Clustering and classification of music by interval categories
Aline Honingh, Rens Bod

In this paper, we present a novel approach to clustering and
classification of music. The approach is based on the concept of
interval categories, which is a theoretical, but perceptually
motivated construct that groups sets of pitch events into six
different categories each of which has its own musical character. A
piece of music can be represented by six percentages that express the
occurrences of each category in the piece. This piece of music can, in
this way, be represented as one point in a six dimensional space. We
choose the three most significant dimensions to visualize music from
different composers and genres. We will see that, using this approach,
automatic classification between tonal and atonal music is
possible. Furthermore, we will present a successful visual clustering
of 1) the three periods of Beethoven, 2) the genres Rock and Jazz, and
3) several composers through various musical time periods.