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12 October 2007, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ulle Endriss

Speaker: Ulle Endriss
Title: Introduction to Cake-Cutting Procedures
Date: Friday 12 October 2007
Time: 16:00
Location: Room P.016 <em>(changed)</em>, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam


The problem of fairly dividing a cake amongst two or more players has been recognised as a question of serious mathematical interest ever since the seminal work of Banach, Knaster and Steinhaus in the 1940s. Recently, people have also started investigating the complexity of cake-cutting (how many cuts are required to achieve a certain type of solution?), and there have been attempts to give logic-based models for cake-cutting problems that would allow us to formally verify the correctness of a proposed algorithm.

Over the coming months we expect to have a couple of talks on cake-cutting in the Computational Social Choice Seminar. This first talk will be a tutorial-style introduction to the field, where I will present some of the classical algorithms and discuss open problems. No specific background knowledge will be required to follow the presentation.

For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss ().

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