News and Events: Miscellaneous

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

Headlines Miscellaneous


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    New ILLC blog post "Using Language Sciences for Social Good"

    Language technologies, like ChatGPT, are developing quickly. But we don't really know how they work. And they are not always designed to help society.

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    Language & Music Cognition group organised musical experiments for children

    As a university, we not only teach students or conduct research, we also want to share knowledge and insights. That is why PhD students Charlotte Pouw and Marcel Velez Vasquez from the Language & Music Cognition group recently traveled to Zutphen, to host activities at the Expedition NEXT science festival. The yearly event is dedicated to enthusing children about science. This year more than 6000 children attended.

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    Peter van Emde Boas chairs 500th promotion defense

    On Wednesday, the 24th of April, Peter van Emde Boas chaired his 500th promotion defense. In fact this was the 22,338th defense at the UvA. This means that Peter chaired 2% of all UvA defenses.

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    A Call for Responsible Quantum Technology

    A Comment about responsible quantum technology, co-authored by ILLC PhD Candidate Eline de Jong, got published in Nature Physics:
    "The time has come to consider appropriate guardrails to ensure quantum technology benefits humanity and the planet. With quantum development still in flux, the science community shares a responsibility in defining principles and practices.” That is, in a nutshell, the call that Eline de Jong, Professor Urs Gasser, and Mauritz Kop, make in their Comment that got published in Nature Physics. Eline: 'The history of technology — from nuclear energy to present-day AI — offers a cautionary tale by teaching us that ethical, legal, social, and policy implications of powerful new technologies too often are only an afterthought once the tech train is already on full speed. With quantum technologies, we can still be ahead and lay the guardrails to steer innovation into a desirable direction. This calls for a collective effort to define principles and practices for responsible quantum technology.'

    For more information, see or contact Eline de Jong at .
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    Lab42 Stories: 2050: the year that it will happen

    Even before you step into the Intelligent Robotics Lab of LAB42, you're greeted by 8 pairs of eyes — not the employees of the lab, but the welcoming committee of LAB42 in the form of various robots. Upon entering the lab, you immediately encounter a soccer field, confirming you're in the right place. Walking further, you arrive at the destination: Wike Duivenvoorden, Bachelor's student in Artificial Intelligence and coordinator of promotion & events for the Dutch Nao Team. Get to know the team and their goal for 2050!

    For more information, see or contact Marion Vetter - online editor LAB42 site at .