Finished ILLC Projects (TCS)

The following information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro: please inform the (not the webmaster) if any of the information below is incorrect or incomplete.



  • Name project: An optimization approach to computational invariant theory

    Principal investigator: Dr M. Walter
    Grant: NWO Open Competition ENW Klein (link)
    Team members: H. Nieuwboer (Postdoc until 2023-12-31)
    Duration: 1 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2023
    Budget: 100000 EUROs
  • Name project: Customisable collective choice

    Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. Endriss
    Grant: NWO TOP1 (link)
    Team members: Prof.dr U. Endriss (project leader), Dr A. Haret (Postdoc until 2022-03-31), A.B. Boixel (PhD Student until 2022-08-01), Dr R. de Haan (Postdoc until 2019-11-30), O. Nardi , Dr Z. Terzopoulou (PhD Student until 2021-08-31)
    Duration: 1 Sep 2017 - 31 Aug 2023
    Budget: 665000 EUROs
  • Name project: Building towards an integrated quantum-classical computing framework for modelling of materials and molecules

    Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman
    Grant: IXA Proof of Concept (link)
    Team members: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman (project leader), Dr C. Cade (Postdoc until 2023-01-31), Dr I.A. Niesen (Postdoc until 2023-01-31)
    Duration: 1 Mar 2022 - 31 Aug 2023
    Budget: 100000 EUROs
  • Name project: A holistic analysis of participatory budgeting

    Principal investigator:
    Grant: FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship (link)
    Team members: Dr J.F. Maly (project leader until 2023-04-30)
    Duration: 1 Sep 2021 - 30 Apr 2023
    Budget: 75890 EUROs
  • Name project: High-accuracy modeling of materials and molecules “HAM^3”

    Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman
    Grant: NWO Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO (link)
    Team members: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman (project leader), Dr C. Cade (Postdoc until 2023-01-31), Dr I.A. Niesen (Postdoc until 2023-01-31)
    Duration: 1 Aug 2022 - 31 Jan 2023
    Budget: 39948 EUROs

The above information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro: please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.