Final Report NWO-PIONIER Project "Music, Mind, Machine"
Henkjan Honing, Peter Desain

This final report gives an overview of the project "Music, Mind,
Machine" that was funded from March 1997 until September 2003 by the
PIONIER program of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO). The content of the research was concerned with the
computational modeling of music cognition,focusing on the temporal
aspects of music perception and performance. A variety of studies were
realized, firmly establishing a methodological basis for music
cognition research, as well as gaining new insights in the domain of
rhythm perception and production. In this report we summarize the
initial aims of the research, introduce the members of the team
without whom the work would have never happened, followed by a
description and interpretation of the main scientific results. Next,
an overview is given of the studies arranged according to the
structure of the original proposal, as well as a listing of scientific
output and activities. We close with some thoughts on the future of
this line of research. We would like to express our thanks here to the
advisory board for their enthusiasm and support. We are very grateful
for the support of NWO (GW and MaGW), NICI/KU Nijmegen, ILLC/UvA, STW,
EU-IHP, and some smaller funds (see Section 9 for an overview).