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PhD fellowship at ILLC (Faculty of Humanities)

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has a PhD fellowship (0.8 fte) available at the Faculty of Humanities starting on 1st September 2012. Applications are now invited from excellent candidates wishing to conduct research in an area in which either the Logic and Language group or the Language and Computation group at ILLC are active.

Research at ILLC

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation is a research institute at the University of Amsterdam, in which researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities collaborate. Its central research area is the study of fundamental principles of encoding, transmission and comprehension of information. Research at ILLC is interdisciplinary, and aims at bringing together insights from various disciplines concerned with information and information processing, such as logic, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, musicology and philosophy. Research is organized in three research groups: Logic and Computation (LoCo), Logic and Language (LoLa) and Language and Computation (LaCo). For an overview of the research being carried out in the different groups, please have a look at "Research at ILLC" (see link below). For the research carried out by the individual staff members of ILLC, see People at ILLC (see link below) and check their personal webpages.


  • Complete and defend a PhD thesis within the official appointment duration (see text below).
  • Regularly present intermediate research results at international workshops and conferences, and publish them in proceedings and journals
  • Collaborate with the researchers in other relevant parts of ILLC
  • Participate in the organization of research activities and events at ILLC, such as conferences, workshops and joint publications
  • Assist in teaching activities of ILLC


  • A Master's degree with excellent grades in a relevant field, such as logic, computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, musicology or cognitive science
  • Good academic writing and presentation skills
  • Good social and organizational skills


The PhD candidate will be appointed at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam for 0.8 fte for 4 years under de terms of the employment currently valid for the Faculty. In the first instance, a contract will be given for 16 months, with an extension for the following 32 months on the basis of a positive evaluation

The salary for the position (on a full-time base) will be € 2042 during the first year (gross per month) and will reach € 2612 during the fourth year, in accordance with the CAO for Dutch universities.


Applications for the PhD position should include a letter of motivation, a CV, a list of grades obtained for your Bachelor and Master (or equivalent) programmes, as well as names and contact details of two academic referees. Please supply each document separately in .pdf format, giving the files self-explanatory names (e.g. CV NAME.pdf). Please also include a writing sample (such as your MSc thesis or a term paper), preferably a link to an online version. The letter of motivation (max. 2000 words) should outline what kind of research you wish to undertake and why you believe the Logic and Language group or the Language and Computation group at ILLC would provide the right environment for your PhD studies.

You are welcome to contact an appropriate member of the senior scientific staff at ILLC to discuss your plans ahead of applying formally.

Completed applications should be submitted by 23.59 hours (CET) on 1st February 2012 to Jenny Batson, , stating your name and "PhD fellowship ILLC FGW" in the subject field. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Further information

For further information you may contact the chairman of the selection committee, Prof.dr. Rens Bod . For general information, you may also contact ILLC's scientific director, Prof.dr. Yde Venema .

refer to:
Research at ILLC:
People at ILLC:
Working at the UvA:

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