The Relationship between Connectionist Models and a Dynamic Data-Oriented Theory of Concept Formation
Renate Bartsch

The relationship between connectionist models and a dynamic data­oriented 
 theory of concept formation
Renate Bartsch

In this paper I shall compare two models of concept formation, both inspired
by basic convictions of philosophical empiricism. The first, the connectionist
model, will be exemplified by Kohonen maps, and the second will be my
own dynamic theory of concept formation. Both can be understood in
probabilistic terms, both use a notion of convergence or stabilization in
modelling how concepts are built up. Both admit destabilization of concepts
and conceptual change. Both do not use a notion of representation in some
pre­given language, such as a language of thought or some logical language.
Representation in a formal language only plays a role on the meta­level,
namely within the theory about concept formation.