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22-24 September 2006, Colloquium Logicum 2006, Bonn, Germany

Date: 22-24 September 2006
Location: Bonn, Germany
Deadline: 15 August 2006

Biannual meeting of the German Logic Society (DVMLG)

Colloquium Logicum 2006 (CL 2006) will take place right after the annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society (DVM) at Bonn. CL 2006 will start on Friday, September 22 at 2 pm and finish on Sunday, September 24 around 3 pm.

The scientific program commences on Friday with two minisymposia which are held in conjunction with the DMV-meeting: "The use of proof theory in mathematics", organized by P. Schuster, M~nchen, and "Set theory", organized by E. Schimmerling, Pittsburgh, and R. Schindler, Münster (see

On Saturday and Sunday about six invited one-hour talks will be presented on mathematical logic, complexity theory, history of logic, and philosophy of mathematics. Celluci (Rome), Lempp (Wisconsin), Schwentick (Dortmund), and Wainer (Leeds) have already accepted our invitation. A PhD colloquium will feature four young postdocs and their dissertations.

There will also be contributed paper sessions for talks on logic and related areas. Please send themes and informative abstracts for 20-25 minute talks to the addresses below before August 15, 2006.

The general assembly of the DVMLG will take place Saturday evening.

Further information concerning the program, registration, accomodation, etc. can be found under

The contact addresses of CL 2006 are:


z.Hd. Prof. Dr. Peter Koepke
Universität Bonn
Beringstraße 1
D 53115 Bonn
Tel. 0228 73 2947

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