Contact Us



SP107 (F1.44): +31 20 525 6051

LAB42 (L6.41): +31 20 525 5713


Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam

Visiting Address (SP107)

Via entrance of NIKHEF
Science Park 103
1098 XG Amsterdam

Visiting Address (LAB42)

Science Park 900 (LAB42)
1098 XH Amsterdam

Mailing Address (regular mail)

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam
P.O. Box 94242
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Mailing Address (packages, parcels, courier service, etc)

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam
T.a.v. ILLC Buro (or name of staff member)
Centraal Magazijn
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
the Netherlands
