An Elementary Construction of an Ultrafilter on $\aleph_1$ Using the Axiom of Determinateness
Marco R. Vervoort

An elementary construction of an ultrafilter on Aleph­One
  using the Axiom of Determinateness
Marco R. Vervoort

In this article we construct a free and s­complete ultrafilter on the set 
\omega_1, using AD.
First we define for each V \subset \omega_1 a game G(V). From the axiom 
AD we have that for each V \subset \omega_1 , either the first or the 
second player has a winning strategy in G(V). We then show, in several 
lemma's, how to obtain winning strategies in G(V) for several different 
constructions of V from other sets. Finally, we show that the collection 
{ V \subset \omega_1 | the first player has a winning strategy in G(V) } 
has several closure properties corresponding to the lemma's just proved, 
and that this set is in fact a free and \sigma­complete ultrafilter.