The following information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro: please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information below is incorrect or incomplete.
- NWO Creative cities: Access to City Councils using Exploratory Search Systems (ACCESS)
- DFG Walter Benjamin Programme: Neuro-symbolic graph-to-text generation
- Language in Interaction Call postdoc positions: Postdoctoral fellowship Language in Interaction
- Language In Interaction Call postdoc positions: Language in Interaction Postdoc Call 2022
- H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship: Verification and Language Theory
- NWO Small projects for NWA routes 21/22: Is there space and time for experimental philosophy ?
- H2020 ICT-48-2020: Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres: AI for media and society (AI4Media)
- Google PhD Fellowship: Linguistically-informed inductive biases for effective information sharing in multilingual NLP models
- PDI-SSH Digital Infrastructure: Population Scale Network Analysis for Social Sciences and Humanities (POPNET- SSH)
- Quantum Software Consortium Internal call: Quantum Cryptanalysis
- IXA Proof of Concept: De gebarende wijs
- NWO Open Competition ENW Klein: An optimization approach to computational invariant theory
- Universiteit van Amsterdam ABC project grant 2020: Who’s got rhythm? How temporal expectations shape musical experience in the human brain
- Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Talent grant: Shared context and lexical variation
- H2020 Erasmus+: Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH)
- IXA Proof of Concept: Building towards an integrated quantum-classical computing framework for modelling of materials and molecules
- NWO TOP1: Customisable collective choice
- NWO Visitor's grant: NWO Visitor's Travel Grant
- COST COST Action: Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation
- FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship: A holistic analysis of participatory budgeting
- CLARIAH-PLUS Research Fellowship: Testing the Uniform Information Density hypothesis for Dutch word order variation
- NWO PhD in Humanities: Foundations of mechanistic reasoning: The structure of asking `how'?
- NWO Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO: High-accuracy modeling of materials and molecules “HAM^3”
- ERC Starting grant: From the Expression of Disagreement to New Foundations for Expressivist Semantics
- IXA Proof of Concept: Efficient Neural Search and Natural Language Processing
- SAP Research grant: Deep Collaborative Clustering and Prediction
- NWO Vidi: Cryptography in the Quantum Age
- UvA Interdisciplinary PhD postition: Unraveling the Causal Mind: How causation shapes human cognition
- NWO Vidi: Asymmetry in conversation
- ERC Starting grant: Cognitive Semantics and Quantities
- ERC Consolidator grant: The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics
- H2020 Marie Curie Global Fellowship: KnowLG - Common-sense Knowledge in Multi-modal Natural Language Generation
- ERC H2020-ICT: GoURMET (TOPIC : A multilingual Next Generation Internet)
- NWO Vidi: Scaling Semantic Parsing to Unrestricted Domains
- NWO GROOT: Golden Agents: Creative Industries and the Making of the Dutch Golden Age
- NWO Free Competition: The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards Post-Disciplinary Knowledge
- IXA Academic Proof of Concept: MusicLab
- NWO Creative Industry: Visual Analytics for the World's Library Data
- ERC Starting grant: Quantification and Modality in the realm of Questions
- NWO TOP2: The computational content of homotopy type theory
- NWO Dutch Research Agenda Idea Generator (NWA-IDG): Improving the accessibility of textual historical collections via transfer learning
- NWO Veni: Metaphorical Meanings for Artificial Agents
- NWO Veni: Algorithmic Fair Division in Dynamic, Socially Constrained Environments
- ERC Starting grant: BROADSEM: Induction of Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsers
- ZonMw Covid-19: Societal dynamics: Communicatie tussen zorgmedewerkers en dove patiënten in tijden van COVID-19
- NWO Corona: fast-track data: Collecting systematic survey data on scientists’ information-seeking and information-spreading behaviour in a time of crisis
- Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship: The Epistemic and Dynamic Aspects of Polarization
- NWO Vidi: Inquisitiveness below and beyond the sentence boundary
- NWO Take-off: Less is More: Efficient Neural Models without Loss of Effectiveness
- Language in Interaction: ICT ronde II van het Zwaartekrachtprogramma Language in Interaction
- Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship: The logical function of property talk
- Facebook research Research award: Sparse Latent Representations for Efficient NLP
- NWO Scientific Meetings: Workshop on Algebraic and proof-theoretic methods in non-classical logic
- Facebook Research and Academic Relations Program: ParlAI
- NWO Visitor's Travel Grant: Visit Gorjan Alagic
- NWO Vici: Machine Translators: Teaching Computers to Translate Using Their Own Words
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Schroedinger Fellowship: Parameterized Complexity Analysis for Judgment Aggregation
- Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE): Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics
- ERC Marie Curie Global Fellowship: Duality for Logic on Words
- Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility: Sign, Meaning, Reference (SIMERE). A Semiotic Epistemology for Conceptual Engineering
- UvA/VU AAA Data Science Proposal: QuPiD2: Quality and Perspectives in Deep Data
- NWO Veni: A Fragmented World: Foundations and Applications
- NWO Creative Industries: Exploratory Political Search (ExPoSe)
- NWO Veni: Zinsbegrip vanaf het eerste woord
- UVA-FGW Cutting Edge Research Fellowship: Medical methodology at the crossroad of humanities and biomedical sciences
- HORIZON 2020 QT21: Cracking the Language Barrier
- ERC Marie Curie Individual Fellowships: Radical Context-Sensitivity and the Science of Meaning
- ERC Maric Curie Individual Fellowships: ESSENCE: Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments
- ERC Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks EXPERT: EXPERT
- NWO Free Competition: Statistical Translation of Novel Constructions
- NWO Horizon: New Methods for the Humanities: Empirical, Computational, and Mathematical Advances
- STW Open Technologieprogramma: Data-Powered Domain-Specific Translation Services On Demand (DatAptor)
- ERC Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships: WADOXA— Ways of Doxastic Agency: Information Update, Belief Formation and Assessment of Conduct
- Google Google RPF Award: Knowledge Graphs and Compositionality in Web-scale Natural Language Understanding
- NWO Veni: Formal analysis of multi-agent learning
- KNAW CEP: The Logical Dynamics of Information Exchange in Social Networks
- ERC Starting grant: SS The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change
- NWO Mozaiek: Kant and Wittgenstein on ethics: Rethinking the normative foundations of ethical and legal responsibility
- ABC ABC Talent: Hooked! And item-response models’
- KNAW Computational Humanities: The Riddle of Literary Quality
- NWO Free Competition: Logic and Automata: a Coalgebraic Perspective
- NWO Free Competition: E.W.Beth and A.J.Heyting. Their influence and ideas on philosopohy, logic and related sciences
- NWO Free Competition: Modelling Artificial Language Learning
- KNAW Computational Humanities: Tunes & Tales
- Vossen Network Institute: Modelling Perspectives in Philosophy: A Computational Experiment on Quine’s Word & Object
- NWO Veni: Representing Music: a new basis for computational musicology
- NWO Veni: Interpreting questions: fine-grained compositional semantics
- NWO CATCH 2010: Web Archive Retrieval Tools
- NWO Veni: What makes social interactions hard? A computational study of intentions, knowledge, and beliefs
- NWO Digging into Data: Legal Structures
- NWO Meervoud: Computing Implicatures in Incremental Dialogue Processing
- KNAW KNAW Visiting professorship: KNAW Visiting Professors Programme
- ERC Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships: ADAMS: A dual approach to many-valued semantics
- ICSU ICSU Grants Programme: Cultures of Mathematical Research Training
- NWO Vidi: SS Reasoning about quantum interaction
- NWO CATCH 2010: Cognition Guided Interoperatbility between collections of musical heritage (COGITCH)
- NWO EUROCORES: Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture (EuroUnderstanding)
- UvA Brain & Cognition: Research Priority Area Brain & Cognition
- NWO Veni: The semantic anatomy of conditional sentences
- ESF COST: COST: Computational Social Choice
- NWO Veni: Evidence-based belief revision
- NWO Free Competition: The Inquisitive Turn. A New Perspective on Semantics, Logic, and Pragmatics
- ERC Proof of Concept: GlamMap
- NWO Duurzame Wetenschappen: Learning Constructions
- NWO Free Competition: Aggregation of Preferences over Uncertain Outcomes
- NWO Veni: how psychological and social factors influence the evolution of language
- NWO Vidi: Retrieving Encoded Archival Descriptions More Effectively
- NWO Veni: Quantum Cryptography beyond Key Distribution
- NWO Free Competition: Machine Translation When Exact Patterns Match Falls
- NWO Vidi: Collective decision Making in Combinatorial Domains
- NWO: Vagueness - and how to be precise enough
- John Templeton Foundation: What Makes Stories Similar: A structural logic-based approach to narratives
- NWO EUROCORES: Vagueness, Approximation and Granularity
- NWO Vidi: Indefinites and beyond Evolutionary pragmatics and typological semantics
- NWO EUROCORES: Logic for Interaction
- NWO Vici: Algebra and Coalgebra: the mathematical environments of modal logic
- NWO EUROCORES: Computational Foundations of Social Choice
- NWO EUROCORES: Dialogical Foundations and Semantics (DiFoS)
- NWO Vici: Integrating Cognition: Unsupervised Learning with the DOP mode
- NWO Veni: Norm Implementation via Mechanisms
- NWO Vidi: Priors for the Estimation of Probabilistic Grammars from Incomplete Natural Language Data
- NWO Veni: Discovering grammar: statistical models of sequence learning in humans, animals and machines
- NWO Veni: Dualities for quantales: a spatial understanding of noncommunative topology
- NWO Veni: Change and coordination via dialogue interaction
- NWO Mosaic: Making Guesswork Precise: Developing a mathematical theory of rules-of-thumb in ``Set Theory of the Real Line''
- NWO Veni: Philosophical foundations of formal languages in logic: formal languages as language-games
- NWO Free Competition: Theoretical and Algorithmic Complexity Thresholds in Computer Games
- NWO Demonstrator: NNB
- FGW NGO: Digital Humanities
- NWO Veni: Neuro-symbolic graph-to-text generation
- NWO Roadmap: CLARIAH Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
- NWO Visitor's grant: Visit Sabine Iatridou
- Polish National Science Center OPUS Grant: Quantifiers in Language: Use and Meaning
- KNAW Conferentiesubsidie: KNAW colloquium
- KNAW Conference Grant: KNAW Conference Grant Applied Category Theory 2018 (ACT 2018)
- University of Amsterdam Research Priority Area, Human(e) AI: Exploring Adaptation of Conversational Systems to Different Age Groups
- Faculty of Humanities, UvA Aspasia: Aspasia grant
- ERC Marie Curie Cofound: MC Cofound Lapenta
- UvA/FGw Digital Humanities: Similar Interesting Music Application (SIM-APP)
- NW Vidi: Logics for social behaviour
- NWO OC: Effective Focused Retrieval Techniques
- NWO Open Access Books: A World of Patterns
- NWO Vidi: The roots of deduction
- NWO Visitor's Travel Grant: NWO Visitor's grant Giuntini
- NWO Open Science Fund 2020/2021: WikipediaCitations: A FAIR dataset of Wikipedia’s citations to its sources
- University of Amsterdam Research Priority Area Human(e) AI: Responsible Artificial Agency: A Logical Perspective
Name project: Access to City Councils using Exploratory Search Systems (ACCESS)
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO Creative cities (link)Team members: M. Shahshahani (PhD Student until 2021-05-01), A.M. Olieman , D.M. RauDuration: 1 Jun 2018 - 31 Oct 2024Budget: 302437 EUROs -
Name project: Neuro-symbolic graph-to-text generation
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: DFG Walter Benjamin Programme (link)Team members: Dr J.D. GroschwitzDuration: 1 Apr 2023 - 30 Sep 2024Budget: 67000 EUROs -
Name project: Postdoctoral fellowship Language in Interaction
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R.A.M. van RooijGrant: Language in Interaction Call postdoc positions (link)Duration: 1 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2024Budget: 125000 EUROs -
Name project: Language in Interaction Postdoc Call 2022
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: Language In Interaction Call postdoc positions (link)Team members: Dr E.A.H. Ghaleb (Postdoc until 2024-06-30)Duration: 1 Sep 2022 - 31 Aug 2024Budget: 170513 EUROs -
Name project: Verification and Language Theory
Grant: H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr T.W.J. Kappé (project leader until 2024-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2021 - 31 Aug 2024Budget: 175572 EUROs -
Name project: Is there space and time for experimental philosophy ?
Principal investigator: Dr S. de Haro OlléGrant: NWO Small projects for NWA routes 21/22 (link)Team members: Dr E. Cinti (Postdoc until 2024-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2024Budget: 120000 EUROs -
Name project: AI for media and society (AI4Media)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr T. BlankeGrant: H2020 ICT-48-2020: Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres (link)Duration: 1 Sep 2020 - 31 Aug 2024Budget: 310000 EUROs -
Name project: Linguistically-informed inductive biases for effective information sharing in multilingual NLP models
Principal investigator: R.M.V.K. ChoenniGrant: Google PhD Fellowship (link)Team members: R.M.V.K. Choenni (PhD Student until 2024-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2021 - 31 Aug 2024Budget: 177000 EUROs -
Name project: Population Scale Network Analysis for Social Sciences and Humanities (POPNET- SSH)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr T. BlankeGrant: PDI-SSH Digital Infrastructure (link)Team members: Dr E. Bokányi (Postdoc until 2024-06-30)Duration: 1 Apr 2021 - 30 Jun 2024Budget: 998443 EUROs -
Name project: Quantum Cryptanalysis
Principal investigator: Prof.dr C. SchaffnerGrant: Quantum Software Consortium Internal call (link)Team members: J.S. Sotáková (PhD Student until 2023-03-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2019 - 31 Mar 2024Budget: 254102 EUROs -
Name project: De gebarende wijs
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: IXA Proof of Concept (link)Duration: 8 Dec 2021 - 31 Dec 2023Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: An optimization approach to computational invariant theory
Principal investigator: Dr M. WalterGrant: NWO Open Competition ENW Klein (link)Team members: H. Nieuwboer (Postdoc until 2023-12-31)Duration: 1 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2023Budget: 100000 EUROs -
Name project: Who’s got rhythm? How temporal expectations shape musical experience in the human brain
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.J. HoningGrant: Universiteit van Amsterdam ABC project grant 2020 (link)Duration: 1 Apr 2021 - 31 Dec 2023Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Shared context and lexical variation
Principal investigator: Dr M. SchouwstraGrant: Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Talent grant (link)Team members: Dr K.E. Mudd (Postdoc until 2023-04-09)Duration: 15 Sep 2022 - 3 Dec 2023Budget: 125000 EUROs -
Name project: Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr T. BlankeGrant: H2020 Erasmus+ (link)Duration: 1 Sep 2020 - 31 Aug 2023Budget: 60480 EUROs -
Name project: Building towards an integrated quantum-classical computing framework for modelling of materials and molecules
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.M. BuhrmanGrant: IXA Proof of Concept (link)Team members: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman (project leader), Dr C. Cade (Postdoc until 2023-01-31), Dr I.A. Niesen (Postdoc until 2023-01-31)Duration: 1 Mar 2022 - 31 Aug 2023Budget: 100000 EUROs -
Name project: Customisable collective choice
Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. EndrissGrant: NWO TOP1 (link)Team members: Prof.dr U. Endriss (project leader until 2024-03-31), A.B. Boixel (PhD Student until 2022-08-01), Dr A. Haret (Postdoc until 2022-03-31), Dr R. de Haan (Postdoc until 2019-11-30), O. Nardi , Dr Z. Terzopoulou (PhD Student until 2021-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2017 - 31 Aug 2023Budget: 665000 EUROs -
Name project: NWO Visitor's Travel Grant
Principal investigator: Dr N. BezhanishviliGrant: NWO Visitor's grant (link)Team members: Dr N. Bezhanishvili (Associate Professor), Dr T. MoraschiniDuration: 1 Jun 2023 - 5 Jul 2023Budget: 5250 EUROs -
Name project: Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation
Grant: COST COST Action (link)Duration: 4 Jun 2019 - 3 Jul 2023 -
Name project: A holistic analysis of participatory budgeting
Grant: FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr J.F. Maly (project leader until 2023-04-30)Duration: 1 Sep 2021 - 30 Apr 2023Budget: 75890 EUROs -
Name project: Testing the Uniform Information Density hypothesis for Dutch word order variation
Principal investigator: Dr J. BloemGrant: CLARIAH-PLUS Research Fellowship (link)Duration: 1 Sep 2022 - 28 Feb 2023Budget: 13378 EUROs -
Name project: Foundations of mechanistic reasoning: The structure of asking `how'?
Principal investigator: Dr D.M. McHughGrant: NWO PhD in Humanities (link)Team members: Dr D.M. McHugh (PhD Student until 2023-08-13)Duration: 1 Oct 2018 - 11 Feb 2023Budget: 163000 EUROs -
Name project: High-accuracy modeling of materials and molecules “HAM^3”
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.M. BuhrmanGrant: NWO Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO (link)Team members: Prof.dr H.M. Buhrman (project leader), Dr C. Cade (Postdoc until 2023-01-31), Dr I.A. Niesen (Postdoc until 2023-01-31)Duration: 1 Aug 2022 - 31 Jan 2023Budget: 39948 EUROs -
Name project: From the Expression of Disagreement to New Foundations for Expressivist Semantics
Principal investigator: Dr L. IncurvatiGrant: ERC Starting grant (link)Team members: Dr L. Incurvati (project leader until 2023-01-31), Dr L.N. Bussière (PhD Student until 2022-08-31), Dr G. Sbardolini (Postdoc until 2023-01-31), Dr J.J. Schlöder (Postdoc until 2021-08-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Jan 2023Budget: 1500000 EUROs -
Name project: Efficient Neural Search and Natural Language Processing
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: IXA Proof of Concept (link)Team members: D.M. RauDuration: 1 Sep 2020 - 31 Dec 2022Budget: 100000 EUROs -
Name project: Deep Collaborative Clustering and Prediction
Principal investigator: Dr I.A. TitovGrant: SAP Research grantTeam members: Dr I.A. Titov (project leader until 2017-04-30), S. Havrylov (PhD Student until 2017-10-01), N. De Cao (PhD Student until 2021-09-30)Duration: 1 Mar 2016 - 21 Nov 2022Budget: 400000 EUROs -
Name project: Cryptography in the Quantum Age
Principal investigator: Prof.dr C. SchaffnerGrant: NWO VidiTeam members: Prof.dr C. Schaffner (project leader until 2020-09-30), Dr J.M. Czajkowski (PhD Student until 2022-01-18), J.W. Don , Dr C.M. Majenz (Postdoc until 2019-08-31), Dr M. Tahmasbi (Postdoc until 2021-06-14)Duration: 1 Nov 2015 - 31 Oct 2022Budget: 800000 EUROs -
Name project: Unraveling the Causal Mind: How causation shapes human cognition
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R.A.M. van RooijGrant: UvA Interdisciplinary PhD postitionTeam members: Prof.dr R.A.M. van Rooij (Full Professor), Dr I.R. Kolvoort (PhD Student until 2023-06-30)Duration: 1 Nov 2018 - 31 Oct 2022Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Asymmetry in conversation
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: Prof.dr R. Fernández (project leader until 2020-11-30), A.K. Jorgensen (PhD Student until 2016-08-31), Dr E. Bruni , Dr M. Del Tredici (PhD Student until 2020-11-06), Dr S. Pezzelle (Postdoc until 2020-05-31)Duration: 1 Dec 2015 - 30 Sep 2022Budget: 800000 EUROs -
Name project: ASPASIA Fernandez
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: NWO ASPASIA (link)Team members: J.M. BosscherDuration: 1 Dec 2015 - 30 Sep 2022Budget: 100000 EUROs -
Name project: Cognitive Semantics and Quantities
Principal investigator: Dr J. SzymanikGrant: ERC Starting grantTeam members: Dr J. Szymanik (project leader until 2022-08-31), Dr F. Carcassi (Postdoc until 2022-01-31), Dr M. Denić (Postdoc until 2022-03-31), Dr S. Ramotowska (PhD Student until 2022-05-16), Dr S. Steinert Threlkeld (Postdoc until 2019-08-31)Duration: 1 Feb 2017 - 31 Jul 2022Budget: 1500000 EUROs -
Name project: The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. BertoGrant: ERC Consolidator grant (link)Team members: Prof.dr F. Berto (project leader until 2023-08-31), Dr T.M. Ferguson (Postdoc until 2022-06-30), Dr P.M. Hawke (Postdoc until 2020-12-31), Dr K.H. Krzyzanowska (Postdoc until 2021-10-31), Dr A. Özgün (Postdoc until 2020-09-30), Dr T. Schoonen (PhD Student until 2020-12-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2017 - 30 Jun 2022Budget: 1551000 EUROs -
Name project: KnowLG - Common-sense Knowledge in Multi-modal Natural Language Generation
Grant: H2020 Marie Curie Global Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr I. Calixto (project leader until 2022-04-23)Duration: 15 Jun 2019 - 23 Apr 2022Budget: 232394 EUROs -
Name project: GoURMET (TOPIC : A multilingual Next Generation Internet)
Principal investigator: Dr W. Ferreira AzizGrant: ERC H2020-ICT (link)Team members: Dr W. Ferreira Aziz (project leader until 2022-06-30), B. Eikema (PhD Student until 2022-06-30), L. Murady , E.J. van der WelDuration: 1 Jan 2019 - 31 Mar 2022Budget: 500000 EUROs -
Name project: Scaling Semantic Parsing to Unrestricted Domains
Principal investigator: Dr I.A. TitovGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: Dr I.A. Titov (project leader until 2022-12-14), Dr C.F. Corro (Postdoc until 2019-08-31), Dr D. Marcheggiani , Dr M.S. Schlichtkrull (PhD Student until 2021-08-31)Duration: 1 Nov 2015 - 28 Feb 2022Budget: 800000 EUROs -
Name project: Golden Agents: Creative Industries and the Making of the Dutch Golden Age
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: NWO GROOT (link)Team members: Prof.dr A. Betti (Full Professor until 2015-12-31), V. Carretta Zamborlini , A. Idrissou , C. LatronicoDuration: 1 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2021Budget: 610000 EUROs -
Name project: The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards Post-Disciplinary Knowledge
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Free Competition (link)Team members: Dr B. Karstens (Postdoc until 2018-06-01), Dr G.E.N. Mojet (PhD Student until 2022-07-06)Duration: 1 Sep 2016 - 31 Dec 2021Budget: 759000 EUROs -
Name project: MusicLab
Principal investigator: Dr J.A. BurgoyneGrant: IXA Academic Proof of Concept (link)Duration: 1 Nov 2020 - 31 Oct 2021Budget: 22500 EUROs -
Name project: Visual Analytics for the World's Library Data
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: NWO Creative IndustryTeam members: Prof.dr A. Betti (project leader until 2016-12-31), A. Ginammi (Postdoc until 2020-08-31), Y. Oortwijn (PhD Student until 2021-09-30)Duration: 1 Sep 2015 - 30 Sep 2021Budget: 584063 EUROs -
Name project: Quantification and Modality in the realm of Questions
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: ERC Starting grant (link)Team members: Prof.dr F. Roelofsen (project leader until 2021-08-31), Dr I.A. Ciardelli (Postdoc until 2017-09-30), Dr T. van Gessel (Postdoc until 2021-02-28), Dr G. Grilletti (Postdoc until 2021-06-30), C. Qing (Postdoc until 2021-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2016 - 1 Sep 2021Budget: 1391324 EUROs -
Name project: The computational content of homotopy type theory
Principal investigator: Dr B. van den BergGrant: NWO TOP2 (link)Team members: Dr B. van den Berg (project leader until 2024-01-07), Dr T. Uemura (PhD Student until 2021-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2017 - 31 Aug 2021Budget: 226201 EUROs -
Name project: Improving the accessibility of textual historical collections via transfer learning
Principal investigator: Dr G. ColavizzaGrant: NWO Dutch Research Agenda Idea Generator (NWA-IDG) (link)Duration: 1 Sep 2020 - 31 Aug 2021Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: Metaphorical Meanings for Artificial Agents
Principal investigator: Dr M.A.F. LewisGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr M.A.F. Lewis (project leader until 2021-06-30)Duration: 1 Aug 2017 - 30 Jun 2021Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Algorithmic Fair Division in Dynamic, Socially Constrained Environments
Principal investigator: Dr G. AmanatidisGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr G. Amanatidis (project leader until 2021-03-31)Duration: 1 Jun 2020 - 31 May 2021Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: BROADSEM: Induction of Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsers
Principal investigator: Dr I.A. TitovGrant: ERC Starting grant (link)Duration: 1 May 2016 - 1 May 2021Budget: 1500000 EUROs -
Name project: Communicatie tussen zorgmedewerkers en dove patiënten in tijden van COVID-19
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: ZonMw Covid-19: Societal dynamics (link)Team members: L.D. EsselinkDuration: 1 Jul 2020 - 20 Dec 2020Budget: 25000 EUROs -
Name project: Collecting systematic survey data on scientists’ information-seeking and information-spreading behaviour in a time of crisis
Principal investigator: Dr G. ColavizzaGrant: NWO Corona: fast-track data (link)Team members: Dr K.L.A. Roex (Postdoc until 2021-05-11)Duration: 11 May 2020 - 10 Nov 2020Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: The Epistemic and Dynamic Aspects of Polarization
Principal investigator: Dr C.P. ProiettiGrant: Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr C.P. Proietti (Postdoc until 2020-09-01)Duration: 1 Sep 2018 - 31 Aug 2020Budget: 165600 EUROs -
Name project: Inquisitiveness below and beyond the sentence boundary
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: Prof.dr F. Roelofsen (project leader until 2021-07-31), Dr I.A. Ciardelli (Postdoc until 2016-08-31), Dr A.M.E. Cremers (Postdoc until 2019-08-31), Dr J. Dotlacil (Postdoc until 2019-08-31), Dr N. Theiler (PhD Student until 2019-07-31)Duration: 1 Aug 2015 - 31 Jul 2020Budget: 800000 EUROs -
Name project: Less is More: Efficient Neural Models without Loss of Effectiveness
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO Take-off (link)Team members: D.M. RauDuration: 1 Jan 2020 - 30 Jun 2020Budget: 40000 EUROs -
Name project: ICT ronde II van het Zwaartekrachtprogramma Language in Interaction
Principal investigator: Dr W.H. ZuidemaGrant: Language in InteractionDuration: 5 Dec 2019 - 30 Jun 2020Budget: 36329 EUROs -
Name project: The logical function of property talk
Principal investigator: Dr T. SchindlerGrant: Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr T. Schindler (Postdoc until 2020-02-29)Duration: 1 Oct 2018 - 29 Feb 2020Budget: 117300 EUROs -
Name project: Sparse Latent Representations for Efficient NLP
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: Facebook research Research award (link)Team members: D.M. RauDuration: 1 Sep 2019 - 31 Dec 2019Budget: 80000 EUROs -
Name project: Workshop on Algebraic and proof-theoretic methods in non-classical logic
Principal investigator: Dr N. BezhanishviliGrant: NWO Scientific MeetingsDuration: 10 Oct 2019 - 10 Oct 2019Budget: 1400 EUROs -
Name project: ParlAI
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: Facebook Research and Academic Relations ProgramDuration: 20 Sep 2018 - 20 Sep 2019Budget: 20000 EUROs -
Name project: Visit Gorjan Alagic
Principal investigator: Prof.dr C. SchaffnerGrant: NWO Visitor's Travel Grant (link)Duration: 12 Jun 2019 - 9 Aug 2019Budget: 5000 EUROs -
Name project: Machine Translators: Teaching Computers to Translate Using Their Own Words
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: NWO Vici (link)Team members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader), L.-F. Han (PhD Student until 2016-02-29), Dr I. Calixto (Postdoc until 2019-03-14), Dr J. Bastings (PhD Student until 2020-10-08), Dr M. Di Marco (Postdoc until 2019-03-31), Dr D. Elliott (Postdoc until 2017-05-01), Dr W. Ferreira Aziz (Assistant Professor until 2022-06-30), Dr P. Schulz (PhD Student until 2018-02-14)Duration: 15 Oct 2013 - 21 Apr 2019Budget: 1479184 EUROs -
Name project: Parameterized Complexity Analysis for Judgment Aggregation
Principal investigator: Dr R. de HaanGrant: Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Schroedinger Fellowship (link)Duration: 1 Apr 2017 - 31 Mar 2019Budget: 33000 EUROs -
Name project: Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics
Principal investigator: Dr N. BezhanishviliGrant: Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) (link)Duration: 1 Mar 2016 - 28 Feb 2019 -
Name project: Duality for Logic on Words
Principal investigator: Dr S.J. van GoolGrant: ERC Marie Curie Global Fellowship (link)Team members: Dr S.J. van Gool (Postdoc until 2018-12-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2018Budget: 248398 EUROs -
Name project: Sign, Meaning, Reference (SIMERE). A Semiotic Epistemology for Conceptual Engineering
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. BertoGrant: Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility (link)Team members: Dr M.G. Isaac (Postdoc until 2018-09-30)Duration: 1 Apr 2017 - 1 Oct 2018Budget: 45000 EUROs -
Name project: QuPiD2: Quality and Perspectives in Deep Data
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: UvA/VU AAA Data Science ProposalTeam members: Dr S. ter Braake (Postdoc until 2018-10-01)Duration: 1 Oct 2015 - 30 Sep 2018 -
Name project: A Fragmented World: Foundations and Applications
Principal investigator: Dr M.A. LipmanGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Dr M.A. Lipman (project leader until 2018-08-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2016 - 31 Aug 2018Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Exploratory Political Search (ExPoSe)
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO Creative IndustriesTeam members: Dr M. Dehghani (PhD Student until 2016-11-30), A.M. OliemanDuration: 1 Feb 2014 - 1 Aug 2018 -
Name project: Zinsbegrip vanaf het eerste woord
Principal investigator: Dr J. DotlacilGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr J. Dotlacil (Postdoc until 2018-03-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2017 - 31 Mar 2018Budget: 50849 EUROs -
Name project: Medical methodology at the crossroad of humanities and biomedical sciences
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RussoGrant: UVA-FGW Cutting Edge Research FellowshipDuration: 1 Sep 2017 - 1 Feb 2018 -
Name project: Cracking the Language Barrier
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: HORIZON 2020 QT21Duration: 1 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2017Budget: 274000 EUROs -
Name project: Radical Context-Sensitivity and the Science of Meaning
Principal investigator: Dr T. DoblerGrant: ERC Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (link)Team members: Dr T. Dobler (project leader until 2017-12-16)Duration: 1 Sep 2015 - 16 Dec 2017Budget: 177599 EUROs -
Name project: ESSENCE: Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R.A.M. van RooijGrant: ERC Maric Curie Individual Fellowships (link)Team members: Dr A. Bilgin (Postdoc until 2017-10-31), Dr T.B. Brochhagen (PhD Student until 2017-02-28), Dr J.J. Schlöder (PhD Student until 2017-03-31)Duration: 1 Nov 2013 - 31 Oct 2017Budget: 662090 EUROs -
Name project: EXPERT
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: ERC Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks EXPERTTeam members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader), Dr J. Daiber (PhD Student until 2016-09-30), Dr C. Hoang (PhD Student until 2016-09-30), Dr G.E. Maillette de Buy Wenniger (Postdoc until 2015-02-01)Duration: 1 Oct 2013 - 1 Oct 2017Budget: 461356 EUROs -
Name project: Statistical Translation of Novel Constructions
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: NWO Free CompetitionTeam members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader), S.I. Arnoult (PhD Student until 2017-12-13)Duration: 1 Sep 2012 - 1 Aug 2017Budget: 230532 EUROs -
Name project: New Methods for the Humanities: Empirical, Computational, and Mathematical Advances
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.J. HoningGrant: NWO HorizonTeam members: Prof.dr H.J. Honing (project leader), J.L. Weidema (PhD Student until 2018-10-09), Dr M.P. Roncaglia Denissen (Postdoc until 2017-10-01), Dr B.G. Schultz (Postdoc until 2019-01-31)Duration: 1 Feb 2013 - 1 Jul 2017 -
Name project: Data-Powered Domain-Specific Translation Services On Demand (DatAptor)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: STW Open TechnologieprogrammaTeam members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader), Dr J.H.D. Du (Postdoc until 2014-03-01), B. Jawaid , A. Kamran (Postdoc until 2016-12-31), C. Louizos , Dr G.E. Maillette de Buy Wenniger (Postdoc until 2016-10-01), Dr B. Mellebeek (Postdoc until 2014-11-01), Dr M. Stanojevic (PhD Student until 2017-02-14)Duration: 1 Jan 2013 - 1 Jun 2017Budget: 688009 EUROs -
Name project: WADOXA— Ways of Doxastic Agency: Information Update, Belief Formation and Assessment of Conduct
Principal investigator: Dr R. CiuniGrant: ERC Marie Curie Intra-European FellowshipsTeam members: Dr R. Ciuni (Postdoc until 2016-06-01)Duration: 1 Jan 2015 - 1 Jan 2017Budget: 175975 EUROs -
Name project: Knowledge Graphs and Compositionality in Web-scale Natural Language Understanding
Principal investigator: Dr I.A. TitovGrant: Google Google RPF AwardTeam members: Dr I.A. Titov (project leader until 2017-04-30), E. Khoddammohammadi (PhD Student until 2017-01-01)Duration: 1 Jan 2014 - 1 Jan 2017Budget: 109000 EUROs -
Name project: Formal analysis of multi-agent learning
Principal investigator: Dr N. GierasimczukGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Dr N. Gierasimczuk (Postdoc until 2016-02-15)Duration: 1 Jan 2014 - 1 Jan 2017Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: The Logical Dynamics of Information Exchange in Social Networks
Principal investigator: Dr A.B. BaltagGrant: KNAW CEPDuration: 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2016Budget: 46800 EUROs -
Name project: SS The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change
Principal investigator: Prof.dr S.J.L. SmetsGrant: ERC Starting grantTeam members: Dr S. Rafiee Rad (Postdoc until 2017-02-01), Dr Z.L. Christoff (PhD Student until 2016-02-01), Dr P. Galeazzi (PhD Student until 2016-12-31), Dr N. Gierasimczuk (Postdoc until 2013-12-31), P. Rossel , Prof.dr S.J.L. Smets (Full Professor until 2016-12-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2016Budget: 1380650 EUROs -
Name project: Kant and Wittgenstein on ethics: Rethinking the normative foundations of ethical and legal responsibility
Principal investigator: Prof.dr M.J.B. StokhofGrant: NWO MozaiekTeam members: D. Yamali (PhD Student until 2021-12-31)Duration: 1 Nov 2012 - 1 Nov 2016 -
Name project: Hooked! And item-response models’
Principal investigator: Dr J.A. BurgoyneGrant: ABC ABC TalentTeam members: Dr J.A. Burgoyne (Postdoc until 2017-08-31)Duration: 1 Oct 2015 - 1 Oct 2016Budget: 90000 EUROs -
Name project: The Riddle of Literary Quality
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: KNAW Computational Humanities (link)Team members: Dr C.W. Koolen (PhD Student until 2017-04-20)Duration: 1 Jan 2012 - 1 Oct 2016Budget: 748000 EUROs -
Name project: Logic and Automata: a Coalgebraic Perspective
Principal investigator: Prof.dr Y. VenemaGrant: NWO Free CompetitionTeam members: Prof.dr Y. Venema (project leader), Dr F. Seifan (PhD Student until 2016-09-30)Duration: 1 Sep 2012 - 1 Sep 2016Budget: 210532 EUROs -
Name project: E.W.Beth and A.J.Heyting. Their influence and ideas on philosopohy, logic and related sciences
Principal investigator: Dr P. van UlsenGrant: NWO Free CompetitionDuration: 16 Jul 2012 - 15 Jul 2016Budget: 200882 EUROs -
Name project: Modelling Artificial Language Learning
Principal investigator: Dr W.H. ZuidemaGrant: NWO Free CompetitionTeam members: Dr R. Garrido Alhama (PhD Student until 2016-11-01)Duration: 1 May 2012 - 1 May 2016 -
Name project: Tunes & Tales
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.J. HoningGrant: KNAW Computational HumanitiesTeam members: Dr B.D. Janssen (PhD Student until 2016-09-01)Duration: 1 Jan 2012 - 1 May 2016Budget: 220000 EUROs -
Name project: Modelling Perspectives in Philosophy: A Computational Experiment on Quine’s Word & Object
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: Vossen Network Institute (link)Team members: Prof.dr A. Betti (project leader until 2015-12-31)Duration: 1 Jul 2015 - 30 Apr 2016Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: Representing Music: a new basis for computational musicology
Principal investigator: Dr A.K. HoninghGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Dr A.K. Honingh (Postdoc until 2016-02-01)Duration: 1 Apr 2012 - 31 Mar 2016 -
Name project: Interpreting questions: fine-grained compositional semantics
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Prof.dr F. Roelofsen (project leader until 2015-07-31)Duration: 1 Mar 2012 - 29 Feb 2016 -
Name project: Web Archive Retrieval Tools
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO CATCH 2010Team members: Dr A. Ben-David (Postdoc until 2014-10-01), Dr S.H. Hashemi , Dr H.C. Huurdeman (PhD Student until 2018-04-18), Dr S.W. Kumpulainen (Postdoc until 2015-08-01)Duration: 1 Feb 2012 - 1 Feb 2016Budget: 640853 EUROs -
Name project: What makes social interactions hard? A computational study of intentions, knowledge, and beliefs
Principal investigator: Dr J. SzymanikGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Dr J. Szymanik (Associate Professor until 2017-03-01)Duration: 1 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2015Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Legal Structures
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Digging into DataTeam members: Dr B. Karstens (Postdoc until 2018-06-01)Duration: 1 Jun 2014 - 1 Dec 2015Budget: 99559 EUROs -
Name project: Computing Implicatures in Incremental Dialogue Processing
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: NWO Meervoud (link)Team members: Prof.dr R. Fernández (project leader until 2015-10-01)Duration: 1 Oct 2011 - 30 Sep 2015Budget: 205000 EUROs -
Name project: KNAW Visiting Professors Programme
Principal investigator: Prof.dr M.J.B. StokhofGrant: KNAW KNAW Visiting professorship (link)Team members: Prof.dr M.J.B. Stokhof (project leader until 2016-08-01), Prof.dr A. Szabolcsi , Prof.dr F. Roelofsen (Assistant Professor until 2015-07-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2014 - 1 Sep 2015Budget: 24000 EUROs -
Name project: ADAMS: A dual approach to many-valued semantics
Principal investigator: Prof.dr Y. VenemaGrant: ERC Marie Curie Intra-European FellowshipsDuration: 1 Sep 2013 - 1 Sep 2015Budget: 183806 EUROs -
Name project: Cultures of Mathematical Research Training
Principal investigator: Prof.dr B. LöweGrant: ICSU ICSU Grants ProgrammeTeam members: Prof.dr B. Löwe (project leader until 2024-09-30)Duration: 14 Apr 2014 - 30 Jun 2015Budget: 29000 EUROs -
Name project: SS Reasoning about quantum interaction
Principal investigator: Prof.dr S.J.L. SmetsGrant: NWO VidiTeam members: Prof.dr S.J.L. Smets (project leader until 2016-04-30), Dr J.M. Bergfeld (PhD Student until 2014-10-01), Dr N. Gierasimczuk (Postdoc until 2012-02-01), Dr K. Kishida (Postdoc until 2013-08-15), Dr J. Sack (Postdoc until 2015-05-31)Duration: 1 Jan 2012 - 31 May 2015Budget: 555000 EUROs -
Name project: Cognition Guided Interoperatbility between collections of musical heritage (COGITCH)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.J. HoningGrant: NWO CATCH 2010Team members: Dr J.A. Burgoyne (Postdoc until 2015-06-15)Duration: 1 Jan 2012 - 16 May 2015Budget: 210000 EUROs -
Name project: Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture (EuroUnderstanding)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R.A.M. van RooijGrant: NWO EUROCORESTeam members: Dr H.A. Bastiaanse (Postdoc until 2015-05-01), Dr M. Franke (Postdoc until 2012-03-01), Dr E.O. Wagner (Postdoc until 2013-09-01)Duration: 1 Nov 2011 - 1 May 2015 -
Name project: Research Priority Area Brain & Cognition
Principal investigator: Prof.dr H.J. HoningGrant: UvA Brain & CognitionTeam members: Dr F.L. Bouwer (PhD Student until 2015-11-30), Dr G.P. Haden (Postdoc until 2013-10-01)Duration: 1 Mar 2011 - 1 Mar 2015Budget: 500000 EUROs -
Name project: The semantic anatomy of conditional sentences
Principal investigator: Dr K. SchulzGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr K. Schulz (Assistant Professor until 2014-12-31)Duration: 1 Feb 2011 - 31 Jan 2015Budget: 241000 EUROs -
Name project: COST: Computational Social Choice
Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. EndrissGrant: ESF COSTTeam members: Prof.dr U. Endriss (project leader until 2019-11-30)Duration: 1 Jan 2013 - 1 Jan 2015Budget: 163300 EUROs -
Name project: Evidence-based belief revision
Principal investigator: Dr B.P. RenneGrant: NWO VeniDuration: 1 Jan 2012 - 1 Jan 2015Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: The Inquisitive Turn. A New Perspective on Semantics, Logic, and Pragmatics
Principal investigator: Prof.dr J.A.G. GroenendijkGrant: NWO Free Competition (link)Team members: M.J.A.C. Aldewereld (PhD Student until 2012-06-30), Dr I.A. Ciardelli (PhD Student until 2015-08-31), M. Mameni (PhD Student until 2011-02-15), Prof.dr F. Roelofsen (Postdoc until 2014-02-28), Dr M. Westera (PhD Student until 2014-11-15)Duration: 1 Jun 2010 - 31 Oct 2014Budget: 598657 EUROs -
Name project: @PhilosTEI
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: CLARIN-NLTeam members: Prof.dr A. Betti (Full Professor until 2015-12-31), P. RosselDuration: 1 Sep 2013 - 1 Sep 2014Budget: 23234 EUROs -
Name project: GlamMap
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: ERC Proof of ConceptTeam members: C. Dekker , Prof.dr A. Betti (Full Professor until 2015-12-31), DHP Gerrits (Postdoc until 2014-09-01), P. RosselDuration: 1 Sep 2013 - 1 Sep 2014Budget: 150000 EUROs -
Name project: Learning Constructions
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Duurzame Wetenschappen (link)Team members: B. BeekhuizenDuration: 1 Sep 2011 - 31 Aug 2014 -
Name project: Aggregation of Preferences over Uncertain Outcomes
Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. EndrissGrant: NWO Free Competition (link)Team members: Dr S. Airiau (Postdoc until 2012-09-01), Dr O.H.D. Cailloux (Postdoc until 2014-09-01)Duration: 1 May 2011 - 31 Aug 2014Budget: 222706 EUROs -
Name project: how psychological and social factors influence the evolution of language
Principal investigator: Dr M. FrankeGrant: NWO VeniTeam members: Dr M. Franke (Postdoc until 2014-07-01)Duration: 1 Apr 2012 - 1 Jul 2014Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: Retrieving Encoded Archival Descriptions More Effectively
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: K.N. Fachry , Dr J He (Postdoc until 2014-07-01), J. Kamps (Assistant Professor until 2012-12-01), Dr M.H.A. Koolen (Postdoc until 2012-12-31), J. Zhang (PhD Student until 2011-07-01)Duration: 1 May 2007 - 1 Jul 2014Budget: 405600 EUROs -
Name project: Quantum Cryptography beyond Key Distribution
Principal investigator: Prof.dr C. SchaffnerGrant: NWO VeniDuration: 1 Apr 2011 - 1 Jun 2014 -
Name project: Machine Translation When Exact Patterns Match Falls
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: NWO Free Competition (link)Team members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader), Dr G.E. Maillette de Buy Wenniger (PhD Student until 2014-06-01)Duration: 1 Jun 2010 - 31 May 2014Budget: 216013 EUROs -
Name project: Collective decision Making in Combinatorial Domains
Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. EndrissGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: Prof.dr U. Endriss (project leader until 2019-11-30), Dr S. Airiau (Postdoc until 2011-05-01), Dr U. Grandi (PhD Student until 2012-10-15)Duration: 1 Jan 2008 - 30 Jun 2013Budget: 405600 EUROs -
Name project: Vagueness - and how to be precise enough
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F.J.M.M. VeltmanGrant: NWO (link)Team members: Dr H.A. Bastiaanse (PhD Student until 2013-05-25), Dr G. Weidman Sassoon (Postdoc until 2012-02-29)Duration: 15 Apr 2008 - 15 Jun 2013Budget: 328846 EUROs -
Name project: What Makes Stories Similar: A structural logic-based approach to narratives
Principal investigator: Prof.dr B. LöweGrant: John Templeton FoundationDuration: 15 Oct 2011 - 31 Dec 2012 -
Name project: Vagueness, Approximation and Granularity
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R.A.M. van RooijGrant: NWO EUROCORESTeam members: Dr M.I. Crespo (PhD Student until 2014-02-15)Duration: 1 Dec 2008 - 30 Nov 2012Budget: 140000 EUROs -
Name project: Indefinites and beyond Evolutionary pragmatics and typological semantics
Principal investigator: Dr M.D. AloniGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: M.A. Port (PhD Student until 2011-08-23), Dr S.D. Solt (Postdoc until 2012-10-31), Dr M.D. Aloni (Postdoc until 2012-10-31)Duration: 1 Nov 2007 - 31 Oct 2012Budget: 600000 EUROs -
Name project: Logic for Interaction
Principal investigator: Prof.dr J.A. VäänänenGrant: NWO EUROCORES (link)Team members: Dr P. Galliani (PhD Student until 2012-10-13)Duration: 13 Oct 2008 - 13 Sep 2012Budget: 200000 EUROs -
Name project: Algebra and Coalgebra: the mathematical environments of modal logic
Principal investigator: Prof.dr Y. VenemaGrant: NWO Vici (link)Team members: Prof.dr Y. Venema (project leader until 2010-10-01), Dr V. Ciancia (Postdoc until 2012-04-01), Dr G.M. Fontaine (PhD Student until 2010-11-01), Dr R.A. Leal Rodriguez (PhD Student until 2011-09-01), Dr J. Vosmaer (Postdoc until 2012-01-31)Duration: 1 Sep 2006 - 31 Mar 2012Budget: 845000 EUROs -
Name project: Computational Foundations of Social Choice
Principal investigator: Prof.dr U. EndrissGrant: NWO EUROCORES (link)Team members: Dr D. Porello (Postdoc until 2012-03-01)Duration: 1 Jan 2009 - 1 Mar 2012Budget: 200000 EUROs -
Name project: Dialogical Foundations and Semantics (DiFoS)
Principal investigator: Prof.dr B. LöweGrant: NWO EUROCORES (link)Team members: Dr B. Fisseni (Postdoc until 2012-02-07), Dr S.L. Uckelman (Postdoc until 2011-12-31)Duration: 1 Aug 2008 - 7 Feb 2012Budget: 200000 EUROs -
Name project: Integrating Cognition: Unsupervised Learning with the DOP mode
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Vici (link)Team members: Prof.dr L.W.M. Bod (Associate Professor until 2011-07-31), Dr G. Borensztajn (PhD Student until 2010-11-05), Dr A.K. Honingh (Postdoc until 2012-04-01), Dr F. Sangati (PhD Student until 2012-01-12)Duration: 1 Feb 2007 - 31 Jan 2012Budget: 845000 EUROs -
Name project: Norm Implementation via Mechanisms
Principal investigator: Dr D. GrossiGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr D. Grossi (Postdoc until 2011-09-01)Duration: 15 Jan 2009 - 14 Jan 2012Budget: 200000 EUROs -
Name project: Priors for the Estimation of Probabilistic Grammars from Incomplete Natural Language Data
Principal investigator: Prof.dr K. Sima'anGrant: NWO Vidi (link)Team members: Prof.dr K. Sima'an (project leader until 2014-07-01), S.I. Arnoult , Dr M. Khalilov (Postdoc until 2011-05-31), Dr M. Mylonakis (Postdoc until 2011-10-15)Duration: 1 Jan 2007 - 31 Dec 2011Budget: 405600 EUROs -
Name project: Discovering grammar: statistical models of sequence learning in humans, animals and machines
Principal investigator: Dr W.H. ZuidemaGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr W.H. Zuidema (Assistant Professor until 2011-11-30)Duration: 1 Oct 2007 - 30 Nov 2011Budget: 208000 EUROs -
Name project: Dualities for quantales: a spatial understanding of noncommunative topology
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. PalmigianoGrant: NWO Veni (link)Duration: 1 Jul 2008 - 30 Oct 2011Budget: 208000 EUROs -
Name project: Change and coordination via dialogue interaction
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Prof.dr R. Fernández (Postdoc until 2011-10-01)Duration: 1 Sep 2008 - 30 Sep 2011Budget: 208000 EUROs -
Name project: Making Guesswork Precise: Developing a mathematical theory of rules-of-thumb in ``Set Theory of the Real Line''
Principal investigator: Dr Y.D. KhomskiiGrant: NWO Mosaic (link)Team members: Dr Y.D. Khomskii (PhD Student until 2011-10-01)Duration: 1 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2011Budget: 180000 EUROs -
Name project: Philosophical foundations of formal languages in logic: formal languages as language-games
Principal investigator: Dr C. Dutilh-NovaesGrant: NWO Veni (link)Team members: Dr C. Dutilh-Novaes (Postdoc until 2011-07-10)Duration: 1 Sep 2007 - 30 Aug 2011Budget: 140608 EUROs -
Name project: Theoretical and Algorithmic Complexity Thresholds in Computer Games
Principal investigator: Prof.dr J.F.A.K. van BenthemGrant: NWO Free Competition (link)Team members: Dr L.M. Kurzen (PhD Student until 2011-12-01)Duration: 1 Sep 2007 - 30 Aug 2011Budget: 344248 EUROs -
Name project: NNB
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO Demonstrator (link)Duration: -Budget: 160000 EUROs -
Name project: CLARIAH-PLUS
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. BettiGrant: NWO/KNAW CLARIAH (link)Duration: -Budget: 13800000 EUROs -
Name project: Digital Humanities
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: FGW NGODuration: - -
Name project: Neuro-symbolic graph-to-text generation
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: NWO Veni (link)Duration: -Budget: 280000 EUROs -
Name project: CLARIAH Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Roadmap (link)Duration: 28 Nov 2012 - -
Name project: Visit Sabine Iatridou
Principal investigator: Prof.dr F. RoelofsenGrant: NWO Visitor's grant (link)Duration: -Budget: 3500 EUROs -
Name project: Quantifiers in Language: Use and Meaning
Principal investigator: Dr J. SzymanikGrant: Polish National Science Center OPUS Grant (link)Duration: -Budget: 250000 EUROs -
Name project: KNAW colloquium
Principal investigator: Prof.dr S.J.L. SmetsGrant: KNAW ConferentiesubsidieDuration: -Budget: 23000 EUROs -
Name project: KNAW Conference Grant Applied Category Theory 2018 (ACT 2018)
Principal investigator: Dr M.A.F. LewisGrant: KNAW Conference Grant (link)Duration: - -
Name project: Exploring Adaptation of Conversational Systems to Different Age Groups
Principal investigator: Prof.dr R. FernándezGrant: University of Amsterdam Research Priority Area, Human(e) AI (link)Duration: -Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: Aspasia grant
Principal investigator: Dr K. SchulzGrant: Faculty of Humanities, UvA Aspasia (link)Duration: - -
Name project: MC Cofound Lapenta
Principal investigator: Dr N. BezhanishviliGrant: ERC Marie Curie CofoundDuration: - -
Name project: Similar Interesting Music Application (SIM-APP)
Principal investigator: Dr A.K. HoninghGrant: UvA/FGw Digital HumanitiesTeam members: M.P. PanteliDuration: -Budget: 35500 EUROs -
Name project: Logics for social behaviour
Principal investigator: Prof.dr A. PalmigianoGrant: NW VidiDuration: 1 Sep 2013 -Budget: 800000 EUROs -
Name project: Effective Focused Retrieval Techniques
Principal investigator: J. KampsGrant: NWO OCTeam members: Dr F.W. AdriaansDuration: - -
Name project: A World of Patterns
Principal investigator: Prof.dr L.W.M. BodGrant: NWO Open Access Books (link)Duration: -Budget: 10000 EUROs -
Name project: The roots of deduction
Principal investigator: Dr C. Dutilh-NovaesGrant: NWO VidiTeam members: Dr C. Dutilh-Novaes (Postdoc until 2011-07-10)Duration: - -
Name project: NWO Visitor's grant Giuntini
Principal investigator: Prof.dr S.J.L. SmetsGrant: NWO Visitor's Travel Grant (link)Duration: -Budget: 8500 EUROs -
Name project: WikipediaCitations: A FAIR dataset of Wikipedia’s citations to its sources
Principal investigator: Dr G. ColavizzaGrant: NWO Open Science Fund 2020/2021 (link)Duration: -Budget: 50000 EUROs -
Name project: Responsible Artificial Agency: A Logical Perspective
Principal investigator: Dr A. ÖzgünGrant: University of Amsterdam Research Priority Area Human(e) AI (link)Duration: -Budget: 47796 EUROs
The above information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro: please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.