Dynamic Logics of Belief Change
Johan van Benthem, Sonja Smets

This chapter gives an overview of current dynamic logics that describe belief update and revision, both for single agents and in multi-agent settings. We employ a mixture of ideas from AGM belief revision theory and dynamic-epistemic logics of information-driven agency. After describing the basic background, we review logics of various kinds of beliefs based on plausibility models, and then go on to various sorts of belief change engendered by changes in current models through hard and soft information. We present matching complete logics with dynamic-epistemic recursion axioms, and develop a very general perspective on belief change by the use of event models and priority update. The chapter continues with three topics that naturally complement the setting of single steps of belief change: connections with probabilistic approaches to belief change, long-term temporal process structure including links  with formal learning theory, and multi-agent scenarios of information flow and belief revision in games and social networks. We end with a discussion of alternative approaches, further directions, and windows to the broader literature, while links with relevant philosophical traditions are discussed throughout.

To appear in J. Halpern, W. van der Hoek and B. Kooi, eds., "Handbook of Logics for Knowledge and Belief".