View publication by year:
- MoL-2016-01:
- Sarah Hiller Corrective Feedback in First Language Acquisition
- MoL-2016-02:
- Nikolas Nisidis A decompositional analysis of discourse relations
- MoL-2016-03:
- Stephen Pastan Another Approach to Truthmaker Semantics
- MoL-2016-04:
- Rick Bellaar Understanding Schizophrenia: A Wittgensteinian Response to Double-Bookkeeping
- MoL-2016-05:
- Yfke Dulek Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits
- MoL-2016-06:
- Thomas Santoli Logics for Compact Hausdorff Spaces via de Vries Duality
- MoL-2016-07:
- Christopher Badura Truth in Fiction via Non-Standard Belief Revision
- MoL-2016-08:
- Sirin Botan Propositional Opinion Diffusion with Constraints
- MoL-2016-09:
- Sander in 't Veld Temporal Logics, Automata and the Modal $\mu$-Calculus
- MoL-2016-10:
- Philip W.B. Michgelsen Genetic-Algorithmic Optimisation for School-Allocation Mechanisms: A Study of Amsterdam's Student to High-School Allocation Problem
- MoL-2016-11:
- Evan Marzion Closed Sets of Higher-Order Functions
- MoL-2016-12:
- Thom van Gessel Action Models in Inquisitive Logic
- MoL-2016-13:
- Daniil Frumin Weak Factorisation Systems in the Effective Topos
- MoL-2016-14:
- Almudena Colacito Minimal and Subminimal Logic of Negation
- MoL-2016-15:
- Benjamin Sparkes Inquisitive Conditional-Doxastic Logic
- MoL-2016-16:
- Anna Bellomo Theories of size for infinite collections
- MoL-2016-17:
- Thomas Cattermole Paraconsistent Logics and Identity - a Pragmatic Approach
- MoL-2016-18:
- Eli Drumm Readtable-Macro Transducer-Chain Parsing
- MoL-2016-19:
- Arianna Novaro Judgment Aggregation in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments
- MoL-2016-20:
Tom Schoonen
Thinking the Impossible
Arguments for Impossible Worlds in Semantics - MoL-2016-21:
- Olim F. Tuyt Canonical Rules on Neighbourhood Frames
- MoL-2016-22:
- Tom Hendriks Beyond the Regular: A Formalization of Non-Isochronous Metrical Structure
- MoL-2016-23:
- Guillaume Massas Possibility Spaces, Q-Completions and Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemmas for Non-Classical Logics
- MoL-2016-24:
- Iliana Gioulatou Hyperintensionality
- MoL-2016-25:
- Andrés Occhipinti Liberman Dynamic Evidence Logics with Relational Evidence
- MoL-2016-26:
- Kristina Gogoladze Evidence-Based Belief Revision for Non-Omniscient Agents
- MoL-2016-27:
- Leanne M. Streekstra On the stability of flexible permission structures
- MoL-2016-28:
- Nigel Sequeira Knowing How To Do Semantics
- PP-2016-01:
- Johan van Benthem Fanning the Flames of Reason
- PP-2016-02:
- Johan van Benthem Tracking Information
- PP-2016-03:
- Johan van Benthem The Open Course Logic in Action
- PP-2016-04:
- Johan van Benthem, Nick Bezhanishvili, Wesley H. Holliday A bimodal perspective on possibility semantics
- PP-2016-05:
- Felix Brandt, Vincent Conitzer, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, Ariel D. Procaccia Introduction to Computational Social Choice
- PP-2016-06:
- Ulle Endriss Judgment Aggregation
- PP-2016-07:
- Marco Costantini, Carla Groenland, Ulle Endriss Judgment Aggregation under Issue Dependencies
- PP-2016-08:
- Raquel G. Alhama, Remko Scha, Willem Zuidema Memorization of sequence-segments by humans and non-human animals: the Retention-Recognition Model
- PP-2016-09:
- Raquel G. Alhama, Willem Zuidema Generalization in Artificial Language Learning: Modelling the Propensity to Generalize
- PP-2016-10:
- Johannes Marti, Riccardo Pinosio A Game Semantics for System P
- PP-2016-11:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Julia Ilin Stable modal logics
- PP-2016-12:
- Dick de Jongh, Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki Weak Subintuitionistic Logics
- PP-2016-13:
- Dick de Jongh, Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki Subintuitionistic Logics with Kripke Models
- PP-2016-14:
- Stéphane Airiau, Elise Bonzon, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Julien Rossit Rationalisation of Profiles of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
- PP-2016-15:
- Sirin Botan, Arianna Novaro, Ulle Endriss Group Manipulation in Judgment Aggregation
- PP-2016-16:
- Olivier Cailloux, Ulle Endriss Arguing about Voting Rules
- PP-2016-17:
- Giovanni Ciná, Ulle Endriss Proving Classical Theorems of Social Choice Theory in Modal Logic
- PP-2016-18:
- Ulle Endriss, Umberto Grandi, Ronald de Haan, Jérôme Lang Succinctness of Languages for Judgment Aggregation
- PP-2016-19:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Joel Lucero-Bryan, Jan van Mill Topological and logical explorations of Krull dimension
- PP-2016-20:
- Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh, Apostolos Tzimoulis, Zhiguang Zhao Universal models for the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic
- PP-2016-21:
- Alexandru Baltag, Nick Bezhanishvili, Sonja Smets Justified Belief and the Topology of Evidence
- PP-2016-22:
- Peter van Emde Boas, Ghica van Emde Boas-Lubsen The Rules of Victorious Warriors
- PP-2016-23:
- Almudena Colacito, Dick de Jongh, Ana Lucia Vargas Subminimal Negation
- PP-2016-24:
- Ulle Endriss, Svetlana Obraztsova, Maria Polukarov, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein Strategic Voting with Incomplete Information
- PP-2016-25:
- Markus Brill, Edith Elkind, Ulle Endriss, Umberto Grandi Pairwise Diffusion of Preference Rankings in Social Networks
- PP-2016-26:
- Hajnal Andréka, Johan van Benthem, István Németi On a New Semantics for First-Order Predicate Logic
- PP-2016-27:
- Johan van Benthem Logic in Play
- PP-2016-28:
- Guillaume Aucher, Johan van Benthem and Davide Grossi Modal Logics of Sabotage Revisited
- PP-2016-29:
- Johan van Benthem, Nick Bezhanishvili and Wesley H. Holliday A Bimodal Perspective on Possibility Semantics
- PP-2016-30:
- Johan van Benthem Tales from an Old Manuscript
- PP-2016-31:
- Paula Henk, V. Yu. Shavrukov A Solovay function for the least 1-inconsistent subtheory of PA
- PP-2016-32:
- Paula Henk, Albert Visser Interpretability suprema in Peano Arithmetic
- PP-2016-33:
- Sebastian Enqvist, Fatemeh Seifan, Yde Venema Completeness for the modal mu-calculus: separating the combinatorics from the dynamics
- PP-2016-33:
- Sebastian Enqvist, Fatemeh Seifan, Yde Venema Completeness for the modal mu-calculus: separating the combinatorics from the dynamics
- PP-2016-34:
- Janosch Döcker, Britta Dorn, Ulle Endriss, Dominikus Krüger Complexity and Tractability Islands for Combinatorial Auctions on Discrete Intervals with Gaps
- PP-2016-35:
- Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet Distributed Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods
- PP-2016-36:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Julia Ilin Subframization and stabilization for superintuitionistic logics
- PP-2016-37:
- Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, Joel Lucero-Bryan, Jan van Mill Tychonoff HED-spaces and Zemanian extensions of S4.3
- PP-2016-38:
- Sarah McWhirter, Jakub Szymanik Constructing Semantic Automata for Quantifier Iterations
- PP-2016-39:
Gaëlle Fontaine, Yde Venema
Some model theory for the modal mu-calculus:
syntactic characterisations of semantic properties - PP-2016-41:
- Johan van Benthem "Transmissie, Emergentie en Fading Foundations", a commentary.
- X-2016-01:
- Giovanni Ciná, Sebastian Enqvist Bisimulation and path logic for sheaves: contextuality and beyond
- X-2016-02:
- Alexandru Baltag, Giovanni Ciná Bisimulation for conditional modalities
- X-2016-03:
- Chenwei Shi, Sonja Smets Beliefs Supported by Arguments
- X-2016-04:
- Tim van der Molen The Johansson/Heyting letters and the birth of minimal logic
- X-2016-05:
- Johan van Benthem, Wang Yafeng Notes on Mathematical Modal Logic
- X-2016-06:
- Evan Marzion Constructive Notions of Cofiniteness