Computational Social Choice: Prospects and Challenges
Ulle Endriss

How should we aggregate the individual views of the members of a group
so as to arrive at an adequate representation of the collective view
of that group? This is a fundamental question of deep philosophical,
economic, and political significance that, around the middle of 20th
century, has given rise to the field of Social Choice Theory. More
recently, a research trend known as Computational Social Choice has
emerged, which studies this question from the perspective of Computer
Science. This “computational turn” is fuelled both by the fact that
questions of social choice have turned out to be central to a range of
application areas, notably in the domain of Information and
Communication Technologies, and by the insight that many concepts and
techniques originating in Computer Science can be used to solve (or
provide a new angle on) problems in Social Choice Theory. In this
paper, I give a brief introduction to Computational Social Choice and
discuss some of the prospects and challenges for this fast growing
area of research.