltechnieken om archieven met EAD-toegangen te ontsluiten. Hij ontwikkelde een systeemevaluatie voor EAD-retrieval om de effectiviteit van de terugvindbaarheid van beschrijvingen in digitale toegangen te meten. Daarnaast bracht hij het informatiezoekgedrag van archiefgebruikers in kaart. Zhang werpt een nieuw licht op de digitale toegankelijkheid van archieven. Hij laat zien dat het verbeteren van de toegankelijkheid nauw samenhangt met evaluatie.

    For more information, see or

  • 23 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Gabriela Rino Nesin

    Date & Time: Friday 23 September 2011, 14:00
    Title: Completing Partial Algebra Models of Term Rewriting Systems
    Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Piet Rodenburg
  • 20 September 2011, PhD defense, Lauri Keskinen

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 September 2011, 12:00
    Title: Characterizing All Models in Infinite Cardinalities
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Jouko Väänänen
    Promotor: Jouko Väänänen

    Given an infinite cardinal kappa one can ask what kind of logic L is needed to characterize all models of cardinality kappa (in a finite vocabulary) by their L-theories. The logics studied in the thesis are higher order logics, infinitary higher order logics and logics with generalized quantifiers. The expressive power of higher order languages depends a lot on the model of set theory, so forcing is used in the thesis a lot.

  • 19 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Rogier Jacobsz

    Date & Time: Monday 19 September 2011, 15:15
    Title: Cylindric Algebras of Four-Valued Logic
    Location: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Piet Rodenburg
  • 8 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Zhenhao Li

    Date & Time: Thursday 8 September 2011, 16:00
    Title: Degrees of non-determinacy and game logics on cardinals under the axiom of determinacy
    Location: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Benedikt Löwe
  • 8 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Johannes Marti

    Date & Time: Thursday 8 September 2011, 14:00
    Title: Relation Liftings in Coalgebraic Modal Logic
    Location: Room A106, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Y. Venema
  • 6 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Ilan Frank

    Date & Time: Tuesday 6 September 2011, 15:00
    Title: Information and Representation in Computational Social Choice
    Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Ulle Endriss
  • 5 September 2011, Master of Logic defense, Lars Wortel

    Date & Time: Monday 5 September 2011, 15:30
    Title: Side Effect in Steering Fragments
    Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Alban Ponse and Paul Dekker
  • 31 august 2011, Master of Logic defense, Sophie Arnoult

    Date & Time: Wednesday 31 august 2011, 15:30
    Title: Smoothing a PBSMT model by factoring out adjuncts
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Khalil Sima'an
  • 30 August 2011, Master of Logic defense, Cian Chartier

    Date & Time: Tuesday 30 August 2011, 15:30
    Title: Tarski's Threat to the T-Schema
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Frank Veltman
  • 30 August 2011, Master of Logic defense, Noortje Venhuizen

    Date & Time: Tuesday 30 August 2011, 14:00
    Title: Negations in Questions
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Floris Roelofsen and Galit Weidman Sassoon
  • 30 August 2011, Master of Logic defense, Douwe Kiela

    Date & Time: Tuesday 30 August 2011, 11:30
    Title: Variable Binding in Biologically Plausible Neural Networks
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen
  • 29 August 2011, Master of Logic defense, Kasper Christensen

    Date & Time: Monday 29 August 2011, 15:00
    Title: Counterfactual Dependencies
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Frank Veltman
  • 25 August 2011, Master of Logic defense, Irma Cornelisse

    Date & Time: Thursday 25 August 2011, 13:00
    Title: Context Dependence of Epistemic Operators in Dynamic Evidence Logic
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Johan van Benthem and Eric Pacuit
  • 25 July 2011, Master of Logic defense, Navid Talebanfard

    Date & Time: Monday 25 July 2011, 11:00
    Title: Tightening the compression hierarchies
    Location: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Harry Buhrman
  • 29 June 2011, Master of Logic defense, Peter Fritz

    Date & Time: Wednesday 29 June 2011, 14:00
    Title: Matrices and Modalities: On the Logic of Two-Dimensional Semantics
    Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Paul Dekker and Yde Venema
  • 23 June 2011, Master of Logic defense, Martijn Baartse

    Date & Time: Thursday 23 June 2011, 13:00
    Title: Finding the phase transition for Friedman's long finite sequences
    Location: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Andreas Weiermann and Dick de Jongh
  • 30 May 2011, Master of Logic defense, Spencer Johnston

    Date & Time: Monday 30 May 2011, 14:00
    Title: John Buridan's Theory of Modal Consequence
    Location: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Catarina Dutilh-Novaes
  • 15 April 2011, Master of Logic defense/ talk Logic Year, Tarek Besold

    Date & Time: Friday 15 April 2011, 14:00
    Title: The Formal and Computational Modeling of Analogy-Making
    Location: Room B5 2.05, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen

    For more information, see here.

  • 15 April 2011, PhD defense, Marijn Koolen

    Date & Time: Friday 15 April 2011, 14:00
    Title: The meaning of Structure. The value of link evidence for information retrieval
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: prof. dr. J.S. Mackenzie Owen
    Copromotor: dr. J. Kamps
  • 22 February 2011, PhD defense, Fernando Raymundo Velázquez Quesada

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 February 2011, 12:00
    Title: Small steps in dynamics of information
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof.dr J. F. A. K. van Benthem

    For more information, see or contact Fernando Raymundo Velázquez Quesada ().

  • 3 February 2011, Master of Logic defense, Tom Sterkenburg

    Date & Time: Thursday 3 February 2011, 16:00
    Title: Sequences with trivial initial segment complexity
    Location: Room A1.10 (<em>changed</em>), Science Park 904, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: George Barmpalias
  • 27 January 2011, PhD defense, Wouter M. Koolen

    Date & Time: Thursday 27 January 2011, 14:00
    Title: Combining Strategies Efficiently: High-Quality Decisions from Conflicting Advice
    Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Paul M.B. Vitanyi and Peter D. Grunwald

    For more information, see

Projects and Awards

  • Four Veni grants 2011 at ILLC

    Four young ILLC researchers have been awarded a Veni grant 2011:
    * Michael Franke, for his project Models of Language Evolution and the Topology of Semantic Space: The Case of Gradable Adjectives
    * Aline Honingh, for her project Representing Music: a New Basis for Computational Musicology
    * Floris Roelofsen, for his project Interpreting Questions - fine-grained compositional semantics
    * Bryan Renne, for his project Evidence-Based Belief Revision

    For more information, see here or

  • Translation industry think tank inspired by ILLC article.

    The most recent article by Markos Mylonakis and Khalil Sima'an (Language and Computation, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, FNWI) has been selected by TAUS, a major innovation think tank and interoperability watchdog for the translation industry, as one of the two outstanding articles featured by the ACL 2011 Conference.

    The TAUS review "What machines still can't translate" considers recent work taking on the big challenges of data-driven Machine Translation. The review concludes that the article "marks a new era in the debates about the possibility of using syntax in hierarchical statistical machine translation". The work of Mylonakis and Sima'an constitutes the first successful automatic learning (as opposed to heuristic crafting) of statistical translation models from human translation data in tandem with linguistic information.

    It is also stimulating for the ILLC that a former graduate student (Andreas Zollmann, CMU) is a co-author of the other selected article. Zollmann is a graduate of the ILLC Master of Logic programme; his Master thesis was supervised by Dr. Sima'an.

    ACL is the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), the most influential conference in the area of Natural Language Processing. For more information, see

  • Benedikt Löwe receives grant of the John Templeton Foundation

    The John Templeton Foundation is funding a project entitled "What Makes Stories Similar: A structural logic-based approach to narratives". The project will be located at the Universität Hamburg and fund a postdoctoral researcher and two student assistants. Their research is naturally connected to the research of Benedikt's group at the ILLC and we are likely to see them as guests in Amsterdam.

  • Rens Bod receives KNAW Computational Humanities grant

    In June 2011, Rens Bod (together with the Huygens-ING and Fryske Academy) was awarded a grant from the KNAW for the project: The Riddle of Literary Quality as part of the KNAW Computational Humanities programme. The grant will finance a PhD student for 4 years (at ILLC), a Postdoc for 4 years (both at ILLC and Huygens-ING) and a scientific developer for 4 years (at Huygens-ING).

    For more information, contact

  • Henkjan Honing receives KNAW grant

    In June 2011, Henkjan Honing (together with the Meertens and Fryske Academy) was awarded a grant from the KNAW for the project: Tunes & Tales: Modeling Oral Transmission as part of the KNAW Computational Humanities programme. The grant will finance a PhD student for four years.

    For more information, please contact or see

  • Henkjan Honing receives NWO CATCH 2010 grant

    In June 2011, Henkjan Honing (together with the UU, Meertens and Sound & Vision) was awarded a grant from NWO for his project: COGITCH as part of the NWO CATCH (Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage) programme. The grant will finance a Postdoc for three years.

    For more information, please contact or see

  • Henkjan Honing receives UvA-FGw grant

    In June 2011, Henkjan Honing was awarded a grant from UvA's FGw for his research in music cognition. The grant will finance a postdoc student for three years.

    For more information, please contact or see

  • Jaap Kamps receives NWO CATCH 2010 grant

    In June 2011, Jaap Kamps was awarded a grant from NWO for his project: Web Archive Retrieval Tools as part of the NWO CATCH (Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage) programme. The grant will finance a PhD student for four years.

    For more information, please contact

  • Johan van Benthem appointed Distinguished International  Expert by the Chinese Ministry of Education

    In 2009, the Chinese Ministry of Education initiated a highly competitive national program of Distinguished International Experts. The first such expert appointed at Tsinghua University (the top-ranked university in China) is Johan van Benthem, University Professor of Logic at the ILLC, UvA. His task will be to further contacts in his field between Tsinghua, the UvA, and other major universities in his field. The award was conferred in a ceremony on Thursday 16 June 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Onderwijsprijs FGw 2011

    The BA course Logische analyse taught by Katrin Schulz has been awarded the Onderwijsprijs FGw 2011.

    The Onderwijsprijs is meant to highlight successful methods of teaching. To be able to pay more attention to the differences between teaching in the bachelor or master, the jury awarded two prizes this year, one for the best BA course and one for the best master course. The prize for the best master course went to Term Paper (General Linguistics en Research Master Linguistics) coordinated by Norval Smit.

    For more information, see

  • Robert van Rooij receives ESF grant: Communication in Context

    In april 2011, Robert van Rooij has been awarded a grant for his project `Communication in Context' as part of the EUROCORES programme Eurounderstanding (of the European Science Foundation, ESF). This project will finance a to be hired postdoc for three years.

    For more information, please contact
  • Ulle Endriss and Stéphane Airiau receive NWO EW Open Competition Grant: Aggregation of Preferences over Uncertain Outcomes

    In February 2011, Stéphane Airiau and Ulle Endriss have been awarded a grant in the Free Competition of the NWO's Board of Exact Sciences (NWO-EW Vrije Competitie). The project, entitled "Aggregation of Preferences over Uncertain Outcomes", will finance Stephane's postdoc position for the coming three years.

    For more information, see

  • STIL Prize for best Master Thesis in Computational Linguistics to Margaux Smets

    Our former Master of Logic student Margaux Smets has been awarded the STIL Prize for the best Master Thesis in Computational Linguistics 2010.

    Her thesis, entitled "A U-DOP Approach to Modeling Language Acquisition", was supervised by Rens Bod and Federico Sangati. Margaux received the prize at the CLIN conference in Ghent last Friday 11 February. Many congratulations!

    The thesis of Margaux Smets describes a concrete implementation of a U-DOP parser, which is used to investigate whether the U-DOP framework can account for certain problems in language acquisition. The focus is on WH-questions. The study proposes two innovations to the field of unsupervised learning of which the performance of one improved state-of-the-art results. Apart from this, the study showed that the U-DOP computational model for unsupervised model can be used for explaining language phenomena empirically. By doing this the thesis made an interesting link between language acquisition and computational linguistics.

    For the full thesis, see

Funding, Grants and Competitions

  • KNAW: Academy Colloquia grants

    Academy Colloquia bring together a select international group of researchers to discuss a topical theme. The Academy can organise up to seven colloquia a year at the Trippenhuis Building in Amsterdam. Academy Colloquia last from two to three days.

    Application deadline: prior to 1 March of the year preceding the year in which the colloquium is to take place.

    For more information, see

  • 1 December 2011, 3rd Workshop on Valorisation

    Date: Thursday 1 December 2011
    Location: "het glazen huis" at the Science Park 904

    3rd workshop in the 2011-2012 Workshop Series on Valorisation will be held in "het glazen huis" at the Science Park. Thursday December 1st: Interacting with industry: co-development and out-licensing. Do you have interesting research results, and do you think they can benefit society? To bring them to societal use, a company has to take interest. When time is ripe: how do you interact with the industry? In this workshop you will meet industry and technology transfer representatives. Observe, learn and discuss to find out about the interesting options the market might have for you.

    For more information, see

  • Presburger Award for Young Scientists in theoretical computer science

    Starting in 2010, the European Association of Theoretical Computer Scienc e (EATCS) established the Presburger Award, conferred annually at the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) to a young scientist for outstanding contributions in theoretical computer science, documented by a published paper or a series of published papers. The Award is named after Mojzesz Presburger who accomplished his path-breaking work on decidability of the theory of addition (which today is called Presburger arithmetic) as a student in 1929.

    Nominations for the Presburger Award can be submitted by any member or group of members of the theoretical computer science community except the nominee and his/her advisors for the master thesis and the doctoral dissertation. Nominated scientists have to be at most 35 years at the time of the deadline of nomination (i.e., for the Presburger Award of 2012 the date of birth should be in 1976 or later).

    Nominations should be sent by December 31st, 2011. For further information:

  • IHES: post-doctoral and senior research grants

    Each year, IHÉS welcomes some 200 mathematicians and theoretical physicists from all over the world (post-doctorants and senior researchers) for periods ranging from a few days to one year, or even two in exceptional cases. IHÉS visitors are given complete freedom in their research, allowing them to change fields if they so desire. The freedom of research enjoyed by all the Institute's researchers enables them to work without constraint on the topics that interest them, and without them h­aving to worry about whether that fits into a given programme.

    Deadline for applications: 13 November 2011. For more information, see

  • New pilot scheme 'Synergy Grant'

    In recent years, small research groups of principal investigators and their teams have emerged as an increasingly productive link in the research chain. These groups often tackle interdisciplinary research problems, pooling together their expertise, knowledge and resources. Building on its two core funding schemes supporting individual researchers, the Eurpopean Research Council is launching a new pilot initiative - the 'Synergy Grant' - to fund small groups of excellent researchers to push forward the frontiers of knowledge.

    The ERC aims to support proposals that demonstrate the complementarity and added-value of joint research leading to breakthroughs that would not necessarily be possible to achieve without the proposed group configuration. Groups of between two to four researchers can apply for a maximum grant of € 15 Mio for a period of up to six years. The total funding of the first pilot 'Synergy Grant' call is € 150 Mio, representing approximately 10% of the 2012 ERC budget for calls. No more than 10 to 15 'Synergy Grants' will be awarded in 2012, and only exceptional proposals are likely to be funded.

    The first call will be published on 25 October 2011 with a deadline for submission in January 2012. For more information, see

  • KNAW: The Descartes-Huygens Prize

    The Descartes-Huygens Prize promotes scientific and scholarly cooperation between the Netherlands and France. The French and Dutch governments established the prize in 1995 to draw the attention of the public and researchers to Franco-Dutch relations in science and scholarship.

    The prize is awarded on a rotating basis to researchers in the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences, and the life sciences. By agreement, the Netherlands selects the French candidate for the prize, and France selects the Dutch candidate.

    The prize, a grant of EUR 23,000 intended to cover the cost of a French researcher's research residence in the Netherlands, encourages scientists and scholars to dedicate themselves to their careers.

    Application deadline: Thursday 1 December 2011. For more information, see

  • VSBfonds: Grants for Master or Bachelor students [Dutch only]

    Het VSBfonds stelt elk jaar een groot aantal beurzen beschikbaar voor bevlogen en gemotiveerde studenten, die zich graag verder willen ontwikkelen. Je hoeft geen bolleboos te zijn, maar je hebt wel goede studieresultaten behaald. Jij bepaalt zelf wat je gaat doen, waar en waarom. Vervolgens overtuig je ons waarom jouw plan bijzonder is en waarom wij jouw plannen zouden moeten ondersteunen.

    Deadline voor aanvragen: 1 maart 2012. Voor meer informatie, zie

  • Imperial College London: Junior Research Fellowships

    Imperial Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) receive three-year fellowships, which include a competitive salary, research expenses and mentoring support from a senior Imperial academic. This support gives JRFs the freedom to focus on their research, with no obligatory teaching or administration.

    Imperial~s JRF scheme was set up in 2008 with the aim of helping researchers make the leap from post-doc to lecturer. Imperial is continuing its investment in this scheme and will appoint up to 20 new JRFs to start in the academic year 2012/13.

    Deadline for applications: 6pm 31 October 2011. For more information, see

  • Call for Best PhD Thesis Project of the Year in Computational Game Theory

    This is a Graduate Student Contest for Best PhD Thesis Project of the Year in Computational Game Theory. Intended applicants are PhD students in the field of Computational Game Theory. PhD students in the final stage of their Thesis or who have recently defended their thesis are eligible. Hopefully, this contest will spot the most insightful and original recent work in Computational Game Theory. Healthy competition between PhD students and the emergence of new, bold, ideas is encouraged.

    There will be three prizes awarded, ranging from € 500,- to € 1000,-. The awards will be awarded by the Romanian Institute of Science and Technology and sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation.

    Deadline for submitting PhD Theses summaries: October 15, 2011, at . For more information see

  • Google: Research Awards

    The purpose of this program is to facilitate more interaction between Google and academia and also nurture stronger relations and partnerships with universities. The intent of the awards program is to support academic research aimed at improving information access (defined broadly). Google funds Research Awards unrestricted and retains no intellectual property from the research. We prefer if the results from the research are open sourced and widely published. Awards through this program are for one year in the range from $10K-$150K.

    Deadline: Monday 1 August 2011

    For more information, see

  • Fulbright Center Amsterdam: scholarships

    The Fulbright Center offers scholarships to Dutch citizens for study in the United States. The Educational Advising Center provides information on scholarships offered by other organizations, such as U.S. universities and other funds.

    Deadline: Monday 15 August 2011. For more information, see|168|174

  • Hendrik Muller Fonds: Studiebeurzen

    [Dutch only]
    De Stichting dr Hendrik Muller's Vaderlandsch Fonds werd in 1941 opgericht door de koopman, beoefenaar der wetenschap en diplomaat, dr. H.P.N. Muller (1859-1941). De Stichting stelt zich tot doel jonge, veelbelovende Nederlanders financieel te ondersteunen in hun studie (universitair niveau of vergelijkbare hogere opleiding).

    Deadline for applications: Thursday 30 juni 2011. For more information, see

  • Lorentz Center: financial support organisation workshops

    The Lorentz Center, located at Leiden University, is an international centre that was set up to organise interactive workshops within the natural sciences. One special aspect is the possibility to organise workshops that bring natural scientists into contact with researchers from the humanities and social sciences.

    Deadline: Thursday 15 September 2011. For more information, see

  • KNAW: Call for nominations `Visiting Professors Programme'

    The Visiting Professors Programme enables outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands. The programme acts as an incentive for Dutch science and scholarship.

    Deadline: Thursday 15 September 2011. For more information, see

  • NRW Young Scientist Award 2011

    The NRW Research Schools were founded as an initiative of the German federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). International networks of renowned scientists,world leading supervisors and excellent scientific environments - the NRW Research Schools provide a forum for PhD candidates with superior academic track records.

    The International NRW Research Schools in Germany will award prizes of € 1,500 to ten young scientists for the most outstanding research work.

    Deadline: Friday 30 September 2011. For more information, see

  • KNAW: Conference Grants Fund

    The Conference Grants Fund assists the organisers of international scientific/scholarly conferences in the Netherlands. The grant is intended to cover no more than a third of the total conference budget, with a ceiling of EUR 8500. The conference budget may not exceed EUR 170,000. Exceptions are possible; see the document Opzet en bepalingen van het Congressubsidiefonds [Purpose and provisions of the Conference Grant Fund].

    Applications must be submitted at least four months before the closing date of the relevant tender. There are three tenders a year. The annual closing dates are:
    * 1 January (for conferences taking place after 1 May)
    * 1 May (for conferences taking place after 1 September)
    * 1 September (for conferences taking place after 1 January)

    For more information, see

  • KNAW: Visiting Professors Programme

    The Visiting Professors Programme enables outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands. The programme acts as an incentive for Dutch science and scholarship.

    Deadline: Thursday 15 September 2011. For more information, see

  • Creatieve Geest Prijs 2011

    Op initiatief van de Freek & Hella de Jonge stichting en het Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) is De Creatieve Geest Prijs opgericht. Deze prijs wordt toegekend aan een jonge wetenschapper die met een origineel en sprankelend idee komt om eigen onderzoek uit te voeren, waarin creativiteit en de werking van de hersenen centraal staan. De prijswinnaar krijgt de kans om in het kader van het UvA Brain & Cognition programma haar/zijn onderzoeksplan te realiseren en zich zo als veelbelovend onderzoeker te profileren.

    Voor meer informatie, zie en

  • Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits" May 2011

    The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.

    As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics.

    The top 3 grants for May:
    EURIAS Fellowship Programme. 10-months residencies in participating EU institutes, both for junior and senior fellows. Deadline 31 May.
    Call for ESF Research Conference Proposals: Biology, Physics, Social Sciences and Humanities, Deadline 15 September 2011.
    Informative meeting ERC starting grant and NWO VIDI: 26 May 2011 13h-15h.

    For more information, see

  • Investment Subsidy NWO Medium

    In Investment Subsidy NWO Medium, subsidies can be requested for the acquisition of equipment and for the setting up of data collections, associated software and bibliographies, if it concerns a clear, nationally accessible contribution to the infrastructure and if this cannot be acquired by means of purchasing.

    Deadline: Tuesday 10 May 2011. For more information, see

  • COST Open Call

    COST invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and to embark on new European perspectives. A continuous Open Call for Proposals is used to attract the best proposals for new COST Actions.

    Deadline: 30 september 2011. For more information, see

  • The Turing Centenary Research Fellowship and Scholar Competition

    An important part of the Turing Centenary celebrations will be the Turing Centenary Fellowship Competition, funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The intention is to support the research of eight young researchers, over 3 years, commencing in July 2012. The research fellowship prize programme will offer, over 3 years, three 'young scholar' fellowships of £45,000, and five post-doctoral fellowships of £75,000.

    The provisional deadline for the submission of proposals is December 16, 2011. For more details see:

  • Call for Nominations for Beth Dissertation Prize 2010

    Since 2002, FoLLI (the Association for Logic, Language, and Information) awards the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize to outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information. We invite submissions for the best dissertation which resulted in a Ph.D. degree in the year 2010.

    Deadline for submissions: May 8, 2011. For more information, see .

  • New Agentschap NL Newsletter 'KP7 en Euroka: R&D over de grens'

    The march edition of the Agentschap NL newsletter "KP7 en Euroka: R&D over de grens" (dutch only) is available from the Agentschap NL website, at

  • NWO: Cooperation China - Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP)

    The China Netherlands Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP) aims at stimulating sustainable research collaboration by funding joint research projects and thematic dialogue seminars.

    Deadline: 29 April 2011. For more information, see

  • NWO: Horizon (formerly H Programmes)

    Horizon (formerly H Programmes) focuses on scientific innovation in humanities disciplines. These are research programmes that have the potential to determine the research agendas for future humanities research. This requires a coherent approach within a broad research programme.

    The instrument also serves a strategic purpose: gaining a better insight of new research lines and trends within humanities disciplines and encouraging the setting of the future research agenda, through the proposals submitted.

    Deadline: 1 September 2011. For more information, see

  • KNAW: Scientific cooperation with China

    All programmes promoting scientific cooperation with China aim to expand and deepen Sino-Dutch scientific cooperation based on academic excellence and mutual interests and benefits. To this end, the partners make funding available for both mobility and joint research. The programmes target specific forms of cooperation, research themes and/or specific groups of researchers.

    Deadline: 15 September 2011. For more information, see

  • Niels Stensen Stichting: Postdoctoral research grants

    The Board of the Niels Stensen Stichting awards 6 - 7 post-doctoral research grants annually to young Catholic academics who have recently been awarded a PhD, in order to enable them to acquire research experience abroad. They will also be expected to assume prominent positions in Dutch academic institutions after their return.

    Deadline for applications: 1 May 2011. For more information, see and

  • Dutch Network of Women Professors Jubilee Prize

    The Dutch Network of Women Professors has established a non-recurring prize on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. This Jubilee Prize is meant for young female scientists working in the Netherlands.

    The Jubilee Prize is meant for young female scientists working in the Netherlands and consists of an amount of 5,000 euro's. The presentation will take place on October 6, 2011.

    Deadline for applications: May 31, 2011. For more information, see

  • Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits" March 2011

    The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.

    As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics.

    The top 3 grants for March:
    Human Frontier Science Programme: Young investigator grants. Collaboration biology-other disciplines: focus on problems at the frontiers of the life sciences. Deadline pre-registrations 22 March 2011.
    STW Partnership Programs: National Initiative Brain and Cognition. Focus on healthy lifestyle. Deadline preproposals 15 March 2011.
    COST-research networks: Networking activities such as meetings, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools, publications. Deadlines 25 March 2011 and 30 September 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Academic Year Prize 2011: Call for Candidates

    Until the 4th of April teams of researchers can apply as candidates for the Academic Year Prize. The prize is awarded to the best research which translates scientific research to a wide audience. The team with the most creative communication plan receives an award of 100,000 EUR to carry out the plan.

    Deadline: Monday 4 April 2011

    For more information, see

  • Heineken Prizes: call for nominations

    The Heineken Prizes are international prizes awarded biannually to five internationally renowned scientists and one highly talented Dutch visual artist for their great merits to science, Dutch art and society. Prizes are awarded for the following research fields: cognitive science, medicine, history, Environmental sciences, biochemistry and biophysics.

    Closing date for nominations: 1 November 2011. For more information, see

  • Jo Kolk Studiefonds: Research grants for female researchers

    The goal of the Jo Kolk Studiefonds is to financially support women to carry out scientific research. Financial support for master and doctoral research is available.

    Deadline 1st round: 15 May 2011.
    Deadline 2nd round: 15 November 2011

    For more information, see

  • Science Park New Ideas Competition 2011

    The Technology Transfer Office UvA AMC (BKT UvA AMC) will once again award a prize to the person who comes up with the most original and innovative idea as part of the Science Park New Ideas Competition 2011.

    Submission deadline: Friday 8 April 2011

    For more information, see

  • Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits" February 2011

    The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.

    As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics.

    The top 4 grants for February:
    NWO Rubicon continuation uncertain, probably only two more rounds in 2011. Next deadline 31 March.
    Marie Curie Individual fellowships: IIF, IOF, IEF. Foreseen dates of publication now announced.
    NWO SCIENCE4ARTS Network Grants: Interdisciplinary research programme for the conservation of arts 
    The Science Park New Ideas Competition 2011: 17 May 2011. Call for proposals 

    For more information, see

  • Call for proposals Academy Colloquia

    The Academy contributes a maximum of EUR 19,500 per colloquium and makes a further EUR 3,500 available to organise a master class immediately following the colloquium for a minimum of fifteen Dutch doctoral candidates.

    In addition, the Academy assists the colloquium organisers with organisational and administrative matters at no charge.

    Deadline: 1 March 2011. For more information, see

  • NWO: Rubicon

    The aim of the Rubicon programme is to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research. Rubicon offers researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands (maximum of two years).

    The Rubicon programme also offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to obtain grants to spend a maximum of two years in the Netherlands to conduct research.

    Deadline: 31 March 2011. For more information, see

  • 20 January 2011, VICI Information Meeting

    Date & Time: Thursday 20 January 2011, 15:00-17:00
    Location: REC, Spylia-zaal, 332 REC-H, Roetersstraat 13, 1018 WB Amsterdam

    The 2011 NWO VICI deadline for preliminary project proposals is set for 31 March. The closing date for full submissions, based on the pre-proposals is set on 30 August. The NWO VICI grants provide an opportunity to researchers who have completed their doctorate with a maximum of 15 years to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk research that opens new directions in any scientific field. The maximum amount of the grant will be € 1,500,000 for a period of five years.

    Bureau Kennistransfer UvA AMC organises on January 20th, 2011 an information meeting on this NWO VICI call. During this meeting a policy advisor from NWO will highlight the most important aspects of the call as well as giving an answer to all your questions. We also have invited VICI laureates and reviewers from our own university to share there experiences with you.

    Please register here for attending this meeting: For more information, see here or contact

  • The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: call for nominations student paper prize

    The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics invites nominations for its student paper prize. The prize recognizes outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics and scientific computing.

    Deadline: 15 February 2011. For more information, see

  • National Research Fund Luxembourg: AFR postdoctoral grants

    National Research Fund Luxembourg is inviting applications for its AFR postdoctoral grants. The programme has no thematic limitations. However, the interest of the project in the context of Luxembourg research and development will be evaluated during the selection process

    Deadline: 22-02-2011. For more information, see

  • Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"

    The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.

    As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics.

    The top 4 grants for January:
    VICI Information afternoon on 20 January 2011.
    Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG). Deadlines 8 March and 6 September 2011
    Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES). Deadline 17 March 2011.
    NWO MagW Open Competition replaced by two new programs: 'Top Subsidies' for senior researchers, 'Onderzoekstalent' for PhD positions

    For more information, see

Open Positions at ILLC

  • Postdoc in logic and theoretical philosophy

    A 3-year Post-Doc position is available at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam. This position is connected to the LogiCIC project which is funded by the European Research Council, under the ERC Starting Grant awarded to Dr. Sonja Smets.

    Vacancy number W11-215. The closing date for application is 6 December, 2011. For more information, see or here.

  • PhD position in logic and theoretical philosophy

    A 4-year PhD position is available at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam. This position is connected to the LogiCIC project which is funded by the European Research Council, under the ERC Starting Grant awarded to Dr. Sonja Smets.

    Vacancy number W11-216. Applications will be reviewed starting 1 February 2012 and are accepted until the position is filled. For more information, see or here.

  • Two 2-year Postdoctoral researchers at the Faculty of Humanities (UvA)

    The Faculty of Humanities has a vacancy for two postdoctoral researchers in the field of Digital Humanities. (fulltime, 38 hours/week, for a period of two years, starting on 1 March 2012 at the latest).

    Applicants should be interested in the development and application of digital methods in the humanities. Digital research corpora of literature, art, music and language are changing the humanities in a spectacular way, leading to new questions that seemed unanswerable until very recently. The Digital Humanities or e-Humanities transcend the individual humanities disciplines, and the applicant will need to be at home in more than one discipline. We particularly welcome applications that fit within the two project themes "Corpus Creation and Games" and "Literary Quality".

    Vacancy number W11-208. Applications should be submitted before Monday November 28th 2011. For more information about these positions, see or contact .

  • PhD fellowship at ILLC (Faculty of Humanities)

    The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has a PhD fellowship (0.8 fte) available at the Faculty of Humanities starting on 1st September 2012. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct research in an area in which either the Logic and Language group or the Language and Computation group at ILLC are active.

    Completed applications should be submitted by 23.59 hours (CET) on the 1st of February, 2012. For more information, see here or contact the chairman of the selection committee, Prof.dr. Rens Bod .

  • Ph.D. Student Computational Musicology

    There is an opening for a PhD student in the project Tunes & Tales (subproject Tunes).

    The aim of this project is twofold:
    1. To design a representation of melodies and tales as (layered) sequences of motifs (building blocks).
    2. To design a model that explains and predicts the variation that occurs to melodies and tales in the process of oral transmission.
    The project team will consist of two Ph.D. students, a post-doctoral researcher and a scientific programmer.

    The Ph.D. student for the tunes-subproject will research the following questions: How to model a melody as a layered sequence of motifs? How to automatically detect motifs in a melody at various levels of abstraction? How to recognize a melody based on the detected motifs it consists of?

    The PhD candidate should have a strong background in computer science, and a good knowledge of music theory. A master's degree in a relevant field (such as computer science, information science, computational musicology, or humanities computing) is required, as well as excellent English language skills both in conversation and in writing. The candidate is expected to be able to implement algorithms and data structures in a common programming language. Experience in Music Informatics, Music Information Retrieval, or a related field, as well as basic solfege/ear training skills is a plus.

    The PhD-project will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Henkjan Honing and Prof. Dr. Louis P. Grijp, in collaboration with Dr. ir. Peter van Kranenburg. The candidate will complete and defend his/her PhD thesis within four years at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

    Please send in your application before 15 October 2011. For more information, see Or contact prof.dr. Henkjan Honing at

  • Postdoc and PhD position in Computational Linguistics/Humanities

    Starting in the fall of 2011, the Computational Humanities programme of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences has the following two vacancies:
    (1) Postdoc High-level Pattern Recognition with U-DOP (2) PhD student Literary Quality

    Application deadline: October 10, 2011. For more information, see here or contact .
  • Postdoc in Cognitive and Computational Musicology

    The postdoctoral researcher will take part in a collaborative research project cutting across the boundaries between music cognition and computer science. The project named COGITCH (COgnition Guided Interoperability beTween Collections of musical Heritage) was recently funded by NWO-CATCH and is an collaboration of the Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam, The Meertens Institute, Netherlands Public Broadcasting, and Sound & Vision. It aims to develop generic techniques for relating music from different Dutch music collections. In developing retrieval methods, we will take a top-down approach, working from musical knowledge and cognitive psychology towards the identification and processing of audio features. On-line annotations provided by listeners will support establishing the relationships between ~hooks~ (perceptually salient musical patterns) and the music.

    Deadline for applications: 16 October 2011. For more information, see or contact prof. dr. Henkjan Honing at .

  • Postdoctoral position in Music Cognition

    For the Research Priority Area Brain & Cognition the ILLC invites applications for a
    Postdoc in Music Cognition
    1 fte (38 hours/week) for two years.

    The postdoctoral researcher will take part in the UvA research priority program Brain & Cognition and will contribute to the subtheme investigating the role of consciousness and attention in rhythm perception (see here for more information). The research is concerned with the computational modeling of the temporal aspects of music (especially beat/meter induction) and the role of perception, attention, expectation and memory in music cognition. Next to computational modeling, brain imaging techniques will be used to identify and underpin the neural correlates of rhythm perception.

    Deadline for applications: 23 June 2011. For more information, see or contact prof. dr. Henkjan Honing at .

  • Open PhD/Teaching Position: Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam

    [Dutch Only]
    De Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen is op zoek naar een docent-promovendus voor een periode van 5 jaar.

    De werkzaamheden van deze docent-promovendus bestaan uit het verzorgen van onderwijs binnen het bachelorprogramma wijsbegeerte, het verrichten van promotieonderzoek, het schrijven van een proefschrift en het afronden van de promotie.

    Het onderzoek van de docent-promovendus zal ofwel worden ondergebracht in het Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) ofwel bij het Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC). Kandidaten dienen bij hun sollicitatie een onderzoeksplan in.

    Sluitingstermijn: 11 Maart 2011.
    Voor meer informatie, zie
    Richtlijnen voor PhD voorstel: (PDF).

Open Positions, General

  • Postdoctoral position (3y) in "Explanatory Reasoning" in Tilburg

    The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for a three-year full-time postdoc position, commencing April 1, 2012 (or earlier). The successful candidate is expected to work on the DFG-funded project 'Explanatory Reasoning: Normative and Empirical Considerations'.

    The deadline for applications is January 5, 2012. For more information, see the full announcement at or the TiLPS website at, or email Professor Stephan Hartmann at .

  • Postdoctoral fellowship: Foundations and future of AI, Oxford (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for James Martin Postdoctoral Research Fellowship within the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University. The post is fixed-term for the period 30 January 2012 (or as soon as possible thereafter) to 30 September 2012. The postholder will conduct independent and collaborative research related to artificial intelligences and other cognitive systems, machine intelligence, superintelligence, and other associated topics.

    The Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) is a unique multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford, and is directed by Professor Nick Bostrom. The Institute's mission is to bring excellent scholarship to bear on big-picture questions for humanity. The FHI is part of the Oxford Martin School, and is hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy.

    The deadline for applications is noon (UK time) on Monday 23 January 2012. Further particulars are available from the FHI website at or by emailing . Protocol Reference Number: HUM/1014F/E.

  • Two postdoctoral fellowships (1y each) in history and philosophy of mathematics, Berlin (Germany)

    The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (Independent Research Group on Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space; Director: Vincenzo De Risi) announces Two Post-doctoral Fellowships for one year in the academic year 2012-2013 (with the possibility to begin as soon as Summer 2012). Research projects should concern the history of geometry, the history of mathematical epistemology or the history of the concept of space from the Ancient to the Early Modern Age.

    Applications must be received before February 15th, 2012. For more information, see or the project webpage at, or contact Dr. Vincenzo De Risi at .

  • PhD/Postdoc position, Logic-based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, University of Ulm

    The Institute for Artificial Intelligence has an opening for a PhD student or a postdoc in the area of logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning.

    The position is a fulltime position and initially limited to two years. The successful candidate will be associated with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence with his or her work focusing on logic-based knowledge representation (in particular description logics), ontological reasoning, query languages for the Semantic Web or related areas.

    Deadline: January 15, 2012. For more information, see or contact Juniorprof. Dr. Birte Glimm at .

  • Stockholm University: 2 years postdoc position in Mathematical Logic

    The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University is looking for a postdoc interested to work in the areas of the logic group and related subjects.

    The research in mathematical logic at the department of mathemtatics include such subjects as constructive mathematics, point-free topology and locale theory, semantics and proof theory of type theory and constructive set theory, category-theoretic logic, topos theory and constructive aspects of mathematical logic.

    Application deadline: Monday 23 January 2012. For details, and how to apply, see the advertisement at the department web page at

  • Phd/Postdoc Position in Knowledge Representation and Applied Reasoning at Karslruhe Institue of Technology

    The Chair for Pervasive Computing Systems and the TECO group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, are looking for a research assistant (doctoral or post-doctoral level, TV-L 13) in the area of knowledge representation and applied reasoning.

    The candidate will cooperate with international industry partners and academic research groups to perform novel research on knowledge representation, modeling and reasoning in the context of digital preservation. The goal of this research is to design and implement a reasoning system that is able to learn and reason about dependencies in service-oriented and distributed systems.

    Please submit your applications by 2012-01-31. For more information, see

  • PhD Positions in Computer Science at University of Liverpool

    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool has several funded PhD positions available. Note that the department has very strong groups in Logic and Computation, Multiagent Systems, and Economics and Computation.

    The deadline for the first round of applications to be received is 15th Feb 2012. For more information, see

  • 2 PhD student positions on Forensic Bayesian networks, Groningen & Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    These two PhD positions are part of the project "Designing and Understanding Forensic Bayesian Networks with Arguments and Scenarios". The project is a cooperation of the University of Groningen (Department of Artificial Intelligence) and Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences) supported by partners from forensic legal practice.

    It is well-known that lawyers and other non-experts in statistics often make serious mistakes when confronted with statistical evidence, while there is ample evidence that lawyers tend to think in terms of arguments and scenarios. Therefore the project aims to develop methods for supporting argumentation- and narrative-based communication about statistical evidence. Both the design and the understanding of models of evidence will be investigated. This study will be carried out in two subprojects, addressing, respectively, argumentation and narrative techniques.

    Applications must be received before January 15th, 2011. For more information, see Or contact Dr B. Verheij at .

  • Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    A two year postdoc position in Mathematical Logic is available at the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University in The Netherlands. The position is part of the research project "The power of constructive proofs", which is a five year project on proof theory and constructive mathematics, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. A background in proof theory or algebraic logic is highly recommended.

    The deadline for applications is January 15, 2012. For more information on the project and application procedure, please visit

  • Full professorship in Communication and Cognition, Tilburg (The Netherlands)

    The Tilburg center for Communication and Cognition (TiCC) is looking for an enthousiastic and competent colleague for the position of Full Professor. Excellent young candidates who do not yet qualify for a full professorship, are also invited to apply, and will initially be offered an associate professorship.

    The candidate is expected to initiate and conduct fundamental and applied research in the Creative Computing (CC) research program. Within the program, the research currently focuses on computational modeling of cognitive processes, with application domains in language, vision, games and social signal processing. Furthermore, the candidate contributes (both in terms of teaching and organization) to the teaching program Communication and Information Sciences, in particular in the track Human Aspects of Information Technology (HAIT) and in the new track Data Journalism. The candidate has an important task in acquiring external projects and in managing tasks on the department and faculty level. Experience with applying computational techniques to humanities research in general is considered a bonus.

    Full details can be found here: Applications including curriculum vitae and names of three referents must be submitted before February 1, 2012.

  • Position for Computational Linguist at Hilversum office of Mystery Swedish Firm

    Talent Search People is looking for Computational Linguists or Linguists (with a Native Level of Dutch) to join the team of a Swedish client who has offices in several European countries that develop virtual assistants in several different European Languages.

    As a Knowledge Engineer, you will be reporting to a Line Manager. Your objective will be to design, build, maintain and develop knowledge-based systems, in domains such as artificial intelligence, databases, expert systems, and natural language processing systems according to the company methodology.

    For more information, see

  • Readership/Professorship in Philosophy at King's College, London

    Applications are invited for a Readership or Professorship in the Department of Philosophy at King's College London, starting in September 2012. The successful candidate will have expertise in one or more of the following areas: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Language.

    Closing date: 4th January 2012. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theory of Computing, Cambridge MA (U.S.A.)

    The Theory of Computation (TOC) group at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT is seeking candidates for a 2-year post-doctoral position in the general area of the theory of computation, starting the summer or fall of 2012. Applicants in /all areas/ of theory are encouraged to apply, including (but not exclusive to) algorithms, complexity theory, combinatorial optimization, cryptography, distributed computing, game theory and computation, geometry, parallel computing, and quantum computing. This fellowship is made possible by a generous gift from the Simons Foundation.

    Please submit complete applications by January 6, 2012. For more information, see

  • Master in Pure and Applied Logic at Barcelona

    The biannual Master in Pure and Applied Logic for 2012-2014, jointly organized by the University of Barcelona (UB) and Polytechnical University of Catalunya (UPC), is open for (pre) registration. The Barcelona Logic Master caters in the most central aspects of advanced logic. Professors related to the Barcelona Master in Pure and Applied Logic come from various prominent Universities and Research Institutes in the area of Barcelona.

    Interested students can find more information at Questions, also questions related to scholarships, housing etc., can be sent to .

  • Research Assistant position in applications of automated theorem proving to economics, Birmingham (U.K.)

    Colin Rowat - economics - and Manfred Kerber - computer science are looking for an RA (research assistant) with strong background in theorem proving, logic, mathematical knowledge representation, and/or economics for a project to apply automated theorem proving techniques to economics. In the project they want to bridge between computer science and economics, reach out to the two communities and explore in a wide range of ways (by applying Isabelle, Theorema, sTeX, Leo inter alia) how formal and semi-formal methods can be applied to particular problems in the field of economics.

    The project starts early 2012 (1 January the earliest) and runs for 30-36 months. The job ad can be found at: (closing date 30 November 2011). For more information, contact or .

  • PhD Positions in Computer Science, University of Oxford

    The Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, invites applications for full and partial scholarships for DPhil (Doctor of Philosophy) study to commence in October 2012.

    Areas of interest inlcude, amongst others, Foundations, Logic and Structures (, Information Systems ( and Verification ( There is also the opportunity for cross-disciplinary research in areas such as Linguistics, Biology, Medicine, Quantum Foundations and Quantum Computation.

    Scholarship applicants are strongly encouraged to apply before 18 November 2011, and must apply by 20 January 2012 at the latest. For more information, see

  • PhD Positions in Theoretical Computer Science, Stockholm (Sweden)

    The Theoretical Computer Science group at KTH Computer Science and Communication (KTH CSC) invites applications for PhD positions in Theoretical Computer Science with a focus on proof complexity and connections to SAT solving. The students will work in the research project "Understanding the Hardness of Theorem Proving", which aims to understand what makes formulas hard or easy in practice by combining theoretical study and practical experiments (as well as gain theoretical insights into other crucial but poorly understood issues in SAT solving). The project is led by Jakob Nordström.

    The application deadline is January 20, 2012 but candidates are encouraged to apply already now. See for the full, formal announcement with more information. Informal enquiries about these positions are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordström at .

  • 4-year PhD position at Delft University of Technology in the field of Multi-Agent Negotiations

    This position is part of the SHINE (Social Heterogeneous Information Network Environment) project and will be performed as a cooperation between the Man-Machine Interaction and Algorithmics research groups at the Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. The daily supervisor is Dr. Mathijs de Weerdt and the promotors are Prof. Dr. Catholijn Jonker and Prof. Dr. Cees Witteveen.

    To meet the early application deadline please apply before November 30. Submissions received after November 30th will be also considered until the position has been filled.
    For more information, see here.

  • Tenure-track position in algorithms, Corvallis OR (U.S.A.)

    The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University invites applications for up to four tenure-track positions in Computer Science. Amongst the 4 areas being considered is algorithms, with a focus on optimization or probabilistic reasoning.

    Please see the CRA website for full information: For full consideration, applications must be received before 16 February 2012.

  • Postdoc Position, Multiagent Systems, University of Southampton

    Two-year postdoc position for a candidate with a background in game theory, mechanism design, distributed control and/or machine learning with one of the leading research groups in multiagent systems.

    Deadline: 19 December 2011. Vacancy reference number: 064111FP. For more information, see or contact Professor Nick Jennings () or Dr Alex Rogers ().

  • University of Bristol: Lectureship in Mathematical and Philosophical Logic

    Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, tenable from 1 August 2012 or a date to be agreed. A Lectureship is similar to an Assistant Professorship in Northern America.

    We seek an outstanding researcher and teacher from any area of logic to contribute to an internationally leading research programme as well as to undertake teaching and administrative duties as appropriate.

    The post will be a joint appointment made by the School of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Arts. The post will be considered interdepartmental and you will be expected to contribute to the Logic teaching in both departments as well as possibly set theory in the School of Mathematics. You will also contribute fully to the research of the Logic and Set Theory Group in Mathematics and to relevant research in philosophy in areas amongst philosophical logic, the foundations and philosophy of mathematics, and the foundations and philosophy of computation.

    Application deadline: 9:00 AM, 5 December 2011. For more information, see

  • PhD student / postdoctorial position and student research assistant position in philosophy / psychology / cognitive science, Munich (Germany)

    Dr. Niki Pfeifer (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich) offers under the usual equal opportunity conditions one doctoral researcher position OR one early postdoctorial researcher position (65%, TV-L 13, up to 3 years) and one student research assistant to work in the intersection of philosophy, psychology and cognitive science. The (post)doctoral researcher will focus on the empirical work (developing the research hypotheses, designing the experiments and running the data analysis). The student assistant will assist in constructing the experimental material, collect the data and prepare the data for analysis. Opportunities for the doctoral researcher to prepare a PhD thesis and for the student assistant to prepare a Masters' thesis within the project (see below) will be provided. Working language is English.

    The positions will be vacant until filled. For more information, see

  • 3 (Renewable) 2-Year Post-Doc Positions

    The CIMeC-CLIC laboratory of the University of Trento announces the availability of at least 3 (renewable) 2-year Post-Doc positions. The scholarships are funded by a 5-year European Research Council Starting Grant awarded to the COMPOSES (COMPositional Operations in SEmantic SPACE) project, that aims at modeling composition in distributional semantics.

    Given the interdisciplinary nature of the project, we seek brilliant researchers with any of the following backgrounds:
    - Machine learning
    - Psycholinguistics, experimental linguistics or cognitive science
    - Formal and/or computational
    Advanced programming and mathematical skills are required of candidates from machine learning. Linguists and cognitive scientists must possess at least basic programming skills and a reasonable knowledge of statistics.

    For more information, see

  • Research positions at DFKI, Bremen, Germany

    The DFKI research department Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems in Bremen, Germany, currently has several vacancies in projects related to logic, formal methods, and ontologies.

    For more information, , see

  • University Lectureship in Formal and Philosophical Logic, Oxford (U.K.)

    The Faculty of Philosophy and Pembroke College propose to appoint to a University Lecturership (CUF) in Philosophy, in association with a Tutorial Fellowship, with effect from 1 September 2012, or as soon as possible thereafter.

    The Area of Specialisation for this post is Formal and Philosophical Logic. The successful candidate must be able to provide research-led teaching and supervision in these areas at all levels, undergraduate and graduate. The postholder will have an office in Pembroke College.

    Applications must be submitted by email to the Administrator of the Philosophy Faculty no later than 12.00 noon on 24 November 2011. Further particulars are available from

  • PhD student position in mathematical logic, Stockholm (Sweden)

    The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University announces a PhD-student position in mathematical logic. A prospective student will have the opportunity to engage in exciting research related to constructive and category-theoretic foundations of mathematics. Possible subjects include for instance: type theory, categorical logic and constructive mathematics and its algorithmic content.

    For further information and instructions how to apply, see the Department webpage at The deadline for applications is November 20, 2011.

  • Stockholm University: PhD-student position in Mathematical Logic

    The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University announces a PhD-student position in mathematical logic. A prospective student will have the opportunity to engage in exciting research related to constructive and category-theoretic foundations of mathematics. Possible subjects include for instance: type theory, categorical logic and constructive mathematics and its algorithmic content.

    The deadline for applications is Sunday 20 November 2011. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral and PhD student position in Bayesian epistemology, Canterbury (U.K.)

    The Philosophy Department at the University of Kent has an opening for a Postdoctoral and a PhD student position (1st May 2012 - 30 April 2015), to work with Prof. Jon Williamson on a project to research the relationship between Bayesian epistemology and inductive logic.

    The Postdoctoral Research Associate will focus on the development of a particular inductive logic, analysis of its key properties, and the development of computationally tractable methods for performing inferences in the inductive logic. This will require some familiarity with probability and logic. Programming competence would also be desirable.

    The PhD student will focus on the question of whether the resulting inductive logic survives a number of philosophical critiques. This will require competence in philosophical argumentation and knowledge of epistemology and elementary logic.

    Information about the project and application process is available at The deadline for applications is 15th December 2011.

  • PhD student position in reachability problems, Bordeaux (France)

    The ANR project REACHARD proposes several PhD positions on reachability problems for counter systems, including vector addition systems and related models. The PhD position can start in 2011 or 2012 and will take place either at LaBRI or at LSV , France. The duration is 3 years, with an annual salary of 21,000 euros after tax + benefits.

    The main objective of the ANR project REACHARD is to propose a satisfactory solution to the reachability problem for vector addition systems, that will provide significant improvements both conceptually and computationally. Many standard verification problems can be rephrased as reachability problems, and there exist powerful methods for infinite-state systems; see e.g. the theory of well-structured transition systems. However, obtaining decision procedures is not the ultimate goal, which we rather see in crafting provably optimal algorithms---required for practical use. In the ANR project REACHARD, we focus on algorithmic issues for the verification of counter systems, more specifically to reachability problems for vector addition systems with states (VASS) and related models.

    For more information, see Any further inquiry should be sent to .

  • PhD and post-doc positions in Groningen

    Within the VIDI-project 'The Roots of Deduction', led by Catarina Dutilh Novaes at the Faculty of Philosophy in Groningen, there are currently two positions available, a PhD position and a post-doc position. In particular for the PhD position, ILLC master students are strongly encouraged to apply. Deadline for application is November 30th.

    For more information, see

  • University of Kent: AHRC PhD studentship in Philosophy

    The PhD project will focus on the question of whether new versions of inductive logic survive a number of philosophical critiques. This will require competence in philosophical argumentation and knowledge of epistemology and elementary logic. Applicants will be expected to hold a Master's degree, and a Bachelor's degree at class 2(i) or higher; at least one of these degrees should be in philosophy.

    The deadline for applications is Thursday 15 December 2011. For more information, see

  • University of Kent: AHRC Postdoctoral Research Associate in Philosophy

    The Postdoctoral Research Associate will focus on the development of a particular inductive logic, analysis of its key properties, and the development of computationally tractable methods for performing inferences in the inductive logic. This will require some familiarity with probability and logic. Programming competence would also be desirable. Applicants will be expected to hold a PhD on a related topic in mathematics, computing, philosophy or a related subject.

    The deadline for applications is Thursday 15 December 2011. For more information, see

  • Research and Teaching Assistant Position at University of Koblenz-Landau:

    The position is in the area of formal methods and theoretical computer science, with emphasis on logic, automated reasoning, decision procedures and verification (in the group of Prof. Dr. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans).

    The position is initially for 3 years, with the possibility of extension. The teaching obligations are of 4h/week during the semesters. There is the possibility of pursuing a PhD during this time. Applicants should have a MSc degree (or comparable University degree) in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline.

    Code number of position: 115/2011. Application deadline: 3 November 2011. For more information, see

  • Science Communications Office ICSU (International Council for Science)

    The International Council for Science (ICSU) is seeking a Web Editor-Science Communications Officer for an 18-month period, starting in January 2012 or as soon as possible. ICSU is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society. ICSU is well established in developing and coordinating international research programmes, notably in the area of global environmental change. Recently, in an effort to further our understanding of the Earth System, ICSU and its partners have built an Alliance to establish a new 10-year Earth System Sustainability Initiative.

    This job offers a unique opportunity to help develop the in-house information technology capacity and corporate image of ICSU. The incumbent will work in a team which focuses on raising the ICSU profile, and increasing its visibility and reputation with its Members and other audiences, through activities such as the initiative mentioned above. He/She will be involved in the continued development of the ICSU website, and other electronic communication tools and materials. He/She will also contribute to producing regular publications and communications (reports, press releases, etc.) and organizing international events.

    Salary: Euros 35,000-50,000
    Location: Paris, France
    Closing date: 04 November 2011
    For more information, see

  • PhD scholarship in "Methods for Discrete Structures", Berlin (Germany)

    The Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) "Methods for Discrete Structures" (MDS) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the three Berlin Universities will offer a Scholarship for Ph.D. Studies starting January 1, 2012 or later.

    The MDS program covers topics at the interface between algorithms, combinatorics, geometry, probability, and optimization. The MDS faculty consists of Susanne Albers, Helmut Alt, Stefan Felsner, Martin Groetschel, Martin Grohe, Rolf Moehring, Guenter Rote, Martin Skutella, Tibor Szabo, and Guenter Ziegler. The scholarships are 1468 EUR (tax-free) per month - according to DFG rules. They are usually granted as 2-year fellowships, extendible by a third year.

    Please send your application before November 15, 2011. For more information, see

  • Tenure-track assistant professorship in formal or empirical methods in social philosophy, Manhattan KS (U.S.A.)

    Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, beginning August 2012. AOS: Open, but the department has a special interest in philosophers who use formal or empirical methods to address questions in ethics or social and political philosophy, or who apply research in the social sciences to address such questions. AOC: Open.

    Applications will be accepted through November 30, 2011. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in algorithms, randomness and complexity, Atlanta GA (U.S.A.)

    The Algorithms, Randomness and Complexity (ARC) Center at Georgia Tech is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to participate in research investigations. Candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Operations Research or a related field are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to work on any aspect of algorithms and complexity, broadly interpreted, and collaborate with ARC faculty.

    The position is for up to two years, with a start date between July 1 and September 1. There is no teaching requirement, but the postdoc is encouraged to lead a research seminar.

    Applications should be received by December 10, 2011 for full consideration. For more information, see or contact Elizabeth Ndongi ().

  • Faculty positions in theoretical computer science, San Antonio TX (U.S.A.)

    The Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at San Antonio invites applications for tenure/tenure-track positions at the Assistant, Associate or Professor level, starting Fall 2012. All areas of computer science will be considered. We are particularly interested in candidates in theory and algorithms as well as computer architecture, with a focus on computer and information security as a cross-cutting concern.

    Screening of applications will begin on January 2, 2012. Please klick on the link below for more information:

  • Delft Technology Fellowship: High-profile Tenure-track Positions for Female Scientists

    Delft University of Technology is aiming to substantially increase the number of top female scientists. To help accelerate this, Delft Technology Fellowship offers high-profile, tenure-track positions to top female scientists in research fields in which Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is active. As a fellow you will be offered the unique chance to establish your own research programme of international repute, including generous start-up funding. The five-year fellowships are awarded at the Assistant, Associate or full Professor level.

    Deadline: 15 January 2012. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral research positions in artificial intelligence, Durban (South Africa)

    Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Research positions in the UKZN/CSIR Meraka Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAIR) within the School of Computer Science, University of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. The successful applicants will be expected to engage in full-time postdoctoral research under the supervision of a member of the academic staff of CAIR. The positions are for a duration of one year and are renewable for a second year, subject to satisfactory performance.

    The following two positions will be jointly funded and jointly supervised in collaboration with the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (UED). Postdoctoral researchers will be primarily based at CAIR in Durban or Pretoria and will undertake short research placements to UED. The research areas are: 1) Behavior representation and detection in video surveillance systems under the supervision of Dr. Deshen Moodley (UKZN) and Prof. Bob Fisher (UED), and 2) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning under the supervision of Prof. Tommie Meyer (CAIR) and Prof. Alan Bundy (UED). A third general position is also available in any area of Artificial Intelligence currently under investigation within CAIR.

    There is no fixed application deadline. Scholarships will be awarded based on the suitability of candidates and the availability of funds. For more information, see

  • Two PhD Positions in Philosophy, University of Groningen

    There are two fully funded PhD positions available at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Applications are open for research in any of the four principal research areas of the Faculty: History of philosophy, Ethics, Theoretical philosophy, and Practical philosophy.

    Deadline for applications: November 16, 2011. For further information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in complexity theory, Budapest (Hungary)

    Postdoc positions are available at the Computer and Automation Research Institute (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Budapest, Hungary, supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant PARAMTIGHT: "Parameterized complexity and the search for tight complexity results" held by Dániel Marx. The goal of the project is to systematically push the boundaries of algorithmic and hardess results, mostly in the framework of parameterized complexity, with the aim of obtaining tight results that give an optimal understanding of the complexity of a problem.

    The candidates should have a PhD degree in Computer Science or related area; research experience at postdoctoral level is of advantage. A successful candidate should have excellent knowledge of algorithms and/or complexity, preferably in the setting of parameterized complexity and fixed-parameter tractability. Strong background in graph theory, combinatorics, constraint satisfaction, approximation, or kernelization is of advantage.

    The earliest starting date is January 2012. The review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Applications received by 1 November 2012 will receive full consideration. For more information, see Or contact Dániel Marx at

  • Assistant professorship (tenure-track) in epistemology, Philadelphia PA (U.S.A.)

    The Department of Philosophy of the University of Pennsylvania seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor beginning July 1, 2012. AOS: Epistemology; AOC: Open. Teaching load: four courses per year, ranging from introductory to graduate level, plus customary advising and service.

    Review of applications will begin November 1, 2011, and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see

  • Professorship in Logic at the Université catholique de Louvain

    The Université catholique de Louvain is looking for a full-time specialist in Logic. The successful candidate will carry out research in the field of logic, with opening to other fields of philosophy, for example philosophy of sciences.

    Deadline for applications: December 15th, 2011. For more information, see

  • Full Professorship of Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)

    The University of Gothenburg invites applications for a position as full professor of logic in the department of philosophy, linguistics and theory of science. The holder of this position should be established internationally as a researcher in logic, and is expected to contribute actively to the research environment of the department. She or he will represent logic in terms of both research and teaching in close cooperation with other disciplines such as philosophy, linguistics, language technology, and computer science.

    Research in logic at the department is conducted into areas such as model theory, arithmetized metamathematics, logics of dependence and independence, formal semantics, and the philosophy of logic. This takes place in a lively interdisciplinary environment with close links to philosophy, linguistic semantics and pragmatics (within the department), logic for computation including type theory, and language technology.

    Applications must be received no later than 1st December, 2011. Reference nr: PERM 2011/67. For more information, see

  • Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

    Dr. Niki Pfeiffer is looking to fill up two positions (one PhD and one Master's student) in his project "Rational reasoning with conditionals and probabilities."

    Deadline for applications: extended - until filled. For more information, see

  • PhD Positions at Bozen-Bolzano

    The Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB), Italy, has several openings for fully funded PhD positions, in a range of topics including computational logic, knowledge representation, and artificial intelligence.

    Deadline: 14 October 2011 (electronic application not possible). For more information, please see here or contact .

  • Postdoctoral position in structural proof theory, Vienna (Austria)

    The Vienna University of Technology is looking to recruit one Postdoctoral Research Assistant to work on the FWF-funded project "Nonclassical Proofs: theory, applications and tools", under the direction of Agata Ciabattoni. The work will take place within the Institute of Computer Languages (Theory and Logic group) of the Vienna University of Technology. The post is for fixed term appointment of up to 24 months and is available from January 2012.

    Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available from: Potential applicants are also welcome to send informal inquiries to Agata Ciabattoni () The closing date for applications is Thursday, December 1st 2011.

  • CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)

    Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) announces openings in the CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, starting in fall 2012. The CMI is dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye to the roles of information and computation throughout science and engineering. Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, algorithmic game theory, applied combinatorics, applied probability, statistics, machine learning, information and coding theory, control, optimization, networked systems, geometry processing, multiresolution methods, and molecular programming.

    Applications must be received before Friday, December 16, 2011. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position in classical and quantum computing, Paris (France)

    The Algorithms and Complexity group of LIAFA (CNRS and University Paris Diderot), Paris, France, is seeking excellent candidates for one or more postdoctoral positions in classical and quantum computing. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): algorithms, online algorithms, streaming algorithms, approximation algorithms, communication complexity, cryptography, computational game theory, quantum computing, computational applications of logic, randomness in computing, privacy.

    To apply please send a CV, a summary of research and names of at least three references to . For a starting date of January 2012 applications should be received by November 1st, 2011. For a starting date of September 2012 applications should be received by February 1st, 2012.

    LIAFA is a joint laboratory of the CNRS (the French National Center for Scientfic Research) and University Paris Diderot - Paris 7. For more information about LIAFA, please see , and for more information about the Algorithms and Complexity group please see . Further information may be obtained from any of the permanent members of the group.

  • PhD Position in Logics for Multiagent Systems, Marseille

    The University of Aix-Marseille is offering one PHD position in Computer Science (CNRS Laboratories LIF and LSIS) under the direction of Nicola Olivetti and Camilla Schwind. The general area of the thesis is logics for multi-agent systems.

    The position starts in November 2011 or later, but not after January 1st 2012. Applications should be received no later than October 5, 2011. For more information, see here.

  • Postdoc in Dialogue Processing at Bielefeld University

    The Faculty of Linguistics and Literature, Bielefeld University, invites applications for another full-time, fixed term (1 yr) (Post-Doctoral) Research Associate ("wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") position in the Dialogue Systems Group (PI David Schlangen). The postdoctoral researcher will be expected to play an active role in the group. He or she will participate in ongoing projects related to the investigation of incremental dialogue processing and will be encouraged to develop independent research ideas within the focus of the group. The researchers will share supervision duties (of PhD and MA students) and help with running the laboratory of the group (with recording facilities of various kinds). The position is limited to a duration of one year; subject to funding availability, an extension may be possible.

    Deadline for applications is October 17 2011. For more information, see Interested students at the ILLC can contact Raquel Fernandez ()

  • PhD position in "Explanatory Reasoning", Tilburg (the Netherlands)

    The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for a three-year full-time PhD position, commencing January 1, 2012 (or earlier). The successful candidate is expected to work on the DFG-funded project "Explanatory Reasoning: Normative and Empirical Considerations" and complete a PhD thesis within three years.

    The deadline for applications is October 15, 2011. For more information, see

  • PhD position in "Explanatory Reasoning" in Tilburg

    The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for a three-year full-time PhD position, commencing January 1, 2012 (or earlier). The successful candidate is expected to work on the DFG-funded project 'Explanatory Reasoning: Normative and Empirical Considerations' and complete a PhD thesis within three years.

    For more information, see the full announcement at or the TiLPS website at, or email Professor Stephan Hartmann at .

  • Postdoctoral positions in formal verification and planning, Trento (Italy)

    The Embedded System Research Unit of the Information and Communication Technology Center of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy, is seeking candidates for Post-Doc positions, to be hosted according to the call of proposal "Trentino - The Trentino programme of research, training and mobility of post-doctoral researchers", to be funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento.

    Applications are invited in the broad field of formal verification and planning. Project proposals may have a duration of between two and three years, and its yearly cost must not exceed 50.000 Euro. The ideal candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science, mathematics or electronic engineering, combine solid theoretical background and software development skills, and have some degree of autonomy.

    Deadline: September 27, 2011. For more information, see the website of the Embedded Systems Research Unit at, or the Trentino Call for Applications at

  • Postdoctoral position in computational logic (6y), Innsbruck (Austria) (tomorrow)

    The University of Innsbruck invites applications for a 6 year position as postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Logic research group.

    Candidates must hold a PhD degree in computer science. A strong background in computational logic (in particular SMT, automated and interactive theorem proving) is desired. Candidates are expected to conduct research leading to a habilitation and contribute to teaching and administration. The position is a full-time "B1/3 position" with teaching obligations of 4 hours per semester. The annual gross salary is approximately EUR 46,000. Knowledge of German is not essential.

    Applications must be mailed no later than 24 August 2011. The preferred starting date is 2 November 2011. For more information, see or contact aart.middeldorp at

  • 2 fully funded PhD positions in Logic and Language at TiLPS, Tilburg

    The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invites applications for two fully funded four-year PhD positions:
    1 PhD student in Natural Logic and Linguistic Semantics
    1 PhD student in Computational Logic and Natural Reasoning.

    These positions are open to candidates with a master's degree or equivalent and successful candidates are required to complete a PhD thesis within maximally four years. The deadline for applications is October 15, 2011.

    For more information see

  • PhD student position in logic and graph theory, Berlin (Germany)

    The Logic and Semantics Research Group at the Institute for Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science at the Technical University, Berlin, Germany, is offering a fully funded Ph.D. studentship in the area of logic or graph theory.

    The research pursued in the group revolves around finite and computational model theory, algorithmic and structural graph theory, database theory, automata-theory and temporal and modal logics in the context of verification.

    The closing date for applications is 28th August 2011. See for further information. Or contact Stephan Kreutzer at .

  • PhD student position in deontic logic, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

    The University of Luxembourg invites applications for a PhD student junior researcher position in Computer Science in the Individual and Collective Reasoning Group ( of Prof. Leon van der Torre at the Computer Science and Communications Research Unit.
    Area: Deontic logic in computer science, Normative multi-agent systems.

    Ref: F1-080008A. Applications must be received before 15 September 2011. For more information, see

  • Pembroke College Fixed Term Teaching Fellowship in Philosophy (1y), Oxford (U.K.)

    Pembroke College wishes to appoint a Fixed-Term College Teaching Fellow in Philosophy for the academic year 2011-2012 from 1 September 2011. The appointee will provide nine hours of tutorial contact hours per week. Marking, organization, tutorial preparation and other duties will bring the contractual hours to 30 per week. Other duties will include pastoral supervision for undergraduates and Visiting Students reading Philosophy, acting as College Advisor to graduate students, and participating in the undergraduate Admissions Exercise. Candidates should possess a doctorate degree in Philosophy or a related subject and have relevant teaching experience. The salary offered is from £20,571 to £22,479 per annum depending on experience. Membership of USS and other benefits are also available.

    Further particulars can be obtained from the College's website ( or by contacting the Academic Office (Tel: 01865 276410, email: ). The closing date for applications is noon on Monday 25th July.

  • PhD scholarships in Computational Linguistics

    Location: University of Heidelberg

    The University of Heidelberg is soliciting applications for 5 PhD scholarships (€ 1310 per month, tax-free) within the research initiative "Coherence in Language Processing: Semantics Beyond the Sentence". The goal of the research initiative is to investigate computational models of semantic phenomena at the discourse level, and to approximate coherence-based interpretation through (a) analysing semantic phenomena at the discourse level and represent them; (b) using these representations to improve semantic analysis; (c) evaluating (a) and (b) in NLP applications, including SMT.

    The scholarships are available from October 1st, 2011, and will run three years (dependent on positive evaluations after the first and second years). The application deadline is the 31st of July 2011. For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position (2y) in formal representation of narratives, Hamburg (Germany)

    The University of Hamburg advertises (subject to funding approval) a position as post-doc research associate starting date of 1 October 2011. This is a full-time position (39 hours per week, salary group 13 TV-L) of 24 months duration. The research associate's duties include academic service for the project "What Makes Stories Similar: A structural logic-based approach to narratives" funded by the John Templeton Foundation (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. B. Löwe).

    Area(s) of Responsibility: The successful candidate will study, develop and compare formal representations of narratives. There are two student assistants funded by the project that will have to be supervised by the successful candidate. Presentation of results at international conferences as well as writing scientific publications and technical documentation is amongst the duties of the successful candidate. Close collaboration with a related research group at the Universiteit van Amsterdam is expected.

    Applications dossiers must be received by 21 August 2011. For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. B. Löwe at .

  • Master's in Logic and Theory of Science, Budapest (Hungary)

    The Department of Logic of the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary offers a Master's in Logic and Theory of Science. Courses are taught in English, by excellent mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, and linguists. The application deadline is August 22 for applicants from abroad.

    For more information, see and

  • Assistant Professor "Digital Research Corpora in the Humanities"

    With support from a generous financial endowment by the "Duurzame Geesteswetenschappen" (Sustainable Humanities Project), the Faculty of Humanities is able to employ a new generation of scholars. This position is one of them.

    The position is full-time (38 hours per week), for a candidate interested in the development and application of digital methods in the humanities. Digital research corpora of literature, art, music and language are changing the humanities in a spectacular way, leading to new questions that seemed unanswerable until very recently. The Digital Humanities or 'e-Humanities' transcend the individual humanities disciplines, and you will need to be at home in more than one discipline.

    Vacancy number W11-137. Applications should be sent before 1 september 2011. For more information, see

  • PhD Position in Modal Logic and ASP, IRIT (Toulouse)

    A PhD scholarship "Modal Logic, Foundations of Equilibrium Logic and Answer Set Programming" is avalable at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT), starting on October 1, 2011.

    Deadline for applications: July 10, 2011. For more information, see here or contact .

  • Postdoctoral fellowships in theoretical computer science, Singapore (Singapore)

    Postdoctoral positions (official title: "Research Fellows") are available, starting immediately, in the Division of Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, with Prof. Gopal Pandurangan. All recent Ph.D.s (or those close to finishing) who work in theoretical computer science/algorithms with a focus on one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply: randomized/probabilistic algorithms, distributed algorithms/computing, network algorithms, communication complexity, and other related areas in algorithms. All candidates with publication record in theory and algorithms (e.g., SODA, FOCS, STOC, PODC, SPAA, DISC etc.) are encouraged to apply.

    For more information, see Or contact Prof. Gopal Pandurangan at .

  • PhD position in Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester

    The department of computer science at the university of Leicester (UK) is offering a PhD position funded by a Microsoft Research Fellowship. The student will work on the project "Usage of Static Analysis for Model Checking Liveness Properties of Heap Manipulating Programs" under the supervision of Dr Nir Piterman (University of Leicester) and Dr Josh Berdine (Microsoft Research Cambridge).

    The position is for three years with a possibility to extend another six months. It includes a stipend 13,590 GBP / annum and home/EU fee waiver.

    Screening of applicants will start on July 8th and will continue until the post is filled. For more information, see: or contact Nir Piterman ().

  • Doctoral and postdoctoral positions at Duesseldorf University

    At the Department of Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, three postdoctoral positions (salary: TVL 13) are available, one of which may be filled with two doctoral students (salary: 65% TVL 13).

    Deadline: Sunday 10 July 2011. For more information, see

  • New MSc in Computational Intelligence at the University of Essex

    Computational intelligence is an umbrella term covering advanced artificial intelligence techniques based on nature-inspired problem solving. It deals with the theory, design, application, and development of biologically, socially and linguistically motivated computational paradigms. There is emphasis on genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, fuzzy systems, neural networks, connectionist systems, and hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained.

    Our unique MSc Computational Intelligence covers the theoretical, applied and practical aspects of this subject area. You will study the various disciplines of computational intelligence with a particular focus on linking computational intelligence techniques to real world applications and projects. The course consists of eight taught modules plus an individual project and associated dissertation. It is taught over 12 months (full-time) or 24 months (part-time).

    For more information, see

  • Professorship in Algorithms, Oxford (U.K.), deadline tomorrow

    The University of Oxford intends to appoint a Professor of Informatics in the Department of Computer Science as soon as possible. This is a newly-established post made possible by the recent growth and success of Computer Science at Oxford.

    Algorithms are key to many applications of computer science, including internet search, web use, routing, resource allocation, database querying, machine learning, and parallel computing. With the rapidly growing use of computing in all academic subjects, there is an increasing need for algorithms relevant to problems across Science, Social Science, and the Humanities, as well as in areas of IT such as Information Systems, Networking and Parallel Computing. The successful candidate will engage with and develop further these applications. He/she will have an outstanding research record and will be of internationally recognised stature in the broad area of algorithms. He/she will be expected to pursue a research programme at the forefront of the subject, providing research leadership to colleagues working in this field. The department encourages applications from computer scientists whose primary research focus is in algorithms per se, and equally from those developing algorith ms for some application area or areas such as those listed above.

    Applications should be received no later than Monday 20 June 2011. For more information, see or or contact Mrs Elaine Eastgate at email: .

  • PhD student position (2y) in computational models over the real numbers, Cottbus (Germany)

    At the Faculty Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Science of the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, in the Professorship of Theoretical Computer Science (Prof. Dr. K. Meer) the following position is to be filled as soon as possible: Scientific Assistant, temporary limited for 2 years; E 13 TV-L, reference number: 35/11.

    The position is a third-party funded project position financed by the German Science Foundation DFG. It is devoted to the study of interactive and probabilistically checkable proofs in computational models over the real numbers. Starting point are the well-known characterizations of complexity classes like PSPACE and NP by such proof systems in the Turing model. In the project it should be investigated in how far comparable characterizations exist in uncountable structures like the real numbers and related computational models. This in particular is interesting in relation to approximability questions. The position includes the possibility to work towards a PhD degree.

    Applications must be received before 06/07/2011. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in theoretical philosophy (formal epistemology), Konstanz (Germany)

    The Formal Epistemology Research Group invites applications for a PhD position in Theoretical Philosophy for an initial period of two years, starting October 1, 2011, or some date agreed upon. The position is subject to the positive evaluation of an interim report.

    Applications should include at least two letters of reference as well as a description of the dissertation project and/or a writing sample. They should be sent to: by July 31, 2011.

  • PhD scholarships in Semantics, Analysis, Verification, Lyngby (Denmark)

    We are looking for enthusiastic students with a strong background in semantics, analysis and verification that would like to become part of our Centre of Excellence ( and our Danish-Chinese Research Center (

    Candidates are expected to have a background within one or more of process calculi and automata, logical formalisms, static program analysis, model checking, prototype construction, or algorithms and datastructures.

    A PhD Scholarship is for three years; you will be part of an international research group ( whose daily language is English, you will be paid about 3300€ per month, and you would be expected to spend up to half a year in a relevant research group outside of Denmark.

    If you are interested - please perform steps 1-7 listed on

  • PhD and Postdoc Position in Model Checking at Imperial College London

    An opportunity has arisen at the Imperial College London, (Department of Computing) for a Research Associate (post-doctoral) and a PhD student to work on themes of model checking for autonomous systems. The post is associated with the EPSRC project EP-I00520X. The project's principal investigator is Dr Lomuscio whose purpose is to develop verification methodologies for autonomous systems.

    The successful applicants will be responsible for developing model checking methodologies, implementation toolkits, and case-study analysis. Collaborating partners in the project are IPIPAN Warsaw, University of Rome, University of Southampton, IBM Watson, CHIME UCL and Sysbrain Ltd.

    Closing Date: 26 June 2011. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in formal methods, Enschede (The Netherlands)

    The research group Formal Methods and Tools at the University of Twente (Enschede - The Netherlands) is looking for a PhD researcher (4 years) to work on the EU Strep project CARP (Correct and Efficient Accelerator Programming), funded by the European Union.

    The PhD student will be a member of the Twente Graduate School in the research programme 'Dependable and Secure Computing' under the leadership of Prof Dr Jaco van de Pol. Within the context of the CARP project, the PhD student will work in particular on:
    - requirements analysis for accelerator programming
    - the formal semantics of an intermediate programming language for describing accelerator algorithms
    - developing logic-based verification techniques for this intermediate programming language, taking into account common accelerator programming patterns

    Starting date of the position: December 1st, 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter. Please submit your application before 15th of November, 2011. For more information, see or

  • Two Research Fellowships (comparable to tenure-track Assistant Professorships) in Computer Science at Australian National University, Canberra

    The Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University, Canberra, has two openings for five-year OPP positions (Ongoing Position Path, equivalent to US tenure-track positions) for early-career researchers. One postion is reserved for a woman. Possible areas of specialisation inlcude Logic and Computation as well as Artificial Intelligence.

    Closing date: 31 July 2011. For more information, see

  • PhD student position in "Algorithms for Manipulation Planning with Imperfect Parts and Inaccurate Manipulators", Utrecht (The Netherlands)

    The Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University has a job opening for a PhD researcher (1,0 fte) in the research project 'Algorithms for Manipulation Planning with Imperfect Parts and Inaccurate Manipulators'. The PhD student will work in the area of Algorithmic Automation, and will be supervised by dr. Frank van der Stappen.

    Industrial automation systems must rely on simple manipulators and modest sensing capabilities to be reliable and inexpensive. Research of the past decade shows that systems based on such components are amenable to systematic analysis and design. However, existing results assume perfectly-shaped parts and manipulators that operate with infinite precision. The goal of this project is to tackle this severe idealization and design algorithms for planning manipulation tasks that are guaranteed to work despite part imperfection and manipulator inaccuracy.

    Vacancy number 64103. Applications must be received before 31 May 2011. For more information, see Or contact dr. Frank van der Stappen at .

  • PhD position: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen

    The PhD candidate will work in a research project on the notion of chance and its connection to statistical method. The project is carried out under supervision of Jan-Willem Romeijn.

    Application deadline: Friday 1 July 2011. For more information, see

  • Two research assistantships in Programming Language Components and Specifications, Swansea (Wales)

    There are 2 RA positions available in Swansea in the area of Programming Language Components and Specifications, which should be of strong interest to logicians. These two posts will support the EPSRC joint research project PLanCompS: Programming Language Components and Specifications, a 4-year joint research project based at Swansea, Royal Holloway and City, funded by EPSRC. It will establish and test the practicality of a component-based framework for the design, specification and implementation of programming languages. The main novelty will be the creation of a substantial collection of highly reusable, validated language components called fundamental constructs or funcons. Crucially, the semantic specification of each funcon will be independent, not needing any reformulation when funcons are combined or new funcons added to the collection.

    Closing date: 09 June 2011. For more information, see or the vacancy announcement at,58343,en.php. Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Peter Mosses at .

  • Master programme in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona, Spain

    The APhil Master is an inter-university programme run by several Catalan universities and co-ordinated from the University of Barcelona. There are two itineraries, with a focus in practical and theoretical philosophy respectively. On each itinerary, students have to take a range of compulsory and optional modules as well as write a research paper under the supervision of one of our faculty. The master programme can be taken entirely in English.

    For more information, see

  • Two PhD student positions on "Programming Language Components and Specifications", London / Swansea (U.K.)

    Applications are invited for two PhD studentships in connection with the project "PLanCompS: Programming Language Components and Specifications ", a 4-year joint research project based at Swansea, Royal Holloway and City, funded by EPSRC. It will establish and test the practicality of a component-based framework for the design, specification and implementation of programming languages. The main novelty will be the creation of a substantial collection of highly reusable, validated language components called fundamental constructs or funcons. Crucially, the semantic specification of each funcon will be independent, not needing any reformulation when funcons are combined or new funcons added to the collection.

    Thesis topics are "Modularisation and multi-phase translation" (Royal Holloway) and "Foundations of component-based language specification" (Swansea). Application deadline: 31st May 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Seven fellowships (senior and junior) at the Center for Main, Brain and Cognitive Evolution, Bochum (Germany)

    The Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution is a platform at the Ruhr-University Bochum that aims to foster interdisciplinary research projects and support special master-programs at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience. The Center is pleased to announce an international call for fellowships for the academic year Sept. 2011 until July 2012 aimed at outstanding researchers:

    1) Senior fellowship in philosophy and psychiatry (for one month)
    2) Senior fellowship in animal mind research (for one month)
    3) Senior- or Junior-fellowship in philosophy and developmental aspects
    4) Senior or Junior-fellowship in Neurosciences with focus on memory
    5) Senior Fellowship in Neurophilosophy with an Interest in EEG Methods
    6) Senior or Junior Fellowship in Philosophical Semantics
    7) Junior Fellowship for an outstanding female reseacher in philosophy

    For more information, see

  • PhD Positions at UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil

    A number of PhD scholarships are available at the Institute of Informatics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Applications are welcome in most areas of research in Computer Science.

    Specifically, Prof. Ana Bazzan is seeking outstanding applicants interested in research on Multiagent learning, Traffic Simulation, and Coordination & Task Allocation and Prof. Rafael Bordini is seeking outstanding applicants interested in Formal Verification of Multi-Agent Systems, Multi-Agent Oriented Programming, and Development of Autonomous Software Applications. The most promising applicants, regardless of research area, are selected by the Post-graduate Programme in Computing ( to receive the available scholarships (including a stipend of about 1200 USD pcm, which is over 3 times the minimum wage in Brazil).

    Deadline for application is 2 June 2011 and applications should be made at:

  • Four PhD studentships in Computer Science, Swansea (Wales)

    At least four new PhD studentships are expected to be available in Computer Science at Swansea University in 2011. Two of the confirmed studentships are linked to specific research projects; the others will be awarded for PhD studies in any of our main research areas: Graphics, HCI and Theory.

    Please apply by 31 May 2011. More details can be found at General queries may be addressed to Dr Oliver Kullmann <>.

  • Seven postdoctoral fellowship for self-designed research projects, Bremen (Germany)

    The University of Bremen invites - under the condition of job release - postdoctoral researchers to apply for seven Postdoctoral Fellowships with self-designed projects in the natural sciences and engineering as well as in the humanities and social sciences. In principle the positions could be established in any research area and shall enable the fellows to conduct an independent research project. Nevertheless, the integration in an academic unit at the University of Bremen is fundamental for an application.

    The university offers two alternative postdoctoral fellowships: Recently graduated postdoctoral researchers (up to one year after having been awarded their doctorate) are invited to apply for a temporary position for up to two years. Fellows will be enabled to develop an independent research project and to write an application for third-party funding in their first year. The prolongation of the position for the second year depends on the submission of a funding proposal.

    For advanced postdoctoral researchers (one to four years after having received their doctorate), the university offers a position for up to four years to conduct independent research. With only a minimum of teaching requirements, these positions enable younger researchers to carry out ambitious research projects within their international academic discipline.

    Applications must be submitted online by 1 June 2011. For further information and the online application form, see or contact Dr. Uta Brathauer at .

  • Postdoctoral position in "Logics for intelligent interaction", Groningen (The Netherlands)

    The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, seeks one postdoc for the research project "Logics for Intelligent Interaction: Expressivity and Succinctness" led by Barteld Kooi and funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

    More information can be found on The deadline for applications is June 1st 2011.

  • Seven PhD student positions in Computer Science, Leicester (U.K.)

    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Leicester is offering the opportunity for seven exceptional students to pursue research leading to a PhD. We are inviting applications for four Graduate Teaching Assistant positions, two University-sponsored studentships, and a studentship sponsored by Microsoft Research. The positions are available for a September/October 2011 start. Closing date for applications: 15th May 2011.

    Instructions on how to apply and specific information on each of the PhD positions can be found at (search for vacancy ref SEN00181) and

  • PhD Position in Computer Science, University of Aix-Marseille

    The University of Aix-Marseille is offering one PhD position in Computer Science (CNRS Laboratories LSIS and LIF) under the direction of Nicola Olivetti and Camilla Schwind. The thesis project concerns groups of agents which collaborate exchanging information and must follow different rules of behaviour. In this environment, the behaviour and the reasoning tasks are complex and concern multiple agents. The research will concentrate on the study logical formalisms for agent interaction based on modal logics and on the development of automated deduction methods for the studied formalisms.

    For more information, see here.

  • Postdoc Positions in Multiagent Systems, University of Southern California

    The Teamcore group at USC is focused on research on multiagent systems where multiple agents (including software agents, robots and people) may interact. The group has one or more openings for postdoctoral research associates, starting in fall 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Postdoctoral position, and PhD student positions in "Nominalisations", Hamburg (Germany)

    Benjamin Schnieder, co-director of the ANR-DFG project Nominalisations, invites applications for three research associates. The posts are fixed-term, non-renewable posts for a period of three years. They differ with respect to designation and salary:
    1. Postdoc position (salary TV-L 13, full-time)
    2. Doctoral position (salary TV-L 13, half-time)
    3. Unspecified researcher position (salary TV-L 13, half-time)

    The research project deals with different questions form the philosophy of language, ontology, and meta-ontology, which are related to the use of nominalized expressions in natural language. It is a collaboration between linguists and philosophers from Germany and France, directed by Friederike Moltmann and Benjamin Schnieder.

    Deadline for applications: 2nd May 2011. The appointed candidates should start as soon as possible, the preferable starting date is the 1st of June.

    For more information on the posts see or contact the Phlox research group at .

  • Assistant professorship in mathematical logic, Ishikawa (Japan)

    Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology invites applications for an assistant professor position in the School of Information Science. The appointee is expected to start her/his academic and educational activities at JAIST on October 1st, 2011.

    Candidates have to be highly competent in conducting research work in Mathematical Logic and Foundations (such as constructive mathematics and reverse mathematics, including application to information science).

    The details are here: Applications must be received no later than June 27th, 2011.

  • European PhD Program in Computational Logic, Bozen (Italy), Dresden (Germany), Wien (Austria), Lisbon (Portugal)

    The European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL) is a distributed three-years PhD program jointly offered by four leading European universites in the field: The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany, coordinator), the Technische Universität Wien (Austria) and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal).

    The program involves three years of PhD study in at least two of the European partner universities. It leads to a joint doctoral degree of the partner universities at which the studies have been physically performed. The language of the program is English. Financial support is available in the form of positions and scholarships.

    Necessary requirements for participation in EPCL are a Master's degree in Computer Science or Mathematics, or an equivalent degree; the proof of adequate knowledge of English; and substantial knowledge in the areas Foundations of Logics, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Declarative Programming.

    The program will start on 1 October 2011. Applications have to be electronically submitted on the Webpage, before the Application Deadline on 15 May 2011. If you have enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the program, Prof. Steffen Höldobler, at .

  • 10 PhD scholarships and 10 collegiate places at the University of Cologne

    Location: a.r.t.e.s. Research School, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Cologne

    Until October 1st, 2011 a.r.t.e.s. Research School (Anthropology Reception Transculturation Episteme Language) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne offers 10 PhD scholarships and 10 collegiate places over a period of three years.

    Please send in applications until May 18th, 2011 (application receipt).

    For more information, see

  • PhD position in Logic/Database theory at UvA

    The University of Amsterdam (Informatics Institute) has a fully funded 4-year PhD position available. The research topic is on the interplay of logic, finite model theory, and the theory of (XML)-trees and motivated by a concrete problem in database research: Data Exchange for Document Centric XML.

    The starting date is negotiable in the summer of 2011. For more information, see or contact Maarten Marx at

  • PhD studentship in Natural Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh

    The Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC) at the University of Edinburgh invites applications for a three-year PhD studentship starting in September 2011. The studentship is associated with the EPSRC project "An Integrated Model of Syntactic and Semantic Prediction in Human Language Processing". The aim of this project is to develop a model that combines probabilistic incremental parsing with compositional distributional semantics in order to achieve a broad-coverage account of human language processing that can simulate reading time data. The application deadline is the 15th of May, 2011.

    For more information, see the studentship advert at

  • PhD position in probabilistic processes and modal logic

    In the project "From Modal Logic to Probabilistic Processes and Back" there is a vacancy for a 4 year PhD position at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. This is a joint research project between the Theoretical Computer Science group at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and the Model Driven Software Engineering group at Eindhoven University of Technology. The project involves research at the crossroads of modal logic, process algebra, and structural operational semantics, in the context of probabilistic processes.

    To apply, send a CV, letter of motivation, and names of at least two references to Wan Fokkink () and Bas Luttik (). Deadline for application is May 15, 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Full Professor (W3) in Theoretical Computer Science: RWTH Aachen University, Germany

    The RWTH Aachen University (Germany) has an opening for a Full Professor (W3) in Theoretical Computer Science (Logic and Theory of discrete Systems). The opening is for the succession of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Thomas.

    Deadline: 20 May 2011. For more information, see here or contact .

  • Two PhD studentships in computational logic, Kassel, Germany

    Two full-time PhD studentships are available at the the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Kassel, Germany. The positions are funded by the ERC project "Model Checking Unleashed" and are initially available for two years with the possibility of extension for another year. There are no teaching obligations. Starting date is negotiable.

    The project investigates applications of logical methods to various computational problems from diverse areas like database theory, graph theory, bio-informatics, computational linguistics, etc. The project is run at the Formal Methods and Software Verification group (FMV). Further information about the FMV group is available here:

    Deadline for applications is April, 15th, 2011. Reference nr. is 15734. For more information, see the official announcement (in German) at or contact Martin Lange via .

  • PhD position in Music Information Retrieval at Utrecht University

    Utrecht University has an opening for a PhD position in Music Information Retrieval. The PhD student will be a team member of the NWO-VIDI project “Modelling musical similarity over time through the variation priniciple”, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The project will last for 5 years, principal investigator is Anja Volk.

    The aim of the project is to develop a cognition-based computational model of music similarity in the symbolic domain that grounds in the variation principle. The project will investigate the fundamental principle of variation in music studied in Musicology and Cognitive Science as a means to establish similarity. Specifically, it will develop computational approaches to music similarity by modeling the interaction between global and local features of the music. The project will deliver both a theoretic framework and a computational model of music similarity that covers three major styles, namely classical, folk and popular music. The project team will include the principal investigator, a postdoc, a PhD student and a scientific programmer.

    Deadline for application: 8 April 2011. For more information, see

  • 2 Postdoc positions on Dialogue Systems at the University of Edinburgh

    The School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh invites applications for 2 three-year postdoctoral positions on DIALOGUE SYSTEMS, a research assitant and a research fellow, commencing June 1st, 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter. The deadline for applications is 3rd May.

    Candidates should have experience in building and evaluating dialogue systems and an excellent track record in publishing papers as first author or co-author in high quality journals and conferences on such research. In addition, a working knolwedge of formally precise computational semantic models of dialogue processing and/or a background in formal models of human action and decision making (e.g., game theory, BDI logics, logics of preferences or AI-based models of planning) would be highly desirable.

    The researcher will form part of a team that includes researchers in Toulouse, Edinburgh and Heriot Watt funded on an ERC grant entitled "Strategic Conversation". This grant aims to study and analyse non-cooperative natural language conversations in several domains, but in particular in the domain of the game Settlers of Catan (a trading game over restricted resources).

    The job ads can be found at:
    The postdoc RA:
    The postdoc Research Fellow:
    For more information, contact Alex Lascarides at .

  • 4 PhD Positions, Utrecht Institute for Linguistics

    As part of the NWO graduate pilot programme, the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS, Utrecht University) is offering 4 PhD positions in Linguistics: The Study of the Language Faculty starting October 1, 2011 at the latest. Applicants should have an MA degree (or nearing completion, expected graduation by the summer of 2011) in theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics or experimental linguistics (language acquisition, psycholinguistics, phonetics, text linguistics), or a linguistically oriented background from a related field like psychology, information science, communication studies, etc.

    Application Deadline: 18-Apr-2011. More information can be found at

  • Post-doctoral Researcher position: Semantics of gradable modal expressions

    The Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University solicits applications for a Post-doctoral Researcher position as part of an NSF-funded project (PIs: Katz, Portner, Herburger) on the semantics of gradable modal expressions (GMEs). This position is contingent on final approval by NSF. Candidates should have expertise in either formal semantics/pragmatics or computational linguistics, and ideally will also bring to the project relevant knowledge of other areas, such as psychology, philosophy of language/logic, or computer science.

    For more information, see the description of the job in the Linguistlist:

  • 2 PhD positions in experimental psycholinguistics and computational modeling

    The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) is inviting applications for 2 PhD positions. Candidates should have, or shortly expect to obtain, a high quality scientific degree in psychology, cognitive neurosciences, linguistics, computer sciences or related areas. Masters degrees involving several months of experience and training on a scientific project will be considered advantageous. We seek exceptional students with a talent and inclination for first class research. Candidates should have excellent written and spoken command of English and good knowledge of either Dutch or German. The positions are available as of 1 October 2011 and are funded for 3 years.

    For more information, see

  • Research Position at SRI

    The AI Center at SRI International is looking for a highly creative Computer Scientist to join a team of researchers building evaluation-driven knowledge-based systems. We are seeking an individual with a strong background in deductive question answering, applied knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition and Lisp programming skills.

    For more information and to apply, please visit

  • PhD student position in applying description logic to semantic patent informatics, Berlin (Germany)

    AG Corporate Semantic Web at the Freie Universitaet Berlin is currently seeking candidates for two positions as a PhD student in a 2-year industrial research project in Semantic Patent Informatics. The project is aiming at the semantic representation and reasoning on patents and national patent laws.

    Freie Universitaet Berlin is a leading research institution. It is one of the nine German Elite universities successful in all three funding lines in the federal and state Excellence Initiative. The AG Corporate Semantic Web at the Freie Universitaet Berlin was founded in 2008 and has developed into a challenging and dynamic research group. Our major objective is to establish Semantic technologies as a core pillar of modern enterprise information technology and systems.

    The application deadline is March 28th, 2011. For more information, see or contact Melanie Siering at .

  • PhD studentship in "Foundations for Heterogeneous Computation", Birmingham, U.K.

    The School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham is seeking to award a Microsoft PhD Scholarship on the topic "Structural Foundations for Heterogeneous Computation", starting on 1st October 2011.

    Applicants require a first-class Honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Mathematics or Computer Engineering, experience in programming and aptitude for mathematical subjects. A Masters degree is highly desirable. The Scholar will work under the supervision of Dr. Dan R. Ghica from University of Birmingham, a leading centre for research in programming language theory. On behalf of Microsoft Research, the Scholar will be also supervised by Prof. Satnam Singh.

    Date of expiry: Friday, 15 April 2011. For more information, see or contact Dr. Dan R. Ghica at

  • Postdoctoral position or PhD student position (2y) in Mathematical Logic, Greifswald (Germany)

    We invite applications for an open two-year Postdoc position (Assistant), or two PhD Scholarships, in Mathematical Logic (computability and computational complexity) at Greifswald University, Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, starting from 1 October 2011.

    Deadline for applications: 15 May 2011. Applicants should be fluent in German. For further details see: or contact .

  • 2 PhD positions and 1 postdoc position in Logic and Language at TiLPS, Tilburg University

    The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invites applications for two four-year full-time PhD positions and one two-year postdoc position, commencing June 1st, 2011:
    1 PhD student in Natural Logic and Linguistic Semantics
    1 PhD student in Computational Logic and Natural Reasoning
    1 postdoc researcher in Natural Logic and Natural Reasoning

    Individuals are encouraged to apply who have an interest in logical and computational theories of ordinary reasoning, natural logic, and/or linguistic semantics and who want to investigate these topics in a setting of tableau theorem proving and model checking. The positions are part of the program "Towards Logics that Model Natural Reasoning", funded by a Free Competition grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and led by Reinhard Muskens. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2011.

    More information about the program, the projects, and the application procedure can be found at
  • Research Fellowship (1y) in Combinatorial Optimization, Warwick (U.K.)

    The Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) at the University of Warwick is seeking a Research Fellow (12 months). The Centre is partly funded by an EPSRC Science & Innovation Award of GBP 3.8 million. DIMAP is a multi-discipline joint venture by the Department of Computer Science, the Mathematics Institute and Warwick Business School. More details about DIMAP can be found on

    The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Friday 25 March 2011. For more information, see

  • Postdoc Research Assistant: Lexical Semantics in Type Theory with Coercive Subtyping

    Applications are invited for a research assistant in the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway University of London, funded by the Leverhulme Trust for the following interdisciplinary research project: "Lexical Semantics in Type Theory with Coercive Subtyping".

    Candidates would normally be expected to have a PhD or equivalent experience in mathematics, computer science, or computational linguistics. Experience or background in some of the following areas is considered to be desirable, though not necessary: typed lambda calculi, computational linguistics, functional programming, and theorem proving.

    Closing date: 31 March 2011. For more information, see or the project webpage at

  • PhD position at the VU University Amsterdam

    The project is on network effects on the outbreak and volatility of collective action – as for example revolutions, spread of rumours and diseases, marketing, sentiment dynamics in financial markets. The candidate should have a background in applied mathematics or mathematical economics, ideally in dynamic systems or network theory, and should have some experience in programming. Further needed skills will be acquired during the PhD programme of our institutes.

    Starting date: October 2011 at the latest. Deadline for applications is 15 May 2011. For more information, see

  • Four PhD studentships in mathematical philosophy, Munich, Germany

    Four doctoral fellowships are being advertised at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP). The MCMP, which is devoted to applications of logical and mathematical methods in philosophy, has recently been established at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) based on generous support by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Directed by Professor Hannes Leitgeb, the Center hosts a vibrant research community of university faculty, postdoctoral fellows, doctoral fellows, and visiting fellows.

    The successful applicants, who will become PhD students at the LMU, are supposed to use logical and mathematical methods in their philosophical work, and/or to reflect on these methods philosophically. PhD projects can, of course, be carried out in logic or philosophy of mathematics, but they are not restricted to these fields -- for instance, work in epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, metaphysics, moral philosophy, and so forth are equally encouraged, as long as formal methods play a significant role in the corresponding research projects.

    Applications are due by March 20th, 2011. >For more information, see or contact Barbara Poehlmann at .

  • Associate Professorship in Artificial Intelligence, Sydney (Australia)

    The School of Computing & Mathematics at the University of Western Sydney, Australia is seeking to expand its current academic offerings and its world class research strength in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies. Applications are invited for the position of a Senior Lecturer (Level C) or Associate Professor (Level D) in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies to complement the existing research expertise in the School.

    The successful applicant will be an enthusiastic and experienced scholar who will be expected to take a major role in the School in leading the development of teaching and research programs that complement and expand the Schoolâs existing programs in the areas of Computer Science, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Applied Mathematics. We seek to appoint an interdisciplinary scholar in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies, who brings together scholarship that covers artificial intelligence, respective elements of cognitive science and technology, combined with broad ICT experience.

    Application deadline: 10 March 2011 (Ref 128/11). For more information, see or contact Prof. Yan Zhang (, AI Group Leader) or Prof. Simeon Simoff (, Head of School).

  • Two lectureships in Mathematics, London (U.K.)

    Applications are invited from candidates with proven research ability in Mathematics, especially those with research interests in an area where the department has current strengths, such as algorithms and discrete mathematics, financial mathematics, mathematical game theory, probability theory, and stochastic analysis. Interest in applications of Mathematics or Computer Science to the Social Sciences is an asset.

    Ideally, the post will commence on 1 September 2011. The closing date for the receipt of applications is 23:59 (UK time) on 24 March 2011.

    For more information, see or contact Professor Bernhard von Stengel at .

  • Postdoc Position at Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    Postdoc position in game theory and economic theory, with emphasis on game dynamics, available at the Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Prof. Sergiu Hart).

    Deadline: 31 March 2011. For more information, see

  • Lecturer Information Science (Computational Linguistics), Groningen

    The department of Information Science (Alfa-Informatica) at the University of Groningen is seeking a temporary Lecturer Information Science (part-time 0.7 position for three years). The department is focused on computational linguistics, especially in syntactic and phonological processing, and would most like to strengthen this focus by attracting researchers in computational linguistics with specializations complementary to those of the current staff, e.g. text sentiment analysis, machine translation, computational semantics, computer-supported language learning, computational simulations of language behavior. We are willing to consider other, similar specializations.

    Application Deadline: 15-Apr-2011. For more information, see

  • PhD Grant in Computational Lingusitics, Dialogue Processing at Bielefeld University, Germany

    The Graduate School "Cognitive Interaction Technology" at Bielefeld University invites applications for ONE PhD Grant starting in 2011.

    The successful candidate will be member of the newly established Dialogue Systems Group at the Faculty for Linguistics and Literature of the University, and will be supervised by Prof. David Schlangen. A current focus of this group is incremental dialogue processing, with a particular interest in incremental interpretation (using both symbolic and statistical approaches). Interest in these topics or generally in dialogue systems and spoken interaction will be expected of the student.

    Applications will be accepted until March 20 2011; Interviews are planned for April.

    For more information, contact Prof. Dr. David Schlangen at .

    Or see here.

  • PhD or Postdoc Position in Constraint-based Spatial Reasoning, Freiburg

    Te Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition (University of Bremen/University of Freiburg) has a PhD / Postdoctoral Position open in the R4-[LogoSpace] project.

    Reasoning about space is essential for a wide range of spatial tasks such as the retrieval of information from spatial knowledge bases, the reconstruction of information from incomplete data, the navigation in known or unknown environments, or the manipulation of objects in real world settings. The project R4-[LogoSpace] develops and evaluates constraint-based representation formalisms and algorithmic techniques that are applicable for solving such spatial tasks.

    The application deadline is 01/03/2011 or until a suitable candidate is found. For more information, see here, or the project homepage at Further questions about the position can be addressed to Stefan Woelfl at .

  • Associate Professor in AI, University of Western Sydney

    The School of Computing & Mathematics at the University of Western Sydney, Australia is seeking to expand its current academic offerings and its world class research strength in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies. Applications are invited for the position of a Senior Lecturer (Level C) or Associate Professor (Level D) in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies to complement the existing research expertise in the School.

    The successful applicant will be an enthusiastic and experienced scholar who will be expected to take a major role in the School in leading the development of teaching and research programs that complement and expand the School~s existing programs in the areas of Computer Science, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Applied Mathematics. We seek to appoint an interdisciplinary scholar in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies, who brings together scholarship that covers artificial intelligence, respective elements of cognitive science and technology, combined with broad ICT experience.

    Application deadline: 10 March 2011 (Ref 128/11). For more information, see or contact Prof. Yan Zhang (, AI Group Leader) or Prof. Simeon Simoff (, Head of School).

  • PhD studentship in DNA Computing, Oxford, U.K.

    Oxford University is offering a fully funded D.Phil studentship associated with the project 'Automated Verification Techniques for DNA Computing', funded by a Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship. This position will be based in Oxford University's Computing Laboratory, co-supervised by Professor Marta Kwiatkowska from the Computing Laboratory, and Professor Andrew Turberfield from the Department of Physics. There will be an internship opportunity at Microsoft Research Cambridge associated with the studentship, and the student will additionally be co-supervised by Dr Andrew Phillips. The studentship is fully funded (at EU fees level - overseas candidates will need supplementary funding) for 3 ½ years and is available from October 2011.

    The goal of this project is to develop efficient and scalable techniques for formal verification of DNA computing designs. DNA computing is a new and fast-growing field that aims to engineer artificial computing devices using bio-molecular materials such as DNA. The project will develop new modelling languages and verification techniques, with a particular emphasis on quantitative approaches such as probabilistic model checking. The project will work with a variety of techniques, such as symmetry reduction, graph transformation, abstraction and refinement, statistical model checking and verification for systems biology. There will also be a focus on building software tools and validating the techniques developed against experimental data from state-of the art DNA assembly/computation methods.

    The closing date for applications is 28th February 2011. For more information, see or contact Professsor Marta Kwiatkowska at .

  • Postdoctoral position on approximability of NP-hard problems, Stockholm (Sweden)

    The group on approximation of NP-hard optimization problem at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden is looking for a postdoc for the academic year 2011/12 with a possible extension to a second year.

    The goal of the current project is to show mathematical theorems relating to efficient computation. The project studies NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems of central importance and aims to establish theoretical bounds on how well each problem can be approximated in polynomial time. The goal is to prove upper bounds by designing and analyzing algorithms and to prove lower bounds in the form of hardness results.

    Deadline for applications is February 15, 2011. For more information, see or the project web-page at, or email the research leader, Johan Håstad, at .

  • PhD student positions and postdoc positions in Rigorous Systems Engineering, Austria

    The RiSE project is a National Research Network funded by the Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF) on the topic of Rigorous Systems Engineering. RiSE is concerned with improving the quality of complex software systems. It aims to move beyond classical, a posteriori verification techniques such as model checking, to an integrated approach of system design and formal verification.

    RiSE is looking for several postdocs and PhD students in formal methods, systems engineering and related fields such as programming languages and distributed systems, to work on topics such as:
    - design and verification of concurrent and real-time software;
    - reactive synthesis and game theory;
    - logical decision procedures.

    Applications will be considered until positions are filled. The start date is negotiable; earliest starting date is 1 March 2011. For more information, see

  • Tutorial Fellowship in Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)

    Magdalen College and the Faculty of Philosophy propose to appoint to a Tutorial Fellowship in Philosophy in association with a University Lecturership (CUF), with effect from 1 October 2011.

    It is a requirement of this post that the successful candidate be able to provide research-led teaching, undergraduate and graduate, in one or more of: moral philosophy; epistemology; metaphysics; philosophy of language; philosophy of mind. The successful candidate will be expected to provide teaching for the College, in the form of tutorials, on a range of introductory (i.e., first-year) and advanced (i.e., second-year and beyond) Philosophy subjects for undergraduates.

    Applications must be submitted no later than 12.00 noon on Thursday 20 January 2011. Further particulars, including details of how to apply, can be found at

  • NIAS fellowships

    NIAS Fellows are selected from prominent researchers and senior scholars in the humanities and social sciences who have already made a contribution to their field. At least 3 years of post-Ph.D. degree academic experience is a prerequisite for eligibility.

    For scholars from outside the Netherlands: 1 March 2011.
    For scholars from the Netherlands: 15 August 2011.

    For more information, see

  • University of Edinburgh: Visiting research fellowships

    The University of Edinburgh's Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities invites applications for its visiting research fellowships. No limitation is placed on the area of research within the humanities and social sciences, but priority is given to those whose work falls within the scope of one of the institute’s current research themes.

    Deadline: 25-02-2011. For more information, see

  • Lectureship in Theoretical Reasoning, Canterbury (U.K.)

    There are two permanent lectureships currently available in Philosophy at Kent that are relevant to those working on logic and rational interaction. These posts are intended to enhance our research clusters in Practical Reasoning (including ethics, normativity and moral psychology), and/or Theoretical Reasoning (including scientific, mathematical, logical, causal and probabilistic reasoning).

    Applicants working in the history of philosophical work in these areas are also welcome to apply.

    The closing date is 24th January 2011. For further details and to apply for these posts please go to and enter reference number HUM0163 on the search form.

    For informal enquiries, please contact the Head of Philosophy, David Corfield, at . For information about the philosophy department, see

  • Internship on Applying theoretical Pragmatics in virtual human dialogue systems

    The Institute for Creative Technologies in Los Angeles, California, offers a paid summer internship for a student (at any level) who wishes to pursue research on pragmatics and virtual humans in dialogue systems.

    For a description of the project and the work involved, see: and The application deadline is the 18th of February 2011.

    Interested ILLC students can contact Raquel Fernandez ().

  • PhD student position in "Natural Language Ontology", Barcelona (Spain)

    The Formal Linguistics Group in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, announces one four-year research assistantship for doctoral study associated with the funded project "Natural Language Ontology and the Semantic Representation of Abstract Objects."

    Applications Deadline: 10-Jan-2011. Contact Information: Louise McNally (). For more information, see

Past appointments

  • New ILLC professor: Jan van Eijck

    The ILLC is pleased to announce that Professor Jan van Eijck has been appointed professor of Computational Semantics as of 1st November 2011 on a special chair set up by the Stichting Bèta Plus at the University of Amsterdam.

    For more information, see here or

  • Rens Bod obtains double appointment in Computational and Digital

    Rens Bod (ILLC) has been appointed full professor in Computational and Digital Humanities at both the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Science. Rens is an NWO VICI-laureate holding the project "Integrating Cognition" and was previously full professor in Artificial Intelligence at the University of St Andrews. The current appointment aims at creating a strong research connection between the Faculties of Science and Humanities in the area of Computational Humanities.

  • New ILLC professor: Ronald de Wolf

    The ILLC welcomes Prof. Dr. R.M. (Ronald) de Wolf, who will be the new part-time professor of Theoretical Computer Science as per March 1, 2011. Ronald will succeed Paul Vitanyi who retired in the summer of 2009, and in this role sustain and renew the long term cooperation in the field of Computer Science between the ILLC and the CWI.

    For more information, see or here.


  • All articles in Erkenntis available for download

    All articles in Erkenntnis will be freely available from now until December 31st, 2011.

    For more information, see

  • Book on Model Theory by Kees Doets available for download at CSLI

    The book Basic Model Theory by Kees Doets (CSLI publications 1996) has been made available for download by the publisher.

    For more information, see

  • John McCarthy (1927-2011)

    John McCarthy, a professor emeritus of computer science at Stanford, the man who coined the term "artificial intelligence" and subsequently went on to define the field for more than five decades, died suddenly at his home in Stanford in the early morning Monday, Oct. 24. He was 84.

    For more information, see

  • New procedures for PhD students at the UvA Faculty of Humanities

    On 1 January 2011, an agreement came into force in which the mutual coordination and cooperation between the national research schools and the faculties in the field of the Humanities is set out. As a result, as of 1 September 2011, PhD students that enter the employment of our faculty will be subject to new procedures.

    For more information, see

  • Yde Venema new director ILLC, Rens Bod new deputy-director ILLC

    Yde Venema has been appointed director of the research institute ILLC (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation) as of September 2011. He succeeds Dr Leen Torenvliet, who held this position since September 2009.

    Venema studied mathematics in Groningen and graduated in 1992 at the University of Amsterdam with the thesis "Many-dimensional modal logic". As a professor of logic, he is, among others, leader of the NWO-VICI project 'Algebra and Coalgebra, the mathematical environments of modal logic'. His main research areas are the modal and algebraic logic, and the coalgebra.

    In addition, Rens Bod has been appointed deputy-director of the ILLC succeeding Yde Venema, who holds this position currently.

    Bod obtained his PhD in computational linguistics in 1995 at the University of Amsterdam. He was a professor of artificial intelligence at the University of St Andrews (UK) and is currently a professor of computational humanities at the UvA. Among other things, he is leader of the NWO-VICI project "Unifying Cognition: unsupervised learning with the DOP model".

    For more information, see and

  • Professor Paul Gochet passed away Tuesday 21 June in Uccle, Belgium

    Professor Paul Gochet passed away Tuesday 21 June in Uccle, Belgium.

    Paul Gochet graduated in Romance philology (1954) and philosophy (1959) at the University of Brussels (ULB). In between he spent a year in England attending the courses of A. Ayer at University College London (1957) and J.L. Austin at Oxford (1958). He received his PhD from the University of Liege (1968) where he had been an assistant since 1962, and he was a professor there from 1972 to 1996.

    For more information, see

  • Talks of the previous ILLC Colloquia now available

    The ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (respectively the New Year's Colloquium and the Midsummernight Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.

    The talks of the previous ILLC colloquia are now available at

  • Martin Stokhof speaks at Expert Forum on International Cooperation in Beijing

    ILLC's Martin Stokhof was an invited speaker at Tsinghua University exploring international projects with The Netherlands. The expert formum included representatives of the Dutch Embassy, NESO China, and some prominent Tsinghua experts, including the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences, as well as Turing Award winner Professor Andrew Yao (director, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences).

    For more information, see

  • New books in the library

    The following new books are available at the library at SP904:

    • Advances in Modal Logic (AiML), volumes 6, 7 and 8
    • Hybrid logic and it's proof-theory, Torben Brauner

    For more information, contact

  • New manager (bedrijfsvoerder) ILLC

    Per June 1, 2011 Jenny Batson will be the new manager (bedrijfsvoerder) of the ILLC. She succeeds Ingrid van Loon in this position. As of this date, Ingrid moves on to the Education Service Center of the FNWI where she takes up the position of bedrijfsvoerder onderwijs. Jenny's office is C3.133, she can be reached at telephone number 020 525 7941 or email .

    For more information, please contact
  • New books in the library

    The following new books are now available in the library at SP:

    Handbook of philosophical logic: vol. 15 vol. 16, Dov M. Gabbay, Franz Guenthner (Eds.)
    Randomness through computation, Hector Zenil (Ed.)

    For more information, contact Paul van Ulsen at .

  • Bericht van overlijden Karen Kwast

    Zaterdag 12 maart bereikte ons het droeve bericht van het overlijden van onze voormalige collega Karen Laura in 't Veld - Kwast.

    Karen is als AIO actief geweest in de beginperiode van het ILLC - destijds nog het ITLI. Na een dubbele studie Wijsbegeerte en Wiskunde heeft zij in de periode 1986 - 1992 onderzoek verricht op het gebied van de Logische gegevensbanken en de realisatie daarvan via Relationele Gegevensbanken. Na haar promotie op 3 maart 1992 is zij verhuisd naar de afdeling Wijsbegeerte van de UvA.

    In haar persoon heeft zij op uitstekende wijze inhoud gegeven aan de samenwerkingsgedachte tussen Wiskunde, Logica, Informatica en Wijsbegeerte waarop het ILLC op berust.

  • Update FoLLI webpages

    FoLLI is the Association for Logic, Language and Information. It was founded in 1991. Each year FoLLI organizes the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), and FoLLI has its own journal, the Journal of Logic, Language and Information (JoLLI). The FoLLI webpages have been on the air for over ten years and have now undergone a major revision.

    If you read this but have not received an email informing you of this revision, then you are >>NOT<< in the FoLLI membership database. Becoming a member is free. ESSLLI participants automatically become a member. You can also become a member by filling in the membership form on the FoLLI webpages. Comments on the webpages can be sent to webmaster Ignacio Hernandez, .

    For more information, see .

  • New journal: Journal of Humanistic Mathematics

    This Journal is in many ways a successor to the Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal (1987-2004), created and edited by Alvin White. As with HMNJ, our goal is to create a platform for both formal and informal inquiries about mathematics as a human endeavor.

    Historical, pedagogical, psychological, and sociological aspects all form different facets of humanistic mathematics. There are several journals devoted to studying these various aspects through disciplinary approaches; we hope with this Journal to provide a (multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary / transdisciplinary) venue for work that targets a wider mathematical community. Our intention is to encourage communication and discussion across the disciplinary boundaries.

    To this end, we will publish peer-reviewed research and survey articles, editor-reviewed works that reflect personal explorations of what it means to do mathematics or to be a mathematician, articles on mathematics in popular culture, and reviews of books which focus on humanistic aspects of mathematics. Finally, we welcome creative works (fiction, poetry, visual arts) that display in more ways than one the humanistic dimensions of mathematics.

    The first issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics is now available at the journal website at

  • New books in the library

    The following book is now available in the library at Science Park:

    Belief revision meets philosophy of science / ed. E.O. Olsson, S. Enquist [31.10 III - OLSS]

    For more information, email

  • New MAPS en TUGboat magazines in our reference library

    The new MAPS and TUGboat magazines of the TEX Users Group just arrived.

    They can both be looked into/borrowed from the reference library at our Common Room.

  • Rens Bod "De Vergeten Wetenschappen" in the media

    The book "De Vergeten Wetenschappen" by Rens Bod got much attention in the media and was declared one of the best books of 2010 by both "De Groene Amsterdammer" and "NRC Handelsblad".

    At you will find an overview.