News and Events: Funding, Grants and Competitions

Headlines Funding, Grants & Competitions

Funding, Grants & Competitions

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    NWO Rubicon 2025-1

    Deadline: Tuesday 25 March 2025

    The Rubicon scheme is targeted at talented researchers who have obtained their PhD within the past year and who want to spend 12 to 24 months at an excellent research institute outside the Netherlands. Applicants must have conducted scientfic research in the Netherlands for a period of at least three years full time in the past five years. There are three rounds per year. The call for proposals for the first round is not yet open, but a (tentative) deadline has been announced: 25 March 2025.

    For more information, see or contact Vera Michilsen at .
  • NWO Vidi Grant 2024

    Deadline: Tuesday 8 April 2025

    Vidi is an instrument within the NWO Talent Programme. The Vidi target group consists of researchers who are in the transition to leadership. They also possess academic qualities that clearly exceed what is usual and demonstrate development of leadership and mentoring qualities. The Vidi grant funds scientifically innovative research and gives researchers the opportunity to establish or expand a research group.

    Closing date for pre-registration: 5 November 2024 14:00 hrs
  • NWO KIC Mission Digital Identities - A Foundation for Trust in the Digital World

    Deadline: Tuesday 8 April 2025
    This Call for proposals focuses on increasing digital trust with digital identities for individuals, legal entities and objects. We invite researchers to submit initiatives and proposals that they have formulated in partnership with researchers from other relevant disciplines and relevant organisations in society, including businesses. This will involve looking beyond the boundaries of scientific domains (humanities, exact sciences, social sciences).
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    Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master’s Students in Computer Science

    Deadline: Sunday 30 November 2025

    The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend. The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to exceptionally talented and motivated female students in the field of computer science who pursue (or plan to pursue) one of the master's programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English and have (or have the interest to develop) a solid mathematical and technical background in at least one of the areas in which Austrian scientist Helmut Veith worked.

    Students who are awarded the Helmut Veith Stipend receive EUR 7,000 annually for a duration of up to two years, as well as a waiver of all tuition fees at TU Wien.