News and Events: Upcoming Events

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< June 2018 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Click on an event to view details.

31 May - 2 June 2018, Colloquium on Reasoning in Social Context, Amsterdam

Date: 31 May - 2 June 2018
Location: Trippenhuis Building, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
Deadline: Tuesday 1 May 2018

This colloquium addresses the design and use of models to represent the beliefs and knowledge of agents as well as changes in the beliefs and knowledge of social communities.

The colloquium unites researchers who use a variety of formal tools to study the process of belief formation, belief revision and knowledge updating in social communities. We focus on multi-agent scenarios centered around topics such as belief merge, social-epistemic influence, group knowledge, and belief-polarisation.

Our approach will be interdisciplinary in nature and brings together insights originating from Logic, Game Theory, Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Social Science, Network Theory, Cognitive Science and AI.

For more information, see or contact Sonja Smets at .

1 June 2018, Lecture in Philosophy of Science, Edouard Machery

Date & Time: Friday 1 June 2018, 10:30-11:30
Speaker: Edouard Machery
Title: The P<0.05 Controversy
Location: Room A1.18C, OMHP (Oudemanhuispoort), Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

In Benjamin et al. (2017) we proposed to cut the significance level by an order of magnitude in order to address some aspects of the replication crisis in psychology and other sciences. This paper has been widely discussed, often in a critical manner. In this talk, I will respond to some of the responses to our proposal.

Please note that registration is required.

1 June 2018, Workshop on Philosophy within its Proper Bounds (OUP, 2017)

Date & Time: Friday 1 June 2018, 13:30-17:30
Location: Room A1.18C, OMHP (Oudemanhuispoort), Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam
Target audience: ILLC members

13.30-13.45: Presentation of the book by Edouard Machery
13.45-14.30: Peter Hawke (UvA) and Tom Schoonen (UvA)
14.30-15.15: Benedikt Löwe (UvA)
15.15-15.45: Coffee break
15.45-16.30: Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU)
16.30-17.15: Manuel Gustavo Isaac (UvA)

Please note that registration is required.

31 May - 2 June 2018, Colloquium on Reasoning in Social Context, Amsterdam

Date: 31 May - 2 June 2018
Location: Trippenhuis Building, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
Deadline: Tuesday 1 May 2018

This colloquium addresses the design and use of models to represent the beliefs and knowledge of agents as well as changes in the beliefs and knowledge of social communities.

The colloquium unites researchers who use a variety of formal tools to study the process of belief formation, belief revision and knowledge updating in social communities. We focus on multi-agent scenarios centered around topics such as belief merge, social-epistemic influence, group knowledge, and belief-polarisation.

Our approach will be interdisciplinary in nature and brings together insights originating from Logic, Game Theory, Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Social Science, Network Theory, Cognitive Science and AI.

For more information, see or contact Sonja Smets at .

6 June 2018, Amsterdam Metaphysics Seminar, Katrin Schulz

Date & Time: Wednesday 6 June 2018, 14:00-15:00
Speaker: Katrin Schulz
Title: Generics and Causality
Location: Room C1.05, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam

6 June 2018, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Jouke Witteveen

Date & Time: Wednesday 6 June 2018, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Jouke Witteveen
Title: Fine-Grained Computational Complexity
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

Classically, complexity theory focuses on the hardest instances of a given length. A set is in P if there is a decision procedure for it that runs in polynomial time even on the most difficult-to-decide instances. Parameterized complexity theory, on the other hand, looks at the identification of easy instances. In this talk, we shall define parameterizations as independent objects and show that the class of parameterizations naturally forms a lattice. The parameterizations that put a given set in any of the standard parameterized complexity classes are filters in this lattice. From these insights, we conjecture a separation property for P.

For more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen at .

7 June 2018, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Carlo Proietti

Date & Time: Thursday 7 June 2018, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Carlo Proietti
Title: Group Polarization and Abstract Argumentation
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

12 June 2018, Workshop "New Directions in Reasoning about Belief and Knowledge"

Date & Time: Tuesday 12 June 2018, 09:00-16:10
Location: Amsterdam

Workshop held on the occasion of the two PhD defenses by Malvin Gattinger and Chenwei Shi.

12 June 2018, ILLC Talentshow 2018

Date & Time: Tuesday 12 June 2018, 20:00-23:00
Location: Mezrab, Veemkade 576, 1019 BL Amsterdam
Target audience: All ILLC members
Costs: free!

Are you looking forward to discovering the hidden talents of your colleagues? Then don't miss out this event! Are you looking for an opportunity to show your own hidden talents to your colleagues instead? Then this is your moment to shine!

Register to perform at the show through the following form:
You can sign up individually or as a group. The deadline for the registration is June 4th. Late registrations will be taken into consideration depending on how tight the schedule will already be at that point.

For more information, see or contact Ex Falso at .

13 June 2018, CoSaQ seminar, Michael Glanzberg

Date & Time: Wednesday 13 June 2018, 15:00-16:30
Speaker: Michael Glanzberg (Northwestern University)
Title: The Cognitive Roots of Adjectival Meaning
Location: PC Hoofthuis 04.28, Amsterdam
For more information, see

14 June 2018, Workshop on algebra and duality in non-classical logic

Date & Time: Thursday 14 June 2018, 10:00-18:00
Location: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

The workshop precedes Julia Ilin's PhD defense (June 15, 12h, Agnietenkapel). We will hear talks by the committee members and other experts from the field. The theme of the workshop is the application of universal algebra and topological dualities in the study of non-classical logics.

For more information, see or contact Nick Bezhanishvili at , or Julia Ilin at .

14 June 2018, DIP Colloquium, Michael Glanzberg

Date & Time: Thursday 14 June 2018, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Michael Glanzberg (Northwestern University)
Title: Binding, Compositionality, and Semantic Values (joint work with Jeffrey C. King)
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

14 June 2018, Spinoza Lectures, Susan Wolf

Date & Time: Thursday 14 June 2018, 20:15-22:00
Speaker: Susan Wolf
Title: Selves Like Us
Location: Aula, Oude Lutherse kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam

Since at least the seventeenth century, philosophers have distinguished membership in the species homo sapiens from moral personhood, a category which they take to be of considerable ethical and practical significance. But there are other non-biological features that are of ethical and practical significance as well, suggesting that there is an ethical, non-biological conception of humanity that is different from the standard philosophical understanding of moral personhood. After reflecting on the benefits and dangers of focusing attention on the idea of “the distinctively human,” the lecture explores the variety of features and capacities that distinguish “selves like us” from lower animals, artificially intelligent machines, and possibly imaginary divine and extra-terrestrial rational individuals.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

19 June 2018, Applied logic seminar, Hiroakira Ono

Date & Time: Tuesday 19 June 2018, 13:00-15:30
Speaker: Hiroakira Ono
Title: Semantical considerations on cut elimination and analytic cut property
Location: TBM-Instructiezaal B, building 31, TU Delft, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX, Delft
For more information, see or contact Apostolos Tzimoulis at .

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

20 June 2018, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Guram Bezhanishvili

Date & Time: Wednesday 20 June 2018, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University)
Title: How to extend de Vries duality to completely regular spaces
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

De Vries duality yields a dual equivalence between the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and a category of complete Boolean algebras with a proximity relation on them, known as de Vries algebras. I will report on a recent joint work with Pat Morandi and Bruce Olberding on how to extend de Vries duality to completely regular spaces by replacing the category of de Vries algebras with certain extensions of de Vries algebras. This we do by first formulating a duality between compactifications and de Vries extensions, and then specializing to the extensions that correspond to Stone-Čech compactifications.

For more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen at .

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

22 June 2018, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium

Date & Time: Friday 22 June 2018, 13:30-17:40
Location: Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam

Speakers: Nicolas Maudet (Paris), Daniele Porello (Bolzano), Baharak Rastegari (Bristol), and Zoi Terzopoulou (Amsterdam).

22 June 2018, DIP Colloquium, Henk Zeevat

Date & Time: Friday 22 June 2018, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Henk Zeevat (UvA, retirement)
Title: Interpreting Dependent NPs
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

22 June 2018, Institute of Physics/Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena, Jeremy Butterfield

Date & Time: Friday 22 June 2018, 16:00-17:15
Speaker: Jeremy Butterfield (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Title: DIEP Seminar by Jeremy Butterfield: On Dualities and Equivalences Between Physical Theories
Location: Science Park 904, G4.15

Jeremy Butterfield is a distinguished philosopher of physics and a senior research fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge. He works on philosophical aspects of emergence and will be visiting DIEP from the 20th-23rd of June 2018. As part of his stay he will be giving a talk on dualities and its relation to emergence.

Attendance is free, but please e-mail if you plan to attend.

For more information, see or contact Sebastian De Haro at .

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

25 June 2018, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Menno de Boer

Date & Time: Monday 25 June 2018, 15:00-16:00
Speaker: Menno de Boer
Title: The Gluing Construction for Path Categories
Location: Room BBG 065, Buys Ballot Building, Uithof, Utrecht

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

27 June 2018, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Cancelled

Date & Time: Wednesday 27 June 2018, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Cancelled
For more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen at .

18 - 28 June 2018, ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain

Date: 18 - 28 June 2018
Speaker: ABC Summer School: Social Cognition and the Brain
Location: Roeterseilandcampus gebouw M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, Amsterdam

The ABC Summer School is an annual event targeted at master students and PhD candidates. This event will take place between 18-28 June 2018 in Amsterdam. It brings together world-leading experts that share recent advances from their own research in the field of Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.

During the Summer School, promising neuroscience master and PhD students will learn about the latest developments in social cognition and brain research through lectures given by renowned researchers in the field, tutor-guided projects and workshops. The level of the lectures is appropriate for master and PhD students with a strong interest in Social Neuroscience.

Speakers: Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroglu, Lasana Harris, Grit Hein, Mariska Kret, Philippe Tobler, Marijn van Wingerden, Jan Engelmann.

28 June 2018, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Kazuhiko Sakaguchi

Date & Time: Thursday 28 June 2018, 13:00-14:00
Speaker: Kazuhiko Sakaguchi (University of Tsukuba)
Title: Bootstrapping Fast Reflective Tactics for Reasoning Modulo AC with a Verified and Optimized Sorting Function in Coq
Location: Room F2.19, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg at .

28 June 2018, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Tom de Jong

Date & Time: Thursday 28 June 2018, 14:00-15:00
Speaker: Tom de Jong
Title: Realizability with Scott's Graph Model
Location: Room BBG 165, Buys Ballot Building, Uithof, Utrecht

28 June 2018, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Mark Kamsma

Date & Time: Thursday 28 June 2018, 15:15-16:15
Speaker: Mark Kamsma
Title: Classifying Topoi and Model Theory
Location: Room BBG 165, Buys Ballot Building, Uithof, Utrecht

29 June 2018, ABC Networking Day: Connecting ABC treasures

Date & Time: Friday 29 June 2018, 13:00-22:00
Speaker: Annual ABC Conference
Location: De Brakke Grond, Nes 45, Amsterdam

As organizers of this year’s ABC Day we want to provide you with the opportunity to discover all research treasures that ABC is hiding, and build bridges to connect the involved researchers. This format is radically different form the former ‘Brain Day’, as the majority of the audience were typically students from the ABC Summer School. This time, especially researchers (PhDs, post-docs, assistant/associate/full professors) are invited to attend and actively participate.

The day will consist of four elements:
- ABC Mission Statement
- Department highlights
- Pitch talks
- Drinks and bites