View publication by year:
- MoL-2000-01:
- Sophia Velissaratou Conditional Questions and Which-Interrogatives
- MoL-2000-02:
- Mariana Haim Duality for Lattices with Operators: A Modal Logic Approach
- MoL-2000-03:
- Sjaak Verbeek An Information Theoretic Approach to Finding Word Groups for Text Classification
- MoL-2000-04:
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes A Study of William of Ockham's Logic - from Suppositio to Truth Conditions
- MoL-2000-05:
- Patrick Yancey Indeterminacy and Translatability
- MoL-2000-06:
- Shai Berger Studies on the Uses and Usefulness of Diagrams
- PP-2000-01:
- Ian Hodkinson, Szabolcs Mikulás, Yde Venema Axiomatizing Complex Algebras by Games
- PP-2000-02:
- Johan van Benthem Information Transfer across Chu Spaces
- PP-2000-03:
- Giovanna D'Agostino Characterizing Interpolation Pairs in Infinitary Graded Logics
- PP-2000-04:
- Keith Stenning, Michiel van Lambalgen Semantics as a foundation for psychology: a case study of Wason's selection task
- PP-2000-05:
- Kees Doets Short Proof(s) for Classical Theorems
- PP-2000-06:
- Rosalie Iemhoff A(nother) characterization of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
- PP-2000-07:
- Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn, Maarten Marx The Computational Complexity of Hybrid Temporal Logics
- PP-2000-08:
- Annette Bleeker, Jan van Eijck The Epistemics of Encryption
- PP-2000-09:
- Maarten Marx, Yde Venema Local Variations on a Loose Theme: Modal Logic and Decidability
- PP-2000-10:
- Nick Bezhanishvili Varieties of Two-Dimensional Diagonal-Free Cylindric Algebras. Part I.
- PP-2000-11:
- Eva Hoogland, Maarten Marx Interpolation in Guarded Fragments
- PP-2000-12:
- Valentin Gorankov The Basic Algebra of Game Equivalences
- PP-2000-13:
- Maarten Marx, Szabolcs Mikulás Products, or How to Create Modal Logics of High Complexity
- PP-2000-14:
- Maarten Marx, Nick Bezhanishvili All proper normal extensions of S5--square have the polynomial size model property
- PP-2000-15:
- Alessandro Agostini; Dick de Jongh; Franco Montagna Coordination of 01-agents vs. coordination of worlds-based agents
- X-2000-01:
- H.P. van Ditmarsch Dynamic Knowledge Logic
- X-2000-02:
- H.P. van Ditmarsch Axioms for Card Games
- X-2000-03:
Johan van Benthem
Logic and Games: the third encounter
- X-2000-04:
- Anne Troelstra Ware en Gevoelige Verhalen