News and Events: Upcoming Events

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< May 2017 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Click on an event to view details.

2 May 2017, Logic Tea, Frederik Lauridsen

Date & Time: Tuesday 2 May 2017, 17:00-18:00
Speaker: Frederik Lauridsen
Title: Linnaean Logic: a friendly introduction to systematic proof theory.
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

For more information, please visit the website or contact Sirin Botan (), Bonan Zhao (), or Julian Schloder ().

For more information, see here .

4 May 2017, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Daniel Hoek

Date & Time: Thursday 4 May 2017, 15:30-17:00
Speaker: Daniel Hoek (New York University)
Title: Logical Omniscience and the Epistemology of Phone Numbers.
Location: Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
For more information, see

11 May 2017, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Sergio Rajsbaum

Date & Time: Thursday 11 May 2017, 15:30-17:00
Speaker: Sergio Rajsbaum (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Mexico City)
Title: A simplicial complex model of dynamic epistemic logic for fault-tolerant distributed computing.
Location: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

11 May 2017, Spinoza Lectures, Béatrice Longuenesse

Date & Time: Thursday 11 May 2017, 20:15-22:00
Speaker: Béatrice Longuenesse
Title: Perplexing 'I'
Location: Aula, Oude Lutherse kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam


Some philosophers have argued that using ‘I’ is the source of illusions, for instance the illusion that I am the author of my actions and thoughts rather than thoughts and actions happening to me, or in me. Lichtenberg maintained that “we should say ‘it thinks’ or ‘there is thinking going on’ rather than ‘I think’.” In the same vein, Nietzsche urged that “a thought comes when it wills, not when I will.” And nevertheless, using ‘I’ seems to be an indispensible tool for each individual person to refer to herself. What do our uses of ‘I’ reveal about our relations to ourselves, to others, and to the world?

12 May 2017, ADS Coffee & Data: Artificial Intelligence

Date & Time: Friday 12 May 2017, 09:00-11:00
Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

ADS Coffee & Data offers the opportunity for researchers and business to share their knowledge and give insight on a central theme, specifically on Friday 12 May this will be on Artificial Intelligence. There is also a chance to network with a cup of coffee.

12 May 2017, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Martin Hyland

Date & Time: Friday 12 May 2017, 11:00-12:00
Speaker: Martin Hyland (Cambridge)
Title: What is an interpretation of the Lambda Calculus?
Location: Room F3.20, Science Park 107
For more information, see here or contact Benno van den Berg at .

12 May 2017, SMART Cognitive Science Lecture, Marco Caracciolo

Date & Time: Friday 12 May 2017, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Marco Caracciolo (Ghent University)
Title: Narrative Beyond Anthropocentrism: Embodying the Nonhuman
Location: Room F0.01, Oudemanhuispoort, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam
For more information, see

12 May 2017, DIP Colloquium, Hanoch Ben-Yami

Date & Time: Friday 12 May 2017, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Hanoch Ben-Yami (Central European University)
Title: The Quantified Argument Calculus
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
For more information, see

17 - 19 May 2017, Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

Date: 17 - 19 May 2017
Speaker: José Ferreirós
Location: Brussels, Belgium

The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host a Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice with Prof. Dr. José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) on May, 17-19. The Masterclass will be composed of three lectures based on Prof. Ferreirós’ recent book entitled Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices.

The tentative titles for the three lectures are as follows:
Lecture 1 (Wednesday, 17/5): On Truth and History in Mathematics
Lecture 2 (Thursday, 18/5): An Alternative Look at Representations in Set Theory
Lecture 3 (Friday, 19/5): Rethinking Structuralism: a Conceptualist Approach

We intend the Masterclass to be a fully interactive event, with the twofold objective to understand in depth the materials presented in the lectures, but also to discuss current work by early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs). The lectures by Prof. Ferreirós will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions in which early career researchers in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice are invited to present their work. The goal is to offer early career researchers an opportunity to discuss their ongoing work in a helpful and constructive environment.

For more information, see or contact Yacin Hamami at .

17 May 2017, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili

Date & Time: Wednesday 17 May 2017, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Nick Bezhanishvili (ILLC)
Title: Choice-free Stone duality
Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 109, Amsterdam

In this talk I will discuss a Stone-like topological duality for Boolean algebras avoiding the Prime Filter Theorem.

This is joint work with Wes Holliday.

For more information, see or contact Frederik Lauridsen at .

17 - 19 May 2017, Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

Date: 17 - 19 May 2017
Speaker: José Ferreirós
Location: Brussels, Belgium

The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host a Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice with Prof. Dr. José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) on May, 17-19. The Masterclass will be composed of three lectures based on Prof. Ferreirós’ recent book entitled Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices.

The tentative titles for the three lectures are as follows:
Lecture 1 (Wednesday, 17/5): On Truth and History in Mathematics
Lecture 2 (Thursday, 18/5): An Alternative Look at Representations in Set Theory
Lecture 3 (Friday, 19/5): Rethinking Structuralism: a Conceptualist Approach

We intend the Masterclass to be a fully interactive event, with the twofold objective to understand in depth the materials presented in the lectures, but also to discuss current work by early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs). The lectures by Prof. Ferreirós will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions in which early career researchers in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice are invited to present their work. The goal is to offer early career researchers an opportunity to discuss their ongoing work in a helpful and constructive environment.

For more information, see or contact Yacin Hamami at .

17 - 19 May 2017, Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

Date: 17 - 19 May 2017
Speaker: José Ferreirós
Location: Brussels, Belgium

The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host a Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice with Prof. Dr. José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) on May, 17-19. The Masterclass will be composed of three lectures based on Prof. Ferreirós’ recent book entitled Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices.

The tentative titles for the three lectures are as follows:
Lecture 1 (Wednesday, 17/5): On Truth and History in Mathematics
Lecture 2 (Thursday, 18/5): An Alternative Look at Representations in Set Theory
Lecture 3 (Friday, 19/5): Rethinking Structuralism: a Conceptualist Approach

We intend the Masterclass to be a fully interactive event, with the twofold objective to understand in depth the materials presented in the lectures, but also to discuss current work by early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs). The lectures by Prof. Ferreirós will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions in which early career researchers in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice are invited to present their work. The goal is to offer early career researchers an opportunity to discuss their ongoing work in a helpful and constructive environment.

For more information, see or contact Yacin Hamami at .

19 May 2017, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Gábor Hofer-Szabó

Date & Time: Friday 19 May 2017, 15:30-17:00
Speaker: Gábor Hofer-Szabó (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Title: Three levels of Bell’s inequalities
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam
For more information, see

20 May 2017, Life after ILLC

Date & Time: Saturday 20 May 2017, 13:00-18:00
Location: ILLC Common Room
Target audience: MoL students, PhD candidates, and all other members of the ILLC

For "Life after ILLC" we invited six ILLC alumni from different areas of academia and industry to talk about their experiences after graduating. They will tell us about the path they have followed since leaving our institute. We hope that their stories will give you inspiration for your own career -- no matter whether you want to stay in academia or make the move to industry. After the presentations there will be food and drinks and time to mingle with the speakers.

For more information, see or contact Yfke Dulek at .

22 - 24 May 2017, Zalta's Lectures: Axiomatic Theory of Abstract Objects

Date: 22 - 24 May 2017
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

In this lecture series, we present a body of theorems formally derivable from the axioms of “object theory”. The axioms are motivated and presented in the first lecture, and once they are in place, we define a variety of abstract objects and systematize them by deriving the their governing principles as theorems. We identify and derive principles governing: truth-values, logical classes, situations, possible worlds, impossible worlds, concepts (including complete individual concepts), Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean (natural) numbers, and theoretical mathematical individuals and relations generally.

The objectives of the course are to familiarize participants with the theory of objects, developed and defended by Prof. Ed Zalta, and to more generally discuss the topics with which it deals, such as: logical classes, situations, possible and impossible worlds, concepts, Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean numbers, and mathematical individuals and relations.

22 - 24 May 2017, Zalta's Lectures: Axiomatic Theory of Abstract Objects

Date: 22 - 24 May 2017
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

In this lecture series, we present a body of theorems formally derivable from the axioms of “object theory”. The axioms are motivated and presented in the first lecture, and once they are in place, we define a variety of abstract objects and systematize them by deriving the their governing principles as theorems. We identify and derive principles governing: truth-values, logical classes, situations, possible worlds, impossible worlds, concepts (including complete individual concepts), Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean (natural) numbers, and theoretical mathematical individuals and relations generally.

The objectives of the course are to familiarize participants with the theory of objects, developed and defended by Prof. Ed Zalta, and to more generally discuss the topics with which it deals, such as: logical classes, situations, possible and impossible worlds, concepts, Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean numbers, and mathematical individuals and relations.

22 - 24 May 2017, Zalta's Lectures: Axiomatic Theory of Abstract Objects

Date: 22 - 24 May 2017
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

In this lecture series, we present a body of theorems formally derivable from the axioms of “object theory”. The axioms are motivated and presented in the first lecture, and once they are in place, we define a variety of abstract objects and systematize them by deriving the their governing principles as theorems. We identify and derive principles governing: truth-values, logical classes, situations, possible worlds, impossible worlds, concepts (including complete individual concepts), Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean (natural) numbers, and theoretical mathematical individuals and relations generally.

The objectives of the course are to familiarize participants with the theory of objects, developed and defended by Prof. Ed Zalta, and to more generally discuss the topics with which it deals, such as: logical classes, situations, possible and impossible worlds, concepts, Forms, fictions, Fregean senses, Fregean numbers, and mathematical individuals and relations.

29 May 2017, First national meeting for researchers on Open Science

Date & Time: Monday 29 May 2017, 09:30-17:00
Location: Aula of TU Delft, Mekelweg 5, Delft

You are kindly invited to join the first national meeting for researchers on Open Science. The meeting will take place on the 29th of May 2017 and will be hosted at the Aula of TU Delft.

The day will be a great opportunity for all researchers working in the Netherlands to give their opinion on the aims and goals of the Dutch ‘National Open Science Plan’. It’s a chance to let politicians, funders and administrators know what researchers really need to make Open Science work for them.