View publication by year:
- MoL-2005-01:
- Reut Tsarfaty `binyanim ba'avir': An investigation of Aspect Semantics in Modern Hebrew
- MoL-2005-02:
- Boaz Leskes The Value of Agreement: a new Boosting Algorithm
- MoL-2005-03:
- Evangelos Tzanis Algebraizing Hybrid Logic
- MoL-2005-04:
- Michael Franke Pseudo-Imperatives
- MoL-2005-05:
- Floris Roelofsen Exploring Logical Perspectives on Distributed Information and its Dynamics
- MoL-2005-06:
- Teresita Mijangos Penalty Logic and Genomic Encoding
- MoL-2005-07:
- Samson Tikitu de Jager Analysing the complexity of games on graphs
- MoL-2005-08:
Gustavo Lacerda da Melo
Automating Normal Science: Reusing Exemplars in Quantitative Explanations
- MoL-2005-09:
- Scott Grimm The Lattice of Case and Agentivity
- PP-2005-01:
- Reinhard Blutner Neural Networks, Penalty Logic and Optimality Theory
- PP-2005-02:
- Balder ten Cate, Massimo Franceschet On the complexity of hybrid logics with binders
- PP-2005-03:
- Floris Roelofsen Minimality, Non-Determinism, and Absent Information in Multi-Context Systems
- PP-2005-04:
- Massimo Franceschet XpathMark: an XPath benchmark for XMark
- PP-2005-05:
- Isadora Stojanovic A Different Story about Indexicals
- PP-2005-06:
- Johan van Benthem Open Problems in Logical Dynamics
- PP-2005-07:
- Johan van Benthem Guards, Bounds, and Generalized Semantics
- PP-2005-08:
- Johan van Benthem Modal Frame Correspondence Generalized
- PP-2005-09:
- Johan van Benthem, Jan van Eijck, Barteld Kooi Logics of Communication and Change
- PP-2005-10:
- Johan van Benthem Cognition as Interaction
- PP-2005-11:
- Johan van Benthem An Essay on Sabotage and Obstruction
- PP-2005-12:
- Patrick Girard From Onions to Broccoli: Generalizing Lewis's counterfactual logic
- PP-2005-13:
- Olivier Roy What does Game Theory have to do with Plans?
- PP-2005-14:
- Dmitry Sustretov Hybrid Definability in Topological Spaces
- PP-2005-15:
- Evan Goris, Joost J. Joosten The many faces of interpretability
- PP-2005-16:
- Lev D. Beklemishev, Joost J. Joosten, Marco Vervoort A finitary treatment of the closed fragment of Japaridze's provability logic
- PP-2005-17:
- Theo M.V. Janssen, Francien Dechesne Signalling in IF games: a tricky business
- PP-2005-18:
- Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller Mathematical Knowledge is Context Dependent
- PP-2005-19:
- Stefan Bold, Benedikt Löwe A simple inductive measure analysis for cardinals under the Axiom of Determinacy
- PP-2005-20:
- Johan van Benthem Epistemic Logic and Epistemology, the state of their affairs
- PP-2005-21:
- Johan van Benthem Logic in Philosophy
- PP-2005-22:
- Johan van Benthem Where is Logic Going, and Should It?
- PP-2005-23:
- Yann Chevaleyre, Paul E. Dunne, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, Michel Lemaître, Nicolas Maudet, Julian Padget, Steve Phelps, Juan A. Rodrígues-Aguilar, Paulo Sousa Issues in Multiagent Resource Allocation
- PP-2005-24:
- Benedikt Löwe Extensions of the Axiom of Blackwell Determinacy
- PP-2005-25:
- Ulle Endriss Temporal Logics for Representing Agent Communication Protocols
- PP-2005-26:
- Joel David Hamkins, Benedikt Löwe The Modal Logic of Forcing
- PP-2005-27:
- Joop Niekus Brouwer's incomplete objects
- PP-2005-28:
- Johan van Benthem, Sieuwert van Otterloo, Olivier Roy Preference logic, conditionals and solution concepts in games
- PP-2005-29:
- Johan van Benthem, Fenrong Liu Dynamic Logic of Preference Upgrade
- PP-2005-30:
- Willem Zuidema, Bart de Boer The Evolution of Combinatorial Phonology
- X-2005-01:
- S. Barry Cooper, Benedikt Löwe, Leen Torenvliet CiE 2005: New Computational Paradigms
- X-2005-02:
- Benedikt Löwe, Brian Semmes The extent of constructive game labellings
- X-2005-03:
- Johan van Benthem A Farewell to Loneliness: dynamic trends in logic to-day
- X-2005-04:
- Seamus W.H. Holland Solutions to Sorites
- X-2005-05:
- David de Kloet Real Blackwell Determinacy