News and Events: Conferences

These pages provide information about recent developments at or relevant to the ILLC. Please let us know if you have material that you would like to be added to the news pages, by using the online submission form. For minor updates to existing entries you can also email the news administrators directly. English submissions strongly preferred.

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<< September 2023 >>
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14 - 16 December 2023, 19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences (AISC 2023): “Values and Cognition", Genoa, Italy

Date: 14 - 16 December 2023
Location: Genoa, Italy
Deadline: Friday 1 September 2023

The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, a topic that defines a heterogenous set of problems that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science, in a truly interdisciplinary perspective. What role do values play within cognitive science research? What ethical and social repercussions do the most recent discoveries in AI, neuroscience, cognitive and comparative psychology have? What cognitive processes are involved in aesthetic and moral judgements? How is evaluative language processed? To properly address such questions, a variety of viewpoints, coming from AI, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology are needed. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.

Confirmed speakers - Fabrizio Calzavarini, Università di Torino (winner of the AISC Young Researcher Prize 2022) - Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC, CNR, Roma - Ute Schmid, Universitaet Bamberg - Murray Smith, Kent University - Simone Sulpizio, Università di Milano-Bicocca - Pascale Willemsen, Universitaet Zurich.

We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science. The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, by considering a spectrum of issues that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.

Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 50 words, and a long one of no more than 500 words. Paper presentations are allocated 20-minute sessions. Symposia submission requires a short description of no more than 50 words, and a detailed one that should include: - a long description of the proposed symposium of no more than 1000 words; - a list of the participants; - the number of hours required. Abstracts and symposia description should be written in English.

For more information, see or contact .

28 February - 1 March 2024, Computational approaches to metaphor & figurative language (DGfS 2024), Bochum, Germany

Date: 28 February - 1 March 2024
Location: Bochum, Germany
Deadline: Friday 1 September 2023

Workshop at the Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS 2024).

Figurative and non-literal language, such as metaphor, metonymy, or personification, poses a special challenge for computational analysis, since these expressions are not used with their usual, ordinary meanings, as represented in corpus data or recorded in lexical resources, but with different, derived meanings.

We aim to bring together computational linguists working on the automatic analysis of non-literal language. A special focus will be on non-conventionalized usages, such as novel metaphors or innovative forms of metonymy. In addition, we are particularly interested in approaches applicable to languages other than English, for example low-resource languages or domains.

We welcome contributions dealing with the identification of (specific forms of) non-literal language, with the interpretation of figurative expressions, or with the relation between literal and non-literal meanings in distributional semantic representations. Further, we are interested in discussing how the meaning of figurative expressions is negotiated, for example in social media, and how distributional semantic representations can be enriched in order to reflect figurative meaning. The workshop language is English for both abstracts and talks.

12 - 15 January 2024, 1st South American LOgic MEeting (SALOME 1), Cusco, Peru

Date: 12 - 15 January 2024
Location: Cusco, Peru
Deadline: Friday 1 September 2023

SALOME 1 is the Inaugural meeting of the South American Logic Association. This is part of a project to develop logic in all its aspects (historical, philosophical, mathematical, computational, semiotical) in South America that started in 2015 with the launch of the South American Journal of Logic.

The event will include the celebration on January 14, 2024 of the 6th edtion of the World Logic Day.

Talks  related to any aspects of logic, from scholars from all over the world, are welcome.
Send a one page abstract (in English, Spanish or Portuguese) by September 1st. After the congress, a selection of full papers will be published in the South American Journal of Logic.

For more information, see or contact .

30 August - 1 September 2023, The Eleventh Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Progic 2023), Utrecht, the Netherlands

Date: 30 August - 1 September 2023
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Target audience: Anybody interested in combining probabilistic and logical tools (including philosophers, computer scientists, economists, mathematicians..)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The special focus of PROGIC2023 is Knowledge representation and reasoning. Classically, logic and probability offer competing representations of partial or incomplete information, with the former assuming a qualitative perspective on uncertainty and the latter focusing on a quantitative account. Both provide their own policies for updating on new information, combining evidence from different sources, and acting under partial information.

Invited Speakers: Joe Halpern (Cornell University), Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund), Aybüke Özgün (University of Amsterdam) and Jon Williamson (University of Kent).

For more information, see or contact Dominik Klein at , or Dragan Doder at .

30 August - 1 September 2023, Workshop "Trivalent suspension, uncertainty, & reasoning with conditionals", Regensburg, Germany

Date: 30 August - 1 September 2023
Location: Regensburg, Germany

The international workshop on "Trivalent Suspension, Uncertainty and Reasoning with Conditionals" (TSUC) aims to bring together renowned researchers from philosophy, logic, formal epistemology, and mathematics to discuss the major issues, contemporary methodologies that have arisen in the study of suspension, uncertainty, and conditionals. We would like to investigate a specific perspective concerning trivalent logic, probability and conditionals. Specifically, this workshop intends to bring together researchers to introduce and discuss i) major TSUC research issues that have arisen in recent years, ii) innovative methodologies developed in response to such issues, iii) the connections between the three components of TSUC, and iv) major TSUC research challenges in its future development. Such research issues include the formal models of judgment suspension, indeterminism, uncertainty inference, many-valued connectives and consequences, subjective prob- ability, conditional probabilities, trivalent conditionals, branching time structure, and so forth. We will be able to understand the major issues, and research problems and gaps for the future development of TSUC.

For more information, see

5 - 7 September 2023, 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Londen, U.K.

Date: 5 - 7 September 2023
Location: Londen, U.K.
Deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023

The 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics will take place at King’s College London from the 5th to the 7th of September 2023.

Invited speakers: Andrew Arana (University of Lorraine), Volker Halbach (University of Oxford), Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University), Daniel Isaacson (University of Oxford), Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo), Mary Leng (University of York) and Philip Welch (University of Bristol).

For more information, see

5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany

Date: 5 - 8 September 2023
Location: Bochum, Germany

Sinn und Bedeutung 28 will feature a three-day main session (Sept. 6-8) and a one-day special session on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Co-Speech / Co-Sign Communication (Sept. 5).

Invited Speakers (main session): — Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers University) — Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London) — Graham Priest (City University of New York, University of Melbourne, RUB).
Invited Speaker (special session): — Cornelia Ebert (Goethe University Frankfurt).

5 - 7 September 2023, 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Londen, U.K.

Date: 5 - 7 September 2023
Location: Londen, U.K.
Deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023

The 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics will take place at King’s College London from the 5th to the 7th of September 2023.

Invited speakers: Andrew Arana (University of Lorraine), Volker Halbach (University of Oxford), Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University), Daniel Isaacson (University of Oxford), Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo), Mary Leng (University of York) and Philip Welch (University of Bristol).

For more information, see

5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany

Date: 5 - 8 September 2023
Location: Bochum, Germany

Sinn und Bedeutung 28 will feature a three-day main session (Sept. 6-8) and a one-day special session on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Co-Speech / Co-Sign Communication (Sept. 5).

Invited Speakers (main session): — Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers University) — Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London) — Graham Priest (City University of New York, University of Melbourne, RUB).
Invited Speaker (special session): — Cornelia Ebert (Goethe University Frankfurt).

5 - 7 September 2023, 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Londen, U.K.

Date: 5 - 7 September 2023
Location: Londen, U.K.
Deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023

The 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics will take place at King’s College London from the 5th to the 7th of September 2023.

Invited speakers: Andrew Arana (University of Lorraine), Volker Halbach (University of Oxford), Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University), Daniel Isaacson (University of Oxford), Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo), Mary Leng (University of York) and Philip Welch (University of Bristol).

For more information, see

5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany

Date: 5 - 8 September 2023
Location: Bochum, Germany

Sinn und Bedeutung 28 will feature a three-day main session (Sept. 6-8) and a one-day special session on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Co-Speech / Co-Sign Communication (Sept. 5).

Invited Speakers (main session): — Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers University) — Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London) — Graham Priest (City University of New York, University of Melbourne, RUB).
Invited Speaker (special session): — Cornelia Ebert (Goethe University Frankfurt).

7 - 8 September 2023, Formal modeling of ignorance, Urbino, Italy

Date: 7 - 8 September 2023
Location: Urbino, Italy

The workshop will take place in Urbino on Thursday afternoon, September 7, and Friday morning, September 8, as a side event of the SILFS 2023 Triennial Conference. It will focus on diverse formal (logical) approaches to the notion of Ignorance. Everyone interested is free to participate. The event is in presence but talks will be also streamed on-line.

For more information, see here or contact Pierluigi Graziani at .

7 - 9 September 2023, 20th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Deadline: Wednesday 9 August 2023

The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.

The topics of interest include foundational work on various models and approaches for describing computability and complexity over the real numbers. They also include complexity-theoretic investigations, both foundational and with respect to concrete problems, and new implementations of exact real arithmetic, as well as further developments of already existing software packages. We hope to gain new insights into computability-theoretic aspects of various computational questions from physics and from other fields involving computations over the real numbers.

For more information, see

7 - 9 September 2023, British Logic Colloquium 2023 (BLC 2023), Bristol, England

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Bristol, England

The 2023 annual British Logic Colloquium Meeting will be held at the University of Bristol Between 14.00 on Thursday Sep. 7th and 13.00 Saturday Sep. 9th. The confirmed speakers are Sandra Müller (TU Vienna), Paul Shafer (Leeds), Juan Aguilera (Ghent and TU Vienna), Vincenzo Mantova (Leeds), Carlo Nicolai (KCL), Elaine Pimentel (UCL), Juliette Kennedy (Helsinki), Anupam Das (Birmingham) and Ali Enayat (Gothenburg).

 On the Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning there will be a "PhD day" where PhD students can present work and have discussions. There will be an Annual Meeting of the BLC following on the Thursday lectures, before a conference dinner. Following on the BLC meeting, from Saturday lunchtime until Sunday afternoon, there will be a contiguous and co-located conference "Working with Truth" which is the concluding Workshop on Johannes Stern's ERC grant.

For more information, see or contact Philip Welch at .

16 - 17 November 2023, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Mexico City, Mexico

Date: 16 - 17 November 2023
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Deadline: Friday 8 September 2023

LANMR 2023 is the fifteenth edition of the Latin American Workshop series on Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people from different fields such as programming languages foundations, formal verification, philosophy or artificial intelligence, around methods of reasoning and applications involving logic.

LANMR 2023 will be a hybrid event including in-person and online participation. The physical venue will be Ciudad Universitaria UNAM (Facultad de Ingeniería) in México City.

We call for extended abstracts. In particular you can present work in progress or work that is recently published elsewhere. Abstracts should be written in English, limited to 3 pages including footnotes and appendices (but not references) and prepared for anonymous review. The language of the workshop is English, authors of accepted contributions will be required to give a 30 minute presentation, including questions and discussion, either in-person or online. A book of abstracts will be distributed previous to the meeting.

For more information, see

18 - 20 December 2023, 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2023), Maastricht, the Netherlands

Date: 18 - 20 December 2023
Location: Maastricht, the Netherlands
Deadline: Friday 8 September 2023

For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Systems, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.

The purpose of the JURIX conference series is to foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, students, dedicated to exploring recent advancements, challenges, and opportunities of technologies applied to legal and para-legal activities.

We invite submissions of original papers on legal information, legal knowledge systems, artificial intelligence and law, computational and socio-technical approaches to law and other normative systems, covering foundations, methods, tools, systems, interfaces, and applications. Papers should demonstrate added value, novelty of contribution and/or analysis, significance of the work, (formal) validity and/or proper evaluation.

There are three categories of papers: long, short, and demo. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

For more information, see or contact Program Chair at , or the Organizing Chairs at .

5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany

Date: 5 - 8 September 2023
Location: Bochum, Germany

Sinn und Bedeutung 28 will feature a three-day main session (Sept. 6-8) and a one-day special session on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Co-Speech / Co-Sign Communication (Sept. 5).

Invited Speakers (main session): — Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers University) — Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London) — Graham Priest (City University of New York, University of Melbourne, RUB).
Invited Speaker (special session): — Cornelia Ebert (Goethe University Frankfurt).

7 - 8 September 2023, Formal modeling of ignorance, Urbino, Italy

Date: 7 - 8 September 2023
Location: Urbino, Italy

The workshop will take place in Urbino on Thursday afternoon, September 7, and Friday morning, September 8, as a side event of the SILFS 2023 Triennial Conference. It will focus on diverse formal (logical) approaches to the notion of Ignorance. Everyone interested is free to participate. The event is in presence but talks will be also streamed on-line.

For more information, see here or contact Pierluigi Graziani at .

7 - 9 September 2023, 20th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Deadline: Wednesday 9 August 2023

The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.

The topics of interest include foundational work on various models and approaches for describing computability and complexity over the real numbers. They also include complexity-theoretic investigations, both foundational and with respect to concrete problems, and new implementations of exact real arithmetic, as well as further developments of already existing software packages. We hope to gain new insights into computability-theoretic aspects of various computational questions from physics and from other fields involving computations over the real numbers.

For more information, see

7 - 9 September 2023, British Logic Colloquium 2023 (BLC 2023), Bristol, England

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Bristol, England

The 2023 annual British Logic Colloquium Meeting will be held at the University of Bristol Between 14.00 on Thursday Sep. 7th and 13.00 Saturday Sep. 9th. The confirmed speakers are Sandra Müller (TU Vienna), Paul Shafer (Leeds), Juan Aguilera (Ghent and TU Vienna), Vincenzo Mantova (Leeds), Carlo Nicolai (KCL), Elaine Pimentel (UCL), Juliette Kennedy (Helsinki), Anupam Das (Birmingham) and Ali Enayat (Gothenburg).

 On the Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning there will be a "PhD day" where PhD students can present work and have discussions. There will be an Annual Meeting of the BLC following on the Thursday lectures, before a conference dinner. Following on the BLC meeting, from Saturday lunchtime until Sunday afternoon, there will be a contiguous and co-located conference "Working with Truth" which is the concluding Workshop on Johannes Stern's ERC grant.

For more information, see or contact Philip Welch at .

7 - 9 September 2023, 20th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Deadline: Wednesday 9 August 2023

The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.

The topics of interest include foundational work on various models and approaches for describing computability and complexity over the real numbers. They also include complexity-theoretic investigations, both foundational and with respect to concrete problems, and new implementations of exact real arithmetic, as well as further developments of already existing software packages. We hope to gain new insights into computability-theoretic aspects of various computational questions from physics and from other fields involving computations over the real numbers.

For more information, see

7 - 9 September 2023, British Logic Colloquium 2023 (BLC 2023), Bristol, England

Date: 7 - 9 September 2023
Location: Bristol, England

The 2023 annual British Logic Colloquium Meeting will be held at the University of Bristol Between 14.00 on Thursday Sep. 7th and 13.00 Saturday Sep. 9th. The confirmed speakers are Sandra Müller (TU Vienna), Paul Shafer (Leeds), Juan Aguilera (Ghent and TU Vienna), Vincenzo Mantova (Leeds), Carlo Nicolai (KCL), Elaine Pimentel (UCL), Juliette Kennedy (Helsinki), Anupam Das (Birmingham) and Ali Enayat (Gothenburg).

 On the Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning there will be a "PhD day" where PhD students can present work and have discussions. There will be an Annual Meeting of the BLC following on the Thursday lectures, before a conference dinner. Following on the BLC meeting, from Saturday lunchtime until Sunday afternoon, there will be a contiguous and co-located conference "Working with Truth" which is the concluding Workshop on Johannes Stern's ERC grant.

For more information, see or contact Philip Welch at .

9 - 10 September 2023, Workshop "Working with Truth", Bristol, England

Date: 9 - 10 September 2023
Location: Bristol, England

The workshop brings together researchers on formal theories of truth and aims to display recent cutting edge research in this area.  The workshop is hosted by the ERC-Starting Grant 'Truth and Semantics' (TRUST 803684) at the University of Bristol directed by Johannes Stern.  It focuses on recent work on formal theories of truth and will take place directly after the BLC Annual Meeting 2023, which also takes place at the University of Bristol.

Confirmed Speakers - Martin Fischer (MCMP, LMU Munich) - Kentaro Fujimoto (Bristol) - Volker Halbach (Oxford) - Mateusz Lelyk (Warsaw) - Carlo Nicolai (KCL) - Thomas Schindler (Amsterdam)

For more information, see or contact Johannes Stern at .

6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy

Date: 6 - 9 November 2023
Location: Rome, Italy
Deadline: Sunday 10 September 2023

Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.

This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.

BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.

The workshop invites submissions from computer scientists, philosophers, economists and sociologists wanting to discuss contributions ranging from the formulation of epistemic and normative principles for AI, their conceptual representation in formal models, to their development in formal design procedures and translation into computational implementations.

The workshop invites (possibly non-original) submissions of FULL PAPERS (up to 15 pages) and SHORT PAPERS (up to 5 pages). Short papers are particularly suitable to present work in progress, extended abstracts, doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. Note that all papers will undergo a careful peer-reviewer process and, if accepted, camera-ready versions of the papers will be published on the AIxIA subseries of CEUR proceedings (Scopus indexed).

For more information, see

9 - 10 September 2023, Workshop "Working with Truth", Bristol, England

Date: 9 - 10 September 2023
Location: Bristol, England

The workshop brings together researchers on formal theories of truth and aims to display recent cutting edge research in this area.  The workshop is hosted by the ERC-Starting Grant 'Truth and Semantics' (TRUST 803684) at the University of Bristol directed by Johannes Stern.  It focuses on recent work on formal theories of truth and will take place directly after the BLC Annual Meeting 2023, which also takes place at the University of Bristol.

Confirmed Speakers - Martin Fischer (MCMP, LMU Munich) - Kentaro Fujimoto (Bristol) - Volker Halbach (Oxford) - Mateusz Lelyk (Warsaw) - Carlo Nicolai (KCL) - Thomas Schindler (Amsterdam)

For more information, see or contact Johannes Stern at .

11 - 13 September 2023, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023), Berlin, Germany

Date: 11 - 13 September 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany

The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focuses on the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive science.

The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to its human users. The aim of ICCS 2023 is to build upon its long standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based systems.

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)

Date: 11 - 15 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School

Date & Time: 11 - 15 September 2023, 10:00-18:00
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Target audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchers
Costs: free

The International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.

We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.

For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at .

2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)

Date: 2 - 5 November 2023
Location: Málaga, Spain
Target audience: Junior and senior researchers
Deadline: Tuesday 12 September 2023

The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.

Contributions in the form of a 2-5 page abstract may include new research, position papers, as relevant work previously presented elsewhere.
Submissions to be made via EasyChair at
Deadline 12 September, 2023; notification 2 October, 2023.

For more information, see here or at or contact Claudia Fernández-Fernández at .

11 - 13 September 2023, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023), Berlin, Germany

Date: 11 - 13 September 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany

The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focuses on the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive science.

The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to its human users. The aim of ICCS 2023 is to build upon its long standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based systems.

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)

Date: 11 - 15 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School

Date & Time: 11 - 15 September 2023, 10:00-18:00
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Target audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchers
Costs: free

The International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.

We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.

For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at .

12 September 2023, JRC Joint PhD Celebration Event

Date & Time: Tuesday 12 September 2023, 14:20-19:00
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online

On 12 September 2023, the joint research center for Logic at both Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will organize a small workshop to celebrate the completion of three new joint PhD theses. The work reported on in these new PhD thesis projects is perfectly aligned with the main mission of the JRC centre to further broaden the interdisciplinary view of logic. We will take the opportunity in the afternoon of 12 September to celebrate these new achievements and warmly invite all interested researchers and students to attend the event.

11 - 13 September 2023, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023), Berlin, Germany

Date: 11 - 13 September 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany

The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focuses on the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive science.

The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to its human users. The aim of ICCS 2023 is to build upon its long standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based systems.

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)

Date: 11 - 15 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School

Date & Time: 11 - 15 September 2023, 10:00-18:00
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Target audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchers
Costs: free

The International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.

We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.

For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at .

11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)

Date: 11 - 15 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School

Date & Time: 11 - 15 September 2023, 10:00-18:00
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Target audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchers
Costs: free

The International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.

We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.

For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at .

11 - 12 January 2024, Third Graduate Conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics (FilMat 2023), Rome, Italy

Date: 11 - 12 January 2024
Location: Rome, Italy
Target audience: PhD students / early postdocs
Deadline: Friday 15 September 2023

The FilMat network promotes workshops and conferences open to Italian and international researchers in the philosophy of mathematics. To emphasize its attention to those at early stages of their careers, the network is glad to announce its third graduate conference, to be held at the Tor Vergata University of Rome. We expect to host up to 6-8 contributed talks by graduate and early career speakers of any nationality, selected by double-blind review.

The conference will be held exclusively in person and no link will be provided to attend the conference remotely.

Submissions of original contributions are invited in any area of philosophy of mathematics. In particular, topics of interest include the philosophy of mathematical practice, the study of the reciprocal influence between history and philosophy of mathematics, the study of philosophical aspects in the mathematical modelling of empirical and social sciences, the use of formal methods in foundational settings.

Abstracts must be written in English, have a *maximum length of 1500 words (references included)*, and should be prepared for blind-review, with all identifying details (name, affiliation, email, and abstract title) in a separate file. Submissions should be sent in pdf format to:

11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)

Date: 11 - 15 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023

The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).

For more information, see

11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School

Date & Time: 11 - 15 September 2023, 10:00-18:00
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Target audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchers
Costs: free

The International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.

We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.

For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at .

15 - 16 September 2023, 5th Workshop on Dynamic Logic - New trends and applications (DaLí 2023), Tbilisi, Georgia

Date: 15 - 16 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Deadline: Monday 1 May 2023

Building on the ideas of Floyd-Hoare logic, dynamic logic was introduced in the 70's as a formal tool for reasoning about, and verify, classic imperative programs. Over time, its aim has evolved and expanded; DL can be seen now as a general set of ideas and tools devised for representing, describing and reasoning about diverse kind of actions. The aim of the DaLí 2023 workshop is to bring together, in a single place, researchers with a shared interest in the formal study of actions (from Academia to Industry and more, from Mathematics to Computer Science and beyond) to present their work, foster discussions and encourage collaborations.

In 2023, DaLí will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, immediately after the Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees conference 2023 (, and immediately before the 14th TbiLLC 2023 symposium (

For more information, see or contact Nina Gierasimczuk at .

15 - 16 September 2023, 5th Workshop on Dynamic Logic - New trends and applications (DaLí 2023), Tbilisi, Georgia

Date: 15 - 16 September 2023
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Deadline: Monday 1 May 2023

Building on the ideas of Floyd-Hoare logic, dynamic logic was introduced in the 70's as a formal tool for reasoning about, and verify, classic imperative programs. Over time, its aim has evolved and expanded; DL can be seen now as a general set of ideas and tools devised for representing, describing and reasoning about diverse kind of actions. The aim of the DaLí 2023 workshop is to bring together, in a single place, researchers with a shared interest in the formal study of actions (from Academia to Industry and more, from Mathematics to Computer Science and beyond) to present their work, foster discussions and encourage collaborations.

In 2023, DaLí will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, immediately after the Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees conference 2023 (, and immediately before the 14th TbiLLC 2023 symposium (

For more information, see or contact Nina Gierasimczuk at .

CfP special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation JSC on interaction of symbolic computation & machine learning

Deadline: Sunday 17 September 2023

Symbolic computation (SC) aims at providing algorithmic solutions to problems dealing with symbolic objects such as terms, formulas, programs, representations of algebraic objects, etc. From the beginning, SC was also considered a major approach to "artificial intelligence", since the problems solved by SC, typically, are problems that were considered hard for "human intelligence". Meanwhile, machine learning (ML) methods, developed in parallel to symbolic methods for solving hard "artificial intelligence" problems, achieved spectacular results in numerous applications in recent years. This special issue is dedicated to the interaction of symbolic computation and machine learning methods seen as the two major approaches to "artificial intelligence". We expect dramatic advances from a much closer interaction of the SC and the ML approaches to artificial intelligence.

The special issue is organized as a follow-up of the 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2022. Participants of the symposium, as well as other authors, are invited to submit contributions. We welcome submissions describing the interaction of SC and ML methods, techniques, and tools, and their applications in AI. This special issue welcomes high-quality contributions, including papers with original research results as well as review articles. They will be peer-reviewed using the standard refereeing procedure of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

18 September 2023, 3rd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic (RADICAL 2023)

Date & Time: Monday 18 September 2023, 23:59
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline: Friday 30 June 2023

RADICAL is a workshop aligned within the intersection between concurrency and logic, broadly construed. Admittedly broad, such an intersection has been explored from very diverse angles for many years now. More recently, the interplay of concurrency and logic with applications such as, for instance verification, synthesis and multi-agent systems has received much attention.

These areas have become increasingly consolidated, and start to have profound impact in neighboring communities such as programming languages, AI and knowledge representation. As an unfortunate side effect, however, the important unifying role that concurrency plays in all of them seems hard to find in a single scientific event. Indeed, there do not seem to exist appropriate venues in which different research communities interested in concurrency and logic can meet closely, cross-fertilize, and share their most exciting recent results. RADICAL intends to fill that gap.

For more information, see or contact Giuseppe Perelli at .

18 - 20 September 2023, ILDS Coq & Lean Autumn School 2023, Bucharest, Romania

Date: 18 - 20 September 2023
Location: Bucharest, Romania

The ILDS Coq and Lean Autumn School 2023 aims to introduce potential students to the Coq and Lean proof assistants, as well as to theoretical underpinnings of interactive theorem proving. It is the second school on interactive theorem proving organized in Bucharest, following the ICUB Coq Autumn School, which was held in September 2018.

The event is co-located with FROM 2023, whose participants are eligible for a special discounted fee for the school.

For more information, see

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia

Date & Time: 18 - 22 September 2023, 18:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia
Deadline: Friday 17 March 2023

The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.

The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
  - Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
  - Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
  - Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
  - Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
 - "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
 - "Learning and Logic"

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at .

18 - 20 September 2023, ILDS Coq & Lean Autumn School 2023, Bucharest, Romania

Date: 18 - 20 September 2023
Location: Bucharest, Romania

The ILDS Coq and Lean Autumn School 2023 aims to introduce potential students to the Coq and Lean proof assistants, as well as to theoretical underpinnings of interactive theorem proving. It is the second school on interactive theorem proving organized in Bucharest, following the ICUB Coq Autumn School, which was held in September 2018.

The event is co-located with FROM 2023, whose participants are eligible for a special discounted fee for the school.

For more information, see

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia

Date & Time: 18 - 22 September 2023, 18:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia
Deadline: Friday 17 March 2023

The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.

The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
  - Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
  - Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
  - Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
  - Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
 - "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
 - "Learning and Logic"

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at .

18 - 20 September 2023, ILDS Coq & Lean Autumn School 2023, Bucharest, Romania

Date: 18 - 20 September 2023
Location: Bucharest, Romania

The ILDS Coq and Lean Autumn School 2023 aims to introduce potential students to the Coq and Lean proof assistants, as well as to theoretical underpinnings of interactive theorem proving. It is the second school on interactive theorem proving organized in Bucharest, following the ICUB Coq Autumn School, which was held in September 2018.

The event is co-located with FROM 2023, whose participants are eligible for a special discounted fee for the school.

For more information, see

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia

Date & Time: 18 - 22 September 2023, 18:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia
Deadline: Friday 17 March 2023

The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.

The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
  - Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
  - Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
  - Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
  - Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
 - "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
 - "Learning and Logic"

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at .

20 September 2023, Workshop "Actions & norms in deontic logic", Milan, Italy

Date: Wednesday 20 September 2023
Location: Milan, Italy

The use of formal methods in the analysis and representation of normative reasoning has faced plenty of interesting challenges over the last few decades, ranging from theoretical puzzles to automation endeavours. The workshop "Actions and norms in deontic logic", hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Milan on 20 September 2023, aims at offering fresh insights into recent developments in the area and open directions of research.

Workshop attendance is free. To register for the workshop, please write in advance to any of the two organizers. This event also supports young researchers' activity by means of two participation scholarships funded by AILA, the Italian Association for Logic and its Applications.

For more information, see here or at or contact Alessandro Giordani at , or Matteo Pascucci at .

20 - 22 September 2023, 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023), Dresden, Germany

Date: 20 - 22 September 2023
Location: Dresden, Germany

The aim of JELIA 2023 is to bring together active researchers interested in the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence, in order to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.

Invited speakers: Mario Alviano (University of Calabria), Katie Atkinson (University of Liverpool), Franz Baader (TU Dresden) and Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh).

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia

Date & Time: 18 - 22 September 2023, 18:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia
Deadline: Friday 17 March 2023

The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.

The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
  - Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
  - Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
  - Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
  - Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
 - "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
 - "Learning and Logic"

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at .

20 - 22 September 2023, 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023), Dresden, Germany

Date: 20 - 22 September 2023
Location: Dresden, Germany

The aim of JELIA 2023 is to bring together active researchers interested in the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence, in order to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.

Invited speakers: Mario Alviano (University of Calabria), Katie Atkinson (University of Liverpool), Franz Baader (TU Dresden) and Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh).

21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 21 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway

The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques and related issues that are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge.

In 2023, the broad theme of the school is: “Declarative Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge, Rules, Logic”. As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. This year the school is part of Declarative AI 2023 and co-located with the RuleML+RR 2023 and DecisionCAMP conferences. The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.

21 September 2023, TbiLLC 2023 Workshop on Learning and Logic

Date & Time: Thursday 21 September 2023, 09:00-19:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia

This workshop will take place as part of the 14th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (TbILLC 2023). It brings together researchers who are working on topics at the intersection of learning and logic, ranging from the epistemology and ethics of machine learning and the logical foundations of learnability, to computational learning theory, and machine learning for knowledge representation and reasoning.

The program of the workshop will consist of 4 presentations by invited speakers: Victor Dalmau (Barcelona), Konstantin Genin (Tübingen), Dick de Jongh (Amsterdam) and Ana Ozaki (Oslo/Bergen).

For more information, see or contact Aybüke Özgün at .

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia

Date & Time: 18 - 22 September 2023, 18:00
Location: Telavi, Georgia
Deadline: Friday 17 March 2023

The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.

The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
  - Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
  - Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
  - Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
  - Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
 - "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
 - "Learning and Logic"

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at .

20 - 22 September 2023, 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023), Dresden, Germany

Date: 20 - 22 September 2023
Location: Dresden, Germany

The aim of JELIA 2023 is to bring together active researchers interested in the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence, in order to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.

Invited speakers: Mario Alviano (University of Calabria), Katie Atkinson (University of Liverpool), Franz Baader (TU Dresden) and Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh).

21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 21 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway

The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques and related issues that are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge.

In 2023, the broad theme of the school is: “Declarative Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge, Rules, Logic”. As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. This year the school is part of Declarative AI 2023 and co-located with the RuleML+RR 2023 and DecisionCAMP conferences. The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 21 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway

The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques and related issues that are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge.

In 2023, the broad theme of the school is: “Declarative Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge, Rules, Logic”. As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. This year the school is part of Declarative AI 2023 and co-located with the RuleML+RR 2023 and DecisionCAMP conferences. The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.

18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 18 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2023

The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.

The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.

For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at .

21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway

Date: 21 - 24 September 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway

The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques and related issues that are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge.

In 2023, the broad theme of the school is: “Declarative Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge, Rules, Logic”. As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. This year the school is part of Declarative AI 2023 and co-located with the RuleML+RR 2023 and DecisionCAMP conferences. The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.

26 September 2023, Deduktionstreffen 2023 (DT 2023), Berlin, Germany

Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany
Deadline: Monday 7 August 2023

The annual meeting Deduktionstreffen is the prime activity of the Interest Group for Deduction Systems (FGDedSys) of the AI Chapter (FB KI) of the German Society of Informatics (Gesellschaft für Informatik). It is a meeting with a familial atmosphere, where everyone (not only the German community) interested in deduction can report on their work in a friendly setting.

A special focus of the Deduktionstreffen is on young researchers and students, who are particularly encouraged to present their ongoing research projects to a wider audience. Another goal of the meeting is to stimulate networking effects and to foster collaborative research projects. Deduktionstreffen 2023 is affiliated with the German KI 2023, which brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results of intelligent system technology.


29 September 2023, ILLC Autumn Colloquium 2023 & Current Affaris Meeting

Date & Time: Friday 29 September 2023, 15:15-17:30
Location: Science Park 107, ILLC Common Room

The ILLC Colloquium is a festive event that brings together the six research units at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of two or three talks by representatives from different units, sometimes followed by Wild Idea Talks.

The ILLC colloquium is preceded by the Current Affairs Meeting.

The purpose of the Current Affairs Meeting is to inform you about issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and/or the Master of Logic programme. We will also use this opportunity to welcome new members of staff and to provide you with an update about upcoming and other plans.

For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt / Malvin Gattinger at .

CfP special issue of Studia Logica on "Information Sharing in Networks"

Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023

In this special issue, we welcome contributions that formally analyse the technical or social aspects of communication in a (social or computer) network. Topics of interest therefore include, but are not limited to:
- combinatorial and computational aspects of gossip and broadcasting
- epistemic gossip protocols,
- social epistemology,
- logics for social networks.

The guest editors for the special issue will be:
Louwe Kuijer (University of Liverpool)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT)
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool).

Submission date has been extended to Saturday 30 September 2023.

For more information, see here or contact Louwe Kuijer at .

CFP special issue of Review of Analytic Philosophy on "Logics of Communicative Interaction"

Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023

We invite submissions to a Special Issue on 'Logics of Communicative Interaction'. This special issue will appear in the peer-reviewed international journal called the 'Review of Analytic Philosophy', which was first launched in 2021 as a new Open Access journal in analytic philosophy. More specifically, this special issue welcomes work on the following topics:

- Dynamic Logics of Communication
- Logics of Speech Acts
- Logics for Belief Change and Knowledge Updates
- Dynamic Epistemic Logics
- Logical analysis of Communication in Social Networks
- Dynamic Deontic Logic
Please follow the instructions for authors as specified in the Call For Papers. Papers accepted for publication in this special issue will be published free of charge. The submission deadline is 30th September 2023.

For more information, see here or at or contact The Review of Analytic Philosophy at .

30 September - 1 October 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems & Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS & SR 2023), Krakow, Poland

Date: 30 September - 1 October 2023
Location: Krakow, Poland

Logic and strategic reasoning play a central role in multi-agent systems. Logic can be used, for instance, to express the agents' abilities, knowledge, and objectives. Strategic reasoning refers to algorithmic methods that allow for developing good behaviour for the agents of the system. At the intersection, we find logics that can express the existence of strategies or equilibria, and can be used to reason about them.

The LAMAS&SR workshop merges two international workshops: LAMAS (Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems), which focuses on all kinds of logical aspects of multi-agent systems from the perspectives of artificial intelligence, computer science, and game theory, and SR (Strategic Reasoning), devoted to all aspects of strategic reasoning in formal methods and artificial intelligence. As such, the LAMAS&SR workshop aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of either logic or strategic reasoning in computer science, artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems research, both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.