Headlines Projects and Awards
Projects and Awards
New research priority area: Shaping Interfaces Between Science and the Public
The new research priority area (RPA) Shaping Interfaces Between Science and the Public will be launched, which aims to establish a Public Methodology Centre to strengthen the relationship between science, citizen science, social debate and various professional practices. The RPA is a collaboration between the faculties of Humanities, Law, Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences, and the Amsterdam UMC. Four ILLC faculty are PIs of this RPA: Huub Dijstelbloem (project leader), Rens Bod, Sebastian De Haro, and Sonja Smets.
For more information, see here or at https://www.uva.nl/en/shared-content/faculteiten/en/faculteit-der-geesteswetenschappen/news/2025/03/new-research-priority-area-shaping-interfaces-between-science-and-the-public.html or contact Sebastian De Haro at s.deharo at uva.nl. -
Midsize project-grant awarded for `Lost Without Translation'
We are pleased to announce that Katrin Schulz (ILLC) together with Saurabh Khanna (FMG), Olga Eisele (FMG) and Paula Helm (FGw) has been awarded a midsize grant from the UvA IP theme Fair and Resilient Societies, to work on the project Lost Without Translation: Estimation and Implications of Invisible Languages on the Internet. The goal of the project is to understand and expose language invisibility. To this purpose they will run a case study on the use of automatic translation in immigration and aslyum processes.
For more information, see https://invisiblelang.streamlit.app or contact Katrin Schulz at k.schulz at uva.nl. -
Petter Törnberg appointed as member The Young Academy
We are pleased to announce that Petter Törnberg (ILLC) has been appointed as member of The Young Academy.
For more information, see here or at https://www.dejongeakademie.nl/en/news/2974260.aspx.