ILLC Open day and reunion 2024

Open Day

On the 7th of June ILLC will open its doors to everybody interested in the research that is carried out at our institute. The Open day is aimed at colleagues from UvA, CWI, other academic institutions in the Netherlands and professional working in the industry.


 Time  Place  Description
13:00 - 14:15 room L1.02  (Plenary) The ILLC Colloquium (with Sonja Smets [Learning what Others Know] and Petter Törnberg [Simulating Social Media using Large Language Models])*
14:15-14:30 in front of L1.02  coffee break
14:30 - 16:00 rooms and corridors
across LAB42

(Parallel) Demo presentations, flash talks, posters and games 

click here for more details

16:00-16:15 in front of L1.02  coffee break
16:15 - 17:30 room L1.02

(Plenary) Talk Show (with Katia Shutova, Maria Aloni and Tobias Blanke, including a discussion on Modelling Meaning and Reasoning)*

*The sessions will be interpreted in NGT (Dutch Sign Language). 


Following the open day, the ILLC will host a reunion event at Restaurant Oerknal at Science Park. In case you wish to join the festivities, please register here. Drink and dinner included!


Time  Description


 Open door


 Official start of the event


 Musical act by Kata Balogh and Balder ten Cate


 BBQ dinner


 Tango performance and crash course by Beste Kamali
until late  Music, dancing and free play