Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
- Past Events
- Calls for Paper
- Past Conferences
- MoL and PhD defenses
- Projects and Awards
- Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Open Positions at ILLC
- Open Positions, General
- Past appointments
- Miscellaneous
- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- Series of Synthese, Kluwer
- 22 December, ILLC Christmas Drinks
- 22 December 2003, Workshop on Reasoning about Space
- 19 December 2003, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, Centre for Dutch Language and Speech, University of Antwerp
- 19-21 December 2003, Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18 December 2003, Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives
(2nd CoLogNET-ElsNET Symposium) - 15 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Michael Benedikt
- 12 December 2003, DIP Colloquium, Wolfram Hinzen
- 12 December 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Philip Welch
- 11 December 2003, Logic Tea, Philip Welch, Bristol
- 8 and 9 December 2003, DIR-2003 4th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop
- 5 December 2003, DIP Colloquium, Wouter Kusters
- 5 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Roberto Sebastiani
- 5 December 2003, 2003 Hybrid Logic Meeting
- 4 December 2003, Workshop "Opponent Models in Games", IKAT, Universiteit Maastricht
- 3 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Christof Monz
- 2 December 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Patrik Eklund
- 1-12 December 2003, The Logic & Automated Reasoning Summer School 2003
- 30 November 2003, ILLC-Day in Bonn
- 28 November 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Clemens Kupke, Philipp Gerhardy
- 28 November 2003, CEPON colloquia, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building, Room 13A-11/13
- 28 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Fabio Paglieri,
- 27 November 2003, Logic Tea, Lorenz Halbeisen
- 25 November 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Paul Harrenstein
- 20 November 2003, Logic Tea, Felix Bou Moliner
- 20-22 November 2003, 50 years of Studia Logica: Trends in Logic II, The Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 19 November 2003, CSCA Lecture, Johan van Benthem
- 14 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Hedde Zeijlstra
- 14 November 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Sonja Smets
- 14 November 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar & LIT/MoL Meeting, Juan Heguiabehere
- 13 November 2003, Logic Tea, Allard Tamminga, Groningen
- 7 November 2003, ILLC Lectures (Special), Mark Steedman
- 7 November 2003, On the Role of Sense, Tapio Korte, University of Turku
- 6 November 2003, Logic Tea, Evangelos Tzanis, ILLC
- 6 November 2003, CWI INS4 seminar, Peter Grunwald
- 6-8 November 2003, SPR-03; 2nd Int. Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric
- 5 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Barteld Kooi
- 4 November 2003, Meeting of the Spatial Reasoning Group, Spencer Gerhardt
- 4 November 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Suzana Andova
- 31 October 2003, What do do next: Rational and Social Choice (VvL), Jaarbeurs Utrecht (next to trainstation)
- 31 October 2003, Symposium on "the Origin of Novelty", Grote Vergaderzaal, Herengracht 182, Amsterdam
- 31 October - 1 November 2003, The Logic of Time and Modality, PHILOG, Roskilde University (RUC)
- 30 October 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Gilles Dowek
- 30 October 2003, Workshop: Connecting the Different Faces on Information, Room E.010, Roeterstraat 11 (Department of Economics), Amsterdam
- 29 October 2003, Meeting of the Spatial Reasoning Group, Johan van Benthem
- 27-28 October 2003, Seventh Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax (WOTS 7)
- 24 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Jacqueline Lecarme
- 22 October 2003, Learning Solutions 2003: Adaptive Intelligence in research and practical applications, Radboud Auditorium, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 21 October 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Bas Luttik
- 18-22 October 2003, Workshop and Conference on Logic, Algebra and Arithmetic, Teheran,Iran
- 17 October 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dimitri Hendriks
- 17 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Livia Polanyi
- 17 October 2003, Festkolloquium in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Wolfram Pohlers, Justus Diller (Laudatio), Peter Koepke, Ieke Moerdijk
- 16 October 2003, Logic Tea, Darko Sarenac, Stanford
- 16 October 2003, ILLC Talks, Jean-Yves Beziau, Paulo Veloso, Sheila Veloso
- 10 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Bart Geurts
- 9 October 2003, Belgian-Dutch Artificial Intelligence Symposium for Students 2003 (BNAIS-2003), Science Park Watergraafsmeer, Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam
- 9-11 October 2003, Proof Theory: Workshop on Logic, Foundational Research, and Metamathematics (WPT'03)
- 8 October 2003, CSCA Lecture, Albert Postma
6-10 October 2003, The Fifth International Tbilisi Symposium
on Language, Logic and Computation, Tbilisi, Georgia - 4-6 October 2003, 50 years of Studia Logica: Trends in Logic I, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Jablonna), Poland
- 1 October 2003, General Mathematics Colloquium, Benedikt Löwe(UvA, ILLC)
29 September - 1 October 2003, Sinn und Bedeutung VIII,
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 27 September 2003, 4th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics
- 26 September 2003, DIP Colloquium, Johanneke Caspers
- 26 September 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Gabriel Infante López
- 23-24 October 2003, BNAIC'03, Radboud Auditorium and Kasteel Heyendael, Nijmegen
- 23 - 26 September 2003, AI*IA 8th National Conference 2003, University of Pisa, Italy
22-26 September 2003, 10th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial
Reasoning (LPAR'2003), Amaty, Kazakhstan - 22-23 September 2003, METHODS FOR MODALITIES 3 (M4M-3), Nancy, France
- 19 September 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Ian Hodkinson (London)
- 19 September 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Theo van den Heuvel
- 19 September, CSCA Lecture, Barbara Tversky
- 19 September 2003, Informatiebijeenkomst Europese 6e kaderprogramma.
- 18-21 September 2003, First-Order Logic 75 (FOL75), Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
17 September 2003, Some remarks about canonical completions of lattices and some
remarks about the orthomodular law.,
Prof. John Harding -
12 september 2003, mini-symposium about D.J. Korteweg en G. de Vries, E.M. de Jager (UvA),
A. Maas (Museum Boerhaave, Leiden)
and B. Willink (EUR) - 10-13 September 2003, EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrück, Germany
8 September 2003,
MMM Lectures
, NICI, Nijmegen -
5 September 2003,
Eighth Workshop on Games in Logic, Languages & Computation - 4 September 2003, Annual ILLC Boat Trip
- 4-6 September 2003, DiaBruck 2003: 7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL)
- 1 September 2003, DIP Colloquium, Hans van Ditmarsch
- 1 September 2003, Opening Academic Year 2003-2004
25-29 August 2003,
ESSLLI Workshop: Conditional and Unconditional Modality -
25-30 August 2003, Annual Conference of the European Association for
Computer Science Logic
8th Kurt Goedel Colloquium, Vienna, Austria -
18-22 August 2003, Adaptation of Automatic Learning Methods for Analytical and
Inflectional Languages -
18-29 August 2003, ESSLLI-2003:
15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Vienna, Austria - 14-20 August 2003, Student and Young Researcher Grants for LC 2003
- 14-20 August 2003, Logic Colloquium 2003 (ASL European Summer Meeting), Helsinki, Finland
- 29 July - 1 August 2003, 1st Düsseldorf Summer Workshop "Philosophy and Cognitive Science"
- 8-10 July, 2003, 10th International Conference on TEMPORAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING and 4th International Conference on TEMPORAL LOGIC (TIME-ICTL-2003), Cairns, Queensland, Australia
- 7-11 July 2003, SWIFT 2003 "Summer Workshop In Finestructure Theory"
- 7-11 July 2003, International Conference on Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non-classical Logics, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
5 July 2003, CSCA Symposium Logic and cognition: some novel interactions,
Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel,
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam - 4 July 2003, CSCA Lecture, Prof. Keith Stenning
- 4 July 2003, DIP Colloquium, Norman Cook
- 30 June 2003, LiB-Day in Amsterdam
- 30 June - 4 July 2003, Thirtieth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP2003), Eindhoven
- 29 June, ICALP 2003 Satellite Workshop on Quantum Computing
- 27 June 2003, Connecting People: From Animal Grunts to Human Language, Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
- 27 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Regine Eckardt
- 25 June, Logic Tea, Joost Joosten, Utrecht University
- 23-25 June 2003, CONTEXT'03, Stanford, California (USA)
23 June - 4 July 2003, Summer School and Workshop on
Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity - 20 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Amit Dubey
- 20 June 2003, Logic and Argumentation, Groningen
- 20-22 June 2003, TARK IX, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
- 17 June 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Joop Niekus
- 17-21 June 2003, Reasoning about Space
17-21 June 2003,
Second North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
, Bloomington, Indiana, USA - 16 June-5 July 2003, CSCA Summer School Human Reasoning and cognitive science
- 13 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Cornelia Endriss
- 13 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Kees Koster
- 6 June 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Federico de Marchi
- 6 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Rick Nouwen
- 6 June 2003, Individual choice sequences in the work of L.E.J.Brouwer, Joop Niekus
- 6 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Geert-Jan Kruijff
- 4 June, Logic Tea, Rosja Mastop, ILLC
- 3 June 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Ling Cheung
- 30 May 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Harry Buhrman
- 26 May 2003, Spinoza Lectures (held in English), Prof. Hubert L. Dreyfus (University of California, Berkeley)
- 26 May 2003, MDL and classification, revisited, Troy Lee
- 23 May 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, David Harper
- 20 May 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Ana Sokolova , Falk Bartels
- 16 May 2003, DIP Colloquium, Henk Verkuyl
- 16 May 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jan Kleinnijenhuis
- 14 May, Logic Tea, Marian Counihan
- 9 May 2003, Long Live the Mathematics! Passion for the field., Korteweg-de Vries Institute, Pl. Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
- 6 May 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Bas Spitters
- 23-25 April 2003, 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
- 16 April, Logic Tea,
- 12 April 2003, Second International Workshop on Automatic Analysis of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'03)
- 12 April 2003, Formal Approaches to Multi-agent Systems (FAMAS'03)
- 11 April 2003, DIP Colloquium, Benjamin Shaer
- 11 April 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Georg Moser
- 8 April 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Maarten Marx
- 5-13 April 2003, ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland
- 31 March 2003, Seminarie: Logica & Informatica 2003 (SLI-2003)
- 28 March 2003, DIP Colloquium, Henkjan Honing
- 25 March 2003, Logic Tea, Nick Bezhanishvili
- 21 March 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Joost Joosten
- 14 March 2003, DIP Colloquium, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
- 14 March 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar
- 11 March 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Barteld Kooi
- 7 March 2003, NVTI Theoryday 2003
- 6 March 2003, Third ILLC Alumni Event
- 5 March 2003, CSCA Lecture, Prof.dr. Peter Hagoort
- 4 March 2003, Logic Tea, Maarten Marx
- 28 February 2003, ACLC-ILLC Workshop
- 25 February 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Mirna Bognar
- 20 February 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Sisay Fissaha
- 20 February 2003, CWI INS4 Theory Day
- 14 February 2003, DIP Colloquium, Benjamin Spector
14 February 2003, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(fourth session) -
14-17 February 2003, FotFS IV : The History of the
Concept of the Formal Sciences, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn Mathematisches
Institut - 13 February 2003, DIP Colloquium, Gabor Alberti
- 11 February 2003, Logic Tea, Mart de Graaf
- 11 February 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Vincent van Oostrom and Dimitri Hendriks
- 7 February 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Dirk Povel
- 7 February 2003, Music & AI Colloquium, Dirk Povel
- 31 January 2003, DIP Colloquium, Aoju Chen
- 31 January 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ivar Vermeulen
- 28 January 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Pedro d'Argenio
24 January 2003, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(third session) - 21 January 2003, Logic Tea, Bas Terwijn
- 20 January 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Elham Ashoori
- 17 January, ILLC's New Year Drinks
- 17 January 2003, DIP Colloquium, Alex Lascarides
15-17 January 2003, Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics
(IWCS-5) - 13 January 2003, Music & AI Colloquium, Dicky Gilbers and Maartje Schreuder
- 3 January 2003, LSA Workshop on Probabilistic Linguistics
Headlines Calls for Paper
No Past Conferences
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 22 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Oren Tsur
- 18 december 2003, Master of Logic defense, Loredana Afanasiev
- 12 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Gilad Mishne
- 11 december, 2003, PhD defense, Christof Monz
- 4 December 2003, PhD defense, Juan Heguiabehere
- 2 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Guillaume Aucher
- 24 September, 2003, PhD defense, mw E.C. Brouwer
- 16 September 2003, Master of Logic defense, Helle Hvid Hansen
- 5 September 2003, PhD defense, Barteld Kooi
- 19 August 2003, Master of Logic defense, Chunlai Zhou
- 28 July 2003, Master of Logic defense, Fadillah Tala
- 5 June 2003, Master's defense, Evan Goris
- 6 February 2003, PhD defense, Ivar Vermeulen
Headlines Projects and Awards
NWO-DFG Bilateral Project between Amsterdam and Bonn
"Determinacy and Combinatorics" - LIT shines at recent retrieval evaluation campaigns
- 24 September 2003, AIxIA Dissertation Award
- ESSLLI awards for ILLC GPiL students
- LIT Group obtained 2 NWO fundings
- E.W. Beth dissertation award: 2003 winner
- Rolf Schock Prize 2003 awarded to Prof. Solomon Feferman
- Four ILLC-applications for NWO Cognition programma honoured
- DFG Grant "Determinacy and Combinatorics"
- 2 year extension for NWO project Choice sequences in the work of Brouwer
- Benedikt Loewe and NWO Project VMOSII
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
- European Young Investigators (EURYI) Award
- 15 May 2003, Descartes-Huygens Price of € 23.000,-
- Final Call for Integrated Research Projects in the Cognition Programme
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers
(Gaikokujin Tokubetsu Kenkyuin) 2004-2005 - Competitions: UvA-endpaper and AUV-price for social research
- INTAS Russia calls for proposals
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
Headlines Open Positions, General
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Boole Centre for Research in Informatics (University College Cork, Ireland)
- Research MA's in Linguistics
Open Position Scientific Assistant,
Institut für Philosophie, Regenburg, Germany - Open Position for Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy at Reading
- 2 Research MSc+BSc Positions in Logic and Computation available
- PhD Student Positions in Philosophy (Bonn, Germany)
- 2 European research student (PhD-)scholarships available for BATMULT
- Open positions at The Intelligent Agents Lab
- UD-vacature Logica en Argumentatietheorie Groningen
- Research MA in Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
Headlines Past appointments
Headlines Miscellaneous
- Wim Blok (1947-2003)
- Small Brouwer Exposition
- ASL Newsletter November 2003 available
- Pictures ILLC Boattrip
- ASL Newsletter September 2003 available
- 21 Juli-17 August 2003, Euclides building closed evenings
- Landelijk Orgaan Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (LWI) established
- 8 May, Vehicle Marking Action
- Cognition Newsletter March 2003 available
- ASL Newsletter April 2003 available
- Pieter Adriaans' Book 'Robot op Zee' published
- ASL Newsletter January 2003 available
- 22 January 2003, Reading group on `Stone Spaces' by Johnstone
No Former Regular Events
Past Events
Series of Synthese, Kluwer
Title: New Journal: Knowledge, Rationality and ActionDeadline: 29 March 2004The aim of the section is to provide a platform for researchers in a formal approach to the process comprising rational behaviour: from gathering and representing information, via reasoning and decision making up to acting.
For more information, see
For more information, see here . -
22 December, ILLC Christmas Drinks
To illuminate the dark days before Christmas the ILLC throws another modest yet delightful Xmas-drink. The UvA christmas gifts lay ready for you under the christmastree. Next to that there's a beautiful display of Georgian portrets. The drink is at 22 December at 16.00 hours at the third floor of the Euclides building. We hope to welcome you all.
22 December 2003, Workshop on Reasoning about Space
Location: Room E010, Roeterstraat 11 (Department of Economics), Amsterdam.The aim of this workshop is to present some recent advances in the field of reasoning about space with a particular emphasis on bringing researchers in various fields together for purposes of looking at unifying logical frameworks (such as, for instance, modal logic) and getting a better sense of the most fruitful avenues for further research.
For more information, see here or
19 December 2003, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, Centre for Dutch Language and Speech, University of Antwerp
Location: Centre for Dutch Language and Speech, University of AntwerpCLIN 2003, the 14th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, will be held in Antwerp on friday December 19th 2003. It will be organized by the CNTS - Language Technology Group of the University of Antwerp.
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
19-21 December 2003, Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, The NetherlandsDeadline: 1 September 2003The Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium will be held December 19 -- 21 at the University of Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing together linguists, philosophers, logicians and computer scientists who share an interest in the formal study of the semantics of natural and formal languages. The spectrum of topics covered ranges from descriptive (semantic analyses of all kinds of expressions) to theoretical (logical and computational properties of semantic theories, philosophical foundations).
The Colloquium is organized under the auspices of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.
For more information and an online registration form, see The preliminary program is available on this site as of October 24th.
18 December 2003, Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives
(2nd CoLogNET-ElsNET Symposium)Location: Amsterdam, The NetherlandsDeadline: 1 September 2003This symposium is the second of three devoted to the exploration of the common ground between the "Logic and Natural Language Processing" Area of CoLogNET (Network of Excellence in Computational Logic, and ELSNET (Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies, The topic of this session is 'Questions and Answers'. The symposium will address both the logical foundations underlying these notions, and technological implications for question answering systems.
The symposium aims at bringing together researchers interested in a combination of theoretical and applied perspectives, and invites an exchange of ideas between computational linguists, computer scientists and logicians. It will feature invited talks by leading researchers from academia and industry as well as a number of contributed talks. Invited speakers are Jeroen Groenendijk (ILLC, University of Amsterdam), Werner Ceusters (Language and Computing) and Karen Spärck Jones (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge). The symposium will be co-located with the Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloqium.
Deadline for submission of papers is September 1, 2003. A selection of contributions will be published as special issue of the Journal of Applied Logic (ELSEVIER). For more information , see the symposium website at, or contact the organizer, Raffaella Bernardi, at Raffaella.Bernardi at -
15 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Michael Benedikt
Speaker: Michael Benedikt
(Bell Labs)Title: Path Fragments: a Tour of Theory and a Glimpse of PracticeFor abstracts and more information, see
12 December 2003, DIP Colloquium, Wolfram Hinzen
Speaker: Wolfram HinzenTitle: Why are there names?Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 December 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Philip Welch
Speaker: Philip Welch (Bristol)Title: Infinite games of perfect information and Quasi-inductive
definitionsLocation: Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 December 2003, Logic Tea, Philip Welch, Bristol
Speaker: Philip Welch, BristolTitle: Necessity as a PredicateLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
8 and 9 December 2003, DIR-2003 4th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop
Location: Room Z.011, CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1090 GB AmsterdamTarget audience: researchers from NL and BE(neighboring countries) working in
information retrieval and related disciplinesDeadline: 1 October 2003The primary aim of the workshop is to provide a meeting place where researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium (and neighboring countries) who are working in the domain of information retrieval and related disciplines can exchange information and present new research developments. Keynote speakers will include Charlie Clarke (University of Waterloo), Bjørn Olstad (FAST Search, 2bconfirmed), and Bonnie Webber (University of Edinburgh).
For more information, see here or
5 December 2003, DIP Colloquium, Wouter Kusters
Speaker: Wouter Kusters (Leiden)Title: Theoretical and empirical aspects of language complexityLocation: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
5 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Roberto Sebastiani
Speaker: Roberto Sebastiani (Trento)Title: "More Deterministic" vs. "Smaller"
Büchi Automata for Efficient LTL Model CheckingLocation: Room T.201 (Marx Zaal), Sarphatistraat 104, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
5 December 2003, 2003 Hybrid Logic Meeting
Location: Room T-Marx, Sarphatistraat 104, AmsterdamThis year's annual hybrid logics meeting will be organized at ILLC in Amsterdam. The intended purpose of the meeting is to examine some of the new directions in the world of HyLo research as well as to put future of hybrid logic in perspective.
For more information and a provisional program, see
4 December 2003, Workshop "Opponent Models in Games", IKAT, Universiteit Maastricht
Location: IKAT, Universiteit MaastrichtPlaying games is a challenging task. It is even more interesting when a player anticipates the behaviour of the opponent. An important task of playing games is to detect and employ weaknesses in the opponent's strategy. For human players, it is a part of psychology to anticipate the opponent's move. For computers such things belong to the domain of artificial intelligence. Obviously, most of the current game-playing computer programs do not take the peculiarities of the opponent into account. This holds especially for computer programs that play the classical board games such as chess, go, and checkers. In other areas of computer game-playing, opponent-modelling is an integral part of the strategy, for instance in repeated games such as Roshambo and Poker. This workshop deals with the use of opponent models by computers in classical board games, repeated games, and in modern action games.
For more information, see
3 December 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Christof Monz
Speaker: Christof MonzTitle: Comparing Document Retrieval Strategies in the Context of Question AnsweringLocation: Room B2.44, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
2 December 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Patrik Eklund
Speaker: Patrik Eklund
(Umea University, Sweden & Abo Akademi, Finland)Title: Partial orders make monads even more usefulLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
1-12 December 2003, The Logic & Automated Reasoning Summer School 2003
Location: Australian National University (ANU)Target audience:
Students (postgraduate and undergraduate) in logic,
senior educators teaching logic,
and IT professionals using formal methodsCosts: Students $120, others $1650The Australian National University (ANU) has an exciting opportunity for IT professionals, senior educators, and students to enhance their logic and reasoning skills in a two-week intensive summer school. The Logic and Automated Reasoning Summer School comprises a blend of practical and theoretical short courses on aspects of pure and applied logic taught by international and Australian experts.
Registration closes Friday 31 October 2003. For more information, see or get the brochure at the ILLC office
30 November 2003, ILLC-Day in Bonn
Speaker: D. de Jongh, M. van Lambalgen, Th. Müller, M. de Rijke, Y. VenemaLocation: Mathematisches Institut, Bonn (Germany)The ILLC-Day in Bonn will be the second part of a pair of one-day workshops connecting logical research in Bonn and at the ILLC in Amsterdam. The first event was the LiB-Day in Amsterdam (June 30, 2003). We hope that several researchers from the Bonn Forschergruppe Wissensformate will be present for discussions.
All researchers, graduate students and undergraduate students are cordially invited to join us for the talks.
For more information, see
28 November 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Clemens Kupke, Philipp Gerhardy
Speaker: Clemens Kupke Philipp GerhardyTitle: TBA / Refined complexity analysis of cut eliminationLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
28 November 2003, CEPON colloquia, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building, Room 13A-11/13
Title: Analytic/SyntheticLocation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building, Room 13A-11/13A Colloquium on the Philosophy and History of Logic and Language. Speakers include Jan Wolenski (Cracow/NIAS Wassenaar), Sandra Lapointe (Québec/CNRS Paris), Willem R. de Jong (VU Amsterdam) and Wojciech Zelaniec (Zielona Gora).
For more information, see
28 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Fabio Paglieri,
Speaker: Fabio Paglieri, <em>canceled</em>For abstracts and more information, see
27 November 2003, Logic Tea, Lorenz Halbeisen
Speaker: Lorenz Halbeisen (Belfast)Title: How much Choice do we need? Some Models of Set TheoryLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
25 November 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Paul Harrenstein
Speaker: Paul Harrenstein
(Utrecht)Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
20 November 2003, Logic Tea, Felix Bou Moliner
Speaker: Felix Bou Moliner(Barcelona)Title: Quasi-Bisimulations, a way of Removing the Symmetry of BisimulationsLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
20-22 November 2003, 50 years of Studia Logica: Trends in Logic II, The Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark
Speaker: Johan van Benthem (ILLC) and othersLocation: The Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen, DenmarkThis is the second of two conferences on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the leading journal in symbolic logic Studia Logica. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars of philosophy, logic, mathematics, and computer science and other discplines who have contributed significantly to what Studia Logica is today. The conference will include lectures by distinguished scholars covering topics within the aim and scope of the journal.
For more information, see
19 November 2003, CSCA Lecture, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van Benthem
(Amsterdam)Title: Computation Meets Cognition:
from formal information analysis to writing social softwareLocation: Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamFor more information see the CSCA website at
14 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Hedde Zeijlstra
Speaker: Hedde Zeijlstra (UvA)Title: Requirements for licensing n-wordsLocation: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 November 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Sonja Smets
Speaker: Sonja Smets (Brussels)Title: From Quantum Physics to Operational Quantum Logic;
on the Logicality of Quantum SystemsLocation: Room 208, Minnaertgebouw, UtrechtJoint meeting with IHFS
For abstracts and more information, see
14 November 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar & LIT/MoL Meeting, Juan Heguiabehere
Speaker: Juan HeguiabehereTitle: Building logic toolboxesLocation: Room B2.44, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamJuan Heguiabehere will talk about the importance of implementation and benchmarking in automated reasoning, especially as concerns modal and hybrid theorem proving, and the use of Dynamic Predicate Logic (DPL) and extensions as a programming language.
Afterwards there will be a meeting of the LIT group with the students from the Master of Logic program. This meeting will be held at the Herengracht 182, starting at 16.00. The meeting is only accessible for LIT and/or MOL members.
For abstracts and more information, see
13 November 2003, Logic Tea, Allard Tamminga, Groningen
Speaker: Allard Tamminga, GroningenTitle: Expansion and Contraction of Finite StatesLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
7 November 2003, ILLC Lectures (Special), Mark Steedman
Speaker: Mark Steedman (Informatics, University of Edinburgh)Title: Scope Alternation and the Syntax-Semantics InterfaceLocation: (<em>changed</em>)
Grote Vergaderzaal, Herengracht 182, AmsterdamThis talk discusses some interactions of scope alternation with syntactic phenomena including coordination, binding, and word-order in Germanic languages.
For more information, see here
7 November 2003, On the Role of Sense, Tapio Korte, University of Turku
Speaker: Tapio Korte, University of TurkuLocation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building, 13A-42Tapio Korte will argue, against Carnap, Church and Dummett, that the role of sense in Frege's theory of meaning is to act as a bearer of reference, not to mediate between expression and object.
For the full abstract and more information, see or contact A.Betti at
6 November 2003, Logic Tea, Evangelos Tzanis, ILLC
Speaker: Evangelos Tzanis, ILLCTitle: The Collatz Conjecture: Properties and AlgorithmsLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
6 November 2003, CWI INS4 seminar, Peter Grunwald
Speaker: Peter Grunwald (CWI)Title: Updating ProbabilitiesLocation: CWI, Kruislaan 413c, room C001(joint work with Joe Halpern, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)
As examples such as the Monty Hall and the 3-prisoners puzzle show, applying conditioning to update a probability distribution on a ``naive space'', which does not take into account the protocol used, can often lead to counterintuitive results. We give a detailed explanation of this phenomenon. A criterion known as CAR (``coarsening at random'') in the statistical literature characterizes when ``naive'' conditioning in a naive space works. We provide two new characterizations of CAR. First we show that in many situations, CAR essentially *cannot* hold, so that naive conditioning must give the wrong answer. Second, we provide a procedural characterization of CAR, giving a randomized algorithm that generates all and only distributions for which CAR holds. Both results complement earlier work by Gill, van der Laan and Robins.We also consider more generalized notions of update such as Jeffrey conditioning and minimizing relative entropy (MRE). We give a generalization of the CAR condition that characterizes when Jeffrey conditioning leads to appropriate answers, and show that there exist some very simple settings in which MRE essentially never gives the right results. This generalizes and interconnects previous results obtained in the literature on CAR and MRE.
6-8 November 2003, SPR-03; 2nd Int. Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric
Speaker: Henk Zeevat (ILLC, UvA) and othersLocation: Faculty of Philosophy@Donostia, San Sebastián, EspañaCosts: € 100,- (€ 60,- for students and accompanying persons) (before October 20, 2003).Deadline: 6 October 2003SPR-03 is organized by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).
For more information, see here or, email ylplaanj at or call +34-943-017451
5 November 2003, DIP Colloquium, Barteld Kooi
Speaker: Barteld Kooi (Groningen)Title: Statistical and Intensional ProbabilityLocation: Room 107, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
4 November 2003, Meeting of the Spatial Reasoning Group, Spencer Gerhardt
Speaker: Spencer GerhardtTitle: Completeness of temporal logic with interior for QLocation: EuclidesThis week Spencer will tell us about his new proof of completeness of temporal logic with interior operator interpreted over rationals, and the relation of this logic to betweenness modality.
For more information, contact Darko S. at sarenac at
4 November 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Suzana Andova
Speaker: Suzana Andova
(Twente)Title: Discrete-time rewards model-checkedLocation: Auditorum 12, TU EindhovenFor abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
31 October 2003, What do do next: Rational and Social Choice (VvL), Jaarbeurs Utrecht (next to trainstation)
Speaker: Robert van Rooij (ILLC) and others, special guest: Rohit Parikh (New York)Location: Jaarbeurs Utrecht (next to trainstation)This theme afternoon, organized by the VvL (the Dutch Society for Logic) features the following talks:
Robert van Rooij, Cooperative information exchange: Exhaustive interpretation and the division of pragmatic labour.
Paul Harrenstein, Game-theoretical Consequence.
Mehdi Dastani, Programming Agent Deliberation.
Rohit Parikh (special guest, New York): What to do next?From 12:30-13:30 a cold lunch will be offered by the Society, available if you registered at least 1 week in advance by e-mailing jve at
For abstracts and more information, see
31 October 2003, Symposium on "the Origin of Novelty", Grote Vergaderzaal, Herengracht 182, Amsterdam
Location: Grote Vergaderzaal, Herengracht 182, AmsterdamIn the framework of the Cognition programme of the Dutch Research Foundation NWO, the University of Amsterdam organises a symposium on the origins of novel knowledge and novel behavior. The symposium is aimed at bringing together ideas on novelty from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Psychology, Evolutionary Biology, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language.
Registration is free but since the number of participants is limited, those who want to participate must register by sending an email with name, address and affiliation to dr. Maartje Raijmakers (Email: M.E.J.Raijmakers at before 27 October.
For more information, see
31 October - 1 November 2003, The Logic of Time and Modality, PHILOG, Roskilde University (RUC)
Location: PHILOG, Roskilde University (RUC)Costs: 75,00 DK/dayDeadline: 1 November 2003Arthur Norman Prior (1914-69) was the founding father of the modern logic of time and modality. There is still a lot to learn from Prior's writings, and of Prior's last book Papers on Time and Tense. The conference "The Logic of Time and Modality", organized by PHILOG, aims to discuss the modern challenges, problems, and applications of the Priorean approach to the logic of time and modality.
For more information, see
30 October 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Gilles Dowek
Speaker: Gilles Dowek (École Polytechnique, INRIA)Title: Eigenvariables, bracketing and the decidability of positive minimal
logicLocation: Room 114, Ruppertgebouw (Trans I, Leuvenlaan 19), UtrechtFor abstracts and more information, see
30 October 2003, Workshop: Connecting the Different Faces on Information, Room E.010, Roeterstraat 11 (Department of Economics), Amsterdam
Location: Room E.010, Roeterstraat 11 (Department of Economics), AmsterdamThe latest issue of the Journal of Logic Language and Information is on Connecting the Different Faces on Information. This special issue features contributions by Barteld Kooi, Johan van Benthem, Robert van Rooy, Rohit Parikh and Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Vincent Hendricks, and Peter Gruenwald and Paul Vitanyi.
Rohit Parikh's visit to the Netherlands gives us a wonderful opportunity to bring together many of the authors who contributed to the special issue for a final discussion.
For more information and a preliminary program, see
29 October 2003, Meeting of the Spatial Reasoning Group, Johan van Benthem
Speaker: Johan van BenthemTitle: Tutorial on Completeness of S4 for RThe relevant material for this tutorial can be found in:
For more information on the Spatial Reasoning Group, contact D. Sarenac at: sarenac at
27-28 October 2003, Seventh Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax (WOTS 7)
Location: NijmegenDeadline: 15 August 2003The Workshops on Optimality Theory Syntax (WOTS) played an important role in the past years for bringing together linguists sharing an interest in OT syntax. They provided excellent opportunities for researchers pioneering in OT syntax to present their work in progress and they provided a matrix for lively discussions and fruitful collaboration among those researchers and other participants. This year for the first time WOTS is organized outside Germany, which indicates its still growing international character.
For more information, see the workshop's webpage at -
24 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Jacqueline Lecarme
Speaker: Jacqueline Lecarme (CNRS)Title: Tense and evidentiality in nominalsLocation: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
22 October 2003, Learning Solutions 2003: Adaptive Intelligence in research and practical applications, Radboud Auditorium, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Location: Radboud Auditorium, Nijmegen, the NetherlandsNeural networks are computer programs that are able to learn. Their functioning is inspired by the function of the brain. The value added by neural networks is strongest for those problems that lack explicit knowledge. A large number of neural network aided applications has already been realized. Well-known applications are pattern recognition, time series prediction, and process control. Neural networks do not always produce the best solution, however. Better solutions are therefore often obtained through a combination with explicit domain knowledge. Bayesian statistics offers an elegant formalism to combine learning and explicit modeling. Furthermore, statistical methods for quantification of reliability are of great importance. A modern trend is therefore marked by an integrated approach that combines neural networks with methods from statistics and artificial intelligence. The symposium 'Learning Solutions 2003' offers an up-to-date overview of Dutch research in this area.
For more information, see
21 October 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Bas Luttik
Speaker: Bas Luttik
(TU Eindhoven)Title: Unique DecompositionLocation: TU EindhovenFor abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
18-22 October 2003, Workshop and Conference on Logic, Algebra and Arithmetic, Teheran,Iran
Location: Teheran,IranThis event, held under the auspices of the Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, will focus on mathematical logic and its applications in algebra and arithmetic. Invited speakers include: L.van den Dries, A.Enayat, Y.Ershov, I.Kalantari, F.-V.Kuhlman, S.Kuhlman, A.Macintyre, A.Pillay, and A.Visser.
For further information, visit
17 October 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Dimitri Hendriks
Speaker: Dimitri HendriksTitle: AdbmalLocation: Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
(Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)For abstracts and more information, see
17 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Livia Polanyi
Speaker: Livia Polanyi (Palo Alto)Title: A Syntax Approach to Discourse SemanticsLocation: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
17 October 2003, Festkolloquium in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Wolfram Pohlers, Justus Diller (Laudatio), Peter Koepke, Ieke Moerdijk
Speaker: Justus Diller (Laudatio), Peter Koepke, Ieke MoerdijkFor more information, see
16 October 2003, Logic Tea, Darko Sarenac, Stanford
Speaker: Darko Sarenac, StanfordTitle: Topological interpretation of S4 and some ExtensionsLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamAbstract: We present topological interpretation of modal logic S4 with particular emphasis on its modern use in the theory of spatial reasoning. This interpretation dates back to at least as far as a paper of J.C.C. McKinsey and A. Tarski in the 40's [The algebra of topology, Ann. of Math. (2) 45 (1944), 141--191], but until recently not much active research has been done on the topic. Recent years have seen the revival of research with applications in robotics, AI, and spatial reasoning. In the first part of the lecture, I will introduce the topological interpretation and some of its most interesting properties. If time permits, in the second part I will say something about possible extensions of this approach and some of its uses.
Prerequisites: Some knowledge of modal logic is assumed, but no (or very little) knowledge of topology.
The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster (sevenstr at or Hartmut Fitz (hfitz at
16 October 2003, ILLC Talks, Jean-Yves Beziau, Paulo Veloso, Sheila Veloso
Speaker: Jean-Yves Beziau Paulo Veloso Sheila VelosoLocation: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamComing Thursday afternoon we will receive the visit of three researchers from Brazil and Suiss, who are working in themes related to modal logic, coming mainly from mathematical and philosophical aspects of the subject:
- Paulo Veloso and Sheila Veloso (COPPE and IM/UFRJ/Brasil): Filter and Ultrafilter logic
- Jean-Yves Beziau (Neuchatel/Suiss): Relations between modal logic and paraconsistent logic from the perspective of the square of oppositions
10 October 2003, DIP Colloquium, Bart Geurts
Speaker: Bart Geurts (Nijmegen)Title: Entertaining alternatives: disjunctions as modalsLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
9 October 2003, Belgian-Dutch Artificial Intelligence Symposium for Students 2003 (BNAIS-2003), Science Park Watergraafsmeer, Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam
Location: Science Park Watergraafsmeer, Kruislaan 413, AmsterdamDeadline: 4 August 2003Student association VIA, for AI, computer science and informatics students of the University of Amsterdam, is organizing the second edition of BNAIS, Belgian-Dutch Artificial Intelligence Symposium for students. This year's BNAIS theme is "Playing God? Creation and control". A wide variety of issues are brought together in this theme. Technical, theoretical as well as ethical considerations will be brought forward. Current and future developments in AI will be discussed, with subjects ranging from the creation of artificial life to controlling that creation, or control in modern day society using AI techniques.
BNAIS will consist of 3 lectures, around ten workshops, presentation of the yearly Belgian-Dutch award for the best AI Master's thesis, various discussions and a continuous information market.
For more information, see
9-11 October 2003, Proof Theory: Workshop on Logic, Foundational Research, and Metamathematics (WPT'03)
Location: Münster, GermanyThe Workshop on Logic, Foundational Research, and Metamathematics will take place in Münster, Germany, hosted by the Institut für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung at the University of Münster. It is intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas and interaction between researchers working in different areas of proof theory.
For more information, see here or visit the workshop's homepage at
8 October 2003, CSCA Lecture, Albert Postma
Speaker: Albert PostmaTitle: Knowing more than you rememberLocation: Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamSpatial memory - knowing what is where (including your own position) and how to get there - is vitally important for our daily life. Without it we would continuously be searching for tools, vehicles and other important objects and we would not be able to find our way back home or navigate through our surroundings.For more information see the CSCA website at
6-10 October 2003, The Fifth International Tbilisi Symposium
on Language, Logic and Computation, Tbilisi, GeorgiaLocation: Tbilisi, GeorgiaDeadline: 1 April 2003The fifth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation will be held in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, at the Tbilisi State University from October 6 to October 10, 2003. The Symposium is organized by the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech of the Tbilisi State University in conjunction with the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.
For more information, see the symposium website at
4-6 October 2003, 50 years of Studia Logica: Trends in Logic I, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Jablonna), Poland
Speaker: Michael Dunn (USA) and othersLocation: Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Jablonna), PolandCosts: € 75,-Deadline: 15 September 2003The 1st of 2 conferences in 50th Anniversary of the leading journal in symbolic logic Studia Logica. Submit papers by August 15 to stud at
This is the first of two conferences on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the leading journal in symbolic logic Studia Logica. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars of philosophy, logic, mathematics, and computer science and other discplines who have contributed significantly to what Studia Logica is today. The conference will include lectures by distinguished scholars covering topics within the aim and scope of the journal.
For more information, see
1 October 2003, General Mathematics Colloquium, Benedikt Löwe(UvA, ILLC)
Speaker: Benedikt Löwe(UvA, ILLC)Title: Large Cardinals and Foundations of MathematicsLocation: Room P-0.14, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamWhat are large cardinals? What is the correlation between them and the theory of the real numbers? And why do we rarely (if ever) see those sets of real numbers that are influenced by the existence or nonexistence of these huge objects?
For more information, see here or
29 September - 1 October 2003, Sinn und Bedeutung VIII,
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, GermanyLocation: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, GermanyThe "Gesellschaft für Semantik" (GfS) is pleased to announce its Eighth Annual Meeting "Sinn und Bedeutung VIII". The "Sinn und Bedeutung" meetings aim to provide a platform for semanticists to present recent work. The area of interest includes all topics from current semantic research: formal semantics, cognitive semantics, descriptive semantics, typological semantics, historical semantics, philosophy of language etc.
Invited speakers include Sigrid Beck (Connecticut), Hans Kamp (Stuttgart) and Robert van Rooy (Amsterdam).
For more information and registration, see
27 September 2003, 4th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics
Location: Almaty, KazakhstanDeadline: 27 July 2003Following a series of successful workshops on the implementation of logics held in conjunction with the LPAR conference, there will be a fourth workshop on this topic, to be held in conjunction with LPAR'2003.
For more information, see the LPAR'2003 website at
26 September 2003, DIP Colloquium, Johanneke Caspers
Speaker: Johanneke Caspers (Leiden University)Title: The function of melodic elements in Dutch task-oriented dialogueLocation: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 September 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Gabriel Infante López
Speaker: Gabriel Infante López
(Amsterdam)Title: Can probabilities be mimicked by rules?Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, AmsterdamThe talk will be followed by celebrations about the CLLI seminar's five years anniversary; and the presentation of the first annual LIT-award to Juan Heguiabehere---Congratulations!
For abstracts and more information, see
23-24 October 2003, BNAIC'03, Radboud Auditorium and Kasteel Heyendael, Nijmegen
Location: Radboud Auditorium and Kasteel Heyendael, NijmegenThe 15th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'03) is organised by SNN. BNAIC'03 will be held on Thursday October 23 and Friday October 24, 2003 in the Radboud Auditorium and Kasteel Heyendael, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
It will be collocated with the workshop 'Learning Solutions' on Wednesday October 22, 2003. This collocation aims to promote interaction between researchers in AI and industry. BNAIC-papers addressing industrial applications will be offered a poster at the workshop.
For more information, see
23 - 26 September 2003, AI*IA 8th National Conference 2003, University of Pisa, Italy
Location: University of Pisa, ItalyThe Congress of the Italian Ass. for AI(AI*IA) is the traditional two-yearly meeting of researchers working on theory and applications in AI.
For more information, see here or
22-26 September 2003, 10th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial
Reasoning (LPAR'2003), Amaty, KazakhstanLocation: Amaty, KazakhstanInvited speakers include Franz Baader, Serikjan Badaev, Dexter Kozen, Sergei Goncharov and Thomas Wilke.
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
22-23 September 2003, METHODS FOR MODALITIES 3 (M4M-3), Nancy, France
Location: Nancy, FranceDeadline: 7 July 2003The workshop Methods for Modalities' (M4M) aims to bring together researchers interested in developing proof tools and reasoning methods for modal logic broadly conceived, including description logic, hybrid logics, feature logic, temporal logic, etc.
For more information, see the conference website at
19 September 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Ian Hodkinson (London)
Speaker: Ian Hodkinson (London)Title: Random graphs and canonicity of algebrasLocation: P.015A, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
19 September 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Theo van den Heuvel
Speaker: Theo van den Heuvel
(Polderland)Title: Overview of NLP and IE at PolderlandLocation: Room B2.44, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
19 September, CSCA Lecture, Barbara Tversky
Speaker: Barbara Tversky (Stanford)Title: Some ways graphics communicateLocation: Lecture Hall 301, Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, AmsterdamGraphics - written language, charts, graphs, diagrams, interfaces - serve a number of functions: to attract interest and adorn, to record information, to promote memory, to organize information in order to facilitate inference and discovery. To do so effectively, they use elements and the spatial relations among them meaningfully, forming a rudimentary semantics and syntax respectively. An examination of graphics produced by children and adults from many cultures reveals common underlying cognitive principles in the use of space and the elements in it to convey meaning.
For more information see the CSCA website at
19 September 2003, Informatiebijeenkomst Europese 6e kaderprogramma.
Location: Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, B.235EG Liaison organizes a meeting to present options for shared research between the ILLC and KP6. Please note that the meeting will be held in dutch.
For more information, see here for the full announcement (in dutch), or contact Ingrid van Loon (ingrid at
18-21 September 2003, First-Order Logic 75 (FOL75), Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Location: Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanySeventy-five years ago Hilbert and Ackerman published their Grundzüge der Theoretischen Logik, announcing the start of modern mathematical logic. PHILOG in association with Humboldt University celebrate 75 years of first-order logic by hosting this conference.
For more information, see
17 September 2003, Some remarks about canonical completions of lattices and some
remarks about the orthomodular law.,
Prof. John HardingSpeaker: Prof. John Harding (New Mexico State University)Location: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe talk is comprised of 2 components: a discussion of canonical completions of bounded lattices with additional operations, and recent developments regarding the motivation behind the orthomodular law.
For more information, see here
12 september 2003, mini-symposium about D.J. Korteweg en G. de Vries, E.M. de Jager (UvA),
A. Maas (Museum Boerhaave, Leiden)
and B. Willink (EUR)Speaker: E.M. de Jager (UvA),
A. Maas (Museum Boerhaave, Leiden)
and B. Willink (EUR)Location: P.227, Euclides building second floor, Plantage Muidergracht 24,
AmsterdamMini-symposium about D.J. Korteweg and G. de Vries, the mathematicians after whom the Math Institute of the UvA is named, and the creators of the Korteweg-de Vries equation which led to important developments in Mathematics and Physics. Following the symposium proper, at 16:25 portraits of the mathematician will be revealed, followed by a reception.
For more information, see here or
10-13 September 2003, EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrück, Germany
Location: Osnabrück, GermanyThe aim of the conference is the presentation of empirical, theoretical, and analytical work from all areas of interest in cognitive science, such as artificial intelligence, education, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and anthropology. The focus is on interdisciplinary work that is either of interest for more than one of the mentioned research areas or integrates research methods from different fields. Furthermore, applications of cognitive science research in such domains as human-computer interaction, education, knowledge management, or engineering are equally welcome.
For more information, see the conference website at
8 September 2003,
MMM Lectures
, NICI, NijmegenTitle: Je Weet Niet Wat Je Hoort.Location: NICI, NijmegenThe PIONIER Project "Music, Mind, Machine" is about the computational modeling of music cognition with an emphasis on the temporal aspects of music perception and music performance such as rhythm, timing and tempo. This six-year project will be concluded this september with a festive afternoon of lectures on the state-of-the-art of Music Cognition.
Invited speakers: prof. dr. D. Huron (Ohio State University, Musicology), prof. dr. J. Bharucha (Tufts University, Psychology), Prof. dr. R. Dannenberg (Carnegie-Mellon University, Computer Science) and Prof. dr. J.A. Michon (Leiden University, Psychology).
For more information, see the project website at
5 September 2003,
Eighth Workshop on Games in Logic, Languages & ComputationLocation: Academiegebouw, University of GroningenThe Eighth Workshop on Games in Logic, Languages & Computation (GLLC8) will take place in Groningen on Friday September 5, prior to the PhD defence of Barteld Kooi later that day.
For more information, see
4 September 2003, Annual ILLC Boat Trip
Location: Gather at frontdesk, Building Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24To welcome our new international Logic students, ILLC organizes its annual boat trip on Thursday September 4. The boat leaves from the back side of the Euclides Building, and will return there a few hours later. Drinks and snacks are served on board.
For more information, see here.
4-6 September 2003, DiaBruck 2003: 7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL)
Location: Saarland UniversityDeadline: 11 July 2003DiaBruck 2003 will be the seventh in a series of workshops that aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogues in fields such as artificial intelligence, formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.
DiaBruck is endorsed by SIGSEM and SIGDial .For more information, see the workshop website at
1 September 2003, DIP Colloquium, Hans van Ditmarsch
Speaker: Hans van Ditmarsch (Otago)Title: Dynamic Doxastic Logic for Defeasible Belief RevisionLocation: Room 207B, Oude Turfmarkt 129, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
1 September 2003, Opening Academic Year 2003-2004
Location: Aula of the UvA, Singel 411, 1012 WN AmsterdamThe opening of the Academic Year 2003-2004 will take place Monday 1 September, from 15.00 - 17.00. Three lectures will be held for the occasion:
- Johan van Benthem (university professor), 'De kunst van het kennis maken.'
- Fleur Zeldenrust (physics student), 'Enthousiasme is besmettelijk.'
- Sijbolt Noorda (chairmen College van Bestuur) 'Met het oog op overmorgen'
There will be a musical intermezzo and a reception afterwards. -
25-29 August 2003,
ESSLLI Workshop: Conditional and Unconditional ModalityLocation: Vienna, AustriaThe workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas between researchers working in different linguistic schools and to bridge the gap between l'art pour l'art logic and empirically grounded linguistic analysis. It is held as part of the 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI).For more information and presentation abtracts, see here, or the ESSLI-2003 site at The papers presented at this workshop may also be found at
25-30 August 2003, Annual Conference of the European Association for
Computer Science Logic
8th Kurt Goedel Colloquium, Vienna, AustriaLocation: Vienna, AustriaComputer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The Kurt Goedel Colloquium (KGC) is the biennial conference of the Kurt Goedel Society (KGS). The joint conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science.
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
18-22 August 2003, Adaptation of Automatic Learning Methods for Analytical and
Inflectional LanguagesLocation: Vienna, AustriaAutomatic (machine) learning approaches to any NLP task became a rich area with a variety of methodologies. During the last years, its development made significant progress in the direction of presenting new methods and, at the same time, their modifications. These modifications are of different nature and dependent on the language under consideration. The aim of the workshop is to present and evaluate various modifications of the automatic learning methods originally developed for English and declared as language independent. We are especially interested in automatic learning methods for the problems of morphological tagging and parsing across languages with high level of inflection. Further, we encourage quantitative and qualitative comparison/evaluation studies across languages on the inputs and the outputs of the mentioned procedures. The workshop encourages reports of work on:
- Summarization of morphological and syntactic features relevant for various automatic learning procedures.
- Tendencies of improvement of the automatic learning methods. Presentation of implemented modifications and their cross language evaluation.
- New/Latest algorithms for automatic learning.
- Hybrid approaches (Although, there are trials to apply hybrid approaches, it seems that the true key of how to combine the various parts has still not been found and lies mainly in the success of analyzing the errors of each single component. Studies which present the connection elements for a successful combination of diverse approaches are invited.)
This workshop is part of ESSLLI'03. For more information, see
18-29 August 2003, ESSLLI-2003:
15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Vienna, AustriaLocation: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: 17 July 2002The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. Foundational, introductory and advanced courses together with workshops cover a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation.
The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students, researchers and IT professionals interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. ESSLLI-2003 is organised under the auspices of the European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
For more information, see the website at
14-20 August 2003, Student and Young Researcher Grants for LC 2003
Location: HelsinkiDeadline: 1 April 2003Graduate students and young researchers are invited to apply for travel awards to attend the Logic Colloquium 2003 in Helsinki, Finland, August 14-20, 2003. Applications for the following three categories of travel awards should be submitted to the Organizing Committee of the meeting and they should be received before the deadline of April 1, 2003:
- Up to full compensation of travel, subsistence, and participation fees for graduate students and young researchers who are nationals of an EU Member State or Associated State (see list of countries below) and active inside a Member State or Associated State at the time of the meeting.
- Modest travel awards for graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s who are either students at USA universities or citizens or permanent residents of the USA.
- Modest travel awards for graduate students, recent Ph.D.'s and young researchers who are not eligible for either of the previous two categories.
Category 1 is funded by the European Community (EC) and category 2 by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Category 3 is funded by the ASL and to some extent by the Organizing Committee directly.
For more information, see
14-20 August 2003, Logic Colloquium 2003 (ASL European Summer Meeting), Helsinki, Finland
Location: Helsinki, FinlandDeadline: 16 August 2003Deadline for early registration is May 31st. For more information, see
29 July - 1 August 2003, 1st Düsseldorf Summer Workshop "Philosophy and Cognitive Science"
Speaker: Prof. Wilfrid Hodges (University of London)Location: Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, GermanyThis year's Düsseldorf Summer Workshop "Philosophy and Cognitive Science" will be held by Professor Wilfrid Hodges of the School of Mathematical Sciences at the Queen Mary College, University of London. Hodges recent articles on compositionality received wide acclaim. The seminar is both for students as professionals of philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science.
For more information, see here or
8-10 July, 2003, 10th International Conference on TEMPORAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING and 4th International Conference on TEMPORAL LOGIC (TIME-ICTL-2003), Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Location: Cairns, Queensland, AustraliaDeadline: 21 February 2003In the year 2003 the TIME symposium and ICTL will be held as a combined event. The idea is to bring together active researchers from distinct research areas involving representation of, or reasoning with, time. As with previous meetings in these respected series, one of the main goals of this conference will be to bridge the gap between theoretical and applied research in temporal representation and reasoning. Thus, we especially encourage submissions concerning temporal aspects within areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Temporal/Spatial Databases and Applications of Temporal Logic in Computer Science in order to achieve a multi-disciplinary perspective on the topic and to benefit from cross-fertilisation of ideas.
There are four tracks in the symposium with separate program committees, all overseen by the program chairs. The conference is planned as a three-day event, and will be organised as a combination of technical paper presentations, an extended poster session, and four keynote talks.
For more information, see here or
7-11 July 2003, SWIFT 2003 "Summer Workshop In Finestructure Theory"
Speaker: T.Carlson, B.Irrgang, P.Koepke, M.Moellerfeld, W.Pohlers, R.-D.Schindler, P.WelchLocation: Bonn (Germany)Deadline: 1 June 2003The SWIFT Summer Workshop will consist of an intense one-week tutorial course on a simplified finestructure theory for Goedel's constructible universe, and of invited and contributed talks. The workshop is equally directed towards specialists in constructibility theory and towards researchers in logic who are interested in a compact introduction to the constructible universe and its finestructure.
For more information, see here or
7-11 July 2003, International Conference on Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non-classical Logics, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Location: Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaDeadline: 1 May 2003The aim of this conference is to present some recent advances in the use of algebraic, order-theoretic, and topological methods in non-classical logics. We also hope to bring together researchers in the fields of non-classical logics, lattice theory, universal algebra, category theory, and general topology in order to foster collaboration and to get new ideas for further research.
Deadline for registration: 1 June 2003. For more information, see the conference website at
5 July 2003, CSCA Symposium Logic and cognition: some novel interactions,
Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel,
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamLocation: Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel,
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamThe purpose of the symposium is to bring novel logical perspectives on cognition into interaction with newly available empirical methods of investigation, especially with an evolutionary backdrop in mind.
For more information and registration, see the CSCA website at
4 July 2003, CSCA Lecture, Prof. Keith Stenning
Speaker: Prof. Keith Stenning (Edinburgh University)Title: How did we get here? A question about human cognitive evolutionLocation: Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel,
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamAn interpretative approach to understanding human communication contrasts, at least in emphasis, with the generative perspective adopted in Chomsky's classical arguments for the creativity of human language. This talk illustrates the interpretative perspective through recent work on communication and reasoning, and then draws out the consequences of this shift in emphasis for work on the evolution of cognition.
For more information see the CSCA website at
4 July 2003, DIP Colloquium, Norman Cook
Speaker: Norman Cook (Kansai University)Title: Subjective ConsciousnessLocation: (changed) Room 401, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
30 June 2003, LiB-Day in Amsterdam
Location: Room G202, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, AmsterdamThe LiB-Day in Amsterdam is a joint effort of the logicians from mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy in Bonn and the researchers at ILLC in Amsterdam to inform each other about the research in logic done in the two places.
This day will mainly present research from Bonn to the people in Amsterdam; there will be a companion event, the ILLC-Day in Bonn during which researchers from Amsterdam present their research in Bonn. LiB and ILLC intend to develop an active research collaboration from these two meetings, potentially leading to a bilateral research program between Amsterdam and Bonn.
All researchers, graduate students and undergraduate students from Amsterdam are cordially invited to join us for the talks.
For more information, see
30 June - 4 July 2003, Thirtieth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP2003), Eindhoven
Location: EindhovenICALP is the main conference and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS).
For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see
29 June, ICALP 2003 Satellite Workshop on Quantum Computing
Location: University of EindhovenThere will be a one-day workshop about quantum computing on Sunday June 29 at the University of Eindhoven. This will be a satellite workshop of ICALP 03, consisting of about 5 invited talks. Attendance is free, but participants need to register for the workshop at
Further information about speakers and program is/will become available at
27 June 2003, Connecting People: From Animal Grunts to Human Language, Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam"Connecting people: from animal grunts to human language" is the first of a 5-year series of annual thematic symposia organized by the NWO Cognition programme. Each symposium has a central theme that will be viewed from different cognitive perspectives. We are interested to see how this combination of perspectives may lead to something new, valuable, inspiring and exciting!
Deadline for registration: 13 June 2003
Deadline for registration: 13 June 2003. For more information, see
27 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Regine Eckardt
Speaker: Regine Eckardt (University of Konstanz)This talk has been canceled due to overlap with a conference. The talk will take place in the fall of 2003 instead.
25 June, Logic Tea, Joost Joosten, Utrecht University
Speaker: Joost Joosten, Utrecht UniversityTitle: Using Interpretations in Comparing TheoriesLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
23-25 June 2003, CONTEXT'03, Stanford, California (USA)
Location: Stanford, California (USA)Deadline: 6 January 2003Context affects a wide range of activities in humans and animals as well as in artificial agents and other computer programs. The importance of context is widely acknowledged, and "context" has become an area of study in its own right, as evidenced by the numerous workshops, symposia, seminars, and conferences held recently. The Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'03), will provide a high-quality forum, for discussions about context among researchers active in artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, the organizational sciences, philosophy, and psychology, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research.
For more information, an online registration form, and a preliminary program, see
23 June - 4 July 2003, Summer School and Workshop on
Proof Theory, Computation and ComplexityLocation: T.U. Dresden, GermanyThe summer school consists of eight advanced courses; the workshop is integral part of the school and takes place in the last two days. As with last years events on 'Proof Theory and Computation' (Dresden) and 'Proof, Computation, Complexity' (Tübingen), we aim at a meeting where people have plenty of time to exchange ideas.
Registration is requested before May 25, 2003. For more information and a course schedule, please see our website at
20 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Amit Dubey
Speaker: Amit Dubey
(Saarbrücken)Title: Two Studies in Statistical Parsing: Dependency Grammar and MovementLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
20 June 2003, Logic and Argumentation, Groningen
Location: GroningenOn 20 June 2003, on the occasion of the promotion of J.A. van Laar the day before, the Theoretical Philosophy group of the University of Groningen will host an international symposium on ambiguity and other subjects on the border between logic and argumentation-theory. Speakers include Martin van Hees, Anna Pilatova, Douglas Walton (keynote), Guido Vanackere, Taeda Jovičić, José Plug, Peter Houtlosser en Frans van Eemeren. The day will be concluded with an extended discussion of the thesis of Jan Albert van Laar: The Dialectic of Ambiguity. Location: Filosofisch Instituut, A-Weg 30, Room 201, Groningen.
For more information, see here or contact Erik Krabbe (erik at or Jan Albert van Laar janalbert at
20-22 June 2003, TARK IX, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Location: Bloomington, Indiana, USAThe mission of the bi-annual TARK conferences is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields - including Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game Theory, Linguistics, Logic, Philosophy, and Psychology, in order to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, semantic models for knowledge, for belief, and for uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning, commonsense epistemic reasoning, epistemic logic, logics of knowledge and action, formal analysis of games, applications of reasoning about knowledge and other mental states, belief revision, and the role of knowledge in general information flow.
TARK IX is held jointly with NASSLLI, so registration details can be found on the NASSLLI site at For other information including a preliminary program, see the TARK site at
17 June 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Joop Niekus
Speaker: Joop Niekus
(UvA)Title: Individual Choice Sequences in the Work of BrouwerLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
17-21 June 2003, Reasoning about Space
Location: Bloomington, Indiana (USA)Deadline: 17 June 2003Recent years have seen lots of exciting work in spatial reasoning in computer science, AI, and philosophy. The motivation for this work ranges from image analysis and geographical information systems in CS through attempts to exploit properties of space in diagrammatic reasoning, to purely mathematical issues of expressivity of languages with respect to particular spatial domains. As of now, much of the research has been carried out within the respective fields and without much interaction with researchers in other fields.
The aim of this workshop is to present some recent advances in the field with a particular emphasis on bringing researchers in various fields together for purposes of looking at unifying logical frameworks (such as, for instance, modal logic) and getting a better sense of the most fruitful avenues for further research.
The workshop is held in the context of the Second North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information. For more information, see
17-21 June 2003,
Second North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
, Bloomington, Indiana, USALocation: Bloomington, Indiana, USAThe NASSLLI Steering Committee is pleased to announce the Second North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, to be held in Bloomington, Indiana, June 17-21, 2003. The event follows on from the successful first school at Stanford in June, 2002. The school is focussed on the interfaces among linguistics, logic, and computation, broadly conceived, and on related fields. Our sister school, the European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, has been highly successful, becoming an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. We hope that the North American schools will follow in this tradition.
Note: thanks to some recently received funds to support student attendance, NASSLLI expects to have a reasonable number of $100 registration reductions available.
For more information regarding the program, registration, accomodations and support, see the conference website at
16 June-5 July 2003, CSCA Summer School Human Reasoning and cognitive science
Speaker: Prof. Keith Stenning (Edinburgh University)The Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam of the UvA organizes an interdisciplinary Summer School for Master's students. Central theme is 'Human reasoning and Cognitive science'.
For more information and registration, see the CSCA website at
13 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Cornelia Endriss
Speaker: Cornelia Endriss ((University of Potsdam)Title: The information structural basis of wide scope phenomenaLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
13 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Kees Koster
Speaker: Kees Koster
(Nijmegen)Title: Taming wild phrasesLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
6 June 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Federico de Marchi
Speaker: Federico de Marchi (Utrecht)Title: Dualising Universal AlgebraLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
6 June 2003, DIP Colloquium, Rick Nouwen
Speaker: Rick Nouwen (Utrecht University)Title: Dependent Pronouns and Dynamic Distributive QuantificationLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
6 June 2003, Individual choice sequences in the work of L.E.J.Brouwer, Joop Niekus
Speaker: Joop NiekusLocation: room P 0.15, Euclides, Pl. Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThis is a try-out for the ZIC talk of 17 June.
6 June 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Geert-Jan Kruijff
Speaker: Geert-Jan Kruijff (Saarbrücken)Title: 3-Phase Grammar Learning: Grammar Learning Meets (Computational) TypologyLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam
Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
4 June, Logic Tea, Rosja Mastop, ILLC
Speaker: Rosja Mastop, ILLCTitle: Enforcing and PerformingLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
3 June 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Ling Cheung
Speaker: Ling Cheung (KUN)Title: Concise Graphs and Functional BisimulationsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
30 May 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Harry Buhrman
Speaker: Harry Buhrman (CWI/UvA)Title: Simultaneous Message Passing with Quantum BitsLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
26 May 2003, Spinoza Lectures (held in English), Prof. Hubert L. Dreyfus (University of California, Berkeley)
Speaker: Prof. Hubert L. Dreyfus (University of California, Berkeley)Title: From Socrates to A.I.: The Limits of Rule-Based RationalityLocation: Aula UvA, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411 (corner Spui), Amsterdam.Costs: None (No reservation required)From Socrates to A.I. researchers, it's assumed that intelligence is based on features and rules. Thus, expert system builders assume [...] situation-action rule on the basis of features. But such systems have failed. Dreyfus will argue why.
For more information, please see here or contact illc at
26 May 2003, MDL and classification, revisited, Troy Lee
Speaker: Troy LeeLocation: CWI portacabins (Kruislaan 413c), downstairs seminar room (C001), AmsterdamAbstract:
The Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle is a powerful method for model selection. The theoretical development of MDL has mostly centered around probabilistic modeling. Yet practical applications of MDL often involve models which are best viewed as predictors rather than probability distributions. The standard example is classification, one of the most popular applications of MDL ever since its inception. MDL has been applied to such non-probabilistic models in various ways. We review these approaches and show that, contrary to what is often thought, they can exhibit some rather problematic behaviour: on the theoretical side, it is not known whether the resulting procedures are consistent (none of the existing proof techniques can be applied). On the practical side, the methods can behave quite unreasonably for small data samples. We analyze the reasons for this undesirable behaviour and propose a radical, general and surprising solution to the problem. -
23 May 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, David Harper
Speaker: David Harper
(Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen)Title: Query-Based Document Skimming: A User-Centred Evaluation of Relevance ProfilingLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
20 May 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Ana Sokolova , Falk Bartels
Speaker: Ana Sokolova (TU Eindhoven) Falk Bartels (CWI)Title: A hierarchy of probabilistic system typesLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
16 May 2003, DIP Colloquium, Henk Verkuyl
Speaker: Henk Verkuyl (Utrecht University)Title: Indexing time. How discrete are we?Location: Room 015, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
16 May 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jan Kleinnijenhuis
Speaker: Jan Kleinnijenhuis
(VU Amsterdam)Title: Parsing Political CampaignsLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 May, Logic Tea, Marian Counihan
Speaker: Marian CounihanTitle: Logicality and Human ReasoningLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
9 May 2003, Long Live the Mathematics! Passion for the field., Korteweg-de Vries Institute, Pl. Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
Location: Korteweg-de Vries Institute, Pl. Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamCosts: NoneThe Institute organises an Open Day as the opportunity to make yourself acquainted with its progressive research. Its people are open for questions and discussions about both research as education within the field of mathematics. The program comprises lectures and an informationmarket.
For more information and submission, see or call 020-5257865. Brochures can be obtained at ILLC Office.
6 May 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Bas Spitters
Speaker: Bas Spitters (KUN)Title: Constructive and Computer mathematicsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
23-25 April 2003, 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Location: Nancy, FranceNancy, "City of Art and History", the historical capital of Lorraine (the north-eastern part of France) welcomes you to the 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies. The Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (LORIA) in Nancy, France will host the 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'03) from 23 to 25 April, 2003. IWPT'03 continues the tradition of biennial workshops on parsing technology organised by SIGPARSE, the Special Interest Group on Parsing of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
For more information, see
16 April, Logic Tea,
Speaker: <em>canceled</em>The Logic Tea homepage can be found at
12 April 2003, Second International Workshop on Automatic Analysis of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'03)
Location: Warsaw, PolandDeadline: 4 January 2003This workshop is a forum for researchers, students, and practitioners interested in the application of formal methods and tools for the automatic verification of large practical systems.
For more information, see here or visit
12 April 2003, Formal Approaches to Multi-agent Systems (FAMAS'03)
Location: WarsawDeadline: 15 January 2003In recent years, multi-agent systems have come to form one of the key technologies for software development. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of logic, theoretical computer science and multi-agent systems in order to discuss formal techniques for specifying and verifying multi-agent systems.
FAMAS'03 is affiliated with ETAPS 2003, April 5-13, 2003, Warsaw, Poland
For more information, see or here.
11 April 2003, DIP Colloquium, Benjamin Shaer
Speaker: Benjamin Shaer (ZAS, Berlin)Title: Left/right contrasts among English temporal adverbialsLocation: Room 001 or 107, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 April 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Georg Moser
Speaker: Georg Moser (Münster)Title: Relating derivation lengths with the slow-growing hierarchy directlyLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
8 April 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Maarten Marx
Speaker: Maarten Marx
(UvA)Title: Tableaux for Quantified Hybrid LogicLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
5-13 April 2003, ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland
Location: Warsaw, PolandThe European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.
Registration deadline is March 31, 2003. For more information, see here or the ETAPS website at
31 March 2003, Seminarie: Logica & Informatica 2003 (SLI-2003)
Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 BrusselTarget audience: Philosophical and mathematical logicians, computer scientists as well as theoretical physicistsWithin the framework of a seminar on logic and computer science, the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel organizes a small workshop, under the name SLI-2003. The topic of this year's workshop will be devoted to the area of research involving logics dealing with "processes", "changes" or "interactions" in the fields of computer science and quantum physics. We present a program where the talks touch upon current research in: game semantics, dynamic logic, epistemic logic, game theory and quantum logic.
For more information, see here or
28 March 2003, DIP Colloquium, Henkjan Honing
Speaker: Henkjan Honing (Nijmegen)Title: Rhythm and timing: a cognitive approachLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam(In collaboration with the Music & AI seminar)
For abstracts and more information, see
25 March 2003, Logic Tea, Nick Bezhanishvili
Speaker: Nick Bezhanishvili (ILLC)Title: N-Universal Models and Extendible SetsLocation: (<em>changed</em>) room G202,
Geography Building, Nieuw Prinsengracht 130, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
21 March 2003, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Joost Joosten
Speaker: Joost JoostenTitle: Interpretability over Primitive Recursive ArithmeticLocation: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
(Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).For abstracts and more information, see
14 March 2003, DIP Colloquium, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Speaker: Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová (CoLi, Saarbrücken)Title: Information structure in discourse/dialogueLocation: Room <b>001</b> (<em>changed</em>),
Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 March 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar
Title: SIKS/ILLC Symposium on Adaptive Languages for Information SystemsLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamAlexander Verrijn-Stuart (Emeritus Leiden University) will talk about A Real Time Information System Language? ``Dynamic adaptation of system characteristics and contents'', while Pieter Adriaans (University of Amsterdam) will address Adaptive - System Management
For abstracts and more information, see
11 March 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Barteld Kooi
Speaker: Barteld Kooi (RUG)Title: Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic LogicLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
7 March 2003, NVTI Theoryday 2003
Location: Vergadercentrum Hoog Brabant, Radboudkwartier 23, Hoog Catharijne, UtrechtHet is ons een genoegen u uit te nodigen tot het bijwonen van de Theoriedag 2003 van de NVTI, de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica, die zich ten doel stelt de theoretische informatica te bevorderen en haar beoefening en toepassingen aan te moedigen. De Theoriedag 2003 is een voortzetting van de reeks jaarlijkse bijeenkomsten van de NVTI die acht jaar geleden met de oprichtingsbijeenkomst begon.
Evenals vorige jaren hebben wij een aantal prominente sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland bereid gevonden deze dag gestalte te geven met voordrachten over recente en belangrijke stromingen in de theoretische informatica. Naast een wetenschappelijke inhoud heeft de dag ook een informatief gedeelte, in de vorm van een algemene vergadering waarin de meest relevante informatie over de NVTI gegeven zal worden, alsmede presentaties van de onderzoekscholen.
For more information (in dutch), see here. For more (english) information please email Jan Willem Klop (J.W.Klop at
6 March 2003, Third ILLC Alumni Event
Location: De Burcht-Vakbondsmuseum, Henri Polaklaan 9, AmsterdamYou are kindly invited to the ILLC's Third Alumni Event which will take place Thursday March 6, 2003. The program combines general scientific lectures with social interaction and cultural and musical performances.
The full text of the invitation, including the program and the reply form, can be found at here.
5 March 2003, CSCA Lecture, Prof.dr. Peter Hagoort
Speaker: Prof.dr. Peter Hagoort
(F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging)Title: On binding, brain and languageLocation: Bestuurskamer (1.01), Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamIn visual neuroscience the binding problem refers to the puzzle how spatial information segregation in the brain (form, color, motion) results in a unified percept. In language processing, however, the binding problem refers to the unification of information across time. I will show some of the organizational principles of binding together different types of language-relevant information into a unified representation of the incoming spoken or written signals. Research using EEG and fMRI will be discussed.
For more information, see the news and events page at or contact Lucy Wenting at L.U.Wenting at
4 March 2003, Logic Tea, Maarten Marx
Speaker: Maarten Marx (ILLC)Title: The Complexity of Modal Reasoning on Finite TreesLocation: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
28 February 2003, ACLC-ILLC Workshop
Location: Room 004, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor both ACLC and ILLC understanding natural language is `core business', but hitherto contact between the two institutes has been limited. Recently several areas have been identified, where we would like to profit from each other's expertise. For example, the formal semanticists working on tense and aspect are very much interested in typology, and conversely functional linguists have become interested in formal models of discourse. During the afternoon, four speakers will introduce topics that might grow into areas of common research. Participants who want to discuss other such topics are most welcome to do so.
For more information, see the DIP Colloqium page at, or contact m.nilsenova at
25 February 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Mirna Bognar
Speaker: Mirna Bognar
(Deloitte & Touche, previous affiliation: VU)Title: The context cube: the lambda cube with contextsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
20 February 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Sisay Fissaha
Speaker: Sisay Fissaha
(Saarland)Title: AUTOTERM: A tool for terminology extractionLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
20 February 2003, CWI INS4 Theory Day
Speaker: Ilan Newman (Haifa University) Gabor Tardos (Renyi Institute, Budapest) Maria Luisa Bonet (UPC Barcelona) David Mix Barrington (U. of Massachusetts)Location: Room Z009, CWI, Kruislaan 413, AmsterdamProgram
- 11.00
- Ilan Newman, Haifa University
Three results on graphs and Property Testing - 13.30
- Gabor Tardos, Renyi Institute, Budapest
Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes - 14.30
- Maria Luisa Bonet, UPC Barcelona
tba - 16.00
- David Mix Barrington, U. of Massachusetts
Uniform Circuits for Division: Consequences and Problems
For more information, see
14 February 2003, DIP Colloquium, Benjamin Spector
Speaker: Benjamin Spector
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Université de Paris 7;
Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris
)Title: Computing scalar implicatures : local or global?Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
14 February 2003, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(fourth session)Location: MünsterIn 2002/2003 a joint Compact Seminar on Provability Algebras is organized by L. Beklemishev and W. Pohlers. Altogether, four sessions, alternating in Utrecht (Department of Philosophy) and in Münster (Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundations Research), will take place.
Graded provability algebras (GPA) are modal algebras developed to provide an abstract algebraic approach to proof-theoretic analysis. This subject brings together traditional methods of proof theory and methods developed in provability logic.
For more information, see here, or contact Lev Beklimishev at lev at
14-17 February 2003, FotFS IV : The History of the
Concept of the Formal Sciences, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn Mathematisches
InstitutLocation: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn Mathematisches
InstitutCosts: € 25,-Deadline: 1 November 2002"Foundations of the Formal Sciences" (FotFS) is a series of interdisciplinary conferences in mathematics, philosophy, computer science and linguistics. The main goal is to reestablish the traditionally strong links between these areas of research that have been lost in the past decades.
This fourth meeting of the series will be devoted to a reflection on the object of interest: What are the Formal Sciences? How do they differ from the Natural Sciences and the Arts? How have they been perceived through history?
Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2002. For more information and submission guidelines, please see, or contact the organizers at fotfs at
For more information, see here . -
13 February 2003, DIP Colloquium, Gabor Alberti
Speaker: Gabor Alberti (University of Pecs)Title: Lifelong Discourse Representation StructuresLocation: Room 015, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 February 2003, Logic Tea, Mart de Graaf
Speaker: Mart de GraafTitle: Comparing EQP and MOD_{p^k}P Using Polynomial Degree Lower BoundsLocation: Room P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
11 February 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Vincent van Oostrom and Dimitri Hendriks
Speaker: Vincent van Oostrom and Dimitri Hendriks (UU)Title: "adbmaL"Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
7 February 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Dirk Povel
Speaker: Dirk Povel (Nijmegen)Title: The Perception of Tonal Music: Processes and RepresentationsLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
7 February 2003, Music & AI Colloquium, Dirk Povel
Speaker: Dirk Povel -
31 January 2003, DIP Colloquium, Aoju Chen
Speaker: Aoju Chen (Edinburgh)Title: On the universality of paralinguistic meanings of intonationLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
31 January 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Ivar Vermeulen
Speaker: Ivar Vermeulen (Amsterdam)Title: A Logical Approach to Competition in IndustriesLocation: Room B2.28, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
28 January 2003, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Pedro d'Argenio
Speaker: Pedro d'Argenio (Argentina)Title: Reachability Analysis of Probabilistic Systems by Successive RefinementsLocation: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne (f.dechesne at
24 January 2003, Utrecht-Münster Seminar on Provability Algebras
(third session)Location: UtrechtIn 2002/2003 a joint Compact Seminar on Provability Algebras is organized by L. Beklemishev and W. Pohlers. Altogether, four sessions, alternating in Utrecht (Department of Philosophy) and in Münster (Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundations Research), will take place.
Graded provability algebras (GPA) are modal algebras developed to provide an abstract algebraic approach to proof-theoretic analysis. This subject brings together traditional methods of proof theory and methods developed in provability logic.
For more information, see here, or contact Lev Beklimishev at lev at
21 January 2003, Logic Tea, Bas Terwijn
Speaker: Bas TerwijnTitle: Computably Enumerable RealsLocation: Room t.b.a., Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamThis will be an informal presentation of results in computability theory on computably enumerable reals and randomness.
The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For further information please contact Mark Theunissen at mailto:mtheunis at, or Boudewijn de Bruin at mailto:debruin at
20 January 2003, Computing with LLI Seminar, Elham Ashoori
Speaker: Elham Ashoori
(University of Teheran, Iran)Title: Adaptive Information Filtering Using Plausible InferencesLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
17 January, ILLC's New Year Drinks
Location: Cafe De Jaren, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 20/22, Amsterdam -
17 January 2003, DIP Colloquium, Alex Lascarides
Speaker: Alex Lascarides (Edinburgh)Title: Logics of ConversationLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15-17 January 2003, Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics
(IWCS-5)Location: TilburgDeadline: 15 September 2002Topics of interest for the workshop will be computational aspects of formal semantic theories and theoretical issues in building natural language understanding systems.
For more information, see
13 January 2003, Music & AI Colloquium, Dicky Gilbers and Maartje Schreuder
Speaker: Dicky Gilbers and Maartje SchreuderTitle: Music in Optimality TheoryLocation: Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, room B235, AmsterdamFor an abstract, see here.
3 January 2003, LSA Workshop on Probabilistic Linguistics
Location: Atlanta, USASchedule
- Probabilistic Modeling of Language: An Introduction and Apologia: Dan Jurafsky
- Data-Oriented Parsing: Rens Bod
- Dynamics and Connectionism: Whitney Tabor
- Stochastic Optimality Theory: Paul Boersma
- Exemplar Theory: Janet Pierrehumbert
- Usage-Based Models: Jeff Elman
- General discussion and book presentation
Special Event:
The book "Probabilistic Linguistics" (Bod et al. 2003, MIT Press) will be presented at this symposium. For ToC and Introduction, see more information, see
Calls for Paper
New Journal "Knowledge, Rationality and Action"
Deadline: 13 February 2004Kluwer announces a new section of the journal "Synthese", called "Knowledge, Rationality and Action". As of 2004, this section will appear as two separate issues. The aim of the section is to provide a platform for researchers in a formal approach to the process comprising rational behaviour: from gathering and representing information, via reasoning and decision making up to acting.
For more information, see here or or refer to Wiebe van der Hoek (ed in Chief) (wiebe at
AWM Essay Contest
Deadline: 31 October 2003Students are invited to submit essays for the Association for Women in Mathematics' "Biographies of Contemporary Women in Mathematics" contest. The essays are based on interviews with women working in mathematical careers. The contest is open to students in four categories: 6th-8th grade, 9th-12th grade, undergraduate, and graduate.
Entries must be submitted by OCTOBER 31, 2003. Faculty are urged to invite students to visit the website at for more information.
MoL and PhD defenses
22 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Oren Tsur
Title: Topic - definitional QA using trainable text classifiersLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamSupervisor: Dr. Maarten de Rijke Dr. Khalil Sima'an -
18 december 2003, Master of Logic defense, Loredana Afanasiev
Title: XML query evaluation via CTL model checkingLocation: Room 0.19 (<em>changed</em>), Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamSupervisor: M. FranceschetFor more information, please contact marx at
12 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Gilad Mishne
Title: Using Conceptual Graphs for Source Code Information RetrievalLocation: Room B2.35, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maarten de Rijke Maarten Marx -
11 december, 2003, PhD defense, Christof Monz
Title: From Document Retrieval to Question AnsweringLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof.dr. Remko Scha (UvA), Prof.dr. Franciska de Jong (UT)Copromotor: Dr. Maarten de Rijke (UvA)For more information, email Christof Monz (christof at
4 December 2003, PhD defense, Juan Heguiabehere
Title: Building Logical ToolboxesLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. d. D.J.N. van EijckCopromotor: Dr. Maarten de RijkeFor more information, email Juan Heguiabehere (juanh at
2 December 2003, Master of Logic defense, Guillaume Aucher
Title: A combined system for update logic and belief revisionLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamSupervisor: Johan van Benthem -
24 September, 2003, PhD defense, mw E.C. Brouwer
Title: Imagining metaphors. Cognitive representation in interpretation and understanding.Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: mw. prof. dr. R.J. Bartsch, prof. dr. M.J.B. StokhofPoëtische teksten vormen een probleem voor de semantiek. Brouwer werkt een verklaringsmodel uit en stelt verder dat in de interpretatie van een poëtische tekst een subjectieve, niet-conventionele lezing toelaatbaar en zelfs sociaal wenselijk is.
For more information, see here or
16 September 2003, Master of Logic defense, Helle Hvid Hansen
Title: Monotonic Modal LogicsLocation: Room M.328, BCP Janssen Instituut, Plantage Muidergracht 12, AmsterdamSupervisor: Yde VenemaThis defense is for the title of Doctorandus (Master's) of Mathematics, specialisation: Logic and Foundations. NOTE: The location has changed from room P.327 to M.328.
For more information, please contact hhhansen at
5 September 2003, PhD defense, Barteld Kooi
Title: Knowledge, Chance, and ChangeLocation: Academiegebrouw, Broerstraat 5, GroningenPromotor: prof. dr. G.R. Renardel de LavaletteCopromotor: dr. L.C. Verbrugge -
19 August 2003, Master of Logic defense, Chunlai Zhou
Title: Some intuitionistic provability and preservativity logics and their interrelationsLocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamSupervisor: Rosalie Iemhoff and Dick de Jongh -
28 July 2003, Master of Logic defense, Fadillah Tala
Title: Information Retrieval for Bahasa Indonesia - IILocation: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamSupervisor: M. de Rijke -
5 June 2003, Master's defense, Evan Goris
Title: Extending ILM with an operator for Sigma_1-nessLocation: Room P.014, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24Supervisor: Dick de Jongh -
6 February 2003, PhD defense, Ivar Vermeulen
Title: A logical approach to competition in industriesLocation: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof.dr. W.E. SarisCopromotor: Dr. J.F.M. MasuchFor more information, see
Projects and Awards
NWO-DFG Bilateral Project between Amsterdam and Bonn
"Determinacy and Combinatorics"Supervisor: Benedikt Löwe,
Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam),
Peter Koepke (Bonn)The DFG research project "Determinacy and Combinatorics" (originally situated in Bonn) was expanded into an international NWO-DFG Bilateral Project (DN 61-532) with additional NWO travel money for collaboration between Amsterdam and Bonn on research topics pertaining to infinite games and their applications in infinitary combinatorics.
The project supervisors are Benedikt Löwe and Johan van Benthem in Amsterdam and Peter Koepke in Bonn. The successful expansion of this project into an official international research collaboration is the first success of the series of Amsterdam-Bonn events between the ILLC and the interest group Logic in Bonn (LiB)
For more information, see the project page at
LIT shines at recent retrieval evaluation campaigns
At two recent campaigns aimed at evaluating search engines on a variety of tasks, the Language & Inference Technology (LIT) group performed very well. Last week, LIT obtained a number three position on the Topic Distillation task for web retrieval at the 2003 edition of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), held annually at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), Washington. In addition, very competitive scores were obtained by LIT in both the Question Answering and Robust track.
Topping off an already very rewarding week, results coming in from the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX), towards the end of last week showed that LIT's submissions were top ranking. More precisely, the LIT submissions for the "content only" task (finding relevant XML elements for a keyword query) ranked 1, 2, and 3 (out of a total of 58 submitted runs). And LIT's submissions for the "content and structure" task (finding relevant elements in XML documents where the elements have to satisfy additional structural constraints) ranked 1, 2, and 5 (out of 38 submitted runs).
To find out more about LIT's activities, browse to
24 September 2003, AIxIA Dissertation Award
Location: University of Pisa, ItalyMarco Aiello has won the prize for the best dissertation in the field of AI defended after January 2002 from the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA). The price consists of 1500 euro. Aiello will be awarded the price on 24 September from 17:10-18:50, during the national conference of the association that this year will be held in Pisa 23-26 of September, 2003.
ESSLLI awards for ILLC GPiL students
Great news! At this years ESSLLI student session both the best paper and the best poster award were won by students of the ILLC GPiL programme. Willem Conradi (MoL 2001/2002) won the best paper award and Wouter Kuijpers (MoL ILLC) and Petrucio Viana (PhD ILLC) won the best poster award. Congratulations.
For more information, please contact marx at
LIT Group obtained 2 NWO fundings
The Language & Inference Technology Group is happy to announce that it managed to obtain funding from the NWO for two three year postdoc projects, "Learning Stochastic Tree-Grammars from Tree-Banks" and "Inference for Temporal Question Answering", as part of NWO's annual "open competitie"
For more information, see here or
E.W. Beth dissertation award: 2003 winner
The E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2003 has been awarded to JASON BALDRIDGE (University of Edinburgh) for the dissertation ``Lexically Specified Derivational Control in Combinatory Categorial Grammar''. An award ceremony will take place during ESSLLI 03 in Vienna, on Monday , August 25 at 20:00 hrs.
The abstract can be found at: For more information, see the FoLLI site at, or the ESSLLI site at
Rolf Schock Prize 2003 awarded to Prof. Solomon Feferman
Prof. Solomon Feferman, Stanford University, member of ILLC's Scientific Advisory Board has been awarded the prestigious Rolf Schock Prize 2003 for his contributions to logic and philosophy. The other 2003 laureates are Richard Stanley (mathematics), Susan Rothenberg (visual arts) and Anne Sofie von Otter (musical arts). Among the previous laureates are Dana Scott, Michael Dummett, Andrew Wiles, John Rawls and W.V.O Quine.
Four ILLC-applications for NWO Cognition programma honoured
Four ILLC-applications for preparatory grants in the NWO Cognition programme (2003) were honoured:
- Pieter Adriaans & Dick de Jongh: Cochlear implants and their effects on first language learning
- Reinhard Blutner: Logic, neural networks and optimality theory
- Michiel van Lambalgen: Reasoning and the brain
- Robert van Rooy, Frank Veltman & Paul Dekker: The evolution of meaning in a game-theoretical setting
The Cognition preparatory grants are intended as stimulation for exploring possibilities for interdisciplinary research. All four projects have co-applicants from other universities and/or other fields. The next round for full project proposals is in the fall.
For more information, please see the NWO Cognition pages at, or contact the ILLC Buro at illc at
DFG Grant "Determinacy and Combinatorics"
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approved the research project "Determinacy and Combinatorics" KO 1353/3-1 of Peter Koepke (RhFWU Bonn) and Benedikt Löwe from 2003 to 2006.
For more information, see here or
2 year extension for NWO project Choice sequences in the work of Brouwer
Supervisor: Dick de JonghThe NWO project by Joop Niekus in the Leraar in Onderzoek program on Choice sequences in the work of Brouwer (supervised by Dick de Jongh) will be extended for another two years! Such an extension is a rare occurrence.
For more information, please contact illc at
Benedikt Loewe and NWO Project VMOSII
From February 1 to March 31, 2003, Dr Benedikt Loewe will be visiting the ILLC in the NWO-project VMOSII (Verzamelingstheoretische Modelvorming voor Oneindige Spelen van Imperfecte Informatie). The project is a joint project of Johan van Benthem, Peter van Emde Boas, and Benedikt Loewe, and is closely related to the InIGMA project.
For more information, see
Funding, Grants and Competitions
European Young Investigators (EURYI) Award
The European Young Investigators (EURYI) Awards are an initiative of 19 European Union Research Organisations from 17 countries, thus contributing to the creation of the European Research Area. The aim of the EURYI Awards is to enable and encourage outstanding young researchers from all over the world to work in an European environment for the benefit of the development of European science and for building up the next generation of leading European researchers.
The scheme is open to researchers from anywhere in the world between 2 and up to 10 years after obtaining the doctorate. Applicants should have an excellent track record with the potential to become world class leaders in their respective field of research. Applications should be submitted through one of the participating organisations (for the Netherlands: NWO).
Submission deadline for applications to NWO is 15 December 2003. For more information, see
15 May 2003, Descartes-Huygens Price of € 23.000,-
The annual price is founded by the Dutch and French government, and will be granted by the KNAW. The price is meant as a coverage for a research stay in the Netherlands for about 6 months. For year 2003 KNAW is looking for a French researcher distinctively active in the fields of Humanities and Social Scienceslauded by colleagues and internationally famed for markmanship. The candidate must or have contributed in benefit to the development of the French-Dutch scientific cooperation. Furthermore will strong preference be given to candidates with their heydays yet to come.
For submissions and more information, please contact the ILLC Office at illc at, before 15 May 2003.
Final Call for Integrated Research Projects in the Cognition Programme
The study of cognitive phenomena like perception, memory, attention, action, language, and problem solving, including relations to their neural substrates and social setting, is one of the fundamental challenges of modern times. The NWO special Programme on Cognition is meant to boost this highly interdisciplinary area across traditional academic boundaries. The programme committee and the steering committee wish to achieve further integration across the cognitive disciplines, and to explore strategic applications. This second Call for Proposals therefore invites strong groups working in different domains of the cognitive sciences to submit proposals for collaborative research projects.
For this final Call for Integrated Research Projects, projects are envisaged of maximally 400 000 Euro. The committee will pay special attention to the balance between project size and potential benefit for the programme. To decrease effort overall, applicants must submit a preliminary proposal in early October 2003. Only those who submitted a preliminary proposal may submit a full proposal in January 2004. Assessment and ranking of full proposals by the Programme Committee will take place in May 2004.
For more information, see the NWO Cognition pages at, or contact the NWO Cognition Programme buro at cognitie at
For more information, see here . -
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers
(Gaikokujin Tokubetsu Kenkyuin) 2004-2005This program was established to assist promising and highly qualified young foreign researchers wishing to conduct research in Japan. It is aimed at providing opportunities for such researchers to, under the guidance of their hosts, conduct cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions, thereby permitting them to advance their own research while stimulating Japanese academic circles, particularly young Japanese researchers, through close collaboration in scientific activities. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) accepts applications until May 30th, 2003.
For more information, see
Competitions: UvA-endpaper and AUV-price for social research
UvA graduates who graduated between 1 July 2002 and 1 June 2003 can compete for the UvA-endpaper award or the AUV price for outstanding contributions to society, possibly winning a €3500,- grant for continuing scientific development, a laptop, or € 1000,-.
The results of the two competitions will be announced 21 June, at the Universityday. Final entrydate is 6 May (for graduates up to 1 April) or 1 June (for graduates up to 1 June). It is possible to enter third parties.
For more information, please contact M.Fopma at mfopma at or see
INTAS Russia calls for proposals
The international association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union (INTAS) has launched a series of calls, making available 25.2 million euro for international scientific research.
The calls are as follows:- Open call for proposals for research projects and networks related to all scientific fields in both fundamental and applied science;
- Belarus call for proposals in all areas of science. Research teams must include at least one Belarussian partner;
- CERN call for proposals related to the physics and engineering of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (European organisation for nuclear research);
- Call for proposals in the field of spacecraft research and technology at CNES (the French national centre for space studies);
- GSI call for proposals related to the development of accelerators or experiments for the new international accelerator facility for means of ions and antiprotons
- GSI (society for heavy ion research).
In all cases the deadline for submission is 13 June 2003.
INTAS has also published calls for young NIS scientist fellowships, for which 2.5 million euro is earmarked, and innovation grants, for which 500,000 euro is available. Applications for the grants must be received by 11 July 2003.
Further information and full text call:
Open Positions at ILLC
Postdoc Position in Question Answering in Amsterdam (3yrs)
The Language & Inference Technology Group at the University of Amsterdam seeks a versatile, energetic, and highly motivated postdoc to work on inference for temportal question answering.
Application deadline: November 1, 2003. For more information, see here or
PhD position Theory of Interpretation project
In the Theory of Interpretation project there is an opening for a PhD student, preferably for work in the Philosophical Foundations theme. Deadline for applications: August 31. Send resume, copy of MA thesis or other relevant work, and a description of research interests (max. 800 words) to:
Martin Stokhof
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15
1012 CP Amsterdam
The NetherlandsFor more information, see, or contact Martin Stokhof: stokhof at
Open Positions, General
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Boole Centre for Research in Informatics (University College Cork, Ireland)
A PostDoctoral Research Fellowship will shortly become available in the Boole Centre for Research in Informatics at University College Cork. It will be tenable from March, 2004 onwards for a period of up to two years. The fellowship is being offered in an area related to the Theory of Computation/Mathematical Foundations of Computation.
For more information, see here or contact a.seda at
Research MA's in Linguistics
The University of Amsterdam offers a two-year Research MA in Linguistics and a one-year MA in General Linguistics. Both programmes are taught in English or, in the case of language-specific courses, in the target language. Since the University of Amsterdam is interested in attracting talented students, the tuition rates are competitive.
The Research MA in Linguistics is directed towards students of proven ability who are interested in conducting research in one of the many areas of linguistics that are studied in the research institutes of the University of Amsterdam. The programmes offer students the opportunity of specializing in a wide range of linguistic subdisciplines studied from various theoretical perspectives. The programme lasts two years for selected students with a relevant BA or equivalent, and one year for selected students with a relevant MA or equivalent.
The MA in General Linguistics also offers a wide range of specializations, and is aimed at students with a BA in Linguistics or an equivalent programme, involving at least three years of full-time study at university level. The programme lasts one year.
For more information, see or send an email to graduateschool at
Open Position Scientific Assistant,
Institut für Philosophie, Regenburg, GermanyLocation: Institut für Philosophie,
Universität Regensburg, GermanyAt the Institut für Philosophie of the Philosophischen Fakultät I of the Universität Regensburg (Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie) is an opening available for a scientific assistant. This will be a three-year position starting in the summer of 2004, in the 'C 1 BBesG' salary bracket.
For more information, see here (in German) or contact dr. Hans Rott (email: hans.rott at, tel: 0941 943 3662, fax: 0941 943 1985).
Open Position for Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy at Reading
Location: University of Reading, UKApplications are invited for a Temporary Lectureship in the Department of Philosophy, from 1 January 2004 for one year. The successful applicant will be capable of teaching courses at undergraduate level in Theory of Knowledge (second year course), and Wittgenstein (earlier and later) and Philosophy of Language (both third year courses).
The position is a Lecturer Grade A position, £22,191 per annum (pay award pending) Full-time, Fixed-term for 1 year.
Closing date for applications 28 November 2003. It is anticipated that interviews will take place between 8 and 12 December 2003.For more information, see (Ref: AC0349).
2 Research MSc+BSc Positions in Logic and Computation available
Location: King's College LondonTarget audience: A.I., Knowledge Representation, Automated Reasoning, LogicSupervisor: Michael ZakharyaschevThe project 'Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Space, Time, and Knowledge' consists of several independent projects thematically and technically closely connected to each other. All of them belong to one of the most interesting fields of artificial intelligence, which is concerned with developing software capable of qualitative reasoning about the world around us. In the framework of the project we'll be considering some simple models of space, time, and knowledge.
Students with skills and interests in programming and research are welcome.
For more information, see here or, or email mz at
PhD Student Positions in Philosophy (Bonn, Germany)
There are PhD positions in philosophy available for the project "Selbstbewusstsein und Begriffsbildung beim Menschen" ("Consciousness and formation of concepts") in Bonn, Germany, for the period of Jan 2004-Dec 2005.
Deadline: October 15th, 2003. For more information, please see here or contact bloewe at
2 European research student (PhD-)scholarships available for BATMULT
Location: University of Bergen, Norway.For the spring term 2004, two European research student (PhD-)scholarships are available in the area of multilingual tools and resources. Support is given for 3 to 12 month research stays at the Bergen Advanced Training Site in Multilingual Tools (BATMULT) at the University of Bergen, Norway.
For more information, see Students who wish to arrive at the beginning of the spring term of 2004 should send in their application before November 1, 2003.
Open positions at The Intelligent Agents Lab
Location: Technical University, Muenchen, GermanyAvailable positions: Post-Docs, PhD students and regular students, starting January 2004. Our research goals include: Real-Time Planning of an Intelligent Agent's Behavior, Technology Fusion, Multi-Objective Algorithm Design and Computer Games.
Final deadline for applications is 1 September 2003. For more information, see here or
UD-vacature Logica en Argumentatietheorie Groningen
Bij de Vakgroep Theoretische Filosofie van de RU-Groningen bestaat een vacature voor een Universitair Docent Logica en Argumentatietheorie voor 50% van de werktijd.
Deadline sollicitaties: 8 Maart 2003. Voor verdere informatie, zie, of mail Prof. dr. E.C.W. Krabbe, email E.C.W.Krabbe at
Research MA in Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam offers a new MA programme for talented students who are interested in conducting research in one of the many areas of linguistics that are studied in its research institutes. This Research MA in Linguistics offers the opportunity to specialize in a wide range of linguistic subdisciplines and pays serious attention to methodological issues. All courses are taught in English or, in the case of language-specific courses, in the target language. The programme takes two years for selected students with a relevant BA or equivalent, and one year for selected students with a relevant MA or equivalent. Since the University of Amsterdam is interested in attracting talented researchers, tuition rates are competitive.
Further information about the programmes may be found at or requested from graduateschool at
Past appointments
Administrative Changes at ILLC
As of 1 december 2003, Tanja Kassenaar will, at her own request, end her work as programme manager for the Master of Logic program, and return to her old place of work at the ILLC office. She will continue to do the administration for the MoL program, and she will also remain first contact for the students. The coordination of the program will come in hands of Amanda Collins, whom most of you know as she replaced Ingrid van Loon during her maternity leave.
The complete schedule of ILLC's administrative staff can be found at
For more information, see here . -
New PhD student at ILLC:
As of 1 september 2003, the ILLC crew will be extended with several new PhD students, staff members and guests:
- Kata Balogh, PhD student
- Fabrice Nauze, PhD student
- Brian Semmes, PhD student
- Evangelos Tzanis, PhD student
- Wouter Kuijper, Programmer
- Gilad Mishne, Programmer
- Jori Mur, Guest student
- Ian Hodkinson, Guest
- Marc Pauly, Guest
- Felix Bou, Guest
For more information, see here.
Paul Vitányi appointed as CWI fellow
Another honour bestowed on a member of ILLC: Paul Vitányi has been appointed as fellow of the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI). This position is given to "outstanding members of CWI's research staff, enabling them to concentrate completely on research." Vitányi's research group is considered "world leader in quantum computing, distributed algorithmics, algorithmic information theory, learning and inference methods, and reversible adiabatic computing."
For more information, see
Johan van Benthem appointed University Professor
The Universiteit van Amsterdam has appointed Johan van Benthem as university professor, to "further interdisciplinary research in the field of information science and cognitive science." The position of university professor is a very prestigious one and is offered to a select number of scholars of international renown, who "give an impuls to scientific developments that transcend traditional disciplines and make an important contribution to the profile of the university."
The appointment of Johan van Benthem as university professor does not mean that his association with ILLC ends: he will conduct his research as part of ILLC's efforts and he will also continue to supervise PhD students. His participation in various curricula will also continue albeit on a smaller scale.
The official annnouncement can be found at the UvA site at
1 April 2003, Editorship Prepublications Succession
From April 1 2003 onwards, Benedikt Loewe succeeds Dick de Jongh as editor of the ILLC Prepublications.
For more information, please contact illc at
Staff Changes at ILLC:
Ingrid van Loon will be on maternity leave from February 17 until August 1. During these months she will be replaced by Amanda Collins. Amanda has worked at the bureau of the Faculty of Science for the past two years, and although she is new to the ILLC she has experience in the academic environment. She will be working the same hours as Ingrid, these are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.30-17.00hrs. She can be reached at 020-5256090 or collins at Ingrid will not be reading her e-mail during her period of absence.
After working at the ILLC as program manager for a year, Peter Paul de Witte will be leaving the institute. Tanja Kassenaar will take over his job from the first of March. Her time schedule will be Tuesday 9-17, Thursday 9-17 and Friday 9-13 and she can be reached at tkassena at or 020-5256519 in room P3.12/B2.33.
Wim Blok (1947-2003)
This week the sad and totally unexpected news has come to us that our respected colleague Wim Blok has died in a fatal accident. Obituary by several ILLC members (Dec 8th, 2003)
Small Brouwer Exposition
There is some L.E.J. Brouwer material displayed near the reading room on the second floor and near the service counter on the first floor of the University Library (Singel 425, Amsterdam).
ASL Newsletter November 2003 available
The November 2003 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
Pictures ILLC Boattrip
Thanks to Loredana, the ILLC Boattrip has now been immortalized in the form of a huge picture collection. You can view them for yourself at
ASL Newsletter September 2003 available
The September 2003 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
21 Juli-17 August 2003, Euclides building closed evenings
As happens every year during the summer period (21 juli-17 august) the Euclides building and other buildings of the Roeterseilandcomplex (A, E, P) will be closed during the evenings. Closing times are at 18:00 (as is normal for fridays). Of course it remains possible during all summer to use the "overwerkregeling" to get into the buildings.
From July 14 until August 17, 2003 the opening hours of the canteens of the Roeterseilandcomplex (REC) will be:
Mensa Agora: 09.00 till 16.00
Kantine A: closed, the machines will be functioning. -
Please note that Thursday, May 29 and Friday, May 30 all university buildings will be closed because of "Hemelvaartsdag" on Thursday. In order to enter the building you shall need a "overwerkpas".
Landelijk Orgaan Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (LWI) established
The 'Landelijk Orgaan Wetenschappelijke Integriteit' (LOWI) has been established by the KNAW board. The LOWI will deal with complaints about violation of scientific integrity.
After consultation with the VSNU and the boards of het Universities, the 'Landelijk Orgaan Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (LOWI)' was established by the KNAW board on the 1st of May 2003. The LOWI will deal with complaints about violation of scientific integrity that have been addressed to the board of a university, the board of NWO or the KNAW after the 1st of May 2003. After the addressed board has made a decision about on the complaint, the complainer may consult the LOWI for a second opinion.
For more information on the LOWI, please contact Amanda Collins, collins at, tel: 6090.
Due to all the recent developments around the disease SARS, we wish to be informed on the whereabouts of all ILLC-personnel especially those traveling to countries where travel is not recommended by the World Health Organization. We also wish to be informed about guests we can expect from these area's. We request that you, as soon as you know that you'll be traveling to one of these area's or when you know of a guest who'll be coming from one of the countries would send an email to Martin Stokhof (stokhof at or Amanda Collins (collins at informing us of these events.
More information and advice on SARS and the risk areas, can be found on the websites of the World Health Organization (at and the Ministry of Health (at
8 May, Vehicle Marking Action
Location: Bus parking area, Artis Zoo, AmsterdamThe police, in cooperation with Carglass BV, Stichting Certificering Motorrijtuigenbeveiliging, Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer and Datatag, are taking measures to reduce vehicle crime in the Plantage area. On Thursday 8 May, as part of this initiative, people will have will have the opportunity to have their vehicles (cars, bicycles) marked at no cost.
The event will be made into a minor festivity, with presents and candy for children, and festive flags to guide people to the correct area.
For more information contact the neighborhood coordinator, Linda Smit.
Cognition Newsletter March 2003 available
The March 2003 issue of the NWO Cognition Newsletter is out. It is available at the NWO Cognition pages at, or locally at, -
The quickly spreading lung disease SARS is cause for alertness for the UvA, since our university has many international contacts involving staff and students.
The College van Bestuur wishes to impress upon staff members and students with foreign contacts that they should be aware of the spread of the disease, and take precautions where necessary. They recommend postponing visits to risk areas and recalling any staff members or students that are already in those areas. Furthermore, they advice using restaint when inviting guests from risk areas, and postponing already planned visits where possible.
The Ministry of Health advices people who have been in potential contact with a SARS victim to be alert for the following symptoms: sudden high fevers, aching muscles, coughing, an aching throat and/or shortness of breath. Persons with these symptoms should report to their physicians and notify them of the possibility of SARS.
More information and advice on SARS and the risk areas, can be found on the websites of the World Health Organization (at and the Ministry of Health (at
ASL Newsletter April 2003 available
The April 2003 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
Pieter Adriaans' Book 'Robot op Zee' published
Pieter Adriaans' pursuit of realising the ultimate schoolboy's dream whilst at the same time accomplishing a scientific project of outstanding caliber, has led him to bravely cross the Atlantic Ocean as a solo sailer. Aided by nothing but his determination and advanced computersystem of own build, he entered the 2000 STAR challenge to sail off from Plymouth. The finish at Newport he'll never make...It's an almost literal version of Plato's doomed syracuse.
For more info and ordering: Furthermore one copy is available for reading at the glass display@sitcorner of floor 3 ILLC (for reading, not borrowing!).
ASL Newsletter January 2003 available
The January 2003 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at
22 January 2003, Reading group on `Stone Spaces' by Johnstone
Location: to be announcedThis reading group is intended for researchers and advanced students with an interest in (co)algebraic logic and duality theory. During the first meeting we will discuss the first two sections of Chapter I.
For more information, contact Yde Venema (yde at