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30 November 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Julian Chingoma

Proportionality is an often desired property in social-choice scenarios such as apportionment and multiwinner voting, and there have been recent strides in introducing proportionality to richer, more general social-choice models. In this work, we look to import proportionality into the setting where individuals vote over a number of interdependent, binary issues. The proportionality axioms we study are based on well-studied notions from multiwinner voting, namely extended justified representation (EJR) and Priceability. And in this work, we show that while it is challenging to satisfy those EJR-like properties, even in an approximate sense, we find that turning towards axioms based on Priceability yields a more positive outlook. Joint work with Umberto Grandi and Arianna Novaro.
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