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<< November 2023 | ||||||
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
31 October - 3 November 2023, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (Wormshop 2023), Bern, Switzerland
The tradition of modal logics inspired by the notion of formal proof dates back to Gödel, but their study has gained great momentum in the last decade due to novel applications in the foundations of mathematics. Their study moreover requires the interaction of several disciplines in mathematical logic and beyond, including computational logic, proof theory, and point-set topology.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
31 October - 3 November 2023, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (Wormshop 2023), Bern, Switzerland
The tradition of modal logics inspired by the notion of formal proof dates back to Gödel, but their study has gained great momentum in the last decade due to novel applications in the foundations of mathematics. Their study moreover requires the interaction of several disciplines in mathematical logic and beyond, including computational logic, proof theory, and point-set topology.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)
The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.
31 October - 3 November 2023, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (Wormshop 2023), Bern, Switzerland
The tradition of modal logics inspired by the notion of formal proof dates back to Gödel, but their study has gained great momentum in the last decade due to novel applications in the foundations of mathematics. Their study moreover requires the interaction of several disciplines in mathematical logic and beyond, including computational logic, proof theory, and point-set topology.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)
The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.
2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)
The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.
2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)
The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.
6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy
Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.
This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.
BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.
7 December 2023, Conference on Techniques from Logic in Mathematics (CTLM 2023), Vienna, Austria
CTLM 2023 is aimed to enhance the engagement between domestic researchers/students and external researchers working in connections between logic and other areas of mathematics.
Invited speakers: Julia Wolf (University of Cambridge, UK) and Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt, Germany).
We're looking for contributed speakers and we'd appreciate if you take into consideration giving a talk at the conference. The deadline for submitting your presentation proposal (the title and abstr act of your talk) is 7/Nov/2023.
6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy
Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.
This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.
BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.
6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy
Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.
This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.
BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.
6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy
Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.
This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.
BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.
10 November 2023, Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam
We warmly invite scientific staff members of the UvA who have a broad interest in AI or are working on AI to attend the ‘Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam’ event on the 10th of November from 9:30 to 13:00 at KNAW on the Kloveniersburgwal 29 in Amsterdam.
You are also most welcome to attend the afternoon session, from 14h00 to 17h00, during which Seed Funding projects of the RPA Human(e) AI will give presentations and in-depth discussions on a variety of topics on Humane AI will be held. If you are interested in attending the event, please register at:
16 - 17 November 2023, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Mexico City, Mexico
LANMR 2023 is the fifteenth edition of the Latin American Workshop series on Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people from different fields such as programming languages foundations, formal verification, philosophy or artificial intelligence, around methods of reasoning and applications involving logic.
LANMR 2023 will be a hybrid event including in-person and online participation. The physical venue will be Ciudad Universitaria UNAM (Facultad de Ingeniería) in México City.
16 - 17 November 2023, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Mexico City, Mexico
LANMR 2023 is the fifteenth edition of the Latin American Workshop series on Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people from different fields such as programming languages foundations, formal verification, philosophy or artificial intelligence, around methods of reasoning and applications involving logic.
LANMR 2023 will be a hybrid event including in-person and online participation. The physical venue will be Ciudad Universitaria UNAM (Facultad de Ingeniería) in México City.
17 - 19 November 2023, 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), Jakarta, Indonesia
The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) is an annual international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of scientific, social, and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. The 20th PRICAI (2023) will be held as a hybrid conference with both physical and online options in Jakarta, Indonesia. PRICAI-2023 aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators and users in AI and related communities for in-depth intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and professional development.
17 - 19 November 2023, 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), Jakarta, Indonesia
The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) is an annual international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of scientific, social, and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. The 20th PRICAI (2023) will be held as a hybrid conference with both physical and online options in Jakarta, Indonesia. PRICAI-2023 aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators and users in AI and related communities for in-depth intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and professional development.
18 - 20 November 2023, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 20), Osaka, Japan
LENLS is an annual international conference on formal linguistics (i.e., syntax, semantics and pragmatics), computational linguistics, the philosophy of language, and related fields. LENLS20 is scheduled to take place in a in-person format (with a physical presence in Osaka), but with a limited option for a virtual presence via zoom. LENLS20 is held under the umbrella of The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
Invited Speakers: - Gregoire Winterstein (Universite du Quebec a Montreal).
17 - 19 November 2023, 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), Jakarta, Indonesia
The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) is an annual international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of scientific, social, and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. The 20th PRICAI (2023) will be held as a hybrid conference with both physical and online options in Jakarta, Indonesia. PRICAI-2023 aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators and users in AI and related communities for in-depth intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and professional development.
18 - 20 November 2023, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 20), Osaka, Japan
LENLS is an annual international conference on formal linguistics (i.e., syntax, semantics and pragmatics), computational linguistics, the philosophy of language, and related fields. LENLS20 is scheduled to take place in a in-person format (with a physical presence in Osaka), but with a limited option for a virtual presence via zoom. LENLS20 is held under the umbrella of The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
Invited Speakers: - Gregoire Winterstein (Universite du Quebec a Montreal).
18 - 20 November 2023, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 20), Osaka, Japan
LENLS is an annual international conference on formal linguistics (i.e., syntax, semantics and pragmatics), computational linguistics, the philosophy of language, and related fields. LENLS20 is scheduled to take place in a in-person format (with a physical presence in Osaka), but with a limited option for a virtual presence via zoom. LENLS20 is held under the umbrella of The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
Invited Speakers: - Gregoire Winterstein (Universite du Quebec a Montreal).
21 - 22 November 2023, 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2023), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) is returning for its 5th edition on 21 and 22 November 2023. This time, the conference will be hosted by the National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) at Amsterdam Science Park (Netherlands).
MISDOOM values multidisciplinary research and is designed to be inclusive of different academic disciplines and practices.
The symposium provides a platform for researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners from various disciplines such as communication science, computer science, computational social science, political science, psychology, journalism, and media studies to come together and share their knowledge and insights on online disinformation.
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof Dr. Judith Möller, University of Hamburg
- Dr. Pepa Atanasova, University of Copenhagen
21 - 22 November 2023, 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2023), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) is returning for its 5th edition on 21 and 22 November 2023. This time, the conference will be hosted by the National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) at Amsterdam Science Park (Netherlands).
MISDOOM values multidisciplinary research and is designed to be inclusive of different academic disciplines and practices.
The symposium provides a platform for researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners from various disciplines such as communication science, computer science, computational social science, political science, psychology, journalism, and media studies to come together and share their knowledge and insights on online disinformation.
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof Dr. Judith Möller, University of Hamburg
- Dr. Pepa Atanasova, University of Copenhagen
22 - 24 November 2023, Trends in Logic XXIII: Bridges between Logic, Ethics and Social Sciences (BLESS), Toruń, Poland
The BLESS conference is devoted to the application of formal tools (logical and mathematical) to issues related to actions of individuals and groups of people. The conference’s subject is the problem of formalization of inference about actions, knowledge and beliefs of individuals or groups. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome.
22 - 24 November 2023, Trends in Logic XXIII: Bridges between Logic, Ethics and Social Sciences (BLESS), Toruń, Poland
The BLESS conference is devoted to the application of formal tools (logical and mathematical) to issues related to actions of individuals and groups of people. The conference’s subject is the problem of formalization of inference about actions, knowledge and beliefs of individuals or groups. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome.
22 - 24 November 2023, Trends in Logic XXIII: Bridges between Logic, Ethics and Social Sciences (BLESS), Toruń, Poland
The BLESS conference is devoted to the application of formal tools (logical and mathematical) to issues related to actions of individuals and groups of people. The conference’s subject is the problem of formalization of inference about actions, knowledge and beliefs of individuals or groups. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome.
30 - 31 March 2024, 4th Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning (TLLM IV): "The Connectives in Logic and Language", Beijing, China
The propositional connectives – and, or, not, if-then, etc. – are fundamental building blocks in formal as well as natural languages. Propositional Logic is the fundament of practically all current systems of logic; every beginning logic course starts with it. Still, the proof theory and semantics of systems of propositional logic are far from trivial, and have been studied intensely by logicians in the last one and a half century, not least in recent decades. Perhaps the most familiar recent work in this area concerns conditionals in formal and natural languages. In this workshop we also focus on the apparently simpler connectives expressing (various versions of) conjunction, disjunction, and negation.
Researchers working from a cross-linguistic perspective also focus on how the connectives are encoded in different languages, and ask whether classical logic is capable of capturing the variations and universals exhibited. There is also growing interest in the acquisition and processing of natural language connectives. In the context of the hotly discussed Large Language Models (LLMs), understanding connectives presents novel challenges that deserve in-depth exploration.
The idea behind the TLLM workshops is to bring together logicians and linguists around a specific theme of common interest. Thus, we welcome contributions on any general or particular aspect of the propositional connectives in logic or languag.
We invite submissions of 2-page abstracts (including references) on any of the broad themes related to the connectives in logic and language as suggested above. After a review procedure, authors of accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to present their papers at the workshop. After the workshop, a volume of full papers (properly refereed) will be published in the Springer LNCS – FoLLI series. Abstracts should be submitted via Easychair.