News and Events: Upcoming Events

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< November 2023 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Click on an event to view details.

3 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Brochhagen

Date & Time: Friday 3 November 2023, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Thomas Brochhagen (Pompeu Fabra)
Title: From language development to language evolution: a unified view of human lexical creativity
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

3 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Jonathan Osinski

Date & Time: Friday 3 November 2023, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Jonathan Osinski (Hamburg)
Title: New Results on Upward LST Numbers
Location: Online via Zoom

3 November 2023, Cool Logic, Michael Müller

Date & Time: Friday 3 November 2023, 17:30-18:30
Speaker: Michael Müller
Title: Formal argumentation theory: what is it, and what is it good for?
Location: Room L3.36, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, Amsterdam

Abstract: Rational reasoning is logical reasoning, so they say. But is it? Looking at the reasoning expressed through arguments, one is lead to the conclusion that the standard logical approach isn't able to capture ordinary reasoning. But don't be afraid, for there are other ways! Argumentation theory, in it's formal and informal variety, is dedicated to study ordinary arguments that might escape the grasp of standard logic. This talk gives an introduction to formal argumentation theory and discusses some of its advantages and drawbacks - for there are always drawbacks.

6 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Daniël Otten

Date & Time: Monday 6 November 2023, 11:00-13:00
Speaker: Daniël Otten
Title: Section 3.1 (Model Completions - R-Heyting Categories) (pp.49-60)
Location: ILLC Room F2.11, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

The Algebras, Categories and Models Reading Group (formerly the Categorical Model Theory Reading Group) is organised bi-weekly by PhD Students at the ILLC, and is geared towards discussing the interactions between these areas. Currently the focus is on reading Ghilardi and Zawadowski's "Shaves, Games and Model Completions". Participants, especially PhD and master students, are welcome to join the sessions.
This session will be lead by Daniel, and we will discuss Sections 3.1 of the book, as well as some exercises.

6 November 2023, First-Order Modal Logic Seminar, Melvin Fitting

Date & Time: Monday 6 November 2023, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Melvin Fitting
Title: De Re, De Dicto, and Binding Modalities
Location: Online

The seminar officially starts on 6 November 2023 at 4:30 pm (UTC+1, Vienna). We are delighted to announce that the first talk will be given by Melvin Fitting on 'De Re, De Dicto, and Binding Modalities'. The seminar will be held on Zoom every first or second Monday of the month and will consist of a 60-minute talk followed by 30 minutes of discussion.

For more information, see here or at or contact Clara List and Dominik Pichler at .

7 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Karl Nygren

Date & Time: Tuesday 7 November 2023, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Karl Nygren
Title: Inquisitive logic with modal operators that quantify over alternatives
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at .

8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Franziska Jahnke

Date & Time: Wednesday 8 November 2023, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Franziska Jahnke (ILLC)
Title: Transfer theorems between fields of different characteristic - a model-theoretic approach
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at .

8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Sylvy Anscombe

Date & Time: Wednesday 8 November 2023, 17:00-18:00
Speaker: Sylvy Anscombe (Université Paris Cité)
Title: Transfer of decidability for existential theories of (valued) fields
Location: KdVI seminar room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at .

8 November 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students

Date & Time: Wednesday 8 November 2023, 17:00-19:30
Speaker: MoL students
Title: MoL thesis presentations (Semester 1)
Location: Room A1.16. Science Park 904, Amsterdam
For more information, contact Maria Aloni at .

9 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Natasha Alechina

Date & Time: Thursday 9 November 2023, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Natasha Alechina (Utrecht University)
Title: Norms in multi-agent systems
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online

9 November 2023, LAB42 meet-ups

Date & Time: Thursday 9 November 2023, 16:30-18:00
Location: ILLC LAB 42 (3rd floor and bridge), Science Park 900, Amsterdam

In continuation of our one-year anniversary celebrations, we're introducing LAB42 meet-ups. Every first Thursday of the month, we'll host drinks on the third-floor bridge, providing you with a great opportunity to connect with other LAB42 residents. These meet-ups will vary between program activities and casual networking. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make new connections within LAB42. Our first meet-up will take place on the 2nd of November at 16.30. If you plan to attend, please RSVP through this link. You also have the option to introduce yourself to the community or make specific requests.

For more information, contact at .

10 November 2023, Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam

Date & Time: Friday 10 November 2023, 09:30-17:00
Location: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
Target audience: scientific members of UvA staff
Costs: free

We warmly invite scientific staff members of the UvA who have a broad interest in AI or are working on AI to attend the ‘Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam’ event on the 10th of November from 9:30 to 13:00 at KNAW on the Kloveniersburgwal 29 in Amsterdam.

You are also most welcome to attend the afternoon session, from 14h00 to 17h00, during which Seed Funding projects of the RPA Human(e) AI will give presentations and in-depth discussions on a variety of topics on Humane AI will be held. If you are interested in attending the event, please register at:

10 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner

Date & Time: Friday 10 November 2023, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Luke Gardiner (Cambridge)
Title: Uncountable exponent partition relations on the reals, Part I
Location: Online via Zoom

10 November 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group

Date & Time: Friday 10 November 2023, 16:00-18:00
Title: Reading Meeting 16: Responses to Higher Order Logic
Location: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam / Online
Target audience: Everyone

The Phi-Math reading group continues the discussion on Higher-Order Logic (HOL). This time we focus specifically on arguments against adopting Higher-Order logics for various purposes. These arguments include HOL being set theory in disguise, the (lack of) applicability of HOL for its intended purposes, and the serious metalogical issues the logics face.

Students and faculty from all backgrounds are welcome to join. Even if you did not join for the first meeting, there is no issue in joining at this point! More information about readings and previous meetings can be found on our website.

For more information, see or contact Alexander Lind at .

15 November 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst

Date & Time: Wednesday 15 November 2023, 10:00-13:00
Speaker: Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst
Title: Exploring future methodologies
Location: Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48. Amsterdam

Imagining futures to empower the present: Exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.
With regular meetings, the UvA wide research community Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) aims to create a space for interfaculty encounters and conversations. We give a podium to UvA groups to present their research, their methodologies, or open questions to the RDT community. At this month's special edition, Paula Helm and Roanne van Voorst will speak about exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.


15 November 2023, Music Cognition Group Guest Speakers, Vincent Lostalen

Date & Time: Wednesday 15 November 2023, 11:00-12:30
Speaker: Vincent Lostalen
Title: Deep Learning Meeting Wavelet Theory for Music Signal Processing: Applications in Timbre Similarity Learning
Location: Room A1.22. Science Park 908, Amsterdam

Join the Music Cognition Group in welcoming Dr. Vincent Lostanlen who will be sharing a review of research on timbre similarity learning that uses methods that combine deep learning and and wavelet theory.

For more infomation about Dr. Lostanlen's research, please see his website :

For more information, contact Dave Baker at .

15 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Igor Sedlár

Date & Time: Wednesday 15 November 2023, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Title: Kleene Algebra with Dynamic Tests
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at .

16 November 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Wessel Kroon

Date & Time: Thursday 16 November 2023, 15:30-17:00
Speaker: Wessel Kroon (ILLC)
Title: Knowledge as issue-relevant information
Location: Janskerkhof 13, room 0.06, Utrecht

This is a hybrid talk. Please contact the organizer for a link.

For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at .

16 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan-Willem Romeijn

Date & Time: Thursday 16 November 2023, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Jan-Willem Romeijn (University of Groningen)
Title: Reverse-engineering the model
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online

17 November 2023, EDEV Online Seminars, Ekaterina Kubyshkina

Date & Time: Friday 17 November 2023, 11:30-13:00
Speaker: Ekaterina Kubyshkina (University of Milan)
Title: Trustworthy AI: probabilities meet possible worlds

The EDEV Online Seminars are part of the PRO3 project "Understanding Public Data: Experts, Decisions, Epistemic Values" promoted by SNS Pisa, IMT Lucca and IUSS Pavia. The project aims to explore the scaffoldings of the epistemological framework, which underlies public decision-making when confronted with complex scientific data. The methodological assumption underlying the project is that the tools provided by logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, and critical reasoning can make a substantial contribution to a number of pressing issues.

17 November 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Malvin Gattinger

Date & Time: Friday 17 November 2023, 15:00-16:25
Speaker: Malvin Gattinger
Title: The Limits to Gossip: Second-order Shared Knowledge of all Secrets is Unsatisfiable
Location: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, Amsterdam
For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at , or Ronald de Haan at .

17 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Laura Caponetto

Date & Time: Friday 17 November 2023, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Laura Caponetto (Cambridge)
Title: How to Undo Things with Words
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom

20 November 2023, Vossius lectures, Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas-Lubsen

Date & Time: Monday 20 November 2023, 15:30-17:30
Speaker: Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas-Lubsen
Title: Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in “The Art of War”, Using Mind Maps
Location: Belle van Zuylenzaal, UBA, Singel 425, Amsterdam

In this talk we will discuss the contents of a book we published in the Springer series “Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library”: Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in “The Art of War”, Using Mind Maps. We will first introduce Sun Tzu, a Chinese strategist who lived 2500 years ago and who wrote “The Art of War”. Next, we will talk about “mind maps”: diagrams used to visually organize information, and our way of using them to represent the text of Sun Tzu, both in Chinese and English. Our Mind Maps present the text in the format of a tree where the nodes are formed by structural phrases in the text. This allows to recognize the logical structure of the text in a visual format.

21 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Lingyuan Ye

Date & Time: Tuesday 21 November 2023, 14:00-16:00
Speaker: Lingyuan Ye
Title: Section 3.1 + Section 3.2 - R-Heyting Categories and Model Completions of Finitely Presented Algebras
Location: Room F2.11, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

This session will be lead by Lingyuan Ye and we will finish Section 5.1 and begin looking at Section 5.2 of the book by Ghilardi and Zawadowski.

21 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Flavia Naehrlich

Date & Time: Tuesday 21 November 2023, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Flavia Naehrlich (Groningen)
Title: Homogeneity and non-maximality in default plural predication
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see

21 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner

Date & Time: Tuesday 21 November 2023, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Luke Gardiner (Cambridge)
Title: Uncountable exponent partition relations on the reals, Part II
Location: Online via Zoom

24 November 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Sander Beckers

Date & Time: Friday 24 November 2023, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Sander Beckers
Title: A Functional Account of Causation
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

24 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List

Date & Time: Friday 24 November 2023, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Clara List (Hamburg)
Title: Proving upper bounds in the predicate modal logic of forcing, Part I
Location: Online via Zoom

27 November 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Sonja Smets

Date & Time: Monday 27 November 2023, 15:00-16:30
Speaker: Sonja Smets
Title: Reasoning about Epistemic Superiority and Data Exchange
Location: Zoom

The Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:

28 November 2023, A further step into science communication?

Date & Time: Tuesday 28 November 2023, 10:30-12:00
Location: CREA, Roeterseilandcampus - gebouw I, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, Amsterdam

Join us at the theatre performance 'Wetenschapscommunicatie: Gewaardeerd!' (in Dutch) on Tuesday, 28 November, from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in CREA. The performance is offered by the KNAW in collaboration with UvA Press Office.


28 November 2023, Perception and the language of thought, Prof. Ned Block

Date & Time: Tuesday 28 November 2023, 15:00-16:30
Speaker: Prof. Ned Block (NYU)
Location: online

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Prof. Ned Block (NYU, Department of Philosophy) entitled Perception and the language of thought. The online talk will be given in English.

Abstract: The language of thought hypothesis is reborn but does it apply to perception? It has been claimed that object perception satisfies the conditions for a language of thought representation. This talk will start at the beginning with a consideration of the difference between iconic and discursive format, moving to the evidence that perceptual representation, including perceptual object representation, is iconic.

For more information, see here or at or contact Attila Németh at .

28 November 2023, VVL Essentials, Rustam Galimullin

Date & Time: Tuesday 28 November 2023, 16:15-18:15
Speaker: Rustam Galimullin
Title: Dynamic Epistemic Logic Essentials
Location: Room 005, Marinus Ruppertgebouw, Leuvenlaan 21, Utrecht

VvL Essentials talks are high-level introductory talks, that introduce early-career logicians to a field they may not be familiar with. This forms a low-threshold way to broaden their own specific research area and encourages collaborations. The talks will be hosted by different universities within the Netherlands, and they will have a hybrid format - for those who attend in person, drinks and snacks will be provided afterwards!

The second edition of VvL Essentials is organized by Rodrigo Almeida (PhD student at the ILLC), Giovanni Varricchione, Nima Motamed and Robin (PhD students at Utrecht University).

For more information, see here or at or contact Rodrigo Almeida at .

29 November 2023, ILLC meets art - paint a tote bag

Date & Time: Wednesday 29 November 2023, 13:00-16:00
Location: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

Take a break from science and come have fun with art! With Christmas around the corner, it is time to relax, mingle and socialize. Who knows, you might even end up crafting the most one-of-a-kind present ever!

For more information, contact Alexandra Zieglerová at .

29 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Blaise Boissoneau

Date & Time: Wednesday 29 November 2023, 16:15-17:15
Speaker: Blaise Boissoneau
Title: NIP_n fields
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via Zoom
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at .

30 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jakob Dirk Top

Date & Time: Thursday 30 November 2023, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Jakob Dirk Top (University of Groningen)
Title: Predictive Theory of Mind Models Based on Public Announcement Logic
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online