News and Events: Projects and Awards

Headlines Projects and Awards

Projects and Awards

  • New research priority area: Shaping Interfaces Between Science and the Public

    The new research priority area (RPA) Shaping Interfaces Between Science and the Public will be launched, which aims to establish a Public Methodology Centre to strengthen the relationship between science, citizen science, social debate and various professional practices. The RPA is a collaboration between the faculties of Humanities, Law, Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences, and the Amsterdam UMC. Four ILLC faculty are PIs of this RPA: Huub Dijstelbloem (project leader), Rens Bod, Sebastian De Haro, and Sonja Smets.

  • Midsize project-grant awarded for `Lost Without Translation'

    We are pleased to announce that Katrin Schulz (ILLC) together with Saurabh Khanna (FMG), Olga Eisele (FMG) and Paula Helm (FGw) has been awarded a midsize grant from the UvA IP theme Fair and Resilient Societies, to work on the project Lost Without Translation: Estimation and Implications of Invisible Languages on the Internet. The goal of the project is to understand and expose language invisibility. To this purpose they will run a case study on the use of automatic translation in immigration and aslyum processes.

    For more information, see or contact Katrin Schulz at .
  • Petter Törnberg appointed as member The Young Academy

    We are pleased to announce that Petter Törnberg (ILLC) has been appointed as member of The Young Academy.