Headlines Open positions at ILLC
Headlines Open positions, general
- 2-3 PhD/Postdoc Positions in Mathematical Logic, Würzburg (Germany)
- PhD Positions in Computational Mathematics and Mathematics, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Postdoc Position in Theoretical Computer Science, London (UK)
- A Ph.D. position in theoretical computer science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)
- 7 PhD Computer Science (Logic, Security, Forensics) & 3 in Law, Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
- 3 Postdocs in Logic, Prague (Czech Republic)
- Postdoc Position in Verification of Multi-Agent Systems at Télécom Paris, Palaiseau (France)
- (New) PhD student position in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning at TU Graz, Styria (Austria)
- Postdoc Position in Game Theory & Verification, Liverpool (UK)
- PhD/Postdoc positions in Cluster of Excellence "Bilateral AI", Austria
Open positions at ILLC
(New) Two PhD positions in Natural Language Processing
Deadline: Monday 21 April 2025We have two open PhD positions in natural language processing (NLP), in the context of the new ERC project CulturAL. The project focuses on the development of methodologies for multilingual NLP and alignment of large language models (LLMs).For more information, see here or at or contact Katia Shutova at e.shutova at -
PhD in the Emergence of Time and Laws in Quantum Cosmology
The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Sebastian De Haro and Erik Verlinde and will have the opportunity to collaborate with Niels Martens (Utrecht University) and Jeroen van Dongen (University of Amsterdam). The position is integrated in the national consortium Emergence at All Scales (EAAS; see below) and within this context we invite interested candidates to apply for a 4-year PhD position in the foundations of physics.
You will investigate the philosophical and theoretical aspects of the emergence of time and laws of gravitation in the context of quantum cosmology, black holes, dark matter and dark energy. Your research will be on the recent uses of algebraic methods in quantum field theory, especially von Neumann algebras, for the notions of time and laws. You will investigate the interpretation and physical salience of the derivation of time in algebraic approaches to quantum gravity, and the possible observer-dependence and emergence of the laws of gravitation in cosmological scenarios like de Sitter spacetime. You will use tools from both philosophy and theoretical physics to address these questions, and their consequences for physics-based accounts of emergence. PhD candidates furthermore, are expected to contribute to the institute's educational mission, e.g., by working as teaching assistants for courses in their area of expertise and by assisting with the supervision of student research projects. In addition, PhD candidates hired from the EAAS* project have responsibilities within the EAAS consortium.
For more information, see here or at or contact Sebastian De Haro at s.deharo at
Open positions, general
2-3 PhD/Postdoc Positions in Mathematical Logic, Würzburg (Germany)
Deadline: Friday 25 April 2025From October 2025 on, there are 2-3 PhD / Postdoc positions available in the Mathematical Logic Group at Würzburg, Germany. The focus of my group is on ordinal analysis and reverse mathematics, but our work also connects with computability, set and model theory. All positions are funded for three years, as 75-%-positions for PhD students or 100-%-positions for postdocs. They come with a very moderate teaching load of about 2 hours (= one exercise course) per week. We conduct our research in English and no German language skills are required, though they make it easier to distribute the teaching.
For more information, see here or at or contact Anton Freund at anton.freund at -
PhD Positions in Computational Mathematics and Mathematics, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Tuesday 22 April 2025The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University is hiring PhD students in Computational Mathematics and Mathematics. Students who are interested in doing a PhD on type theory, HoTT, computer formalization of CS and math, constructive mathematics, etc. are encouraged to apply. Note that PhD students here are employed with a salary and that the position comes with benefits. There are also no tuition fees.
For more information, see -
Postdoc Position in Theoretical Computer Science, London (UK)
Deadline: Thursday 17 April 2025A postdoctoral research position in theoretical computer science is available at King's College London. The successful candidate will be hosted by Hubie Chen and will be expected to work on topics related to the themes of complexity, database theory, structural decomposition methods, and logic. Research interest and experience in the following areas will be valued: logic in computer science, database theory, finite model theory, structural decomposition methods, term rewriting, and parameterized complexity theory.
Key dates: the application deadline is April 17, 2025; it is hoped that the successful applicant will start by August 2025, but there is some flexibility concerning the start date. If the position is started by August 1, 2025, it can be held for at least 1 year. The exact starting date and duration can be set in a way that takes into account the successful candidate's needs and schedule.
For more information, see or contact Hubie Chen at hubie.chen at -
A Ph.D. position in theoretical computer science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)
Deadline: Tuesday 15 April 2025A fully funded Ph.D. position in theoretical computer science is available at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. The successful candidate will be advised by Victor Dalmau. The topic of the Ph.D. is relatively flexible. Natural choices include Constraint Satisfaction Problems or Database Theory, but other mutually agreeable topics in theoretical computer science are also possible. The position includes some teaching duties. Specifically, candidates will be expected to serve as a teaching assistant for 45 hours/year.
A primary criterion for the position is a strong academic background in mathematics and/or theoretical computer science. Ideally, candidates should hold an undergraduate degree in mathematics. However, candidates with an undergraduate degree in computer science will also be considered, provided they can demonstrate a strong background in theoretical computer science—for example, through a bachelor's or master's thesis on the subject.
For more information, see here or contact Victor Dalmau at victor.dalmau at -
7 PhD Computer Science (Logic, Security, Forensics) & 3 in Law, Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Deadline: Tuesday 1 April 2025The Department of Computer Science and the School of Law at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invite applications for 7 PhD positions (m/f/d) (salary level 13 TV-L) in Computer Science (full time) and 3 PhD position (m/f/d) (salary level 13 TV-L) in Law (part time, 75%) within the Research Training Group 2475 "Cybercrime and Forensic Computing" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) commencing on October 1, 2025 for PhD positions.
The Research Training Group aims to systematically analyse research questions arising from the interaction between computer science and criminal law. Some of the positions will be attached to the theoretical computer science group, with possible topics in logic, automata, and concurrency.
Applicants should have an excellent academic record, hold an MSc, LL.M. or an equivalent university degree in computer science, law or related disciplines, and have the goal to finish a PhD degree within three years.
For more information, see or contact Lutz Schröder at lutz.schroeder at, or Stefan Milius at stefan.milius at -
3 Postdocs in Logic, Prague (Czech Republic)
Deadline: Monday 31 March 2025The Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) invites applications for three postdoctoral positions within the TRUST and DEZINFO projects funded by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The successful candidates will work in the LogICS group within the Theoretical Computer Science Department of the ICS CAS,
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or a nother relevant field, awarded no more than 7 years prior to the start date and no less than at the start date. The first deadline for applications is 31 March 2025. Applications received after this date will be considered until the position is filled. The preferred start date is 1 June (DEZINFO) or 1 July (TRUST) 2025, but there is some flexibility. The contract will be for 18 months with the possibility of extension for excellent performance.
For more information, see -
Postdoc Position in Verification of Multi-Agent Systems at Télécom Paris, Palaiseau (France)
Deadline: Monday 31 March 2025Télécom Paris has a position for a post-doctoral fellow in formal verification of multi-agent systems. The postdoc will work in the team called ACES, part of the Computer Science and Networks Department, part of the LTCI laboratory. The postdoc will be supervised by Vadim Malvone, associate professors in the ACES team,
The research project is titled "Study the impact of natural strategies in decision problems" (keywords: Formal Verification, Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems, Game Theory). The aim of this project is divided into two main steps: - Study decision problems for natural strategies and analyze their comp utational complexity. - Develop a tool capable of providing answers to decision problems on n atural strategies. Profile and skills required: PhD in computer science, mathematics, or related fields, Strong computer science and/or mathematical background (with particular a ttention on formal methods and logic), Good programming skills, and Good level in written and spoken English.
For more information, see or contact Vadim Malvone at vadim.malvone at -
(New) PhD student position in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning at TU Graz, Styria (Austria)
Deadline: Monday 31 March 2025We are offering a PhD student position in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (and related fields) at the Graz University of Technology. This is a full-time position for four years which includes teaching duties. The starting date can be negotiated.
For more information, see or contact Johannes P. Wallner at johannes.p.wallner at -
Postdoc Position in Game Theory & Verification, Liverpool (UK)
Deadline: Sunday 30 March 2025We are looking for a postdoc interested in games on graphs, automata/logics, and generally game theory, to join the verification group at the University of Liverpool. The post is for two years and is to be filled as soon as possible (there is some flexibility). The application deadline is 2025-03-30.
PhD/Postdoc positions in Cluster of Excellence "Bilateral AI", Austria
In Austria, leading scientists in the field of AI have joined forces and created the Cluster of Excellence (CoE) “Bilateral Artificial Intelligence: Discovering the Next Dimension of AI”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. The vision is to educate a new generation of top-quality AI scientists with a holistic understanding of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI methods. The CoE “Bilateral AI” is currently looking for the brightest minds in this field, offering PhD and Postdoc positions, with several exciting opportunities still available.
The participating research centers are Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU Linz), Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU), Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz), and Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Wien).
For more information, see or contact BILAI at office at