Social Code of Conduct
The ILLC is dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment to all members of its community regardless of background or identity. Please find the ILLC's Social Code of Conduct here.
Diversity Committee
In order to foster these values, the ILLC has a Diversity Committee which has two main purposes.
- The Committee advises, supports and acts as a point of contact for the ILLC director and community on matters of diversity, inclusivity and appropriate behaviour, including by facilitating contact with other competent UvA offices.
- The Committee takes concrete steps to promote diversity and inclusivity in our community. It does so by informing the community or directly organising training activities, outreach events and other forms of engagement, by providing different forms of support (practical and financial) and by maintaining the ILLC Social Code of Conduct.
An introduction PowerPoint presentation of the Committee and what we do can be found here.
Who we are
If you would like to get involved, please send us a message: the Committee is open to all ILLC affiliates and strives to represent ILLC affiliates at any stage of their studies or careers.
The current Committee members are:
- Andrés Arteaga Moreno (MSc Logic student)
- Jelke Bloem (UD, FGw)
- Balder ten Cate (UHD, FNWI)
- Ronald de Haan (UD, FNWI)
- Karolina Krzyzanowska (UD, FGw)
- Anna Palmann (PhD candidate, FNWI)
- Alexandra Zieglerová (ILLC Office)
Should you have any question for us or if you think we might be of help, please get in touch: diversity-illc at uva.nl.
Official UvA Resources
The University of Amsterdam provides guidelines and points of contact on matters of social safety, inclusion and diversity. UvA has a general Code of Conduct, you can consult it in English and Dutch. The National plan for diversity and inclusion in education and research (2020-2025) also provides relevant context (in English and Dutch).
For UvA's general policy on diversity and inclusion, please refer to this page. Students can also find more information at this UvA Diversity page. Each faculty at UvA has diversity officers who are responsible for furthering the diversity agenda at the faculty level. You can find their contacts here: UvA Diversity officers. The Faculty of Science also maintains an Instagram account and a Facebook page with news, event, initiatives and other related information.
In case of problems pertaining to undesirable behaviour, students and staff members are invited to consult the UvA's advice page, and/or contact Confidential Advisers who offer guidance and can help with filing formal complaints.
Should these resources not answer your needs or questions, you can always turn to us (diversity-illc at uva.nl).
Other Resources
Here you can find more (external) resources which the Diversity Commitee deems relevant for fostering diversity and inclusivity.
ILLC Diversity Talks
The goal of the ILLC Diversity Talks is to show how research carried out at the ILLC interacts with recent works and findings in the area of diversity, broadly understood. Speakers present their research in a variety of fields related to diversity. These talks are an opportunity for ILLC members to reflect on current research and practices which could foster diversity and inclusion within the institute. Everyone is invited to attend the talks and take part in the discussion! It is a learning and growing experience for yourself and the whole institute.
Recordings of the Diversity Talks are archived at https://illc-diversity-talks.github.io/Previous%20Talks/.