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Event Report: Industry Day on Computational Social Choice
On 21 June 2016, COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice, a European research network with partners in 39 countries that is being coordinated at the ILLC, organised an Industry Day at the Manufacture des Tabacs in Toulouse, France.
The programme consisted of five invited keynote talks by practitioners, from both the private and the public sector, who make innovative use of collective decision making technologies for which computational social choice provides the scientific foundations. The event attracted close to 100 participants, several of which also presented during the open poster session held on the same day.
Craig Boutilier of Google Research (Mountain View, California, USA) discussed a new approach for handling budget constraints in sequential decision making problems faced, for example, by an advertiser designing a marketing strategy for interacting with a large population of potential customers. Jacques Traoré of Orange Labs (Caen, France) introduced some of the challenges of electronic voting, specifically those arising in the context of expressive forms of voting, such as the rule of single transferable vote. Andreas Nitsche of the Association for Interactive Democracy (Berlin, Germany) presented the online debating and decision making platform LiquidFeedback. Elliott Peranson of National Matching Services Inc. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) spoke about the implementation of real-world matching schemes in a variety of markets, such as the placement of resident doctors in hospitals. Finally, Matthew Robb of NHS Blood and Transplant (Bristol, UK) reported on progress and challenges associated with using matching algorithms to optimise paired donor kidney transplantation schemes.
The Industry Day was organised by Ulle Endriss (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) and Umberto Grandi (IRIT, University of Toulouse). It was followed by the 6th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2016), held in the same location.
For further information, see (COST Action IC1205) or (Industry Day in Toulouse), or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
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