News and Events: Upcoming Events

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< February 2022 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Click on an event to view details.

3 February 2022, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Wesley Holliday

Date & Time: Thursday 3 February 2022, 18:15-19:45
Speaker: Wesley Holliday (University of California, Berkeley)
Title: The Orthologic of Epistemic Modals
Location: Online

4 February 2022, DutchCATS, Julia Ramos Gonzalez

Date & Time: Friday 4 February 2022, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Julia Ramos Gonzalez
Title: Exponentiable Grothendieck abelian categories and algebraic geometry
Location: Online

The Dutch Categories And Types Seminar is an inter-university seminar on type theory, category theory, and the interaction between these two fields. It provides a forum for discussion, collaboration, and dissemination to researchers in type theory and category theory working in the Netherlands.

For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg at .

4 February 2022, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Lucas Wansner

Date & Time: Friday 4 February 2022, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Lucas Wansner (Hamburg)
Title: Cohen reals in computability theory
Location: Online via Zoom

4 February 2022, Cool Logic, Bobby Tosswill

Date & Time: Friday 4 February 2022, 17:00-18:30
Speaker: Bobby Tosswill
Title: Towards a Logic of Explanation
Location: Room D1.111, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

Are you tired of getting confused listening to logic lectures? Has anyone ever looked at you like you’re speaking Martian when you try to explain what you’re studying here at the MoL? Do you find yourself reading a paper over multiple times, just checking that it's actually words written there, and not just gibberish pretending to be intelligent? Then you’re in the right place!

In Cool Logic’s first talk of 2022 next Friday, 4 Feb, Bobby Tosswill will take us on a journey to investigate what understanding is, how we communicate complex ideas, and what exactly makes bad lectures quite so bad. Drawing on research from cognitive science, the philosophies of understanding, mathematical practice, and so much more, Bobby will propose a cognitively-plausible logic of explanation, and demonstrate how it can help us make sense of how we make sense of things. So join us February the 4th, D1.111 in Science Park 904 – you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you might even just learn something!

For more information, see or contact Vasiliy Romanovskiy, Tibo Rushbrooke at .

7 February 2022, Reading Group on Causal Learning (Causal Inference Lab)

Date & Time: Monday 7 February 2022, 14:05-15:30
Location: Room B0.201, Science Park 904, Amsterdam and Online (Zoom, see website)

Book: Peters, Jonas, Dominik Janzing, and Bernhard Schölkopf. 2017. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. The MIT Press.

For the next meeting, we have to read from Chapter 6.6 "Calculating Intervention Distributions by Covariate Adjustment" to Chapter 6.11 "Algorithmic Independence of Conditionals". work on the exercises of Chapter 6.12 "Problems" and leftover exercises from our previous meeting.

For more information, see or contact Evan Iatrou at .

10 February 2022, PEPTalk, Federica Russo

Date & Time: Thursday 10 February 2022, 12:00-13:00
Speaker: Federica Russo
Title: Connecting the ethics and epistemology of AI
Location: Online

On Thursday, 10 February, the Platform for the Ethics and Politics of Technology organises a PEPTalk on Connecting the Ethics and Epistemology of AI, featuring Federica Russo. The PEPTalk starts at 12:00 PM, (UTC+1). The session will be moderated by Aybüke Özgün.

10 February 2022, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Salvador Mascarenhas

Date & Time: Thursday 10 February 2022, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Salvador Mascarenhas (Institut Jean-Nicod, Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Supérieure)
Title: Question-answer dynamics and confirmation theory in reasoning with alternatives
Location: Online

11 February 2022, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Deborah Kant

Date & Time: Friday 11 February 2022, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Deborah Kant (Hamburg)
Title: An empirically informed perspective on the set-theoretic independence problem
Location: Online via Zoom

14 February 2022, ILLC Diversity Talks, Isabelle Collet

Date & Time: Monday 14 February 2022, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Isabelle Collet
Title: Digital Technology and Gender Equality: A Challenge for Higher Education
Location: Online via Zoom

On 14 February, the ILLC Diversity Talks will start with a talk by Isabelle Collet, a former computer scientist and associate professor at the University of Geneva. Isabelle's talk 'Digital Technology and Gender Equality: A Challenge for Higher Education' will begin with an historical overview of gender disparity in computer science and describe effective and not effective strategies for increasing representation of women in STEM fields. Everyone is welcome!

For more information, see or contact ILLC Diversity Committee at .

14 February 2022, Topology via Logic Reading Group

Date & Time: Monday 14 February 2022, 17:00

The Topology via Logic reading group was established by the MoL students to introduce topology and its many applications in logic, epistemology, and computer science. Topology via Logic by Steven Vickers explores these applications by constructing topology on the basis of geometric logic, locales, and lattices. Join us as we go through Topology via Logic by Steven Vickers.

Our Announcements Board:
And WhatsApp:

For more information, contact Amittai Aharoni at .

16 February 2022, LLAMA seminar, Amina Doumane

Date & Time: Wednesday 16 February 2022, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Amina Doumane (ENS Lyon)
Title: Regular expressions for graphs of tree-width 2
Location: Online (Zoom)
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at .

16 February 2022, KdVI General Mathematics Colloquium, Jop Briët

Date & Time: Wednesday 16 February 2022, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Jop Briët (CWI)
Title: Structure-versus-randomness in combinatorics and complexity
Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam and Zoom (hybrid)
For more information, see or contact Jeroen Zuiddam at .

17 February 2022, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Torben Braüner

Date & Time: Thursday 17 February 2022, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Torben Braüner
Title: Understanding responses of people with ASD in diverse reasoning tasks: A formal study
Location: Online

18 February 2022, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Jialiang Yan

Date & Time: Friday 18 February 2022, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Jialiang Yan
Title: A Puzzle about Monotonicity under Epistemic Verbs

18 February 2022, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Raiean Banerjee

Date & Time: Friday 18 February 2022, 16:00-18:00
Speaker: Raiean Banerjee (Hamburg)
Title: E0 vs Laver, Miller and Sacks
Location: Online via Zoom

18 February 2022, Cool Logic, Bas Cornelissen

Date & Time: Friday 18 February 2022, 17:00-20:00
Speaker: Bas Cornelissen
Title: Logical music: Writing algorithms to recompose the music of Arvo Pärt
Location: Room D1.111, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
For more information, see here or contact Vasiliy Romanovskiy, Tibo Rushbrooke at .

21 February 2022, Reading Group on Causal Learning (Causal Inference Lab)

Date & Time: Monday 21 February 2022, 14:05-15:30
Location: Room B0.201, Science Park 904, Amsterdam and Online (Zoom, see website)

Book: Peters, Jonas, Dominik Janzing, and Bernhard Schölkopf. 2017. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. The MIT Press.

For the next meeting, the material would be the same as the last meeting (Chapters 6.6- 6.12) since we scarcely managed to deal with all the important and ambiguous parts of it. There is a lot more to dig up!! ;D

For more information, see or contact Evan Iatrou at .

22 February 2022, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Igor Sedlár

Date & Time: Tuesday 22 February 2022, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Title: Generalized Scott-Montague Semantics for Hyperintensional Modal Logics
Location: Online

Contact the organizer to join the online talk.

For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at .

24 February 2022, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hannes Leitgeb

Date & Time: Thursday 24 February 2022, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Hannes Leitgeb (LMU Munich)
Title: A Finitistic Semantics for Mathematics
Location: Online

25 February 2022, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group

Date & Time: Friday 25 February 2022, 17:00-19:00
Title: The Philosophical Misconceptions of the Incompleteness Theorem
Location: Room B0.207, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

On the first meeting of the Philosophy of Mathematics Reading Group in this academic year we will discuss some popular misinterpretations of Gödel's Theorem.

These will include (1) Lucas/Penrose style of arguments against mechanism, (2) GIT as a confirmation of Platonism, (3) The "postmodern" interpretation.

The talk will be given by Jan Gronwald. No preparation is required, but a look at the literature is most welcome.

There will be no Zoom broadcast of the meeting.

For more information, see or contact Jan Gronwald at .

28 February 2022, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Thierry Coquand

Date & Time: Monday 28 February 2022, 16:00-17:30
Speaker: Thierry Coquand
Title: Formalization of Mathematics and Dependent Type Theory
Location: Zoom

The Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.

This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here: .