News and Events: Miscellaneous

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

Headlines Miscellaneous


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    New ILLC Blog post: Computational Social Science at the ILLC

    Over the past decade, the rise of digital technologies and social media has provided social scientists with a new avenues for the study of society.

  • Memorial website for Kees Doets

    A memorial website was created at to commemorate recently deceased Kees Doets, with an obituary, a list of his publications, and personal statements written by Kees' friends and colleagues.

    For more information, contact Krzysztof Apt at .
  • Documentary: The Music Animal (2022)

    From December 7 onwards, the documentary The Musical Animal (2022, CBC) can be seen on ARTE. based on Honing's work and book “The Evolving Animal Orchestra (2019) / Monkey strikes a beat (2018).

    "Music is an evolutionary mystery. Humans sing, dance, and feel the beat. This ability to perceive, enjoy, and create music is known as musicality. But is Homo sapiens the only musical species? The documentary offers insights into the current research on musicality and rhythm in nature and the animal kingdom in the search for their origins."

  • ILLC Self Evaluation 2018-2023

    The Self Evaluation for the period 2018 - 2023 is available on the ILLC website.

    For more information, see or contact Robert van Rooij at .
  • Sonja Smets new President of FoLLI

    Sonja Smets has been elected President of the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI). She succeeds Larry Moss after having been Vice President for the past four years. The former ILLC member Benedikt Löwe is the new Vice President of FoLLI.

    For more information, see or contact Sonja Smets at .
  • How can AI deliver on its promises in healthcare?

    “It's just completely obvious that in five years deep learning is going to do better than radiologists.” So said AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton in 2016.

    Anno 2024, we can conclude that no radiologist has become obsolete; there is rather a shortage of radiologists. AI has much to offer healthcare, but most solutions are still in an experimental pre-clinical stage.

    UvA researchers Hoel Kervadec, Evangelos Kanoulas and Somaya Ben Allouch shine their light on how the gap between science and medical practice can be closed.