Parisian Obligations
ILLC Latin Reading Group (transl.)

This is a work-in-progress translation of and commentary on the
anonymous text Obligationes Parisiensis edited in [dR75]. The
translation and commentary are the result of one of the Latin reading
groups at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the
Universiteit van Amsterdam, running Fall 2006 - Spring 2007. The group
was headed by Sara L. Uckelman, and consisted variously of Miguel
AntonioMatamala, Jaap Maat, Katherina Rybalko, and Andreas Witzel.

De Rijk in his introduction to his edition notes that the organization
of the Parisiensis text, into positio, depositio, and dubitatio, is
similar to the division found in a tract on obligations ascribed by
Romuald Green to William of Sherwood.  Despite this similarity, de
Rijk says that 'a comparison of our treatise with William's seems not
to point to any relationship between them' ([dR75],
p. 25). Nevertheless, he uses the Sherwood tract as a date ante quem
for the Parisiensis tract, and concludes that the latter text must
date from the early 13th century.

Green is tentative in his ascription of the text he edited to
Sherwood. These objections were dismissed by de Rijk, who believed
that the tract belonged to Sherwood without a doubt. However, Stump
says that 'there are other serious worries about the attribution of
this treatise to Sherwood. . . Careful consideration of these
worries. . . make it seem altogether possible that what we really have
in the putative Sherwood treatise is an early treatise on obligations
byWalter Burley' ([St82], pp. 316-317). Braakhuis in [Br98] agrees
with Stump, and says that the treatise should not be dated before the
end of the 13th century.  If this is the case, then the dating of the
Parisiensis text may need to be revisited.

We do not address any of the questions raised above. However, we
translate the section on dubitatio in the Pseudo-Sherwood text in ยง3,
in order to compare it with that found the Parisiensis text.