View publication by year:
- MoL-2010-01:
- Frank Nebel Shortest Path Games: Computational Complexity of Solution Concepts
- MoL-2010-02:
- Christian Geist Automated Search for Impossibility Theorems in Choice Theory: Ranking Sets of Objects
- MoL-2010-03:
- Charlotte Vlek Definability in the Degrees of Randomness
- MoL-2010-04:
- Yacin Hamami The Interrogative Model of Inquiry meets Dynamic Epistemic Logics
- MoL-2010-05:
- Nicola Di Giorgio Non-Standard Models of Arithmetic: a Philosophical and Historical perspective
- MoL-2010-06:
- Stephan Schroevers Expressiveness and Extensions of an Instruction Sequence Semigroup
- MoL-2010-07:
- Mark Beumer Apportionment in Theory and Practice
- MoL-2010-08:
- David Fiske Toward an Evolutionary Linguistic Theory
- MoL-2010-09:
- Kian Mintz-Woo Independence Weakening in Judgment Aggregation
- MoL-2010-10:
- Ernst Odolphi Temporal Binding by Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity
- MoL-2010-11:
- Margaux Smets A U-DOP approach to modeling language acquisition
- MoL-2010-12:
- Jonathan Shaheen Relevance-Based Partition Semantics for Why-Questions
- MoL-2010-13:
- Hanne Kristin Berg Philosophy of time: Combining the A-series and the B-series
- MoL-2010-14:
- Lorenz Demey Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2010-15:
- Matthew P. Wampler-Doty Evidentialist Logic
- MoL-2010-16:
- Hélène Tourigny Exploiting Systematicity: a Connectionist Model of Bootstrapping in Language Acquisition
- MoL-2010-17:
- Bert Christiaan Regenboog Reactive Valuations
- MoL-2010-18:
- Alexandru Marcoci The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2010-19:
- Remi Turk A modern back-end for a dependently typed language
- MoL-2010-20:
- Antonio Negro Quine's challenge and Logical Pluralism
- PP-2010-01:
- Christian Geist, Benedikt Löwe, Bart Van Kerkhove Peer review and knowledge by testimony in mathematics
- PP-2010-02:
- Ulle Endriss, Umberto Grandi, Daniele Porello Complexity of Judgment Aggregation: Safety of the Agenda
- PP-2010-03:
- Stéphane Airiau, Ulle Endriss Multiagent Resource Allocation with Sharable Items: Simple Protocols and Nash Equilibria
- PP-2010-04:
- Edgar G. Daylight The Advent of Recursion in Programming, 1950s-1960s
- PP-2010-05:
- Daniele Porello, Ulle Endriss Modelling Combinatorial Auctions in Linear Logic
- PP-2010-06:
- Szymon Klarman, U. Endriss, Stefan Schlobach ABox Abduction in the Description Logic ALC
- PP-2010-07:
- Dick de Jongh, Rineke Verbrugge, Albert Visser Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh Property
- PP-2010-08:
- Dick de Jongh, Fan Yang Jankov's Theorems for Intermediate Logics in the Setting of Universal Models
- PP-2010-09:
- Floris Roelofsen, Sam van Gool Disjunctive questions, intonation, and highlighting
- PP-2010-10:
- Andreas Witzel, Ulle Endriss Time Constraints in Mixed Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions
- PP-2010-11:
- Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller Mathematical knowledge and skills
- PP-2010-12:
- Amélie Gheerbrant Complete Axiomatization of the Stutter-Invariant Fragment of the Linear-time mu-calculus
- PP-2010-13:
- Umberto Grandi, Ulle Endriss Lifting Rationality Assumptions in Binary Aggregation
- PP-2010-14:
- Benedikt Löwe, Eric Pacuit, Andreas Witzel Planning based on dynamic epistemic logic
- PP-2010-15:
- Daniele Porello, Ulle Endriss Modelling Multilateral Negotiation in Linear Logic
- PP-2010-16:
- Sylvain Bouveret, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang Fair Division under Ordinal Preferences: Computing Envy-Free Allocations of Indivisible Goods
- PP-2010-17:
- Henkjan Honing Lure(d) into listening: The potential of cognition-based music information retrieval.
- PP-2010-18:
- Mai Gehrke, Jacob Vosmaer A View of Canonical Extension
- PP-2010-19:
- Lena Kurzen Eleusis: Complexity and Interaction in Inductive Inference
- PP-2010-20:
- Gerard R. Renardel de Lavalette, Lex Hendriks, Dick de Jongh Intuitionistic implication without disjunction
- PP-2010-21:
- Johan van Benthem, Eric Pacuit, Olivier Roy Toward a Theory of Play: A Logical Perspective on Games and Interaction
- PP-2010-22:
- Sara Uckelman, Joel Uckelman Strategy and Manipulation in Medieval Elections
- PP-2010-23:
- George Barmpalias, Tom Sterkenburg On the number of infinite sequences with trivial initial segment complexity
- PP-2010-24:
- George Barmpalias, Charlotte Vlek Kolmogorov complexity of initial segments of sequences and arithmetical definability
- PP-2010-25:
- Martijn Baartse, George Barmpalias On the gap between trivial and nontrivial initial segment prefix-free complexity
- X-2010-01:
- Theodora Achourioti, Edgar Andrade, Marc Staudacher Proceedings of the Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference 2009 - Meaning and Truth