Concept Formation, Remembering, and Understanding: Dynamic Conceptual Semantics and Proust's "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu"
Renate Bartsch

Concept Formation, Remembering, and Understanding:
Dynamic Conceptual Semantics and Proust's "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu"
Renate Bartsch

This study presents a theory of memory and remembrance, which is a
further explication of the theory of Dynamic Conceptual Semantics
(developed in Bartsch 1998 Dynamic Conceptual Semantic: A
Logic-philosophical Investigation into Concept Formation and
Understanding, and in Bartsch 2002, Consciousness Emerging: The
Dynamics of Perception, Imagination, Action, Memory, Thought, and
Language. First, an introduction is given to concept formation,
remembering and understanding, and it is pointed out how
phenomenological data and dynamic conceptual semantics have a
correspondence in neurological structures and processes, which provide
the capacity to concept formation and understanding. In the second
chapter, a model of memory is given which shows how the specific
memory (consisting of indices for episodes and individuals) can work
as a capacity for constructing remembrances, by connecting to general
memory (consisting of conceptual indicators and their
inter-connections) and to emotional, sensorial, and motor fields. In
the third chapter, the theory and model is related to Bergsons
philosophy of memory, and it is applied to Marcel Prousts novel A la
recherche du temps perdu. It is shown that and how Prousts novel
exemplifies concept formation and understanding as based on the
capacity of general and specific memory, how concept formation and
remembering result in understanding new episodes based on previously
experienced episodes and result in the structure of the life-history
in the consciousness of the Narrator, which is the structure of the
novel. The interaction between the unconscious and the conscious
states of the Narrator are especially attended to. In this context
Prousts aesthetics is analyzed.